LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1086: Daily of Dream Dominion

Patched Boundless Occult, all are recovering. 已被修补的无垠神秘,一切都在复苏着。 Divinity Entity that because War falls from the sky, massive civilizations, many universe dimensions, return in the Destiny river tide counter volume, this Occult magnificent real world is restoring to the original condition at the extremely quick speed. 战争陨落的神性实体,大量的文明,诸多宇宙维度,都在命运河潮逆卷中回归,这神秘瑰丽的真实世界正在以极快速度恢复原貌。 The highest -grade races and civilizations have observation is boundless the custom, the great power that they have, can conduct cross plane, the survey activities of cross universe. 大部分高等级种族和文明都有着“观测无垠”的习惯,他们拥有的强大力量,可以进行跨位面,跨宇宙的探测活动。 But goal that they observe, then mostly is Ten-thousand Spirits, special Divinity Creature, or similar beam storm and universe fold this rare supernatural phenomenon. 而他们所观测的目标,则大多为万灵,特殊的神性生物,或是类似“射线风暴”、“宇宙折叠”这种罕见的超凡现象。 In this time node, because of that Destiny War, almost all civilizations and races, as well as some curiosity intense God, chooses to observe Dream Dominion. 在这个时间节点,因为那场命运战争,几乎所有文明和种族,以及一些好奇心强烈的神灵,都选择去观测梦幻主宰 If Ok, new Destiny Goddess is also naturally one of them. 如果可以,新一任命运女神自然也在其中。 But Destiny evasive, Sally in some secret world Purification Destiny river tides, Tang Qi is unable to gather with it temporarily, must observe the It's trail, Dominion Grade Ten-thousand Spirits cannot achieve. 但“命运”不可捉摸,莎莉正在一些隐秘世界净化命运河潮,唐奇暂时都无法与之相聚,要观测到祂的踪迹,主宰级万灵也做不到。 Tang Qi was different, as Dream Dominion, It is integrating Boundless Occult thoroughly. 唐奇却不一样了,作为梦幻主宰,祂正在彻底融入无垠神秘 When these God and civilized observation Radiance Dominion, will see that full is the auspicious ray world is the same. 正如那些神灵、文明观测“光明主宰”时,会看到满是祥和光芒的世界一样。 When they are gazing at Dream Country in the universe, seeing institute, is Dream. 当祂们注视着梦幻国度所在宇宙时,入目所及,是梦幻 Tang Qi's main body has returned to country, It is releasing Dream Bubble strongly, is extending the endless tentacle, making the Dream aura fill entire Boundless Occult. 唐奇的本体已回归国度,祂竭力释放着“梦幻泡泡”,延伸着无尽触手,让梦幻气息弥漫整个无垠神秘 Tang Qi, is keeping the oneself promise, once to has announced boundlessly the sound. 唐奇,正在实现自己的诺言,曾向无垠宣告过的声音。 Each Dominion Grade God, has the influence that other Divinity Entity are unable to compare. 每一位主宰级神灵,都有着其他神性实体根本无法比拟的影响。 Their Authority are also good, the faith is also good, or other anything, form absolutely radiation to the huge quantity of universe dimensions sufficiently. 祂们的权柄也好,信念也好,或是其他的什么,都足以对数量庞大的宇宙维度形成绝对辐射 When their subordinate god and family clan and letter/believes people are certain boundary, that then formed pantheon faction. 当祂们的属神、眷族和信民达到一定界限,那便形成了“神系阵营”。 Although the radiation range cannot limit the pantheon faction strong and weak completely, but that indeed is a reference factor. 虽说辐射范围并不能完全界定神系阵营的强弱,但那的确是一种参考因素。 These universe dimensions, if can be integrated some Dominion Authority area coverage, means that will be sheltered. 那些宇宙维度,若是能被纳入某一位主宰权柄覆盖区域,意味着将被庇护。 Boundless Occult, is never safe. 无垠神秘,从来就不是安全的。 That universe dimension, secret realm country, trillion stars wait/etc., is actually representing seduction. 那一个个宇宙维度,秘境国度,亿万星球等等,其实都代表着“诱惑”。 Any existence, possibly is an intruder. 任何存在,都可能是入侵者。 Divinity Entity, a greedy race, plunders the feeding habits civilization...... to accept the asylum, means that will not easily be destroyed. 一尊神性实体,一个贪婪种族,一个掠食性的文明……接受庇护,意味着不会被轻易毁去。 Naturally, obtains the asylum at the same time, Life in these universe dimensions will also pay some prices. 当然,获得庇护的同时,那些宇宙维度内的生命也将付出一些代价。 Belief! 信仰! This is conventional, is the most basic price. 这是常规,也是最基本的代价。 Minority pantheon faction, then hardly gathers the price, similarly will provide the asylum. 少数神系阵营,则几乎不收取代价,同样会提供庇护。 For example, We are Light household. 比如,我们是光家族 But such pantheon, was rarely few. 但这样的神系,很少很少了。 However starting from this moment, many. 不过这一刻开始,又多了一个。 Dream pantheon! 梦幻神系 New pantheon that is led by Tang Qi, provides the asylum, but does not request any belief return. 唐奇率领的新神系,提供庇护,但并不要求任何信仰回报。 Boundless Occult many Learned, Occult Study, is doing the related record work at this moment: 无垠神秘诸多博学者,神秘学者,此刻都在做着相关记载工作: Is finished by Destiny War that fog of confusion covered ‚, starts War previous Destiny Goddess to end in failure.” “被迷雾笼罩的‘命运战争’已经结束,发动战争的上一任命运女神以失败告终。” As a result of the Destiny War special nature, this time sweeps across Boundless Occult, endures is unknown than Dark Period Great Catastrophe large-scale cross plane War almost all details.” “由于命运战争的特殊性质,此次席卷无垠神秘,堪比黑暗纪大灾变的大规模跨位面战争几乎所有细节都不为人知。” Known information includes: War almost affects entire Boundless Occult, sweeps across almost all pantheon faction.” “已知信息包括:战争几乎波及整个无垠神秘,席卷几乎所有神系阵营。” Numerous Chaos Evil Dominion was cut to summon, finally slaughters on Origin Star mutually.” “一众混乱邪恶主宰被切割召唤,最终在起源星上互相厮杀。” God of Distortion Hese and Dream God Nairomon inexplicable fusion is Nightmare Dominion, And provides slaughtered the battlefield, after the War conclusion, Nightmare Dominion mysteriously missing, doubtful hides into all living things nightmare therapy, temporarily may not seek, but has the related race to become his family clan, tries to make the contact.” 扭曲之神荷瑟梦神奈洛蒙莫名融合为【梦魇主宰】,并提供了厮杀战场,战争结束之后,梦魇主宰神秘失踪,疑似躲入众生噩梦中疗伤,暂不可寻找,但已有相关种族成为其眷族,试图建立联系。” Finally this/should War can be solved, Deliverer is new Destiny Goddess together with numerous mysterious Destiny God, as well as played the major role, new Dominion Grade Ten-thousand Spirits, Dream Dominion.” “最终该战争得以被解决,拯救者为新一任命运女神连同一众神秘的命运神灵,以及发挥了更大作用,一位新的主宰级万灵,梦幻主宰。” „After War finished, Destiny pantheon in the unknown method, will be damaged serious Boundless Occult patching, Dream Dominion participation in.” 战争结束后,命运神系以未知手段,将受损严重的无垠神秘修补,梦幻主宰参与其中。” According to the passing information, Dream Dominion in the rising beforehand status is God Deceiver, By the human Sorcerer status, had once cheated Radiance Dominion in the presence of everyone.” “根据过往情报,梦幻主宰在扬升之前的身份为【欺神者】,曾以人类巫师的身份,当众哄骗过光明主宰。” Dream Dominion and Truth Lord of Thorns, Lord of the Furnace as well as massive powerful God and faction, have the intimate relation.” 梦幻主宰真理荆棘之主熔炉之主以及大量强大神灵阵营,都有着亲密关系。” In addition, Dream Dominion and new Destiny Goddess, a Occult unknown young girl, the two doubtful companion relates.” “除此之外,梦幻主宰与新一任命运女神,一位神秘未知的少女,二者疑似伴侣关系。” ...... …… Dream Country, Tang Qi that returns to from the nihility place, is adapting to the oneself new status. 梦幻国度,从虚无处回归的唐奇,正在适应着自己的新身份。 It drags to entrain country by main body, is embracing Deborah Town, emits to shine the Dream brilliance of trillion universe dimensions to Boundless Occult. 祂以本体拖拽着国度,怀抱着黛博拉镇,向无垠神秘放出照耀亿万宇宙维度的梦幻光辉。 Meanwhile, Tang Qi also has perception, It is withstanding massive gazes. 同时,唐奇也有所感知,祂正在承受着大量注视。 Be a focus of public attention! 万众瞩目! Although Destiny fog of confusion covered up many War details, but some key nodes, the result, is the exposure outside. 虽然命运迷雾遮掩了许多战争的细节,但一些关键节点,还有结果,都是曝光在外的。 In other words, Boundless Occult almost knows, Tang Qi this Dream Dominion, defeated that to be insufferably arrogant proudly, excelled at the woman who played with numerous Life to transport. 也就是说,无垠神秘几乎都知晓,唐奇这位梦幻主宰,击败了那位骄傲不可一世,又擅长玩弄众生命运的女士。 In addition between Tang Qi and Sally scandal, so long as the curiosity is slightly richer, has Life of observation strength, cast the vision. 再加上唐奇莎莉之间的“绯闻”,只要好奇心稍微浓郁一些,又有着观测力量的生命,都投来了目光。 This treatment, this situation. 这种待遇,这种处境。 Tang Qi initial does not adapt, is good because of It after all is Body of Dominion, can make It have the obvious feeling truly, majority are also Dominion Grade God. 唐奇初始也非常不适应,好在祂毕竟是主宰之躯,真正能让祂有明显感受的,大多数也都是主宰级神灵 They gazed at several times, had taken back the vision in abundance. 祂们注视过数次,纷纷都收回了目光。 This inside naturally also has hostility, such as abyss Ancestral God, Flesh Dominion, Lord of the Apocalypse and Rot Father God these Chaos Evil Dominion, they incomparably hate to plan oneself predecessor Destiny Goddess. 这里面自然也有“敌意”,如深渊祖神血肉主宰末日之主腐烂父神这些混乱邪恶主宰,祂们无比憎恨算计自己的前任命运女神 Similarly, Tang Qi also withstood some malice. 同样的,唐奇也承受了部分恶意 After all initially to prevent Destiny Whore, Tang Qi in the side of each Destiny Mark, left behind Dream Seed. 毕竟当初为了阻止命运婊,唐奇在每一个命运印记之侧,都留下了梦幻种子 These Chaos Dominion, are the victims. 这些混乱主宰,都是受害者。 Their bodies and God Country, had been devastated by the Tang Qi's Dream tentacle. 祂们的躯体与神国,都被唐奇的梦幻触手蹂躏过。 War finished, Tang Qi takes back the tentacle, has not seized the chance to plunder their Divinity Authority. 战争结束,唐奇收回触手,也并没有趁机掠夺祂们的神性权柄 But these, and being insufficient makes these hot tempered Evil ancient and old powerhouse forgive Tang Qi. 但这些,并不足以让这些暴躁邪恶古老强者们原谅唐奇 However, does not forgive is also not meaningful. 不过,不原谅也没有什么意义。 „!” “呵!” Feels these malice, Tang Qi is putting out taunts the laughter together. 感受着那些恶意,唐奇吐出一道嘲讽笑声。 These Chaos Dominion cut Authority strengths, half were returned by Sally. 这些混乱主宰们被切割的权柄力量,一半被莎莉归还。 But the other half, actually with Destiny Whore together becomes material that patches Boundless Occult. 但另一半,却和命运婊一起成为修补无垠神秘的材料。 This means that they are seriously battered, do not say that retaliates Tang Qi, they need to face, is malice of true mortal enemy. 这意味着祂们都遭受重创,不要说去报复唐奇,祂们更需要面对的,是真正死敌的恶意 For example that once incomparably rampant Rot Father God, regains consciousness after the inert condition, self-satisfied oppressive Death God Faction. 比如那曾经无比嚣张的“腐烂父神”,从惰性状态苏醒之后,得意的虐起了死神阵营 That time It, indeed had that position standard strength. 那时的祂,的确有着那种位格力量。 But after losing half of bodies and Divinity Authority, Rot Father God is in a tight corner. 但失去一半躯体和神性权柄之后,腐烂父神陷入窘境。 Death God Faction like Great Earth Faction and Life pantheon Good, Death God exceptionally does not bear a grudge like that and unites. 偏偏死神阵营又不像“大地阵营”、“生命神系”那般善良,死神们可是异常记仇且团结的。 Some Tang Qi this moment leisure, looked at eye that still to conduct the War rot universe quietly. 唐奇此刻有些闲暇,悄悄看了眼那还在进行着战争腐烂宇宙。 Full is the rot Creation vast world, that was once clamoring, must make all Death God shout that his father's Dominion, was being ganged up to surround and beaten up by one crowd of Death God. 满是腐烂造物的浩瀚世界,那曾叫嚣着,要让所有死神喊祂父亲的主宰,正被一群死神围殴着。 The Death storm sweeps across, rot universe bit by bit toward skeleton universe transformation. 死亡风暴席卷,腐烂宇宙正一点一点朝着尸骨宇宙转变。 From the outside world, has the aesthetic sense of difference actually. 从外界看去,倒是有着异样的美感。 Really, Destiny is variable.” “果然,命运是无常的。” Again happily easily do not say that is others' father, this not only meets does not have any friend, but also was ganged up to surround and beaten up easily.” “再得意也不要轻易自称是别人的父亲,这样不但会没有任何朋友,还容易被围殴。” Tang Qi sighed, takes back the vision with a smile. 唐奇感叹了一句,笑着收回目光。 Then, Tang Qi starts to inspect. 而后,唐奇开始视察自我。 Exactly said, It is conducting daily of new Dominion: 确切的说,祂正在进行着一位新主宰的日常: First observes the Dream life and Dream node growing trend, as Divine Power accumulates, in Dream Country is expanding frequently, means the life and node, is rising. 先观察一下梦幻生灵和梦幻节点的“长势”,随着神力累积,梦幻国度内时时刻刻都在扩张,也意味着生灵和节点,也都在疯涨着。 In this, even included some Divinity Entity, came from mostly Dream fertile soil. 这里面,甚至包括了一些神性实体,大多数来自【梦幻沃土】。 Holds the post of the fertile soil of farmer by the insect of blank, what planted is the divinity fragment, what delivered is Dream God. 由空白之虫担任农夫的沃土,种的是神性碎片,产出的是一位位梦幻神灵 Looks at the oneself subordinate god quantity, jumps out of 1 unceasingly 1 the digit, Tang Qi thanked Infancy Creator again generous. 看着自己属神数量,不断跳出“一”“一”的数字,唐奇不由再次感谢“幼年造物主”的慷慨。 Looks at these new subordinate god, Tang Qi had looked that has participated in War subordinate god to oneself that numerous: 看过那些新属神,唐奇又看向自己那一众参与过战争属神们: Diana held Cat Three Sisters to return to Freak Town, continued to hold the post of town head. 戴安娜抱着“猫之三姐妹”回了怪诞镇,继续担任镇长 Natural Disaster Monarch to each stricken universe, exercises the oneself responsibility. 天灾君主去往各个受灾宇宙,行使自己的职责。 Dyrda Lijia keeps in country, is directing new birth subordinate god. 蒂尔达丽嘉留在国度内,指引着新诞生的属神们。 Will Aifeisi starts to travel, It is new God of Machines. 维尔艾菲斯开始自我游历,祂是一位新的机械之神 Olga Nikolaevna accepts various Boundless Occult places Dragon Race, this brave wisdom queen, does not dread Flesh Dominion Authority, is resisting with it, competes for the title of Dragon Race protector, she is obviously qualified. 奥尔加·尼古拉耶芙娜则去收容无垠神秘各处的“龙族”,这位勇敢又智慧女王,丝毫不畏惧血肉主宰权柄,正与之对抗,争夺龙族守护者的称号,她显然更加合格。 ...... …… McCawley this fellow, really makes one envy, but also too salt fish, not diligently.” 麦考利这家伙,真让人嫉妒,不过也太咸鱼了,一点都不努力呢。” Looks, Tang Qi starts to complain. 看着看着,唐奇开始吐槽。 A It's subordinate god big pile, but most is close to life winner, is in Messer City with It's subordinate McCawley. 祂的属神一大堆,但离“人生赢家”最接近的,正是在梅瑟市就跟着祂的属下麦考利 This fellow rose for the steam, destruction and God of Rubber finally, War finished, he has not continued to expand Authority, then went home directly, with the oneself wife and kid greasily in the same place. 这家伙最终扬升为蒸汽、破坏与橡胶之神,战争结束,他也没有继续去扩充权柄,转而直接回家,又和自己的老婆孩子腻在一起了。 As God, the It's wife is Supernaturalist that has Hoynes magical monster bloodline. 作为一尊神灵,祂的妻子是一位拥有霍因斯魔怪血脉超凡者 Two people before lived small magical monster of nest nest for a long time, the life can say happily very...... 两人在许久前就生了一窝一窝的小魔怪,生活可以说非常的美满幸福……。 Un?” “嗯?” Tang Qi is envying the happy life of oneself subordinate, suddenly the slightly special feeling transmits together. 唐奇正羡慕着自己属下的美好生活,忽然一道略特殊的感受传来。 Immediately, Tang Qi is moved, the front emerges a lot of froth immediately. 立刻的,唐奇动念,前方立刻涌现出大量泡泡。 In froth sea that shortly will form, each froth is emptying, without other matter existence. 顷刻间形成的泡泡海洋中,每颗泡泡内部都是空着的,没有其他物事存在 But after Tang Qi summoned, these froth start at the extremely quick speed crazily to be filled up. 但被唐奇召唤出来之后,这些泡泡开始以极快速度被疯狂填满。 It is not able to learn about the quantity, grotesque and gaudy, all sorts of strange and unusual matter emerges out of thin air in froth. 根本无法知悉数量,光怪陆离,千奇百怪的“物事”凭空出现在一颗颗泡泡内。 Follows to come, the numerous and disorderly incomparable pray tides, almost must submerge well up Tang Qi. 伴随而来的,还有庞杂无比的祈祷浪潮,几乎要将唐奇淹没般涌来。 ps: The renewal, seeking the chapter saying that asked the monthly ticket. ps:还有更新,求章说,求月票。
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