LLS :: Volume #7

#1370: Space not struck down Supreme

The dead Sea God numerous look startles greatly, the color completely changes. 海神众一看大骇,颜色尽变。 Does not wait for the wolf mouth to close up, the pair of great hands, exceed beyond the day to come, according to being as good as the palate chin, the tight band lives in that greedy big mouth. 不等狼口合拢,有一双巨手,超越天外而来,按抵上腭下巴,紧紧箍住那张贪婪大嘴。 When thunder wrath intimidation sound penetrating entire World of Scale, the dead Sea God numerous faint from fear illusion to disappear, a ferocious hungry wolf was pounded to fall by Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme furiously above the horizon snake bridge......, as bridge damage reflection of breakage avalanche, that tenacious great wolf especially thinks turns over/stands up to counter-attack, but, makes the strength occupy overwhelming winning side Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme making up a foot finally, immediately the great wolf entire body, the meteor fall from the sky crashed into the abyss. 雷霆震怒的威喝声彻整个天平世界,死海神众才惊觉幻像消失,一只穷凶极恶的饿狼被光明守护至尊奋力砸摔在天际蛇桥之上……随着破裂崩塌的桥梁反震,那头顽强的巨狼尤想翻身反扑,可是,最终却让实力占据压倒性上风的光明守护至尊给补上一脚,顿时巨狼整个身躯,流星陨落般坠入了深渊之内。 Pounds that shock-wave that strikes, making the entire abyss shiver, the horizon snake bridge explodes, turns into ten million/countless the separation of fragments. 砸击的那股冲击波,让整个深渊都为之颤动,天际蛇桥爆裂,化成千万碎片飞散。 hong long long! 轰隆隆 The sound, is lingering on faintly for a very long time. 响动,久久不绝于耳。 Good watch-dog.” Devil Dragon to praise, although the great mouth attack is invalid, but Hui Tailang it can achieve this grade of degree, has made him feel amazed. “好一条看门狗。”魔龙大赞,虽然巨嘴攻击无效,可是灰太狼它能够做到这等程度,已经让他感到惊诧。 Almost frightens the urine.” Jian Cang Sheng swallowed saliva secretly, just now almost really thinks that entire World of Scale must fall by that wolf mouth Devour, what wolf was fuck this? Even hasn't World Exterminator Devil Wolf hung? Frequently must swallow the world, but also almost disregards all protection, this was also too scary! “差点吓尿。”减苍生暗暗咽下了一口唾沫,刚才几乎真以为整个天平世界要被那狼口吞噬掉,尼玛这到底是什么狼啊?就算是灭世魔狼也没有这么吊吧?动辄就要吞食世界,还几乎无视一切抗御,这也太吓人了! Idiot!” Yue Yang actually very dissatisfied as Master. “蠢材!”身为主人岳阳非常的不满 Waits for Hui Tailang to struggle with great difficulty from the abyss, Student Yue Yang immediately kicked in it ** on: I called you to nip his foot, pestered Monkey Sun to divert the enemy like Howling Heavenly Dog, did you open that big mouth what are you doing? Without that big skill do not make that the action of idiot, if can eat that fellow, that also does act with you? Even if he made you bite, you can swallow? One side your idiot, rolls to me!” 灰太狼好不容易才自深渊中挣扎回来,岳阳同学立即一脚踹在它的**上:“我叫你咬他的脚,像哮天犬纠缠孙猴子那样牵制敌人,你张那么大的嘴巴干嘛?没那么大的本事就不要做那么白痴的举动,要是一口能吃掉那个家伙,那还用你出手?就算他让你咬住了,你能咽得下去?你个笨蛋,给我滚一边去!” Hui Tailang looked Yue Yang was really angry, hurried to be pleased as punch, puts out one I to make a mistake, definitely the coordination will be next time good cleverness. 灰太狼一看岳阳真生气了,赶紧摇头摆尾,拿出一副‘我错了,下次肯定配合好’的乖巧。 Duo Duo that also to just flew from Eternal Divine Throne in signals with the eyes. 又向刚刚自永恒神座里飞出来的朵朵使个眼色。 Hopes she spoke two words of praise to oneself. 希望她给自己说两句好话。 But Duo Duo actually does not look at its one, feigns does not know this fool friend. 可是朵朵却不看它一眼,佯装不认识这种二货朋友。 Student Yue Yang poses the posture, points at Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme to shout: Favored to me, how should entire, watches my correct demonstration!” 岳阳同学拉开架式,指着光明守护至尊喝道:“都给我看好了,到底该怎么整,看我的正确示范!” Hui Tailang thought when now does not flatter treats, the opportunity is rare, claps to applaud immediately, receives wolf claws diligently, only stretches out a thumb claw to raise up, in nimble and resourceful big eye , the same fashion shows the facial expression that the worship and admires, hoping Student Yue Yang can because of the good performance, forgets the unhappiness of just now. 灰太狼觉得现在不拍马屁更待何时,机会难得啊,立马拍手鼓掌,又努力地收起狼爪,仅伸出一只大拇指爪子竖起,灵动的大眼睛里,也同时流露出崇拜和佩服的神情,寄望岳阳同学能够因为自己良好的表现,忘掉刚才的不快。 Its movement, let Devil Dragon and Jian Cang Sheng they looked, in the heart planted this domestic animal must go against heaven's will the collapse feeling. 它的动作,让魔龙减苍生他们看了,心中都有种‘这个畜生要逆天’的崩溃感觉。 The Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme surface shows disdain for the audience, but regarding having Eternal Divine Throne also has ten thousand meters Divine Body Yue Yang, actually maintains due attaching great importance. Yue Yang acts, he is ready in full battle array immediately, does not give the Yue Yang round of Biao's opportunity slightly. 光明守护至尊表面傲视全场,可是对于拥有永恒神座又拥有万米神躯岳阳,却是保持足够的重视。岳阳一出手,他立即严阵以待,丝毫也不给予岳阳发飚的机会。 40,000 meters Divine Body to shaking ten thousand meters Divine Body. 四万米神躯对撼万米神躯 How finally can? 结果将会如何? The dead Sea God numerous do not serve as any guess, knows the result, definitely is Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme wins leaves. 海神众根本不用作任何猜测,就知道结果,肯定是光明守护至尊出。 The not possible each people are ** Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi , the not possible each people to shaking sixty thousand meter Divine Body do not drop the wind with ten thousand meters Divine Body...... 不可能每个人都是**的无双皇绝世,也不可能每个人都用万米神躯对撼六万神躯不落下风…… Near, two huge Divine Body was near, the Four Strips arm interlocks, the leg knee interlocking, two sides arrive according to the body of enemy furiously, destroys valley Divine Power, attempts to turn the enemy falls in own front. 近了,两个巨大的神躯近了,四条臂膀交错而过,腿膝相接,两方奋力抵按敌人的身躯,又摧谷神力,企图将敌人翻摔在自己的面前。 The horizon snake bridge cannot support among them the fight. 天际蛇桥根本支撑不住他们之间的战斗。 Each step, treads the bridge floor. 每一步,都踏碎桥面。 Treads broken Void(Xu Kong). 踏破虚空 World of Scale has Ancient Code luckily, otherwise, fight between both can destroy entire World of Scale. 幸好天平世界自有远古法则在,否则,两者之间的战斗会摧毁整个天平世界 From time to time 40,000 meters Divine Body depresses Yue Yang Divine Body, from time to time Yue Yang Divine Body exerts oneself, shoves open the enemy. More is two huge Divine Body equally matched entanglements, in this near body dogfight, all moves and skills does not have the use, only has power, is divides high below the only means. 时而四万米神躯压下岳阳神躯,时而岳阳神躯奋发,推开敌人。更多是两尊巨大神躯不相上下的纠缠,在这种近身缠斗中,一切招数和技巧都没有用处,只有力量,才是分较高下的唯一办法。 With the powerful support of both sides Divine Throne, the power difference almost can ignore. 在双方神座的强力支援下,力量的差异几乎可以忽略不计。 The at least dead Sea God numerous have not seen the overwhelming aspect to appear. 最少海神众没有看见压倒性的局面出现。 Now, they realized an issue suddenly. 现在,他们忽然意识到了一个问题。 It is not everyone is Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. 不是每个人都是无双皇绝世 But, front this youngster named Yue Titan, similarly is also one ** the talent of rank, performance completely not inferior to in his senior. 但,面前这一个叫做岳泰坦年轻人,同样也是一个**级别的天才,表现完全不亚于他的前辈。 They think why radically does not understand, why Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme 40,000 meters high won't Divine Body, be able to crush Yue Titan? The fellows who Heavenspan Tower comes out are **? Can Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi resisted sixty thousand meter Divine Body, Yue Titan now also be able resisted 40,000 meters Divine Body...... this, why to be? Why can they achieve this not possible matter? 他们根本想不明白为什么,为什么光明守护至尊四万米高度的神躯,会压倒不了岳泰坦?难道通天塔出来的家伙都是**吗?无双皇绝世力抗六万神躯,岳泰坦现在也能力抗四万米神躯……这,到底是为什么?为什么他们能够做到这种不可能的事情? Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme and Protector of Dead Sea are Supreme, really the puffiness? 难道光明守护至尊死海守护至尊,真的是虚胖? The dead Sea God numerous read and this, look at each other in dismay. 海神众一念及此,面面相觑 At once shakes the head collectively. 旋即集体摇头。 Is impossible! 不可能! Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme and Protector of Dead Sea Supreme are highest level existences, if they are the puffiness, but also does world have Divine Tier to dare to say Ranker? Definitely was Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and Yue Titan used the secret skill, overdrew the life, created this effect. 光明守护至尊死海守护至尊是最顶级的存在,假如他们是虚胖,还世间还有神阶敢自称强者?肯定是无双皇绝世岳泰坦使用了秘技,透支了生命,才造成这种效果 After the dead Sea God numerous associated to this possibility, was overjoyed. 海神众联想到了这种可能性后,大喜过望。 The life not possibly overdraws lasting, it seems like Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and Yue Titan losing battle has decided that Fate Showdown, soon will branch out high under! 生命透支不可能持久,看来无双皇绝世岳泰坦败局已定,宿命对决,即将分出高下! Was too weak, Yue Titan, are you merely this grade of degree?” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme after probes over and over, discovered that Divine Power is in the upper hand slightly, when heart to the high-speed growth secret shock of Yue Yang, another wild with joy, is out of control to open the mouth to taunt: Depending on your present power, but also delusion in three hours of civil war but actually this Venerable? Ha, that is the ant shakes the mountain without doubt! Come, Yue Titan, you have what move, causes entirely! This, is you resisted stubbornly finally, the war of fate has started, regarding you of destined to failure, this Venerable gives you benevolently a struggling opportunity!” “太弱了,岳泰坦,你仅仅是这等程度吗?”光明守护至尊经过再三试探,发现还是自己神力稍占上风,心中对岳阳的高速成长暗暗震惊之余,又一阵狂喜,禁不住开口嘲讽道:“凭你现在的力量,还妄想在三小时之内战倒本尊?哈,那无疑是蚂蚁撼山!来吧,岳泰坦,你还有什么招,统统使出来吧!这,已经是你最后的顽抗了,宿命之战已经开启,对于注定失败的你,本尊仁慈地给你一个挣扎的机会!” 40,000 meters Divine Body catches up several suppressions, although cannot do to Yue Titan ten thousand meters Divine Body, is unable to turn it throws down. 四万米神躯发力几番压制,尽管奈何不得岳泰坦的万米神躯,无法将之翻摔倒地。 But has been in the upper hand greatly. 但已经大占上风。 With the Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme step fortifying at every step sap, Yue Yang ten thousand meters Divine Body can only catch up strongly governing, almost no ** possibility. If not there is Eternal Divine Throne after the support of an unending stream, if Yue Yang wants to be a worthy opponent Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, indeed has the difficulty very much, after all Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme was one does not know exactly many ten thousand years of strong Old Ghost. 随着光明守护至尊步步步为营的进迫,岳阳的万米神躯只能发力强御,几乎没有**的可能。若非有永恒神座在后源源不断的支援,岳阳要想匹敌光明守护至尊,的确很有难度,毕竟光明守护至尊是一个也不知活了多少万年的超强老鬼 Shut up!” On the Yue Yang face not fears intent. “闭嘴!”岳阳脸上毫无惧意。 His ten thousand meters Divine Body, falls back on the horizon snake bridge end that just restored, resists the abyss the cliff. 他的万米神躯,退到刚刚恢复过来的天际蛇桥尽头,身后抵住深渊的悬崖。 Resists the advancement of enemy furiously, in this terrain, with the support of Eternal Divine Throne, even Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme ten times stronger, were impossible to continue to promote his Divine Body. 奋力抵住敌人的推进,在这个地形,在永恒神座的支援下,即使光明守护至尊再强十倍,也不可能继续推动他的神躯了。 Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme is also naturally well aware, thinks that short time kill Yue Yang that is impossible, has ten thousand meters Divine Body also to have Eternal Divine Throne in the hand, is not he can strike to kill single-handedly. What importance but does this have? Deadlock to oneself advantageous, so long as Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi overdrew to drop dead, Protector of Dead Sea Supreme can set aside the hand, was bad, after three hours, Hall Supreme Tian Yu can also rush. 光明守护至尊自然也心知肚明,想短时间干掉岳阳那根本不可能,拥有万米神躯又拥有永恒神座在手,再不是他独力可以击杀的。但这又有什么要紧?僵局对自己有利,只要无双皇绝世透支倒地身亡,死海守护至尊就能腾出手来,再不济,三个小时后,神殿至尊天御也可以赶到。 At the appointed time all will be a foregone conclusion. 到时一切将成定局。 Now? 现在? So long as firmly according to dying is good because of this edge of the cliff the enemy! 只要牢牢地将敌人按死在这悬崖边缘就好! You besiege that ** dog and that Goddess of Flower!” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme he is extremely discontented with watch with folded arms of dead Sea God numerous. “你们去围攻那条**狗和那个花神!”光明守护至尊他对死海神众的袖手旁观非常不满。 Yes.” Dead Sea God numerous one by one wear a look of bitter color, but they do not dare the disobey orders, has to lower the head to comply. “是。”死海神一个个面带苦色,但他们不敢违抗命令,只好低头答应。 Regarding besieging Hui Tailang and Duo Duo, they actually would rather not. Because, ** dog that Goddess of Flower, seeming like is not quite affable. The former opens mouth can swallow the world, although there is Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, is unlikely successfully, but it is estimated that gobbles up Divine Tier is very relaxed, does not know that who can be that unlucky egg. 对于围攻灰太狼朵朵,他们其实是不太情愿的。因为,无论是**狗还是那个花神,看起来都不太好惹。前者一张嘴就能吞食天地,虽然有光明守护至尊在,不太可能成功,但估计吞吃个神阶还是很轻松的,就是不知谁会是那个倒霉蛋。 As for that Goddess of Flower, that is thorny. 至于那个花神,那更是棘手。 Goddess of Flower that this seems like the harmless to human and animals semblance like little girl, hidden has an audience no one to be able and fearsome murderous intention, this Goddess of Flower takes to the first impression, is the deterrent force pursues Devil Dragon and Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme these highest level existence. 这个看起来人畜无害外表就像小女孩似的花神,隐有着一种全场无人能及的可怖杀机,这个花神带给外界的第一观感,就是威慑力直追魔龙光明守护至尊这些最顶级的存在。 If not for she has not grown completely, who dares with her for the enemy? 若不是她还没有完全成长,谁敢与她为敌? Even Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, does not favor the dead Sea God numerous to strike to kill Hui Tailang and Duo Duo, his order besieges, the diversion, rather than eliminates the boost of Yue Yang's side completely. 就算是光明守护至尊,也不看好死海神众能够击杀灰太狼朵朵,他的命令是围攻,牵制,而不是完全清除岳阳身边的助力。 On, everyone on together.” Grasps to eclipse the baby faced old man of Dragon God stick to hurry to take the lead in acting. He knows, now simply does not have the second choice, the watch with folded arms consequence, regardless of which side wins, the dead Sea God numerous will be the results that all will be defeated. Has not arrived in Hall Supreme Tian Yu, was still continue conduct at the war of fate, the dead Sea God numerous must pay, otherwise, new Sacred Supreme, will not mind the vertical witchering bottom cleans World of Scale. “上,大家一起上。”手持蚀龙神杖的童颜老叟赶紧带头行动。他知道,现在根本没有第二个选择,袖手旁观的后果,无论哪一方获胜,死海神众都将是全体覆没的结局。在神殿至尊天御还没有到来,在宿命之战仍在持续进行,死海神众必须有所付出,否则,新的神圣至尊,将不介意立威彻底清洗天平世界 On you.” A Duo Duo slender jade finger point, sending out Hui Tailang to accept a challenge. “你上。”朵朵纤细的玉指一点,派出灰太狼应战。 Hui Tailang hearing this, immediately charge. 灰太狼闻言,立即屁颠屁颠的冲锋。 It is the warlike elements. 它本身就是好战分子。 Unlike the death Sea God numerous who being forced to battle against, it not only does not have the complaint, but must open the meal impatiently. 与被迫开战的死海神众不同,它非但毫无怨言,还迫不及待要开餐。 Duo Duo actually fly to Master Yue Yang here battlefield, regarding her departure, the dead Sea God numerous feigns has not seen, all act as the opening eyes blind person. 朵朵自己却飞向主人岳阳这边的战场,对于她的离开,死海神众佯装没有看见,全体充当睁眼瞎子。 Copes with this under to punch ** the dog enough had had a headache, why to provoke that Goddess of Flower...... Duo Duo to leave, the confidence of dead Sea God numerous increases, dozens Divine Tier besiege a head ** the dog does not have the issue, so long as is careful big mouth then it will be alright of this glutton! 对付这个欠揍的**狗已经够头疼了,何必招惹那个花神……朵朵一离开,死海神众的信心大增,几十神阶围攻一头**狗还是没问题的,只要小心这吃货的大嘴巴就行 Regarding whom can be ** dog final dinner, that must look that which fellow was most hapless! 至于说谁会是**狗最后的晚餐,那就得看哪个家伙最倒霉了! Snort, comes well!” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme looked at Duo Duo to come, hurried to branch out oneself that eight meters high true body to prevent. “哼,来得好啊!”光明守护至尊一看朵朵来了,赶紧分出自己那八米之高的真身来阻止。 The horizon snake bridge end, the two Divine Body giant is in the test of strength. 天际蛇桥尽头,两个神躯巨人正在角力。 With the support of both sides Divine Throne, it is estimated that fights the judgment day is not possible to branch out high under. Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme does not hope that fight is ends the fate the only way, his true body, Grimoire, War Beast and principle wait/etc, these, are best weapon. From the beginning, him plans to suppress Yue Titan ten thousand meters Divine Body, opposed the enemy...... him even to guess correctly the Yue Yang this enemy's combat plan by the true body again, therefore, Duo Duo one, he prepared for some time to summon oneself Grimoire. 在双方神座的支援下,估计斗到世界末日也不一定能分出高下。光明守护至尊也不会寄望那种战斗是终结宿命的唯一方式,他的真身、宝典战兽以及法则等等,这些,才是最好的武器。自一开始,他就打算将岳泰坦的万米神躯压制,再以真身对敌……他甚至能够猜到了岳阳这个敌人的作战计划,所以,朵朵一来,他就准备多时地召唤了自己的宝典 Enduring the Holy Grimoire present world that Divine Grimoire is ordinary, brilliance myriad. 堪比神典一般的圣典现世,光华万千。 Gushing out. 喷薄而出。 The innumerable mirrors flash in the random space of the world, vary, have the circle in the right way, some wonderful unparalleled some are abnormal. 无数镜子在天地的任意空间闪现,有大有小,有圆有方,有的美妙无双有的畸形怪诞。 Even in World of Scale, this Mirror World still had some inconceivable misconception, as if Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and the others arrived in another world to go, obviously recently was about several kilometers, but felt that seemed far is unattainable, was more remote than the stars of space. 即使就在天平世界内,这种镜子世界也产生了某种不可思议的错觉,仿佛无双皇绝世等人都到了另一个世界去了,明明最近不过几公里,但感觉远得似乎遥不可及,比天上的星辰还要遥远。 Fight, isolates. 战斗,也隔离开来。 The shock-wave arrives at the Mirror World edge, will annihilate, the dissipation does not have the trace. 冲击波一到镜子世界的边缘,即会湮灭,消散无踪。 Has on the wear flower clothes clothing/taking face to wear Divine Tier that cries to smile the mask appears strangely from a mirror, half-length does not have it of sex, on the forehead writes one fan character. It stares to Duo Duo, in the hand, suddenly extracts an ultra length black sickle that from the mirror is flashing terrifying brilliance. Regardless of black sickle that strange Divine Tier, the physique is not fixed, the distortion is variable, when particularly it has drifted certain mirror above, will be will draw the body long, or will enlarge the certain parts of body, will really be weird. 有个穿着花衣服脸上佩戴着哭笑面具的神阶诡异地自一面镜子浮现出来,只有半身没有性别的它,额头上写着一个‘迷’字。它凝视向朵朵,手中,忽然自镜子中抽出一支闪动着恐怖光华的超长黑镰。无论黑镰还是那位诡异神阶,形体都不固定,扭曲无常,尤其是当它飘浮过某些镜子上面时,更是会将身体拉得长长,或者放大身体的某些部分,真是怪诞之极。 Be careful.” Yue Yang previously used the wisdom direction of Destiny Divine Pearl, has broken one time ** world, but he has understood now, the previous enemy simply does not have whole-heartedly, only probes intentionally, taking advantage of this exploration own card in a hand, this time will perhaps not look like previous time is so relaxed. “小心。”岳阳此前用命运神珠智慧指引,破过一次**世界,但他现在已经明白,上次敌人根本没有全力以赴,只是故意试探,借此查探自己的底牌,这次恐怕不会像上次那么轻松了。 Un.” Duo Duo received Destiny Divine Pearl, the small face looked drifts slowly dignifiedly to that self mirror ** god. “嗯。”朵朵接过命运神珠,小脸凝重地看向那个自镜子上空缓缓飘移过来的**之神。 This only starts, Yue Titan.” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme smiles proudly: More pain and setbacks are still waiting for you in behind, you give a try, can use your Divine Equipment War Beast, reduces and solves this overhanging top of the head the sword of misfortune? You really think that I will make your little child be defeated? That was too laughable! Upper Realm has a few words, is called space not struck down Supreme, you can understand that what meaning that is?” “这只是开始,岳泰坦。”光明守护至尊傲然一笑:“更多的痛苦和挫折还在后面等着你呢,你试试看,能不能用你的神器战兽,来化解这把悬垂头顶的厄运之剑?你真以为我会让你一个小孩子打败?那太可笑了!上界有一句话,叫做天上没有被击倒的至尊,你能明白那是什么意思吗?” Space, not struck down Supreme. 天上,没有被击倒的至尊 These words, in your majesty Mirage, Supreme Master Motionless also said like this. 这句话,在陛下的海市蜃楼里,不动至尊也是这样说的。 Although his tone does not have Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme to be like that arrogant, but, Supreme Master Motionless is maintaining enough self-confidence similarly. Even this time he, but also imprisons in your majesty Dream Realm, is unable to work loose. 尽管他的口气没有光明守护至尊那般傲慢,但是,不动至尊同样保持着足够的自信。即使此时的他,还囚禁在陛下的梦境世界中,无法挣脱。
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