LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1092: Ancient One Bose Aiken

In the paradise universe, besides with lust related happy activity, can release the activities of other Desire also to have no omission. 乐园宇宙内,除了与“色欲”相关的欢愉活动外,能让人释放其他欲望的活动也没有任何遗漏。 Here, is conducting the celebration after all. 这里,毕竟正在进行着庆典。 Entire by the universe that the candy color floods, Joy is filled any corner. 整个被糖果色充斥的宇宙,快乐弥漫任何一个角落。 Boundless Occult, has no universe to be able on the liveliness probably in comparison. 无垠神秘,大概没有任何一个宇宙在热闹上能与之相比。 When Tang Qi and Eve transfer toward that region, can still see other celebrations, some Desire can understand, some cannot. 唐奇和夏娃挪移往那区域时,仍可以看见其他庆典活动,有些欲望可以理解,有些则不能。 But the atmosphere is consistent, that is happy and Joy. 但气氛是一致的,那就是欢愉与快乐 And in Tang Qi perception, in this universe not existence any malice. 且在唐奇感知中,此宇宙内不存在任何恶意 This is actually worth shocking, the universe dimension that even some good gods rule, cannot achieve this point. 这其实非常值得震惊,就算是一些善神所统治的宇宙维度,也做不到这一点。 Between life and life are very difficult the mutual understanding, the difference and malice are Eternity existence.” “生灵与生灵之间很难互相理解,分歧与恶意永恒存在的。” God is also so, even if faction, still likely has War, or wish makes the opposite party fall from the sky.” 神灵也是如此,即便同属一个阵营,也可能发生战争,或是想要让对方陨落。” But here, Ten-thousand Spirits that no matter ordinary Life, the supernatural race, or kept aloof, harbors the unthinkable good intentions.” “但这里,不管是平凡生命,超凡种族,或是原本高高在上的万灵,都怀有匪夷所思的善意。” Moreover, very polite.” “而且,非常有礼貌。” If extremely in not indulging, this simply is perfect, does not have any flaw world.” “如果不是太过于放纵,这简直是完美,没有任何缺陷的世界。” Tang Qi's acclaimed, from that saw. 唐奇的赞叹,源自所见的一幕幕。 From different universes, different races, different sexes, different faction lives, friendly is enjoying Joy. 来自不同宇宙,不同种族,不同性别,不同阵营的生灵们,友好的享受着快乐 If in elsewhere, Tang Qi thinks that oneself will only see War. 若在别处,唐奇认为自己只会看见战争 From Hell's Evil Demon, with angel from Radiant Country, can enjoy the lust unexpectedly together, moreover is the short lover relations.” “来自地狱的恶魔,与来自光明国度天使,竟然也能一起享受色欲,而且还是短暂的情侣关系。” Worships Apocalypse Evil follower, in fairy maiden with the nature pantheon forest plays in the thick patch of grass together.” “崇拜末日邪恶信徒,与自然神系的林中仙女一起在草丛中嬉戏。” Benighted wild animal magical monster, with advocating the Order gentry race tumbles in the spring water together.” “愚昧无知的野兽魔怪,与崇尚秩序的绅士种族共同在泉水中翻滚。” Hobby slaughters with Devour Divinity Entity, plays the music with prey above the starry sky.” “嗜好杀戮与吞噬神性实体,与猎物们在星空之上弹奏音乐。” ...... …… Here, regardless of you want anything, regardless of you have how crazy Fantasy, can obtain, can realize. 在这里,不论你想要什么,不论你有着多么疯狂的幻想,都可以得到,都可以实现。 Perhaps you are only the ordinary small and weak Life body, for example from Origin Star's ordinary human. 或许你只是平凡弱小的生命体,比如一个来自起源星的普通人类 So long as you can enter the paradise, you can enjoy all Desire. 但只要你得以进入乐园,你就能享受所有欲望 If that rule said, will not leave behind any future trouble. 而且如那规则所说,不会留下任何后患。 When leaves, can keep the paradise all indulging, you were still you. 离开时,可以将所有的放纵都留在乐园,你仍旧是你。 Tang Qi's sighed that has not continued, if It is human, no burden, then indulges Desire to enjoy also no. 唐奇的感叹没有继续下去,祂如果还是一个人类,又没有什么负担,那么放纵欲望进行享受也没有什么。 But now, It is Dream Dominion. 但现在,祂是梦幻主宰 These can let the atmosphere that most lives immerse, is unable to affect It. 那些可以让大部分生灵都沉浸的氛围,无法影响到祂。 When the Space transformation feeling vanishes, Tang Qi and Eve have appeared under bright incomparable starry skies. 空间转换感消失,唐奇与夏娃已是出现在了一片灿烂无比的星空下方。 Here starlight, like neon intensive twinkle. 这里的星光,如同霓虹般密集闪烁。 Future that Tang Qi peeps, at this moment direct collapsing is the reality. 唐奇所窥视的未来,此刻直接坍缩为现实。 It's at present, in the starry sky is floating crystal bed, glasshouse, palace, magic carpet and other thing, dense and numerous. 祂的眼前,星空中漂浮着水晶床、玻璃房、宫殿魔毯等物,密密麻麻。 But these, are the items. 而这些,都是道具。 existence of tumbling entanglement on these items, is including God, human, magical monster, supernatural beings and innumerable variously shaped foreign lands races. 正在这些道具上翻滚纠缠的存在,囊括了神灵人类魔怪超凡生物以及无数形态不同的异域种族。 They are put behind that all worries, immerse, in the pure happiness enjoys. 它们都已是忘却一切烦恼般,沉浸在纯粹的欢愉享受中。 Has one-on-one, has the pair to the pair, there is a list to many, or many to list, the community exchanges. 有单对单,有双对双,也有单对多,或是多对单,还有群体交流。 The strong incomparable lust aura, almost must submerge Tang Qi. 浓烈无比的色欲气息,几乎要将唐奇淹没。 Tang Qi as if can see that at present has pink great hands, they extend gently, tries to tow to entrain Tang Qi and Eve, toward starry sky. 唐奇仿佛可以看到眼前多出了一只只粉色巨手,它们温柔延伸过来,试图拖拽着唐奇和夏娃,往星空内去。 According to the beforehand Tang Qi's processing mode, It should reject. 按照之前唐奇的处理方式,祂应该会拒绝。 Eve also thinks from the beginning, this lust Goddess heart gives birth gradually regretted, It thinks oneself is unable to rest to great and charming Idol. 夏娃一开始也是如此认为的,这位色欲女神心底渐渐生出遗憾,祂认为自己无法睡到伟大又迷人的“偶像”了。 However, the strange picture happened, Tang Qi has not rejected. 然而,诡异的画面发生,唐奇没有拒绝。 It even held Eve's hand on own initiative, then under that pink mist direction, in vacant a item toward the starry sky fluttered to go. 祂甚至是主动牵起了夏娃的手,而后在那粉色雾气指引下,往星空内一个空置的道具飘荡而去。 That item, is a fine weird wooden boat. 那道具,是一艘精美怪诞的木船。 Originally because of Tang Qi that it comes, although at this moment pulls lust Goddess Descends to come, but in his Mind does not have Desire. 本就因它而来的唐奇,此刻虽然牵着色欲女神降临过来,但祂心灵之中毫无欲望 The Tang Qi's vision, completely this second Fool's Ship attracts. 唐奇的目光,完全这“第二艘愚人船”所吸引。 It seems like by the special artware that strange artist Creation comes out, it has to distinguish between the constructions of other ships. 它像是被古怪艺术家创造出来的特殊艺术品,它有着区别于其他船只的形制。 Casting its material unknown, its surface and inside, is proliferating the incredible incomparable relief. 铸造它的材料未知,它的表面及内里,都遍布着荒诞无比的浮雕。 Tang Qi has known Fool's Ship related information, the most essential point: 唐奇已知晓有关“愚人船”的信息,其中最关键的一点: Fool's Ship has the division of genuine pirating, more specifically, only had Fool's Ship that crowd of mysterious Sage and philosophers Creation had/left, was true Fool's Ship. 愚人船有正版盗版之分,更确切的说,唯有那群神秘的贤者、哲人所创造出的愚人船,才是真正的愚人船 But other God, no matter position standard is high, their Creation comes out is only the replica, for example Tumu, It is moved to make massive Fool's Ship, but these not real. 而其他神灵,不管位格多么高,祂们创造出来的都只是仿制品,比如图姆,祂动念就能造出大量愚人船,但那些都不是真的。 That that I have .” “我拥有的那艘,是真的。” However this, yes.” “而这艘,也是。” Tang Qi makes the judgment quickly, It saw more details. 唐奇很快做出判断,祂看到了更多细节。 At present this, with that It has, has many different places. 眼前这艘,与祂拥有的那艘,有着很多不一样的地方。 Most conspicuous then in the ship, inside actually has the living creature. 最显眼的便在船内,里面竟然有着活物。 On the crooked black mast is hanging ship lamp, a light the clown of buttocks, is standing under the lamp laughs wildly. 歪歪扭扭的黑色桅杆上挂着船灯,一位光着屁股的小丑,站在灯下狂笑。 The central place, there is a lush emerald green apple tree. 中央处,有一棵茂盛翠绿的苹果树。 Grey black, has yellow sets upright the pupil poisonous snake to occupy on the twig. 一条灰黑色,有着黄色竖瞳的“毒蛇”盘踞在枝杈上。 Regarding the tree, is standing respectively King that wears tall Mao, the old woman of hanging down head, has the child of wing, as well as wears a mask to have the young woman of graceful body. 围绕着树,分别站着一位戴着高帽的国王,低垂头颅的老妇,有翅膀的小孩,以及蒙着面有着曼妙躯体的年轻妇人。 When Tang Qi gazes at it, in the pupil dim light blasting open, intense Info Fragment bursts out from this. 唐奇注视它时,眸内幽光炸裂,强烈的信息碎片由此迸发。 First Fool's Ship that Tang Qi obtains, not too powerful strength. 唐奇获得的第一艘愚人船,并无太多强大的力量。 But can allow the mortal to enter Boundless Occult, and does not provide the protection. 只不过可以让凡人进入“无垠神秘”,且并不提供保护。 Perhaps, is the foundation version? Weakens the version? 或许,算是基础版?削弱版? But present this second Fool's Ship, actually and different. 而眼前的这第二艘愚人船,却并不一样。 It can provide such as asylum and „the speed of light and fool Puppet and so on extremely practical strengths, simultaneously that apple tree on ship is also a supernatural plant. 它可以提供诸如“庇护”、“光速”、“愚人傀儡”等等极为实用的力量,同时在船上的那棵苹果树也是一株超凡植物。 The apple on tree, may make to prolong the life span long life secret medicine, and may superimpose to take. 树上的苹果,可制成延长寿命的长生秘药,且可叠加服用。 In other words, has this Fool's Ship person, so long as were not affected by the disaster, that is almost undying. 也就是说,拥有这艘愚人船的人,只要不被灾难波及,那几乎是不死的。 Compares the foundation version, without doubt strengthened. 相比基础版,无疑增强了很多。 Is because casting time is different?” “是因为铸造时间不同?” This second, is not early period Dark Period, is later period Uncivilized Period.” “这第二艘,不是黑暗纪早期,是蒙昧纪晚期。” “呼” Tang Qi is thinking, felt the intense constriction swiftly. 唐奇正在思索,倏然感受到了强烈压迫感。 When does not know gets up, It was being pulled on...... the ship by Eve unexpectedly. 不知何时起,祂竟然被夏娃拉扯着上了……船。 This lust Goddess completely disregards the clown, King on, woman and child ship, overthrows toward the apple tree under trumpet Tang Qi directly. 这色欲女神完全无视船上的小丑、国王、妇人和孩童,直接将小号唐奇往苹果树下推倒。 The Tang Qi's clothing...... is on Tentacle Monster Tang Qi does not have the clothing, this is very without doubt convenient. 唐奇的衣物……已是触手怪唐奇身上没有衣物,这无疑很方便。 But Eve, the It's women's clothing is dragging the Tang Qi embarking twinkling on silent to vanish. 而夏娃,祂的衣裙在拖着唐奇上船瞬息就无声消失了。 Drags in this ship lamp, the starry sky bright place, the two with the most Primitive bold stance, sincerity. 就在这船灯摇曳,星空灿烂处,二者以最原始奔放的姿态,坦诚相见。 This, indeed once appeared in Eve's future Fantasy, becomes the reality once again. 这一幕,也的确曾出现在夏娃的未来幻想中,再次成为现实。 Can counter be pushed?” “要被逆推了?” Moreover, so many bystanders.” “而且,这么多围观者。” Tang Qi somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry to look that this happened, although under these clown King on ship, the top of the head lets fall the poisonous snake of head slowly, essentially is the life Puppet of epiphytic in Fool's Ship. 唐奇有些哭笑不得看着这一幕发生,虽然船上的这些小丑国王,还有头顶缓缓垂落下头颅的毒蛇,本质上都是附生在愚人船内的生灵傀儡 But his perception will not have the mistake, they are real existence Life. 但祂感知不会有错误,他们是真实存在生命 Tang Qi in lust, although does not have very obvious cleanliness/mysophobia, but when conducting most Primitive exchange, presents so many bystanders, this obviously is incorrect. 唐奇在色欲上虽然没有很明显的洁癖,但在进行最原始交流时,出现这么多围观者,这显然是不行的。 Naturally, these are not the key points. 当然,这些不是重点。 Tang Qi may never think really wants ship to shake, this is Fool's Ship. 唐奇可从未想过真的要“船震”,这可是愚人船 Many Info Fragment are still bursting out, the mystery on ship has not shown in the Tang Qi eye completely. 更多的信息碎片还在迸发出来,船上的奥秘还未完全展现在唐奇眼中。 However time without enough time, Tang Qi has not continued to read. 不过时间来不及,唐奇没有继续阅览下去。 Thought fast for one second, then acts immediately. 快速思索了一秒,而后立刻出手。 After all is Dream Dominion, paradise universe position standard is very high, universe Will also has the unusual influence. 毕竟已是梦幻主宰,乐园宇宙的位格很高,宇宙意志也有着非同一般的影响力。 But to Dominion Grade, here rule seems frail. 但对上主宰级,这里的规则就显得脆弱。 However Tang Qi not crude impediment Eve, but is directly with oneself Authority satisfied Eve. 不过唐奇并未粗暴的阻止夏娃,而是直接用自己的“权柄”满足了夏娃。 Fantasy! 幻想 This is wielded by Tang Qi, It is moved, Eve immersed to conduct the lust event in Idol wonderful Fantasy. 这本就是由唐奇执掌的,祂一动念,夏娃就沉浸到了与偶像进行色欲活动的美妙幻想中。 “呼” Looks at Eve already in the exclusive froth that in oneself prepares for It enjoys, Tang Qi cannot bear send out a sigh. 看着夏娃已在自己为祂准备的专属泡泡内享受,唐奇忍不住发出一声叹息。 Although possibly is the misconception, but Tang Qi thought that oneself should evade a fatal test. 虽然可能是错觉,但唐奇觉得自己应该是躲过了一次致命考验。 Again, It was saying to the nihility place very much assuredly: 再一次,祂对着虚无处很笃定道: Un, I come for the ship.” “嗯,我可是为了船才来的。” The voice falls, a Tang Qi tentacle extends, Fool's Ship binds the volume that is dragging directly. 话音落下,唐奇一条触手延伸出去,径直将那摇曳着的愚人船裹卷。 Then, Tang Qi starts to increase toward the high place. 而后,唐奇开始往高处攀升。 This second Fool's Ship contrasts first many these strength attribute, is actually little significance regarding Dominion Grade Tang Qi. 这第二艘愚人船对比第一艘多出的那些力量属性,其实对于主宰级唐奇来说没有太大意义。 But Tang Qi must obtain it as before, Fool's Ship takes strange object, seems very difficult to help Dominion again. 唐奇依旧要得到它,愚人船作为奇物本身,似乎很难再帮助一位主宰 Tang Qi settles on truly, is Fool's Ship contains, with that group of Occult prophets and Sage related secret. 唐奇真正看中的,是愚人船蕴含着的,与那群神秘先知、贤者们有关的秘密。 The prompt of big octopuses, obviously also in this. 大章鱼们的提示,显然也是在此。 First Fool's Ship Tang Qi is snatches, but this second, actually cannot snatch again. 第一艘愚人船唐奇是抢来的,但这第二艘,却不能再抢。 Its master, before is not, that timid emaciated Half-God Gaffaro. 它的主人,可不是之前那胆怯孱弱的半神伽法罗 Tang Qi is curling Fool's Ship, crossed quickly that was conducting the item of lust activity layer upon layer, crossed that neon bright starry sky. 唐奇卷着愚人船,很快越过了那一层层正在进行着色欲活动的道具,也越过了那霓虹般灿烂的星空。 Silent, Tang Qi broke through some mutual lack of understanding hindrance. 无声的,唐奇突破了某种隔膜阻碍。 Warm pure white sparkling enters the Tang Qi eye pupil, made It see God that has the special external shape. 温暖洁白的光映入唐奇眼眸,同时也让祂看见了一位有着特殊外在形态的神灵 This God sees Tang Qi descends, strange the demonic nature head collects instantly. 这位神灵唐奇降临,一颗诡异又魔性的头颅即刻凑了过来。 The It's nape of the neck, very soft willowy, supports It to do that sufficiently. 祂的脖颈,非常柔软有弹性,足以支撑祂这么做。 It seems to have known the Tang Qi's status ahead of time, even knows Tang Qi to come ahead of time. 祂似乎已经提前知晓唐奇的身份,甚至提前知晓唐奇会前来。 And the It's smile unusual demonic nature unnatural, the It's sound also makes Tang Qi feel somewhat familiar. 祂的笑容非常魔性且怪异,祂的声音也让唐奇感觉有些熟悉。 Welcome your arrival, great Dream Dominion.” “欢迎您的到来,伟大的梦幻主宰。” Although is first meeting, but I have listened to your name many times.” “虽然是第一次见面,但我已经听过您的名字很多次了。” I am Ancient One, Ancient One Bose Aiken.” “我是古老者,古老者博斯艾肯。” ps: Last hour, requested that everyone has the monthly ticket to throw to mystic, perhaps can also struggle the list, asked everyone, really really needed. Tonight will have the renewal! ps:最后一小时,请求大家有月票投给秘巫,或许还能争一下榜,拜托大家了,真的很需要。今晚还会有更新!
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