LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1154: Boundless Occult does not have master

Last Sage?” “最后一位贤者?” hōng lóng 轰隆 Because of Ancient and Old Observer reminder, is 41 position Origin God Race leaves Tang Qi to be very near. 既是因为古老观察者的“提醒”,也是四十一起源神族唐奇很近。 Eye of Origin that they have starts to display the power, Black Mud is boisterous, is howling is raising when tsunami that covers the world, Tang Qi feels oneself by perspective. 祂们拥有的起源之眼开始发挥权能,黑泥聒噪着、呼啸着掀起一股股覆盖世界的海啸时,唐奇感觉自己正在被“透视”。 From the body to Soul, all secrets as if lost covering up, will soon be understood clearly by that 41 arrogant uncouthly Giant. 从躯体到灵魂,一切秘密似乎都失去了遮掩,即将被那四十一个傲慢粗鲁的巨人所洞悉。 Most makes Tang Qi feel what stabbing pain is that Giant of frontline, existence that It keeps aloof truly, It dominates in all, once took to Tang Qi huge troublesome Black Mud, rushes to be first only for can crawl in the It's under foot. 最让唐奇感觉刺痛的是最前方的那位巨人,祂是真正高高在上的存在,祂凌驾于一切,曾带给唐奇巨大麻烦的黑泥,争先恐后只为能在祂的脚下匍匐。 It does not need the concrete shape, when any Life body observes It, cognition by irreversible crude change. 祂不需要具体的形态,任何生命体观测到祂时,认知会被不可逆转的粗暴更改。 King in Origin God Race, dominant crowd of stars the god of Supreme, dominates dark surface Monarch above boundlessness, to master of dark world, myriad things all living things and boundless power origin...... we do not dread your Wrath, but respects your power, but you know that we also passed by.” 起源神族中的王者,统治群星的至高之神,凌驾于无垠之上的暗面君主,至暗世界的主人,万物众生与无垠本身的权能起源……我们并不畏惧您的愤怒,但尊重您的权能,但是您知道的,我们也只是路过而已。” According to the words that finally Sage secret sorts, your Wrath should not to would-be us.” “按照最后贤者身上的秘密来排序的话,您的愤怒也不应对准我们。” Restated, we passed by.” “再次声明,我们只是路过。” The founding parliamentary six people of groups from library, put out these in Ancient and Old Observer are to obviously shirk the responsibility, but also has some after the words that teased meaning, did not yearn for then departs. 来自图书馆的创始议会六人组,在古老观察者吐出这一番明显是推卸责任,还带着某种调侃意味的话之后,毫不留恋便离去了。 What is strange, they have not carried off Rose Madeleine. 奇怪的是,祂们并未将萝丝·玛德琳带走。 However at this time also no one cares about these, tears the great tree vanishes to the dark light, the Giant vision locks Tang Qi again. 不过此时也无人在意这些,撕裂至暗的光之巨树消失,巨人们的目光再度锁定唐奇 The next second, such as Ancient and Old Observer said, they understood clearly many secret aura, lets their Wrath, has doubts. 下一秒,如古老观察者所说,祂们洞悉了很多秘密气息,让祂们愤怒,又疑惑。 Finally is Sage...... that deceitful old person must steal Authority of great Great God clan?” “最后贤者……是那个狡诈的老人要窃取伟大神族的权柄?” No, the initial prophet, on you also has the flavor of that stupid deer...... also to have incessantly, is five corner/horn aura, did that funny clown also bet on you unexpectedly?” “不,不止最初先知,你身上还有那头蠢鹿的味道……还有,是五角的气息,那个滑稽的小丑竟然也在你身上下注了?” That lunatic also stared at you...... also to have that extremely arrogant child.” “那个疯子也盯上了你……还有那个狂妄的孩子。” I know why probably my stupid child must the eye to you, run in the mousie of this world secretly, the body is also carrying the rich cheese fragrance.” “我大概知道我那个愚蠢的孩子为什么要将眼睛给你了,一只偷偷跑进这世界的小老鼠,身上还携带着浓郁的奶酪香味。” When do not move heedlessly there, your eye and your Soul, will belong to great Origin God Race.” “待在那里不要乱动,你的眼睛和你的灵魂,都将属于伟大的起源神族。” Bang “轰” In the giant sound, only standstill one second of Giant moved forward again. 巨大动静中,只停滞了一秒的巨人们再度开始前行。 time-space does not have the significance to them, but light is actually not. 时空对于祂们来说毫无意义,但“光”却不是。 Almost in the light the great tree pulls out to that instantaneous, the brilliance replaces together, tears to again secretly. 几乎是在光之巨树抽离的那瞬间,一道光辉接替,再次撕裂至暗。 That initial weak, phosphorescent glow twinkle of Dream, originally by Black Mud complete coverage, therefore falls into the completely dark universe, seems like the illumination octopus Tentacle Monster struggles is being separated from ink Black Mud. 那初始微弱、梦幻的磷光闪烁,原本被黑泥完全覆盖,因此陷入完全黑暗的宇宙,一只像是发光章鱼般的“触手怪”挣扎着从墨汁般的黑泥下方脱离。 This is a signal, second and third and fourth...... trillion Dream Tentacle Monster work loose Black Mud. 这是一种信号,第二只、第三只、第四只……亿万只梦幻触手怪挣脱黑泥 In an instant, the eye pupil of Boundless Occult all living things myriad things was attracted by this only light source. 刹那间,无垠神秘众生万物的眼眸都被这唯一光源吸引去了。 Complete lossless Dream God Country, changes to the lighthouse again, for all degeneration, wrong path and experiencing suffering misery direction direction. 完整无损的“梦幻神国”,再度化作灯塔,为所有堕落者、迷途者和受尽苦难者指引方向。 In the lighthouse, Tang Qi that becomes the special sound to transmit. 灯塔内,唐奇那变得特殊的声音传来。 „The world, needs up.” “世界,需要光。” This is the admonition, commanded. 这是箴言,也是谕令。 God's Decree that may not revolt against truly, from Supreme Divinity entity. 真正不可反抗的神谕,来自一位至高神性实体 When It opens the mouth, the Dream phosphorescent glow starts to fall in torrents, Black Mud as then. 当祂开口时,梦幻磷光开始倾泻,一如当初的黑泥 Has Black Mud of 41 position Origin God Race power support, can draw to secretly Boundless Occult, although has all living things myriad things to revolt, various god Ten-thousand Spirits also try to constrain the Giant footsteps. 有着四十一起源神族权能支撑的黑泥,可以将无垠神秘拖入至暗,尽管其中有众生万物在反抗,诸神万灵也试图拖住巨人们的脚步。 But the Supreme mighty force is so arrogant crude, Origin God Race much worse. 至高伟力就是如此傲慢粗暴,起源神族尤甚。 Their powers are different from other Supreme Divinity, deer God is material level ruin and Creation, the starfish is the five corner/horn of gyrating, forever the daytime will be the opposite, will be crazy......, but Giant, they will be the origins, to a certain extent will be Boundless Occult most legitimate master. 祂们的权能与其他至高神性都不一样,鹿神是物质层面的毁灭创造,海星是旋动的五角,永昼是对立面,是疯狂……而巨人们,祂们是起源,某种程度上是无垠神秘最正统的主人 They regarding Boundless Occult, have a restricted right of disposal. 祂们对于无垠神秘,有着一种受限的处置权。 Origin God Race has wanted to break through this point, turns into Eternity the bright mysterious world secretly. 起源神族一直想要突破这一点,将灿烂神秘的世界变成永恒至暗。 To dark naturally did not have projection, the dying out day had certain probability to vanish. 至暗自然也就没了投影,寂灭日有一定几率将消失。 Except for them, does not have any Supreme Divinity approves of this plan, but now they bring once again was torn to the dark world brutally. 只是除了祂们,没有任何一位至高神性赞同这个计划,而现在祂们带来的“至暗世界”又一次被残酷撕裂。 The Dream phosphorescent glow was incapable of resisting Origin Black Mud in the power, but this time Tang Qi is different. 梦幻磷光原本在权能上无力对抗“起源黑泥”,但此时的唐奇并不一样。 When that Black Mud retreats, vast Dream country appears. 当那黑泥退去,浩瀚梦幻国度显现。 Then this has the endless node and universe of God fertile soil then seemed initial Deborah Town to be embraced by giant-scale Divinity Entity, does not have any God, any Life physical ability saw It complete picture. 而后这有着无尽节点、神灵沃土的宇宙便好似当初的“黛博拉镇”般被一位巨型神性实体怀抱着,没有任何一位神灵,任何一种生命体能看到“祂”的全貌。 All Life can only see cognition that” the heart was mounted, very gentle cognitive change, but is hard-and-fast. 所有生命只能看见内心深处被镶嵌过来的“认知”,很温柔的认知更改,但不可违逆。 What some people see is one is through a lot, but maintains the childlike innocence old man...... some are being holds the books, what Occult learned middle-aged Scholar...... some Life bodies see is the giant-scale lighthouse, brilliance what can prick Eternity lighthouse in the deepest darkness...... some Life bodies to see is Artisan...... or the boatman, as well as more...... 有人看见的是一位历经沧桑但保持着童心的老者……有的是一位捧着书本,神秘而博学的中年学者……有的生命体看见的是巨型灯塔,是可以将光辉刺入最深沉黑暗中的永恒灯塔……有的生命体看见的是一位工匠……或是船夫,以及更多更多……。 The tentacle and froth, disregarded all hindrance truly, floods entire Boundless Occult in this moment. 触手与泡泡,真正无视了一切阻碍,在这一刻充斥整个无垠神秘 The world of this infinite inflation, as if also turns into Deborah Town, was being embraced by this gentle Dream God. 这无限膨胀的世界,仿佛也变成黛博拉镇,被这温柔梦幻神灵怀抱着。 This seems the great miracle that Reality Distortion of topmost level level can achieve, at this moment It extremely in vastness, all living things myriad things also can only sneak a peek at side some It's one, some outlines, are as for the inverted image. 这仿佛是最高层级的现实扭曲者才能做到的伟大奇迹,此刻的“祂”太过于浩瀚,以至于众生万物也只能窥见祂的某一个侧面,某一些轮廓,乃至于倒影。 In this, even also included Origin God Race. 这里面,甚至也包括了起源神族们。 They soon detected is not right, Eye of Origin starts expiration. 祂们很快就发觉了不对劲,起源之眼开始“失效”。 Their master powers, come from Eye of Origin understand clearly to thoroughly understand the Supreme strength of myriad things. 祂们那种主人般的权能,来自于起源之眼洞悉通晓万物的至高力量。 Even Dominion, does not have the secret before them. 即便是一位主宰,在祂们面前也是毫无秘密可言。 But now, they discovered that oneself gradually by shield, the expiration of power is not tidal retreats suddenly, but is one type is forced, was pursued. 但现在,祂们发现自己渐渐被“屏蔽”,权能的失效并不是潮水般眨眼退去,而是一种被逼迫,被驱逐。 Suddenly, they discovered is unable again from It the body steals any information and secret. 只是眨眼间,祂们纷纷发现无法再从“祂”的身上窃取到任何信息和秘密。 As if before that omnipotent strength, was only an misconception. 仿佛之前那无所不能的力量,只是一种错觉。 So long as they look at the vision to other Life bodies, that power returns immediately. 但只要祂们将目光看向其他生命体,那权能立刻回归。 Giant guess correctly immediately is having anything. 巨人们立刻猜到正在发生什么。 That is wielding Dream Dominion, It is rising to higher position standard...... 那执掌着“梦幻”的主宰,祂正在扬升到更高位格……。 Steals! Thieves!” “窃!贼!” You stole my child's eyes completely, your thorough Devour It.” “你完全窃取了我孩子的眼睛,你彻底吞噬了祂。” Is Giant of head, Wrath shouts. 为首的巨人,愤怒的嘶吼起来。 His first second quality item tastes the power to expire, It's Wrath makes entire Boundless Occult shiver, Black Mud continue to be boisterous to try to turn to well up, tries to cover the boundless world again. 祂第一次品尝到权能失效,祂的愤怒让整个无垠神秘都颤抖起来,黑泥们继续聒噪着试图翻涌回来,试图再次覆盖无垠世界。 They recited murmur to the dark Monarch revering name, firm thinks that the great god clan will certainly win. 它们吟唱呢喃着至暗君主的尊名,坚定的认为伟大的神族必将获得胜利。 At this time, that rule boundless god king actually because of looking at each other falls into with Tang Qi shocks. 只是此时,那统治无垠的“神王”却因与“唐奇”对视而陷入震撼。 The two, sneaked a peek at the opposite party complete body shape. 二者,都窥见了对方完整的躯体形态。 But is unimportant in this moment these, when two Eye of Origin to apparent together. 但在这一刻那些并不重要,当两颗“起源之眼”对视在一起时。 Respective secret, therefore divulging. 各自的秘密,都因此泄露。 What is very accidental/surprised also makes Origin God king Wufa accept, the secret that It leaks are more. 只是很意外也让起源神王无法接受的是,祂泄露的秘密更多一些。 „, Child?” “呵,孩子?” „When obviously is in power to be able with the child places on the balance, you chose the former.” “显然当权能与孩子放在天平上时,你选择了前者。” If other times, the Origin God king meets Wrath rebuttal Tang Qi. 如果是其他时候,起源神王会愤怒的驳斥唐奇 But now, he situated in surprised. 但现在,祂处于惊讶中。 And this surprised quick transformation is Wrath, and drives It to act full power. 且这惊讶很快转变为愤怒,并驱使祂全力出手。 Supreme wisdom?” 至高智慧?” Initial prophet and that funny clown gave you Supreme wisdom unexpectedly...... with the aid of my child's eyes and Supreme wisdom, you are turning toward Supreme Divinity to rise.” “最初先知和那个滑稽小丑竟然连至高智慧都给了你……借助我孩子的眼睛和至高智慧,你正向着‘至高神性’扬升。” Thinks oneself needs revered the name newly?” “想好自己需要的新尊名了么?” You are wielding Dream, but this exactly is Sweet Dreams of nihility.” “你执掌着梦幻,而这恰好就是一场虚无的美梦。” You think that I will make your such thief work? When great Origin God Race descends is boundless, all existence the hanging down head, will implore our rules, do you also want to obtain unexpectedly with our equal position standard?” “你以为我会让你这样的窃贼得逞?当伟大的起源神族降临无垠时,一切存在都将低垂头颅,祈求我们的统治,你竟然还想获得与我们相等的位格?” Dismembers It, body or Soul.” “肢解祂,不论是躯体还是灵魂。” Bang “轰” Wrath of Origin God king shouted not saying that 41 position Giant then welled up. 起源神王的愤怒嘶吼还未说完,四十一巨人便涌了上去。 Black Mud does not need to be boisterous, to dark again descends. 黑泥不必聒噪,至暗再度降临 Giant proved to all living things myriad things in this moment the oneself power, all light were dominated above the boundlessness dark surface storm blows out. 巨人们在这一刻向众生万物证明了自己的权能,所有的光都被凌驾于无垠之上的“暗面风暴”吹灭。 Devour all to dark also surrounded that Dream Dominion that” rises. 吞噬一切的“至暗”也包围了那正在扬升的“梦幻主宰”。 Then is very cruel picture, many gods Ten-thousand Spirits exhausts Divine Power also only to see some projection, some side scenes. 接下来是很残暴的画面,众神万灵穷尽神力也只能看见一些投影,一些侧面的景象。 Probably peeps at some crime scene by the hole and slit, is unable to see the complete picture, but that cruel picture has made many Divinity Entity fall into crazy and dread. 像是透过孔洞、缝隙窥视某个犯罪现场,无法看见全貌,但那残忍的画面已经让许多神性实体陷入疯狂与恐惧 Giant are following God's Decree of god king, they tear that are wriggling the Dream tentacle, the tentacle really carry Fantasy collapsing that and release to and Reality Distortion and other Authority strengths unable to Giant any function. 巨人们遵循着神王的神谕,祂们撕扯着那那一条条蠕动着的梦幻触手,触手所携带并释放的“幻想坍缩为真实”、“现实扭曲”等权柄力量无法对巨人们起任何作用。 Then is bloody is full of the Dream picture, probably dark Fairy Tale of existence in ancient and old books, making one produce the intense dislike and illness. 接下来便是血腥又充满梦幻的画面,像是存在古老书籍中的黑暗童话般,让人产生强烈的厌恶和不适。 But, that crime scene resounds the insult sound in the meantime suddenly. 可就在此时,那犯罪现场骤然响起辱骂动静。 FXXX...... this baby, if falls from the sky here, I will not let off absolutely your, the crazy two feet are strange.” “FXXX……本宝宝要是陨落在这里,我绝对不会放过你的,疯狂的两脚怪。” Your these uncouthly fellows, all retrocede to me......” “还有你们这些粗鲁的家伙,全部给我后退……” Bang “轰” With this continual bad language, actually sees that to secret, one type strong, the strength has not spewed out in Boundless Occult has erupted for a long time. 随着这连续的脏话,却见那至暗中,一种浓烈的,已经许久没有在无垠神秘爆发过的力量喷涌而出。 time! 时间 The time-space adverse current that is hard to contain gushes out, binds to curl 41 position Giant to start to back up. 难以遏制的时空逆流涌出,裹卷着四十一巨人开始倒退。 One second? 一秒? Is shorter, resounds kā kā quickly sound, as if sound of glass disruption. 或者更短,很快又响起“咔咔”的动静,仿佛玻璃碎裂的动静。 time restores to flow, dismembered victim restoration marvelously. 时间恢复流淌,被肢解的“受害者”奇迹般的复原。 An insect of void fat fat brain revealed, the Y font twig of his top of the head breaks unexpectedly, time of this place has the disorder instantly. 只是虚空中一只肥头肥脑的虫子显露,祂头顶的Y字型枝杈蓦地断裂,该处的时间即刻发生紊乱。 Drew back one step? The old man said right, your giants are hardest to deal with, time is also invalid to you, is you catches BUG secretly?” “就退了一步?那老头说得对,你们这些大个子最难缠,时间对你们也无效,是不是你们偷偷卡住BUG啦?” Quick acknowledgment, using BUG is very bad, the king of careful great worm reported you.” “快承认吧,利用BUG是很恶劣的,小心伟大的蠕虫之王去举报你们。” Does not wait for Giant to reply, Ugg worm continues the selfish wail: 不等巨人们回复,尤格蠕虫继续自顾自的哭嚎: Owed in a big way...... owed in a big way, my position standard, this chapter must fall miserably.” “亏大了……亏大了,我的位格啊,这回要跌惨了。” huā lā 哗啦 Origin God Race is just about to grasp to next God of Time, in that nihility, is combining grey fog of confusion and transparent liquid suddenly river tide gushing out of no indication. 起源神族正要抓向下一任时间之神,忽而那虚无中,混杂着灰色迷雾与透明液体的“河潮”毫无征兆的涌出。 In the river tide, all living things myriad things and boundless have Destiny all Creation to reappear, stretches out the palm to push Giant expel toward the distant place together. 河潮内,众生万物与无垠中自有命运的一切造物都浮现出来,共同伸出手掌推着巨人们往远处驱逐。 This picture cannot continue is too long, even might as well Ugg worm. 只是这画面也没能持续太久,甚至还不如尤格蠕虫 After bang, the river tide was scattered. 就在“轰”的一声之后,河潮被打散。 Giant grin fiendishly to come, the god king revealed that spans the body of all dimension and concept, It disregarded the middle all hindrance, grasps directly to is turning toward the unknown place to rise slowly, is sending out Dream brilliance Tang Qi. 巨人们狞笑而来,神王显露出跨越一切维度与概念的躯体,祂无视了中间的一切阻碍,直接抓向正缓缓向着未知处扬升,散发着梦幻光辉的“唐奇”。 „The time strength can also to our effect, Destiny too be a little pitiful, the great god clan is all these master, our thoughts, are all living things myriad things Destiny.” 时间的力量还能对我们有一点效果,命运太可悲了,伟大的神族是这一切的主人,我们的意念,便是众生万物的命运。” That temple that gathers Destiny, is only our dollhouses.” “那座汇聚命运的神殿,只是我们的玩具屋罢了。” Mouse that came from the dark deep place, the despicable thief, what spare card in hand do you have?” “从黑暗深处而来的老鼠,卑劣的窃贼,你还有什么备用的底牌么?” Can look, your body has the marks of many familiar fellow, knows that this is anything, an immaterial showdown, you by many pitiful board game piece that fellow who hides from the hidden place bets conveniently.” “看得出来,你身上有很多熟悉家伙的印记,知道这算什么,一场无关紧要的对决,你只是被很多个躲在暗处的家伙随手下注的可怜棋子罢了。” You think that you are qualified for that level?” “你以为你有资格进入那个层次?” Makes great Origin God king tell you, your result has been doomed.” “让伟大的起源神王告诉你,你的结局早已注定。” Origin God king was the steamroll all concepts acted incessantly, each character that It put out, changed to the sharp blade to prick Tang Qi's Soul. 起源神王不止是碾压了一切概念出手,祂所吐出的每一个字,都化作利刃刺入唐奇的灵魂 It similarly is Reality Distortion of maximum level, all that It said that collapsing will be the reality. 祂同样是最高层次的现实扭曲者,祂所说的一切,都将坍缩为现实。 But at this moment, Tang Qi was unable to rise to Supreme Divinity completely. 而此刻,唐奇还未能完全扬升到“至高神性”。 However what is very accidental/surprised, Tang Qi's Soul has not therefore experienced the tiny bit ripples fluctuation. 不过很意外的是,唐奇的灵魂没有因此出现一丝一毫的涟漪波动。 It uses the tranquilest vision with „the Origin God king looking at each other, gazes at this to try Boundless Occult to tow to entrain into to dark boundless master. 祂用最平静的目光与“起源神王”对视,注视着这位试图将无垠神秘拖拽入至暗的无垠主人 At this moment Tang Qi, unlike past. 此刻的“唐奇”,与过去的并不一样。 It as if no longer comes under the influence of anything, on the It's face, is as for above Soul turned round on named absolute rationality the mask. 祂仿佛不再受到任何事物的影响,祂的脸上,乃至于灵魂之上都覆上了一个名为“绝对理性”的面具。 No, is more excessive than this. 不,比这更加过分一些。 Present Tang Qi, traded another head probably. 现在的唐奇,像是换了另一颗头颅。 Exactly the same, but essence and different. 一模一样,但本质又并不一样。 Present It, had/left many power suddenly many, and each power, no matter seems like following true combat to show, powerful are too more than Dream. 现在的“祂”,骤然多出了很多很多“权能”,且每一个权能不管是看上去还是接下来的实战都证明,比“梦幻”强大太多。 Tang Qi has not responded, has not sighed. 唐奇没有回应,也没有叹息。 It is embracing God Country, welcomed 41 position Giant on own initiative, did It give up rising to meet head-on unexpectedly on own initiative? 祂只是怀抱着神国,主动迎上了四十一巨人,祂竟然主动放弃扬升去迎战? Strange, and what is mysterious is. 诡异,且神奇的是。 It's these originally by Giant tentacle that therefore tears, now actually becomes tenacious, and exceptionally powerful. 祂的那些原本被巨人们所以撕扯下来的触手,现在却变得坚韧,而且异常强大。 The turbulent tentacle and froth, separate 41 position Giant easily. 汹涌的触手与泡泡,轻而易举将四十一巨人分开。 Simultaneously binds the volume, and lays aside oneself in them above, like master above master, issues hard-and-fast God's Decree: 同时裹卷,并将自己放置于“祂们”之上,如同主人之上的“主人”,下达不可违逆的神谕: Boundless Occult, without master.” 无垠神秘,没有主人。”
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