LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1091: I for ship

That is dashing about wildly bare god Alamein, the condition has not as if fallen from the sky beforehand Flora to be somewhat similar to the past. 那位狂奔着的裸神“阿拉曼”,状况似乎与过去未陨落之前的芙洛拉有些相似。 Is Wanderer in many gods, lost sanity. 都算是众神中的流浪者,都失去了理智 However Flora is quite more dangerous, but Alamein, It as if crosses moistens as before. 不过芙洛拉比较危险一些,而阿拉曼,祂似乎过得依旧非常滋润。 His that type steps on the footprint is pregnant the setting to might be considered as bug, in addition It does not have sanity, the direct does not have any responsibility leaves behind lots of heir in Boundless Occult. 祂那种“踩中脚印就怀孕”的设定堪称是bug,加上祂没有理智,直接没有任何责任就在无垠神秘内留下大量子嗣。 In addition It has that words that can bring the infinite suspicion, as well as is close to the powerful God's strength, It's is very firmly difficult to suffer hardships. 再加上祂拥有可以带来无穷怀疑的那话儿,以及接近强力神灵的战力,祂的确很难受苦。 If It has self- and sanity, that is ready the proper dregs male god.” “如果祂有着自我和理智,那就是妥妥的渣男神。” But It does not have, this was not good to describe.” “可是祂没有,这就不好形容了。” Tang Qi is glittering the thought that It does not envy the opposite party. 唐奇闪烁着念头,祂一点也不羡慕对方。 Really, so many heir, that enjoyment way, having anything is good to envy. 真的,那么多子嗣,那种享受方式,有什么好羡慕的。 Tang Qi is curious, this special does Divinity Entity, what kind of past have? 唐奇是好奇,这位特殊的神性实体,有着怎样的过去? Moreover, what reason is also, causing It to turn into this? 另外,又是什么原因,导致祂变成这样? Understanding All opens, in the Tang Qi eye pupil starts to burst out the dim light instantly. 万物通晓打开,唐奇眼眸内即刻开始迸发幽光。 However somewhat comes as a surprise to Tang Qi, Info Fragment analyzes exceptionally slowly. 不过有些出乎唐奇意料,信息碎片解析得异常缓慢。 This obviously not normal, if powerful God that” position standard is close Divinity Entity. 这显然不正常,如果还是一位位格接近的“强力神灵”的神性实体 When Tang Qi peeps, first then can know It's all secrets. 唐奇窥视时,第一眼便能知晓祂的所有秘密。 Needs to consume to surpass for one second, can only prove a matter. 需要耗费超过一秒,只能证明一件事。 This calls makes Divinity Entity of Alamein, It's real position standard, is far higher than powerful God. 这位唤作阿拉曼的神性实体,祂的真实位格,远高于强力神灵 Quick, the answer appears. 很快,答案浮现。 Divinity Entity: Some clone of Alamein ignorant three column gods...... had once ruled Boundless Occult massive universe one of the three column gods when Uncivilized Period...... ” 神性实体:蒙昧三柱神之一“阿拉曼”的部分分身……曾在蒙昧纪时统治过无垠神秘大量宇宙的三柱神之一……” hōng lóng 轰隆 Tang Qi oneself has not thought that one time peeps, suddenly discovered a big secret. 唐奇自己也没有想到,无意间的一次窥视,竟然发现了一个不小秘密。 It even more rich Occult Study Knowledge, expanded to the ancient and old time once again. 祂本就愈加丰富的神秘学知识,又一次扩展到更古老的时代。 Tang Qi once thinks, in Boundless Occult most Dominion Grade God, It has known and seen. 唐奇曾以为,无垠神秘中大部分的主宰级神灵,祂都已经知晓并见过了。 Info Fragment that but in the mind gushes out now actually showed, Tang Qi has not known completely. 可现在脑海中涌出的信息碎片却证明,唐奇并没有知晓全部。 Ignorant three column gods, Dominion Grade God?” “蒙昧三柱神,主宰级神灵?” The answer of this issue, incomparable affirmation. 这问题的答案,无比肯定。 Tang Qi's perception told It, this called makes Divinity Entity of Alamein, but some clone position standard were close to powerful God infinitely. 唐奇的感知告诉祂,这位唤作“阿拉曼”的神性实体,只是部分分身位格就无限接近强力神灵 Then before It has not been damaged main body, surely is Dominion. 那么祂未受损前的本体,必定是一位主宰 In other words, that so-called ignorant three column gods, are representing three Dominion Grade God. 也就是说,那所谓的“蒙昧三柱神”,代表着三位主宰级神灵 Sounds, these three column gods should belong to same pantheon. 听起来,这三柱神应该归属于同一个神系 Has three Dominion Grade God's pantheon, how to have the reputation in this time? 一个拥有三位主宰级神灵的神系,怎么会在这个时代毫无声名? Had perished, went into hiding? 已经灭亡了,还是隐匿起来了? The Tang Qi mind has doubts to give birth much, It is planning to peep at more secrets. 唐奇脑海更多疑惑生出,祂正打算窥视更多秘密。 But was a pity very much that has bare god Alamein of perfect body to dash about wildly disappearance. 但很可惜,那有着完美躯体的裸神阿拉曼已是狂奔着消失。 It does not have wisdom but very happy Joy, is moving under the waist that mysterious incomparable matter, is stepping on the channel and stays behind dangerous footprints, then to does not know where. 祂无智但非常欢愉快乐,甩动着腰部下方那神奇无比的物事,踩踏着通道并留下一个个危险脚印,而后去往不知何处。 If other times, curiosity exuberant Tang Qi will certainly pursue, and explores the related mystery. 如果是其他时候,好奇心旺盛的唐奇一定会去追赶,并探索相关奥秘。 Temporarily but at this time, the Tang Qi not leisure, can only regret presses curiously this. 可此时,唐奇并无闲暇,只能暂时遗憾的将这好奇按下来。 Eve does not know in short one second of time, Tang Qi of body side has learned about in Boundless Occult another huge secret, what still fulfilled duty to fulfill responsibility is Tang Qi is introducing mysterious visitors. 夏娃不知晓短短一秒的时间内,身侧的唐奇已知悉无垠神秘中又一个巨大秘密,仍旧尽职尽责的为唐奇介绍着一个个神奇的访客。 Although following visitor, is out of the ordinary, makes Tang Qi cast the vision sufficiently. 虽然后续的访客,也都非比寻常,足以让唐奇投去目光。 But majority, is unable and bumper crop Goddess Rohren and ignorant three column god Alamein these three to compare with happy hand. 但大多数,还是无法与“欢愉之手”、“丰产女神柏勒伦”、“蒙昧三柱神阿拉曼”这三位相比。 And has not passed is too long, the channel end appears. 且没有过去太久,通道尽头出现。 With twinkle of one group of glorious beams, Tang Qi and Eve were embezzled. 伴随着一团灿烂光辉的闪烁,唐奇与夏娃被吞没。 The next quarter, Tang Qi arrived at a strange and familiar universe. 下一刻,唐奇来到了一个陌生又熟悉的宇宙。 In the It's eye pupil, could not see again any can bring the negativity the color. 祂的眼眸内,再也看不到任何可以带来负面情绪的色彩。 Candy color! 糖果色! Very incredible, but is also very attractive, as if can initiate the life heart all Desire colors. 非常荒诞但又无比诱人,仿佛可以引发生灵内心深处所有欲望的色彩。 At present all, is other universes is very difficult to see. 眼前所有的一切,都是其他宇宙很难看到的。 This universe has almost nothing is unnecessary, here each region, a star, skyship, palace......, no matter which corner, fills up including God sufficiently, no matter almost any Life how long life. 这个宇宙几乎没有什么是“多余”的,这里的每一处区域,一颗星球,一艘飞船,一座宫殿……不管是哪一个角落,都足以填满包括神灵在内,几乎任何生命不管多么漫长的一生。 So long as you have Desire, is willing to enjoy Desire, then here is the long-awaited paradise. 只要你拥有欲望,愿意享受欲望,那么这里就是梦寐以求的乐园。 Tang Qi had once looked at True Love Fable, once studied Flora to enjoy the life in detail country, that similarly is the candy color incredible world. 唐奇曾看过“真爱寓言”,曾详细研究过芙洛拉享受生活的国度,那同样是个糖果色的荒诞世界。 Now, Tang Qi saw the first edition. 现在,唐奇看到了原版。 Does not need some any suspicions, the Flora's inspiration source, is the present real paradise. 不需要有任何的怀疑,芙洛拉的灵感源头,正是眼前的真实乐园。 Even Tang Qi, cannot bear want immersion at this moment. 即便是唐奇,此刻也忍不住想要沉浸其中。 True does not have any worry universe! 一个真正没有任何“烦恼”的宇宙! Here, is happy, only has Joy. 这里,只有欢愉,只有快乐 Here, enlarged the innumerable time of mortal world paradises. 这里,是放大了无数倍的人间乐园。 At this moment Tang Qi wants unable to put aside the picture of eye that sees, described accurate. 唐奇很想将此刻看到的一幕幕让人根本无法移开眼睛的画面,精准描绘出来。 However It cannot, be too many, too degeneration. 但是祂不能,太多了,也太堕落了。 According to the beforehand plan, as lust Goddess Eve of invitation side, brings the Tang Qi tour paradise universe. 按照之前的计划,作为邀请方的色欲女神夏娃,将带着唐奇游览乐园宇宙。 And is Tang Qi introduces activities in this universe, other celebration sponsors, as well as Three Vulgarities Household other members. 并为唐奇介绍这宇宙内的一个个活动,还有其他庆典发起方,以及三俗家族的其他成员。 But before that does Eve as if plan to do other? 但在那之前,夏娃似乎打算做点别的? When does not know gets up, Tang Qi's „the body of Tentacle Monster held in the arms, and hugs very tightly. 不知何时起,唐奇的触手怪之躯”又被搂住,且搂得很紧。 Is Eve, because this lust Goddess as if returns to the paradise universe, enters another condition. 是夏娃,这位色欲女神似乎因为回到乐园宇宙,进入另一种状态。 The It's weapon has received, his both hands enclasped Tang Qi, and starts to arrange Tang Qi that tentacle, making the tentacle twine the It's key place. 祂的武器已收起,祂双手抱紧了唐奇,并开始布置唐奇那一条条触手,让触手缠绕祂的关键部位。 Meanwhile, his has the soft body of infinite seduction almost to rub in the Tang Qi bosom. 同时,祂那有着无穷诱惑的柔软身躯几乎要揉进唐奇怀中。 It holds up the head, tries to kiss Tang Qi. 祂昂起头,试图去亲吻唐奇 Warm and fills the sweet greasy fragrance the aura to spit in the Tang Qi corners of the mouth, making one put down all the gentle sounds of Mind defense, in drills into the Tang Qi ear at this moment. 温热且充满甜腻香气的气息吐在唐奇嘴角,让人放下所有心灵防御的温柔声音,也在此刻钻入唐奇耳中。 Great and charming Dream, although this is only your clone, but small No. 1 your cute.” “伟大又迷人的梦幻,虽然这只是你的分身,但小一号的你更加可爱了呢。” Does not need to be worried that your companion will be angry, but here paradise universe.” “不必担心你的伴侣会生气哦,这里可是乐园宇宙。” Here regular one: Enters the paradise, enjoys happily ; Leaves the paradise, forgets all spatially.” “这里的规则之一:进入乐园,享受欢愉;离开乐园,一忘皆空。” Therefore, making us first enjoy purely happy.” “所以,让我们先享受纯粹的欢愉吧。” Eve when is saying, while uses Fantasy. 夏娃一边说着时,一边动用幻想 Actually sees under the two body to present the warm spring water suddenly, inside is flowing the Burgundy liquid, is fluttering various mysterious fruits and melons, such as Depraved Fairy Maiden and Desire succubus and so on lifeform, emerge from the good wine spring water, two people regarding in the middle. 却见二者身下忽然出现温暖泉水,内里流淌着酒红液体,飘荡着各种神奇瓜果,诸如“沉沦仙女”、“欲望魅魔”等等生物,从美酒泉水之下浮出,将两人围绕在中间。 Shortly, making the atmosphere that the person is enchanted by then form. 顷刻间,让人迷醉的氛围便形成了。 This picture, Tang Qi had once looked, but also had once envied. 这一幕画面,唐奇曾看过,还曾羡慕过。 At that time Flora and Ispatrani, enjoyed. 那时芙洛拉伊斯帕特拉妮,就是这么享受的。 However at this time makes Tang Qi feel what is very strange, It estimated can appear „the Sally warning, has not appeared unexpectedly. 不过此时让唐奇感觉很奇怪的是,祂预想中会出现的“莎莉警告”,竟然没有出现。 Notice Tang Qi also waited specially for several seconds, It thinks that Sally meets old trick heavy, making Eve know taste that misfortune is encumbered. 须知唐奇还特意等了几秒,祂以为莎莉会故技重施,让夏娃知道厄运缠身的滋味。 However, not. 然而,并没有。 Un? That rule real?” “嗯?难道那规则是真的?” In the paradise universe, can enjoy happily takes any responsibility, leaves didn't treat as on the line?” “在乐园宇宙,可以享受欢愉不负任何责任,离开的时候当做没有就行了?” Therefore Sally does not manage, whatever I do wallow?” “所以莎莉不管了,任由我沉迷?” The authenticity of Tang Qi to this rule falls into the suspicion, but It has not pondered too for a long time. 唐奇对这规则的真实性陷入怀疑,不过祂也没有思考太久。 Because delays again, It's this clone early evening really must confess that gave lust Goddess Eve. 因为再耽搁下去,祂的这具分身的“初夜”就真要交代给色欲女神夏娃了。 Eve this brain is lust the fellow can courting death, Tang Qi actually unable really to coordinate. 夏娃这满脑子都是“色欲”的家伙可以作死,唐奇却又不能真的这么配合。 It does not think that this paradise universe, can prevent the gaze of Destiny. 祂并不认为这乐园宇宙,能阻挡命运的注视。 Let alone, Tang Qi actually has the goal. 更何况,唐奇其实是带着目的来的。 Enjoys happily? 享受欢愉? No, I for ship.” “不,我是为了船来的。” The Tang Qi heart definitely said very much, is moved to cancel Eve's Fantasy at once. 唐奇心底很肯定的说了一句,旋即动念取消了夏娃的幻想 Meanwhile, according to before the future picture that peeped at from the Eve mind, Tang Qi communicated this paradise universe source Will. 同时,根据之前从夏娃脑海中窥视到的未来画面,唐奇沟通这乐园宇宙的“本源意志”。 The next quarter, Tang Qi and Eve's form transfers to go to some paradise deep place region automatically. 下一刻,唐奇和夏娃的身影自动向乐园深处某个区域挪移而去。 There is very lively, is conducting the collective motion. 那里无比热闹,正在进行着一场又一场的集体运动。 ps: Asked the monthly ticket, last day, did not throw the expired waste. ps:求月票,最后一天了,不投过期浪费啦。
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