LLS :: Volume #7

#1368: Shivers under my anger

Dark and terrifying Dead Sea, without having a fluctuation, even an air bubble has not braved. 黑暗又恐怖的死海,没有产生一丝波动,甚至就连一个气泡也没有冒起。 Combustion Dongfang, among direct annihilation. 燃烧的东方,直接湮灭其内。 Then, all do not seem to happened. 然后,一切仿佛从来没有发生过似的。 „After whistling......” about hundred Old Ghost saw Dead Sea still, in the heart the big stone falls to the ground, all relaxes unrestrainedly. “呼呼……”近百个老鬼看见了死海依然之后,心中大石落地,皆情不自禁地松了一口气。 Although Dongfang is unpardonably wicked rascal, is rebel who everyone can execute, but, in any event, a little cannot change, that is Dongfang he is the Heavenspan Tower person. No one knows, this crafty Dongfang, can in the final moment, reverse to lives him to raise his Heavenspan Tower ; No one can guarantee, Dongfang can in the final moment, be a traitor! 虽说东方是一个十恶不赦的坏蛋,是个人人得以诛之的叛徒,但,无论如何,有点都是改变不了的,那就是东方他是个通天塔人。谁也不知道,这个诡计多端的东方,会不会在最后关头,倒向生他养他的通天塔;谁也不敢保证,东方会不会在最后关头,反戈一击! Especially his death, the whole body burns is firing into Dead Sea, is a bit like legendary ‚the Dead Sea evaporation the god explained. 尤其是他的死,还是浑身燃烧着冲向死海,更有点像传说中死海蒸发’的神喻。 Now sees all as before. 现在看见一切如故。 Not exceptionally. 没有异常。 They believe, this Dongfang, is really one from head to tail obtains the juice from head to foot badly rascal, is genuine is incurable rebel who to revenge stops at no evil heartlessly. 他们才相信,这个东方,真是一个彻头彻尾从头到脚坏得出汁的坏蛋,是个真正无可救药为了报仇丧尽天良无恶不作的叛徒。 Pitifully.” Has in individual human heart the secret sigh, strategist like Dongfang, should not commit suicide in this crucial moment, this radically from breaking arm lifts simplely-minded. Dongfang wisdom can have the enormous boost, this was big Divine Power cannot replace, was big Dead Sea, accommodated more than Dongfang. Only then he is also living, then dead in the sea the has god numerous, are unable to feel at ease, is unable whole-heartedly. Perhaps, because of this, Dongfang will commit suicide decisively, pushes to the irreversible decisive battle battle. Perhaps, like his type the smart person who all plan, before entering World of Scale, has calculated that attended the meeting is the result , the expression on his face, as if always has one type no wonder bewilderedly self-ridiculed...... “可惜。”有个别人心中暗暗叹息,像东方这样的智囊,本来不应该在这种重要关头自尽的,这根本就是自断臂膀的愚举。东方智慧能够产生极大的助力,这是再大的神力也代替不了的,可是偌大的一个死海,容不下一个东方。只有他还活着,那么死海里所有神众,都无法安心,都无法全力以赴。也许,因为这样,东方才会果断地自尽,将战局推向不可逆的决战。也许,像他这种将一切算计在内的聪明人,早在进入天平世界之前,就已经算到会是这样的结局吧,也难怪他脸上的表情,似乎总带有一种莫明其妙的自嘲…… Good that died.” Also there is in human heart such plate number, Dongfang does not die, perhaps then can also entire go wrong, now he died, all stabilize, although was a pity very much, but the dangerous character, the dying total ratio lived is making one feel at ease. “还是死掉的好。”也有人心里这样盘数,东方不死,那么说不定还会整出什么乱子,现在他死了,一切都稳定下来,虽说很可惜,但危险的人物,死掉总比活着更让人安心。 Here, on the face of Supreme was wooden. 这边,至尊的脸上毫无表情。 Yue Yang is also so. 岳阳亦是如此。 Devil Dragon, heaved a deep sigh actually: Was too disappointing, the father also thinks this boy meets the conscience to discover, turns around the spear head to come to be a traitor.” 倒是魔龙,长叹一声:“太让人失望了,老子本来还以为这厮会良心发现,掉转枪头来个反戈一击的。” His words caused similarly weak in Jian Cang Sheng resonance that on Divine Mountain waits for death, he also thinks that Dongfang will transform, at the point of death wrestles, coming Dead Sea to evaporate and so on, will pave the way to future Sacred Supreme. This dies, a bubble, is really the dying for chess dies, did not turn head badly, disappointing in human heart. 他的话引起了同样瘫软在神山上等死的减苍生共鸣,他也以为东方会转变过来,临死一搏,来个死海蒸发之类,给未来的神圣至尊铺路。没想到,这一死,连个泡泡也不起,真的是殉棋而死,一直坏到底绝不回头,让人心中好不失望。 Joke.” Only has Protector of Dead Sea Supreme the look proudly. “笑话。”只有死海守护至尊才神色傲然。 In his mind, regardless of Dongfang is a rebel, is an undercover, nothing to be afraid. 在他的心中,无论东方是叛徒,还是个卧底,都不足为惧。 Melts the fire solitarily, invests Dead Sea, wants to evaporate Dead Sea? Is this is a huge joke good! 只身化火,投入死海,就想将死海蒸发?这是个天大的笑话好不好! Let alone only Dongfang, in all Divine Tier this World of Scale, even many ten times of numbers, invest Dead Sea again entirely, is impossible the god who realizes what Dead Sea to evaporate to explain. 别说区区一个东方,就是将这个天平世界里所有神阶,甚至再多十倍之数,统统投入死海,也不可能实现什么死海蒸发的神喻。 Only then Divine Mountain has the possibility! 只有‘神山’才有可能! Because in Divine Mountain death too many too many Heavenspan Tower or the Divine Tier senior of Heavenspan Tower camp, Divine Power and principle, once breaks, will have the uncertain change, only then such Divine Mountain, invests Dead Sea, then may realize the god who that Dead Sea evaporates to explain, other, not possible......, even, greatly Divine Power vast Radiant Light Mountain invests Dead Sea Heaven Realm that cannot achieve Divine Mountain effect. Dead Sea can Devour world all, Dongfang can end can it be that! 因为神山里永眠了太多太多通天塔或者通天塔阵营的神阶前辈,神力和法则一旦打破,将发生不可预测的变化,只有将这样的神山,投入死海,那么才有可能实现那个死海蒸发的神喻,别的,都不可能……甚至,将天界那座更加巨大又神力浩瀚的光明山投入死海,也达不到神山效果死海能够吞噬世间一切,又岂是一个东方可以终结! However the Dongfang dying for chess commits suicide, finishes what one starts, without displaying the sign of undercover, Protector of Dead Sea Supreme also approved existence of Dongfang reluctantly. 不过东方殉棋自尽,有始有终,没有表现出卧底的迹象,死海守护至尊勉强也认同了东方的存在。 Otherwise, he raises hand then to extinguish kills this only by the Heavenspan Tower rebel who crafty plots and machinations and strategy layout accomplishes. 要不然,他举手即可灭杀这个仅以阴谋诡计、策略布局成事的通天塔叛徒。 Dongfang not sufficient strength. 东方没有足够的实力。 This is he and Tian Yu genuine approval and accepts the Dongfang reason, second is its wisdom. 这是他和天御真正认同和接受东方的原因,第二才是其智。 First, enters.” In the eye of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi the firm and resolute advance, the death of Dongfang had no effect on him completely. “前、进。”无双皇绝世的眼中只有坚毅的前进,东方的死亡对他完全没有任何影响。 Gave up any idea of!” The Protector of Dead Sea god reveres resists furiously, six giant arm are supporting Divine Mountain, the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi combustion life, takes ending oneself as the advance of price, under his impediment, could not trade a half step cross. “休想!”死海守护神尊奋力抵御,六条巨臂撑着神山,无双皇绝世燃烧生命,以终结自己为代价的前进,在他的阻止下,换不了一小步的跨动。 The test of strength of two giant. 两个巨人的角力。 Still was continuing. 仍在继续。 Fate Showdown among them. 就像他们之间的宿命对决 Believes, drops down until a side, this test of strength genuine will stop. 相信,直到一方倒下,这种角力会才真正停止。 At this moment, whoever prevents also well, is impossible to hinder this transcendence life and death the fate to spelling...... 此时此刻,无论谁去阻止也好,都根本不可能阻碍这种超越生死的宿命对拼…… Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme expression very indifferent, he has not gone to look at Devil Dragon, has not gone to look in the Divine Mountain on top blood-soaked whole body is Supreme, only calmly looks at Yue Yang: Your opponent is this Venerable, so long as you prepared, then, the fight can start momentarily. If you feel necessary, can first prepare, when you finished up, we start is not late again.” 光明守护至尊的表情非常的淡然,他没有去看魔龙,也没有去看在神山顶上浴血浑身是至尊,只静静地看着岳阳:“你的对手是本尊,只要你准备好了,那么,战斗随时都可以开始。假如你觉得有必要,可以先作准备,等你完事了,我们再开始也不迟。” He does not worry. 他一点儿也不着急。 The time and battle to him, drag more advantageous for a long time. 时间、战局对他来说,拖得越久越有利。 If not achievement Sacred Supreme needs enough power and virtue to realize, then he in Ancient Passage, can instant kill fall this not to know so-called youngster. He until now, but also a little suspected why Fate Showdown another candidate is not Empress Fei Wenli, but is her disciple, this youngster, even if he is inborn is Divine Tier, cultivates now, possibly is not the Tian Yu opponent......, let alone, he lives is in Heavenspan Tower Soaring Dragon Continent lowest level human, one type also wants the emaciated pitiful life compared with the Heaven Realm ant! 假如不是成就神圣至尊需要足够的威德才能实现,那么他早在远古通道,就可以秒杀掉这个不知所谓的年轻人。他直到现在,还有点怀疑,为什么宿命对决的另一个候选人不是费雯丽女皇,而是她的弟子,这个年轻人,就算他天生下来是个神阶,修炼到现在,也不可能是天御的对手……更别说,他生下来是个通天塔龙腾大陆里最底层的人类,一种比天界蚂蚁还要羸弱的可怜生灵! Massacring is unnecessary, perhaps cuts the head is an idea of not bad, started in genuine World of Scale Fate Showdown, making this boy Tian Yu to promote the Sacred Supreme sacrificial offering to be OK. 杀掉是没有必要的,也许割下头颅是一个不错的主意,在真正天平世界宿命对决开始,让这小子成为天御晋升神圣至尊的祭品就可以了。 Good, decides! 好的,就这么决定吧! In the eye of Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, Student Yue Yang is the fish meat that on his block butchers willfully. 光明守护至尊的眼中,岳阳同学就是他砧板上任意宰割的鱼肉。 On your appearance, added that works as what Boss.” Student Yue Yang has not gone to look at Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, body tattered Devil Dragon, fished from the abyss in actually, bang, throws above Divine Mountain conveniently. Devil Dragon is almost mad explodes the lung, but at once, is unable to refute, is really is depressed thinks that an old blood spurts, spat blood to perish dead directly to consider as finished. “就你这模样,还说当什么老大。”岳阳同学没有去看光明守护至尊,倒是将身体破破烂烂的魔龙,自深渊里捞了出来,‘砰’的一声,随手扔在神山之上。魔龙气得差点炸肺,但一时之间,又无法驳斥,真是郁闷得想一口老血喷出来,直接吐血而亡死掉算了。 „Haven't you, you died? Without dying gets up to support Heavenly Vault to this Young Master! Refuses to own up in ground what are you doing? The senior is you works as like this? Gets up!” Yue Yang kicked in the Jian Cang Sheng waist border. “你,你还没死吧?没死就起来给本少爷撑着天穹!死赖在地上干嘛?前辈是你这样当的吗?起来!”岳阳一脚踹减苍生的腰际。 Senior I will not work as . Moreover, really could not get up......” Jian Cang Sheng really not to have the means that his waist was broken. “前辈我不会当,而且,真起不来了……”减苍生实在没办法,他的腰被打断了。 Otherwise, a solemn man cannot mention is what kind of pain. 不然,一个堂堂男人说起不来了是何等的痛苦。 _ Chi Dan Zi miserable. 赤丹子更惨。 No one dozen of he. 没人打他。 But he also only has the one breath now, because, in most starts, he wants to obstruct the road unrealistically, finally was stepped on a foot by Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi layer on layer/heavily. 但他现在也只剩下一口气,因为,在最开始,他想不自量力地挡道,结果被无双皇绝世重重地踩了一脚。 Yue Yang looked at Divine Body to dissipate, was only left over a wisp of soul, is supporting Heavenly Vault Flower Fairy by Will forcefully, kicked in the waist of Jian Cang Sheng: Can't get up you also to live what are you doing? The waste, dies to this Young Master!” 岳阳看了看神躯消散,仅剩下一缕魂魄,以意志强行支撑着天穹花仙子,又一脚踹减苍生的腰间:“起不来你还活着干嘛?废物,给本少爷死远一点!” A brutal boy from another world foot kicks the midair Jian Cang Sheng, turned more than ten somersaults, falls layer on layer/heavily. 无情的穿越男一脚将减苍生踢飞半空,翻了十几个跟斗,重重地摔下来。 Jian Cang Sheng anger extremely. 减苍生怒极。 Jumps, roared loudly: How to say again I am also a senior, your boy do not go too far, tramples a foot even, you also trample endlessly, you think that the father is your family's watch-dog? Well? Was father's waist good?” 跳起来,大声咆哮:“再怎么说我也算是个前辈,你小子不要太过份,踹一脚就算了,你还踹个没完,你以为老子是你家的看门狗啊?咦?老子的腰好了?” Another side Chi Dan Zi also rises with a spring, he discovered the bone that the whole body grinds, by Jue Shi (peerless) Divine Power and body of principle almost annihilation, restored. 另一边的赤丹子也一跃而起,他发现浑身碾碎的骨头,被绝世神力和法则几乎湮灭的身体,恢复过来了。 Watch-dog this Young Master must look for attractively, like your appearance, begs for food also no one to give!” Yue Yang turns around to walk. “看门狗本少爷也得找个好看的,像你这模样,讨饭也没人给!”岳阳转身就走。 You......” Jian Cang Sheng are angry, wish one could to fight life and death this boy immediately. “你……”减苍生大怒,恨不得立即跟这小子拼个你死我活。 But finally endured the turtle turtle to endure the one breath. 但最后还是忍龟神龟地忍下了一口气。 The face suppresses red. 脸憋得通红。 In the heart meditates father is broadminded, mind the Sir does not record villain/small person broadly the senior, temporarily forgives your boy one time, if later has the least bit to disrespect slightly, gets angry again immediately these words 100, waits to feel that the air/Qi subsided many, hurries again, receives Heavenly Vault! 心中默念‘老子是个宽宏大量、胸襟广阔又大人不记小人过的前辈,暂饶你小子一遭,要是以后稍有半点不敬,再立即翻脸’这句话一百遍,等感觉气平息了许多,再赶紧过去,接下天穹 Flower Fairy really could not support, her at this moment only wisp of soul. 花仙子实在撑不下去了,她此刻仅余一缕魂魄。 Chi Dan Zi looked at Jian Cang Sheng, looked at opposite that about hundred Old Ghost, hesitant knowing what to do. 赤丹子看了看减苍生,又看了看对面那近百个老鬼,犹犹豫豫的不知如何是好。 fuck, you think that you can also go back that side them?” Jian Cang Sheng really thinks that a slap pulls out, Hero you could not do is not the person with no mind of his own, that died a tragic death good. 尼玛,你以为你还能回去他们那边吗?”减苍生真想一巴掌抽过去,英雄你做不了也别做墙头草啊,那是死得最惨的好不好。 Comes back, all right, we were still the partner......” “回来吧,没事,我们仍然是伙伴……” Repents and is saved Chi Dan Zi!” “回头是岸啊赤丹子!” You have not done the matter of resistance, how we possibly regard you for the enemy, Jian Cang Sheng that country bumpkin is our enemies!” “你又没有做过对抗的事,我们怎么可能视你为敌呢,减苍生那个傻冒才是我们的敌人!” „The present situation, you also saw, with them in the same place, was the dead end, why? Restored, hurries, or goes back Dead Sea slumber, far away from battle is the wise action!” “现在的形势,你也看见了的,跟他们在一起,就是死路一条,何必呢?恢复了,赶紧回来,或者回去死海沉眠,远离战局才是明智之举啊!” Dead Sea Camp that side god numerous one by one shouts, goes all out to estrange Chi Dan Zi and Jian Cang Sheng two people relations. 死海阵营那边的神众一个个嚷嚷起来,拼命离间赤丹子减苍生两人的关系。 Chi Dan Zi joins the enemy ranks, its boost of increase is not big, almost can disregard. 赤丹子加入敌阵,其增加的助力并不大,几乎可以无视掉。 But everyone is very uncomfortable. 但大家很不爽。 Why can you stand to make Hero? 凭什么你要站出来做英雄 Has gotten angry the not possible difference turn head like Jian Cang Sheng that type, Chi Dan Zi abducts absolutely, is very hopeful, that fears Chi Dan Zi to leave, regarding Jian Cang Sheng, is an attack! 减苍生那种已经翻脸绝对不可能回头的不同,赤丹子诱拐回来,还是很有希望的,那怕赤丹子离开,对于减苍生来说,也是一个打击! Let you, when Hero when entrains, does not make you pleasant! 让你当英雄当得那么拽,偏偏就不让你如意! Chi Dan Zi is lowering the head lowly, with the ant general voice, said the sentence to Jian Cang Sheng: Sorry......” 赤丹子低垂着头,用蚂蚁一般的声音,冲着减苍生说了句:“对不起……” scram!” Jian Cang Sheng expects too much to call out: Immediately go away, dies far to father a little, the person with no mind of his own, the father does not know you!” 滚蛋!”减苍生恨铁不成钢地暴吼起来:“马上滚,给老子死远一点儿,墙头草,老子不认识你!” Who is the person with no mind of his own fuck, the father also thinks, when good of Hero, only you are not quick, making you forestall, you really think in the world only then your can, when Hero?” Chi Dan Zi also got angry, glowers to Jian Cang Sheng: I do not know you, fuck, you think that father knew your idiot is very honorable? I!” “谁是墙头草啊卧槽,老子也想当英雄的好不好,只是没你快,让你抢了个先,你真以为全世界只有你一个可以当英雄吗?”赤丹子也怒了,向减苍生怒目而视:“我也不认识你,尼玛,你以为老子认识你个白痴很光荣是吗?我呸!” Is dishonorable, is dishonorable, I wrongly accused you.” Jian Cang Sheng beams with joy immediately: Comes, close, even if died, our still buddy!” “不光荣,不光荣,我错怪你了。”减苍生顿时眉开眼笑:“来来,靠近一点,就算死了,咱们也还是哥们!” Buddy......” Chi Dan Zi makes this base sentiment full spoken language make absolutely terrifiedly, goose bumps falls place. “哥们……”赤丹子让这基情满满的言语弄得毛骨悚然,鸡皮疙瘩掉一地。 Divine Mountain another side. 神山的另一边。 Yue Yang arrived at the Supreme front. 岳阳来到了至尊的面前。 Supreme cannot completely understand this boy, should this boy not want to what buddy oneself said the brothers and so on words?? 至尊看不透这小子,该不会这小子也想跟自己说点什么哥们啊兄弟啊之类的话吧?? Yue Yang did not speak, but in the eye all was distressed, that type hurt slowly overflowed from the heart, let want to cuss out he Supreme to see, suddenly could not open mouth unexpectedly. 岳阳不说话,但眼睛里全是心疼,那种疼慢慢的自心底里溢出来,让本来想臭骂他一顿的至尊看见了,一时间竟然也张不开嘴。 He, stretches out the arms, makes an effort to hug Supreme. 他,张开双臂,用力地拥抱着至尊 entire life first time is so initiative. 生平第一次那么主动。 No distracting thoughts. 没有任何的杂念。 only thinks, closely is hugging her. 只是想,紧紧地拥抱着她。 The Supreme body shakes slightly, such as the ice bitter cold look defrosted several points slightly. 至尊身躯微微一震,如冰酷寒的眼神稍稍解冻了几分。 Her blood searches slowly, wants to caress his face, smooths that flood for him, but distressed, is firm firm and resolute Will, does not allow in her heart to have a faint trace to be weak. Her hand changed, finally pats layer on layer/heavily in the Yue Yang vest, has almost not patted him has chest pains while breathing: little child? I have not died!” 她的血手缓缓地探上去,想抚一下他的脸,替他抚平那满溢而出的心疼,可是刚强坚毅的意志,不容许她心中产生一丝丝软弱。她的手变了,最后重重地拍在岳阳的背心,差点没有把他拍得岔气:“还是小孩子吗?我还没有死!” Relax!” Yue Yang also patted the Supreme vest gently: I will certainly not disappoint you!” “放心吧!”岳阳也轻轻地拍了拍至尊的背心:“我一定不会让你失望的!” What?” Supreme slightly surprised, cannot understand the meaning of this boy completely! “什么?”至尊微愕,完全听不懂这小子的意思啊! I, what wants saying that please well looks at, because, here had me to be enough.” Yue Yang while Supreme shoves open his, bowed the head, kisses/intimate her one, Supreme avoided, but he bumped into corner of the mouth, this brave that covers the sky action, making Supreme shock, looks at dumbly at the scene. Yue Yang has not actually looked like usually fear like that completely, on the contrary, an unsurpassed courage and Will erupt in his body: Please looks at, my anger and trial! All dares to offend your dignified person, the ants, are Divine Tier, will receive most harsh punishment!” “我,想说的是,请你好好看着,因为,这里有我一个人就足够了。”岳阳至尊推开他的同时,俯首,亲她一口,至尊躲开了,但他还是碰到了唇角,这种胆大包天的举动,让至尊为之震惊,呆立当场。岳阳却完全没有像平时那般的畏惧,相反,一种无上的勇气和意志在他身上爆发出来:“请你看着,我的愤怒和审判!所有胆敢冒犯你威严的人,无论是蝼蚁,还是神阶,都将受到最严厉的惩戒!” You why?” Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme coldly smiles. “你凭什么?”光明守护至尊冷冷一笑。 Depends on me, is disciple who she taught ; Depending on me, is in her life the most important man!” Yue Yang double pupil Fire Spitting, sonic boom drinks. In the Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme front, in the front of Dead Sea degeneration god numerous, his Will vibrated and disturbed entire World of Scale. His anger, one ignited his Divine Power, wants boundless billion times of Divine Power compared with the volcanic eruption, earth-shattering, falls in torrents loudly. “就凭我,是她教导的弟子;就凭我,是她生命中最重要的男人!”岳阳双眸喷火,一声爆喝。在光明守护至尊的面前,在死海堕落神众的面前,他的意志震动并摇撼了整个天平世界。他的愤怒,一下引燃了他的神力,比火山爆发还要磅礴千百万倍的神力,铺天盖地,轰然倾泄而出。 Under the dead Sea God audience's inconceivable gaze, Yue Yang Divine Body rises suddenly, until the ten thousand meters altitude of startled blind eyeball. 在死海神众不可思议的注视下,岳阳神躯暴涨,直至惊瞎眼球的万米高度。 Devil Dragon both eyes become round stares. 魔龙双目圆瞪。 Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, suddenly, is unable to accept this fact. 就连光明守护至尊,一时间,也无法接受这个事实。 Eternal Divine Throne as well as that Supreme unsurpassed principle, the dead Sea God numerous scatter in all directions like the mouse group, no one, dares to stay in the Yue Yang angry line of sight. 永恒神座以及那种至尊无上的法则一出,死海神众就像鼠群般四散,无人,敢在岳阳愤怒的视线内停留。 Supreme discovered, in front of oneself the man, unknowingly, has grown up, he now seems to be bigger than Divine Mountain, the broad shoulder can lift up all simply. 至尊发现,自己面前的这个男人,不知不觉,已经长大了,他现在似乎比神山还要高大,宽阔的肩膀简直可以扛起一切。 Even, own injury, will make his self-respect be damaged, making him excited and angry. 甚至,自己的受伤,也会让他的自尊受损,让他为之激动和愤怒。 The eyas spreads the wings to soar, it sheds in the broad horizon rapid growth changes. 雏鹰展翅飞翔,它在宽阔的天际迅速成长褪变。 Turned into a proud King. 变成了一个骄傲的王者。 Yes. 是的。 He no longer is initially in that little child that Heavenspan Tower Ground Floor sees, he has grown up, genuine grew up. 他已经不再是当初在通天塔首层看见的那个小孩子了,他已经长大了,真正长大了。 One type from tears intent that the childhood renounces, suddenly, is hard to restrain appears, in eye socket quietly moist. In the heart, one type has not tried the care and protecting, like **, spills into the heart suddenly, imposes above her life and Will arbitrarily, making her feel uncomfortable, has to accept. 一种自小时候就决绝掉的泪意,忽然,难以抑止地出现,在眼眶里悄然湿润。于心底间,一种从来没有试过的关心和呵护,像**,突然涌进心底,蛮横地强加在她的生命和意志之上,让她感到难受,又不得不接受。 Mother...... 啊,妈妈…… Is this able to support both heaven and earth that you said can haunch the entire Heaven Stairway man? 这就是您说的顶天立地可以撑起整个天梯的男人吗? Is this you and aunt they implores and hold on to the last, the hope of would rather die than regret desperately? Really, only then the younger brother can haunch the life the sky! 这就是你和小姨她们苦苦祈求、坚持到底、宁死不悔的渴望吗?真的,只有弟弟才可以撑起生命的天空是吗! I must make these offend your ants, as well as entire World of Scale, shivers under my anger!” Yue Yang raises the fist , pounds categorically forward, powerful such as Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, does not dare to disregard this limit the anger, hurries to move sideways to avoid. Deeply hides under the place, thought safely, thinks Divine Tier Ranker that the bystander knew nothing about, was grasped to dig from the place bottom by Yue Yang forcefully. “我要让那些冒犯你的蝼蚁,以及整个天平世界,都在我的愤怒下颤抖!”岳阳举起拳头,斩钉截铁地,向前砸下去,强大如光明守护至尊,也不敢无视这种极限的愤怒,赶紧闪身躲开。一个深深地潜藏于地底下,自以为安全了,以为外人一无所知的神阶强者,被岳阳自地底强行抓挖了出来。 Yue Yang disregards its painful wailing and weak struggling. 岳阳无视其痛苦的哀嚎和无力的挣扎。 Five fingers contraction. 五指收缩。 Divine Power directly its destruction. 神力直接将其毁灭。 Destroys eternal, regardless of Divine Body or the soul, annihilates to the chaos initial state entirely. 永恒地毁灭,无论神躯还是灵魂,统统湮灭至混沌原始状态。 Divine Eye, the anger stares to dead Sea God numerous these fright uncertain Old Ghost, Will cold is also fierce makes the audience suffocate: This, only first. The trial, just started! You, shiver under my anger......” 神目,怒瞪向死海神众那些惊魂不定的老鬼,意志凛烈得让全场亦为之窒息:“这,只是第一个。审判,才刚刚开始!你们,在我的愤怒下颤抖吧……”
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