LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1155: Who dares to bully the friend of mine

Bang “轰” Silent transformation, actually by all living things myriad things perception, included various God. 无声的变化,却被众生万物所感知,也包括了诸神。 They felt, invisible shackles above self- Life, was disintegrated in this moment. 祂们都感觉到了,在自我生命之上的一层无形枷锁,在这一刻被瓦解。 That shackles obviously are possession, means that promulgates God's Decree from Tang Qi at that moment starting from, they no longer are the possessions of Origin God Race power. 那枷锁显然是“所有物”,意味着从唐奇颁布神谕那一刻开始,它们不再是起源神族权能的所有物。 But this did not finish, the scenes of many shock, were still happening: 而这也不是结束,更多震撼的景象,仍在发生: Boundless Occult, has the darkness, there is Radiance.” 无垠神秘,有黑暗,也有光明。” Every Supreme Divinity, can not stay boundlessly.” “凡至高神性,不得停留无垠。” You are not Eye of Origin The only owner, I am also.” “你们并不是【起源之眼】唯一拥有者,我也是。” ...... …… Let the many gods panic-stricken picture, are happening. 众神惊骇的画面,一幕幕真实发生着。 Tang Qi obviously is also not Supreme Divinity, each God's Decree that but It puts out at this moment, became effective. 唐奇明明还不是“至高神性”,但祂此刻所吐出的每一道神谕,都生效了。 This was too inconceivable, must know true Supreme Divinity, is unable to achieve even. 这太不可思议了,须知就算是真正的至高神性,也无法做到。 When one crowd of Origin God Race gather, forever daytime the insane king, the initial prophet and Supreme deer God, Infancy Creator...... these Supreme individuals, in fact will not be the opponents. 当一群起源神族聚集在一起时,永昼疯王、最初先知、至高鹿神、幼年造物主……这些至高个体,实际上都不是对手。 They are considered as uncouthly Giant, this title has the reason. 祂们被认为是粗鲁的巨人,这种称号是有着缘由的。 But, Tang Qi achieved. 但,唐奇做到了。 At this moment It, is close to Supreme Divinity infinitely. 此刻的“祂”,无限接近于至高神性 Dream Authority was still playing the tremendous role, is Tang Qi takes Reality Distortion foundation. 梦幻权柄仍然发挥着巨大作用,是唐奇作为现实扭曲者的“基础”。 But at this moment, It is discharging and power that 41 position Origin God Race limits, is ancient and old, and powerful cogent rule, ultimate Order and world causes and effects wait/etc. 但此时此刻,祂正在施放出来并将四十一起源神族限制住的权能,是更加古老且强大的绝对规则、终极秩序、世界因果等等。 These obscure concept powers, originating in that perhaps are Boundless Occult most ancient and old divine object Supreme wisdom. 这些晦涩的概念权能,来源于那或许是无垠神秘古老神物的【至高智慧】。 Once gyrated five corner/horn are wearing, can easily realize strongest divine object of many great miracles. 曾被旋动的“五角”佩戴着,可以轻易实现诸多伟大奇迹的最强神物 In these miracles, included defeated Origin God Race? 那些奇迹中,也包括了击败起源神族 Un?” “嗯?” The issue has not thought to have the answer, as if forever can maintain rational Tang Qi, at this time suddenly looked to will soon be pursued that 41 position Giant that leaves. 问题还未思索出答案,仿佛永远可以保持理性的唐奇,此时忽然看向即将被驱逐离开的那四十一巨人 Is of head, in the Ancient and Old Observer mouth rules boundlessly, the Supreme god king of group star. 为首的那位,古老观察者口中统治无垠、群星的至高神王。 Very accidental/surprised, some time ago seemed like a hot tempered testy Giant Supreme god, at this time actually unexpected tranquility. 很意外的,不久前还像是一位暴躁易怒巨人般的至高神,此时却意外的平静。 Tang Qi has not seen tiny bit Wrath in the It's eye pupil, before seemed the misconception. 唐奇祂的眼眸中没有看到一丝一毫的愤怒,之前似乎都是错觉。 Moreover what is opposite, in the It's eye pupil, has the happy expression besides the tranquility, as well as taunt. 而且相反的是,祂的眼眸中,除了平静外还有笑意,以及嘲讽。 Whatever It as before the tentacle binds to curl oneself, even accepts the Tang Qi inversion causes and effects silently, to prove that oneself obtains Eye of Origin to conform to the world rule. 祂依旧任由触手裹卷着自己,甚至默默接受唐奇颠倒因果,以证明自己获得“起源之眼”是符合世界规则的。 It opens the mouth slowly, the vast sound even has a disappointment: 祂缓缓开口,浩瀚的声音甚至有着一丝失望: „Was this all means that you can discharge?” “这就是你能施放的一切手段了么?” Why my child will choose your not wisdom mousie, why does that deceitful old man choose you?” “我的孩子为什么会选择你这并不智慧的小老鼠,那个狡诈的老头又为什么选择你?” Eye of Origin ownership that you take advantage in me, why Supreme wisdom part of power sources are also I...... you believe, these two strengths can beat me?” “你所依仗的起源之眼归属于我,至高智慧的一部分权能源头也是我……你为什么认为,这两种力量可以击败我?” I, am the lord of boundless origin.” “我,即是无垠起源之主。” I said that this night...... to dark.” “我说,此夜……至暗。” Bang “轰” The voice falls, forever rational Tang Qi feels all God's Decree that oneself issues to announce the expiration immediately. 话音落下,永远理性的唐奇立刻感受到自己所下达的所有神谕宣告失效。 By the crude master thought that was erased together forcefully. 被一道粗暴的主人意念,强行抹除。 Source Dominion of this thought expressed was disappointed regarding Tang Qi's, It has not as if coordinated Tang Qi again playing idea. 这意念的源头主宰表达了对于唐奇的失望,祂似乎没有再配合唐奇“玩耍”的想法了。 Next quarter descends, impressively is true to dark night. 下一刻降临的,赫然是真正的“至暗之夜”。 That „the god of Supreme back 40 position Giant, they also explode in this moment. 那“至高之神”背后的四十巨人,祂们在这一刻同时爆裂。 But, is not Death. 但,并不是死亡 After they explode the body, changes to Black Mud completely, true can Devour all brilliance, Origin Black Mud of myriad things all living things. 祂们爆炸之后的躯体,全部化作“黑泥”,真正的可以吞噬一切光辉,万物众生的起源黑泥 These jet black and viscous half liquids are no longer boisterous, they start to inflate infinitely, like Boundless Occult that” inflated infinitely it. 这些漆黑、粘稠的半液体不再聒噪,祂们开始无限膨胀,如同本就无限膨胀的“无垠神秘”本身。 time does not have the significance, after Tang Qi and all living things myriad things realized Giant explode, Boundless Occult was then flooded by Black Mud completely. 时间毫无意义,当唐奇和众生万物意识到巨人们爆裂之后,无垠神秘便完全被黑泥充斥。 No longer covers, but floods. 不再是覆盖,而是充斥。 Included all Space and time, or other concepts. 包括了所有的空间时间,亦或是其他的概念。 All Life bodies, was filled by Black Mud. 所有生命体本身,也同时被黑泥填充。 Before all living things lose all, they see perception, is that by Ancient and Old Observer calls it Supreme god king Giant. 在众生失去一切之前,它们所看到所感知到的,是那位被古老观察者称之为“至高神王”的巨人 It's that thoroughly understands the myriad things Eye of Origin, at this moment is closing slowly. 祂的那颗,通晓万物的起源之眼,此刻正在缓缓闭上。 As It's closing one's eyes, lets Boundless Occult as well as all life dread disasters starts to ferment. 随着祂的“闭眼”,让无垠神秘以及所有生灵都恐惧不已的灾难开始酝酿。 World at this moment, the only visible thing, only has wore Supreme wisdom Tang Qi. 此刻的世界,唯一可视物的,只剩下佩戴了“至高智慧”的唐奇 But It's Eye of Origin , is not only weak in the eyes of Origin God king. 祂的起源之眼,也是唯一不弱于起源神王的一颗眼睛。 Because of this, Tang Qi can understand clearly forthcoming, is what kind terrifying Apocalypse disaster. 正因为如此,唐奇才能洞悉即将爆发的,是一种何等恐怖末日灾难。 Extremely Dark Universe!” 至暗宇宙!” Exceeds the Boundless Occult phenomenonto initiate byIt, It will draw in the long night Boundless Occult by the Supreme mighty force.” “超越无垠神秘的现象将由‘祂’引发,祂将以至高伟力将无垠神秘拖入永夜。” Boundless and boundless all living things eliminated, not only freedom, perception or Life, eliminated...... is all.” “无垠及无垠中的众生将被剥夺的并不只是自由、感知或是生命,将被剥夺的……是一切。” This is continues unknown time long night, Eternity ice-cold with deathly stillness, all will be submerged...... this night by the jet black mud, and this world, abatement Black Mud, will not have the otherness again.” “这将是持续未知时间的的永夜,永恒的冰冷与死寂,一切都将被漆黑的泥浆淹没……此夜,及此世界,除却黑泥,将再无他物。” black Info Fragment, occupies the Tang Qi mind. 黑色信息碎片,占据唐奇脑海。 It realized that is having anything, is using closing one's eyes to trigger the long night the god of Supreme, the It's goal is to assimilate Tang Qi incessantly, thus brings back that losing outside by Eye of Origin that Tang Qi obtains. 祂意识到正在发生什么,正在用“闭眼”来引发永夜的至高之神,祂的目标不止是同化唐奇,从而取回那遗失在外被唐奇获得的起源之眼 His real goal, is Boundless Occult. 祂真正的目标,是无垠神秘 It has not concealed, the way of Origin God Race solution dying out day, then let long night descends, letting Boundless Occult became Extremely Dark Universe. 祂也未曾掩饰过,起源神族解决寂灭日的方式,便让永夜降临,让无垠神秘成为至暗宇宙 Tang Qi, before the meal that but must gobble up together dessert. 唐奇,只是一道必须要吞吃的餐前甜点罢了。 At this moment, with Black Mud unceasing floods, packing It's country, permeates the It's blood, soaks the It's marrow, when is as for toward his Soul deep place attack...... Tang Qi as if returned to human once again, there are to very sensitive feeling. 此时此刻,随着黑泥不断的充斥过来,填充祂的国度,渗入祂的血液,浸透祂的骨髓,乃至于往他灵魂深处侵袭……唐奇仿佛又一次回到了“人类”时,有了对外界很敏感的感受。 His perception, is cold, is the deathly stillness. 感知到的,是寒冷,是死寂。 The world seemed frozen, but also has no sound, the wind sound/rumor and sound of water even are the It's breathing, all vanished. 世界仿佛被冰冻,但又无任何声音,风声、水声甚至是祂的呼吸声,一切都消失了。 Similarly vanishes, Tang Qi has Dream Authority. 同样消失的,还有唐奇拥有的“梦幻权柄 Fantasy, is needing the support. 幻想,也需要着支撑。 When It falls into a deathly stillness ice-cold, when was eliminated in all world, Fantasy also no longer existence. 当祂陷入一个死寂冰冷,被剥夺一切的世界中时,幻想也将不复存在 The god of Supreme knows Tang Qi this time condition, by has not paid attention to It, but continues to close one's eyes. 至高之神知晓唐奇此时的状态,是以并未理会祂,只是继续闭眼。 Beside Boundless Occult, transmitted some sounds. 无垠神秘之外,传来了一些动静。 These, are other Supreme Divinity. 那些,是其他的“至高神性”。 Detected that long night descends, they try to make anything. 察觉到永夜降临,祂们试图做些什么。 But the Origin God king has started to close one's eyes, Boundless Occult enters the closed state, aren't all as if able to be prevented? 起源神王已经开始闭眼,无垠神秘进入封闭状态,一切似乎无法被阻止? ...... …… The long night world, bit by bit is falling into Black Mud, will soon be assimilated Devour Dream Dominion. 永夜世界,正一点一点陷入黑泥,即将被同化吞噬梦幻主宰 Suddenly, the It's head opened the mouth. 忽然,祂的头颅开口了。 As if to whom was not saying that but with oneself, another oneself dialogue. 似乎并不是对着谁说的,而是在与自己,另一个“自己”对话。 However this strange dialogue happened in the Soul level actually, the Soul world that Black Mud has not permeated. 不过这诡异的对话实际发生在灵魂层面,黑泥还未渗入的灵魂世界。 „Can't you find out the solution? World Apocalypse, you are under the Supreme wisdom condition I.” “你想不出解决方案么?世界末日了,你可是至高智慧状态下的‘我’。” Dying out day has not arrived, naturally also is not Apocalypse, Origin God Race falls into a trap.” “寂灭日还未到来,自然也就还不是末日,起源神族落入了陷阱。” Trap?” “陷阱?” Yes, trap.” “是的,陷阱。” Supreme wisdom edition Tang Qi, very assured returning covered passageway. 至高智慧版本唐奇,很笃定的回复道。 Does not need to show off the suspense, really my edition Tang Qi also clearly became aware in this moment. 不需要卖弄悬念,真我版本唐奇也在这一刻明悟了过来。 Not pities Sage, trap that It sets.” “无悯贤者,祂设置的陷阱。” Was broken by Origin God Race, forgot that which the true intriguer was.” “被起源神族打断,忘记真正的阴谋家是哪些了。” Obviously not pities Sage and behind It these crazy Wise One, goal, not only need erase me, even Origin God Race is also their goals.” “显然无悯贤者和祂背后那些疯狂的智者们,目标并不只是要抹除我,连起源神族也是祂们的目标。” Tang Qi said that Supreme wisdom edition It continues to analyze thoroughly. 唐奇说完,至高智慧版本的“祂”继续深入解析。 Unlike really my Tang Qi, fills the rational and wisdom sound completely: 与真我唐奇完全不同,充满理性与智慧的声音: I and Origin God Race are only they plan as before one point, un, a quite essential point.” “我与起源神族依旧只是祂们计划中的一环,嗯,比较关键的一环。” „The Origin God king is unable to complete the long night, It will be defeated surely, although not pities Sage needs to eliminate Boundless Occult and second boundless the big error to urge two world to fuse, but also is only the eliminate error, rather than makes boundless since the long night, that does not favor second boundless coverage.” 起源神王无法完成永夜,祂必定会失败,虽然无悯贤者需要消除‘无垠神秘’与‘第二无垠’的大误差才能促使两个世界融合,但也只是消除误差,而不是让无垠进入永夜,那不利于第二无垠的覆盖。” „The It's function, is to make Boundless Occultenter a special state surely ‚, the need long night as the prerequisite trigger condition.” 祂的作用,必定是让‘无垠神秘’进入一种特殊状态,需要永夜作为前置触发条件。” According to Eye of Origin The secret that understands clearly, this condition needs the volume to be uneven the essential factor.” “根据【起源之眼】所洞悉的秘密,这种状态需要集齐一些要素。” Long night is one type, this will cause to be frozen boundlessly, will not have any resistance.” “永夜是一种,这将使得无垠被冻结,将不会有任何反抗。” Sprouting Source of Eternity is also one type, that is the power, is the most important engine.” “正在萌发的‘永恒之源’也是一种,那是动力,是最重要的引擎。” That, can the third type be......?” “那么,第三种会是……?” Really my Tang Qi reads the Supreme wisdom edition with own eyes oneself, guessed directly not pities the last part of Sage plan. 真我唐奇亲眼看着至高智慧版本的自己,直接猜测到无悯贤者计划的最后一部分。 Moreover, still had not stood still. 而且,仍旧没有停歇。 „The third type, surely with me related.” “第三种,也必定与‘我’有关。” If is used to trigger the long night, does not need to skid Supreme Divinity to write off me one after another, only needs to awaken Origin God Race then.” “如果只是用来引发永夜的话,根本不需要接连撬动至高神性来抹杀我,只需要唤醒起源神族即可。” What essential factor is? Will appear because of my participation?” “是什么要素?会因为我的参与而出现?” No, needs me to participate incessantly, but must make me beset with a crisis Death, this will remise my related existence, particularly my good friends can try to save me.” “不,不止需要我参与,还必须让我陷入死亡危机,这将会让与我相关的存在,尤其是我的好友们会来试图拯救我。” But below Supreme Divinity, is unable to intervene this War.” “但至高神性以下,根本无法干预这场战争。” Sally, Steiner and Rose have participated completely, Raphael was sneak attacked to defeat, but who can also?” 莎莉斯坦娜萝丝全部已参与,拉斐尔被偷袭击败,还会有谁?” Occult Monarch...... will It hurry back from Boundless Occult?” 神秘君主……祂会从无垠神秘之外赶回来?” No, not, big octopuses even rose Supreme Divinity, can defeat Origin God Race, but It is unable to initiate to be able with the phenomenon that the long night compared, It not too possible was the three essential factors.” “不,不是的,大章鱼们即便扬升到了‘至高神性’,可以击败起源神族,但祂无法引发能与永夜相比的现象,祂不太可能是第三要素。” Long night...... ice-cold deathly stillness...... similar phenomenon......” “永夜……冰冷死寂……同样的现象……” hōng lóng!” 轰隆!” Towering this moment, the Tang Qi Soul deep place thunders. 突兀的这一刻,唐奇灵魂深处轰鸣起来。 oneself of two editions to the apparent same place, will realize anything shortly. 两个版本的自己对视在一起,顷刻间都意识到了什么。 Furnace!” 熔炉!” In this moment, when two Tang Qi ended the dialogue at the maximum speed, the Supreme wisdom edition Tang Qi Dominion body, tries to make anything again time. 就在这一刻,当两个唐奇以最快速度结束对话,至高智慧版本唐奇再度主宰躯体,试图做些什么的时候。 Bang! 轰! Already soon completely by the long night world that Black Mud covers, was torn swiftly. 已经快要完全被黑泥覆盖的永夜世界,倏然间被撕裂了。 A slit, was just torn together, then starts spout the slit of inexhaustible brilliance toward Extremely Dark Universe. 一道缝隙,一道刚被撕裂,便开始往至暗宇宙中喷涌无穷尽光焰的缝隙。 Inside, making Wrath that really Tang Qi of my edition almost must cry shout transmits. 内里,让真我版本的唐奇几乎要落泪的愤怒嘶吼传来。 Who is, who dares to bully the friend of mine?” “是谁,谁敢欺负我的朋友?”
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