LLS :: Volume #7

#1371: The sword refers, chaos to

They hope that through own effort, takes to a Yue Yang boost, that feared that is tiny bit. 他们希望通过自己的努力,带给岳阳一份助力,那怕是一丝一毫。 Well?” “咦?” Be careful, alert!” “小心,戒备!” In the squad of crazy charge, all are stopping suddenly, is most intense by the response of Xue Tanlang, his look especially dignified, deeply frowned. 正在疯狂冲锋的小队,忽然全体停了下来,其中以雪贪狼的反应最为激烈,他神色格外的凝重,眉头紧锁。 The environment, had a strange change suddenly. 周围环境,忽然产生了一种诡异的变化。 The air fluctuates like the ripples that the water surface produces like that. 空气就像水面产生的涟漪那般波动。 Some light show in the fluctuation. 有光在波动中透出。 Extremely bright. 极明亮。 Simply bright blind eyeball. 简直亮瞎眼球。 That was once defended by the oppressive Divine Central Hall first value innumerably, Giant Long Gate God, Zhang Wei, another face assumingly appears before the people. 那位曾经无数被虐的中央神殿的第一值守,长门巨神,长尉,又一脸傲慢地出现在众人之前。 This, the person of Heaven Encompassing's Prince good nature could not bear open the mouth to complain: How many talents do you want to kill really dead? Zhang Wei, you, if is so good, puts out the full power, fights with us, tossing about makes us kill by mistreatment, do you have the addiction very much?” 这回,就连天罗王子那么好脾气的人也忍不住开口吐槽了:“你到底要杀几次才会真死啊?长尉,你要是真的那么牛,就拿出全力,与我们大战一场,翻来覆去的让我们虐杀,你很有瘾是吗?” Fatty Hai was more oppressive regarding Zhang Wei this type of side dish, felt own fight a duel can also kill, therefore first rushing: Makes me come, this fellow likes exploding the chrysanthemum, this Young Master can satisfy him!” 海胖子对于长尉这种小菜虐多了,感觉自己单挑也能杀,于是第一个冲上去:“让我来,这家伙喜欢爆菊,本大少可以满足他!” Has not waited for him to shout that the chrysanthemum brings. 还不等他喊出菊花拿来。 The Zhang Wei both arms send out ten million Divine Light , lasing like arrow. 长尉双臂散发出千万道的神光,一道道,激射如箭。 Divine Light extremely fast passes through the space, great distance slightly far Ye Kong and the others also avoids to result in battered and exhausted, but welcomed Fatty Hai that the enemy is charging, was impossible to react with enough time. Less than one second, Fatty Hai, had been killed by Zhang Wei Divine Light is a mass of cuts and bruises, his huge body. Falls down from the sky in loudly, the blood splashes violently place. 神光极速贯穿空间,相隔稍远的叶空等人也躲避得狼狈不堪,但是迎着敌人冲锋的海胖子,却不可能来得及作出反应。一秒钟不到,海胖子,已经被长尉神光袭杀得体无完肤,他那庞大的身躯。自天空中轰然坠地,鲜血激溅一地。 These illusion that you met before, is the false appearances of Supreme Master Motionless manufacture, coordinates Dongfang to delay the time specially, you really think that can win Divine Tier? Joke! Now is Nine Heavens, your breaking through, 0.1% has not even achieved, naturally, by your wisdom, will never possibly decode the Dongfang chessgame. Pitiful chess piece. In your life last day. The final several hours, this god makes an exception to come, bestows you dead, so as to avoid you died in proud sexual fantasy ignorantly!” Zhang Wei was supercilious they cancelled finger to Ye Kong and Xue Tanlang: On together. Like your dregs. One second can be solved completely...... has the fellow who Conquering Queen supports except for Yue Titan that behind is an exception. The qualifications that your small insects, even I make a move simply do not have!” “你们之前所遇的那些幻像,都是不动至尊制造的假像,特意配合东方来拖时间的,你们真以为可以打赢一位神阶吗?笑话!现在已经是第九天,你们的破关,连千分之一也没有达成,当然,以你们的智慧,永远不可能破解东方的棋局。可怜的棋子们。在你们生命的最后一天。最后的几小时,本神破例前来,赐你们一死,免得你们在得意意淫中无知地死去!”长尉目中无人地向叶空雪贪狼他们勾了勾手指:“一起上吧。像你们这些渣滓。一秒钟就可以全部解决……除了岳泰坦那个背后有征服女王撑腰的家伙是一个例外。你们这些小虫子,简直连我出手的资格都没有!” fuck!” Look big change of Ye Kong. 尼玛!”叶空的神色大变。 Front this Zhang Wei. 面前这个长尉 The image is the same. 形象相同。 But with the previous performance, the strength differs heaven and earth simply. 但跟此前的表现,实力简直相差天与地 It seems like. On the mountain many met the tiger finally, one's own side defeated several illusion, this felt the main body that was insulted, really roared anxiously comes to do accounts. 看来。上得山多终遇虎,己方打败了几个幻像,这个觉得受辱的本体,真的急哄哄地前来算帐了。 Xue Tanlang gestures with Heaven Encompassing's Prince, two people divide to flash, one on the left and other on the right, tacit incomparable, simultaneously raid to this arrogant incomparable nostril Divine Tier Ranker upwards, Zhang Wei. 雪贪狼天罗王子打了个手势,两人分闪,一左一右,默契无比,同时急袭向这位傲慢无比鼻孔朝天的神阶强者,长尉 In instance of going well. 就在得手的瞬间。 The Ye Kong pupil expanded two times. 叶空瞳孔扩大了两倍。 Because he discovered, Zhang Wei Divine Body vanished like the light smoke, the response and speed of Zhang Wei, compared with before, wanted on quick a lot of times. Moreover, what is more terrifying, the Zhang Wei true body, appears in unexpectedly silently own behind. 因为他发现,长尉神躯就像轻烟般消失了,长尉的反应和速度,比起之前,要快上千百倍。而且,更加恐怖的是,长尉的真身,竟然无声无息地出现在自己的身后。 Heaven Realm hell gate!” Zhang Wei is invisible instantaneously, Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince two people attack simultaneously fail. When they have turned around, discovered that in the sky has together the strange black gate, is opening, the shadow lasing of tens of thousands of similar Zhang Wei image comes out, meteor shower dive to Ye Kong and the others of ground. What a pity they had not discovered at this time, the Zhang Wei true body, has after actually been built on Ye Kong . 天界地狱门!”长尉瞬间消失于无形,雪贪狼天罗王子两人的攻击齐齐落空。当他们转过身,发现天空中有一道诡异的黑门,正在打开,成千上万个类似长尉形象的影子激射出来,流星雨般俯冲向地面的叶空等人。可惜他们此时还不曾发现,长尉的真身,其实早就立于叶空之后。 Careful top of the head!” Li Clan Brothers was anxious. “小心头顶!”厉氏兄弟急了。 No, should be underground......” in the pupil of Ye Kong, flashes through together none, he induces to the ground, the Zhang Wei shadows of innumerable transparency, are running out in the transparent gate, in visible the shadow with the sky echoes mutually. In surface, this move kills is lying in the sky, but the genuine prestige energy, 90% all hide under the place bottom. “不,应该是地下……”叶空的眸内,闪过一道精光,他感应到在地面,无数完全透明的长尉影子,正在透明的门内冲出,与天空中有形的影子相互呼应。表面上,这一招的杀着在于天空,但真正的威能,90%全部隐藏在地底之下。 His shouting, changes the battlefield situation radically without enough time. 他的呼喊,根本来不及改变战场的局势。 Also instantaneous move including Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince, in entire battlefield, except for Ye Kong an attack that defends the bottom, and persists in standing erect by own Inherent Skill forcefully not but actually beside, others fall to the ground completely. 包括雪贪狼天罗王子也瞬间中招,整个战场上,除了叶空一个防住地底的袭击,并以自己的天赋强行坚持屹立不倒之外,其余的人全部倒地。 Zhang Wei looked at Ye Kong accidentally/surprisingly, this person is in the battlefield the only exception. 长尉略带意外地看了一眼叶空,这个人是战场中唯一例外。 Also is the only variable. 也是唯一的变数。 According to the potential, this boy should not compare that ice cool boy, at most is Old Second or Old Third, but his tenacious survival capability, unexpectedly is the crown of team, even in own hell disciple heavily injured, the blood-soaked whole body, can still stand erect not but actually, merely this point, on far exceeds own estimate. These youngster of Yue Titan squad do not have enough Divine Power support luckily, their power, how many day of struggles consumed in completely, depending on the doggedly sincere and unyielding fighting spirit, wants to defeat Divine Tier Ranker? 按照潜力而言,这小子应该还比不上那个冰酷小子,顶多是老二老三,但他顽强的生存能力,竟然是全队之冠,即使在自己的地狱门下重创,浴血浑身,仍然能够屹立不倒,仅仅这一点,就远远超出了自己的估计。幸好岳泰坦小队的这些年轻人都没有足够的神力支撑,他们的力量,早在几天的苦战中消耗尽了,光凭一腔热血和不屈的斗志,就想战胜神阶强者吗? Hahaha, wants to come also to really be laughable! 哈哈哈,想来还真是可笑! However, this is also the naive idea of Lower Realm mortal, thinks that by own effort, can go against heaven's will, can change battle...... 不过,这也是下界凡人的天真想法,以为凭借自身的努力,可以逆天,可以改变战局…… You can say the last words.” Zhang Wei now is arrogant, he is confident. Although cannot be victorious Yue Titan, but that is not own issue, who knows that the Yue Titan back has fearful Conquering Queen. But, except for Yue Titan, other Heavenspan Tower Lower Realm warrior, but can also be an issue? Is comes many to extinguish many radically, the ants, are small and weak existence. “你可以说遗言了。”长尉现在非常傲慢,他信心十足。虽然打不过岳泰坦,但那不是自己的问题,谁都知道岳泰坦的背后有个可怕的征服女王。可是,除了岳泰坦,别的通天塔下界武者,还会是个问题吗?根本就是来多少灭多少,蝼蚁嘛,本来就是弱小的存在。 Originally does not want to borrow.” Ye Kong sighing of gently. “本来不想借的。”叶空轻轻的叹了一口气。 What?” Zhang Wei does not understand what meaning completely Ye Kong these words are, is at death's door, what also to talk nonsense? Was this frightens insanely? “什么?”长尉完全不明白叶空这句话是什么意思,死到临头,还胡说八道什么?难道这是吓疯了吗? Does not know that must also many years be able to pay off!” Xue Tanlang also very crawled from the ground, his whole body is the blood, is scarred, but the expression of this boy as before, as if that wound in the indifference of others body. “也不知要还多少年才能还清!”雪贪狼也酷酷地自地上爬了起来,他浑身是血,伤痕累累,但这小子的表情如故,仿佛那一身伤都在别人身上似的淡然。 „Is this eternal Divine Power? Too powerful!” Heaven Encompassing's Prince stands, closes one's eyes to mutter. “这就是永恒的神力吗?太强大了!”天罗王子站起来,闭着眼睛喃喃自语。 What are you saying?” Zhang Wei feels bewildered about all of front. “你们都在说什么?”长尉对面前发生的一切感到莫明其妙。 Without the fear. 没有恐惧。 Frightening and power that small and weak wail had not died. 没有死亡的惊吓和自身力量弱小的哀鸣。 On the contrary, only has a bewildered strange sigh. The in chaos mood of where coming? Is this type does not seem like the loser and expression of being on the verge of death good, don't you have the determination of little weak one? 相反,只有一种莫明其妙的诡异叹息。哪来的乱七八糟的情绪啊?这种根本就不像是失败者和濒死者的表情好不好,你们就没有一点点弱者的自觉吗? On the face of Ye Kong has no expression, in the eye actually reveals world anything to firm: I understood, he does this has the reason. We really are also not the Divine Tier opponents, that fears weakest Divine Tier. However, we will not give up, we will continue to try hard, try to catch up, we will not make him fight single-handedly absolutely.” 叶空的脸上没有任何表情,目中却流露出一种世间任何事物都无可改变的坚贞:“我明白了,他这样做是有原因的。我们果然还不是神阶的对手,那怕最弱的神阶。不过,我们不会放弃的,我们会继续努力,迎头赶上,我们绝对不会让他一个人孤军奋战的。” Li Clan Brothers also nods: Right, we are the teammates!” 厉氏兄弟同时点头:“没错,我们可是队友!” Last difficultly Fatty Hai that crawls from the ground. Runs to rush to Resting Wind Sea Bird. The whole face is the fat face of blood piles the smile: „Are you all right?” 最后一个艰难地自地面爬起来的海胖子。一路小跑地奔向风息海鸟。满脸是血的胖脸堆出笑容:“你没事吧?” You leave my distant point! Do not depend too nearly, I looked you have a suffocating feeling!” Resting Wind Sea Bird makes him frighten half dead, hurries to escape beyond ten meters, both hands suspend continually: Excuse me. Do not smile again. The whole face is the smile of blood. Almost looked at me to feel nauseated, wā wā, really quite disgusting. Do not come again, otherwise I can commit suicide...... do not compel me, do not compel me, I am very painful!” “你离我远点!别靠得太近,我一看你就有种窒息的感觉!”风息海鸟让他吓个半死,赶紧遁出十米外,双手连摆:“拜托。不要再笑了。满脸是血的笑容。看得我差点要吐了,哇哇,真的好恶心。别再过来了,否则我会自杀的……别迫我,千万别迫我,我真的很痛苦!” Do not fear, Baby, I understand you very much, I will give the time you to adapt!” Fatty Hai expressed oneself are the person who sympathizes very much. “别怕,宝贝儿,我很理解你,我会给时间你适应的!”海胖子表示自己是个很体贴的人。 Vomits!” “呕!” Resting Wind Sea Bird wants dead suddenly, how oneself possibly have the relations with this person, this life was too sorrowful. 风息海鸟忽然很想死,自己怎么可能跟这种人扯上关系,这种人生太悲哀了。 Divine Light between Zhang Wei both arms flashes again, said Divine Light ten million/countless like the arrow. 长尉双臂间的神光再次闪动,千万道神光如箭。 Flies to shoot again. 再次飞射而出。 Stands in the arrow rain, previously instantaneously struck down Fatty Hai, stood erect like the meat mountain not but actually. 站在箭雨中,此前被瞬间击倒的海胖子,就像肉山般屹立不倒。 Although the body scar everywhere, the blood spurts like the spring violently, but this, his firmly stands in the ground, the eye of blood red like the wild animal like that is staring at Zhang Wei stubbornly, that vicious strength, letting as Divine Tier Zhang Wei, the heart also floats inexplicably has a faint trace chill in the air. Not is only Fatty Hai, everyone, including Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince them, everyone was full of this terrifying murderous intention. 尽管身上伤痕处处,鲜血激喷如泉,但这回,他牢牢地站在地面上,血红的眼睛就像野兽那般,死死地盯着长尉,那种凶狠劲头,让身为神阶长尉,心底也莫名地浮生出一丝丝寒意。不仅仅是海胖子,所有人,包括雪贪狼天罗王子他们在内,所有人的目中都充满了这种恐怖的杀机。 Struggling of ants?” Zhang Wei got angry, as Divine Tier Ranker, unexpectedly by the Lower Realm mortal threatening, this what's the matter? “蝼蚁的挣扎吗?”长尉怒了,身为一位神阶强者,竟然被下界的凡人给威吓了,这算怎么回事? I, Ye Kong, am willing to accept the destiny power gracious gift, is willing to fight for the future Sacred Supreme fate.” Ye Kong right hand, dignifiedly and lithely according to own chest. “我,叶空,愿意接受命运力量的恩赐,更愿意为了未来神圣至尊的宿命而战。”叶空将右手,凝重又轻盈地按在自己的胸膛上。 Yes, we want similarly.” “是的,我们同样愿意。” Like Ye Kong, Xue Tanlang, Heaven Encompassing's Prince and Li Clan Brothers, as well as that side Fatty Hai and Resting Wind Sea Bird, made this action entirely. 叶空相同,雪贪狼天罗王子厉氏兄弟,以及那边的海胖子风息海鸟,统统做出了这一个举动。 Zhang Wei opens the mouth without enough time, he discovered with amazement, in these ants mortal bodies, there is a type vastly such as sea Divine Power to emerge, is irresistibly more inestimable. Is blinking, Divine Power pasted to link up the whole body, and high-speed rose toward on top spiral, with Grimoire light pillar that automatic float came out, the synchronization is intertwined erupts upward. 长尉来不及开口,他骇然发现,这些蝼蚁般的凡人躯体中,有种浩瀚如海的神力涌现出来,不可阻挡更不可估量。在眨眼之间,神力就流转贯通了全身,并且高速往头顶上螺旋上升,与自动悬浮出来的宝典光柱,同步交缠往上喷发。 Can these mortals condense legendary Divine Throne? 难道这些凡人要凝聚传说中神座吗? No, is impossible! 不,不可能的! They do not meet these requirements . Moreover, their obviously mortal, Divine Tier is not mortal, how also probably to have that type of supreme thing? 他们根本就不具备那些条件,而且,他们明明都还是凡人啊,连神阶都不是的凡人,又怎么可能拥有那种至高无上的东西? Gate!” Zhang Wei startled extremely, he puts out a hand, condensed leaf of Gate of Gods in the front. “门!”长尉惊极,他伸手一点,在面前凝聚了一扇神门 Regardless of the front what happened, he is not willing to stay behind elegantly. Whether these mortals condense Divine Throne, has the qualifications to condense, these entirely not in his ponder. Because, power of enemy has exceeded itself and crushed completely, stays again, finally only then, that falls from the sky! 无论面前发生了什么事,他都不愿意留下考究。这些凡人是否凝聚神座,是否有资格凝聚,这些统统不在他的思考中。因为,敌人的力量已经完全超越并且压倒了自己,再停留下去,结果只有一个,那就是陨落! In order to guarantee survival, to guarantee own Divine Tier power, only has a goal now. 为了保证生存,为了保证自己的神阶力量,现在只有一个目标。 That leaves! 那就是离开! Yue Titan, this is you do for them? Very good, you and Dongfang, Supreme Master Motionless as well as Hall Supreme Tian Yu they struggle to fight, your wars, have nothing to do with me, gave up any idea of that I pay for you again. Wants adds to make your falling foot stone with my Zhang Wei life and Divine Power? No, is impossible! My life and Divine Power are only me, I must be a free and unrestrained god, rather than chess piece, leaves, I must leave here, returns to my wonderful Heaven Realm, enjoys to belong to all my!” Zhang Wei angrily howling sound. 岳泰坦,这是你为他们做的吧?很好,你与东方不动至尊以及神殿至尊天御他们去争去斗吧,你们的战争,与我无关,休想我再为你们付出。想用我长尉的生命和神力来添作你们的坠脚石吗?不,不可能!我的生命和神力只属于我自己,我要做个逍遥自在的神,而不是一个棋子,离开,我要离开这里,返回我美妙的天界,享受属于我的一切!”长尉恼怒地狂吼一声 He must accept and condense Divine Power while Ye Kong and Xue Tanlang and the others, the body puts on to march forward in too urgent to wait Gate of Gods. 他趁叶空雪贪狼等人还要接受和凝聚神力,身躯急不及待地穿行进神门之内。 What chess piece chessgame, he does not want to go to manage. 什么棋子棋局,他根本不想去管了。 Only has the life, is most important. 只有生命,才是最重要的。 Let Yue Titan and Tian Yu hits life and death, then has nothing to do with oneself ; As for Heavenspan Tower Lower Realm, is rises or perishes, has nothing to do with oneself...... 岳泰坦天御打个你死我活吧,那与自己无关;至于通天塔下界,是崛起还是沉沦,也与自己无关…… While Zhang Wei enters Gate of Gods, thinks safe time, a hand appears in the front, blocks his throat directly. Like carrying chicken like that directly his Divine Tier Ranker clutching. 正当长尉进入神门,自以为安全的时候,一只手于前方出现,直接扼住他的咽喉。就像拎小鸡那般,直接将他这位神阶强者给揪了起来。 Front Ye Kong, Fatty Hai, Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince and the others made this be shocked thoroughly. 叶空海胖子雪贪狼天罗王子等人让面前这一幕彻底惊呆了。 Their dumbstruck looks at, a delicate and pretty incomparable man, raises single-handedly is carrying Zhang Wei, grasps single-handedly is dropping Divine Sword of blood, walks bravely from Zhang Wei Gate of Gods. Perhaps swept audience one eyes, perhaps does not care about everyone's response, this man inserts Divine Sword in the ground, then, with extremely simple technique, the head of Zhang Wei, twists an extremely barbarically directly from the neck on...... 他们目瞪口呆看着,一个俊美无比的男子,一手提拎着长尉,一手握着尚在滴血的神剑,昂首阔步地自长尉神门中走出来。也许扫了全场一眼,也许根本就不在乎所有人的反应,这个男子将神剑插在地面上,然后,用一种极其野蛮又极其简单的手法,直接将长尉的头,自脖子上拧下来…… Zhang Wei has the incomparably frigid wail. 长尉发生无比惨烈的哀鸣。 But does not help matters. 但无济于事。 His thinks unexpectedly continually very powerful Divine Tier, in the front of delicate and pretty swordsman, struggles possibly does not have. 他这个自以为很强大的神阶,在俊美剑士的面前,竟然连挣扎的可能都没有。 Only can send out calling out in grief of pain, then the body first separation died, Divine Spark dissipates, Divine Power, in several breath, has made opposite side absorb completely. 只能发出痛苦的悲鸣,然后身首分离地死去,神格消散,一身神力,于几个呼吸间,已经完全让对方汲取。 You, you, who are you?” Ye Kong this grade of iron hits the person of courage, frightening the heart is scared, this has not presented the strange man in memory, who is he? Why can kill Zhang Wei? Why also comes? “你,你,你是谁?”就连叶空这等铁打胆子的人,也给吓得心头发毛,这个从来没有出现在记忆中的陌生男人,他到底是谁?为何要杀长尉?又为何而来? Told Yue Titan, I owed him, now two clear.” The delicate and pretty swordsman throws the Zhang Wei corpse conveniently throws in the ground, changes several head, throws careless throws in the under foot of Ye Kong and the others. Then, senseless drops out one, however pulls up Divine Sword leisurely, a stroke, breaks open Void(Xu Kong) at fingertips, among makes great strides forward with stride, vanishes without the trace instantaneously. “告诉岳泰坦,我欠他的,现在两清了。”俊美剑士随手将长尉的尸首抛扔在地面上,又变出几颗人头,漫不经心地抛扔在叶空他们的脚下。就这样,没头没脑的抛下一句,施施然拔起神剑,信手一划,破开虚空,大步迈进其内,瞬间消失无踪。 This, who is this person? 这,这个人是谁? Words that spoke, what meaning is? 说的话,到底是什么意思? He possibly enters the Dongfang chess world, enters this change Space and Time Labyrinth ten million/countless? 他又怎么可能进入东方棋弈世界,进入这个变化千万的时空迷宫 Ye Kong turns away to look to Fatty Hai, is Fatty Hai now is more muddled than the simple soul, a big end swings with rattle-drum, expressed that is not completely clear. 叶空转脸看向海胖子,可是海胖子现在比糊涂虫还要糊涂,一个大头摇得跟拨浪鼓似的,表示完全不明白。 Well, this, this face......” Heaven Encompassing's Prince carefully looked to roll near a severed head to own foot, suddenly lost one's voice to call out in alarm: This, you look at this face, should this not be the head of that Ji Wu Ri? Oh, was too inconceivable, Ji Wu Ri died unexpectedly, moreover head under my foot! Isn't my has a dream?” “咦,这,这张脸……”天罗王子仔细看了看滚到自己脚边的一颗首级,忽然失声惊叫起来:“这,你们看这张脸,这该不会是那个姬无日的头颅吧?天哪,太不可思议了,姬无日竟然死了,而且脑袋就在我的脚底下!我这不是做梦吧?” „It seems like, but also somewhat looks like that not small Ji Wu Ri!” Fatty Hai when heard may go bad excitedly, hurries to push to surround. “看起来,还真有点像那个没有小的姬无日!”海胖子一听可激动坏了,赶紧挤进来围观。 If this is Ji Wu Ri, then killed the Ji Wu Ri person......” in the Ye Kong heart to be imposing. “如果这是姬无日,那么杀了姬无日的人……”叶空心中为之凛然。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian!” Xue Tanlang responded immediately: just now that person is Devil Venerable Kai Tian! The homicide falls Ji Wu Ri, to also fall favor, only then he, has to massacre the Ji Wu Ri possibility! However, Devil Venerable Kai Tian isn't he just now extricates in training Divine Grimoire? His movement was also too quick!” 开天魔尊!”雪贪狼立即反应过来:“刚才那个人就是开天魔尊!他杀掉姬无日,就是为了还掉人情,只有他,才有杀掉姬无日的可能!不过,开天魔尊他不是刚刚才试炼神典里解脱出来吗?他的动作也太快了吧!” , Won't the Devil Venerable Kai Tian strength be so flamboyant?” Then, calls out in alarm including usually steadiest Li Clan Brothers. “啊,不会吧,开天魔尊实力这么牛逼吗?”这下,连平时最稳重的厉氏兄弟也惊叫起来。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian flamboyant is good thing!” Only then Fatty Hai this mindless fellow, thinks like this. 开天魔尊牛逼是好事!”只有海胖子这个没心没肺的家伙,才会这样认为。 Shut up!” Resting Wind Sea Bird feels until now, heartbeat returns so fast, just now almost not by Devil Venerable Kai Tian enters the stage to scare to death has the wood to have, later, do not mention this fearful fellow. “闭嘴!”风息海鸟觉得直到现在,心跳好快,刚才差点没有被开天魔尊的出场吓死有木有,以后,都不要提起这种可怕的家伙了。 Heaven Realm chaos to!” Ye Kong other does not dare saying that but this point can the absolutely certain. 天界大乱将至!”叶空别的不敢说,但是这一点可以绝对肯定。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian resurfaces, namely the use toe thinks, knows does not have the fruit to eat. 开天魔尊复出,即使用脚趾头想,都知道没有好果子吃。 If Hall Supreme Tian Yu and Yue Yang fate to fighting failure, Divine Central Hall, resists counter-attack of Devil Venerable Kai Tian with what? Like Zhang Wei this grade of Divine Tier, by instant kill at the scene, Heaven Realm, how many people also there are, can prevent this Devil Venerable Kai Tian Divine Sword to refer to? The Heavenspan Tower misery soon ended, is Heaven Realm, the misery and chaos caused by war, perhaps now just starts to perform? 假如神殿至尊天御岳阳宿命对战失败,中央神殿,又拿什么来抵御开天魔尊的反扑?像长尉这等神阶,都被秒杀当场,天界,又有几人,能够阻挡这位开天魔尊神剑所指?通天塔的苦难快要结束了,可是天界,苦难和战乱,恐怕现在才刚刚开始上演吧? Stopped for many days, very sorry. 停更了好多天,很抱歉。 Renews diligently, returns everyone's waiting and support. 努力更新,回报大家的等待和支持。
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