LLS :: Volume #7

#1372: Heavenspan main road where?

Entrance. 入口。 Shoulders both hands to raise the head to day Hall Supreme Tian Yu, calmly has been standing. But stands in his opposite, Empress Fei Wenli your majesty similarly so. This two person, has enough self-confidence, regardless of current battle conducts and develops any circumstances, could not affect its will hairsbreadth. 背负着双手仰首向天的神殿至尊天御,一直静静地站着。而站在他的对面,费雯丽女皇陛下同样如此。这两个人,都拥有足够的自信,无论目前的战局进行和发展到任何境地,都影响不了其心志分毫 Long-term confrontation, to seek for the flaw of enemy, starts fatally strikes, achieves the goal of finally winning. 长时间的对峙,是为了寻找出敌人的破绽,发动致命一击,达成最终胜利的目标。 The two person, all has the unusual patience. 两个人,皆有非同一般的耐性。 If needed, perhaps this confrontation can continue the millenniums. 如果需要,也许这种对峙可以持续千年。 I made a big mistake.” Hall Supreme Tian Yu sighed suddenly slightly: If I acted in the past personally, currently will not have an enemy who makes one so have a headache about, once again stands in my front, blocked my way.” “我犯了一个不小的错误。”神殿至尊天御忽然微微叹息一声:“假如我当年亲自出手,现在就不会有一个让人如此头疼的敌人,又一次站在我的面前,挡住我的去路了。” I also made a mistake.” Empress Fei Wenli sneers to continue: Ten thousand years ago, I, if not for tries to outdo others, contends fiercely first, if puts out a hand to aid Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, you stand today continually boasted here the qualifications of atmosphere do not have. Tian Yu, let alone I do not make you enter the time broad plaster field, even if makes you go, you really think that can stay in inside? You challenge Night Dream Mirage not to dare to attempt, but also does the delusion obtain the approval of time broad plaster field?” “我也犯了一个错误。”费雯丽女皇冷笑不止:“万年前,我若不是好胜,事事拼争第一,如果伸手援助无双皇绝世一把,你今天连站在这里胡吹大气的资格都没有。天御,别说我不让你进时间广垩场,就算让你进去,你真以为能在里面呆下去?你连挑战夜梦海市蜃楼都不敢尝试,还妄想获得时间广垩场的认可?” I do not need to obtain the approval of time broad plaster field, does not need inside inheritance.” The Hall Supreme Tian Yu tone is light pale, does not take offense slightly: I only make Radiant Light Heaven Realm Sacred Supreme.” “我不需要获得时间广垩场的认可,也不需要里面的传承。”神殿至尊天御口气非常轻淡,丝毫也不动气:“我只做光明天界神圣至尊。” Such being the case, why to come?” The Empress Fei Wenli ridicule said. “既然如此,何必前来?”费雯丽女皇讥讽道。 Only to recompense the wish, climbed to Sacred Supreme in the past, when the perfect circle melts not regrets in world.” Hall Supreme Tian Yu answered. “只为一偿当年心愿,攀登至神圣至尊,当完美无缺圆融无憾于世。”神殿至尊天御笑答。 This excuse thinks that three -year-old child will not believe! Although you went in also made futile efforts, but made a despicable intruder rush in Heavenspan Tower ancestor the place of honor, was unforgivable blaspheming.” The Empress Fei Wenli spoken language renounces: Tian Yu, only if I died in battle today here, otherwise, you are impossible to step into time broad plaster field one step. I know, you are familiar with play with crafty plots and machinations, definitely arranged many subsequent hands, therefore, does not need to cover up again, one and causes, I had not counted on you will have an open and aboveboard duel.” “这种借口想必连三岁小孩也不会相信吧!尽管你进去了也白费心机,但让一个卑鄙的入侵者闯进通天塔先祖的荣誉之地,是种不可饶恕的亵渎。”费雯丽女皇言语决绝至极:“天御,除非我今天战死在这里,否则,你不可能踏进时间广垩场一步。我知道,你习惯玩弄阴谋诡计,肯定布置了很多后手,所以,不必再遮着掩着了,一并使出来吧,我从来就没有指望过你会有一场堂堂正正的决斗。” You indeed is a good opponent.” Hall Supreme Tian Yu sighed one lightly: Really marvelous-, world most understood that my person, unexpectedly is my enemy.” “你的确是一个好对手。”神殿至尊天御轻叹一声:“真奇妙-,世间最了解我的人,竟然是我的敌人。” „The contradiction of human affairs, often is so.” “世事之矛盾,往往就是如此。” These words. 这句话。 Was not Empress Fei Wenli said that but had someone else. 并非费雯丽女皇说的,而是另有其人。 Beard and hair such as snow, and long hangs drags to the kind eye of old person of place, holds a shape like Grimoire Ancient Book, gradually walked. 有一位须发如雪且长长垂拖至地的慈目老人,捧着一本形如宝典般的古书,缓步走了进来。 Empress Fei Wenli looked, namely the angry glare regards, in the mouth is out of control the anger to upbraid said: Old Ghost, rolls your stars palace, do not mind others' business, the war of this fate, is not you can control!” 费雯丽女皇一看,即怒目则视,口中禁不住火气地怒叱道:“老鬼,滚回你的星辰殿,不要多管闲事,这场宿命之战,不是你可以管得了的!” The benign countenance old person shakes the head slowly: Girl, the old man indeed does not want to manage, but without the means that the careless talk makes trouble, who made the old man careless words annoy such monstrous crime in the past, now wants to turn head, could not have returned to...... the girl, the old man has wanted to do a matter for you, made up for a next past guilt, but the destiny was not in the hand, now can only drift with the current, does, does to!” 慈眉善目的老人缓缓地摇头:“丫头,老夫的确不想管,但是没办法啊,祸从口出,谁让老夫当年口不择言惹下此等滔天大罪,现在想回头,已经回不了了……丫头,老夫一直很想为你做一件事,弥补一下当年的愧疚,可是命运不在手中,现在只能随波逐流,奈何,奈何!” The Empress Fei Wenli anger instead smiles extremely: Drifting with the current isn't very? Also conforms to your always head hiding turtle moral character.” 费雯丽女皇怒极反笑:“随波逐流不是很好吗?也符合你一向缩头乌龟的品性。” The kind eye of old person listened, is not angry, the only low lowland sighs. 慈目老人听了,也不生气,只是低低地叹了一口气。 Hall Supreme Tian Yu and Empress Fei Wenli were still confronting. 神殿至尊天御费雯丽女皇仍在对峙。 One side the old person arrives sluggishly. 老人慢吞吞地走到一边。 Sitting cross-legged. 盘坐。 Holds Ancient Book, looked peacefully, as if not know has earth-shaking war eruption anytime, perhaps his anything knows, only did not care about own life and death early. 捧着古书,安静地看,仿佛不知道随时都有惊天动地的大战爆发似的,也许他什么都知道,只是早不在乎自己的生死了。 Only has Old Man Divine Mystery?” Empress Fei Wenli disdain taunted: Tian Yu, you counted on that his prediction can take to you to win?” “只有一个神机老头吗?”费雯丽女皇不屑地嘲讽道:“天御,你指望他的预言能带给你胜利?” Naturally no.” Shoulders both hands calm Hall Supreme Tian Yu, shakes the head gently: „The Divine Mystery senior his only comes voluntarily, non- Tian Yu invited.” “当然不。”背负双手气定神闲的神殿至尊天御,轻轻摇头:“神机前辈他只是自愿前来,非天御所请。” In the time broad plaster field entrance passage forefront, suddenly were many three shadows. The emergence of these three shadows, making proud self-confident confident Serpent Empress change the color, she repressed the anger vigorously, drank the booing with high voice: Good, was really good, congratulated Heaven Realm Great God, gripped tightly the foundation to put on unexpectedly, now is reconciled to a lowly position our Heavenspan Tower this grade of countryside place to restore to come self-confidently, was really extremely welcome!” 在时间广垩场入口通道的最前端,忽然多了三个影子。这三个影子的出现,让一直骄傲自信胸有成竹的蛇妖女皇变了颜色,她极力按捺住怒气,尖声喝起倒彩:“好啊,真是太好了,恭喜天界大神们,竟然把牢底坐穿,现在纡尊降贵到我们通天塔这等乡下地方来恢复自信来了,真是无任欢迎!” Three shadow hearing this, halt slightly. 三个影子闻言,稍稍止步。 At once, the middle that shadow treads a stride heavily, the footsteps like the mountain: I and others only want to gain the freedom.” 旋即,中间的那个影子踏出一大步,脚步沉重如山:“我等只想获得自由。” The right shadow follows similarly: We the sincerity had repented, but does not have pardon not to have by a set time, that endless prison and punishment, are really unfair to us.” 右边的影子同样跟上:“我们早已真心悔过,但没有赦免也没有限期,那种无尽的牢狱和惩处,对我们实在太不公平了。” The left shadow as if hesitated, finally changes to a sigh: „The matter, this Venerable will imprison in this for ten thousand years, to show apology. Fei Wenli, you, if gives up, this Venerable is willing to make the arbitration, making you carry off the Heavenspan three clans, all things does not investigate, to subside the Upper Realm Lower Realm dispute...... on your whether there is wisdom, when knows the present situation to be disadvantageous, to be why stubborn, carries off three clans, in addition seeks elsewhere, buoys up, is a brand-new Heavenspan main road?” 左边的影子似乎犹豫了一下,最终化作一声叹息:“此间事了,本尊将在此自囚万年,以表歉意。费雯丽,你若放弃,本尊愿作仲裁,让你带走通天三族,诸事不究,以平息上界下界的纷争……你有无上智慧,当知目前形势不利,何必倔强,带走三族,另觅别处,重新振作,何尝不是一条全新的通天大道?” Empress Fei Wenli laughs. 费雯丽女皇大笑。 Haughty unparalleled. 傲世无双。 She held up Divine Weapon in hand, points to the enemy numerous, in the mouth extremely callously the manifesto: My Heavenspan main road, will spread above your skeletons!” 她举起了手中的神兵,直指敌众,口中极其冷酷地宣言:“我的通天大道,将铺在你们的尸骸之上!” The fight of World of Scale is just like a raging fire, particularly Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme and Yue Titan war 天平世界的战斗正如火如荼,尤其是光明守护至尊岳泰坦的战 In this strange Mirror World. 在这个诡异的镜子世界里。 Grasps Destiny Divine Pearl Duo Duo to start also to be able closely to follow in the Yue Yang body side, but quick does not know where went, vanishes with her together, that God of Confusion that grasps the strange sickle. Mirror World is the God of Confusion home game, is Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme trump card, Yue Yang under the pursuit of its eight meters true body, even has no time is Duo Duo diverts attention, can only relying on the intuition, forward. 手持命运神珠朵朵开始还能紧紧追随在岳阳身侧,但很快就不知哪里去了,与她一同消失的,还有那个手持怪镰的迷乱之神镜子世界迷乱之神的主场,更是光明守护至尊杀手锏,岳阳在其八米真身的追击下,甚至无暇为朵朵分心,只能凭着直觉,一直向前。 Here has ten million strip space passage, even if has Heavenly Eye Divine Vision Yue Yang, which is unable to distinguish is genuine exit. 这里有千万条空间通道,即使是拥有天目慧眼岳阳,也无法分辨哪一条才是真正出口 Also or, in this absolutely does not have exit. 又或者,这里面根本就没有出口 Only means. 唯一的办法。 Overthrows Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme. 是打倒光明守护至尊 Come, come comes, to fight a decisive battle! Yue Titan, what do you have a look at you to look like? Really a pitiful coward!” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme its eight meters true body has been pursuing Yue Yang in behind, wants to force him and fights a decisive battle, but Yue Yang has fled, is not willing, in this enemy has the overwhelming superiority, but are in the comprehensive disadvantage Mirror World in fights a decisive battle. This is the home game of enemy, non- is the place of own advantage, can make war with the enemy here? To look oppressively is not this! “来,来吧来吧,来决战吧!岳泰坦,你看看你像什么样?真是一个可怜的胆小鬼!”光明守护至尊其八米真身一直在后面追赶着岳阳,想迫使他与自己决战,可是岳阳一直奔逃,不愿意在这个敌人拥有绝对优势而自己处于全面劣势的‘镜子世界’里决战。这是敌人的主场,非是自己的优势之地,要在这里与敌人开战?想找虐也不是这样的! Yue Yang maintains total silence. 岳阳一语不发。 Front Mirror World countless changes, do not have one second to have 100,000 changes. 面前的镜子世界变幻无穷,无一秒都有十万种变化。 Innumerable space passage production, there are innumerable space passage to vanish, what are more is closes up or splits, no one can clarify mystery. 无数的空间通道产生,又有无数的空间通道消失,更多的是合拢或者分裂,谁也弄不清其中的奥妙。 Most fearful, is inside space and time passage, filled the mirror, varies, has the circle in the right way, has calmly to have, when Yue Yang steps, inside reflects to have millions of Yue Yang. Some such as stone stay still, some such as the horse runs to continue, some may not only a person, form a pair, even forms groups, oneself beckons to brandish to Yue Yang, or laughter Ghost Face. 最可怕的,是里面的时空通道,充满了镜子,有大有小,有圆有方,有静有动,当岳阳涉足其中,里面倒映有千千万万个‘岳阳’。有的如石静止不动,有的如马奔跑不止,有的可不仅一人,成双成对,甚至成群结队,向岳阳本人招手挥舞,或者嬉笑鬼脸 When all sorts of strange and unusual is also real measures not, regarding some mirrors, Yue Yang cannot distinguish is reflecting of genuine is real existence. 千奇百怪之余又真实莫测,对于有些镜像,岳阳也分辨不出是真正的倒映还是真实的存在。 However, even if exists , can still definitely be doppelganger or War Beast of enemy transforms. 不过,就算是真实存在,也可以肯定是敌人的分身或者战兽幻化。 For a while does not observe is the danger. 一时不察更是危险。 Welcome, come, we shake hand!” In many mirror Yue Yang in middle from the mirror will act directly, hands over to genuine Yue Yang, seems very friendly. But what are more is Yue Yang grasps various Divine Equipment, kills to come, to encircle Yue Yang that kills and checks the advance ferociously. “欢迎,来,我们来握握手吧!”许多镜子里的‘岳阳’会直接自镜子里仲出手来,递向真正岳阳,似乎很是友好。但更多的是‘岳阳’手持各种神器,穷凶极恶地扑杀而来,围杀及阻止前进的岳阳 Gives me to break!” Has rushed to both hands palace and Virgo Temple, experienced Gate of Life and Death test Yue Yang, naturally will not confuse by illusion. “给我破!”闯过双手宫、处女宫,又经历了生死门考验的岳阳,当然不会被幻像所迷。 He does not attend to behind Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme completely. 他完全不顾身后的光明守护至尊 Continuously by the Divine Power opening. 一直以神力开路。 Sees the thing to begin immediately. 见物立即动手。 Broken completely all. 破尽一切。 Eight meters great Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme true body, closely pursues in Yue Yang behind, finds the opportunity every time, the heavy blows like the rain, covers under. 八米之巨的光明守护至尊真身,紧紧追赶在岳阳身后,每觅得机会,重拳如雨,笼罩而下。 In mouth, but also is unforgiving is provoking: Yue Titan, you pitiful small insect, you thinks that you can escape? In Mirror World, under this Venerable Divine Power and Will, in this 100.00001 billion changes, you can one by one defeat? Aren't you clear? You have been stranded in the this Venerable world, you are equal to now in the belly of this Venerable, even if escapes again for 10,000 years, still makes a futile effort! Comes back to fight a decisive battle, this is your only opportunity!” 口中,还不依不饶地挑衅着:“岳泰坦,你个可怜的小虫子,你以为你能逃得了吗?在镜子世界,在本尊神力意志之下,这里面有千亿万种变化,你能一一击破?难道你还不明白吗?你早已经困在本尊的世界里面,你现在就等于在本尊的肚子里,即使再逃一万年,也徒劳无功!回来决战吧,这是你唯一的机会!” In the Devil Dragon and the others angle of view, Yue Yang at this moment becomes infinitely small. 魔龙等人的视角中,岳阳此刻变得无限小。 Slightly like bean, thin like millet. 小如豆,细如粟。 Is stranded in a diameter surpasses in ten thousand meters giant space field, keeps advancing forward. 困在一个直径超过万米的巨型空间场中,不停地向前突进。 But regardless of how diligently, is unable to go forward straightly, but circling that on the scene the influence of passage and mirror, continuously, makes Devil Dragon they feel that what only comfort is, this circle more detours close to the surrounding, that feared at this time still core region on the scene, but compared at first, had escaped from a great-circle. 可是无论怎么努力,也无法直线前进,而在场中的通道和镜子的影响,不住的兜圈子,唯一让魔龙他们感到安慰的是,这个圈子越绕越靠近外围,那怕此时仍在场中核心区域,但比起最初,已经逃脱了一大圈。 In the space field the mirror continuously to revolve, passage sometimes lives sometimes extinguishes, the reflection is ever changing, let alone Jian Cang Sheng they, were Devil Dragon also look are completely muddled. 空间场中镜子不住旋转着,通道时生时灭,映像千变万化,别说减苍生他们了,就是魔龙也看得晕头转向。 Must drill, it is estimated that at least also needs the two hour.” Devil Dragon made a boldly most optimistic estimate. “要钻出来,估计最少也需要两个小时。”魔龙作了个最大胆最乐观的估计。 If Yue Yang insists, did not make mistakes. 假如岳阳坚持下去,一直不犯错。 Then after two hour . 那么两个小时后。 He will get out of trouble. 他将脱困。 The issue is, in two after three hours, Hall Supreme Tian Yu will hurry here, Yue Yang gets out of trouble even, how could one against two? 问题是,在两个不足三小时的时间后,神殿至尊天御将赶紧这里,岳阳就算脱困,又岂能以一敌二 Tries to find the solution quickly!” Devil Dragon looks to Jian Cang Sheng and Chi Dan Zi two. “快想办法!”魔龙看向减苍生赤丹子两个 „, Do you make our two try to find the solution?” Jian Cang Sheng when heard was shocked, you said that please eat meal also almost, making us try to find the solution? You think that our heads do have Dongfang is so easy-to-use? Also, now this type of predicament, even if Dongfang comes, perhaps is still unable to save the situation...... Devil Dragon to look at two people expression, expects too much to scold: „Does large head do since birth? You are really with do not have a little!” “啊,你让我们两个想办法?”减苍生一听惊呆了,你说请吃饭还差不多,让咱俩想办法?你以为我俩的脑袋有东方那么好使吗?再说,现在这种困局,就算是东方前来,恐怕也无力回天……魔龙一看两人表情,恨铁不成钢地骂道:“斗大的脑袋生来干什么的?你们真是一点儿用都没有!” „......” Jian Cang Sheng is very speechless. “……”减苍生很无语。 Even if Heaven Realm first ominous person of you, isn't at a loss? Do not request high is too good, excuse me, we are small role forget it/that's all, you must count on that we are not good! 就算身为天界第一凶人的你,不也束手无策吗?别要求太高行不行,拜托,我们不过是小角色罢了,你要指望我们可不行! Sends at heart like this wordy, said does not dare, after all the others Boss Devil Dragon Heaven Realm first ominous person of your shop did not give for nothing! 心里是这样发罗嗦,说出来可不敢,毕竟人家魔龙老大天界第一凶人的宝号不是白给的! Another side, shoulders Divine Mountain Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi still to proceed steadily. 另一边,背负神山无双皇绝世还在稳步前进。 only his each step. 只是他的每一步。 Is overdrawing his life and Divine Power. 都透支着他的生命和神力 Heavenspan main road as if in front, but who knows, he is unable to come to the end point...... 通天大道似乎就在面前,可是谁都知道,他无法走到终点了…… Returns to Earth, the renewal continues. 重返地球,更新继续。 Thank the dragon of heart, thank many like the dragon of heart every day the book friend who waited to renew, everyone's Inseparable until now, without the means did not make Xia Fei be moved. In the past, Xia Fei has thought that the non- symbol, dropped out to consider as finished simply, this dangerous idea, puzzled Xia Fei good long some time, insistence that was the many book friend, pulls back from the edge of the cliff depressed Xia Fei. 感谢心之龙,感谢许多像心之龙这样每天都在等待更新的书友,大家一直以来的不离不弃,没有办法不让霞飞为之感动。在前一段时间,霞飞想过,干脆不码字,抛下一切算了,这种危险的想法,困扰了霞飞好长的一段时间,可是许多书友的坚持,又把沮丧的霞飞自悬崖边缘拉了回来。 Good, at least and lives together the itself/Ben the summon, as for later , to continue the symbol, at the appointed time said again. 好吧,最少把召唤和同居完本,至于以后,是否继续码字,到时再说。 Xia Fei does not know, the Heavenspan main road of oneself symbol, but can also walk far...... 霞飞也不知道,自己码字的通天大道,还能走多远……
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