LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1156: Furnace large explosion

From Furnace shouting makes Tang Qi almost cry, is moved most probably, one less than half is anxious. 来自“熔炉”的嘶吼让唐奇差点落泪,大半是感动,还有一小半是急的。 Supreme wisdom edition Tang Qi, has inferred not to pity Sage and behind It these crazy Wise One all plots. 至高智慧版本唐奇,已经推导出了无悯贤者和祂背后那些疯狂智者所有的阴谋。 They want a volume of neatness to dark night and Furnace descends and „the Eternity engine these three essential factors, later lets Boundless Occult be at a special state, facilitates the second boundless Devour fusion duplication condition. 祂们想要集齐“至暗之夜”、“熔炉降临”、“永恒引擎”这三种要素,之后让无垠神秘处于一种特殊状态,方便第二无垠吞噬融合的“覆写态”。 This moment Tang Qi has to acknowledge, still had not met not pities Sage to have unthinkable wisdom, Lady Destiny in comparison, is only a hot tempered little girl. 此刻唐奇不得不承认,仍旧还未见面的无悯贤者拥有匪夷所思的智慧,命运女士与之相比,只是个暴躁的小女孩罢了。 Quickly, prevents them, do not let Furnace fall from the sky.” “快,阻止祂们,别让熔炉陨落。” Tang Qi is also whooshing in the Soul level, and ceded the control wearing Supreme wisdom oneself. 唐奇也是在灵魂层面嘶吼着,并让出控制权给佩戴了至高智慧自己 Although It has not said explicitly, but Tang Qi in this moment, is seeing that spout inexhaustible brilliance slit this moment, has understood clearly the idea of Furnace. 尽管“祂”还未明确说出,但唐奇在这一刻,在看到那喷涌无穷尽光焰缝隙的这一刻,已经洞悉熔炉的想法。 Does not need to guess, appears automatically Furnace this time condition. 不用猜测,自动浮现熔炉此时的状态。 Divinity Entity: Furnace Dominion, has been separated from Dominion Grade thoroughly ‚’ position standard Ancient God, is close to Supreme Divinity infinitely, but his front way presents the displacement, It as if did not plan that chooses to continue to rise, that in fact needs It to be separated from Boundless Occult, It chooses to stay behind, the way is partial in gradually brightly, is most fearful...... ruin?” 神性实体:熔炉主宰,已彻底脱离‘主宰级位格古神,无限接近至高神性,但祂前方路径出现偏移,祂似乎并不打算选择继续扬升,那实际上需要祂脱离无垠神秘,祂选择留下,路径渐渐偏向于最灿烂,也是最可怕的……毁灭?” „When Sun will extinguish, brightest.” 太阳将熄灭时,最为灿烂。” Second, is put out by Supreme wisdom version Tang Qi. 第二句,由至高智慧唐奇吐出。 It wants to make anything, making Furnace leave, do not sacrifice oneself. 祂想要做些什么,让熔炉离开,不要牺牲自己 But before Tang Qi begins, unexpected accident happened. 但就在唐奇动手之前,意想不到的变故发生。 Dream Country that Tang Qi as well as It wields, his great Body of Dreams, completely by line cutting and packages of nihilities. 唐奇以及祂所执掌的梦幻国度,祂那伟岸的梦幻之躯,全部被一道道虚无的线条切割、包裹。 These lines have no color, does not have any entity, is not considered as that some concept, is not Authority, as well as not existence. 这些线条没有任何颜色,也没有任何实体,也不算是某种概念,不是权柄,以及并不存在 They outlined, formed the special labyrinth, covered Tang Qi of Supreme wisdom edition directly. 它们勾勒起来,形成特殊的迷宫,将至高智慧版本的唐奇直接笼罩了进去。 Eye of Origin, analyzes the recognition instantly. 起源之眼,即刻解析识别。 But what makes Tang Qi panic-stricken is, It failed. 但让唐奇惊骇的是,祂失败了。 Must know that Eye of Origin has evolved completely the maximum level, and is thorough with Tang Qi Soul, irreversible fusion. 要知道起源之眼已经完全进化到了最高层次,且与唐奇灵魂彻底的,不可逆转融合。 This eye besides origin mighty force that” that Supreme god king has not had, in thoroughly understanding myriad things concept, already steamroll 41 position Origin God Race. 这颗眼睛除了没有那至高神王所拥有的“起源伟力”外,在通晓万物这个概念上,已经碾压了四十一起源神族 But now, Tang Qi is actually not able to learn about at present the labyrinth origin that It surrounds, Tang Qi can only detect this passively labyrinth function. 可现在,唐奇却无法知悉眼前将祂困住的迷宫来历,唐奇只能被动察觉出这“迷宫”的作用。 With that terrifying disaster not existence somewhat similar, Tang Qi is unable again perception to oneself existence. 与那恐怖灾难“不存在”有些类似,唐奇无法再感知自己存在了。 He, as well as was the relevant information, erased? 祂本身,以及相关信息,都被抹除? His was stolen temporarily, and loses in this labyrinth, It is unable again to the transmission, even if any information. 祂被暂时窃取出来,并丢在这迷宫内,祂无法再向外界传递哪怕任何一点信息。 Present Tang Qi, loses the freedom thoroughly. 现在的唐奇,彻底失去自由。 Not pities Sage!” “无悯贤者!” Tang Qi looks to the nihility place, tranquil say/way. 唐奇看向虚无处,平静道。 Fell into the hopeless situation, Supreme wisdom was still revolving, at once not solution, but can make It consistently maintain the absolute rationality to be calm. 陷入绝境,至高智慧仍在运转,一时之间并无解决方案,只是能让祂始终保持绝对的理性冷静。 Tang Qi puts out these four word-time to be very assured, as if knows that certainly will have the response. 唐奇吐出这四字时很笃定,仿佛知道一定会有回应。 But the next quarter, the response also indeed appears. 而下一刻,回应也的确出现。 As before is that line, outlined a face slowly. 依旧是那“线条”,缓缓勾勒出一张脸。 It is difficult to describe that what kind of face this is, is unable to learn about any information through it, the race, sex, age and strength...... all, is the nihility. 很难形容这是一张怎样的脸,无法通过它知悉任何信息,种族、性别、年龄、力量……一切的一切,都是虚无的。 That merely is a face, one type is used with the medium that Tang Qi exchanges. 那仅仅是一张脸,一种用来与唐奇交流的媒介。 Its mouth stretch/open He, is putting out that as if similarly not existence sound. 它的嘴张合着,吐出那仿佛同样不存在的声音。 Very happily finally with you face-to-face, by...... last Sage that the Sage group selected.” “很高兴终于与你面对面了,被贤者团选中的……最后一位贤者。” I, not pity.” “我,是无悯。” Perhaps you already, since Ms. resentful soul There knew some my information, for example my race and appearance and so on, but these information are expired, to adapt to special circumstances, I made the transformation to oneself, you can think present my not existence.” “或许你已经从【怨魂女士】那里知晓了一些我的信息,比如我的种族和面目之类,但那些信息都已经过期,为了适应特殊的环境,我对自己进行了改造,你可以认为现在的我是不存在的。” When not existence, you can do anything unscrupulously, does not need to be worried that was discovered.” “只有‘不存在’时,你才可以肆无忌惮的做任何事,不必担心被发现。” ...... …… When face of speech nihility, Tang Qi has not paid attention, has not responded, but the unceasing attempt breaks through that labyrinth. 虚无之脸说话时,唐奇没有理会,也没有回应,只是不断的尝试突破那迷宫。 Suddenly, trillion attempts then pass. 眨眼间,亿万次的尝试便过去。 But does not have a success, It's existence is stolen, was accepted. 但无一次成功,祂的存在被窃取,被收容。 Eye of Origin, Dream Authority and Supreme wisdom...... these high-grade powers, are unable to break through surround It's this strange labyrinth. 起源之眼梦幻权柄至高智慧……这些高等级权能,都无法突破困住祂的这诡异迷宫。 Not pities Sage deliberately is not desolate and angry because of Tang Qi's, his nihility empty eye pupil, has with Tang Qi exactly the same thing. 无悯贤者并没有因唐奇的刻意冷落而恼怒,祂那虚无空洞的眼眸,有着与唐奇一模一样的东西。 Absolutely rational! 绝对理性! It seems Supreme wisdom it, as if any accident is unable to make It rude. 祂仿佛才是“至高智慧”本身,仿佛任何变故都无法让祂失态。 At this moment It seems like intentionally is Tang Qi solution Miban, selfish explained to the detail that Tang Qi was unable to understand. 此刻祂像是故意为唐奇解谜般,自顾自的对一些唐奇还无法理解的细节进行了解释。 Mouth of nihility gathers, the sound enters in the Tang Qi ear lossless. 虚无的嘴一张一合,声音无损进入唐奇耳中。 You do not need to waste oneself Divine Power again, since you wore that intelligent head, you should know that you are unable to break through this labyrinth.” “你不必再浪费自己神力,既然你佩戴了那颗聪明脑袋,那你应该知道的,你无法突破这个迷宫。” I want to use 【The cicada wing of day Accepts you, but that is unable to block your Eye of Origin, therefore I chose Ultra string labyrinth.” “我原本想用【天之蝉翼】收容你,但那无法封锁你的起源之眼,所以我选择了【超弦迷宫】。” It essentially is not existence, the small box that but extends infinitely, it steals you as well as with your related information, the surface retains in the original world, but in fact it situated in Boundless Occult on...... sounds somewhat circles, so long as you know, you are unable to break through depart, is unable to make that somewhat hot tempered, some cute Furnace departs.” “它本质上是一个不存在的,可无穷伸展的小盒子,它窃取你以及与你相关的信息,表面保留在原世界,但实际上它处于无垠神秘的更上一层……听起来有些绕,你只要知道,你无法突破离去,也无法让那个有些暴躁,也有些可爱的‘熔炉’离去。” I with other Wise One, observed two world also to have you in the upper layer for a long time too is too long, we arranged all, you are unable to change.” “我和一些其他的智者,在更上层观察了两个世界还有你太久太久,我们安排好了一切,你无法更改的。” As Wise One, should know when stops the useless attempt.” “作为智者,应该知道在何时停止无用的尝试。” These words fall, Tang Qi is very accidental/surprised, really stopped the attempt. 这些话落下,唐奇很意外的,果然停下了尝试。 His that is maintaining absolutely the rational eye pupil also finally in this moment, looked that to not pities the face of Sage. 祂那保持着绝对理性的眼眸也终于在这一刻,看向无悯贤者的脸。 In the tranquil sound suddenly was curious, doubts direct asking: 原本平静的声音中忽然充满好奇心,疑惑又直接的问道: Not pities, what you want me to make, I in your plan, what role but also played?” “无悯,你想要我做些什么,我在你的计划里,还担任了什么角色?” Also has these crazy Wise One wisdom that you gather by you, suddenly comes before me, possibly is not asks me to show off, that was too stupid.” “以你还有你招揽的那些疯狂智者智慧,忽然在我面前现身,不可能是找我炫耀的,那太愚蠢了。” „The unspoken rule of narrative level you are very clear, the villain always dies of the words are many.” “叙事层面的潜规则你很清楚,反派总是死于话多。” Therefore, what you have open intrigue is right, you come, some secrets must tell me, making me know the secret, can help you complete the final plan?” “所以,你有什么阳谋对么,你现身出来,是有一些秘密要告诉我,让我知道秘密,可以帮助你完成最后的计划?” Tang Qi just said that on the face of that originally nihility, very clear appears the color of acclaiming. 唐奇刚说完,那原本虚无的脸上,很清晰的浮现出赞叹之色。 More lines appear, and outlined a pair of palm started pā pā pā applause, simultaneously not pitied Sage saying: 更多线条浮现,并勾勒出一双手掌开始“啪啪啪”的鼓掌,同时无悯贤者称赞道: Really, you can be last Sage.” “果然,你会是最后一位贤者。” Some of my truly some secret must tell you, likes making something to test other Wise One old person with that to be different intentionally, I like all putting in public, the true wisdom showdown, cannot always use the difference of information to come deceit.” “我确实有一些‘秘密’要告诉你,和那个喜欢故意弄一些东西来考验其他智者老人不同,我喜欢一切都摆在明处,真正的智慧对决,不能总是使用信息差来欺骗。” I observe all events that you have experienced in the high place, has saying that you too relied on that eye.” “我在更高处观察过你所经历的所有事件,不得不说,你太依赖于那颗眼睛了。” You can guarantee, that eye gives your information one time every is correct?” “你能保证,那眼睛给予你的信息每一次都是正确的么?” Then, that face smiles, does not wait for the Tang Qi reply, the corners of the mouth to turn upwards the curve, in the spatial small hole pupil appears the obvious favorite flavor, not pities Sage to coordinate Tang Qi, by user-friendlier stance exchange. 说完,那面孔笑了笑,不等唐奇回复,嘴角翘起弧度,空洞眼眸内浮现出明显的得意韵味,无悯贤者正在配合唐奇,以更人性化的姿态交流。 But his type not pities, the unsympathizing sound, actually throughout has not changed. 但祂那种毫无怜悯,毫无同情心的声音,却是始终没变。 Secret informs first postpones, I think at this moment what you most care is that Furnace, said that in Boundless Occult numerous Dominion, I most like is also It.” “秘密告知先延后一些,我想你此刻最关心的是那‘熔炉’吧,说起来无垠神秘的一众主宰中,我最喜欢的也是祂。” „When most existence make some important decisions will hesitate, will have many ideas, but this fellow, It is very direct, does not know that anything is called the regret, this is also It has almost no friend, and unceasingly feeble reason.” “大多数存在做出一些重要抉择时都会犹豫,会有很多想法,但这个家伙,祂很直接,也不知道什么叫做后悔,这也是祂几乎没有任何朋友,并不断衰弱的原因。” Naturally, you obviously not the choice that likes It making at this moment, the following picture is somewhat sad, Hope you were ready.” “当然,你显然不会喜欢祂此刻做出的选择,接下来的画面有些悲伤,希望你做好了准备。” These words made Tang Qi feel is not wonderful, when the mind thundered. 这几句话让唐奇感受到了不妙,脑海轰鸣时。 Actually saw not pities Sage still to smile, but palm inexplicable point that strange string outlined in nihility place. 却见无悯贤者仍在笑着,而那诡异“弦”勾勒出的手掌则莫名点在虚无处。 Immediately, ripples ripple, as if opened the unidirectional gate. 立刻的,一阵涟漪荡漾,仿佛开启了单向门。 The shock information, such as the mighty current floods into. 外界的震撼信息,如洪流涌入。 Has fallen into completely to dark night Boundless Occult, in jet black deep space, together spout brilliance Giant that and the slit of expanded and spread, is closing one's eyes with one unceasingly slowly, the two are happening extremely dangerously quarrel, and had reached the final irreversible stage. 已经完全陷入“至暗之夜”的无垠神秘,漆黑深空中,一道喷涌光焰且不断扩大、蔓延的缝隙,与一尊正在缓缓闭眼的巨人,二者正在发生极其危险的“争吵”,且已经到了最后的不可逆转阶段。 In slit of fantastic expansion, shouting of Furnace unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 正在疯狂扩张的缝隙内,熔炉的嘶吼毫不客气。 Is you are bullying the friend of mine, I remember you, these ice-cold viscous shit master.” “是你在欺负我的朋友是么,我记得你,那些冰冷粘稠粪便主人。” Starts to lie down the giant in latrine pit from Origin Period, your entire ethnic group unusual nausea, the Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe gods of these maggots still know that even is oneself builds a clean neat god nest.” “从起源纪开始就躺在粪坑里的大个子,你们整个族群都非常的恶心,就算是万灵之污宇宙中的那些蛆虫之神也知道为自己打造一个干净整洁的神巢。” Only then you, lie down in shit forever, ate while draws...... you is too disgusting, I smelled your flavor, can spit including the 100 million years ago food.” “只有你们,永远躺在粪便之中,一边吃一边拉……你们太恶心了,我嗅到你的味道,连一亿年前的食物都能吐出来。” Shut up, stupid Furnace......!” “闭嘴,愚蠢的熔炉……!” Origin God king who has soon closed one's eyes completely, is impossible to accept the insult of Lord of the Furnace. 已经快要完全闭眼的起源神王,自是不可能接受熔炉之主的侮辱。 It is Supreme Divinity, dominates the god king above Boundless Occult any Life body. 祂可是至高神性,凌驾于无垠神秘任何生命体之上的神王。 His Wrath is moved, endless Black Mud wells up, easy duplicate goes to the many gods seal and reinforces, that slit starts shrinking immediately, even closes. 愤怒动念,无尽黑泥涌上,轻而易举覆去众神封印并加固,那缝隙立刻开始缩小,甚至于弥合。 Mighty force miracle, only in instant of Supreme god king. 伟力奇迹,只在至高神王的一念之间。 Lord of the Furnace must by the seal, It not look at the Origin God king shortly again, but shifts to Tang Qi to be. 眼看着“熔炉之主”要再度被封印,祂根本不去看起源神王,而是转向唐奇所在。 Climax came, your appearance must be pitiful enough.” “重头戏来了,你的样子必须足够凄惨。” What fortunately is, I am skilled in many techniques, putting on make-up is the first person of two world.” “凑巧的是,我精通很多技艺,化妆更是两个世界的第一人。” Not pities the Sage joke, not only cannot make Tang Qi laugh, instead makes his Mind shock, in the surface full is the dignified color. 无悯贤者的俏皮话非但没能让唐奇发笑,反而让祂心灵震撼,面上满是凝重之色。 Because is unidirectional gate, Tang Qi cannot give any information. 因为是“单向门”,唐奇不能传递出任何信息。 It can only look, in the nihility as if there is invisible palm, starts to use various types tool, suddenly then made Tang Qi have essential transformation. 祂只能看着,虚无中仿佛有无形手掌,开始使用各种“工具”,眨眼间便让唐奇发生了本质变化 In the Furnace Dominion eye pupil , is that It sees a pitiful corpse that lies down in the Black Mud sea surface. 熔炉主宰眼眸内,祂所看见的,是一具躺在黑泥大海表面的凄惨尸体。 Information that corpse reveals: 那尸体显露出的信息: God Country was shattered, the letter/believes people collapse, all subordinate god and family clan collective have fallen from the sky and been separated from the body of Dominion Grade to be actually scarred, even Soul was also dismembered shatter, changes to the most Primitive dark granule to surround sky over the corpse...... 神国破碎、信民崩溃、所有属神与眷族集体陨落、已经脱离主宰级的躯体却伤痕累累,连灵魂也都被肢解破碎,化作最原始的幽暗粒子在尸体上空环绕…… Un, should be pitiful enough.” “嗯,应该足够凄惨了。” „The matter that then can have, did not need me to make any prediction again.” “接下来会发生的事,不用我再进行任何预测了。” If at this moment, Tang Qi has not worn Supreme wisdom The words, It is very difficult to imagine the fluctuation of oneself Mind deep place. 此时此刻,如果唐奇没有佩戴【至高智慧】的话,祂很难想象自己心灵深处的波动。 Especially when It's new image is coercing the terrifying impact feeling, maps in the Furnace eye directly, and after this flash accomplishes the decision of Furnace, Tang Qi has the crazy release strength, reckless must prevent that the impulsion of accident. 尤其当祂的“新形象”裹挟着恐怖冲击感,直接映入熔炉眼中,并在这一刹那造就熔炉的决定之后,唐奇有种疯狂释放力量,不顾一切也要阻挡那变故发生的冲动。 However, late. 然而,迟了。 The unidirectional gate prevented Tang Qi, but It's new image urges Furnace to make with the correct opposite resolution. 单向门阻止了唐奇,而祂的“新形象”则促使熔炉做出与正确相反的决断。 Furnace is crude and hot tempered, has to Heretical God from the dislike of Soul instinct, but It is actually not stupid, It has not risen to Supreme Divinity very much clearly truly oneself, what kind of way must with harm the Origin God king. 熔炉粗暴且暴躁,对邪神有着源自灵魂本能的厌恶,但祂其实并不愚蠢,祂很清楚还未真正扬升到“至高神性”的自己,要用怎样的方式伤害起源神王。 But the next quarter, It also did that. 而下一刻,祂也那样做了。 hōng lóng...... hōng lóng lóng 轰隆……轰隆隆 That spout the slit of inexhaustible brilliance, thunders thoroughly. 那喷涌无穷尽光焰的缝隙,彻底轰鸣起来。 Furnace Dominion, is falling into the violent anger. 熔炉主宰,正陷入暴怒。 That ruin all brilliance as if form a pair of giant palm, rips open the slit forcefully, embezzles the brilliance huge mouth of the world, arrives at the top of the head of Origin God king directly, along the way all Black Mud of dashing, whether or not Origin God Race melted to be fired the black soot dust. 毁灭一切的光焰似乎形成一双巨大手掌,硬生生撕开缝隙,吞没世界的光焰巨口,直接来到起源神王的头顶,沿途冲撞的所有黑泥,不管是否起源神族所化都被灼烧成了黑色煤灰般的尘埃。 His final shouting, is vulgar, exceptionally satisfies a craving. 祂最后的嘶吼,既粗俗,也异常过瘾。 Eats the excrement Giant, since the dreams of your disgusting ethnic group are to let these jet black shit flood the world, I make you feel, from the world 's malice.” “吃屎的巨人,既然你们这个恶心族群的梦想是让这些漆黑粪便充斥世界,那我就让你们感受一下,来自世界本身的恶意。” Knows that what is called explodes excrement?” “知道什么叫做‘炸屎’么?” Immediately, you will know.” “马上,你就会知道了。” hōng lóng 轰隆 Furnace Dominion simply not to time that Origin God king responded, when It tore the slit recklessly, from Furnace Universe thorough descends Boundless Occult. 熔炉主宰根本没有给起源神王反应的时间,当祂不顾一切撕裂缝隙,从熔炉宇宙彻底降临无垠神秘时。 The unprecedented large explosion, came. 前所未有的大爆炸,来了。
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