LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1085: You want to play with my lover

What had?” “发生了什么?” The Boundless Occult nihility place, Tang Qi Dream eye pupils stare the circle, inside full is the panic-stricken color. 无垠神秘虚无处,唐奇一颗颗梦幻眼眸都是瞪圆,内里满是惊骇之色。 Before one second, the It's good friend Occult Monarch keeps the Boundless Occult introverted projection of his bush telegraph, was cancelled unexpectedly forcefully. 就在一秒前,祂的好友“神秘君主”留在无垠神秘内向祂传递讯息的投影,竟然被硬生生抹去了。 This flash Tang Qi cannot imagine this reason of scene, presented the new fearful enemy? 这一刹那唐奇也想象不出这景象发生的原因,出现了新的可怕敌人? Regarding the strength that oneself this good friend has, Tang Qi has learned about profoundly. 对于自己这个好朋友拥有的力量,唐奇已经深刻知悉。 Because of this, It is more panic-stricken. 正因了此,祂更加惊骇。 position standard of big octopuses, situated in Dominion and Supreme Divinity, is close to the latter infinitely, only misses finally the small flaw.” “大章鱼们的位格,介于主宰至高神性之间,无限接近后者,只差最后一点小缺陷。” Destiny Whore leaves with the turning point seduction octopuses, means that they are complementing the flaw, is attacking truly Supreme Divinity.” 命运婊用契机诱惑章鱼们离开,意味着祂们正在补全缺陷,正在冲击真正的‘至高神性’。” „Will projection that this existence leaves behind, why be cancelled?” “这种存在留下的投影,为什么会被抹去?” Understanding All, cannot detect why not right place takes the post, without analyzing any Info Fragment.” 万物通晓,也没能察觉出任何不对劲的地方,没有解析出任何信息碎片。” If Tang Qi also has the human face, then at this moment definitely is the whole face dignified surprised color. 唐奇如果还有人类的脸庞,那么此刻肯定是满脸凝重惊疑之色。 In the mind, much guesses such as startled big wave turns to well up. 脑海之中,大量猜测如惊涛般翻涌出来。 Is that because the octopuses said that isn't willing to see Occult Monarch to rise is Supreme Divinity existence?” “是因为章鱼们所说的那个,不愿意看见神秘君主扬升为至高神性存在?” It's information temporarily unknown, in just, both sides made war by chance, therefore caused projection also to come under the influence?” 祂的信息暂时未知,难道恰巧就在刚刚,双方开战,所以导致投影也受到了影响?” The first guess, is very reasonable, has certain probability, but extremely in coincidence. 第一种猜测,很合理,有一定几率,但太过于巧合。 Quick, Tang Qi thought of a more reasonable reason. 很快,唐奇又想到了更合理的原因。 Because of Fool's Ship?” “因为愚人船?” „Before projection was erased, is informing my can make me rise for Supreme Divinity the way, in which key lies in Fool's Ship, It said at that time: Do I need many Fool's Ship?” 投影被抹除前,正告知我一条能让我扬升为‘至高神性’的路径,其中的关键就在于愚人船,祂那时是说:我需要更多的愚人船?” In this, involved some fearful secret, leak of projection triggered some warning, therefore erased it?” “这里面,涉及了一些很可怕的秘密,投影的泄密触发了某种警报,所以将其抹除?” If this is real, means that secret in level, will be high to the degree of being inconceivable.” “若这是真的,意味着那秘密所在层次,将高到难以想象的程度。” The Tang Qi intention twinkle, was recalling simultaneously secret that time big octopus projection is leaking. 唐奇心念闪烁,同时回想着那时大章鱼投影正在泄露的秘密。 Immediately, Tang Qi remembers the big octopus then to say time not much before leak these words. 立刻的,唐奇想起大章鱼在泄密前便说过“时间不多了”这句话。 In other words, It has the expectation early. 也就是说,祂早有预料。 Although indicates insufficient clear, but the most essential information has transmitted to me.” “虽然表述的不够清楚,但最关键的信息已经传输给我了。” Fool's Ship!” 愚人船!” Or do I need many Fool's Ship?” “或者说,我需要更多愚人船?” This thought gave birth, resembles also triggered anything in the Tang Qi Mind deep place finally. 这意念生出,似也终于在唐奇心灵深处触发了什么。 Bang! 轰! At this moment, after promote is Dream Dominion, then somewhat confused Tang Qi, saw some type of road ahead fuzzily. 这一刻,晋升为“梦幻主宰”后便有些迷茫的唐奇,模糊的看到了某种前路。 Furnace and big octopuses said, the It's way is far from arriving at the end point. 熔炉、大章鱼们所说,祂的路径远远没有到达终点。 Tang Qi all Dream eye pupils winked winking, at once looks vastly to boundless, Occult magnificent infinite world. 唐奇所有的梦幻眼眸都眨了眨,旋即看向浩瀚无垠,神秘瑰丽的无穷世界。 Regarding Boundless Occult, as well as beside Boundless Occult, I was still immature and ignorant.” “对于无垠神秘,以及无垠神秘之外,我仍旧稚嫩且无知。” I can also continue to explore, continue to rise.” “我还可以继续探索,继续扬升。” Whatever at this moment, Tang Qi the Dream tentacle of oneself wriggles to spread, in the brilliance twinkle, the god of this only beautiful unusual giant-scale Tentacle Monster sends out murmur that some ordinary lives are unable to understand to whisper. 此时此刻,唐奇任由自己梦幻触手蠕动着蔓延出去,光辉闪烁中,这只美丽异常的巨型触手怪之神发出一些平凡生灵无法理解的呢喃低语。 ...... …… Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe, in Boundless Occult most lets the place of all living things many gods dislike. 万灵之污宇宙,无垠神秘中最让众生众神厌恶之地。 Here is Ten-thousand Spirits the place of excretion, is the absolute contamination universe. 这里是“万灵”们的排泄之地,是绝对污秽宇宙。 Even Chaos Evil Faction Heretical God, or some utterly filthy Divinity Entity, had no favorable impression regarding this trash universe everywhere. 即便是混乱邪恶阵营邪神,或是一些本就污秽不堪的神性实体,同样对于这个垃圾遍地的宇宙没有任何好感。 Here mingles, Life that the true odor cannot withstand. 在这里混迹的,都是真正恶臭不堪的生命 However their quantities are also quite limited, the trail is unable to proliferate unceasingly in expansion Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe. 不过祂们的数量也极为有限,足迹无法遍布不断在扩张的万灵之污宇宙 In this universe, most regions together with proliferating trash, they will be as if lonely forever. 这宇宙内,大多数区域连同遍布其中的“垃圾”,它们仿佛永远都将是孤独的。 They are wandering lonelily, is releasing the pinnacle odor and contamination. 它们孤单漂流着,释放着极致的恶臭和污秽。 These is rich and rich, viscous intense color, silent mix, silent separation. 那些浓郁又丰富,粘稠又激烈的色彩,无声的混合,又无声的分离。 Some regions, if only looks at the picture, is not involved, even it can be said that incomparable beautiful. 有部分区域,如果只看画面,并不置身其中的话,甚至可以说是无比的美丽 Naturally, has multi-zones, even if will be only the gaze will also take away the pollution that will be very difficult to drive out. 当然,有更多区域,哪怕只是注视也将带去很难驱除的污染。 huā lā 哗啦 Mutation towering emergence, sky over the trash sea nihility region, does not have any indication resounds the sound that the river water flows. 异变突兀出现,垃圾海洋上空的虚无区域,没有任何征兆响起河水流淌的声音。 With gushes out together, Destiny fog of confusion, as well as dissociation jet black fine lace. 伴随着一起涌出的,还有命运迷雾,以及游离其中的漆黑细线。 This river water, some probably branch, is miserably small. 这河水,像是某一股“支流”,小得可怜。 The fog of confusion deep place, a female deer goes out slowly. 迷雾深处,一只牝鹿缓缓走出。 Lady Destiny? 命运女士 No, if Tang Qi here, can identify at this time immediately, this female deer absolutely is not true Lady Destiny. 不,如果此时唐奇在这里,立刻就能辨认出来,这只牝鹿绝对不是真正的命运女士 This female deer indeed is the Lady Destiny appearance, but It almost only then shadow outline. 这牝鹿的确是命运女士的模样,但祂几乎只有阴影轮廓。 Illusory, and possibly dissipates momentarily. 虚幻之极,且随时都可能消散。 As if also because of this, the female deer just came, starts to be above the speed of imagination to dash about wildly in various Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe places. 似乎也因为这,牝鹿刚一现身,就开始以超乎想象的速度在万灵之污宇宙各处狂奔起来。 It seems to be seeking for anything, is various places dashes about wildly incessantly. 祂似乎在寻找着什么,不止是各处狂奔。 It even once the incomparably arrogant head hung down oneself that lets fall the ground, then made movement that even Tang Qi cannot think of absolutely. 祂甚至将自己那曾经无比高傲的头颅低垂下来,垂落到地面,而后做出了即便是唐奇也绝对想不到的动作。 It lets the body and head of oneself, touches these contamination trash. 祂让自己的躯体、头颅,去触碰那些污秽的垃圾。 It sways back and forth, It smells to search, and deeply buries in which oneself, digs looks. 祂在其中打滚,祂在其中嗅探,并将自己深埋其中,挖找踢踏。 It looks like in the trash sea vagrant deer, because is hungry, turns crazily is looking for the food in trash. 祂就像是垃圾海洋中的“流浪鹿”,因为饥饿,疯狂翻找着垃圾中的食物。 Stated differently, what It seeks is not a food. 不同的是,祂所寻找的并不是食物。 This female deer seemingly has nothing, but was cut together illusion, execution some mechanicalness Quest. 这只牝鹿看起来没有任何自我,只是一道被切割出的“幻影”,自顾自的执行着某种机械性的任务 It's borders on the dissipation firmly, but It's speed also quickly to pinnacle. 祂的确濒临消散,但祂的速度也快到极致。 As a result of the Destiny illusion special state, Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe has no place to prevent It. 由于命运幻影的特殊状态,万灵之污宇宙没有任何地方可以阻止祂。 In this also included initially Converger Star such weak god den, was smelled to search to turn by his one by one looked, master cannot even detect. 这里面也包括了当初的“收敛者星球”这样的弱神老巢,也被祂一一嗅探翻找了遍,主人甚至没能察觉。 “呼” In some moment, It stopped. 就在某一刻,祂停下了。 At this moment „when Destiny female deer absolutely does not have just appeared that beautiful mysterious external, It was polluted. 此刻的“命运牝鹿”完全没了刚出现时那种美丽神秘的外在,祂被污染了。 Although his condition is special, but here after all is Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe. 尽管祂状态特殊,但这里毕竟是万灵之污宇宙 Dominion Grade God enters here, if stays time is too long, contaminates some contamination unavoidably. 主宰级神灵进入这里,若是停留时间太长,也免不了沾染一些污秽。 The illusion Destiny female deer has become colorful, various types strange, the thing adherency of contamination on It, hangs above the It's antler. 只是幻影命运牝鹿已经变得五颜六色,各种诡异的,污秽的东西粘附在祂身上,挂在祂的鹿角之上。 These, caused It's morphogenesis many terrifying transformation. 这些,使得祂的形态发生了很多恐怖变化 Accurate description: It from the deer of Occult, changes now „the zombie deer. 精准些的形容:祂从神秘之鹿,化作现在的“丧尸鹿”。 If most lives can see It at this moment, will have uglily, beautiful, terrifying wait/etc. ideas, was polluted by It. 大多数生灵若是此刻能看见祂,会生出丑陋、美丽恐怖等等想法,然后被祂污染。 The Destiny female deer becomes cannot withstand uglily, and quick must dissipate. 命运牝鹿变得丑陋不堪,且很快就要消散。 But his goal has achieved, head of his rot slowly from contamination rivers that is flowing various types of mucilage and blood lifts. 但祂目的已达成,祂那腐烂的头颅缓缓从一条流淌着各种粘液、血液的污秽河流中抬起。 In the It's mouth, holds special divine object. 祂的口中,衔着一件特殊的神物 It seems like together black brick, external ordinary, does not have the place of eye. 看起来像是一块“黑砖”,外在平凡,毫无起眼之处。 Throws into the trash sea, should be was unable to be found forever. 丢入垃圾海洋,本该是永远无法被找到的。 But this group of Destiny female deer illusion, It achieved. 但这团命运牝鹿幻影,祂做到了。 As if because touches with this divine object, causing illusion that this is going to dissipate to become concentrates more solid, establishes together ahead of time, the arrogant incomparable hoarse sound resounds towering: 似乎因为与这神物触碰,导致这将要消散的幻影变得凝实一些,一道提前设定好的,高傲无比的沙哑声音突兀响起: If I lost, I failed.” “如果我输了,我失败了。” This is my retaliation, even if great Destiny falls from the sky, can still play with my enemy as before.” “这将是我的报复,伟大的命运就算陨落,也依旧可以玩弄我的敌人。” These two words, divulged the mystery. 这两句话,泄露了奥秘。 Lady Destiny had died, but It left behind one to retaliate the Tang Qi's method. 命运女士早已死去,但祂留下了一个报复唐奇的手段。 It cut self- illusion ahead of time, and established special Quest, can free shuttle Destiny river tide illusion, complete that Quest: 祂提前切割好了自我幻影,并设定了一个特殊任务,可以自由穿梭命运河潮的幻影,将完成那任务: Found Tang Qi to discard divine object in Filth of the Ten-thousand Spirits Universe initially, by the Origin Black Mud manufacture, was used for deceit Origin God Race, making them maintain signal transmitter of deep sleep. 找到当初唐奇丢弃在万灵之污宇宙内的神物,以起源黑泥制作而成,用来欺骗起源神族,让祂们保持沉睡的信号发射器 That black brick uninterrupted to Origin God Race, the launch was still catching the prey news. 那黑砖将不间断的向起源神族们,发射仍在捕捉猎物的讯息。 This can the maximum limit, time that helping Tang Qi delay them to regain consciousness. 这样可以最大限度,帮助唐奇延迟祂们苏醒的时间 This secret obviously had been learned about by Lady Destiny, although It does not think that oneself will be defeated by Tang Qi, but It retained this retaliatory measure as before. 这个“秘密”显然早已被命运女士知悉,祂虽然不认为自己会被唐奇击败,但祂依旧保留了这个报复手段。 Has become imaginary color zombie deer woman illusion, did not mind flows the contamination liquid that completely from various body places. 已成为幻彩丧尸鹿的女士幻影,完全不介意从躯体各处流淌下来的污秽液体。 It holds signal transmitter, silent walks into the fog of confusion river tide. 祂衔着信号发射器,无声踢踏走入迷雾河潮。 It starts to go newly destination , so long as It as soon as enters immediately the Death special universe. 祂开始前往新的“目的地”,一个只要祂一进入就会立刻死亡的特殊宇宙。 Extremely Dark Universe! 至暗宇宙 Possibly the digit is 41 Origin God Race, the universe of deep sleep. 可能数字为“四十一”的起源神族们,沉睡的宇宙。 Also calculated the clear river tide, because entry of zombie deer, is also polluted instantly. 原本还算澄澈的河潮,因为丧尸鹿的进入,即刻也被污染。 Dusky fog of confusion becomes moist viscous, jet black Thread of Destiny was also contaminated various disgusting colors, the invisible no qualitative river water starts to have form, starts to boil, bursts out the odor...... to see this pollution serious „the Destiny branch will drip to Extremely Dark Universe, the Tang Qi true enemies will therefore also regain consciousness. 灰蒙蒙的迷雾变得湿润粘稠,漆黑的命运之线也被浸染成各种恶心色彩,无形无质的河水开始有形体,开始沸腾,迸发恶臭……眼看着这条污染严重的“命运支流”将淌向至暗宇宙,唐奇真正的敌人们也将因此苏醒。 But in this moment, near the ear of zombie deer, the young girl voice resounds together towering: 可就在这一刻,丧尸鹿的耳边,一道少女声音突兀响起: „Does disgusting woman, you want to play with my lover?” “让人厌恶的女士,你想玩弄我的爱人?” „When you are also living cannot achieve, now is only left over together the illusory shadow, do you also think oneself?” “你还活着时做不到,现在只剩下一道虚幻的影子,你还认为自己可以么?” Really want to let also living you, have a look at you now this fearsome odor the ugly appearance, perhaps arrogant your directly out-of-control degeneration.” “真想让还活着的你,看看你现在这可怖恶臭又丑陋的样子,或许高傲的你直接就会失控堕落吧。” Pitifully, is impossible, you soon by radical erasing, this is my God's Decree.” “可惜,不可能了,你即将被彻底的抹除,这是我的神谕。” These ridicule sounds just fell, the picture that shocks is extremely born instantly. 这些嘲弄声音刚一落下,极为震撼的画面即刻诞生。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 That is a tide, is started the tsunami tide that by true Destiny River. 那是一股浪潮,由真正命运长河掀起的海啸般的浪潮。 Routs and Purification all sullies fog of confusion river tides sufficiently, suddenly the cleanness that branch washes and rinses. 足以击溃并净化所有脏污的迷雾河潮,在眨眼间将那条支流洗涮的干干净净。 Struggling that the flash, does not have any resistance, has no. 只是一刹那,没有任何的对抗,也没有任何的挣扎。 Polluted branch together with inside „the imaginary color zombie deer, disappears without the trace. 被污染的支流连同里面的“幻彩丧尸鹿”,就这么消失无踪。 The fog of confusion river moist deep place that returns to normal, wears the royal crown together, the incomparable mysterious young girl form appears slowly. 平复下来的迷雾河潮深处,一道戴着冠冕,无比神秘的少女身影缓缓浮现。 New Destiny Goddess, Sally. 新一任命运女神,莎莉 In short time, respects by all living things and many gods, Occult beautiful few Goddess. 在短时间内,被众生与众神所崇敬,神秘美丽的少女神 It walks slowly, fog of confusion holds that signal transmitter to well up from under. 祂缓缓走来,迷雾托着那“信号发射器”从下方涌上来。 Sally is sizing up that the matter that is rubbed to pinch roughly by Tang Qi, although just wrote off Lady Destiny thoroughly, but in the Sally eye pupil does not have many to be joyful. 莎莉打量着那由唐奇粗糙揉捏成的物事,虽然刚刚才彻底抹杀了命运女士,但莎莉眼眸内却没有多少喜悦。 Quite to the contrary, in the It's eye full is the anxiety. 正相反,祂的眼中满是忧虑。 Origin God Race, one crowd of nearly Omniscience and Omnipotence ancient and old God.” 起源神族,一群近乎全知全能古老神灵。” True War, true ruin.” “真正的战争,真正的毁灭。”
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