LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#1087: Three vulgar Goddess Eve

As the daily part, Tang Qi naturally knows these froth, and matter in froth is anything. 作为日常的一部分,唐奇自然知晓这些泡泡,以及泡泡内的物事是什么。 Is offering! 祭品 Tang Qi keeps the oneself promise, as well as inside Life to massive universe dimensions provides the asylum, and does not need them to pay any price. 唐奇履行自己的诺言,对大量宇宙维度以及内里生命提供庇护,且并不需要他们付出任何代价。 Naturally, Tang Qi will not prevent them from becoming the Dream family clan, becomes the Dream letter/believes people. 当然,唐奇也不会阻止他们成为梦幻眷族,成为梦幻的信民。 Similar to good friend Raphael, It does not have deliberately to disseminate. 就如同好朋友拉斐尔,祂同样没有刻意去传播自我。 But It's „the say/way of Truth, attracted in Boundless Occult as before numerous Life is as for Divinity Entity following. 祂的真理之道”,依旧吸引了无垠神秘中众多生命乃至于神性实体的的追随。 Tang Qi's Dream idea, is so. 唐奇的梦幻理念,也是如此。 Destiny War finished, the Dream family clan and letter/believes people, are inflating at the unthinkable speed. 命运战争结束,梦幻眷族和信民,都以匪夷所思的速度膨胀着。 Had the huge quantity of family clans and letter/believes people, as Dream Dominion Tang Qi, naturally also starts various offering that receives a letter the people to offer sacrifices. 有了数量庞大的眷族和信民,作为“梦幻主宰”的唐奇,自然也开始收到信民们献祭来的各种祭品 Tang Qi kept many tentacles in the library, accompanies in studies Rose Madeleine. 唐奇留了许多触手在图书馆内,陪读萝丝·玛德琳 Various Boundless Occult Knowledge, Tang Qi learns about are getting more and more. 无垠神秘各种知识,唐奇知悉的越来越多。 Even so, offering that Tang Qi also often the believed people offer sacrifices is startled. 即便如此,唐奇也不时被信民们献祭来的祭品所惊。 For example at this moment, to Tang Qi recent froth, one group huge by transmission is coming to the nebula that being inconceivable. 比如这一刻,离唐奇最近的一颗泡泡内,一团巨大到难以想象的星云正在被传送过来。 Its external shape, seems like one handful is revolving fresh flower. 它的外在形态,看起来像一捧正在旋转着的“鲜花”。 Fiery red gorgeous, is full of various colors. 火红艳丽,充满着各种色彩。 As it comes together, is named civilization when the high-grade race offers sacrifices the praying language. 随着它一起来的,是一个名为“甘姆文明”的高等级种族献祭时的祷语。 They are the no news civilization, at the beginning of Destiny War was affected to perish. 它们原来是无信文明,命运战争之初就被波及而灭亡。 After being saved, the choice believes Tang Qi and Sally. 被拯救之后,选择信仰唐奇莎莉 More accurate view, then lies in their praying languages, enthusiasm and exciting all sounds: 更准确的说法,则在于他们的祷语,热情又兴奋的全体声音: Great Dream Dominion, beautiful Destiny Goddess.” “伟大的梦幻主宰,美丽命运女神。” We are people, is Dream and Destiny most pious new family clan, we congratulate two great God's unions.” “我们是甘姆人,是梦幻命运虔诚的新眷族,我们祝贺两位伟大神灵的结合。” We have started ‚the journey of collection, we will go to various universe places, the bunch of beautiful nebulas as offering a gift, only have that magnificent thing, can witness your great.” “我们已开始‘采集之旅’,我们将前往宇宙各处,将一团团美丽星云作为献礼,唯有那瑰丽之物,才能见证你们的伟大。” ...... …… Is hearing these pray sounds, the Tang Qi look is somewhat helpless, cannot bear and spits the mortise: 听着这些祈祷声音,唐奇神色有些无奈,忍不住又吐槽道: Therefore, I and Sally this did have the cp powder?” “所以,我和莎莉这就有cp粉了?” If I and Sally separate, these people can take off/escape the powder?” “如果我和莎莉分开,这些甘姆人会不会脱粉?” When Tang Qi is using the Profession terminology, in the eye pupil also shines upon the appearance of new thing family clan, one crowd is growing three eyes, has three pairs of arms, the skin bright red foreign lands kind of person race. 唐奇使用着专业术语时,眼眸内也映照出新眷族的模样,一群长着三只眼,有着三双手臂,皮肤鲜红的异域类人种族。 Complained, Tang Qi looks that let his surprised offering immediately to several other types. 吐槽完毕,唐奇又立刻看向其他几样让祂惊讶的祭品 The matter size of regardless of being offered sacrifices, Dream Bubble can hold perfectly. 不论被献祭来的物事大小,梦幻泡泡都能完美容纳。 One group of nebulas, a star naturally does not have the issue. 一团星云可以,一颗星球自然也没问题。 entity, the illusory matter was also held similarly. 实体可以,虚幻物事也同样被容纳。 For example calls makes demon bean civilization a high-grade civilization, they offer sacrifices, is their collective Dream Realm. 比如一个唤作“魔豆文明”的高等级文明,他们献祭来的,是他们的集体梦境 This is the magic civilization, each member has the rich imagination, and deeply loves Fantasy with having a dream. 这是个魔法文明,每一位成员都有着丰富的想象力,且热爱幻想与做梦。 Their collective Dream Realm are splendid, comprehensive. 他们的集体梦境非常精彩,包罗万象。 Even Tang Qi, still immerses to be one of them shortly. 即便是唐奇,也短暂沉浸在其中。 The must know It is Dominion Grade existence, can let Dream Realm that” It immerses, the nature is out of the ordinary. 须知祂已是主宰级存在,能让祂沉浸的“梦境”,自然非比寻常。 In return, Tang Qi gave them to reply specially collectively, and gift can make them realize Dream divine object that the civilization jumped. 作为回报,唐奇特意给了他们集体回复,并赐予了一件能让他们实现文明跃升的梦幻神物 Tang Qi just wants to continue to look, suddenly the It's vision touched truly specially, is before made It have feel offering. 唐奇正想继续看下去,忽然祂的目光触及了真正特殊,也是之前让祂有所感觉的“祭品”。 In the froth sea, in Dream Bubble, some by offering that transmission comes, release the aura is quite intense. 泡泡海洋中,一颗梦幻泡泡内,某个正在被传送过来的祭品,释放出的气息极为强烈。 divinity? Had the family clan to offer sacrifices Divinity Entity to come?” 神性?有眷族献祭了一尊神性实体过来?” In the Tang Qi eye appears being astonished color, then saw officially God that body offered sacrifices completely. 唐奇眼中浮现讶色,而后正式看到了那躯体完全被献祭过来的神灵 That impressively, is Goddess. 那赫然,是一位女神 It is maintaining the human shape, by a posture of extreme seduction, is lying down in Dream Bubble. 祂保持着人类形态,正以一种极度诱惑的姿势,躺在梦幻泡泡内。 His whole body is the wheat-colored skin, sends out gloss that human should not have. 祂全身上下都是小麦色皮肤,散发着人类不应拥有的光泽。 It has one with the pink long hair that the flesh color builds extremely, hangs loose to lower part that astonishing curve place. 祂有着一头与肌肤颜色极搭的粉色长发,披散至下半身那惊人弧度处。 It wears the battle dress and women's clothing unifies, has the chiffon skirt of fatal doubts regarding any male gender as for the female, main body is black, the wrist/skill and nape of the neck place has some golden accessories. 祂穿着战袍与衣裙相结合,对于任何雄性乃至于雌性都有着致命疑惑的薄纱裙,主体黑色,手腕和脖颈处有着一些金色饰品。 His that is almost impossible the covered up body is astonishing, does not lose explosion strength beautiful. 祂那几乎无法被遮掩的躯体惊人完美,又不失爆炸般的力量美。 The It's face, turns round to go to half by some type of similar helmet or the mask matter, revealed part that very curls upwards the fine nose, the mouth of exquisite slightly, the attraction turns again grows. 祂的面部,被某种类似头盔或是面具般的物事覆去一半,显露出的部分,那挺翘精致的鼻子,小巧微张的嘴巴,诱惑力再度翻倍增长。 It's back is depending upon a cruciform, similar longspear, or some machinery firearm special weapon. 祂的背后依靠着一柄十字形,类似长枪,或是某种机械枪炮的特殊武器。 Most astonishing, is actually his that pair of slender and tight leg, above turns round unexpectedly should, only then human will put on, goes directly to the thigh end the white long silk stockings. 最惊人的,其实是祂那一双修长又紧绷的腿,上面竟然覆着应该只有人类才会穿,直达大腿尽头的白色长丝袜。 The collision of white silk stockings and wheat-colored flesh, the angle of view effect is very intense. 白色丝袜与小麦色肌肤的碰撞,视角效果无比强烈。 When gaze here, Tang Qi can feel clearly. 注视到这里时,唐奇能清晰感觉到。 The attracting aura that this Goddess It releases, rises suddenly again. 这位女神祂释放出的魅惑气息,再度暴涨。 As Tang Qi is moved, the froth floats. 随着唐奇动念,泡泡漂浮过来。 Places Goddess also opens the eyes in this moment, two people are away from froth looking at each other. 身处其中的“女神”也在这一刻睁开双眼,两人隔着泡泡对视。 Tang Qi gawked slightly, at once says: 唐奇微微愣了下,旋即道: You by Shenko civilization capture, did not then offer sacrifices.” “你不是被‘申克文明’捕捉,然后献祭过来的。” You are not normal offering, you come intentionally, looks for me specially?” “你不是正常祭品,你是故意前来的,特意来找我?” Puts out this saying at the same time, Understanding All silent opens, related Info Fragment bursts out in the Tang Qi pupil instantly. 吐出这话的同时,万物通晓无声打开,相关信息碎片即刻在唐奇眸中迸发。 Divinity Entity that comes to visit through the special way rashly, Tang Qi did not think that needs to maintain the politeness. 一位通过特殊方式冒然前来拜访的神性实体,唐奇不觉得需要保持礼貌。 Even if this is attraction astonishing Goddess, Tang Qi even believes at this moment, this Goddess regarding other Life attractions, surpassed initial True Love Goddess Flora. 哪怕这是一位诱惑力惊人的女神,唐奇此刻甚至认为,这位女神对于其他生命的诱惑力,超过了当初的真爱女神芙洛拉 It fills a wild nature beautiful, but Ispatrani such is not the unscrupulous wild nature. 祂充满一种野性美,但又不似伊斯帕特拉妮那样是肆无忌惮的野性。 Any gazes at It's Life to have the misconception, this Goddess is tamable. 任何注视祂的生命都会生出错觉,这位女神是可驯服的。 Moreover, is waiting for your taming. 而且,正等着你的驯服。 God is also good, the ordinary life is also good, so long as gazes at It, will have such misconception. 神灵也好,普通生灵也好,只要注视祂,都将生出这样的错觉。 And is crazy for It crazily, so long as can have that happening together with It, any price is willing to pay. 并对祂疯狂着迷,只要可以与祂产生那种交集,任何代价都愿意付出。 What strange is, in this not force sign. 奇异的是,这里面并没有“强迫”的迹象。 That misconception does not come from the It's divinity pollution, but is Authority that he has manifests. 那种错觉并不源自祂的神性污染,而是祂本身拥有的权柄体现。 Divinity Entity: Eve.】 神性实体:夏娃。】 Status: normal.】 状态:正常。】 Info Fragment 1: Special divinity organization Three Vulgarities Household from Boundless Occult the member, is wielding love, lust and Primitive happy Goddess Eve, It is in this/should organization achieves ordinary God only the position standard member, other members are weak god.】 信息碎片一:来自无垠神秘中特殊的神性组织“三俗家族”的成员,执掌着爱情、色欲与原始欢愉的女神夏娃,祂是该组织中唯一达到“普通神灵位格的成员,其余成员均为弱神。】 Info Fragment 2: Three Vulgarities Household is one crowd wallows in three vulgar Divinity Entity completely, they do not participate in any War, is absolutely Neutral Faction.】 信息碎片二:三俗家族是一群完全沉迷于三俗的神性实体,祂们不参与任何战争,是绝对中立阵营。】 Info Fragment 3: They crave in family photo that” disseminating these indecently, was included by most civilized races does not welcome the list, but also many civilized races worship them.】 信息碎片三:祂们热衷于传播那些不堪入目的“全家福”,被大多数文明种族列入不欢迎名单,但也有许多文明种族崇拜祂们。】 Info Fragment 4: It is new student/life Dominion Dream Dominion worshipper, is not because of Dominion Authority, because of Dream Dominion regarding predecessor True Love Goddess the help of Flora and daughter.】 信息碎片四:祂是新生主宰梦幻主宰”的崇拜者,并不是因为主宰权柄,而是因为梦幻主宰对于前任真爱女神芙洛拉及其女儿的帮助。】 „...... My worshipper!” “……我的崇拜者!” Why Tang Qi is strange this Goddess to visit to this way, never expected that opposite party or oneself worshipper. 唐奇还奇怪为何这位女神通过这种方式拜访,没想到对方还是自己崇拜者 Those who make Tang Qi not think, Boundless Occult unexpectedly also existence such household. 更让唐奇没想到的是,无垠神秘居然还存在着这样一个家族 Compared with We are Light household, is completely another extreme. 我们是光家族比起来,完全是另一种极端。 Wallows three customs, craves in disseminating the family photo, no wonder unpopular at the same time, was worshipped by many civilizations.” “沉迷三俗,热衷于传播全家福,怪不得不受欢迎的同时,又被许多文明所崇拜。” Jason thinks that will like this organization, both sides will have the common language.” 詹森想必会非常喜欢这个组织,双方会有共同语言。” Tang Qi these thoughts flash through, that froth also arrives at the front. 唐奇这些念头闪过,那泡泡也来到面前。 Places, calls makes Goddess of Eve, raises the head to appear his slender nape of the neck, accumulated ignition heat vision always looks at Tang Qi. 身处其中,唤作“夏娃”的女神,昂着头颅显现祂那修长脖颈,蕴着火热的目光始终看着唐奇 Resembling did not mind Tang Qi is one Tentacle Monster, even is more excited. 似是丝毫不介意唐奇是一个“触手怪”,甚至更加兴奋。 It attracts the incomparable human shape by this, stretches oneself, sets out in the froth. 祂以这魅惑无比的人类形态,伸了个懒腰,在泡泡内起身。 Approaches Tang Qi, then bows to salute directly. 凑近唐奇,而后直接躬身施礼。 It seems like, It is expressing regarding oneself Idol, as well as a respect of Dominion Grade existence. 看起来,祂是在表达着对于自己偶像,以及一位主宰级存在的尊敬。 But Tang Qi here, this Goddess was still releasing oneself Charm. 但在唐奇这里,这位女神仍旧是释放着自己魅力 From appearing starts in that froth, It started to do that. 从出现在那泡泡内开始,祂就开始这么做了。 After setting out again, It opens the mouth finally. 再度起身后,祂终于开口。 Sound unexpected fill young girl feeling, simultaneously a point rustle sense of reality. 声音出乎预料的充满少女感,同时又略带一点沙沙质感。 Great Dream Dominion, before self introduction, please allow that I corrected your just view.” “伟大的梦幻主宰,在自我介绍前,请容许我纠正一下您刚刚的说法。” That Shenko civilization indeed is unable to catch me, that is a performance that I arrange.” “那个申克文明的确无法捕捉我,那是我安排好的一次表演。” But you do not need to suspect, I indeed am normal offering.” “但您不需要怀疑,我的确是正常祭品。” So long as you want, you have to handle my right one time.” “只要您愿意,您拥有一次处置我的权利哦。” You can make to me any......” “您可以对我做出任何……” Bang “轰” When Eve said, Tang Qi as if can feel to attract the impact one time. 当夏娃说完,唐奇仿佛能感受到一次魅惑冲击。 Tang Qi cannot bear the suspicion, if It has not risen is Dominion, now can exempt from this to attract the effect? 唐奇忍不住怀疑,如果祂不是已扬升为主宰,现在能否豁免这魅惑效果? This is not the pollution, this is at present this Eve Goddess real Charm. 这可不是污染,这就是眼前这位夏娃女神真实的魅力 The answer big probability cannot! 答案大概率是不能! If body of Tang Qi or the human, facing this seduction, is very difficult to withstand. 如果唐奇还是人类之躯,面对这种诱惑,很难顶住。 Incessantly is It, other male gender are also good, the female is also good, even with Eve with position standard, or higher powerful God position standard. 不止是祂,其他的雄性也好,雌性也好,就算是与夏娃同位格,或是更高的强力神灵位格 In this time, cannot withstand It's to attract. 在这种时刻,也根本承受不住祂的魅惑。 Luckily, Tang Qi is Dominion. 幸好,唐奇已是主宰 The It's Dream eye pupil sped up the frequency of blinking, the tentacle wriggled several, exempts this time attracts. 祂的梦幻眼眸加快了眨眼的频率,触手蠕动了几下,豁免此次魅惑。 Then a tentacle stretches out gently, on that froth. 而后一条触手轻轻伸出,点在那泡泡上。 Only listens to bo, the froth was shattered. 只听“啵”的一声,泡泡破碎。 Inside Eve Goddess such as the true human young girl, has the vigor to run out of the froth extremely. 内里的夏娃女神如真正的人类少女般,极有活力冲出泡泡。 Then seems the inertia, staggers to throw toward Tang Qi, in process It had not opened the both arms voluntarily, seems like very warm friendly. 而后仿佛是惯性般,踉跄着朝着唐奇扑来,过程中祂还不自觉的张开了双臂,看起来非常热情友善。 What a pity, Tang Qi has the expectation early. 可惜,唐奇似早有预料。 Another tentacle extends, blocks the It's road ahead. 另一条触手延伸过来,挡住祂的前路。 Then, It heard Tang Qi that not to have the inquiry that many mood fluctuated. 而后,祂听到了唐奇那没有多少情绪波动的询问。 From Three Vulgarities Household Eve Goddess, you come my country specially, what wants to make?” “来自【三俗家族】的夏娃女神,你特意前来我的国度,想做什么?” This issue has not said, Tang Qi felt the tentacle of oneself was held by that Goddess solid. 这问题还没说完,唐奇就感觉自己的触手被那女神抱了个严严实实。 What is more excessive, his also little girl holds the puppet to sway likely. 更过分的是,祂还像个小女孩抱着玩偶般摇晃起来。
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