LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1089: Does not mind to join

„......” “不过……” Because Tang Qi complies to attend the party, but pleasantly surprised Eve, hears the transition suddenly, immediately shows the pitiful look. 正因为唐奇答应参加派对而惊喜不已的夏娃,骤然听到转折,立刻又是露出可怜兮兮的神色。 Attracts the aura, rises suddenly again. 魅惑气息,再度暴涨。 In Tang Qi perception dangerous aura gradually is also rich , to continue to say hastily: 唐奇感知中的“危险气息”也渐渐浓郁,连忙继续道: My main body will not go, will continue to shine Boundless Occult.” “我的本体不会前往,将继续照耀无垠神秘。” I will dispatch part of clone, attended the party with you together.” “我将派遣一部分分身,与你一起参加派对。” Tang Qi said that dangerous aura was still aggravating. 唐奇说完,那危险气息仍在加重。 After thinking deeply about one next, Tang Qi is somewhat awkward, that eye pupils the frequency that speeds up winking, made up one saying: 思索一下之后,唐奇似有些尴尬,那一颗颗眼眸又是加快了眨动的频率,又补了一句道: My clone goes the paradise with you, but participates in some activities, will be decided by my clone oneself.” “我的分身跟你去乐园,但是否参加其中的一些活动,将由我的分身自己决定。” The voice falls, actually sees Tang Qi that huge incomparable Dream tentacle god body to shiver slightly. 话音落下,却见唐奇那庞大无比的梦幻触手神躯微微颤动。 not too long, one group of brilliance sparkles, external build Eve Goddess slightly is small tentacle clone chirp to tumble. 不多时,一团光辉闪耀,一只外在体型比夏娃女神稍稍小一些的触手分身啪叽滚落出来。 Color Dream, the tentacle wriggles as before, the eye pupil glitters, is equivalent to small trumpet Tang Qi. 色彩依旧梦幻,触手蠕动,眼眸闪烁,相当于小小小号唐奇 His clone just appeared, has not made anything with enough time, actually saw Eve to throw. 祂这分身刚一显现,还未来得及做什么,却见夏娃扑上去了。 This lust Goddess, as if simply has not felt what danger. 这位色欲女神,仿佛根本没有感受到什么危险。 Sees trumpet Tang Qi's instantaneous, the beautiful face under his mask becomes incomparably excited vivid, fills the eyes that attract to narrow the eyes, throws directly goes forward, hugs into trumpet Tang Qi the bosom. 看见小号唐奇的瞬间,祂面具下的美丽脸庞变得无比兴奋生动,充满魅惑的双眼眯了起来,直接扑上前,将小号唐奇搂入怀中。 „, Good cute.” “啊,好可爱。” Great Dream, please believe that surely you most loyal worshipper, Eve will protect your clone.” “伟大的梦幻,请千万相信您最忠诚的崇拜者,夏娃会保护好您的分身的。” Besides Eve, in that universe any God, no matter the male gender or the female, are unable to touch your cute charming body.” “除了夏娃之外,那宇宙内任何神灵,不管是雄性还是雌性,都无法触碰您这可爱迷人的躯体。” Tang Qi can perception come out, Eve is real regarding the worship of oneself. 唐奇感知出来,夏娃对于自己的崇拜是真实的。 So long as this is willing to become many pantheon Dominion sweethearts, or lust Goddess of companion, inexplicably regarding a Tentacle Monster God incomparable worship. 这位只要愿意就能成为许多神系主宰情人,或是伴侣的色欲女神,莫名对于一尊触手怪神灵无比崇拜。 However because of this, Tang Qi will also be helpless, the It's rejection is very obvious, was very firm. 不过也正因为如此,唐奇才会非常无奈,祂的拒绝已经很明显,很坚决了啊。 But makes It helpless, even is somewhat scared, then falls into excessively excited Eve, starts to show the criterion overdone Fantasy. 而更让祂无奈,甚至有些恐慌的,是接下来陷入过度兴奋的夏娃,开始展现出来尺度更加过火的“幻想”。 In front of Tang Qi main body, is hugging trumpet Tang Qi Eve. 就当着唐奇本体的面,搂着“小号唐奇”的夏娃。 In his mind Fantasy scene one after another, complete out of control boiling up. 祂脑海里面一个接一个的幻想景象,完全失控般的迸出。 The ship shakes, but starts. 船震,只是开始。 This lust Goddess completely disregarded the Tang Qi hidden danger transmission in the past warning, is imagining unscrupulously, common human lives the picture that the 10,000 year cannot find out. 这色欲女神完全无视了唐奇隐患传递过去的“警告”,肆无忌惮的想象着,寻常人类活上一万年也想不出的画面。 If narrated completely practical, Tang Qi suspects by the harmony. 如果全部写实叙述出来,唐奇怀疑会被和谐。 So long as knows that has no clothing in the picture that on Fool's Ship vibrates, is actually the minimum criterion. 只要知道,那无任何衣物在愚人船上震动的画面,其实是最低尺度。 If these with Primitive Desire related Fantasy, only then Tang Qi can peep, that not too major problem. 如果这些与原始欲望相关的“幻想”只有唐奇可以窥视,那并无太大问题。 Tang Qi rejected Eve, but is not good to limit the It's imagination, after all is lust Goddess. 唐奇拒绝了夏娃,但也不好限制祂的想象,毕竟是一位色欲女神 But was a pity very much, outside abatement Tang Qi, existence can also know these, adopts another way. 但很可惜,除却唐奇外,还有一位存在也可以知晓这些,通过另一种方式。 huā lā! 哗啦 Incomparably towering, the illusory river wave comes. 无比突兀的,虚幻河潮涌来。 fog of confusion and Thread of Destiny dodge pass, the ice-cold vision nearly concentrates to fall on Eve together substantive. 迷雾命运之线一闪即逝,一道冰冷的目光近乎凝成实质般落在夏娃身上。 Although the river tide and fog of confusion are vanishing instantaneously, but Eve incomparably clear feeling that malice. 虽然河潮与迷雾都在瞬间消失,但夏娃还是无比清晰的感受到了那恶意 It looks down to oneself, looks to the body all around. 祂低头看向自己,看向躯体周遭。 Release intense ominous aura black flower is revolving It to bloom, withers suddenly. 释放出强烈不祥气息的“黑花”正围绕着祂绽放,又眨眼枯萎。 Jet black Thread of Destiny, appears and is hidden on his attractive wheat-colored flesh to vanish. 漆黑的命运之线,在祂那诱人小麦色肌肤上显现又隐没消失。 Shortly, Eve realized anything. 顷刻间,夏娃意识到了什么。 In the mind many Fantasy pictures of that out-of-control were frozen all, wipes the color of awkward forced smile to reappear in his corners of the mouth. 脑海中那失控的诸多幻想画面尽数被冻结,一抹尴尬的苦笑之色浮现在祂嘴角。 If It also has the Understanding All's words, then in his eye pupil should appear such Info Fragment: 如果祂也有万物通晓的话,那么祂眼眸内应该浮现出这样的信息碎片: Youhad been marked bymisfortune!” “你已经被‘厄运’所标记!” In fact, Eve knows. 事实上,夏娃知道。 Is worse than this, It makes mistakes to harm. 比这还要糟糕,祂犯了个错误。 It was so been incessantly simple by the misfortune mark, It is wielding Destiny powerful Goddess staring. 祂不止是被厄运标记这么简单,祂被一位执掌着“命运”的强大女神给盯上了。 Although Goddess has not come, has not transmitted any sound to come. 虽然女神并未现身,也没有传递任何声音过来。 But that warning, is very real. 但那警告,无比真实。 If Eve really makes these criterion excessive Fantasy the reality, It suspected very much oneself can be encumbered by misfortune in the following long years. 如果夏娃真的让那些尺度过分的幻想成为现实,祂很怀疑自己会不会在接下来漫长岁月中都被厄运缠身。 Ordinary God position standard, in Ten-thousand Spirits already powerful. 普通神灵位格,在万灵中已算强大。 But facing new Destiny Goddess, Dominion Grade position standard, is unable to bring the tiny bit security sense even. 但面对新一任命运女神,就算主宰级位格,也无法带来一丝一毫的安全感。 Thinks of here, Eve does not abandon in trumpet Tang Qi the bosom loosens slightly. 想到这里,夏娃非常不舍的将怀中“小号唐奇”稍稍松开一些。 Right, It has not completely let loose as before, stubborn empty is hugging. 对,祂依旧没完全放开,倔强的虚搂着。 Then It looks up to Tang Qi, resembles somewhat asks afraid: 而后祂抬头看向唐奇,似有些心虚问道: Therefore, that scandal real, new Destiny Goddess and are you a companion?” “所以,那绯闻是真的啊,新一任命运女神和您是伴侣?” Is that earliest has connection Misfortune Witch with you, afterward Destiny young girl?” “是那位最早与您有关联的厄运女巫么,后来的命运少女?” I have also listened to other hearsay, you as if with Ancient and Old Observer disciple also has very close relations.” “不过我还听过一些其他的传闻,您似乎与‘古老观察者’的弟子也有很亲密的关系哦。” Right, ’ also with you have the unusual relations by Saintess that Radiance Mother God regarded as important probably ‚.” “对了,好像还有一位被‘光明母神’看重的圣女也与您有着非同一般的关系。” Since they can, Eve, Eve not mind is completely involved.” “既然她们可以,那夏娃也可以的,夏娃完全不介意加入其中。” Perhaps great Dream, you can let......” “伟大的梦幻,或许您可以让……” This lust Goddess initial is a little afraid, but speaking of behind started curious gossip to get up. 这色欲女神初始还有点心虚,但说到后面就开始好奇八卦起来了。 Moreover, more said that is odder. 而且,越说越离谱。 Words that freely since It told, It did not have deceit Tang Qi, It's was really qualified worshipper. 尽管从祂讲述的话来看,祂没有欺骗唐奇,祂的确是一位合格的崇拜者 Because the Tang Qi's existence feeling in the intensity, his position standard rising speed also is quite extremely astonishing. 由于唐奇的存在感太过于强烈,祂位格的扬升速度也极为惊人。 This causes with Tang Qi related existence, only if the position standard strength is also astonishing, will otherwise be covered by the It's ray. 这导致与唐奇有关的存在,除非位格实力同样惊人,否则都会被祂的光芒所掩盖。 For example Rose Madeleine, for example Steiner. 比如萝丝·玛德琳,比如斯坦娜 Naturally, Jason and other friends are also same. 当然,还有詹森等友人也是一样。 Was remembered by other Boundless Occult Ten-thousand Spirits, is only Truth Thorn Raphael, Lord of the Furnace and other Dominion Grade existence. 无垠神秘其他万灵记住的,只是真理荆棘拉斐尔,熔炉之主主宰级存在 Eve can know Rose and Steiner's existence, but also knows Sally at first is Misfortune Witch, showed sufficiently It has understood Tang Qi specially. 夏娃能知道萝丝斯坦娜的存在,还知晓莎莉最初是厄运女巫,足以证明祂特意了解过唐奇 Some such frantic fans, Tang Qi is happy, does not dare is too happy. 有这样一位“狂热粉丝”,唐奇既开心,也不敢太开心。 This is lust Goddess, moreover becomes Tang Qi subordinate god with another finally, calls makes Cassie Chloe compared with frantic fans, Eve's set off point may not be unchaste. 这可是一尊色欲女神,而且与另一位最终成为唐奇属神,唤作“凯茜·克洛伊”的狂热粉丝相比,夏娃的出发点可一点不纯洁。 Cassie Chloe, that is pious follower. 凯茜·克洛伊,那是虔诚信徒 She may not have frantically, wants with Tang Qi this Dominion ship shakes the idea. 她可没有狂热的,想要和唐奇这位主宰“船震”的想法。 Cassie criterion biggest Fantasy, is becomes the Tang Qi's maid and assistant, frequently follows side Dominion. 凯茜尺度最大的幻想,也就是成为唐奇的女仆和助手,时刻追随在主宰身边。 But Eve this lust Goddess, has not disappointed oneself Authority actually completely, his initial goal was very obvious, It came Dream Country to rest country master. 而夏娃这色欲女神,倒是完全没有辜负自己权柄,祂初始目的就很明显了,祂前来梦幻国度就是想睡了国度主人 These, are still It are also warned by Sally even in any case. 这些也就算了,反正也是祂被莎莉警告。 That words that but now It puts out, disclosed the information that was very dangerous. 但现在祂吐出的那一句句话,透露出的信息就很危险了。 What is did not mind? 什么叫不介意? What is involved? 什么叫加入其中? ...... …… If Tang Qi the human shape, should be sweating profusely now. 唐奇如果还是人类形态,现在应该已是满头大汗。 It stares in source of trouble lead to the east Eve, has not given any reply. 祂瞪了眼在“祸水东引”的夏娃,没有给任何回复。 Tang Qi wants to say anything at this moment actually, what a pity cannot. 唐奇此刻倒是想说点什么,可惜不能。 Understanding All that Tang Qi that had not closed is warning It, the gaze of Destiny has not been far away. 唐奇那仍未关闭的万物通晓在警告祂,命运的注视并未远离。 Tang Qi did not say a word, the tentacle wriggled, bound solid Eve and trumpet oneself. 唐奇一言不发,触手蠕动出去,将夏娃和小号自己裹了个严实。 Then the illusory boundary was broken, the tentacle flings, closes to see a visitor out. 而后虚幻界限被打破,触手一甩,关门送客。 Will bring the good news and a big trouble „after lust Goddess sends off, Tang Qi to the nihility place, is whispering saying: 将带来了好消息和不小麻烦的“色欲女神”送走后,唐奇对着虚无处,嘀咕了一句道: In that paradise universe, there is Fool's Ship.” “那乐园宇宙内,有愚人船。” Un, is second that I need.” “嗯,是我需要的第二艘。” Apex 顶点
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