LLS :: Volume #7

#1367: I had come......

Grimoire World. 宝典世界 When Yue Yang opens the eye, discovers Xue Wuxia and Princess Qianqian they anxiously looks at. 岳阳睁开眼睛,发现雪无瑕茜茜公主她们正紧张地看着自己。 Relax, I do not have to begin directly, Hall Supreme Tian Yu should not discover.” Yue Yang hurries to comfort them: Said again, I am simulate your majesty to use the real dreamland to do, even Tian Yu discovered, cannot catch my trail.” “放心,我没有直接动手,神殿至尊天御应该不会发现。”岳阳赶紧安慰她们:“再说,我是模拟陛下用真实梦境去做的,就算天御发现了,也抓不到我的踪迹。” Actually Tian Yu is not that I most am worried about.” Xue Wuxia hesitates slightly: I always thought that the card in a hand of Dongfang that fellow is not simple.” “其实天御不是我最担心的那个。”雪无瑕微微沉吟:“我总觉得东方那个家伙的底牌没有那么简单。” Dongfang indeed is a key.” Princess Qianqian also agreed. 东方的确是一个关键。”茜茜公主也同意。 Pitifully we are too few to his understanding, the time is also too tight, otherwise, could find out the means to deal with him.” Heavenly Punishment shakes the head, sighed lightly, she thought that the Dongfang strength was not most fearful, but threat was extremely high, only under Hall Supreme Tian Yu. Must say that his finally only little darling Dead Sea Camp of hiding in antiquity Gate of Gods, anything does not do, that is perhaps unlikely. “可惜我们对他的了解太少,时间又太紧迫,否则,说不定能想出好办法来应对他。”天罚摇头,轻叹,她觉得东方的实力不是最可怕的,但威胁性极高,仅在神殿至尊天御之下。要说他最后只是乖乖的躲进上古神门死海阵营,什么也不做,那恐怕不太可能。 The issue is, under the present condition, how to dig in dead in the sea Dongfang, gives him to strike fatally? 问题是,在现在的条件下,如何把东方在死海里挖出来,给他致命一击? Good Sickly Beauty, is quite optimistic, comforts everyone with a smile: Perhaps Dongfang is a good person, his only uses Tian Yu.” 只有善良的病美人,比较乐观,笑着安慰大家:“说不定东方是个好人,他只是利用天御。” Yue Yang listened greatly surprised, City Lord Luo Hua beckons with the hand again and again: No, is impossible, Dongfang that rebel definitely is villain, moreover is big rascal, his actions, to perish Heavenspan Tower, do not have the second possibility certainly. With the personality of people like him, possibly is not a good person, must be the greatly wicked generation, Dongfang hidden has not sent greatly deceitfully, that is because the time has not arrived, once acts, perhaps settled finally. He has to use the Tian Yu ingredient, but in turn, doesn't Tian Yu never use him?” 岳阳听了大愕,落花城主连连摆手:“不,不可能,东方那个叛徒肯定是个坏人,而且是个大坏蛋,他的所作所为,都是为了沉沦通天塔,绝无第二种可能。以他那种人的性格,也不可能是个好人,必是大奸大恶之辈,东方之所以还隐而不发,那是因为时机未到,一旦出手,恐怕就是最后的定局了。他有利用天御的成分,但反过来,天御何尝又不是利用他呢?” In the females, only has Yue Yu and Liu Ye two girls is willing to support Sickly Beauty. 众女之中,只有岳雨柳叶两女才愿意支持病美人 But, their also only thought that has this possibility. 但,她们也只是觉得有这种可能。 Has not entirely believed. 并没有完全相信。 Even, Sickly Beauty, is an optimistic guess, without definitely said that Dongfang is the Heavenspan Tower undercover...... 甚至,就连病美人自己,也是一种乐观的猜测,没有肯定说东方就是个通天塔的卧底…… Dongfang is, no matter he, a sheep caught up, the two sheep also caught up, many Dongfang were not anything, at the worst fought him.” Yue Yang feels the self-preservation should now so-so, again without the beforehand worry. Does the war of fate win, Sacred Supreme has not definitely run, only lost the fate to the war, making Tian Yu that fellow successful, in heart uncomfortable. 东方是什么人不管他了,一个羊是赶,两个羊也是赶,多个东方不算啥,大不了跟他拼了。”岳阳现在觉得自保应该马马虎虎,再没有以前的顾虑。宿命之战赢不赢,神圣至尊都肯定没跑的,只是输了宿命对战,让天御那个家伙得志,心中不爽而已。 We must wait, now has not arrived at the best time, you first have a look, finding the way to replace Supreme to come.” Xue Wuxia also thinks in these days a plan, can pull the Heavenspan Tower crisis, looked how the entire plan was carried out. “我们还要等待一下,现在还没到最佳时机,你先出去看看,想办法替换至尊进来。”雪无瑕在这几天也想了个计划,能不能将通天塔的危局扳回来,就看整个计划实现得怎么样了。 Be careful, works to be sure to remember that cannot be swayed by personal feelings, do not act recklessly.” Yue Yu hurries to urge the younger brother, she most feared that he hit to go crazy, forgot the proper business. “小心,做事切记不可意气用事,更不要蛮干。”岳雨赶紧叮嘱弟弟,她最怕他一打起来就发狂,忘了正事。 Don't worry, I affirm calmly face, will not let Dongfang and Tian Yu absolutely plans.” Yue Yang is patting the chest guarantee. “不用担心,我肯定冷静面对,绝对不会让东方天御算计到的。”岳阳拍着胸口保证。 But, how long this saying has not said. 可是,这话没说完多久。 He leaves from Grimoire World to World of Scale, looked, was almost insane. 他自宝典世界出到天平世界,一看,就差点疯了。 Anger 100.00001 billion times of eruptions, reason by hot blooded depressing of seething, the whole person almost loses control, Divine Power has the broken body greatly, does not release not the quick feeling. 怒气千亿万倍爆发,理智被翻腾的热血压下,整个人几乎失控,神力大有破体而出,不泄不快的感觉。 In him at present, in the battlefield presented extremely fierce one, entire Divine Mountain makes Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi shoulder on the shoulder, is shouldering, walks toward Dead Sea step by step, the horizon snake bridge shivers the avalanche under his foot. In the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi opposite, more giant Protector of Dead Sea Supreme, is supporting Divine Mountain big stubbornly, prevents the advance of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. 在他眼前,战场上出现了极其酷烈的一幕,整座神山无双皇绝世扛在肩膀上,正背负着,一步一步地向死海走去,天际蛇桥在他的足下颤抖崩塌。在无双皇绝世的对面,更加高大更加巨型的死海守护至尊,死死地撑着神山,阻止无双皇绝世的前进。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi makes great strides forward every time one step, then must make hundred times of thousand times of efforts. 无双皇绝世每迈进一步,那么都要付出百倍千倍的努力。 In Divine Mountain on top, supported Heavenly Vault Jian Cang Sheng to collapse on the ground, he is also incapable of supporting again, arises, is original Protector of the Divine Mountain Flower Fairy. Her Divine Body destroys early, fossil remnant body broken, only by a wisp of soul, as well as firm such as mountain Supreme Divine Sense, is supporting Heavenly Vault forcefully...... 神山顶上,原来撑着天穹减苍生已经瘫倒在地上,他再也无力支撑,代之而起的,是原来的神山守护花仙子。她的神躯早毁,化石的残躯破碎,仅以一缕香魂,以及坚定如山的至尊神念,强行支撑着天穹…… Dozens Dead Sea Camp degeneration Divine Tier, are attacking crazily. 几十名死海阵营的堕落神阶,疯狂地攻击着。 Some attack Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, some attack Protector of the Divine Mountain Flower Fairy, are more, is attacks the blood-soaked whole body to keep off in Divine Mountain on top Supreme! 有的攻击无双皇绝世,有的攻击神山守护花仙子,更多的,是攻击浴血浑身挡在神山顶上至尊 Did not have Supreme, the Flower Fairy soul to annihilate, but carried Supreme that numerous Old Ghost besieged directly, the strenuous degree not haunching Heavenly Vault Flower Fairy and shoulder shouldered Divine Mountain Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi to be lighter than! 没有至尊,花仙子的灵魂早就湮灭了,可是正面强扛着众多老鬼围攻的至尊,吃力程度不比撑起天穹花仙子和肩扛神山无双皇绝世更轻! It is not able to retrocede must upfront protection Supreme, the whole body is the wound, the whole body is the blood. 无法后退又必须正面抗御的至尊,浑身是伤,浑身是血。 Yue Yang has not visited her to injure such heaviness. 岳阳从来没有看过她伤得如此之重。 In a flash. 一瞬间。 His heart almost hurts disintegrate to fall. 他的心几乎疼得碎裂掉。 These wretched Old Ghost, are so unexpectedly shameless, besieged one still not to unify the Divine Throne young junior jointly completely...... 那些天杀的老鬼,竟然这么无耻,联手围攻一个尚没有完全凝聚神座的年轻小辈…… Demon and Devil Dragon!” Yue Yang is in a thundering rage, he wants to know that was known as own Boss is Devil Dragon doing, how can he looks at this happen? “魔、魔龙!”岳阳咆哮如雷,他很想知道号称自己老大魔龙在干什么,他怎么能看着这一幕发生? Your boy came out finally, fortunately, has time to the father gathers up dead bodies!” In the horizon snake bridge abyss, Divine Body broken seems like compared with the scarecrow also wants bad monster, moaned weak. “你小子终于出来了,还好,赶得及给老子收尸!”在天际蛇桥底下的深渊里,一个神躯破碎看上去比稻草人还要糟糕的‘怪物’,无力地呻吟了一声。 Yue Yang startled extremely, is better than Devil Dragon, did he possibly make into this appearance? 岳阳惊极,强如魔龙,他怎么可能被人打成这副模样? Dead does in the sea have two Protector of Dead Sea Supreme? 难道死海里两个死海守护至尊 Is impossible! 不可能! Suffocation Devil Dragon, shakes the head, hinting Yue Yang does not need to go forward to rescue itself: Do not use energy, the father is incurable. Do not shed tears, for a lifetime father most fears is the horse urine, if you dare to cry, father dies does not die content.” 奄奄一息的魔龙,摇摇头,示意岳阳无须上前营救自己:“别费劲了,老子已经没救了。别掉泪,老子一辈子最怕的就是马尿,你要是敢哭,老子死也不瞑目。” Yue Yang is unable to believe that how oneself go in several days of time, battle makes into this: Exactly what happened?” 岳阳无法置信,怎么自己才进去几天功夫,战局就弄成这样:“到底发生了什么事?” Devil Dragon gasps for breath furiously: Said that was very long, is disinclined to say.” 魔龙奋力喘了一口气:“说起来很长,懒得说。” heavily injured Supreme, actually snort/hum: good thing that Dongfang that rebel makes, where he does not know complains, says the Devil Dragon prison term not to fill is released, now re-enters Heaven Realm to do evil, request sanction. Three days ago, antiquity Gate of Gods opened, Ancient Great God not present, but huge Divine Hammer threw, broke by smashing with stone the backbone of that fool, made the battlefield him like this.” 重创至尊,倒是哼了一句:“东方那个叛徒做的好事,他不知在哪里告了状,言魔龙刑期未满被释,现在重回天界作恶,请求制裁。三天前,上古神门打开,远古大神不现,但有一只巨大神锤扔进来,砸断了那个二货的脊梁骨,就这样将他打出了战场。” Disgraced, my Boss, when must lose face too!” Devil Dragon is very ashamed, originally thinks that can cover is occupied by the little brother , oneself instead became little brother's burden. “丢人啊,我这个老大,当得太丢人了!”魔龙很是羞愧,本来以为能罩住小弟的,没想到,自己反而成了小弟的累赘。 Why they do evil no one to manage, do you study Lei Feng to make good thing instead to be punished? Does this have the natural justice?” Yue Yang listened to bristle with anger simply. “为什么他们作恶没人管,你学雷锋好事反而受到制裁呢?这还有天理吗?”岳阳听了简直怒发冲冠。 You also said that makes good thing, certainly must be wronged, wasn't selected to put in great inconvenience is also called good thing?” Devil Dragon can also see through, by his past sin, pounding a hammer came is shielded, the words that really must strictly carry out, perhaps drew to cut the spirit table to behead 100 is not excessive. The only regret, is unable to participate in this Fate Showdown, he wants to help over the little brother, but the mental effort is insufficient: father has not made good thing for a lifetime, what a pity, does not ascend the sky to my opportunity!” “你也说了,做好事嘛,肯定是要受到冤屈的,不受点委屈还叫做好事吗?”魔龙倒也看得开,以他过去的罪孽,砸一锤子进来已经算是袒护了,真要严格执行的话,恐怕拉上斩神台砍头一百遍也不过份。唯一的遗憾,就是无法参与这次宿命对决了,他很想帮小弟出头,但已经心力不足:“老子一辈子没做过好事,可惜,上天不给我这个机会!” fuck, this too fuck was also dark, I must sue!” A Yue Yang almost old blood spurts. 尼玛,这也太尼玛黑暗了,我要投诉!”岳阳差点一口老血喷出来。 On you have the acquaintance?” Devil Dragon hearing this, mind/energetic shakes. “你上面有熟人?”魔龙闻言,精神为之一震。 No.” Student Yue Yang is very helpless. “没。”岳阳同学很无奈。 That is uses energy white/in vain!” Devil Dragon cutting, above no one you sues a wool, others bully person who is your type does not have the backstage is good! “那是白费劲!”魔龙‘切’地一声,上面没人你投诉个毛啊,人家欺负的就是你这种没有后台的人好不好! don't talk nonsense, came, replaces Jue Shi (peerless)!” Supreme with great difficulty loafing respite, without Yue Yang appears, temporarily startled draws back the god numerous who besiege, then she does not know can oneself support again. 别废话了,过来,替换绝世!”至尊好不容易偷闲喘息,假如没有岳阳出现,暂时惊退围攻的神众,那么她也不知道自己能不能再撑下去。 What?” Yue Yang looked at that 1 million meters high Divine Mountain, how this possibly can shoulder! “什么?”岳阳看了看那座百万米高的神山,这怎么可能扛得起来! Or you turn that Protector of Dead Sea is also good dry/does.” Supreme very ** gave the Student Yue Yang two choice. “要不你去干翻那个死海守护也行。”至尊很**地给了岳阳同学两个选择。 That might as well shoulders the mountain!” Yue Yang is not clear, wants miserable to carry Divine Mountain for the wool? Even if must move the mountain, waited to defeat the enemy not to move again slowly good? Now Protector of Dead Sea Supreme in the front, how possibly can move, even if Protector of Dead Sea Supreme is 250 is impossible looks at such matter to happen helplessly. “那还不如扛山!”岳阳不明白了,为毛要苦逼地扛着一座神山呢?就算要搬山,等打败了敌人再慢慢搬不行吗?现在死海守护至尊就在面前,怎么可能搬得过去,就算死海守护至尊是个二百五也不可能眼睁睁地看着这样的事情发生。 Does not have the time!” Devil Dragon is shouting, makes an all-out effort to shout: Also, World of Scale will one day realize ancient times the balance to arrive, here will become the arena of fate to war, when the time comes, you want to win are impossible! Your can a fight a duel others troop? To win, only then realizes legendary Divine Mountain to level off, the Dead Sea evaporation that god explained!” “没时间啦!”魔龙扯着嗓子,拼力喊出来:“还有一天,天平世界就会实现远古天平降临,这里将成为宿命对战的擂台,到时候,你想赢根本不可能!你一个能单挑别人一大群吗?想赢,只有实现传说中神山夷平,死海蒸发’那个神喻!” Haha, does Divine Mountain level off? Dead Sea evaporation? Hahaha!” The Protector of Dead Sea Supreme supine Tianchang smiles: You think that really can happen? this Venerable keeps the strength, is to make Jue Shi (peerless) shoulder on the mountain the shoulder, now, you have been unable to back down, is on the verge of death, but also discussed that what god explained.” “哈哈,神山夷平?死海蒸发?哈哈哈!”死海守护至尊仰天长笑:“你们以为真有可能发生吗?本尊之所以保留实力,就是让绝世扛山上肩,现在,你们一方已经骑虎难下,危在旦夕,还谈什么神喻。” I can continue, world no one can prevent the will of my Jue Shi (peerless).” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi stepped with effort one step, although Divine Mountain in shoulder, powerful enemy before, but on face resolute still: Yue Titan, you, so long as remembers, your opponent, is Hall Supreme Tian Yu. This World of Scale, this Dead Sea as well as in it all, should end by me! This is the destiny that I shoulder, is not your, you, so long as completed yourself enough!” “我可以继续,世间无人可以阻挡我绝世之志。”无双皇绝世费力地迈了一步,虽神山在肩,强敌在前,但脸上的刚毅依然:“岳泰坦,你只要记住一点,你的对手,是神殿至尊天御。这个天平世界,这个死海以及它里面的一切,该由我来终结!这是我背负的命运,不是你的,你,只要做好你自己就够了!” Gave up any idea of, has this Venerable one day, Jue Shi (peerless), you forever is a loser!” Protector of Dead Sea Supreme does not look at Yue Yang one. “休想,有本尊一天,绝世,你永远是一个失败者!”死海守护至尊根本不看岳阳一眼。 He opens six arms, firmly is supporting a Divine Mountain corner/horn, resists direction that Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi goes forward. 他张开六臂,牢牢地撑着神山一角,抵住无双皇绝世前进的方向。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi cried out low and deep. 无双皇绝世则低沉地呐喊。 Divine Power eruption. 神力爆发。 In order to pay to overdraw the life the price, trades the short distance a half step...... 以付出透支生命的代价,换来短短距离的一小步…… Such test of strength, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi and Protector of Dead Sea Supreme, in three days, does not know that conducted many times. 这样的角力,无双皇绝世死海守护至尊,在三天来,不知进行了多少次。 In the surface, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi goes forward, no one can prevent, but Protector of Dead Sea Supreme believes, the final victory, must be itself. Because, under own stop, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is unable to be on the verge of Dead Sea forever, in the halfway, the opponent in this fate, will overdraw the life and death completely, finally falls to the ground to perish. 表面上,无双皇绝世一路前进,无人可以阻挡,但死海守护至尊相信,最终的胜利,必属自己。因为,在自己的阻拦下,无双皇绝世永远无法走到死海的边缘,在半途上,这个宿命中的对手,就会完全透支生死,最终倒地而亡。 Yue Titan, your opponent, is this Venerable.” Yue Yang turns head, discovers Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, when does not know, has stood erect high in own behind. 岳泰坦,你的对手,乃是本尊。”岳阳回头,发现光明守护至尊,不知何时,已经高高屹立在自己的身后。 When do you come in?” Yue Yang felt strange, can this fellow also leave Kai Tian Radiant Light Mountain since antiquity Gate of Gods? “你是什么时候进来的?”岳阳奇怪了,这家伙也能离开天光明山进入上古神门 Gate of Fate, has opened...... Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme to look at Devil Dragon one officially, the vision returned Yue Yang body: In Ancient Passage, this Venerable can cut to kill your fate candidate, but does not have Fate Showdown, the Tian Yu achievement Sacred Supreme power and virtue harms, this Venerable puts your horse secretly, you with stupidly lack the dragon that brain tics, really does not think that you can escape in the hand of this Venerable? Radiant Light Mountain Ancient Passage, that is the this Venerable home game, even if there is you energy of Heavenspan, plays a trick under the nose of this Venerable, you really think that can hide the truth from both eyes of this Venerable?” 宿命之门,已经正式开启……”光明守护至尊看了魔龙一眼,目光重新回到岳阳身上:“在远古通道,本尊就可以斩杀你这个宿命候选人,但没有宿命对决,天御成就神圣至尊的威德有损,本尊才偷偷的放你一马,你和那个脑子抽抽的傻缺龙,不会真的以为你们能在本尊的手中逃脱吧?光明山远古通道,那是本尊的主场,你们纵有通天之能,也不过是在本尊的眼皮底下耍弄,你们真以为可以瞒过本尊的双目?” All are planning.” Dongfang appeared, he first salutes upon meeting to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi respectfully, shows a faint smile to Yue Yang: genuine thorny is not others, but is Senior Jue Shi, only then he died, Fate Showdown of next generation can establish, only then he died, Heavenspan Tower meets genuine to perish, forever perishes. Yue Titan, your also very good, but compared with Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, but also slightly almost.” “一切都在算计中。”东方出现了,他先是向无双皇绝世恭恭敬敬地见礼,又冲着岳阳微微一笑:“真正棘手的不是别人,而是绝世前辈,只有他死了,下一代的宿命对决才能成立,也只有他死了,通天塔才会真正沉沦,永远沉沦。岳泰坦,你也很不错,但比起无双皇绝世,还稍微差点。” Really intelligent, really worthily is Dongfang.” Yue Yang clapping to praise, sound actually such as cold ice rupturing: Then, should be one's turn under me child?” “真聪明,果然不愧是东方。”岳阳拍手大赞,声音却如寒冰爆裂:“接下来,应该轮到我下子了吧?” No.” Dongfang shakes the head: Playing chess does not exist, under you think now, next...... for the final victory, I decided that with the body dying for chess, without the opponent, you get down with whom? You miss one step, now wants to take back a move, wants to make up the chess, was already without enough time, I will not give you this opportunity. Yue Titan, you are a talent, cannot be doubted, but, speaking of playing chess, is my Dongfang Lihai (fierce) point.” “不。”东方摇头:“对弈不存在了,你现在想下子,也下不了了……为了最后的胜利,我决定以身殉棋,没有对手,你跟谁下?你错过一步,现在想悔棋,想补棋,可是已经来不及了,我不会给你这个机会的。岳泰坦,你是个天才,无可置疑,但是,说到下棋,还是我东方厉害一点。” Dongfang flies floatingly. 东方飘飘飞起。 Gradually flutters to the Dead Sea direction, his clothes robe dances in the air, the whole person imitates such as the legendary daytime to fly upwards, has being able to say is elegant the dust, but on his face the facial expression, is actually solemn silence like that seems world is most rigid the most frantic dying for taoist priest, to be ideal, paid unquestioning, sacrificed itself. 死海的方向缓缓飘去,他的衣袍飞舞,整个人仿如传说中的白日飞升,有着说不出的飘逸出尘,但他脸上神情,却又是那般的庄严肃穆,仿佛是世间最执着最狂热的殉道士,为了理想,毫不迟疑地付出,牺牲自己。 see again/goodbye, lived me to raise my hometown, see again/goodbye, lives me to raise my Heavenspan Tower, parted forever.” 再见了,生我养我的故乡,再见了,生我养我的通天塔,永别了。” Dongfang is world grain of insignificant minimal dust, but, I have come, that feared that the meteor one presently, brilliance, is hard to be eternal instantly, must send out my radiance, my luminous......” 东方乃是世间一粒微不足道微乎其微之尘埃,但是,我来过,那怕流星一现,刹那光华,难以永恒,也要发出我的光芒,我的光亮……” Has not been my Dongfang time, but at least, I can show, my Dongfang had come......” “没有属于我东方的时代,但是最少,我可以证明,我东方曾经来过……” Like [Star Explosion] stroke of spatial. 就像慧星划空。 Dongfang in the Heavenly Vault limit, falls from the sky high. 东方天穹极限,高高地陨落下来。 The whole person burns blazingly, brings the flame and luminous, in the terrifying on dark Dead Sea, is delimiting together the shining incomparable light mark, deeply invests...... 整个人炽烈地燃烧起来,带着火焰和光亮,在恐怖又黑暗的死海上,划着一道闪耀无比的光痕,深深地投入其中……
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