LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1157: Tang Qi suicide

At this moment, Furnace made entire Boundless Occult feel the It's energy, It's Wrath. 此时此刻,熔炉让整个无垠神秘感受到了祂的能量,祂的愤怒 That once the seal It's universe, stuck like the paper frailly, suddenly was burnt the nihility by the turbulent brilliance. 那曾经封印祂的宇宙,脆弱如同纸糊,眨眼就被汹涌的光焰焚成虚无。 Following, is bright and as blazing as the pinnacle, and does not have the boundary, not the standing still sign, sea of the light without limits, as if has innumerable forever at this moment Sun explosion, in Boundless Occult all time-space were submerged by the turbulent brilliance. 随之而来的,是灿烂、炽烈到极致,且毫无边界,也毫无停歇迹象,永无止境的光之海洋,这一刻仿佛有着无数颗“太阳”爆炸,无垠神秘之内所有的时空都被汹涌光焰淹没。 In this, included „the Origin God king. 这里面,也包括了“起源神王”。 Has Supreme god clan that exceeds all universe dimension bodies, dominant crowd of stars and boundless master. 有着超越所有宇宙维度躯体的至高神族,统治群星与无垠的主人 It in the instance of explosion, threw off by Wrath Furnace Dominion. 祂在爆炸发生的瞬间,被愤怒熔炉主宰掀翻。 Divides the crossing in the way, is close to Supreme Divinity infinitely Furnace, when It makes the decision of large explosion, the It's strength then reached the peak. 处于路径分叉口,无限接近“至高神性”的熔炉,当祂做出大爆炸的决定时,祂的力量便达到了巅峰。 When Sun will extinguish, the brilliance is brightest. 太阳将熄时,光辉最为灿烂。 The Origin God king regarding this point, has felt completely. 起源神王对于这一点,已经完全感受到了。 As one in Supreme Divinity community, It once with forever daytime insane king and Supreme deer God, funny starfish wait/etc combat. 作为至高神性群体中的一员,祂曾与永昼疯王、至高鹿神、滑稽海星等等战斗过。 This second It feels, dashing that after looking like by the three superimpose, has. 这一秒祂感受到的,就像是被三者叠加之后产生的冲撞。 The scalding hot mighty force, had the restraint effect on It unexpectedly. 灼热的伟力,竟然对祂产生了克制效应。 The Crimson color brilliance mighty current, started such as Black Mud to cover Boundless Occult initially, started to fall in torrents, started to wash out this world. 赤红颜色的光焰洪流,开始如当初黑泥覆盖无垠神秘般,开始倾泻出来,开始冲刷这个世界。 The terrifying beam storm, at this moment is omnipresent. 恐怖的射线风暴,此刻更是无所不在。 Disappearance light came back, moreover counter-attacks unusual fierce. 消失的“光”回来了,而且反扑的异常剧烈。 The brilliance and Black Mud, start to collide. 光焰与黑泥,开始碰撞。 Also was in absolute deathly stillness and ice-cold boundless, enters the ebullition condition starting from this moment. 原本还处于绝对死寂、冰冷中的“无垠”,从这一刻开始进入沸腾状态。 All living things myriad things in Boundless Occult, various god Ten-thousand Spirits, from were just awakened to the night of darkness, quick discovered that is unable to move as before. 无垠神秘中的众生万物,诸神万灵们,刚刚被从“至暗之夜”中唤醒,很快就发现依旧无法动弹。 World, above ebullition, gradually becomes viscous. 世界,在沸腾之上,又渐渐变得粘稠。 The Black Mud, brilliance, deathly stillness thing and scalding hot beam...... completely opposite, complete para-position material as well as concept, endless mutual collision. 黑泥、光焰、死寂之物、灼热射线……完全相反,完全对位的“物质”以及“概念”,正无休止的互相碰撞。 When a higher level observes Boundless Occult, will discover that this world is at a non-steady state, even its infinite inflation also presents transformation gradually, from time to time standstill, rises suddenly from time to time, is unable to maintain the original speed again. 在更高层面观测无垠神秘时,会发现这世界正处于一种不稳定状态,甚至于它的“无限膨胀”也渐渐出现变化,时而停滞,时而暴涨,根本无法再维持原来的速率。 What strange is, although all living things myriad things are unable to move, but can actually perception to anything. 奇异的是,众生万物虽然无法动弹,但却都能感知到什么。 That is two sounds, two in Wrath, the sound that insulted mutually. 那是两道声音,两道正在愤怒的,互相辱骂的声音。 ...... …… The ultra string labyrinth, the face of Tang Qi front nihility, is appreciating Boundless Occult magnificent scene at this moment following that unidirectional window, simultaneously in the mouth sends out to acclaim the sound. 超弦迷宫,唐奇面前的虚无之脸,顺着那单向窗口欣赏着无垠神秘此刻的盛景,同时口中发出赞叹声音。 Furnace truly has purely divinity Dominion, It will become most selfless Supreme Divinity, but It's in the future, because some mousie that will go into the world was changed permanently.” 熔炉是真正拥有纯粹神性主宰,祂原本会成为最无私的‘至高神性’,但祂的‘未来’因为某个闯入世界的小老鼠而被永久更改。” Incessantly is It, the whole world is so, implicated boundlessly second.” “不止是祂,整个世界都是如此,也连累了第二无垠。” Tang Qi also looks for oneself, but Furnace of large explosion, hears the saying that not pities puts out, the vision shifts to the face of that nihility on. 唐奇同样看着正为了自己而大爆炸的熔炉,听到无悯吐出的这话,目光重新转移到那张虚无的脸上。 In the eye pupil was still tranquil and rational, was is only turbulent in most deep place undercurrent, It asked very much directly: 眼眸内仍是平静与理性,只是在最深处暗流汹涌,祂很直接问道: „Is this you wants to tell my secret?” “这就是你想要告诉我的秘密?” Dying out day, as well as various disasters, even including Furnace this time large explosion, is actually I creates?” “寂灭日,以及各种灾难,甚至包括熔炉此时的大爆炸,其实都是我造成的?” The face of nihility inclines slightly, very clear nod expression. 虚无的脸微微倾斜,很清晰的点头表达。 Also before really such as It, such that said that has not concealed to Tang Qi, or mysterious, It continues to say with the sound of that no pitying: 也果然如祂之前所说的那样,没有对唐奇隐瞒,或是故弄玄虚,祂继续用那种毫无怜悯的声音道: Dying out day was not born because of you, so long as Boundless Occult and second boundless existence, and continued to inflate infinitely, will then welcome in some time finally dies out.” “寂灭日并不是因你而诞生的,只要无垠神秘和第二无垠存在着,且继续无限膨胀,那么终会在某个时刻迎来寂灭。” But before your mouse intrudes, that time is indefinite, it will even possibly never arrive at...... this view, you can understand that your arrival mixed something, causes dead out collapsing is the reality, fixes in some quarter descends reality.” “但在你这个老鼠闯入之前,那个时刻是不确定的,它甚至可能永远不会到来……这个说法,你能理解么,你的到来搅动了一些东西,导致寂灭坍缩为现实,固定在某一刻降临的现实。” Even if Dominion, is very difficult to accept oneself to become source of view world ruin. 哪怕是一位主宰,也很难接受自己成为世界毁灭之源这个说法。 Especially Tang Qi has Understanding All, confirmed that not pities Sage not to lie. 尤其唐奇拥有“万物通晓”,证实无悯贤者并没有说谎。 It said that real. 祂所说,都是真的。 Tang Qi is wearing Supreme wisdom, therefore can still maintain at this moment calm, has not replied immediately, but looks not pities the face of Sage that nihility. 唐奇佩戴着至高智慧,所以此刻仍旧可以保持着冷静,并未立刻回答,只是看着无悯贤者那虚无的脸。 In the labyrinth outside world, Tang Qi facing very possible is in two world wisdom first existence, listens respectfully to It to explain the truth of this world for oneself. 世界之外的迷宫中,唐奇面对很可能是两个世界中智慧第一的存在,聆听祂为自己解答这世界的真相。 both sides know, they loathe mutually, the Hope opposite party falls from the sky. 只是双方都知道,祂们互相厌恶,都希望对方陨落。 This explanation, has the goal. 这种解答,也有着目的。 Not pities Sage not to conceal this point, It said very much directly: 无悯贤者并没有掩饰这一点,祂很直接道: You said right, I am different from that hot tempered little girl, will show off the oneself technique to the victim is very bored and will play the approach of reaction, I will be insufficient is so stupid.” “你说得对,我和那个暴躁小女孩并不一样,向受害者炫耀自己的手法是很无聊且会起到反作用的做法,我不至于那么愚蠢。” I demonstrate these to you, to let you know the truth, this could decide the final time, who can win, I, am that crowd so-called Sage and your outcomer.” “我向你展示这些,是为了让你知道真相,这或许可以决定最后时刻,到底谁可以获得胜利,我,还是那一群所谓的‘贤者’和你这个外来者。” During the speeches, not pities a Sage pair of palm to separate. 说话间,无悯贤者一双手掌分开。 More clearly does not belong to Boundless Occult string was summoned, and fluctuates in that pair of palms. 更多明显不属于无垠神秘的“弦”被召唤出来,并在那双手掌之间变幻。 , Two abstraction world, with second were outlined gradually boundlessly boundlessly. 渐渐的,两个抽象化的世界,无垠与第二无垠被勾勒出来。 These two world are inflating infinitely, the latter is bigger, it is Boundless Occult...... two's relations is very in fact complex in the world surface projection fragment set, they can the collision of no time limit, be inseparable, is impossible to have the method to separate them.” “这两个世界都在无限膨胀着,后者更大一些,它实际上是无垠神秘在世界表面的投影碎片集合……二者的关系很复杂,它们会无限次的碰撞,早已密不可分,不可能有方法分开它们。” You look, their condition dangers, but beautiful is also bright.” “你看,它们的状况危险,但又美丽灿烂。” Not pities Sage both hands to hold two world, imitates fireworks that if two groups will never stand still, these string demonstrated the picture that exceeded that magnificence of Life body imagination, is exceeds all concepts that beautiful. 无悯贤者双手将两个世界捧起来,仿若是两团永不停歇的烟花,那些“弦”所展示出的画面,是超越了生命体想象的那种瑰丽,是超越一切概念的那种美。 Tang Qi at gaze instantly, immerses into. 唐奇在注视的刹那,也不由沉浸入内。 But the next quarter, that beautiful was destroyed. 但下一刻,那“美丽”被破坏了。 Is glittering the dark luminous spot, never the well-known outside world comes unexpectedly, penetration world barricade, enters in one group of fireworks. 一颗闪烁着的幽暗光点,蓦地从不知名外界而来,穿透世界壁障,进入其中一团烟花内。 Bang “轰” In the world level, what then happened is silent very slight transformation. 在世界层面,接下来发生的是无声又很轻微的变化 May with not pity the Sage finger springing, Tang Qi sees is actually a more specific picture. 可随着无悯贤者的手指弹动,唐奇看到的却是更具体的画面。 The arrival of that luminous spot, looks like one drop ink to enter the clear water, or a sparks/Mars, lit some type directly blasting fuse. 那光点的到来,就像是一滴“墨汁”进入清水,或是一颗火星,直接点燃了某种“引信”。 Chain-reaction, eruption. 连锁反应,爆发了。 At all not existence the big event on original timeline and disaster, arrive because of that luminous spot, blowout -type occurrence. 在原有时间线上根本不存在的大事件、灾难,因那光点到来,井喷式的发生。 Incessantly is Boundless Occult, second boundless was also affected. 不止是无垠神秘,第二无垠同样被波及。 All transformation are very fierce, more and more existence collides to turn into not existence with no time limit, both world become brighter, but also is close to ruin. 所有的变化都很剧烈,越来越多的“存在”随着无限次碰撞而变成不存在,两个世界都变得更加灿烂,但同时也更加接近毁灭 But all these, are that dark luminous spot bring. 而这一切,都是那颗幽暗光点带来的。 Obviously, that luminous spot Tang Qi. 显然,那光点正是“唐奇”。 Not pities Sage as if to initiating Apocalypse Tang Qi not malice, It is only such as Wise One, is Tang Qi dispels doubt. 无悯贤者似乎对引发末日唐奇并无恶意,祂只是如一位智者,为唐奇解惑。 It holds the world model by string being outlined, and gave a very appropriate analogy: 祂捧着由“弦”勾勒出的世界模型,并给出了一个很贴切的比喻: Boundless and second boundless, they look like the bombs of two infinite inflation, will share a blasting fuse...... they to welcome the result finally, so long as we will place, in a higher level, that result never will that arrive.” “无垠和第二无垠,它们就像是两颗无限膨胀的炸弹,共用着一个引信……它们终将会迎来结局,但只要我们身处其中,那么在更高层面,那个‘结局’就永远不会到来。” Came until you, you lit that blasting fuse, the result also arrives.” “直到你来了,你点燃了那个引信,结局也随之到来。” This looks like a dangerous story, so long as without starting, then , there would be no conclusion.” “这就像是一个危险的故事,只要没有开始,那么就没有结束。” However you, are that start.” “而你,就是那个开始。” Silent, different eternal silence. 沉默,异常久的沉默。 Tang Qi wants to refute not to pity Sage, no matter but Supreme wisdom „” Eye of Origin is telling Tang Qi, not pities Sage not to lie. 唐奇很想反驳无悯贤者,但不管是“至高智慧”还是“起源之眼”都在告诉唐奇,无悯贤者没有说谎。 Each character that It puts out, is completely real. 祂所吐出的每一个字,全部都是真实的。 It as if understood that very much Tang Qi is why silent, but on the face of that nihility outlined was actually the smile, very stiff inflexible smile. 祂似乎很理解唐奇为何沉默,但那虚无的脸上勾勒出的却是笑容,很僵硬死板的笑容。 But the It's sound actually even more vivid gets up, probably will speak the person of story very much, each character has to plunge the Soul power. 祂的声音却愈加“生动”起来,像是一位很会讲故事的人,每一个字都有着浸入灵魂的感染力。 As last Sage, you should make the most correct choice.” “作为最后一位贤者,你应该做出最正确的选择。” You start, you are also wrong, you are unable to prevent the arrival of dying out day, but you can change the result as before.” “你是开始,你也是错误,你无法阻止寂灭日的到来,但你依旧可以更改结局。” Wanted you conclusion all these, returned in the person to story the story, then all still have Hope.” “只要你‘结束’这一切,把故事交还给故事中的人,那么一切就仍有着希望。” Conclusion, gave back to us all.” “结束自我吧,把一切都还给我们。” As not pities these sounds that Sage puts out, Tang Qi falls into the strange condition slowly. 随着无悯贤者吐出的这些声音,唐奇缓缓陷入诡异状态。 It is wearing Supreme wisdom, but this brand-new, has the head of Supreme wisdom, meets the instinct solves troublesome all. 祂佩戴着“至高智慧”,而这颗全新的,拥有至高智慧的头颅,会本能的去解决一切麻烦。 Tang Qi was still Tang Qi, but at this time involuntary wanted to solve Apocalypse. 唐奇仍旧是唐奇,但此时不由自主的想要解决末日 Understanding All told It all real, Supreme wisdom started to not to pity suggestion that” Sage gave to determine. 万物通晓告诉祂一切是真的,至高智慧则开始对无悯贤者给出的“建议”进行判定。 The result appears quickly, did Tang Qi slowly and nod firmly? 结果很快出现,唐奇缓慢而坚定的点头了? Without me, the world indeed will restore unknown, so long as is unknown, that has Hope.” “如果没有我,世界的确将恢复未知,只要是未知,那就有希望。” Your suggestion is correct, is most likely the successful solution......” “你的建议非常正确,是最有可能成功的解决方案……” Not pities Sage to listen to Tang Qi to follow Supreme wisdom, is in the decision procedure, on the face of nihility appears together the smile. 无悯贤者听着唐奇遵循着至高智慧,进入判定程序,虚无的脸上浮现出一道笑容。 But quick, It resembled perception to anything. 但很快,祂似感知到了什么。 That face transferred a direction, looks following the unidirectional window to Boundless Occult. 那脸转了个方向,顺着单向窗口看向无垠神秘 Does not know that not pitied Sage to see anything, in the It's tone presented an excitement, that is an intense anticipation feeling the satisfied excitement. 不知道无悯贤者看到了什么,祂的语气中出现了一丝兴奋,那是一种强烈的期待感将被满足的兴奋。 It first said: Time.” 祂先是道:“时机到了。” Then looks again to Tang Qi, in this time Tang Qi body starts to release an intense impulsion. 而后再次看向唐奇,此时的唐奇躯体内开始释放出一种强烈的冲动。 Self-destruction! 自毁! Tang Qi's main body is sparkling Tentacle Monster, the brilliance that now his body sends out is even more bright, like soon combustion Flame completely, when to shifting is dim, is falling from the sky time. 唐奇的本体是一只闪闪发光的触手怪,现在祂躯体散发出的光辉愈加灿烂,如同即将燃烧殆尽的火焰般,待到转向黯淡时,就是陨落的时候。 The funny starfish had once said that wears fearful side effect that Supreme wisdom can have. 滑稽海星曾说过的,佩戴“至高智慧”会产生的可怕副作用。 This divine object, can take to the wearing unsurpassed power, as well as peak wisdom. 神物,可以带给佩戴者无上权能,以及最顶尖的智慧 But also has repercussions, that is loses Joy. 但也有后遗症,那就是失去“快乐”。 So-called Joy, perhaps, not only solely refers to that mood. 所谓快乐,恐怕并不只是单单指那种心情。 Essentially, worn time is longer, wearing loses the mood to become the wisdom Puppet possibility to be higher. 本质上,佩戴的时间越久,佩戴者失去情绪成为智慧傀儡的可能性越高。 Tang Qi is not Supreme Divinity, It can wear Supreme wisdom, because of the help of Rose Madeleine. 唐奇并不是“至高神性”,祂能佩戴至高智慧,是因为萝丝·玛德琳的帮助。 What a pity is, even if wore Supreme wisdom Tang Qi unable to defeat not pities Sage, instead was used by the latter at this time in turn, thrust the Death trap Tang Qi directly. 可惜的是,即便佩戴了至高智慧唐奇也没能击败“无悯贤者”,反而在这个时候被后者反过来利用,直接将唐奇推入死亡陷阱。 Supreme wisdom edition Tang Qi, no longer other consideration factors. 至高智慧版本的唐奇,不再考虑其他的因素。 It based on not pities truth that” Sage provides, by the Understanding All judgment genuine and fake, by Supreme wisdom judged whether feasible. 祂基于无悯贤者提供的“真相”,以万物通晓判断真假,以至高智慧判断是否可行。 Conclusion: Ok. 结论:可以。 So long as his self-destruction, the dying out day indeed will turn unknown, Hope returns again. 只要祂自毁,寂灭日的确将重新变成“未知”,希望再度回归。 This logic is very strict, Tang Qi quick is in the implementation stage from the decision procedure. 这逻辑很严密,唐奇很快从判定程序进入执行阶段。 Not pities Sage to remain to watch, but another is It the time also arrived, his clone is weak. 无悯贤者很想留下来观看,但另一个属于“祂”的时刻也到来了,祂分身乏术。 Somewhat regrettable, cannot see your test piece brightest stage, one group of Dream fireworks probably very beautiful, but can only bloom in this ultra string labyrinth.” “有些遗憾,看不见你这实验品最灿烂的阶段,一团梦幻烟花大概会很美丽,但只能在这超弦迷宫内绽放了。” During the speeches, the nihility seemed presenting eraser, cancelled directly not pitied Sage existence. 说话间,虚无正仿佛出现了一个橡皮檫,直接抹去了无悯贤者存在 Originally bright Tang Qi, shouting one sparkles fiercely. 本就灿烂的唐奇,“呼”的一下更加剧烈闪耀起来。 The It's body, It is embracing Dream Country...... starts to glitter completely, starts to evaporate, starts to tend to 'Self' Ruination. 祂的躯体,祂所怀抱着的梦幻国度……全部开始闪烁,开始蒸发,开始趋向于自我毁灭 ps: Also. ps:还有。
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