LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1162: Still had the rock to persevere

Above Origin Star, the opposite of that huge shadow, appears with the vicissitudes middle-aged person of humble and big love. 起源星之上,那庞大阴影的对立面,一位怀着谦逊与大爱的沧桑中年人出现。 His tranquil can expel Supreme Divinity with that omnipotence, but ice-cold not pities Sage to look at each other, his sound resounds gently in the ear banks of Origin Star all lives: 他平静的与那可以驱逐至高神性,全能而冰冷的无悯贤者对视着,他的声音柔和响起在起源星所有生灵的耳畔: Very regrettable children, I cannot take back collective Will that you granted.” “很遗憾孩子们,我不能收回你们允诺出去的集体意志。” But we should know, pitying is each wisdom Life body proper quality, will not be eliminated because of others 's a few words.” “但我们都应该知道,怜悯是每一种智慧生命体都应有的品质,不会因他人的一句话而被剥夺。” This Eternity ownership in you, belongs to Origin Star, carries the boat capsized boat, depends on you.” “这‘永恒’归属于你们,也归属于起源星,载舟覆舟,取决于你们。” Bang “轰” When the initial prophet arrives, when this Supreme Divinity not pities Sage by higher position standard duplication commanding, will pity to return to the Origin Star life, when gives the prompt, that Eternity engine was similar to mixed in the inferior fuel oils, must have slow, flameout and other accident suddenly. 当最初先知到来,当这位至高神性以更高位格覆写无悯贤者的“谕令”,将怜悯归还给起源星生灵,并给予提示时,那永恒引擎就如同混入了劣质油料,骤然要发生卡顿、熄火等变故 Promotes this possibility collapsing to be the reality, is some Origin Star within the boundaries calls makes Immortal Heavenly Dynasty country, throughout is covering this/should country some strength, seemingly is full of loopholes, is rooted in protection barrier of Soul deep place actually. 推动这种可能坍缩为现实的,是起源星境内某个唤作“长生天朝”的国度,始终笼罩着该国度的某种力量,看似漏洞百出,实则根植于灵魂深处的守护结界 It looks like the spark, lit in this/should country directly the Mind fireworks of ten several hundreds of millions people. 就像是火花般,径直点燃了该国度内十数亿人民的心灵焰火。 They are soaring the head, sends out to angrily roar toward that huge incomparable shadow: 他们高昂着头颅,向着那庞大无比的阴影发出怒吼: Carries the boat capsized boat...... to carry the boat capsized boat...... to carry boat capsized boat “载舟覆舟……载舟覆舟……载舟覆舟” They were born new collective Will, and starts to affect that to sprout, spout the infinite mighty force Source of Eternity. 他们诞生了新的集体意志,并开始影响那正在萌发,正在喷涌无穷伟力的“永恒之源”。 Receives their infections, several other billion human Mind fireworks were also lit continuously. 受到他们的感染,其余几十亿人类心灵焰火也被连绵点燃。 The influence that Source of Eternity comes under is fiercer, even there was separated not pities the sign of Sage control. 永恒之源受到的影响更加剧烈,甚至有了脱离无悯贤者掌控的迹象。 Sees this one, that trampled the boundless shadow still not to lose one's temper, It as if did not care as Source of Eternity of engine whether was oneself controls. 见此一幕,那践踏着无垠的阴影仍旧没有动怒,祂仿佛并不在意作为引擎的永恒之源是否为自己所掌控。 Emanation that It turns a blind eye to laughs together , to continue to stare at the initial prophet, then said very much assuredly: 祂视若无睹的发出一道嗤笑,继续盯着最初先知,而后很笃定道: Teacher, you like playing with Mind this set, was too false.” “老师,你还是喜欢玩弄心灵这一套,太虚伪了。” I will show to you finally, I have wisdom compared with you.” “我终将向你证明,我比你更具智慧。” ...... …… “呼” All light irreversible extinguishments that in the dark nihility, Tang Qi can see. 黑暗虚无中,唐奇所能看见的所有光都不可逆的熄灭了。 His divinity phosphorescent glow, sends out pale yellow brilliance Fool's Ship's Lamp with that all extinguished. 祂自身的神性磷光,与那散发出昏黄光辉的愚人船灯,全都熄灭了。 No matter how Tang Qi stirs divinity furiously, how to release the power, is not meaningful. 不管唐奇如何奋力鼓荡神性,如何释放权能,都没有任何意义。 Includes all darkness wraps, this darkness is all aloof difficult adversaries, even Supreme Divinity, will still be weakened the pinnacle. 囊括一切的一切的“黑暗”包裹过来,这种黑暗是所有超然的克星,即便是至高神性,也会被削弱到极致。 Tang Qi cannot be Dominion Grade Divinity Entity, It was close to Supreme Divinity very much. 唐奇已不能算是主宰级神性实体,祂很接近“至高神性”了。 But at this moment, does not have the significance. 但此刻,毫无意义。 The power that It has, in the darkness and no basing on place, like floating spatial bubble, was then punctured gently. 祂所拥有的权能,在黑暗中并无任何凭依之处,如同浮空的气泡般,轻轻便被戳破。 Tang Qi soon detected that oneself cannot describe with It again, aloof attribute was eliminated. 唐奇很快发觉自己不能再用“祂”来形容,超然属性被剥夺。 Still had body of tentacle him, started to feel many to affect his feeling again. 仍旧拥有触手之躯的他,开始感受到诸多早已再影响他的感受。 He starts to enclasp oneself, rolls up to the cabin, this is cold. 他开始抱紧自己,蜷缩到船舱内,这是寒冷。 He starts to swallow the saliva body fluids, the endo-abdominal sends out to thunder, this is the hunger. 他开始吞咽口水津液,腹内发出轰鸣,这是饥饿。 He starts the head to be dizzy, dazzling, this is wants the stupor the indication. 他开始头颅晕晕,眼花缭乱,这是要昏迷的征兆。 These are not the keys, makes Tang Qi from truly in shivering wakes up, is that seems the acupuncture suffering tide. 这些都不是关键,真正让唐奇从颤抖中醒来的,是那好似针刺般的痛苦潮水。 His Mind is turbulent, the fine hair is but actually vertical, involuntary starts all around the observation, going perception that and does utmost. 他的心灵汹涌,汗毛倒竖,不由自主开始观察四周,并竭尽全力的去感知 Danger, fatal danger. 危险,致命的危险。 Once by the Tang Qi dependence for a long time Understanding All, radical expiration in darkness, that should understand clearly all mysteries Eye of Origin, was nondistinctive with the blind in this darkness. 曾被唐奇依赖许久的“万物通晓”,在黑暗中彻彻底底的失效,那颗本该洞悉一切奥秘的起源之眼,在这黑暗中却与失明者毫无区别。 Tang Qi is unable to regard the thing, can only make Fool's Ship way lead the way along ups and downs seem crevice. 唐奇无法视物,只能让愚人船沿着一条曲折好似裂隙般的“路径”前行着。 In his perception, have not definitely been able to see clearly the shape at this moment the shadow, twined silently. 他的感知中,此刻已有一道道完全无法看清楚形态的影子,默默缠绕了上来。 What are they? 它们是什么? Tang Qi knows, does not know. 唐奇知道,也不知道。 From the Knowledge share that the initial prophet and Sage roll, making Tang Qi know, in this darkness actually flooded monster. 来自最初先知与贤者团的知识分享,让唐奇知晓,这黑暗中其实充斥了怪物 These monster of unknown origin, most possible source: 这些怪物来历不明,最可能的出处: They and second boundless in such world escape from similar Boundless Occult, perhaps is God, perhaps is some strange Life body, perhaps is Supreme Divinity...... grotesque and gaudy, is above Life and non- Life of weird set all imaginations. 它们是从一个个类似“无垠神秘”和“第二无垠”这样的世界中逃出来的,或许是一尊神灵,或许是某种诡异生命体,或许是一尊至高神性……光怪陆离,超乎一切想象力的生命与非生命怪诞集合。 They live in the existence darkness strongly, malice or good intentions, all unknown. 它们竭力生存在黑暗中,恶意或是善意,一切都是未知的。 But majority, harbors deep malice. 但大部分,都怀有着深沉的恶意 But what is fearful, they after adapting to darkness, Tang Qi such outcomer powerful are too more. 而可怕的是,它们在适应黑暗之后,比唐奇这样的“外来者”强大太多。 Related to they powerful and fearful memory, Sage displayed dread. 有关它们强大、可怕的记忆中,贤者们表现出了“恐惧”。 Yes, dread. 是的,恐惧 In the original world and civilization, almost omnipotent Sage, when exploring darkness, as if returned to most ancient and old, without the Fire Seed era, the ancients can only maintain the security frequently, to awe all Mind facing the world. 在原有世界、文明中,几乎已无所不能的贤者们,在探索黑暗时,仿佛回到了最古老的,没有火种的纪元,先民们只能时时刻刻保持着警戒,以敬畏一切的心灵面对世界。 These Sage, they, although awes, even is dread, but for that common ambition, still reckless vanguard exploration. 只是这些贤者们,祂们虽然敬畏,甚至是恐惧,但为了那共同的志向,仍旧不顾一切的前行探索。 So long as Fool's Ship is not separated from the way, is safe.” “只要愚人船不脱离路径,那么就是安全的。” So long as has the little deviation, I can Death, incomparably thorough Death.” “可只要有一点点偏离,我会死亡,无比彻底的死亡。” Is only, in the ship that in the darkness navigates, possibly doesn't deviate?” “只是,一艘在黑暗中航行的船,可能不偏离么?” The bad thought looks like an omen, like an ice thorn, pricks Tang Qi Mind in this moment unexpectedly, is almost frozen stiff his all thoughts. 坏念头就像是个预兆,如同一根冰刺,蓦地在这一刻刺入唐奇心灵,几乎将他所有的意念冻僵。 Ship, deviation! 船,偏离了! In his perception, Fool's Ship that plain motley bow, resembling hits the thing of what nihility, therefore deviated the fraction of a moment angle. 他的感知中,愚人船那古朴斑驳的船头,似是撞到什么虚无之物因此偏离了亿万分之一的角度。 This radically is the Death omen, once deviates, even if only then, will create the chain-reaction, is separated from the route completely, drives into these to hide during surrounding of monster in the darkness. 这根本就是死亡预兆,一旦偏离,哪怕只有一点,也将造成连锁反应,完全脱离航道,驶入那些躲藏在黑暗中怪物们的包围之中。 But in this narrow, in time sector that even Dominion is still very difficult to respond. 而在这狭窄的,即便是主宰也很难反应过来的时间区间内。 Sits well above Fool's Ship, the tentacle manages the oar, is raising Tang Qi that extinguishes ship lamp, saw strangely some, is very near to Fool's Ship, very far crafty thing. 端坐在愚人船之上,触手操持船桨,提着熄灭船灯唐奇,看到了一些诡异的,离愚人船很近,也很远的“诡物”。 They in the darkness, adapted to the darkness in the completely different ways, and at this moment Tang Qi on Fool's Ship and ship to the malice vision that casts. 它们在黑暗中,以完全不同的方式适应了黑暗,并在此刻向愚人船及船上的唐奇投来的恶意目光。 Authority, divinity or other supernatural mighty force, are useless them. 权柄神性或是其他的超凡伟力,于它们而言都是无用的。 Tang Qi distinguishes does not recognize any crafty thing the shape, only knows, once Fool's Ship is separated from the route thoroughly, will not return again, he will also fall from the sky. 唐奇辨认不出任何一头“诡物”的形态,只知道,一旦愚人船彻底脱离航道,将不会再归来,他也将陨落。 When that fraction of a moment angle birth, Tang Qi almost frozen stiff, when plans to make some crazy matters. 当那“亿万分之一角度”诞生,唐奇几乎被冻僵,并打算做出一些疯狂之事时。 Suddenly, the weak brilliance glitters. 突然,微弱的光辉闪烁起来。 This light extremely weak, flashes passes, seems some firefly arrives at the Life final time, afterglow that sends out. 这道“光”极其微弱,一闪即逝,仿佛是某一只萤火虫走到生命的最后时刻,所散发出的余晖。 In the brilliance, has a sculpture form. 光辉中,有着一尊雕塑般的身影。 It is a corpse, a ancient and old Goddess' corpse. 祂是一具尸体,一句古老女神的尸体。 Others first snake body, the azure quiet, unadorned face forehead central place, bunch of azure Flame ignite all over the body. 祂人首蛇身,通体青幽,古拙的面部眉心中央处,有一簇青色的火焰燃起。 Although dark was weakened Devour quickly again, but this bunch of Flame, causes this corpse resurrecting, a finger of duplicate full scale transfers gently on Fool's Ship, corrects angle that it displaced. 虽很快被黑暗再度削弱吞噬,但正是这一簇火焰,使得这“尸体”复活般,一根覆满鳞片的手指轻轻挪移过来点在愚人船上,纠正了它所偏移的角度。 This quick, in that extremely narrow time sector. 这一幕发生的很快,就在那极狭窄的时间区间内。 Displaces is corrected, Flame by Devour, ice-cold and dark raids again, Fool's Ship...... continues. 偏移被纠正,火焰吞噬,冰冷与黑暗再度袭来,愚人船……继续前行。 On the ship, Tang Qi saw anything shocks the picture, the Mind deep place starts the storm that is unable to stand still for a very long time. 只是船上,唐奇似看到了什么震撼画面,心灵深处掀起久久无法停歇的风暴。 Tang Qi saw that is calls is azure ancient and old Wise One life, It is born in Uncivilized Period ancient and old Goddess, starting from held the post of the eastern world protector from the birth at that moment, is some type has presently incarnation with the Creation related concept power, has the powerful Life body of big love, mercy and protection heart. 唐奇看到的,是一位唤作“青”的古老智者的一生,祂是诞生于蒙昧纪古老女神,从出生那一刻开始就担任东方世界守护者,是某种与创造相关的概念权能具现化身,是拥有大爱、慈悲与守护之心的强大生命体。 It follows the initial prophet to enter the darkness, seeks that only vitality, in the process falls from the sky in the darkness. 祂跟随最初先知进入黑暗,寻求那唯一生机,过程中陨落在黑暗中。 All that Life at the last minute, It can escape from voluntarily really I and concept power fixes in the darkness, as the beginning of this security way. 生命最后一刻,祂自愿将本可以逃脱的一切“真我”、“概念权能”固定在黑暗中,作为这条安全路径的开端。 In this second, Tang Qi understood suddenly final two words that initial prophet stays behind. 就是在这一秒,唐奇忽然理解了“最初先知”留下的最后两句话。 The prophets once said: We opened the way, many partners offered, they will help you.” 先知曾说:“我们开辟了路径,很多伙伴奉献了自我,祂们会帮助你。” Shortly, these crafty thing of Tang Qi Mind deep place in the darkness because of dread that gave birth to is scattered. 顷刻间,唐奇心灵深处因黑暗中这些诡物而生出的恐惧被驱散了。 Thanks.” “谢谢。” Sighed spookily after together, in the Tang Qi eye pupil burst out firm Will. 幽幽一道叹息之后,唐奇眼眸内迸发出坚定意志 Originally leisure discrete vanguard Fool's Ship, seems on this second is loaded the power finally. 原本只是慢悠悠谨慎前行的“愚人船”,好似在这一秒终于被装载动力。 Bang! 轰! In the darkness, a weird boat erupted. 黑暗中,一艘怪诞小船爆发了。 Threw actually all dread and scruples, sped away toward the front. 抛却了所有恐惧与顾忌,往前方疾驰。 This process produces far more than displaces the fraction of a moment angle issue, when the sprint, the angle of Fool's Ship displacement is even more huge. 这个过程产生的何止是偏移亿万分之一角度问题,在冲刺时,愚人船偏移的角度愈加巨大。 Whenever when must therefore face in the darkness crafty thing attack, in the displacement angle place, would glittering together light. 可每当因此要面临黑暗中“诡物”攻击时,在偏移角度处,总会闪烁出一道“光”。 In the ray, always has Sage, died, but is persevering Sage. 光芒中,总有着一位贤者,死去但坚守着的贤者 Sage died, but is actually similar to rock, defends stubbornly in the darkness. 贤者们死去,但却如同一颗颗“磐石”般,固守在黑暗中。 They would at crucial moments, displacing the angle Fool's Ship to pull back the correct track. 祂们总会在关键时刻,将偏移角度的愚人船拉回正确的轨道。 Their corpses, look like guideposts, lighthouses, were Tang Qi and Fool's Ship showed the direction and path. 祂们的尸体,就像是一个个路标,一座座灯塔般,为唐奇愚人船指明了方向与道路。 Every time passed by one Sage, Tang Qi will salute silently, and takes down the revering names of these seniors, with their lifetime experiences. 每路过一位“贤者”,唐奇都会默默施礼,并记下这些前辈们的尊名,与祂们一生的经历。 Sage have the rich experience, vast such as smoke sea, but Tang Qi has no omission, engraved the Mind deep place completely. 贤者们都有着丰富经历,浩瀚如烟海,但唐奇没有任何遗漏,全部镌刻到了心灵深处。 Bang “嘭” Also is a collision, Fool's Ship returns to the correct way. 又是一次碰撞,愚人船回归正确路径。 Tang Qi also saw that light/only, as well as in the brilliance is sitting cross-legged together form. 唐奇随之看到了那光,以及光辉中一道盘坐着的身影。 It wears the linen clothing, rough plain even is crude, at the back of a medicinal herbs back-basket, the tall of stature, the beard and hair is pure white, the double pupil shuts tightly, but the corners of the mouth have the temperate smile. 祂穿着麻布衣物,粗糙古朴甚至是简陋,背着一个药草背篓,身躯高大,须发洁白,双眸紧闭,但嘴角含着温和笑容。 Tang Qi recognized It in first time, shelterer and guider of human ancients, Creation has «Long Life Secret Scripture» that old person. 唐奇在第一时间认出了祂,人类先民的庇护者引领者,创造出《长生秘经》的那位老人 Tang Qi serious saluting and said thanks, Fool's Ship continues. 唐奇郑重的施礼并道了一声谢谢,愚人船继续前行。 He has the premonition, the front explicit way is not long. 他有预感,前方明确的路径已不长了。 But, still had the rock to persevere. 但,仍有磐石坚守。 ...... …… ps: Also remains the last chapter. ps:还剩最后一章。
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