LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1161: Sage strength

Boundless Occult, New Era, Source of Eternity in the time of above Origin Star sprouting. 无垠神秘,新纪元,永恒之源起源星之上萌发的这一时刻。 Not pitied crazy Wise One that Sage led It to recruit and transform to appear in the myriad things all living things eyes, It changed to the shadow that lasted forever together through ancient times, fell sky over that Origin Star. 无悯贤者率领着祂所招募并改造的疯狂智者们出现在了万物众生眼中,祂化作一道亘古永存的阴影,落在那起源星上空。 It is wielding Source of Eternity by both hands, takes the engine by this Supreme mighty force, It transforms the present appearance Boundless Occult. 祂以双手执掌着“永恒之源”,以这至高伟力作为引擎,祂将无垠神秘改造成了如今的模样。 Chaos, ice-cold, the disorder, described with resentful soul Goddess second boundless was quite similar. 混乱,冰冷,无序,与怨魂女神所描述的“第二无垠”极为类似。 When spiritual tide stops turbulently, two world no longer inflate infinitely, the engine starts, they start to fuse. 灵潮停止汹涌,两个世界不再无限膨胀,引擎发动,它们开始融合。 More accurate view: 更准确的说法: Second boundless, duplication Boundless Occult. 第二无垠,将“覆写”无垠神秘 Furnace in the endless brilliance that the Supreme rising critical point quarter stimulates, collided with Origin Black Mud mutually, forms overspread the boundless primal chaos foundation. 熔炉至高扬升临界点处所激发的无尽光焰,与起源黑泥互相碰撞,形成了铺满无垠的混沌底座。 In primal chaos, was covered up by the cicada wing of day, these demented Dominion Grade Divinity Entity change to the vortex completely, dispels two world differences at the same time, they also become one of the powers. 混沌内,被天之蝉翼遮掩,那些癫狂的主宰级神性实体全部化作旋涡,消解两个世界差异的同时,祂们也成为了动力之一。 They with second boundless, similarly demented God made the contact. 祂们与“第二无垠”中,同样癫狂的神灵建立了联系。 They attract mutually, extends both hands in the vortex deep place, shouting loudly, shouting, in primal chaos aura they are so distortion, is so crazy. 祂们互相吸引,在旋涡深处伸出双手,高喊着,嘶吼着,混沌的气息中祂们是如此扭曲,如此疯狂。 Is maintaining the sober life, Dominion that some survival gets down. 保持着清醒的生灵,一些“幸存”下来的主宰 If Lady of the Night, It launched the oneself black women's clothing, even takes off oneself that accumulated group star and night the eye pupil, Justice Goddess Gatius takes down the oneself playing blindman's buff arrange/cloth in this moment finally, brandishes the sword of that Justice, the Raphael eye socket is in the tears, making Thorn be found in the world, It implored Flower of Truth to bloom again, Death God are hanging down the head, sat in the dark netherworld deep place, is reciting the final Tranquility song...... 黑夜女士,祂展开了自己黑色衣裙,甚至摘下自己那蕴着“群星与夜”的眼眸,正义女神伽提斯终于在这一刻取下自己的蒙眼布,挥舞出那正义之剑,拉斐尔眼眶含着热泪,让荆棘遍布世界,祂祈求真理之花再度绽放,死神们低垂着头颅,坐在幽暗冥土深处,吟唱着最后的宁静歌谣…… Unprecedented, Dominion make a move together, the release prestige of doing utmost can Authority, be finally unproductive. 前所未有的,主宰们共同出手,竭尽全力的释放威能权柄,最终却也是徒劳的。 Their attacks are not even able to let that no pitying Sage, throws vision that dreads together. 祂们的攻击甚至无法让那毫无怜悯的贤者,投来一道忌惮的目光。 Together tsunami the primal chaos wave whips, inside accumulated two Supreme powers, suppress the rebellious army in this Ten-thousand Spirits directly. 只是一道“海啸”似的混沌波浪拍打过来,内里蕴着的两种至高权能,将这万灵中的反抗军径直扑灭。 They are very brave, is very tenacious. 祂们很勇敢,也很坚韧。 But what is more regrettable, this rebellious army cannot earn the support of 100.02 million all living things myriad things, this is unable to blame any life, not pitied Sage when starting the engine has deceived all living things, obtained the acknowledgment of all living things Will quietly. 但更遗憾的是,这支反抗军并未能获得亿万万众生万物的支持,这无法责怪任何生灵,无悯贤者在发动引擎时已蒙骗了众生,悄然获得了众生意志的承认。 Must finish, this is the result, in life writing results by our these stories.” “要结束了,这就是结局,由我们这些故事中的生灵书写的结局。” Departs Supreme, goes to elsewhere to roam about, goes to elsewhere to demonstrate the power, here will be the new world, new world that will not have Supreme.” “离去吧至高们,去别处流浪,去别处展示权能,这里将是新世界,一个没有至高的新世界。” Sky over Origin Star, not pities Sage to send out to announce. 起源星上空,无悯贤者发出宣告。 At this moment It, to a certain extent is one beat Supreme deer God, forever daytime insane the king, Infancy Creator wait/etc Supreme gods Supreme Divinity. 此刻的“祂”,某种程度上已是一位击败了至高鹿神、永昼疯王、幼年造物主等等至高神的“至高神性”。 And he ruler as new world, refusing Supreme Divinity to visit. 且祂将作为新世界的统治者,拒绝至高神性造访。 Until the next quarter, the It's manifesto was broken. 直到下一刻,祂的宣言被打断。 This is a sigh, from the high place, a form that in that nihility presents inexplicably. 这是一声叹息,来自高处,那虚无中莫名出现的一道身影。 This form initial alone standing in not pities the Sage front, It is middle-aged human, the unpolished rice vicissitudes, but has an eye that fills Hope. 这身影初始孤零零的站在无悯贤者的前方,祂是一个中年人类,粗粝沧桑,但有着一双充满希望的眼睛。 In his hand is gathering string that” may extend infinitely, like curling the wool clew to be the same, relaxed for the time being. 祂手中正在收取着一条条可无限延伸的“弦”,如同在卷着毛线团一般,轻松且自在。 As It's gathers, some starlight starts to fall. 而随着祂的收取,一些“星光”开始掉落出来。 Every time said starlight, has the special form, special ship. 每道星光内部,都有着特殊的身影,特殊的船。 As if ancient human the prophet from Origin Star Immortal Heavenly Dynasty, It looks at the oneself transformation giant hometown, the traveller far from home who such as turns over, is unable to contain in a pupil intense sad, the tears flow under. 仿佛来自起源星长生天朝的古人类般的先知,祂看着自己变化巨大的家乡,如远归的游子,无法遏制眼眸中的强烈悲伤,热泪流淌而下。 He looks at that shadow on this moment Origin Star, once made him appreciate, the approval opposite party has the Life body of extremely high wisdom, should honourable Sage. 他看着此刻起源星上的那道阴影,曾让他非常欣赏,认可对方拥有极高智慧生命体,一位本该值得尊敬的贤者 Falls the prophet in sadness to sigh the say/way: 陷在悲伤中的先知叹息着道: Such world, such result, I unacceptable.” “这样的世界,这样的结局,我不能接受。” By your deceit lives, waited for them to come soberly, similarly is unable to accept a Chaos disorder no pitying demented world.” “被你欺骗的生灵们,等它们清醒过来,同样无法接受一个混乱无序毫无怜悯的癫狂世界。” What is more pitiful, this cannot solve the disaster truly, you know Dying out day It is not the complete truth, you saw the surface phenomenon, all these that you make, can only delay some time, even two world successful integrations, in that instance, third boundless are still born immediately.” “更可悲的是,这并不能真正解决灾难,你所知晓的【寂灭日】并不是全部真相,你只是看到了表层的现象,你所做的这一切,只能拖延一些时间,即便两个世界成功融合了,在那个瞬间,第三无垠也会立刻诞生。” Facing initial prophet expostulation, the shadow above Origin Star, pitiless Sage smiles, in the empty eye socket, appears to wipe the color of ridicule rarely. 面对最初先知的“劝诫”,起源星之上的阴影,毫无怜悯心的贤者笑了笑,空洞的眼眶中,罕见浮现出一抹讥讽之色。 Not pities Sage continuation to make the engine accelerate, making the world boil to agglutinate in together, with stylish: 无悯贤者继续让引擎加速,让世界沸腾着粘合在一起,同时道: Your this, the old man, on the face throws over this is calling makes big love ’ the mask forever ‚.” “你还是这样,老头子,脸上永远披着这唤作‘大爱’的面具。” Pitying, is the most useless thing, each Life body is independent, is free, so-called pitying and big love is one type false is moved.” “怜悯,是最无用的东西,每一种生命体都是独立的,是自由的,所谓的‘怜悯’与‘大爱’不过是一种虚伪的自我感动罢了。” World demented also good, Order is also good, there is what relations, so long as is a complete world is good.” “世界癫狂也好,秩序也好,又有什么关系,只要是一个完整的世界就好。” As for the truth that you said that I am obtaining this Source of Eternity the twinkling has understood clearly all, you said was very right, third boundless fourth, fifth has even been born, this was the irreversible rule......, but this was not the difficult problem, so long as continued to duplicate then.” “至于你所说的真相,我在获得这‘永恒之源’的瞬息已经洞悉所有,你说的很对,第三无垠甚至第四、第五都会一直诞生,这是不可逆转的规则……但这并不是什么难题,只要继续覆写即可。” This even can accomplish one great miracle, duplication Devour of no time limit gets down, boundlessly will become true boundless...... “这甚至可以在无意间造就一个‘伟大奇迹’,无限次的覆写吞噬下去,无垠将成为真正的无垠……。” Gathers the initial prophet of string to open mouth, because of not pities the plan that Sage puts out to be surprised. 收取着弦的最初先知张了张嘴,因无悯贤者吐出的计划而惊讶。 More, is Wrath. 更多的,是愤怒 He as well as not pities Sage and that crowd of crazy Wise One to the world and all living things myriad things, revealed directly oneself wisdom, and very assured informs such result of doing: 他向世界、众生万物以及无悯贤者和那群疯狂智者,直接显露出自己智慧,并很笃定的告知那样做的结局: You are not accomplishing the new world, at the Creation miracle, you in ruin all, duplication Devour of no time limit, cannot Creation be boundless, finally will only make all universes, narrative, concept and reality collapse to interface, that is one crazy, the Chaos ten thousand demon universes.” “你不是在造就新世界,也不是在创造奇迹,你是在毁灭一切,无限次的覆写吞噬,并不能创造无垠,最终只会让一切宇宙、叙事、概念、现实坍塌到一个界面之中,那将是一个疯狂、混乱的万魔宇宙。” And this/should universe, annihilates in crazy and Chaos thoroughly, belongs to the nihility, that is truly the irretrievable disaster.” “且该宇宙,会在疯狂与混乱之中彻底湮灭,归于虚无,那将是真正不可挽回的灾难。” The prophets said, all living things myriad things are silent, after they were cheated hands over collective Will, have lost the right to speak. 先知说完,众生万物沉默,它们被蒙骗交出集体意志之后已失去话语权。 But on Origin Star not pities Sage, It sends out laughs together. 起源星上的无悯贤者,祂只是发出一道嗤笑。 And uses to have the human society style language to ridicule: 并使用极具人类社会风格的语言嘲笑道: Old man, I know that you use mouth artillery this move to convince the innumerable weird and powerful Life bodies, but that never includes me.” “老头子,我知道你使用‘嘴炮’这招说服过无数怪诞又强大的生命体,但那从来不包括我。” You also once said that I possibly am you have met most splendid Wise One, I think that you made a mistake, is not possible, I am most outstanding, my wisdom dominates above you.” “你也曾说我可能是你遇见过的最出色智者,我想你错了,不是可能,我就是最出色的,我的智慧凌驾于你之上。” Do not delay again, under you these idiots were in attendance, come, together revelries.” “别再拖延了,你麾下的这些蠢货们都到齐了,来吧,一起狂欢吧。” Makes us come to see, who dominates in all group above wisdom and Knowledge truly, is you, is we?” “让我们来看看,谁才真正凌驾于一切智慧知识之上的团体,是你们,还是我们?” ...... …… Everyone once recognized, when Source of Eternity finally sprouts, for this Supreme chance will erupt one to sweep across all world and various God surely, is as for „the wars of ten thousand god all Supreme Divinity will also participate. 谁都曾认定当“永恒之源”最终萌发时,为了这至高无上的机缘必定会爆发一场席卷所有世界与诸神,乃至于所有至高神性也将参与进来的“万神之战”。 But this green-curtain was actually not pitied Sage the under crazy Wise One group to replace with It, they by that ice-cold, no pitying stance descends, „the Origin God king and Furnace Dominion cheats into that trap gulf, lets the Boundless Occult ebullition, falls into the primal chaos anomalous mode. 但这终幕却被无悯贤者与祂所麾下的疯狂智者团取代,祂们以那冰冷、毫无怜悯的姿态降临,将“起源神王”与“熔炉主宰”哄骗入那陷阱深坑,让无垠神秘沸腾,陷入混沌异常态。 They eliminate two to be boundless the difference, tampers with all living things Will again, takes the engine by Source of Eternity, attracts pulls second to come to duplicate boundlessly boundlessly. 祂们消除两个无垠间的差异,再篡改众生意志,以永恒之源作为引擎,吸扯第二无垠前来覆写无垠。 With their wisdom and crazy compared with, Lady Destiny insufficiently looks completely, if Lord of Radiance this kind of Divinity Entity, is a tiny and pitiful board game piece. 与祂们的智慧和疯狂相比,命运女士完全不够看,如光明之主这类神性实体,更是其中一个渺小又可悲的棋子而已。 The result had been doomed, Supreme Divinity were pursued intercepts. 结局本已注定,至高神性们都被驱逐拦截。 But accidental/surprised, once again approaches. 但意外,又一次来临。 Un, come.” “嗯,来吧。” The initial prophet gave up convincing finally, received the last string. 最初先知终于放弃了说服,也收起了最后一道弦。 His these words, tranquil in all living things myriad things, 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 common people Soul deep places resounds. 他的这一句话,平静的在众生万物,亿兆苍生灵魂深处响起。 Collides and drinks mutually to scold Furnace and origin, that was taken pity Origin Star about hundred hundred million human, in second is boundlessly boundless 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 races, countless civilization, giant beast that these roam about, by the primal chaos vortex is suppressing the board game pieces, the Ten-thousand Spirits rebellious army of counterattack failure...... at this moment, they heard that sound. 不论是互相碰撞、喝骂着的“熔炉”和“起源”,不论是那被取走怜悯之心的起源星近百亿人类,不论是无垠与第二无垠内亿兆种族,无量数文明,不论是那些流浪的巨兽,被混沌旋涡镇压着的棋子们,不论是逆袭失败的万灵反抗军……此时此刻,祂们都听到了那声音。 Warm tranquil, with the big love of the world and life, as well as feels Wrath about hometown accident, initial prophet the sound of Mind. 温暖平静,怀着对世界与生灵的大爱,以及对家乡变故感到愤怒的,最初先知的心灵之音。 Once surrounded the Tang Qi's ultra string labyrinth, was dominated the ancient and old Life bodies above all wisdom by this pulls out easily. 曾困住唐奇的超弦迷宫,被这位凌驾于一切智慧之上的古老生命体轻而易举抽完。 All starlight, therefore sprinkles. 所有星光,因此洒落下来。 Falls into the ebullition and primal chaos Boundless Occult completely, Star Sea was covered by one piece suddenly. 完全陷入沸腾、混沌无垠神秘,骤然被一片“星海”笼罩。 starlight, Fool's Ship and with Sage. 星光愚人船、与贤者 The sprinkled brilliance in falls into that vortex unknowingly, that once by universe plane that „the cicada wing of day covered up. 洒落的光辉于不经意间落入那一个个旋涡,那一个个曾被“天之蝉翼”遮掩的宇宙位面 This thinks irreversible disaster, was rewritten in abundance: 本以为不可逆转的“灾难”,纷纷被改写: The build reaches the single body universe rank python to ride one fully is being the this solitary one boat of mucilage comes, It is raising the head revealed that like the lantern snake eye in that holds the myriad things wisdom, It opened snake mouth, that scarlet wick makes the sī sī sound, finally by snake said form, disseminates Knowledge that related tranquil, Death and forgets to the front all world, to scatter these to confuse the rule Chaos and demented. 体型达单体宇宙级别的巨蟒乘着一艘满是粘液的孤舟而来,祂昂着的头颅与那如灯笼般的蛇眼中显露出容纳万物的智慧,祂张开了蛇口,那猩红的信子发出嘶嘶声响,最终以“蛇说”的形式,向前方所有世界传播有关平静、死亡与遗忘的知识,以驱散那些搅乱规则的混乱与癫狂。 Is glittering the light head/number of people stone body Life body at some frequency, under the It's body is machinery Fool's Ship, It with the ship as one, comes along the world slit of breakage, to all Life body opening, It's self- contains the universe and Life ultimate secret, these are described as true meaning Knowledge, awakened easily fell into the lives that in the nightmare is unable to be separated from. 以某种频率闪烁着灯光的人头石身生命体,祂的身下是一艘机械愚人船,祂与船为一体,沿着破裂的世界缝隙而来,向所有生命体开放自我,祂的自我中蕴含着宇宙、生命的终极秘,那些被形容为“真谛”的知识,轻而易举唤醒了陷入噩梦中无法脱离的生灵们。 Holds up the head to be built on above this solitary one wolf a like crescent moon boat, It seems incarnation of beautiful, the It's hair is clear like the silver white moonlight, It is old gentle Ancient God, in the It's eye pupil accumulated with myriad things emotion related wisdom, when It looks to Boundless Occult, innumerable Moon the stars shine, by the absolute gentleness, contains negative all with the gentleness of Chaos, and other unusual celestial phenomena returns to normal all blood months, red glowing sun. 昂首立于一艘如弯月般小船之上的孤狼,祂好似美的化身,祂的毛发如同银白的月光般澄澈明亮,祂是一位苍老温柔的古神,祂的眼眸中蕴着与万物情感有关的智慧,当祂看向无垠神秘时,无数颗“月亮”似的星辰亮起,以绝对的温柔,包容一切负面与混乱的温柔,将所有血月、红日等异常天象平复。 Rescues rescues painstakingly rescues painstakingly painstakingly, had this unnatural warbling by the number million universe dimension of foreign matter parasitic suddenly, is sending the golden light all over the body, three full crow rides ancient and old to be rough, has the wooden boat of fresh and tender branches and leaves to come, Knowledge that It disseminates has about, has about the redemption, It helped these be stranded in Soul of body deep place recaptured the oneself body. “救苦救苦救苦”,被异物寄生的数百万宇宙维度骤然起了这怪异的鸟鸣声,一只通体发着金光,有三足的“乌鸦”乘着一艘古老粗糙,却有着鲜嫩枝叶的木船而来,祂所传播的知识有关于自我,有关于救赎,祂帮助那些被困在躯体深处的灵魂夺回了自己的躯壳。 Really is an idiot, your mother, is I unrequited loves for a long time Goddess, therefore you did prepare many father?”, Compared to the song of the birds, stands at this moment above a barque, the appearance seems the words that the middle-aged man of gentry spying puts out seems somewhat coarse, when the It's last character falls, It under Fool's Ship with the body as well as in the world of vortex, that whole body is twining the umbilical cord Radiance Dominion is compressed by some mighty force together, enters a name together is in " Umbilical cord Case of murder » books. “真是个蠢货呢,你的母亲,是我暗恋已久的女神,所以你准备好多一位父亲了么?”,相对于鸟鸣,此刻立在一艘三桅帆船之上,打扮好似绅士型侦探的中年男人所吐出的话显得有些难听,当祂的最后一个字落下时,祂与身下愚人船以及所在旋涡的世界,还有那浑身缠绕着脐带的“光明主宰”一起被某种伟力压缩着,共同进入一本名字为《脐带谋杀案》的书籍之中。 ...... …… It seems like, some of some of my also time.” “看来,我还有一些时间。” Boundlessly with second boundless above, in the dark nihility above ultra string, god of Tang Qi Tentacle Monster is raising ship lamp, peeps at that should the friendly two world encounter temperature decrease suddenly the picture with the aid of the pale yellow brilliance. 无垠与第二无垠之上,超弦之上的黑暗虚无中,触手怪之神唐奇提着船灯,借助昏黄的光辉窥视着那本该相融的两个世界骤然遭遇“降温”的画面。 The boiling world was comforted, these were not pitied error that” Sage and crazy Wise One deliberately eliminate, at this moment has been corrected. 沸腾的世界被安抚下来,那些被无悯贤者与疯狂智者刻意消除的“误差”,此刻得到纠正。 Can use „the cicada wing of day like crazy Wise One and ultra string labyrinth this kind of divine object, returns Sage that from the darkness, the power, Knowledge and strength that they wield are all aloof in Boundless Occult. 如同疯狂智者们能使用“天之蝉翼”、“超弦迷宫”这类神物,从黑暗中归来的贤者们,祂们所执掌的权能、知识和力量俱都超脱于无垠神秘本身。 This showdown, the war of this ultra god happened in various Boundless Occult places simultaneously. 这场对决,这场超神之战同时在无垠神秘各处发生。 Its result still unknown, but Tang Qi has known, should collapse for the brutal result of reality instantly obtained the postponement. 它的结局仍旧是未知的,但唐奇已知晓,本该即刻坍缩为现实的残酷结局得到了延缓。 Tang Qi saw scene that many Sage make a move, although was unable to see Sage, as well as initial prophet picture. 唐奇见到很多贤者们出手的景象,虽还未能见更多贤者,以及“最初先知”的画面。 May foresee in the future, is not pitied the crazy Wise One group that Sage leads, with the Sage group that the initial prophet leads, will continue these War that exceeds the world and Ten-thousand Spirits. 可预见的“未来”中,由无悯贤者带领的疯狂智者团,与最初先知带领的贤者团,将继续这一场超越世界与万灵战争 Everyone can think chance big is will not pity Sage, It occupied all favorable factors, including that Source of Eternity, including the gradual approach fusion two world. 谁都能认为赢面较大的将是“无悯贤者”,祂占据了一切有利因素,包括那永恒之源,包括已渐渐接近融合的两个世界。 Naturally, no one is able to eliminate the lives to long for the idea of miracle. 当然,谁也无法剥夺生灵们渴望奇迹的想法。 But Tang Qi does not plan to delay time again, It looked at the eye finally in resistance the boundlessness, the resisting Sage group, turns around the way that follows Sage to open, but also contains all dark deep places to go toward the length and breadth. 唐奇已不打算再耽误时间,祂最后看了眼正在“抗争”的无垠,正在抗争的贤者团,转身循着贤者们开辟出的路径,往广袤但又蕴藏着一切的黑暗深处而去。
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