LLS :: Volume #7

#1369: Heavenly Dog food day?

Originally, this is the Fate Showdown true meaning.” Jian Cang Sheng and Chi Dan Zi, steadily looks at Yue Yang behind that ten thousand meters high dignified Divine Body as well as that one and only principle exclusive Eternal Divine Throne, do not hate to divert the attention for a very long time, envying in heart, brims with in Biao. Good long while, Jian Cang Sheng recovers, sighed repeatedly: if it were not for witnesses, is unable to believe that possibility that world really became a useful adult unexpectedly on the 1st. This, but also is really one exceeds the world to exceed the fate good fortune of person god.” “原来,这才是宿命对决的真谛。”减苍生赤丹子,目不转睛地看着岳阳身后那万米之高的威严神躯以及那独一无二法则专属的永恒神座,久久也舍不得转移视线,心中的羡慕,洋溢于表。好半天,减苍生才回过神来,连声叹息:“要不是亲眼目睹,怎么也无法相信,世间竟然真有一日成材的可能。这,还真是一场超越天地超越人神的宿命造化。” Indeed is fucking awesome.” When Devil Dragon shock also agrees: But , he even if hangs to explode the day, I still am his Boss, haha!” “的确是碉堡了。”魔龙震惊之余亦表示同意:“不过,他即使吊炸天,我也是他的老大,哈哈!” Devil Dragon not their saliva flowed quickly like Jian Cang Sheng and Chi Dan Zi like that unpromising. 魔龙不像减苍生赤丹子他们口水都快流出来了的那般没出息。 He also has the leisure to look at various people's responses. 他还有闲暇去看各人的反应。 The dead Sea God numerous, do not need to look. 海神众,不用多看。 Except for grasping to eclipse the baby faced old man of Dragon God stick and other limited several leaders slightly for good, other all frighten two to fight the war, several want to scatter in all directions to seek the right road to flee. 除了手持蚀龙神杖的童颜老叟等有限的几个首领稍为好一点,其余皆吓得两股战战,几欲四散觅路遁逃。 If not there is Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme to assume personal command, perhaps these more live timider Old Ghost, have returned to Dead Sea, that feared that outside makes sky and the earth turning upside down not to crop up. They promote upward hopelessly, falls short of the best to be better than the worst, they do not want to participate in what fate war. Previous Supreme, generation of the weak-looking female, only fights vigorously by six kilometers high Divine Body, has hit them to be miserable beyond description, now Yue Yang comes a big eruption, ten thousand meters Divine Body and Eternal Divine Throne simultaneously presents, opposes the enemy raises hand second, the power and influence unparalleled, their these do Old Ghost have the mettle to dare to base before? 若非有光明守护至尊坐镇,这些越活越胆小的老鬼们,恐怕早就逃回死海,那怕外面闹得翻天覆地也绝不冒头了。他们往上提升无望,比上不足比下有余,他们根本就不想参与什么宿命大战。此前的至尊,一个外表纤弱的女子之辈,仅以六千米高的神躯力战,就已经打得他们苦不堪言,现在岳阳来个大爆发,万米神躯永恒神座齐齐呈现,对敌举手即秒,威势无双,他们这些老鬼如何还有胆略敢立足于阵前? The Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme expression is not so, he also quite calm. 光明守护至尊的表情则不然,他还相当的淡定。 Even Yue Yang erupts, he does not have many amazed, even, Devil Dragon observes, this fellow as if also has some idea slightly in the hand, is seemingly confident? 即使岳阳爆发,他也没有过多的惊诧,甚至,魔龙观察到,这家伙似乎还有某种计略在手,看上去好像胸有成竹? As for another side, Protector of Dead Sea Supreme looks at one merely, has turned the head, prevents Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi whole-heartedly. 至于另一边,死海守护至尊仅仅是看一眼,就转过头,全力以赴地阻挡无双皇绝世 Yue Yang non- is his enemy of fate. 岳阳非是他的宿命之敌。 Protector of Dead Sea Supreme does not care about any change of Yue Yang body. 死海守护至尊根本就不在乎岳阳身上的任何变化。 He only cares about a person, that is the front shoulders Divine Mountain to prepare to level Dead Sea Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi! 他只在乎一个人,那就是面前背负着神山准备填平死海无双皇绝世 Be careful, the fellow could play the trick!” Yue Yang that the Devil Dragon hurrying speaker reminder anger soars to the heavens, now, is not the head gives off heat, don't in this crucial moment, the clever trick of enemy. “小心,那家伙可能要玩花招!”魔龙赶紧扬声提醒怒火冲天的岳阳,现在,可不是脑袋发热的时候,千万别在这种重要关头,中了敌人的诡计。 Really intelligent, really worthily is Devil Dragon.” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme hearing this laughs: Several days of time on achievement ten thousand meters Divine Body as well as Divine Throne, although a little stems from unexpected of this Venerable, but has not surpassed finally too, all, in control area. Yue Titan, this Venerable does not know, Heavenspan Tower these Old Ghost as well as your Master, gave your many support, mentioned you to so the boundary instantaneously. However, what this Venerable wants saying that others give, is less than itself finally ** solidity obtained, clear? Moreover, now looks like, this is also your maximum limit.” “真聪明,果然不愧是魔龙。”光明守护至尊闻言哈哈一笑:“几天时间就成就万米神躯以及神座,虽然有点出乎本尊的意料之外,但总算没有超出太多,一切,都还在控制范围之内。岳泰坦,本尊不知道,通天塔那些老鬼以及你的师父,给予了你多少支持,才把你瞬间提到至如此境界。不过,本尊想说的是,别人给予的,终不及自己**得到的扎实,明白吗?而且,现在看来,这也已经是你的最大极限了。” Do not listen to him to talk nonsense...... has the space fluctuation of energy, careful sneak attack!” Devil Dragon this Boss cannot help now, in the heart really worries, induced outside the fluctuation of energy to antiquity Gate of Gods, immediately issued the warning. “别听他胡说八道……有空间能量波动,小心偷袭!”魔龙这个老大现在帮不了忙,心中真着急,一感应到上古神门外的能量波动,立即发出警告。 Antiquity Gate of Gods opened a crevice. 上古神门打开了一丝空隙。 It, has not closed like before immediately, this type exceptionally should be related with Fate Showdown. 它,没有像以前那样立即闭上,这种异常应该跟宿命对决有关。 But out, Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme wait/etc. knew very well the information Old Ghost, possibly borrows this principle change, ahead of time made some arrangement or the deployment. 而门外,光明守护至尊等熟知情报的老鬼,可能借用这一种法则变化,提前地做了某种布置或部署。 Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme exceptionally disdains regarding the warning of Devil Dragon, he shows disdain for the audience, points out mistakes with Protector of Dead Sea Supreme of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi with hardship test of strength: Warning is useless! Devil Dragon, you may know, this Venerable genuine strength? Really thinks 40,000 meters Divine Body is the entirety of this Venerable? Actually, this Venerable with it sharing the honor. only, in years ago, this Venerable 20,000 meters Divine Body prestige energy, integrates in Ancient Passage, by Heaven Realm Radiant Light Mountain, goes straight to the Gods Ruins time square.” 光明守护至尊对于魔龙的警告异常不屑,他傲视全场,一指正与无双皇绝世苦苦角力的死海守护至尊:“警告无用!魔龙,你可知道,本尊真正的实力?真以为四万米神躯就是本尊的全部?其实,本尊与之齐名。只是,早在一年前,本尊将两万米的神躯威能,融入远古通道之内,由天界光明山,直抵众神废墟时间广场。” Devil Dragon shakes the head: No, is impossible. Gods Ruins is absolute that any Divine Power is unable to break through **, you can make a connection with Ancient Passage to the time square, why not that passed through this leaf of antiquity Gate of Gods directly, rescued Protector of Dead Sea Supreme? This difficulty will be perhaps smaller!” 魔龙摇头:“不,不可能。众神废墟是任何神力都无法攻破的绝对**,你能将远古通道打通至时间广场,那何不直接贯穿这扇上古神门,救出死海守护至尊?这个难度也许会更小!” Yue Yang actually rapid by angry condition, transfers the ponder. 岳阳却迅速由愤怒状态,转为沉思。 He felt, the enemy will not be aimless. 他觉得,敌人不会无的放矢。 Definitely has the strangeness. 肯定有古怪。 Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme turns the head, looked at Yue Yang slightly earnestly, turns the head again, said with a smile to Devil Dragon arrogantly: By your boorish fellow's heart, how could also to observe the this Venerable genuine intention. From Gods Ruins in **, makes Ancient Passage forcefully, indeed the matter may not, but this Venerable why must that stupidity? this Venerable wants in time square there, keeps a wisp of god silk, is enough.” 光明守护至尊转头,稍微认真地看了一眼岳阳,再转头回来,冲着魔龙傲笑道:“以你莽夫之心,又岂能窥测本尊真正用意。自众神废墟内部**,强行打出一条远古通道,的确事不可为,但是本尊又何须那种愚行?本尊只要在时间广场那里,留一缕神丝,就已经足够。” Yue Yang hears here, in heart suddenly realize what has happened: Originally, you must move the Fate Showdown battlefield to the time square in!” 岳阳听到这里,心中恍然大悟:“原来,你们要把宿命对决的战场挪到时间广场里!” Yue Titan is more intelligent, a point passes.” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme laughs: But, still has not guessed right the meaning of this Venerable. this Venerable leaves 20,000 meters Divine Body, melting is passage, actually the fate prepares the ground to the war today. Now and World of Scale, will soon connect a body with the time square, how regardless of the victory and defeat, Heavenspan Tower unable to escape the disaster of destruction. But your Yue Titan, above Fate Showdown candidate, when is for ten thousand years soon not in the pain refining up under the promotion foot of Hall Supreme Tian Yu the stepping-stone. Your Master, Queen Serpent Demon Fei Wenli ; Your senior, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi ; Including your friend, takes the consequences for own actions Devil Dragon that oneself dig a pit to jump, wait wait/etc. etc., will not all be able to escape from the fate the samsara, some people will be stranded World of Scale forever, the eternal life can not be aloof.” “还是岳泰坦更加聪明,一点就通。”光明守护至尊大笑:“可是,依然没有猜对本尊之意。本尊舍去两万米神躯,融为通道,实为今日宿命对战作铺垫。现在和天平世界,与时间广场即将连通一体,无论胜负如何,通天塔都逃不过毁灭之灾。而你岳泰坦,宿命对决的候选之上,当为万年来无日不在苦炼提升中的神殿至尊天御之足下垫脚石。你的师父,蛇妖女王费雯丽;你的前辈,无双皇绝世;包括你的朋友,自作自受自己挖坑跳进来的魔龙,等等等等,皆逃不脱宿命的轮回,一干人将永困天平世界,永生不得超脱。” Time square and World of Scale, once if connects. 时间广场与天平世界,假如一旦连通。 Produced consequence. 产生的后果。 Indeed is inconceivable. 的确是不堪设想。 If, loses this battle, forever was stranded World of Scale is most basic. More fearful, possibly is Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme and Protector of Dead Sea Supreme two old fellow, prepares replaces them with Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and Empress Fei Wenli two, then seizes the chance to extricate itself, flees outside Gate of Fate...... 假如,输掉这一仗,永远被困天平世界是最基本的。更可怕的,可能是光明守护至尊死海守护至尊两个老家伙,准备用无双皇绝世费雯丽女皇两个来代替他们,然后趁机解脱自身,遁逃出宿命之门外…… Now anything do not think, thinks that anything is useless, hurries to begin actual, so long as you can kill he, all have the favorable turn!” Devil Dragon for fear that Yue Yang wants to get down again, the means do not want to come out finally, but the time delaying, hurried to shout that he makes war. “现在什么都不要想了,想什么都没用,赶紧动手最实际,只要你能干掉他,一切还有转机!”魔龙生怕岳阳再想下去,办法最后没想出来,但是时间给耽误了,赶紧喊他开战。 „, First thinks the way.” Does Jian Cang Sheng hear to roll the eyes, wants kill Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme? Said with ease, has the skill you to try? “别别,还是先想好应对办法。”减苍生听得直翻白眼,要干掉光明守护至尊?说得轻松,有本事你试试? Left inadequate right inadequate, what to do can that?” Chi Dan Zi thought that the head soon exploded. “左不成右不成,那到底要怎么办?”赤丹子觉得脑袋快要爆炸了。 Shut up!” Supreme fire. “都闭嘴!”至尊火了。 She usually does not get angry is scary enough, now an ignition, Devil Dragon also frightens the small heart and liver straight bang bang, hurries to shut up, he dares to provoke anyone not to provoke Supreme. 她平时不发火就够吓人的,现在一发火,就连魔龙也吓得小心肝直砰砰,赶紧闭嘴,他敢招惹谁也不愿招惹至尊 Supreme looks at Yue Yang, facial expression especially serious: I, only said one nothing more to be said that you hit well, we do not need you to be worried!” We in her mouth, not only including her own, even Empress Fei Wenli was also actually counted. Although does not know that Empress Fei Wenli that side tactical situation intense, the situation also has how badly, but she felt, Yue Yang must do only, hits this battle, other, does not need to think. 至尊看着岳阳,神情格外的严肃:“我没什么好说的,只说一句,你好好打,我们都不用你担心!”她口中的我们,不仅包括她自己,其实连费雯丽女皇也算上了。虽然不知道费雯丽女皇那边的战况有多激烈,局势又有多么的恶劣,但她觉得,岳阳唯一要做的,就是打好自己这一仗,别的,根本无须多想。 Compared with Hall Supreme Tian Yu, front Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme is not the ordinary person. 比起神殿至尊天御,面前的光明守护至尊也绝非等闲之辈。 Must hit Tian Yu, must first cross him. 要打天御,必须先过他这一关。 You have three hours probably.” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme raises up three finger, the expression proudly: If in three hours, can massacre this Venerable, you also with enough time with catching up Tian Yu, conducts the final decisive battle.” “你大概还有三个小时。”光明守护至尊竖起三只手指,表情傲然:“假如在三小时之内,能够杀掉本尊,你还来得及与赶来的天御,进行最后的决战。” In three hours. 在三小时内。 Massacres Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme. 杀掉光明守护至尊 This is arduous Quest. 这是一个何等艰巨的任务 However, if cannot kill Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme in three hours, waits for Tian Yu to catch up, two people collaborate, then battle was more impossible to reverse. 但是,假如在三小时内杀不死光明守护至尊,等天御赶来,两人联手,那么战局就更加不可能逆转了。 fuck, father rather back of the mountain.” Devil Dragon feels the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi back of the mountain now suddenly, is actually a quite relaxed work. Although front also has Protector of Dead Sea Supreme to keep off, but the combustion life, goes all out to overdraw, can achieve ant line of advances. Massacres Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, the time limits three hours, that looked like the widow dead simply the only son, was completely hopeless. 卧槽,老子宁愿背山。”魔龙现在忽然觉得无双皇绝世背山,其实是一个比较轻松的活儿。虽然前面还有个死海守护至尊挡着,但燃烧生命,拼命透支,还是能够做到蚁行前进的。杀掉光明守护至尊,限时三小时,那,简直像寡妇死了唯一的儿子,完全没指望了。 Three hours......” Yue Yang hugged Supreme, the sound extraordinary gentleness, comforts her saying: First goes back the rest to be good, after I do turns this Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, you again come out to help my helping hand.” “三小时……”岳阳拥抱了一下至尊,声音出奇的温柔,安慰她道:“先回去休息好,等我干翻这个光明守护至尊后,你再出来助我一臂之力。” I only take one hour.” Supreme nods, she had not investigated that offending of Yue Yang, instead exceptionally made an effort to return supported him. “我只需要一小时。”至尊点点头,她并没有追究岳阳的冒犯,反而异常用力地回拥了一下他。 Then. 然后。 Turns into wisp of Divine Light. 化成一缕神光 Under the direction of Yue Yang Will, enters his Grimoire World. 岳阳意志的指引之下,进入他的宝典世界 Is faced with an archenemy, the powerful enemy, her urgently needed time resumes, comprehend and breakthrough, otherwise, is unable in the battle most important moment, to help his helping hand. 大敌当前,强敌在后,她急需时间恢复、参悟和突破,否则的话,根本无法在战局最重要的关头,助他一臂之力。 Devil Dragon swallowed saliva secretly: Earnest? Do three hours really turn Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme that competently greatly strangely?” 魔龙暗暗咽下了一口唾沫:“认真的?三小时真的能干翻光明守护至尊那个大怪?” Jian Cang Sheng and Chi Dan Zi feel except for the pray, does not have other action to suppress crazy heartbeat. 减苍生赤丹子觉得除了祈祷,已经没有别的举动可以压制疯狂的心跳 Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme calmly is waiting in that side. 光明守护至尊在那边静静地等着。 He is very calm. 他很淡定。 Entirely does not believe that Yue Yang can reverse. 完全不相信岳阳能够逆转。 Let alone he, the audience everyone, no has a wee bit confidence to Yue Yang.. 别说他,全场所有人,没有一个对岳阳抱有一丁点的信心。。 Grass, you thinks that ate to decide this Young Master? Also do three hours, believe this Young Master one hour to hit your crying father to be called mother!” Student Yue Yang got angry, Old Tiger does not assume an awe-inspiring pose you to become the father is hellokitty! 40,000 meters can Divine Body blow? Now immediately makes you have a look, anything is called the puffiness, anything is called cultivating of genuine is! this Young Master at all is not others gives, is cultivates bit by bit, you think, only then Tian Yu can achieve? This is childish good! “草,你以为吃定本少爷了吗?还三小时,信不信本少爷一小时就打得你哭爹叫娘的了!”岳阳同学怒了,老虎不发威你当老子是hellokitty啊!四万米神躯就可以吹是吗?现在马上就让你看看,什么叫做虚胖,什么叫做真正的修为!本少爷根本不是别人给予的,一点一滴都是自己修出来的,你以为只有天御一个可以做到吗?这个根本是小儿科好不好! Naturally, superficial attitude Student Yue Yang despises. 当然,表面的态度岳阳同学是蔑视的。 The innermost feelings are with deep veneration by right. 内心还是肃然以对。 After all is at least 40,000 meters Divine Body old fellow, must say that easily turns dry/does, that not too possible...... 毕竟是个最少四万米神躯老家伙,要说轻易干翻,那不太可能…… Yue Yang had estimated that opposite side must play the trick, was prepared at heart, now the opposite side card in a hand has shone, although the situation is extremely stern, but in his heart instead can relax. Before does not dare saying that now Divine Grimoire in hand, controlled the new world, while controlled Eternal Divine Throne, now feels only slightly also was almost Five Colored Divine Lights and Six Divine Equipment does not have the complete collection to be uneven, otherwise, was Tian Yu comes also the photo to hit together does not harm! 岳阳早就估计对方是要玩花招的,心里有了准备,现在对方底牌已经亮了,虽然局势极其严峻,但他心中反而能放松一些。以前不敢说,现在神典在手,一边主宰新世界,一边掌控永恒神座,现在唯一稍微觉得还差点的就是五色神光六神器没有完全集齐,否则,就是天御一起来也照打不误! Doesn't fuck, hit you also to wait to serve a meal now? 尼玛,现在不打你还等开饭吗? If the father fears you to be strange! 老子要是怵你才怪! Six dragons look back.” Student Yue Yang calls out one, Devil Dragon in great surprise, he mused that oneself unique skill should not let this boy plagiarize? Attack that but Yue Yang makes, actually one ** the dog entrains from Eternal Divine Throne, throws in the midair, then since flies a foot, tramples it to the enemy. “六龙回首。”岳阳同学暴吼一声,魔龙大惊,他暗想自己的绝招该不会让这小子偷学了吧?可是岳阳打出的攻击,却是将一条**狗自永恒神座里拽出来,扔在半空中,然后飞起一脚,将它踹向敌人。 Luckily, this was the Heavenly Dog food day.” Devil Dragon is patting the chest, if looked that let Yue Yang plagiarize the unique skill, oneself do not live, because oneself studied this move, studied for five years, comprehend 50 years, tempered for 500 years, achieved reluctantly satisfied effect...... that side Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, similarly also has a scare, because six dragons looked back to make that he had almost the trauma, looked is not, in the heart also relaxes secretly. “幸好,这是天狗食日。”魔龙拍着胸口,假如看一眼就让岳阳偷学了绝招的话,那自己不要活了,因为自己学这一招,足足学了五年,参悟了五十年,磨炼了五百年,才达到勉强满意的效果……那边的光明守护至尊,同样也吓了一跳,因为六龙回首弄得他差点有了心理阴影,一看不是,心中也暗松了一口气。 Although Yue Yang this move does not have the six prestige of dragon looking back. 岳阳这招虽然没有六龙回首之威。 But in the world. 但天地间。 Suddenly is only left over one to open mouth. 忽然只剩下一张嘴。 On arrives at the world to arrive, world all, perform in its huge mouths. 上抵天下抵地,世间一切,尽在它的巨口之中。
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