LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1090: A bare god

In Boundless Occult has many universe dimensions, or some secret realm, have the extremely high reputation in the Ten-thousand Spirits community. 无垠神秘中有许多宇宙维度,或是一些秘境,在万灵群体内有着极高的声名。 For example Freak Town, for example many gods cemetery. 比如怪诞镇,比如众神墓场。 Paradise universe! 乐园宇宙! This is was almost known by all God, and world that likes. 这更是其中一个几乎被所有神灵所知,且喜爱的世界。 When no matter comes, here can find incessantly God. 不管何时来,在这里都能找到不止一尊神灵 Goes to this universe the way, existence in various Boundless Occult places. 前往这宇宙的路径,存在无垠神秘各处。 At this moment, is glittering in various types of brilliance world channels, two forms are leading the way. 此刻,一条闪烁着各种光辉的世界通道内,两道身影正在前行。 This channel is enormous, and unites with other channels, like extremely a world labyrinth. 这通道极大,且与其他通道相联,像极一个世界迷宫。 In this labyrinth does not appear the alone nihility, on the contrary is filling, Joy happily and so on positive/direct aura. 只是这迷宫内一点也不显得孤寂虚无,相反充满着欢愉、快乐等等正面气息。 These channel connections massive universes, but the end point only has one, that is paradise. 这些通道连接着大量宇宙,但终点却只有一个,那就是“乐园”。 The visitors from various universes, appear in the channel to go to that can enjoy all happy world. 来自各宇宙的访客们,出现在通道内都是为了前往那个可以享受一切欢愉的世界。 Their quantities, are above the Tang Qi's imagination. 祂们的数量,超乎唐奇的想象。 Trumpet Tang Qi has not concealed oneself Tentacle Monster shape, the body side attracts many gods lust Goddess Eve. 小号唐奇没有掩饰自己触手怪”的形态,身侧是魅惑众神的色欲女神夏娃。 Although receives new Destiny Goddess Sally's to warn, but Eve is still very happy. 虽然受到新一任命运女神莎莉的警告,但夏娃依旧很开心。 It's invited successfully, It invited Dream Dominion. 祂的邀请成功了,祂请来了梦幻主宰 Although is only part of clone, but was completely enough, 尽管只是一部分分身,但完全足够了, Saw that trumpet Tang Qi that Dream eye pupil unceasing winking move, are taking a look at often the visitor who presents from channels. 见到小号唐奇那一颗颗梦幻眼眸不断的眨动,打量着不时从一个个通道内出现的访客。 Eve remembers this new student/life Dominion existence years is not long immediately, in the Ten-thousand Spirits community, Tang Qi is sprouting/moe in the true sense is new. 夏娃立刻想起这位新生主宰存在的岁月并不长,在万灵群体中,唐奇是一个真正意义上的萌新。 Eve smiles, swayed a body, closely is pasting trumpet Tang Qi. 夏娃笑了笑,摇晃了一下身躯,紧紧贴着小号唐奇 Has not been hugging again, exactly is quite just dangerous in one, but in not excessive criterion. 没有再强搂着,刚好恰在一个比较危险,但又不过分的尺度上。 Obviously, Eve is one excels at courting death lust Goddess very much. 显然,夏娃是一位很擅长作死的色欲女神 Detected that dark the dangerous omen has not become rich, Eve smiles happily, at once starts is Tang Qi introduced other visitors who in the channel met. 发觉冥冥中的危险预兆没有变浓郁,夏娃笑得更加得意,旋即开始为唐奇介绍起了通道内遇上的一个个其他访客。 Concerns position standard, was exploded Eve as Dominion Tang Qi. 论及位格,作为主宰唐奇自是完爆了夏娃。 But concerns the human relations circle, the two are actually in turn. 但论及交际圈,二者却是反过来的。 Three Vulgarities Household by many high-grade civilized race welcome is not the fact, but in Ten-thousand Spirits, Eve was actually liked by many God. 三俗家族不被许多高等级文明种族欢迎是事实,但在万灵中,夏娃却被许多神灵所喜爱。 This too normal, after all is lust Goddess. 这太正常了,毕竟是色欲女神 According to Authority, Eve is stronger edition Flora. 按照权柄,夏娃是更强一个版本的芙洛拉 Initially if the Ispatrani companion were Eve, perhaps did not have is so easy to work as dregs Goddess. 当初伊斯帕特拉妮的伴侣如果是“夏娃”,或许就没那么容易当一个渣女神了。 Dregs Flora, temporarily not too big future trouble. 渣了芙洛拉,暂时没有太大后患。 If the dregs Eve, Ispatrani must meet head-on It powerful incomparable backing to roll instantly. 若是渣了夏娃,伊斯帕特拉妮即刻就要迎战祂强大无比的后援团了。 Naturally, Tang Qi is not Ispatrani, It may not want the dregs Eve's idea. 当然,唐奇并不是伊斯帕特拉妮,祂可一点没有想要渣夏娃的想法。 Even if Eve delivers on own initiative, Tang Qi must reject. 哪怕夏娃主动送上门,唐奇也必须拒绝。 Does the gaze of Destiny, crack a joke? 命运的注视,是开玩笑的? Eve does not know Tang Qi to have Understanding All, what is just warm is Tang Qi is introducing some unusual visitors. 夏娃不知晓唐奇拥有万物通晓,正热情的为唐奇介绍着一些奇特的访客们。 Tang Qi has not prevented, because It does not want to open Understanding All frequently. 唐奇也没有阻止,因为祂并不想时时刻刻都开启万物通晓 That is a card in hand, should not abuse. 那是底牌,不应该滥用。 Know-it-all Goddess takes the oneself guide, who will reject. 有一位“万事通女神”作为自己的向导,谁会拒绝呢。 Common Divinity Entity, or foreign lands race, cannot enter Eve's eyes. 寻常的神性实体,或是异域种族,也根本入不了夏娃的眼。 Can be carried specially by It, introduced that knows to Tang Qi, has the unusual characteristics. 能被祂特意拎出来,介绍给唐奇知晓的,都有着与众不同的特点。 For example at this moment, was pointing by Eve excitedly, flutters, one group of white and shiny huge matters. 比如这一刻,正被夏娃兴奋指着,飘荡过来的,一团白花花的巨大物事。 This matter, completely by one only obese, but the exceptionally flexible palm composes. 这物事,完全由一只只肥胖但异常灵活的手掌组成。 The fingers of all palms tall and slender powerful, and is soft. 所有手掌的手指都细长有力,且柔软。 They fuse in the unknown way together, seems the unique Life sign, can at will the swinging vanguard. 它们以未知方式融合在一起,似有独特生命迹象,可以随意摆动前行。 When gazes at them, will immediately have numb itch who is hard to contain to feel. 当注视它们时,立刻就会生出一种难以遏制的麻痒感觉。 And this feeling will transform as the pleasant sensation quickly, as they approach, the pleasant sensation even more is also intense. 并且这感觉会很快转化为快感,随着它们靠近,快感也愈加强烈。 Near the Tang Qi ear, Eve said excited: 唐奇耳边,夏娃兴奋不已道: Happy hand!” “欢愉之手!” They are one of the paradise universe most popular Life, is very unique Divinity Entity, does not have any combat strength, has nothing intensely.” “它们是乐园宇宙最受欢迎的生命之一,是很独特的神性实体,不具备任何战斗力,也没有任何强烈自我。” They are paradise universe indigenous, their missions are to bring happily.” “它们是乐园宇宙的土著,它们的使命是带来欢愉。” time, they will leave the paradise every other, goes to other universe dissemination pleasant sensations.” “每隔一段时间,它们都会离开乐园,前往其他宇宙散播快感。” Any Life, is as for God, no matter and male female other anything sex, so long as had been served one time by them, absolutely life-long unforgettable.” “任何生命,乃至于神灵,且不管是雄性雌性还是其他什么性别,只要被它们服务过一次,绝对会终生难忘。” Great Dream, after entering the paradise, do not miss their services.” “伟大的梦幻,进入乐园后,一定不要错过它们的服务啊。” If only listens to Eve's introduction, some Tang Qi also interests. 如果只听夏娃的介绍,唐奇还有些兴趣。 But looked that a that swings to flutter white and shiny, the palm of intense fusion, Tang Qi could not bear hit to tremble, It chose the rejection. 但看一眼那白花花摆动飘荡,密集融合的手掌,唐奇忍不住打了个寒颤,祂选择拒绝。 Does not wait for It to say the rejection words, actually saw Eve to distract the attention. 不等祂说出拒绝的话,却见夏娃又转移了目标。 What this lust Goddess stares is the front corner, drills another Divinity Entity that from another universe channel. 这次色欲女神盯上的是前方转角处,从另一个宇宙通道内钻出的又一神性实体 That seems like, is Goddess? 那看起来,是一位女神 Un, indeed is Goddess, again crowded dread sickness eruption Goddess. 嗯,的确是一位女神,再次让人密集恐惧症爆发的女神 It as high as several km, the head and four limbs normal, beautiful has no time very much. 祂高达数千米,头颅与四肢都很正常,美丽无暇。 The body is the soft loose and magnificent skirt, the surroundings are surrounding fresh flower, fountain, shell wait/etc. matters. 身上是柔软宽松又华丽的裙子,周围环绕着鲜花、喷泉、贝壳等等物事。 But these detail no one care, all looks to the It's vision, first time by his broad mind/bosom attraction. 但这些细节根本无人在意,所有看向祂的目光,第一时间都会被祂那宽阔的胸怀吸引。 There, piled up with the nurture descendant's organ. 那里,堆满了抚育后代的器官。 One after another, systematic, will be as without limits forever. 一摞一摞,井然有序,又仿佛永无止境。 And above, is secreting **. 且上面,正在分泌**。 Is lending the sweet aura, like spring water liquid. 散发着甘甜气息,如同泉水般的液体。 It places any world, then this/should world will be vital, will be full is the exuberant Life aura. 祂身处任何一个世界,那么该世界就将充满勃勃生机,将满是旺盛的生命气息。 On the face of his beautiful holy fills to warm with the color of loving tenderly, It seems like one truly Holy Mother, harbors the big love to all in world. 祂那美丽圣洁的脸上充满温暖与怜爱之色,祂似乎是一位真正的“圣母”,对世间的一切都怀有大爱。 Almost is immediately, Tang Qi judged that this Goddess should belong to Life pantheon. 几乎是立刻,唐奇就判断出这位女神应归属于“生命神系”。 In fact, that is true. 事实上,的确如此。 Eve looks at the Goddess' vision fully is the respect, in a soft voice is a Tang Qi introduced: 夏娃看着女神的目光满是崇敬,轻声为唐奇介绍道: It is great ‚’ subordinate god that Life Mother God most likes, bumper crop Goddess Rohren.” “祂是伟大的‘生命母神’最喜爱的一位属神,丰产女神柏勒伦。” Goddess that is worth everyone respecting It is, It has Boundless Occult to be broadest, warmest, sweetest mind/bosom.” “祂是一位值得所有人尊敬的的女神,祂有着无垠神秘最宽广,也最温暖,最甘甜的胸怀。” It will not refuse any to have well-meaning Life, does not need any reward, so long as can see It, can obtain It's to hug, obtains the It's nurture.” “祂不会拒绝任何心存善意的生命,不需要任何报酬,只要能够见到祂,都可以获得祂的拥抱,获得祂的抚育。” It's **, is a Life spring water, can cure all.” 祂的**,是一种生命泉水,可以治愈一切。” Right , he was also recited Poet roaming, singer wait/etc. to be engaged in the artistic creation Life worshipping by one group of writers.” “对了,祂还被一群作家、吟游诗人、歌唱家等等从事艺术创作的生命所崇拜。” Eve said that nod that Tang Qi understands very much. 夏娃说完,唐奇很理解的点点头。 Then did not have tiny bit blaspheming the color vision to look at Rohren one eyes with the respect, added: 而后用尊敬不带有一丝一毫亵渎之色的目光看了柏勒伦一眼,补充道: „Engaged in in creating Profession Life, who not Hope oneself inspiration, can look like this Goddess bumper crop, unobstructed, is sweet.” “从事创作职业生命,谁又不希望自己的灵感,可以像这位女神般丰产,通畅,又甘甜呢。” Paradise universe, is the lust is incessantly related.” “乐园宇宙,也不止是色欲相关啊。” Because of Rohren, Tang Qi rare had a positive opinion to the paradise universe. 因为柏勒伦,唐奇难得对乐园宇宙有了点正面评价。 These words just said, quick Eve for the next visitor who It said that drew the style. 只是这些话刚说完,很快夏娃为祂介绍的下一位访客,就将画风又拉了回去。 bang bang bang! 嘭嘭嘭 These huge sounds, transmit from the channel distant place. 这些巨大声响,从通道远处传来。 Actually sees another Giant to appear, It rips open world barricade crudely. 却见又一尊巨人出现,祂粗暴的撕开世界壁障 No so-called clothing, the complete Primitive condition, appears the oneself that perfect vigorous and healthy and huge body in the ray. 身上没有任何所谓的“衣物”,完全的原始状态,将自己那完美健壮又庞大的躯体显现在光芒之中。 Nature, included his work. 自然,也包括了祂那活儿。 When the mysterious that thing, gazed at presents trillion transformation, may be possible to be short steadily, may be possible to be small greatly, has almost any shape. 神奇的那物,被注视时出现亿万变化,可长可短,可大可小,几乎拥有任何形态。 This Giant without a doubt is Divinity Entity, but unlike other God. 巨人毫无疑问是一尊神性实体,但与其他的神灵不一样。 This Giant seems to have immersed in Joy condition, It completely let loose oneself Mind and body. 巨人似乎一直沉浸在“快乐”状态,祂完全放开了自己心灵与躯体。 That may be called perfect body sacred Primitive Giant body, such a wisp dashes about wildly toward the front. 那堪称“完美之躯”的神圣又原始巨人躯,就这么不着一缕的往前方狂奔。 Dashing about wildly at the same time, It also sends out some significances unclearly talks during sleep to shout. 狂奔的同时,祂还发出一些意义不明的呓语嘶吼。 But It dashed about wildly the past place, every other distance then presented a giant footprint. 而祂狂奔过去的地方,每隔一段距离便出现一个巨大脚印。 In the footprint, the unnatural pink gas ascends. 脚印内,怪异的粉色气体升腾。 When Tang Qi looked at past tense, even without opening Understanding All, still felt thick dangerous meaning as before. 唐奇看过去时,即便没有开启万物通晓,也依旧从中感受到了一股浓浓的危险意味。 A warning, is exceptionally clear, thunders in the mind. 一种警告,异常清晰,在脑海中轰鸣。 Do not step on into these footprints! 不要踩入那些脚印! Do not step on into these footprints! 不要踩入那些脚印! Do not step on into these footprints! 不要踩入那些脚印! When these warning surges come out, near the Tang Qi ear, Eve's introduction also resounds at the right moment: 正当这些警告翻腾出来时,唐奇耳边,夏娃的介绍也适时响起: It is Alamein, does not belong to any pantheon faction, is special Divinity Entity.” “祂是阿拉曼,不归属于任何一个神系阵营,是一尊特殊的神性实体。” It has unusual Divine Power, It has stepped on anything, no matter entity is non- entity, will form the divinity footprints in the surface.” “祂拥有非常奇特的神力,祂踩踏过的任何物事,不管是实体还是非实体,都会在表面形成一个个神性脚印。” Any Life, so long as the repetition steps into the footprint, on It's child bosom.” “任何生命,只要重复踏入脚印,将怀上祂的孩子。” This Divine Power is his inherent strength, is precisely the passive release, cannot dispel.” “这种神力是祂与生俱来的力量,且是被动释放,不可消解。” This is not the misdemeanor, therefore the child of birth, majority has the powerful talent, even there are minority some, has risen for the god.” “不过这并不都是坏事,因此诞生的孩子,大部分都拥有强大天赋,甚至有少数一些,已经扬升为神。” Also because of this, has the special goal, or the endangered race, will exhaust the means to seek for Alamein, comes under the birth with the aid of It the descendant.” “也是因为这,许多怀有特殊目的,或是濒临灭绝的种族,都会用尽办法寻找阿拉曼,借助祂来诞下后代。” To a certain extent, It has father who the normal heir are most ‚’ one.” “某种程度上,祂是拥有正常子嗣最多的‘父亲’之一。” These let the Tang Qi also surprised information, is actually not complete. 这些让唐奇也惊讶的信息,却并不是全部。 Eve, continued saying: Naturally, It never completely father's responsibility, but this cannot blame It, because starts from remote Uncivilized Period, Alamein is at one type to lose wisdom condition.” 夏娃顿了一下,继续道:“当然,祂从未尽过父亲的责任,只是这也不能责怪祂,因为从久远的蒙昧纪开始,阿拉曼就处于一种‘失智’状态。” It lost self- and wisdom, only permits some instinct, Desire that some are unable to be erased.” “祂失去了自我和智慧,只允下一些本能,一些无法被抹除的欲望。” It will dash about wildly in some Boundless Occult secret corners, the paradise universe It stays many.” “祂会在无垠神秘一些隐秘角落狂奔,乐园宇宙祂停留最多。” It receives the welcome of many female lifeform, because It has mysterious that thing that can bring infinitely happy.” “祂受到许多雌性生物的欢迎,因为祂拥有能带来无穷欢愉的神奇那物。” Sought the happy request mostly, It will not reject, this was Desire that It also had.” “大多数求欢要求,祂都不会拒绝,这是祂还拥有的欲望。” But It is forced very much difficultly, although It loses the wisdom for a long time, but the strength throughout placed ordinary God and powerful God between.” “但祂是很难被强迫的,祂虽然失智许久,但战力始终保持在‘普通神灵’和‘强力神灵’之间。” ...... …… Heard behind, Tang Qi the interest, the curiosity gave birth. 听到后面,唐奇似来了兴趣,好奇心生出。 Closed Understanding All, is dashing about wildly to that to the channel end, the bare god who is going to vanish discharges. 已关闭的万物通晓,对着那狂奔到通道尽头,将要消失的裸神重新施放。 ps: The renewal, asked the monthly ticket, is it possible that could not explode, the fat fish was urgently needed. ps:还有更新,求月票,莫非爆不回来了,胖鱼急需啊。
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