LLS :: Volume #7

#1366: This is the debit must also

Space and Time Labyrinth. 时空迷宫 Fatty Hai and Ye Kong and the others, after one struggles hard, by the human wave attack, defeated defended from the Divine Central Hall first value that the front presented that Zhang Wei. 海胖子叶空等人,经过一番苦战,又以人海战术,击败了自面前出现的中央神殿第一值守,长尉 Whistling, with, how many doppelganger this delivery bottom had finally? Hit hit, how always to fire off?” Fatty Hai thought that if it were not for human wave attack, in addition Gluttony, Star Gathering Heavenly Scorpion and Heaven Swallowing Beast they are powerful, but also really cannot take this being haunted by the ghost Zhang Wei. Divine Tier can Ranker automatic resurrection? If such, that this weaponry also hits a wool, died of exhaustion! “呼呼,终于拿下来了,这货到底有几个分身啊?打了又打,怎么老是打不完啊?”海胖子觉得要不是人海战术,再加上饕餮星罗天蝎吞天兽它们给力,还真拿不下这个阴魂不散的长尉。难道神阶强者都可以自动复活吗?要是那样,那这仗还打个毛啊,累死得了! You can stay behind.” Ye Kong decides to continue to going, he knows, oneself can help Yue Yang only, tries to force through the checkpoint forward. “你可以留下。”叶空决定继续向前往,他知道,自己唯一能帮岳阳的,就是向前冲关。 The enemies affirm the ambush next millions of trap. 敌人肯定埋伏下千千万万的陷阱。 Now, perhaps only starts. 现在,也许只是开始。 If these depend entirely on a Yue Yang person to break through enemy lines to fight with all might with the enemy, that also does want so many teammate what are you doing? Plans first Great Hall Master Dongfang compared with the conspiracy, compared with Supreme Master Motionless that unperturbed roars flamboyant, overlooks outstanding heroes unmatched Hall Supreme Tian Yu compared with that in Heaven Realm, like Zhang Wei this type, is a guarding the door small role is good! 假如这些全靠岳阳一个人去冲锋陷阵去与敌拼杀的话,那还要这么多队友干嘛?比起阴谋算计第一的东方大殿主,比起老神在在牛逼哄哄的不动至尊,比起那个于天界俯视群雄无人可比的神殿至尊天御,像长尉这种,根本就是个看门的小角色好不好! Zhang Wei that if guards the door continually could not hit, whom then can also hit? 要是连看门的长尉也打不了,那么还能打谁? Also, this is doppelganger. 再说,这是分身 genuine main body, but also in behind, is not easier to hit! 真正的本体,还在后头,更不好打! Resting Wind Sea Bird despises Fatty Hai this goods infinitely, sees to fire off this goods to approach, shows the whites of the eyes reluctantly: To my distant point, lewd smiles to receive inexpensively, this to me, no matter uses!” 风息海鸟无限鄙视海胖子这货,看见一打完这货又凑近过来,不禁无奈地翻了个白眼:“离我远点,把色迷迷的贱笑收起来,这对我不管用!” Fatty Hai is not discouraged, on the contrary, his immense confidence: I do not blame you, the treasure, you can think will happen one day.” 海胖子毫不气馁,相反,他无限信心:“我不怪你,宝贝,终有一天你会想起来的。” Resting Wind Sea Bird makes his one treasure make that goose bumps falls place, goes wild to scream: Monkey Ye, the ice piece, hurries to manage well your pig heads, he left the pen! I really am soon insane, do not need to explain, what was needless saying that immediately vanished in my front, vanishes without a trace, best vanish...... I to say forever was impossible, I will be am impossible to like such a pig head, excuse me, did you let me to your intelligence and vision maintain a confidence? I am a person, is no longer closed the bird in basket by him in the past!” 风息海鸟让他一句‘宝贝’弄得鸡皮疙瘩掉一地,抓狂地尖叫起来:“叶猴子,还有冰块,赶紧管好你们的猪头,他又出栏了!我真是快要疯掉,你别不用解释,什么也不用说,马上在我的面前消失,消失得无影无踪,最好永远消失……我说了不可能,我是不可能会喜欢这样一个猪头的,拜托,你们让我对自己的智力和眼光保持一点信心好吗?我可是一个人,不再是当年被他关在笼子里的小鸟了!” Good, I also thought that is not a match, right, tramples him like this, tramples him ruthlessly, does not need to worry our feeling.” Ye Kong nods taking pleasure in others' misfortunes. “好吧,我也觉得不太般配,对,就这样踹他,狠狠地踹他,不用顾虑我们的感受。”叶空幸灾乐祸地点头。 It seems like quality of a person must accumulate.” Heaven Encompassing's Prince thought that Fatty Hai was the misdemeanor does, the present is the retribution. “看来人品还是得攒。”天罗王子觉得海胖子是坏事做多了,现在是报应。 My quality of a person is also not bad? Occasionally I also want to make good thing, only does not have the opportunity to display!” Fatty Hai thought that everyone was unfair to himself, who does not want to make good thing, making good thing must praise who did not like, only was Yue Family Third Young Master Boss, the fame is too big, has moved the world in Heavenspan Tower, others looked was frightened a strategic withdrawal by own prestige, wants to make good thing not to have the opportunity. “我人品也是不错的好吗?偶尔我也想做好事的,只是没机会发挥!”海胖子觉得大家冤枉自己了,谁不想做好事,做好事得表扬谁不喜欢,只是身为岳家三少老大,名气太大,在通天塔已经名动天下,别人一看就被自己的威名吓得退避三舍,想做好事也没机会。 He forgot actually, how oneself Extremely Cheap Fat Devil and Meat Mountain Great Devil King this two ear-splitting big your shop comes. 他倒是忘了,自己‘极贱肥魔’和‘肉山大魔王’这两个震耳欲聋的大宝号是怎么来的。 This is to make good thing to come? 这是做好事得来的吗? Xue Tanlang gives the affirmation: Fatty quality of a person has.” 雪贪狼给予肯定:“胖子人品还是有的。” Fatty Hai moves eye brimming with tears: „The ice piece you understand me, sincerity friend!” 海胖子感动得眼泪汪汪的:“还是冰块你了解我,真心知己啊!” Regarding the Fatty Hai base sentiment, a Xue Tanlang hurrying long jump stride: Do not approach, I meant, your quality of a person has, when initially contract Resting Wind Sea Bird has consumed completely.” 对于海胖子的基情,雪贪狼赶紧跳远一大步:“别靠近,我是说,你人品是有,但当初契约风息海鸟时就已经全部消耗完了。” Ye Kong suppresses to smile , helping recall seriously: As if also is really this, Fatty since then, had not accumulated quality of a person, made many offend against Heaven and reason for example to cruelly harm the matter of flowers and plants...... Li Clan Brothers also to agree that actually Ye Kong about Fatty Hai was lost/carrying quality of a person viewpoints, was claps to approve of simply, as soon as they nodded, Fatty Hai had 300 to open mouth does not talk clearly. 叶空强忍住笑,一本正经地帮忙回忆:“似乎还真是这样,胖子自那以后,一直就没攒过人品,倒是做了不少伤天害理比如残害花花草草的事……”厉氏兄弟也同意叶空关于海胖子是负人品的讲法,简直是拍手赞同,他们一点头,海胖子就是有三百张嘴也说不清了。 He looks at Resting Wind Sea Bird villain not near expression, sadness: I must commit suicide, no one block me!” 他一看风息海鸟坏人勿近的表情,不由悲从中来:“我要自杀,谁也别拦我!” „Did you determine? The young girls turn over to others!” Ye Kong goes all out to attack him. “你确定?小妞就归别人喽!”叶空拼命打击他。 No, I can not make the behavior of that coward, I must defeat the rumor, must hold on to the last, for the treasure, I will never give up!” Fatty Hai when heard, fighting spirit hundred times, the tears of pretending crying cannot attend to erasing immediately, immediately charges into Resting Wind Sea Bird: These fellows are the envious hatred I, you know, the lucky talent like me, they envies from the bottom of the heart my, had Level 2 [Bronze] Iron-skinned Rhinoceros to start from past me...... at that time, Yue Yang that boy also only then Level 3 [Bronze] Hui Tailang, you said, they can not envy me?” “不,我才会不做那种懦夫的行为,我一定要战胜流言,一定要坚持到底,为了宝贝,我永不放弃!”海胖子一听,顿时斗志百倍,假哭的眼泪都顾不上抹掉,立即冲向风息海鸟:“那些家伙都是嫉恨我,你知道,像我这样的幸运天才,他们是打心底嫉妒我的,自当年的我拥有青铜二级铁皮犀开始……那时候,岳阳那小子也只有一个青铜三级灰太狼,你说,他们能不嫉妒我吗?” Do not depend , you die!” Resting Wind Sea Bird goes wild and cannot bear a foot trample this goods flies nine clouds to go. “不要靠过来,啊,你去死吧!”风息海鸟抓狂得又忍不住一脚将这货踹飞到九霄云外去。 Waits for Fatty Hai to fall from the sky from the sky. 海胖子自天空陨落下来。 He discovered that front has a both feet. 他发现面前有一双脚。 It seems like, when very familiar appearance, as if anything wants to see. 貌似,还挺熟悉的样子,似乎什么时想见过。 Raised the head upward, looked, discovered not a possible person stands in own front, immediately, the mouth opens wide can force in the two toad. 往上抬头,一看,发现有个不可能出现的人就站在自己的面前,顿时,嘴巴张大得可以塞进两个癞蛤蟆。 Ye Kong and Xue Tanlang and the others was also shocked early, because, comes the person is Student Yue Yang. According to previously the information of Goddess Huan Yue transmission, Yue Family Third Young Master should go to Heaven Realm Radiant Light Mountain to pick a quarrel in secret, should make war with Hall Supreme Tian Yu is, how to possibly appear here? 叶空雪贪狼等人也早惊呆了,因为,来人就是岳阳同学。按照此前幻月女神暗中传递的信息,岳家三少应该是去了天界光明山找碴,应该跟神殿至尊天御开战才是,怎么可能会出现在这里呢? Yes...... 难道是…… Your this impostor this Young Master was most repugnant, whose appearance turns into is not good, must turn into my Young Master Hai is covering little brother's appearance, you do not know that like this will make this Young Master to be angry very much?” Fatty Hai does not attend to 3 × 7 = 21, in any case world the person who he is more graceful, unpleasant to the eye, usually Yue Yang does not dare to hit, now turns into the false, that just right, therefore raises the fist, puts forth move of Hippo Meteor Punch. “你这种冒牌货大少最讨厌了,变成谁的样子不好,非要变成我海大少罩着的小弟的模样,你不知道这样做本大少会很生气的吗?”海胖子不顾三七二十一,反正世间比他帅的人,都看不顺眼,平时岳阳不敢打,现在变成假的,那正好,于是扬起拳头,使出一招河马流星拳 Yeah wait/etc!” The Ye Kong big dizzy, first ascertains hits again, do you worry? “哎等等!”叶空大晕,先问清楚再打啊,你着什么急? The Resting Wind Sea Bird electricity shoots, but. 风息海鸟电射而至。 Flying foot. 飞脚。 Tramples layer on layer/heavily on the big buttocks of Fatty Hai. 重重地踹在海胖子的大屁股上。 The under foot that Fatty Hai another puts Student Yue Yang, almost does not have the entire dog to gnaw the mud. 海胖子又一头扑在岳阳同学的脚下,差点没有整个狗啃泥。 The Student Yue Yang attitude is very friendly, did not mind completely shaking the fist of Fatty Hai , helping up Fatty Hai personally, the collar that is also in utter confusion for him at will fully, opens the mouth to say with a smile: „Isn't this Boss? Today is so polite? Sees me is very even happy does not use line of so big rituals! Doesn't dare, you are Boss, without you are covering our these little brothers, that must......” 岳阳同学态度很友好,完全不介意海胖子的挥拳,亲手扶起海胖子,又替他随意整整凌乱不堪的衣领,开口笑道:“这不是老大吗?今天这么有礼貌啊?看见我就算很高兴也不用行这般大礼啊!不敢不敢,你可是老大,没你罩着我们这些小弟,那还得了……” Ye Kong when heard. 叶空一听 Hurries to leave the Fatty Hai distant point. 赶紧离海胖子远点。 So long as Yue Yang called Fatty Hai Boss, that definitely had no good thing. 只要岳阳一称呼海胖子老大,那肯定没啥好事 Cannot do well one black pot to pound , the pit dies including oneself, is to Fatty Hai this goods far comparison security. 搞不好一个黑锅砸下来,连自己也得坑死,还是离海胖子这货远一点比较安全。 Has the same feeling with him, Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince they, Yue Yang came back them to be certainly happy, but this with standing in soon unlucky Fatty Hai side that will be two matters! 与他有同感的,还有雪贪狼天罗王子他们,岳阳回来了他们当然开心,不过这跟站在即将倒霉的海胖子身边那是两回事! Let alone they, were lose recalled that puts behind Resting Wind Sea Bird of antecedent also felt inexplicable danger. 别说他们了,就是失忆忘却前事的风息海鸟也感到莫名的‘危险’。 Naturally, as Boss I, has covered you to drop, something do not fear, looks for my Young Master Hai, huge matter insufficiently I one grasps! That person who legendary can go against heaven's will, refers to this Young Master, said that I looked you know, you definitely encountered some difficulty, by your strength, is unable to solve personally, therefore great strong force Boss rescued to my!” Fatty Hai when heard Student Yue Yang opens the mouth to call his Boss, is the genuine and fake does not manage, this is a showing off good opportunity, you think anyone to be able, when Boss? “当然,身为老大的我,会一直罩着你们滴,有事别怕,找我海大少,天大的事不够我一把抓!传说中可以逆天的那种人,就是指本大少啊,说吧,我一看你就知道,你肯定遇到了某种困难,以你的实力,根本无法亲自解决,所以向我这个伟大又威武老大救援来了是吧!”海胖子一听岳阳同学开口称呼他老大,是真假也不管了,这可是一个炫耀的好机会,你以为谁都可以当老大的吗? Right, right, really worthily is Boss, guesses.” Student Yue Yang gives a thumbs-up high. “对,没错,果然不愧是老大,一猜就中。”岳阳同学高高地伸出一个大拇指。 Haha, you think that my Boss is gives for nothing? I am first under heaven intelligent Boss!” Mouth of Fatty Hai to two sides to root of the ear. “哈哈,你以为我这个老大是白给的吗?我可是天下第一聪明的老大!”海胖子的嘴巴向两边咧到耳根。 „Did I really know this idiot before?” Resting Wind Sea Bird puzzles looks to Ye Kong and the others, is not right, is a oneself blind bird still insufficient with wrong this Master even? The Ye Kong hurrying good words comfort her: All right, the idiot will not infect!” “我以前真的认识这种白痴?”风息海鸟迷惑不解地看向叶空他们,不对啊,自己就算是个瞎鸟也不至于跟错这种主人吧?叶空赶紧好言安慰她:“没事,白痴不会传染的!” Li Clan Brothers they go all out to nod, makes the proof to him. 厉氏兄弟他们拼命点头,给他做证明。 Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince looks at each other one mutually, what matter having was Yue Yang cannot solve, needed this group of people to act? 雪贪狼则和天罗王子相互对视一眼,有什么事是岳阳解决不了,需要自己这帮人出手的呢? Strange! 奇怪! Should this Yue Family Third Young Master not really be false? 该不会这个岳家三少真是假的吧? Has a look at Fatty Hai again quickly by the appearance that the pit dies, felt that not like, this obviously is big Yue Family does Third Young Master that black pot toward others body back right...... really have what Quest to need to act? Two people so think, the curiosity can kill the kitty! 再看看海胖子快被坑死的模样,感觉又不像啊,这明明是大个黑锅往别人身上背的岳家三少没错……难道真有什么任务是需要自己出手的?两人如此一想,好奇心都可以杀死猫咪了! I soar to the heavens as a loyalty am also just imposing Boss, have no reason for you over!” Fatty Hai has not said climb over mountain of swords on the frying pan on the difference. “我身为一个义气冲天又正义凛然的老大,没理由不替你出头的!”海胖子就差没有说上刀山下油锅 Actually is very simple!” Student Yue Yang smiles, as brilliant as a sun handsomely. “其实很简单!”岳阳同学笑得唇红齿白、阳光灿烂 This matter looks like, unbearable!” Ye Kong looks at the boy from another world expression, knows that this matter small, he smiles with ease, that Quest is surely more arduous. If in turn, is serious, goes all out to curse at people, scolds person stream of abuse shamefully to wish one could to look for a crack to worm one's way into, that estimate fortunately. Smiles such as brilliant as a sun, decisive is the pit to the dying rhythm. “这事看来,够呛!”叶空一看穿越男的表情,就知道这事情小不了,他笑得越轻松,那任务必定越艰巨。如果反过来,一脸严肃,拼命骂人,骂得人狗血淋头无地自容恨不得找个地缝钻进去,那估计还好点。笑得这么阳光灿烂,果断是坑到死的节奏。 Said.” Fatty Hai is patting the chest, is directly excited fat to fold the wave, now let alone wants him to help, is to make him commit suicide is also without hesitation, can Boss say no? Cracks a joke, before the little brother, Boss must have as the Boss example! “说。”海胖子拍着胸口,直激起一阵肥肉叠浪,现在别说要他帮忙,就是让他自杀也毫不迟疑,老大能够说不吗?开玩笑,在小弟面前,老大必须有身为老大的榜样! Is this, as your little brother, I has been very busy, needs to worry about many things, but as Boss you, is quite idle, labor force anything generally is I does, Boss is enjoys happiness, I have no opinion, but at this time, I was too busy, is unable doppelganger.” Student Yue Yang makes Boss help that be well-founded, is impossible to create a scene, Fatty Hai listened to unusual move, as enjoying happiness Boss, shouldn't that too, unable to help people overcome their difficulties that for the little brother is good Boss? “是这样的,身为你的小弟,我一直很忙,需要操心很多事,而身为老大的你,则比较清闲,劳力什么的一般都是我干,老大就是享福的,我也没有什么意见,但这时候,我实在太忙了,无法分身。”岳阳同学老大帮忙那是有理由的,不可能无理取闹,海胖子听了非常的感动,身为一个享福的老大,那太不应该了,不能为小弟排忧解难那还是一个好老大吗? Fatty Hai is wanting to open the mouth, Student Yue Yang hurries to stop: I know your meaning, knows that you are good Boss, labor force anything, I did did, that was my duty. Boss should enjoy happiness while flirting with girls, I absolutely do not have the opinion. only, this matter also wants Boss to go into action, my little brother wants to do, is unqualified!” 海胖子正欲开口,岳阳同学赶紧止住:“我知道你的意思,也知道你是一个好老大,劳力什么的,我做了就做了,那是我的本份。老大就是应该一边享福一边泡妞的,我完全没有意见。只是,这件事还非要老大出马,我这个小弟想干,也不够资格啊!” Ye Kong hears both eyes to become dark, Fatty Hai this possibly really wanted the pit dead, usually shouted Boss rarely, now did Third Young Master call so many, Fatty Hai really to live finally? 叶空直听得两眼发黑,海胖子这回可能真要坑死了,平时难得叫一声老大,现在三少叫了这么多声,海胖子最后真的能活下来吗? Xue Tanlang also thought that now can do a tombstone to Fatty Hai. 雪贪狼也觉得现在可以给海胖子搞个墓碑了。 As for epitaph anything, does not need to think, casual entire idiot will not infect then it will be alright. 至于墓志铭什么的,不用想,随便整个‘白痴不会传染’就行 Is what matter wants this to go into action greatly?” Fatty Hai is excited reddens all over the face, the time of life lead life winner to had the wood to have. “是什么事非要本大大出马呢?”海胖子激动得满脸通红,人生主角人生赢家的时刻到了有木有。 Decodes Time and Space Maze.” boy from another world explained patiently, a hand holds in the arms the shoulder of Fatty Hai, displays very intimately: This Space and Time Labyrinth must not decode difficultly, but my little brother must begin, because of the status insufficient reason, that damn Tian Yu knows, therefore I cannot move, must go into action by your Boss.” “破解时空迷局。”穿越男非常耐心地解释,一只手搂住海胖子的肩膀,表现得非常亲密:“这个时空迷宫要破解不难,但我这个小弟要一动手,因为身份不够的原因,那个该死的天御就会知道,所以我不能动,必须靠你这个老大出马。” Haha, now knew my Boss Lihai (fierce)!” Fatty Hai to hiding distant Ye Kong and the others winks, does to these fellows not to coordinate, in the heart is really uncomfortable. Then has a look at boy from another world again, more looks is more pleasing to the eyes, really worthily is own little brother, has what heavy responsibility to give itself this Boss, in the heart the heroic spirit has just like volcanic eruption simply, in the chest the loyalty does not release not quickly, finally blurts out: Ok, all give me this Boss!” “哈哈,现在知道我这个老大厉害了吧!”海胖子向躲得远远的叶空他们挤眉弄眼,奈何这些家伙都不肯配合,心中真是不爽。再回头看看穿越男,越看越顺眼,真不愧是自己的小弟,有什么重任都交给自己这个老大,心中豪气简直有如火山爆发,胸内义气不泄不快,最后冲口而出:“行,一切交给我这个老大吧!” Good!” Yue Yang not parsimonious own thumb. “好!”岳阳毫不吝啬自己的大拇指。 Now also how much time?” Fatty Hai in the excitement remembers vaguely Dongfang put in order a damn countdown in Space and Time Labyrinth. “现在还有多少时间?”海胖子在兴奋中依稀记得东方时空迷宫中整了一个该死的倒计时。 Many, enough some day time.” Yue Yang expressed that the time is completely not the issue, how many things is day of time competent? Must trade super Divine Tier to act, destroying a stretch of the world is very relaxed. “还有很多,足足有一天时间。”岳阳表示时间完全不是问题,一天时间能干多少事情?要换一个超级神阶出手,毁灭一片天地都很轻松。 That line.” Fatty Hai also thought that day of time can handle the many matter. “那行。”海胖子也觉得一天时间能够做许多事情了。 Eradicated Time and Space Maze to give you, I must hurry to another battlefield, there is hitting is heavily engaged.” Student Yue Yang and Fatty Hai wave goodbye. “破除时空迷局就交给你了,我得赶去另一个战场,那里正打得不可开交。”岳阳同学海胖子挥手告别。 Goes to go, here gives me, has my Boss, you felt relieved although!” Fatty Hai is surnamed anything to forget now early similarly including own ancestor, where also has the reason, exciting he and boy from another world waves, has the warranty greatly. “去吧去吧,这里交给我,有我这个老大在,你尽管放心!”海胖子现在早连自己的祖宗姓什么都忘得差不多了,哪里还有理智,兴奋中的他与穿越男挥手,又大打保票。 wait a moment......” Ye Kong hurries to stop: Eradicates Time and Space Maze, what do we need to make?” 等一下……”叶空赶紧叫停:“破除时空迷局,我们需要做些什么?” Very simple, I had come out the guidepost of labyrinth, here no longer confuses, will not have what illusion again, so long as you try to force through the checkpoint, hits to explode defends the pass/test boss, then Quest can complete with ease.” The Student Yue Yang lecture eating the bean is more relaxed. “非常的简单,我已经将迷宫的路标出来了,这里不再迷惑,也不会再有什么幻像,只要你们一路冲关,打爆守关的boss,那么任务就可以轻松完成。”岳阳同学讲得比吃豆子还要轻松。 That may I ask, does the entire labyrinth have several passes/tests?” Heaven Encompassing's Prince very carefully asked. “那能不能问一下,整个迷宫有几关?”天罗王子小心翼翼地问。 „, Are not many, 100 passes/tests!” boy from another world 100 is a small number. “啊,不多,才一百关!”穿越男的一百就是个小数目。 100 passes/tests?” Xue Tanlang feels thunder from a clear sky. “一百关?”雪贪狼觉得晴天霹雳 Defends is not Upper Heaven Realm or Divine Central Hall that these Divine Tier closes?” Ye Kong has the worst premonition. “守关的不会是天上界或者中央神殿的那些神阶吧?”叶空已经有了最坏的预感。 All is not Divine Tier , some very weak chicken, said again Divine Tier I have helped your kill several, fiercest that Supreme Master Motionless has been stranded in your majesty Dream Realm, you hit some Imp then it will be alright, is very relaxed.” The Yue Yang tone is careless, sounding grasps several small sun-dried shelled shrimp to be easier than the river bank. “不全是神阶,也有些很弱鸡的,再说神阶我已经帮你们干掉了几个,最猛的那个不动至尊已经困在陛下的梦境世界,你们打些小怪就行,很轻松的。”岳阳口气漫不经心的,听起来比河岸抓几只小虾米还要容易。 fuck, how we possibly can win......” the Ye Kong when heard opponent are Supreme Master Motionless that rank, is out of control to explode the swearing, although he has not known the Supreme Master Motionless genuine strength, but does not hinder him to fear for this reason, super exists like that type, the casual finger can the instant kill audience be good, this at all is not Quest, but brings death! 卧槽,我们怎么可能打得赢……”叶空一听对手是不动至尊那种级别的,禁不住爆了粗口,虽然他还不知道不动至尊真正实力,但不妨碍他为此恐惧,像那种超级存在,随便一指头就可以秒杀全场好不好,这个根本不是任务,而是送死! Is all right, you are busy your, we will handle.” In Fatty Hai this time mind only then the Boss two characters of power and prestige are revolving, does not have other again. “没事没事,你去忙你的吧,我们会搞定的。”海胖子此时的脑海中只有威风的老大两字在旋转,再无其它。 Handles your younger sister! Fatty, has the skill you to do, we may be unable to do!” Ye Kong soon faints. “搞定你妹啊!胖子,有本事你去搞,我们可搞不了!”叶空快要晕死。 „......” Xue Tanlang is also very speechless. “……”雪贪狼也很无语。 What hits Zhang Wei doppelganger is painful enough, time and time again, endless, must hit Divine Central Hall three big Supreme, how does that hit? This Quest if it were not for is under a brother-in-law, then he thinks certainly that opposite side was insane. 打个长尉分身什么的已经够痛苦了,反反复复,没完没了,要去打中央神殿的三大至尊,那怎么打?这任务要不是是姐夫下的,那么他一定会认为对方疯了。 Divine Central Hall three big Supreme, is these juniors can gnaw? 中央神殿三大至尊,也是自己这些小辈可以啃动的? Even strongest Supreme Master Motionless was stranded the dreamland, that is not good, Neverfall Supreme and Supreme Master Undefeated two! Even if they are not, still other! 就算最强的不动至尊被困梦境,那也不行,还有不倒至尊不败至尊两个呢!就算他们都不在,也还有其他! Regarding besides Fatty Hai, others soon the situation of rebellion, boy from another world quite sympathizes, if others were hit by oneself, oneself can also spit his face, but oneself really have no free time to do this matter, said again, Fatty Hai isn't Boss? Boss the heavy responsibility added certainly the body. In order to let everyone's mood subsides slightly little, therefore, good at understanding others kindhearted Student Yue Yang great makes a proposition very much: Does not have Divine Throne, you must turn so many boss dry/does, is a little indeed difficult, this, I personal taking advantage of your Divine Power, according to you previously shouldered the destiny the altitude, temporarily lends you......” 对于除了海胖子之外,其余人都快要暴动的情况,穿越男还是比较同情的,要是别人让自己去打,那自己也会唾他一脸,不过自己真的没空做这件事,再说,海胖子不是老大吗?老大当然得重任加身了。为了让大家的情绪稍微平息一点点,于是,‘善解人意’又‘心地善良’的岳阳同学很‘伟大’地作一个提议:“没有神座,你们要干翻那么多boss,的确有点困难,要不,这样吧,我私人借你们一点神力,根据你们此前背负命运的高度,暂借给你们……” This also?” Ye Kong and the others when heard stupidly falls. “这样也可以吗?”叶空他们一听傻楞掉。 I give each of you Divine Insignia, is the later Divine Throne foundation, naturally you did not have Divine Throne, this thing to calculate that I taking advantage of your, you can with Divine Insignia, use you had shouldered destiny high Divine Power, takes this as the war.” Yue Yang finger forward. “我给你们每人一个神徽,算是以后神座的基础,当然你们还没有神座,这东东算我借你们的,你们可以凭着神徽,使用你们曾经背负过的命运高度的神力,以此为战。”岳阳手指向前一点。 Said Divine Light innumerably. 无数道神光 Flying shoots at everyone's between the eyebrows. 飞射向大家的眉心 Suddenly, has the kind nearly to advocate humanoid alike Divine Body, raises in Fatty Hai, Ye Kong, Xue Tanlang and Heaven Encompassing's Prince and the others head on top. 一时间,有类近主人形像的神躯,在海胖子叶空雪贪狼天罗王子等人的头顶上升起。 Yue Yang does not wait for everyone to cheer, sharply sharply turns around to leave, just before leaving, has not forgotten to urge everyone: This is I personal lends your, remembered to , in addition the interest, borrows nine and returns thirteen then it will be alright!” 岳阳不等大伙儿欢呼雀跃,急急转身离开,临走,还不忘叮嘱大家:“这是我私人借给你们的,记得要还,加上利息,九出十三归就行了!” Without this, the boy from another world image, that is big is flamboyant. 要是没有这句,穿越男的形象,那是非常高大非常牛逼的。 However puts in order this. 但是整出这一句。 Is most callous such as ice Xue Tanlang is also out of control to open the mouth to question him: This fellow, if does business, with person who he does business, perhaps even the bone sediment cannot remain, Elder Sister marries this person, really doesn't have the issue?” 就连最冷酷如冰的雪贪狼也禁不住开口质疑他:“这家伙要是去经商,和他做生意的人,恐怕连骨头渣子也剩不下来,姐姐嫁给这种人,真的没问题吗?”
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