LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1159: Sage group of return

Radiance Dominion turns into that ghost appearance is only appetizer, as were getting more and more „the cicada wing of day to be opened, Boundless Occult now the most real appearance, presented in a cruel and direct way in the eyes of myriad things all living things. 光明主宰变成那鬼样子只是一个开胃菜,随着越来越多“天之蝉翼”被揭开,无垠神秘如今最真实的模样,以一种残忍而直接的方式呈现在了万物众生的眼中。 Everyone knows Boundless Occult, although has many disasters, has Chaos, has Death, but overall this is beautiful is bright, and has the Order world. 谁都知晓无垠神秘虽然有着诸多灾难,有混乱,有死亡,但总体而言这是一个美丽灿烂且有着秩序的世界。 But at this moment, this impression was changed forcefully. 但这一刻,这种印象被强行更改。 At this moment all living things and many gods gaze, is similar Radiance Dominion goes crazy one after another world. 众生与众神此刻所注视的,是一个接着一个类似“光明主宰发疯”的世界。 Not only and Radiance Dominion. 这其中,并不只是光明一位主宰 Child, machinery Lord God and magic Goddess, War God and God of Thunderous nature Mother God, Mother of Beginnings and morning star...... wait/etc massive powerful Divinity Entity. 还有自然母神原初之母、晨星之子、机械主神魔法女神战神雷霆之神……等等大量强大神性实体 They are normal, even participated in Origin God Race showdown. 祂们原本都是正常的,甚至都参与了与“起源神族”的对决。 But when that „the cicada wing of day lifts, appears. 但当那“天之蝉翼”掀开,真实显现。 They, were insane. 祂们,疯了。 All these Divinity Entity, just like Radiance Dominion, had fearful unknown accident. 所有这些神性实体,都与光明主宰一样,发生了可怕的未知变故 Their as before god, but is the demented gods, compared with Chaos Chaos. 祂们依旧还是神,但已都是癫狂的神,比混乱更加混乱 But this, is only the beginning. 而这,也只是开端。 More and more „the cicada wing of day one lifts piece by piece, sweeps across entire Boundless Occult terrifying to have nothing to cover up again. 越来越多的“天之蝉翼”一片片掀开,席卷整个无垠神秘恐怖再无任何遮掩。 Is maintaining the sanity life luck, this moment all fall into dread. 幸运保持着理智的生灵,此刻全体陷入恐惧 In their eye pupils, seeing is Chaos and demented. 它们的眼眸内,入目都是混乱与癫狂。 Some of them look at the land to go black with own eyes, the blood rain heavy rain, the life die...... some to look at the starry sky to change certainly scarlet, outside the Evil crazy territory giant beast descends, gobbles up all...... some to look that falls into the nightmare in the universe a lot of Life bodies, is unable to be separated from...... some discoveries all similar to encounter replace all around, some strange Life body stole the world...... 它们有的亲眼看着大地陷入黑暗,血雨瓢泼,生灵死绝……有的看着星空化作猩红,邪恶疯狂的域外巨兽降临,吞吃一切……有的看着所在宇宙大量生命体陷入噩梦,无法脱离……有的发现周遭一切同类都遭遇“替换”,某种诡异生命体窃取了世界……。 Boundless Occult at this moment, was almost hard to find was still in the world in tranquil and Order. 此时此刻的无垠神秘,几乎难以找到仍旧处于平静与秩序中的世界。 Even Origin Star, still falls into a special disaster at this time. 即便是“起源星”,此时也陷入一种特殊灾难中。 About 10 billion Origin Star people discovered simultaneously the oneself defect some type of thing, they no longer held sympathy to anything. 近百亿的起源星人同时发现自己缺失了某种东西,他们不再对任何事物抱有“同情心”。 Pity! 怜悯! Hundred hundred million Origin Star people, lose simultaneously pity. 百亿起源星人,同时失去怜悯。 Their simultaneously lifts the head, looked that is great to that say/way, is grasping them and Origin Star's shadow, looks that the face of that nihility shows the bright smile, the eye socket of that nihility gives together the information: 他们齐齐抬起头颅,看向那道伟岸巨大,正掌握着它们以及起源星的阴影,看着那虚无的脸露出灿烂的笑容,那虚无的眼眶传递出一道信息: This is my gift, pitying is the most useless thing, abandons it to lead the way forever.” “这是我的礼物,怜悯是最无用的东西,抛弃它才能永远前行。” The Origin Star person wants to refute, but they open mouth, anything could not say. 起源星人很想反驳,但他们张了张嘴,却什么也说不出来。 Following Chaos also started, loses pities to mean that can do anything recklessly. 后续的混乱也开始了,失去怜悯意味着可以不顾一切的做任何事。 During is only tranquil one second, Origin Star also other universe plane is the same like Boundless Occult, falls into is demented. 仅仅只是平静一秒,起源星也如同“无垠神秘”其他宇宙位面一样,陷入癫狂之中。 This moment boundlessness, changes external appearances only thoroughly. 这一刻的无垠,彻底改头换面。 The Furnace brilliance with was still washing out to dark Black Mud mutually, forms a special environment, is constituted the primal chaos liquid sea environment that by two Supreme powers. 熔炉光焰与至暗黑泥仍在互相冲刷,形成一种特殊的环境,由两种至高权能构成的混沌液体海洋般的环境。 As the cicada wing of day opened, massive vortex starts to be turbulent. 而随着天之蝉翼揭开,大量“旋涡”开始汹涌起来。 Each vortex, regarding the center node of drastic change. 每一个旋涡,都围绕着剧变的中心节点。 Most conspicuous, is Radiance Dominion, It by the cord entanglement, was being revealed oneself is great, but the distortion Dominion body, shouts in the vortex gradually roars. 最显眼的,莫过于是光明主宰,祂被脐带缠绕着,显露出自己伟岸但渐渐扭曲主宰身躯,在旋涡中嘶吼咆哮。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 Covers Boundless Occult primal chaos liquid sea as well as more and more vortex, in addition that starts to start Eternity engine. 覆盖无垠神秘的“混沌液体海”以及越来越多的“旋涡”,再加上那开始启动的“永恒引擎”。 World at this moment stopped the infinite inflation suddenly thoroughly, even starts to have the involution sign. 此时此刻的世界忽然彻底停止了无限膨胀,甚至于开始出现内卷的迹象。 Boundless Occult, true transformation. 无垠神秘,真正变化了。 This world falls into the final abnormal state, it becomes some type of tool, is used attracts pulls strength that” produces a command Supreme Divinity also to dread the tool. 这个世界陷入最终的异常状态,它成为了某种工具,用来生产一种令“至高神性”也畏惧的的“吸扯力量”的工具。 All Supreme Divinity, have to give up invading. 所有的至高神性,不得不放弃入侵。 They the shadow starts to be far away at this time Boundless Occult, they are not willing to fall from the sky. 祂们所化的阴影开始远离此时的“无垠神秘”,祂们都不愿意陨落。 If not willing to depart, then the following result will be very pitiful. 若是不愿离去,那么接下来的结局将无比凄惨。 Boundless Occult in „the Eternity engine under the actuation, starts to attract to pull second to duplicate boundlessly. 无垠神秘在“永恒引擎”的驱动下,开始吸扯“第二无垠”覆写下来。 This means that two world formally start to fuse. 这意味着,两个世界正式开始融合。 Any was not acknowledged by World's Will, or was not pitied intruder who” Sage and crazy Wise One group acknowledged to be compressed by two world. 任何不被世界意志承认,或者说,不被无悯贤者以及疯狂智者团承认的“入侵者”都将被两个世界压扁。 Without the Life body, can resist two world also to extrude. 没有生命体,可以抵御两个世界同时挤压。 Let alone the strength of extrusion also increased Furnace, origins and Eternity these powers. 何况挤压的力量还增添了熔炉、起源、永恒这些权能。 This is the unique time, scene that is unable the superposition to carve. 这将是绝无仅有的时刻,无法被复刻的景象。 Even if wielding material source Supreme deer God, once falls into, will still be compressed one group of gas forcefully. 即便是执掌着“物质本源”的至高鹿神,一旦陷入其中,也会被硬生生压扁成一团气体。 Perhaps gyrates five corner/horn, the funny starfish has certain probability to escape. 或许旋动的“五角”,滑稽海星有一定几率逃脱。 Supreme Divinity that flees distressedly, fall into simultaneously angrily. 狼狈逃离的至高神性们,同时陷入恼怒。 Your this group of lunatics, bastard.” “你们这群疯子,混蛋。” Solves the repelling force with this way, is really crazy Wise One, but such world also has what significance, was too senseless.” “用这种方式来解决排斥力,真是疯狂的智者,可是这样的世界又有什么意义呢,太无趣了。” Boundless becomes with second boundless is the same, the mutual fusion, can this solve the dying out day?” “把‘无垠’变得和‘第二无垠’一样,互相融合,这样就能解决寂灭日了么?” „Very regrettable, perhaps cannot, only be able to delay some time, meets the third, fourth boundless birth...... not pities Sage, these crazy children who you gather, you have not seen the complete truth of these two world.” “很遗憾,恐怕是不能的,只能拖延一些时间,会第三、第四无垠诞生的……无悯贤者,还有你招揽的这些疯狂孩子,你们并没有看到这两个世界的全部真相。” Supreme are expressing the opposition, deer God does not even hesitate to put out more secrets. 至高们都在表达反对,鹿神甚至不惜吐出更多秘密。 What a pity they cannot harvest not pities Sage a vision as before, but hears that world deep place, that in that Origin Star, transmits clearly laughs at the sound. 可惜祂们依旧没能收获“无悯贤者”的一道目光,只是听到那世界深处,那起源星内,清晰传递出来的一道嗤笑声。 Losers, depart, the new world will not need Supreme Divinity.” “失败者们,离去吧,新世界将不需要至高神性。” Without a doubt, these words have intense insult meaning regarding Infancy Creator and Supreme deer God and other existence. 毫无疑问,这句话对于幼年造物主至高鹿神等存在来说有着强烈的侮辱意味。 But what is undeniable, at least in this moment, not pities Sage to describe them for the loser not issue. 但不可否认的是,至少在这一刻,无悯贤者形容祂们为失败者并无问题。 ...... …… Boundless Occult falls into ultimate Chaos and demented, and releases to exceed the Supreme power, when pulls boundlessly second fuses mutually. 无垠神秘陷入终极混乱与癫狂,并释放出超越至高的权能,拉扯“第二无垠”互相融合时。 The ultra string labyrinth, is as bright as the pinnacle, changes to fierce phosphorus light group, must glitter Tang Qi that momentarily the self-destruction is vanishing, It was still in deadlock, Dream Country in all lives is prevented It by It is embracing. 超弦迷宫,已是灿烂到极致,化作一个剧烈“磷光团”,随时要闪烁着自毁消失的唐奇,祂之所以仍处于“僵持”之中,是被祂怀抱着的梦幻国度内的所有生灵在阻止祂。 Although Sally, Steiner, Rose and Diana...... wait/etc all related existence, are unable to end omniscience to learn Tang Qi faced with anything. 虽然莎莉斯坦娜萝丝戴安娜……等等所有相关存在,无法完全知唐奇面临什么。 But that self-destruction tendency, very clear response in country. 但那种自毁倾向,很清晰的反应在了国度内部。 Dream world, self- collapse. 梦幻世界,正在自我崩溃。 They can prevent Tang Qi with the thought that but is unable to maintain. 她们可以用意念去阻止唐奇,但无法一直保持。 Supreme wisdom as well as Eye of Origin, were not pitied Sage use, making Tang Qi fall into the fatal trap. 至高智慧以及起源之眼,被“无悯贤者”利用,让唐奇落入致命陷阱。 But this is also only that not pities a Sage small method, can only determine by this wisdom, this Sage indeed is the most fearful enemy who Tang Qi meets. 而这也只是那毫无怜悯贤者的一个小小手段,只凭借这种智慧就能判定,这位贤者的确是唐奇遇上的最可怕的敌人。 What is most essential, the two at all are not the normal confrontation. 最关键的是,二者根本不是正常交锋。 Gives back to the person in story the story...... the external observer, the result will not have turned unknown, in the life by story writes, this is Hope......” “把故事还给故事里的人……没有外来的观测者,结局将重新变成未知,由故事里的生灵去书写,这将是希望……” Each that Tang Qi this moment murmur has, is correct. 唐奇此刻呢喃出的每一句,都是正确的。 But the price, is It's existence. 但代价,是祂的存在 Saw that brutal final will appear, at this time. 眼看着那残酷的最终一幕将出现,就在这个时候。 Tang Qi leaned suddenly the head, It heard anything probably, unidirectional window looks by that to the labyrinth, looked that to has become the Boundless Occult deep place of primal chaos world at this moment. 唐奇忽然侧了侧头颅,祂好像听到了什么,透过那“单向窗口”看向迷宫之外,看向此刻已成为混沌世界的无垠神秘深处。 There, is brilliance sea. 那里,是一片光焰海洋。 With that is flickering, Furnace Dominion that „the Origin God king slaughters then loses the body. 在与“起源神王”厮杀的那一瞬,熔炉主宰便失去躯体。 Although It was separated from Dominion Grade position standard, erupts endured compared with Supreme Divinity the power ability quantity, but essentially It as before is not Supreme Divinity. 祂虽然脱离了主宰级位格,爆发出了堪比“至高神性”的权能力量,但本质上祂依旧不是至高神性 It's body, when both sides collide changes to the nihility directly. 祂的躯体,在双方碰撞时直接化作虚无。 However, Furnace Will actually still existence. 但是,熔炉意志却仍旧存在着。 It in brilliance most deep place, sends out to roar to entire Boundless Occult, one after another, will not reach the goal never to stand still. 祂在光焰最深处,向整个无垠神秘发出咆哮,一声又一声,不达目的永不停歇。 These roared to span many hindrance, penetrated innumerable time-space, finally arrived at the Tang Qi's ear bank, surged to reverberate: 那些咆哮跨越诸多阻碍,穿透无数时空,终于来到了唐奇的耳畔,激荡回响起来: „Did good friend, you die?” “好朋友,你死了没有?” „Is stupid and brave good friend, you also living?” “愚蠢又勇敢的好朋友,你还活着么?” Good friend, do not die, you died I is very guilty, was guilty I to come late.” “好朋友,千万不要死,你死了我会很愧疚,愧疚我来晚了。” Good friend I know has not died, but you great Furnace good friend, you will not die absolutely......” “好朋友我知道没死,你可是伟大熔炉的好友,你绝对不会死……” When these roared to hear, the death will twinkling in Tang Qi eye pupil was scattered. 当这些咆哮入耳,唐奇眼眸中的死志瞬息被驱散。 It first stares, subsequently could not bear smile. 祂先是一愣,继而忍不住笑了。 However on the quick It's face appears to be at a loss and lose once again, once again starts to think deeply about oneself Death to bring Hope for Boundless Occult. 不过很快祂的脸上又一次浮现迷惘和失落,又一次开始思索自己死亡能为无垠神秘带来希望 Obviously, Supreme wisdom has the effect again, the absolute rationality must submerge. 显然,“至高智慧”再次起效,绝对理性又要淹没过来。 But also in this moment, Tang Qi moved. 但也就在这一刻,唐奇动了。 The exceptionally crude and cruel picture, the next quarter appeared in this ultra string labyrinth. 异常粗暴且残忍的画面,下一刻出现在了这超弦迷宫内。 Only listens to bang, a divinity tentacle that is glittering the phosphorescent glow is carrying giant power, brushed directly above the Tang Qi's head. 只听“嘭”的一声,一条闪烁着磷光的神性触手携带着巨力,径直抽打在了唐奇的头颅之上。 Has Supreme wisdom and absolutely the rational head, is similar to the watermelon to explode broken. 一颗有着至高智慧和绝对理性的脑袋,就这么如同西瓜般爆碎。 To a certain extent also lets off the fireworks, flesh and brain fluid fireworks. 某种程度上也算是放过烟花了,血肉与脑浆烟花。 Although this divine object starts to recover suddenly, but before that real Tang Qi has returned. 尽管这神物眨眼开始复原,但在那之前,真实的唐奇已然回归。 Is moved to extend the tentacle, the Supreme wisdom head that the rejection pastes. 动念伸出触手,拒绝又贴上来的至高智慧头颅。 Was recalling with not pities Sage exchange, the process that falls into a trap little, sighed: 回想着与“无悯贤者”的交流,那一点点落入陷阱的过程,不由感叹道: Sunstar said right, will use this thing to lose Joy incessantly, but also abnormal risk.” “海星说得对,使用这东西不止会失去快乐,还异常危险。” But, has the harvest.” “不过,也不是没有收获。” During the speeches, in the Tang Qi mind appears when the last second destroys the Supreme wisdom head, a thought that finally frames. 说话间,唐奇脑海中浮现出在上一秒摧毁至高智慧头颅时,最后定格的一道意念。 Is urged to send by Supreme wisdom, way that another type outside abatement self-destruction saves Boundless Occult. 至高智慧催发,除却自毁外的另一种拯救无垠神秘的方式。 Tang Qi turns the head, makes It somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry following that is also affected roaring, soon then found the source. 唐奇转头,循着那一句句让祂有些哭笑不得又感动不已的咆哮,很快便找到了源头。 Gives back to the person in story the story...... this indeed is the good method, the way of but returning, actually need not me pay the Life price.” “把故事还给故事里的人……这的确是好方法,但归还的方式,却不一定需要我付出生命代价。” „The fellow of no pitying ceases the way that Supreme invaded, the way that also blocks made It envy the opponents who returns, but to erase me, his oneself Creation new secret Jing, the fusing world is unable to intrude again, only if from the beginning in this world...... “毫无怜悯的家伙杜绝了至高们入侵的路径,也堵上了让祂嫉妒的对手们回归的路径,只是为了抹除我,祂自己又无意间创造一条新的秘径,正在融合的世界无法再闯入,除非一开始就在这世界内……。” Must defeat Wise One, needs another Wise One.” “要打败一位智者,需要另一位智者。” Must defeat one crowd of Wise One, then naturally also needs another crowd of Wise One.” “要打败一群智者,那么自然也需要另一群智者。” The voice falls, Tang Qi is moved immediately. 话音落下,唐奇立即动念。 Before It's body, two divine object jumps directly. 祂的身前,两件“神物”径直跳跃而出。 Fool's Ship! 愚人船 Infinite secret He! 无限秘盒! Tang Qi has nothing to delay, line start secret He, and set the request: 唐奇没有任何耽搁,直接启动秘盒,并提出要求: How to make Sage return to Boundless Occult?” “如何让贤者们回归无垠神秘?” With requirement, that familiar gear-driven, the liquid dripping and steam spout sound appear. 伴随着要求,那熟悉的齿轮转动、液体滴漏、蒸汽喷涌声响出现。 The answer, appears in the next quarter. 答案,也在下一刻浮现。 Fool's Ship as well as...... Sage Will.” “一艘愚人船以及……贤者意志。” Saw Tang Qi of answer, the twinkling understood anything, then could not bear spit the mortise: 看到答案的唐奇,瞬息明白了什么,而后忍不住吐槽道: Not pitied Sage to say right, the Sage group was somewhat boring.” “无悯贤者说得对,贤者团有些无聊。” Has not said, Tang Qi has begun to force in infinite secret He Fool's Ship, transmitted oneself present Will very much crudely. 还未说完,唐奇已动手将愚人船塞进无限秘盒,同时也将自己如今的意志很粗暴的传递了进去。 If other times, Tang Qi is definitely willing to say some accumulated the admonition of philosophy. 如果是其他时候,唐奇肯定愿意说出一些蕴着哲理的箴言。 Exchange with Sage, Wise One and philosophers, naturally must select the right way. 贤者智者、哲人们交流,自然要选取合适的方式。 However now, the Tang Qi tone somewhat said vulgarly: 但是现在,唐奇语气有些粗俗道: No matter you turned in the darkness found anything, was the time comes back.” “不管你们在黑暗中翻找到了什么,是时候回来了。” 1 : 00 pm, you will soon apply makeup by a failed candidate again crazily, making the It's revenge program succeed perfectly.” “再晚 1 点,你们即将被一位落选者疯狂打脸,让祂的复仇戏码完美成功。” Tang Qi puts out the last character, then by initial prophet divine object of casting, that almost can satisfy any wish infinite secret He, opens in this second thoroughly. 唐奇吐出最后一个字,那由“最初先知”铸造的神物,那几乎可以满足任何愿望的无限秘盒,在这一秒彻底打开。
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