LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1160: Guest from source township

As if was the gateways of innumerable light turns over continuously, trillion ways are spiral expansion, the universe dimension that the innumerable world, is unable to understand „the concept of” composes to pass over gently and swiftly like the light shadow by various Tang Qi...... 仿佛是无数道光之门户接连不断翻转,亿万路径螺旋着展开,无数世界,由各种唐奇无法理解的“概念”组成的宇宙维度如同光影般掠过……。 How long such process continued to continue, Tang Qi saw box most deep place finally. 这样的过程持续了不止多久,唐奇终于看到了盒子最深处。 There, is the darkness. 那里,是黑暗。 With long night and different darkness, that is the length and breadth but also contains all darkness. 与“永夜”并不一样的黑暗,那是广袤但又蕴藏着一切的黑暗。 Boundless Occult with second boundless has infinite inflation the concept, included the innumerable universe dimension, or secret realm world. 无垠神秘与第二无垠都拥有“无限膨胀”的概念,也囊括了数不清的宇宙维度,或是秘境世界。 But is unable to compare with the darkness that this moment Tang Qi sees in the length and breadth as before, that dominates in obviously containing boundless and second boundless and other above the dark concept on world. 但在广袤上依旧无法与此刻唐奇所见的黑暗相比,那显然是凌驾于包含无垠与第二无垠在内等一应世界之上的黑暗概念。 Any existence, no matter ordinary Life Supreme Divinity, so long as places oneself will lose. 任何存在,不管是普通生命还是“至高神性”,只要置身其中都将迷失。 Almost all aloof strengths, and Supreme power, is weakened the pinnacle by the darkness that is unable to completely prohibit. 几乎所有的超然力量,以及至高权能,都会被那无法禁绝的黑暗削弱到极致。 Tang Qi does not know when oneself adopted the Sage test, perhaps was It is willing to sacrifice oneself to save Boundless Occult that moment, perhaps was other time. 唐奇不知道自己什么时候通过了贤者考验,或许是祂愿意牺牲自己拯救无垠神秘的那一刻,或许是别的时刻。 These are unimportant, more importantly Tang Qi also becomes one of the Sage group now. 这些已不重要,重要的是唐奇如今也成为了贤者团的一员。 Therefore at this moment, It can feel the Sage condition. 所以此刻,祂能感受到贤者们的状态。 Inner ear?” “迷路了?” Un, in darkness truly easy wrong way.” “嗯,黑暗中确实容易迷路。” Tang Qi very accidental/surprised has not complained, but expressed the understanding, and makes very unexpected action in the next quarter. 唐奇很意外的没有吐槽,而是表达了理解,并在下一刻做出很意外的举动。 It goes forward, squeezes in box the oneself sparkling body strongly, simultaneously start makes oneself brighter, really breaks to glitter fiercely with the phosphorescent glow of Fantasy boundary. 祂上前,竭力将自己闪闪发光的躯体塞入“盒子”,同时开始让自己更加灿烂,打破真实与幻想界限的磷光剧烈闪烁起来。 Lighthouse! 灯塔! Tang Qi at this moment, is similar to a lighthouse, stands erect in the dark end. 此刻的唐奇,就如同一座灯塔,矗立在黑暗的这一端。 Exceeds all concepts darkness similarly conducted weakening to the Tang Qi's power, what is somewhat surprised, but weakens, has not let the brilliance annihilation. 超越一切概念的“黑暗”同样对唐奇的权能进行了削弱,但有些意外的是,只是削弱,并未让光辉湮灭。 It by the bright lighthouse, transfers points quickly starlight, by some frequency is glittering starlight. 祂很快就由灿烂灯塔,转为一点“星光”,以某种频率闪烁着的星光 The weak brilliance, is away from the countless the world, penetrates the countless the concept barrier, finally sees for Sage that in that crowd of darkness loses. 微弱的光辉,隔着无量数的世界,穿透无量数的概念屏障,终于为那一群黑暗中迷失的贤者们所见。 These are not Supreme Divinity, even Dominion is not, actually enters Sage of dark deep place on own initiative. 这些并不是“至高神性”,甚至于连主宰都不是,却主动进入黑暗深处的贤者们。 When they see the position, has been directed, the front countless hindrance as if vanishes immediately, becomes insignificant. 当祂们重新看到方位,得到指引,前方的无量数阻碍似乎立刻消失,变得微不足道。 Quick, in the Tang Qi's eye pupil saw other light. 很快,唐奇的眼眸中看到了其他的“光”。 Each light, came from the darkness. 每一道光,都自黑暗中而来。 They are withstanding the different hindrance and killing, but these are unable to prevent them to return. 祂们都在承受着不同的阻碍和袭杀,但那些都无法阻止祂们回归。 These starlight jump little, quickly turns into one bunch, one piece, then occupies the Tang Qi eye pupil subsequently, like bright Star Sea picture. 那些星光一点点跳跃出来,很快变成一簇,一片,继而便是占据唐奇眼眸,如同灿烂星海般的画面。 In each starlight, has the different wisdom Life body. 每一道星光内,都有着不同的智慧生命体。 But under the bodies of these Life bodies, has to let the Tang Qi familiar incomparable matter. 而这些生命体的身下,都有着让唐奇熟悉无比的物事。 They have nothing repeatedly, dissimilar in shape and form, but without exception is...... the ship, Fool's Ship. 它们没有任何重复,形态各异,但无一例外全都是……船,愚人船 Returned, once left Boundless Occult to enter in certain times explores dark, Sage that tracks down, in that is glittering weakly under lighthouse starlight direction, returned the hometown. 回归了,曾在某些时刻离开“无垠神秘”进入黑暗去探索,去追寻的贤者们,在那微弱闪烁着的灯塔星光指引下,重新回到了家乡。 Each stands in the wisdom peak, they are all Knowledge thoroughly understanding, the user as well as Creation. 祂们每一位都站在智慧的顶端,祂们是一切知识的通晓者,使用者以及创造者。 They have not had any conceal, incomparably confident exposes to the world, bright and clear Mind. 祂们并未有任何隐藏,无比坦然的向世界展露出自我,灿烂且澄澈的心灵 They are fulfilling the different ideas, and all has the different understanding of the world and life, but their ambitions are consistent. 祂们践行着不同的理念,对世界、生灵及一切都有着不同的理解,但祂们的志向却是一致的。 They because of understanding clearly boundlessly with the second boundless all rules, understands clearly all disaster and Apocalypse reason, with pitying with the big love, makes that choice, goes to the most in-depth darkness to seek the answer. 祂们因洞悉无垠与第二无垠的所有规则,洞悉所有灾难与末日的缘由,怀着怜悯与大爱,做出那个选择,前往最深层的黑暗之中寻求答案。 They saw Tang Qi, and expressed best wishes to this last Sage smile simultaneously. 祂们看到了唐奇,并同时向这最后一位贤者微笑致意。 And is leading the Tang Qi's vision, looks to darkness most deep place, light that comes together slowly. 并引领着唐奇的目光,看向黑暗最深处,一道缓缓而来的光。 In that brilliance, is the first ship. 那光辉中,是第一艘船。 Had been used by Tang Qi repeatedly, and ancient and old is weird, motley withered and yellow Fool's Ship. 唐奇使用过多次,古老且怪诞,斑驳枯黄的愚人船 By the Tang Qi personally manufacture ship lamp is dragging, the pale yellow brilliance sprinkles, a person's shadow that shining upon on that ship are many. 唐奇亲手制作的“船灯”摇曳着,昏黄光辉洒落,映照出那船上多出的一道人影。 It also has nothing to conceal, broad and level is revealing. 祂同样没有任何隐瞒,坦荡荡的显露着自我。 The It's figure facial features are very mediocre, will be that type puts in the crowd not to cause any mediocre of attention, the It's external shape will be the Asian race, roughly the 40 year, the wear will have the withered and yellow long gown of hood, above full will be the wind and frost trace. 祂的身形五官都很平庸,是那种放入人群不会引起任何注意的平庸,祂的外在形态是亚裔人种,约莫四十岁左右,穿着带有兜帽的枯黄长袍,上面满是风霜痕迹。 It revealed that facial features outside clothes robe and palm very unpolished rice vicissitudes, It is smiling at this moment, across the Fool's Ship sea, with Tang Qi looking at each other. 祂显露在衣袍外的面容、手掌都很粗粝沧桑,祂此刻正微笑着,穿过愚人船海,与唐奇对视。 Use It is actually inappropriate, because no one can feel any Divinity Authority aura on his body. 使用“祂”其实并不合适,因为没有人能在他的身上感受到任何神性权柄气息。 He stands there, is very simple, humble and friendly. 他站在那里,无比朴实、谦逊和友善。 He made Tang Qi feel a seedling source from familiar on Soul and this my bloodline, being intimate with difficult word. 他让唐奇感觉到了一种源自灵魂、本我血脉上的熟悉,一种难言的亲近。 Does not need anybody to reveal, does not need the Tang Qi discharge Understanding All. 不需要任何人揭秘,也不需要唐奇施放“万物通晓”。 Is seeing It's first time, Tang Qi knew It's all directly. 在见到祂的第一时间,唐奇直接知晓了祂的一切。 Initial prophet! 最初先知! One of Boundless Occult most ancient and old lives, in the Supreme Divinity community has infinite wisdom rarely, the infinite power but harbors well-meaning existence to all small and weak lives. 无垠神秘古老的生灵之一,至高神性群体中罕见有着无穷智慧,无穷权能但对所有弱小生灵怀有善意的存在 It is true Wise One, Sage that deer God, starfish and other Supreme approve, is one harbors to pity with the big love protector. 祂是真正的智者,鹿神、海星等至高们认可的贤者,是一位怀有怜悯与大爱的守护者。 Also was first understanding clearly dying out day existence, and to save all these entered great Life of dark deep place automatically. 也是第一位洞悉“寂灭日”存在,并为了挽救这一切而自动进入黑暗深处的伟大生命 Tang Qi knows It's all, correspondence was also known by It. 唐奇知晓祂的一切,对应的也被祂所知。 This makes Tang Qi have the feeling of difficult word being intimate with, the initial prophet, is raising that ship lamp, suddenly appeared in front of Tang Qi's. 这位让唐奇有着难言亲近之感的,最初的先知,提着那船灯,眨眼出现在了唐奇的面前。 In the Tang Qi surprised vision, It holds their palms together, on Sage with other Fool's Ship together, filled with the respect to execute one to make Tang Qi to Tang Qi have familiarity ancient ceremony/etiquette. 唐奇惊讶的目光中,祂双手合十,与其他愚人船上的贤者们一起,满怀着敬意向唐奇施了一个让唐奇有着熟悉感的古礼。 After the ritual finishes the initial prophet, is saying with a smile: 礼毕之后的最初先知,微笑着道: Hello, has same ambition last Sage with us, guest from source township.” “你好啊,与我们有着相同志向的最后一位贤者,来自源乡的客人。” Regardless of the final choice is anything, all choices that your passing makes have been worth respecting.” “不论最终的选择是什么,您过往所做的一切选择已值得我们尊敬。” Source township?” “源乡?” Finally chooses?” “最终选择?” Two key words, were extracted by Tang Qi. 两个关键字,被唐奇提取出来。 In fact Tang Qi and initial prophet, do not need to hit the riddle with the Sage groups. 实际上唐奇与最初先知,与贤者团之间根本不需要打哑谜。 time and not much, the Sage group and prophet have not had any concealment to Tang Qi. 时间不多,贤者团和先知并未对唐奇有任何隐瞒。 Each character that the ordinary prophet puts out, along with the illustration information that letting Tang Qi clearly becomes aware, swamps into the It's mind. 平凡的先知所吐出的每一个字,都伴随着让唐奇明悟的注解信息,涌入祂的脑海。 Not pities Sage to know that I am an outcomer, but It does not know where I am concrete.” “无悯贤者知道我是外来者,但祂不知道我具体来着哪里。” Initial prophet and Sage roll to know, they turned in the darkness found many secrets, I called it the Earth hometown, they called it source township.” “最初先知和贤者团知晓,祂们在黑暗中翻找到了很多秘密,我称之为地球的家乡,祂们称之为‘源乡’。” I in the future faced with a choice, the choice that I make will affect this by not to pity Sage to raise, regarding ‚’ War that dying out day conducted.” “我将在未来面临一种选择,我所做出的抉择将影响这场由无悯贤者掀起,围绕着‘寂灭日’进行的战争。” The dialogue was still continuing, the initial prophet does not need the Tang Qi's reply, It is providing the secret on own initiative, provides in all that in the darkness found Sage to Tang Qi. 对话仍在继续,最初先知不需要唐奇的回复,祂在主动提供秘密,将贤者们在黑暗中所找到的一切都提供给唐奇 The unpolished rice vicissitudes proliferate the face of wrinkle and spot to show the humble smile, It then said: 粗粝沧桑遍布着皱纹、斑点的脸露出谦逊笑容,祂接着道: That to the world and all life no pitying Sage, thinks that you cause the dying out day real descends reason.” “那位对世界及一切生灵毫无怜悯的贤者,认为您是导致寂灭日真实降临的缘由。” I, or we, cannot think that It is completely wrong.” “我,或者说我们,都不能认为祂是完全错误的。” But regarding the same thing, we always has the different views.” “但对于同一件事物,我们总是有不同的看法。” We think that your arrival is not the disaster source, what is opposite, your arrival, in fact is a redemption, is boundless and second boundless, is as for two infinite world outside, the redemption of countless world.” “我们认为您的到来并不是灾难源头,相反的是,您的到来,实际上是一种救赎,是无垠及第二无垠,乃至于两个无限世界之外,无量数世界的救赎。” That Sage has is as good as wisdom of our any partner, but It made a mistake the logic.” “那位贤者有着不亚于我们任何一位伙伴的智慧,但祂弄错了逻辑。” If story not start, how also to give back to the person in story the story result?” “若故事没有‘开始’,又怎么将故事结局还给故事中的人?” Written result can be the person in story, can lets the person who the story starts, or dominates the person above story.” “书写结局的可以是故事中的人,也可以是让故事开始的人,又或是凌驾于故事之上的人。” However you, perhaps are that person.” “而您,或许就是那个人。” Each character that the initial prophet puts out, seems obscure regarding other Life bodies, is very difficult to understand. 最初先知所吐出的每一个字,对于其他生命体来说都显得晦涩,很难理解。 But Tang Qi, does not have the hindrance then to understand clearly in this all meanings. 唐奇,毫无阻碍便洞悉这里面的一切含义。 Tang Qi first looked at oneself behind, his all bodies almost entered in the dark channel that the unlimited secret box extended at this time, is seething with excitement fusion Boundless Occult and second boundless. 唐奇先看了眼自己身后,此时祂所有的躯体几乎都进入了无限秘盒所延伸开的黑暗通道内,身后是正沸腾着融合的无垠神秘和第二无垠。 Then, It looks to the initial prophet behind, in the darkness of that most deep place. 而后,祂又看向最初先知身后,那最深处的黑暗中。 In that is not empty. 那里面,并不是空无一物的。 In the darkness has many things, compared with Boundless Occult more things, included the answer. 黑暗中有着很多事物,比“无垠神秘”更多的事物,也包括了答案。 Does not need the explanation of initial prophet, as the Sage group last member, Tang Qi has ended omniscience to understand Sage to experience anything, knows that they discovered anything. 不需要最初先知的解答,作为贤者团最后一位成员,唐奇已经完全知贤者们经历了什么,也知道祂们发现了什么。 Meanwhile, Tang Qi also knows that oneself is going to make anything. 同时,唐奇也知道自己将要去做什么。 It voices opinions, then in the tone brings a curiosity, to front initial prophet, as well as all Sage asked: 祂发出一声感叹,而后语气中带着一丝好奇,对面前的最初先知,以及所有贤者们问道: Really can pin all Hope on me?” “真的要将所有希望都寄托在我身上么?” That exceeds all opportunities truly, once lets me along the way that you open, arrives in front of that door, facing that opportunity, I the choice that is not necessarily able to make you to be happy to see.” “那可是真正超越一切的机会,一旦让我沿着你们开辟出的路径,走到那扇门面前,面对那种机会,我未必会做出你们乐见的选择。” To open way, you paid too, gave me the achievement completely......” “为了开辟路径,你们付出太多了,将成果全部给我……” ha ha ha 哈哈哈哈” Tang Qi has not said, suddenly front initial prophet smiled. 唐奇还未说完,忽然面前的最初先知笑了。 The corners of the mouth of that unpolished rice to the root of the ear, the frank laughter resound through Star Sea. 那粗粝的嘴角咧到耳根,爽朗的笑声响彻星海 Other Sage are laughs wildly on Fool's Ship respectively rude, the laughter varies, but transmits the same meaning. 其余贤者们更是各自在愚人船上失态狂笑,笑声各异,但传递出同一种含义。 The trust, making Tang Qi withdraw the following words, arrives at that trust of pinnacle. 信任,让唐奇收回接下来的话,到达极致的那种信任。 Tang Qi also follows to show the smile, and in the next quarter extends the phosphorescent glow tentacle the palm, grasps with the hand that the initial prophet extends synchronously in the same place. 唐奇也跟着露出笑容,并在下一刻伸出磷光触手所化的手掌,与最初先知同步伸出的手掌握在一起。 You incessantly the guest from source township, you are last Sage that we approve.” “你不止是来自源乡的客人,你还是我们认可的最后一位贤者。” We have never experienced what event together, has never had involving in the story, us links only tie, is to the world, myriad things all living things and all pitying and loves, this is our common ambitions.” “我们从未共同经历过什么事件,在故事上从未有过牵扯,将我们联系在一起的唯一纽带,是对世界、万物众生及一切的一切的怜悯与爱,这是我们共同的志向。” Now arrives at the distinction time, some of some of our each one also things must be done.” “现在又到了分别的时候,我们各自都还有一些事情要去做。” We will prevent that no pitying Sage, as well as was gathered the transformed by It that crowd of crazy Wise One.” “我们会阻止那位毫无怜悯的贤者,以及被祂招揽转化的那群疯狂智者。” We also wished your following journey smooth, we opened some ways, many partners offered, but in darkness still some areas unknown, is full of the danger.” “我们也祝你接下来的旅途顺利,我们开辟了一些路径,有很多伙伴奉献了自我,但黑暗中仍旧有一些疆域是未知的,充满着危险。” Especially to you, in the darkness existence these thing is more dangerous, is fatal.” “尤其对你而言,黑暗中存在的那些‘东西’更加危险,更加致命。” ...... …… During the speeches, the figure of Tang Qi and initial prophet, exchanges in this moment swiftly. 说话间,唐奇与最初先知的身形,在这一刻倏然调换。 Tang Qi appeared in again initially that on most ancient and old Fool's Ship. 唐奇再次出现在了那最初的,最古老愚人船上。 But that humble simple prophet, then replaced Tang Qi in that dark channel place, and started to open that channel, lets Fool's Ship, Sage, flooded into like starlight tidal. 而那谦逊朴实的先知,则代替唐奇堵在了那黑暗通道处,并开始将那通道撑开,让一艘艘愚人船,一位位贤者,如同星光潮水般涌入。 ps: Bore impulsion that sets up flag, I write with every effort. ps:忍住了立flag的冲动,我尽力写好。
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