LLS :: Volume #7

#1365: Controls Divine Grimoire, creates the new world

training Divine Grimoire world, First Pass, Rain Valley. 试炼神典世界,第一关,雨谷 Yue Yang all invests above the mind training Divine Grimoire the page, inside ancient times supposed aerial ban principle and duplication that principle, the labyrinth principle, the drizzle principle subscribes wait/etc indeed so in heart, including space constitution, world energy and Rune combination wait wait/etc. etc., all in eyeground. 岳阳将心神全部投入试炼神典的此页之上,里面远古设订的禁空法则、复制法则、迷宫法则、雨雾法则等等尽然于心,包括空间构成,天地能量和符文组合等等等等,无一不在眼底。 Meanwhile, until now once entered the experience has built up the warrior information mark and challenge failure dies in this Rain Valley War Beast and warrior ghost. 同时,还有一直以来曾经进入历炼过的武者信息印记以及挑战失败死在这个雨谷战兽武者亡魂。 Why even creates Rain Valley, how to direct training, how to imprison the protection, how to work out the principle disciplinary punishment. 甚至就连为何创造雨谷,如何指引试炼,如何禁锢守护,如何订立法则惩戒。 Entirely complete. 统统俱全。 Merely is Rain Valley, constitutes a complex incomparable world, if entire training ten passes establishes contacts, that is how magnificent outstanding!” In the Yue Yang heart has such a feeling suddenly generally. Before trading does, he definitely gives up continuing, because Rain Valley is only the training ten passes inexhaustible start, by current power, is impossible to transform completely, but after the inspiration of Xue Wuxia as well as everyone's support, Yue Yang abandoned all distracting thoughts, his entire life first time so self-confident, moreover entire life first time calm sane...... Destiny Giant has not so appeared, loses sane berserk not to happen, is Yue Yang, felt for the first time oneself are grasping boundless Divine Power, can create any not the magnificent feat that is possible to complete. “仅仅是雨谷,就已经构成一个复杂无比的世界,要是整个试炼十关串连起来,那是多么的壮观殊胜啊!”岳阳心中忽然生出这样的一种感概。换作以前,他肯定放弃继续,因为雨谷仅是试炼十关无穷无尽的开始,以目前的力量,根本不可能完全转换,但经过雪无瑕的鼓舞以及大家的支持,岳阳抛开了一切杂念,他生平第一次如此的自信,而且还是生平第一次如此的冷静理智……命运巨人没有出现,失去理智的暴走也没有发生,是岳阳自己,首次感觉自己掌握着无边神力,可以去创造任何不可能完成的壮举。 Let alone transforms training Grimoire, that feared that creates a new world, I can also succeed! 别说转换试炼宝典,那怕是创造一个新世界,我也能成功! Yue Yang this time innermost feelings, have all supported for everyone is moved amply. 岳阳此时的内心,已经全为大家支持的感动盈满。 Xue Wuxia they are also static by thought accompanying. 雪无瑕她们也静静以意念相伴。 Does not have mighty waves. 不起一丝波澜。 They do not think that oneself any distracting thoughts, mix and affect control the Divine Grimoire process Yue Yang, he controls and power and virtue of achievement, does not contain impurity, but they do not want to make him feel lonely in this process, therefore, decides this, calmly has been accompanying him, that fears millennium for ten thousand years, until success. 她们不想自己的任何杂念,掺入和影响到岳阳掌控神典的过程,他掌控和成就的威德,不容有一丝杂质,可是她们又不想让他在此过程感到孤独,所以,决定就这样,一直静静地伴着他,那怕千年万年,直至成功。 Destruction!” Yue Yang remembered, three Divine Envoy sisters have said that the destruction is the best creation, the creation is also the best destruction. “毁灭!”岳阳想起了,三神使姐妹说过,毁灭是最好的创造,创造也是最好的毁灭。 He must do now, is destruction. 他现在要做的,就是‘毁灭’。 Destroys many principles that Ancient Era has entirely, these belong to Ancient Great God Will, so long as they also, so long as they have that to fear a wee bit surviving, then training Divine Grimoire is completely not him. 远古时代就存在的诸多法则统统毁灭,这些属于远古大神意志,只要它们还在,只要它们还有那怕一丁点的残存,那么试炼神典就不完全属于他。 aerial ban principle and duplication principle wait/etc principle light smoke vanished. 禁空法则、复制法则等等法则轻烟般消失了。 The Yue Yang present destruction, with him in the wisdom sensibility of Endless World constant space, destroys others' Will, creates own eternal. aerial ban principle wait/etc, they in flash of disappearance, was born, but, the new principle of birth belongs to Yue Yang's Will, is the creation of Yue Yang. Their that feared that was just the same as before, but the creator no longer was Ancient Great God, but was new Master, Yue Yang! 岳阳现在的毁灭,用上他在无尽世界恒定空间的智慧感悟,毁灭去别人的意志,创造自己的永恒。禁空法则等等,它们在消失的一刹那,又诞生了,不过,诞生的新法则属于岳阳的意志,属于岳阳的创造。它们那怕跟以前一模一样,但创造者不再是远古大神,而是新的主人,岳阳 Entirely destruction......” space constitution, world energy in as well as Rune combination Yue Yang Rain Valley wait/etc, instantaneous destruction in invisible. “统统毁灭……”岳阳雨谷里的空间构成、天地能量以及符文组合等等,瞬间毁灭于无形。 Inside warrior ghost and War Beast fine mortal form of challenge failure, information mark that also or many strong training leave behind wait/etc, under Yue Yang's Will, either ejects beside Divine Grimoire, reincarnation Heaven Realm life, either defers to their primitive wish, the transformation, turns into all living things in new world. 里面挑战失败的武者亡魂、战兽精魄,又或者诸多超强试炼者留下的信息印记等等,在岳阳的意志下,或者抛出神典之外,转生天界生灵,或者按照它们原始的一点意愿,就地转换,变成新世界的众生。 Yue Yang felt when own Divine Power, repays or eliminates these ghosts, consumes like the flood bursts a dike. 岳阳感觉自己的神力,偿还或者清除这些亡魂时,消耗得就像洪水决堤。 If not there is a support of Eternal Divine Throne an unending stream, perhaps pulled out the dry corpse early. 若非有永恒神座源源不断的支援,恐怕早被抽成干尸。 Since the ancient times. 自远古以来。 Does not know that many trillion Heaven Realm warrior, Heavenspan Tower or other Lower Realm warrior come to challenge, does not know that many War Beast sacrificed, various marks that the duplication, the restoration principle as well as strong warrior leave behind, Divine Power that needs to return is the huge volume. But, the Yue Yang second choice, he had not felt that own present looks like rivers, Divine Power like the water, flows rapidly to enter incessantly, like the steam, evaporates in invisible instantaneously! 不知多少亿万的天界武者通天塔或者其它下界武者前来挑战,更不知有多少战兽牺牲,复制、复原法则以及超强武者留下的各种印记,需要清还的神力就更是海量。可是,岳阳没有第二个选择,他感觉自己现在就像是一条河流,神力如水,滔滔不绝地奔流进入其中,又瞬间如汽,蒸发于无形! Mostly the warrior ghost obsession hometown, Yue Yang repatriates their ghosts, has sin graveness to annihilate directly, or by principle severe punishment. 大多武者亡魂执念家乡,岳阳将他们的亡魂遣返,有罪孽深重者则直接湮灭,或以法则严惩。 The severe punishment transformation the Rock gravel of new world, returns its crime directly. 严惩者转换成新世界的岩石沙砾,直接清还其罪为止。 Few to become beast. 少量成兽。 For the meat and expelling. 供肉食、驱遣。 The War Beast ghost that also some were abandoned by Master is willing for the beast, becomes the life of new world, butchers the loyal potency to new Lord...... their wisdom no longer, but the primitive instinct, knows that this is a best new life opportunity, therefore mostly is not willing to leave. 也有一些被主人抛弃的战兽亡魂甘愿为兽,成为新世界的生灵,向新主宰忠诚效力……它们智慧不再,但原始的天性,知道这是一个最好的新生机会,所以大多不愿离开。 Creation, Rain Valley, no, Human Valley!” The creation thought of Yue Yang has a marvelous inspiration, he decides no longer to duplicate Rain Valley, complete innovation. “创造,雨谷,不,人谷!”岳阳的创造意念产生一种奇妙的灵感,他决定不再复制雨谷,完全创新。 The Rain Valley space, the smashing annihilation, the entry principle and imprisoned principle of Resting Rain Pavilion destroy completely. 雨谷的空间,粉碎湮灭,就连歇雨亭的通关法则和禁锢法则都完全毁灭。 Only then Count of the Rain tosses into endless Void(Xu Kong), waits for the Yue Yang final trial. 只有雨伯一个抛入无尽虚空,等待岳阳最后的审判。 Infinite expansion of new world in the eternal creation of Yue Yang, perhaps inside generation process experienced ten million years, but the outside world actually does not take one second, like Endless World inside, Yue Yang by oneself infinite Divine Power, created one compared with Soaring Dragon Continent also in the giant ten thousand times of new world. Originally he can create is bigger, but stemming from the later consideration, he stopped the expansion principle in ten thousand times of Soaring Dragon boundaries. 新世界在岳阳的永恒创造中无限扩大,也许里面的生成过程经历了千万年,但外界却不需要一秒,就像无尽世界里面一样,岳阳以自身无限神力,创造了一个比龙腾大陆还在巨大万倍的新世界。本来他可以创造更大,但出于对以后的考虑,他在万倍龙腾的界限上停止了扩展法则。 Myriad things birth. 万物诞生。 First situated in the lowest level, the magma tumbling roared the place bottom that was hard to take hot, the innumerable sinful warrior ghosts will imprison in within/inner firmly, withstood the painful disciplinary punishment to scrub directly. And sin light, transforms the Rock gravel, until the decency extrication...... extremely few goodness, will have the opportunity in reincarnation new world, along with the intelligence or the wish of its primitive soul, transfers the flowers and plants trees, or bird beast, if devout for the new world contribution, the boost controls, then, but can also the reincarnation manner, the god graciousness principle coexist. 先是位于最底层,岩浆翻滚咆哮奇热难耐的地底,无数罪孽深重的武者亡魂将牢牢禁锢于内,承受痛苦惩戒直接洗刷完毕。其中罪孽较轻者,转化岩石沙砾,直到风化解脱……极少善良者,将获得转生新世界的机会,随其原始魂魄的一点灵性或意愿,转成花草树木,或者飞鸟走兽,假若为新世界贡献虔诚,助力主宰,那么,还能转生为人,神恩法则并存。 While split heaven and earth apart, Yue Yang various principle refinements. 开天辟地的同时,岳阳将各种法则细化。 For example aerial ban principle remains, but does not limit the bird, allowing the similarities and differences to exist, for all only the new world future life cultivation promotion will specially make. 比如禁空法则仍然存在,但不限飞鸟,容许异同存在,一切只为了新世界未来的生灵修炼提升所特制。 In travelling in Heaven Realm the story like various rare and beautiful flowers topographies that crosses, various adverse circumstances, various characteristics sceneries, including the Soaring Dragon Continent ten big various scenic spots in deathtrap and Heavenspan Tower...... 天界中的游历中见闻过的各种奇葩地形地貌,各种恶劣环境,各种特色风景,包括龙腾大陆的十大死地和通天塔内的各种风景名胜…… Instantaneously, in this by Yue Yang names as Human Valley the new world rise, the birth! 瞬间,于这个被岳阳命名为‘人谷’的新世界崛起,诞生! Writing, by my Divinity, creates the new article, names Traceless Divine Language, replaces Heaven Realm Rune and Ancient Rune exists.” The Yue Yang intention moves, previously they conceived to be used for the secret inheritance with Sickly Beauty and substitutes the Heaven Realm Rune creative writing, should join the new world, therefore gives Divinity specially, will turn into the eternal god Rune character, one by one and all various professions, composes of Rune, displays since the new world, evolves the brand-new direction and inspiration. “文字,以我之神性,创造新文,命名无痕神文,代替天界符文远古符文存在。”岳阳心念一动,此前与病美人她们设想过用来秘密传承和替代天界符文的独创文字,应该加入新世界,于是特别赋予神性,将之变成永恒之神符文字,一个个、一行行、组成符文之阵,罗列进入新世界,演化成全新的指引和启迪。 „......” Sickly Beauty she saw, goes all out to bear the excitement in heart, for fear that own mood and thought that will destroy and affect allocation of this Divinity. “……”病美人她看见了,拼命忍住心中的激动,生怕自己的情绪和意念,会破坏和影响这种神性的赋予。 She is not the new world's control, the new world cannot have two or the two above control. 她不是新世界的主宰,新世界也不能有两位两位以上的主宰。 Therefore, is not only she, everyone's Will cannot be involved. 所以,不仅是她,所有人的意志都不能涉入其中。 In the Yue Yang control process, they can only observe calmly. 岳阳掌控过程中,她们只能静观。 Silently support. 默默支持。 Yue Yang not homemade, although his present wisdom can definitely easily achieve, but he does not have, but is the choice gives Divinity the new writing that everyone research comes out together, again by own eternal Divine Power and Supreme Will, turns into the direction and Light of Wisdom of new world these writing. If the Nangong sage and Old Fox of participation research and development they knew these fortunately, does not know should happy. Especially White Robed Elder mountains and rivers, because initially mouth many cheap, had been punched by the Yue Yang violent, instead becomes of he Heavenspan Tower celebrities, at god article research and development, there is a big merit. 岳阳没有自创,虽然他现在的智慧完全可以轻易达成,但他没有,而是选择将大家一起研究出来的新文字赋予神性,再以自己的永恒神力至尊意志,将这些文字变成新世界的指引和智慧之光。假如有幸参与研发的南宫贤者、老狐狸他们知道了这些,也不知该有多高兴。尤其是白袍哥山河,当初因为口多身贱,被岳阳暴揍过一顿,反成通天塔名人之一的他,在神文研发上,也有不小功劳。 The reason is the Nangong sage looked that his knowledge is excellent, especially language Inherent Skill is splendid, in line with does not waste talent's heart, lets initially Qin Yang, writing who Yumo and to congratulate Ziyun and the others he as well as Yue Yang sent to learn the Devil Abyss language, reorganizes the material together, the wholly-absorbed research and development, the tacit understanding coordinates Yue Yang and Sickly Beauty their creation, has substitutes the new god article birth of Heaven Realm Rune today. 原因是南宫贤者看他学识过人,尤其语言天赋出色,本着不浪费人才之心,让他以及岳阳当初派去学习魔渊语的秦扬、文雨墨和贺子云等人,一起整理资料,专心研发,默契配合岳阳病美人她们的创造,才有今天替代天界符文的新神文诞生。 The new world no longer the freedom like before entered, must be is approved Heaven Realm warrior, or was approved Heavenspan Tower warrior, either was the Yue Yang follower and descendant, was qualified for tempered , to promote. 新世界不再像以前那样自由进入,必须是获得认可的天界武者,或者是获得认可的通天塔武者,又或者是岳阳的追随者及其后代,才有资格进入其中磨炼,提升。 All belong to Yue Yang's Will. 一切归于岳阳的意志 Including life and death. 包括生死。 Brand-new Human Valley will be similar Seventh Pass Human Valley such, is unable easily to slaughter, the fight must in selecting tactics under carries out. 全新的‘人谷’将类同第七关人谷那样,无法轻易杀戮,战斗必须在挑战法则下执行。 Start as Divine Grimoire new world, First Pass, originally Rain Valley now Human Valley the change, is completely sky and the earth turning upside down the everywhere change. 作为神典新世界的开始,第一关,原来‘雨谷’如今‘人谷’的变化,完全是翻天覆地又无处不在的改变。 When Resting Rain Pavilion is born, when tosses into Void(Xu Kong) Count of the Rain to return, he has not recognized this to imprison several tens of thousands of years of Rain Valley completely: This, this, how do you achieve?” 歇雨亭重新诞生,当抛入虚空雨伯重归,他已经完全不认得这个禁锢了数万年的雨谷了:“这,这,你是怎么做到的?” Yue Yang Idol, in his front, because created the new world, consumes him who innumerable Divine Power saved the excess power and virtue, dignified Divine Body has exceeded three kilometers. Yue Yang bends down, the god hand grasps gently, the imprisoned principle and disciplinary punishment principle of light smoke Count of the Rain body eliminates, but to return, Yue Yang power and virtue Divine Body broken, at least was absorbed 10% by Ancient Code loudly, makes Count of the Rain gain the genuine freedom. 岳阳神像,就在他的面前,因为创造了新世界,消耗了无数神力又积蓄超量威德的他,威严神躯已经超过了三千米。岳阳俯下身子,神手轻轻一抓,雨伯身上的禁锢法则和惩戒法则轻烟般消去,但为了清还,岳阳的威德神躯轰然破碎,最少远古法则吸取十分之一,才让雨伯获得真正的自由。 Extricated, you were laborious.” Yue Yang salutes to this senior slightly. “解脱了,您老辛苦了。”岳阳向这位前辈微微致敬。 Does not dare, does not dare.” When the Count of the Rain present attitude like did not see initially Yue Yang overcomes an obstacle, he hurries to return a courtesy to Yue Yang, is not only the huge gracious gift of extrication, will also have from the bottom of the heart to the awe of future Sacred Supreme. “不敢,不敢。”雨伯现在的态度可不像当初看见岳阳闯关时那样,他赶紧向岳阳回礼,不仅仅是解脱的巨大恩赐,而且还有打心底对未来神圣至尊的敬畏。 If you want, can continue to stay here, makes teacher.” Yue Yang thought that Count of the Rain makes teacher of new world is very qualified. “要是您老愿意的话,可以继续留在这里,做个导师。”岳阳觉得雨伯做个新世界的导师是非常合格的。 If she also wants......” the Count of the Rain great happiness, but also hopes Grandmother Sha and Count of the Wind can the retrieval freedom like oneself. “如果她也愿意……”雨伯大喜,但也希望沙婆婆风伯能够像自己这样重获自由。 Grandmother Sha and Count of the Wind will come, since here, has been the start of new world tempering, will be very lively, future later generation cultivation, will depend entirely on the direction of your seniors.” Yue Yang gets the answer, vanishes instantaneously. Count of the Rain at this time, has had tears streaming down the face, free, he thinks that own this is unable to obtain for a lifetime freely, has not thought, oneself have retrieval free one day . Moreover, Grandmother Sha they accompany. 沙婆婆风伯都会来的,以来这里,是新世界磨炼的开始,会很热闹,未来的后辈修行,全靠你们这些前辈的指引了。”岳阳得到答案,瞬间消失。雨伯此时,早已泪流满面,自由,他以为自己这一辈子也无法获得自由了,万万没想到,自己还有重获自由的一天,而且,还有沙婆婆她们相伴。 „The new world, I will certainly treasure every day here.” Count of the Rain salutes to the direction that Yue Yang vanishes with emotion. “新世界,我一定会珍惜在这里的每一天。”雨伯感动地向岳阳消失的方向致敬。 Your this Old Ghost is also living!” Back, has tens of thousands years have not heard the hateful sound to resound, Count of the Rain turns head suddenly, looks, the discovery is Count of the Wind that enemy, he throws, closely supports with Count of the Wind that have tears streaming down the face: I certainly will live am longer than you, making you envy my happiness for a lifetime, making you breathe continually cannot close the eye......” “你这个老鬼还活着啊!”背后,有个几万年不曾听过的可恶声音响起,雨伯猛然回头,一看,发现是风伯那个对头,他扑上去,与同样泪流满面的风伯紧紧相拥:“我一定会活得比你久,让你一辈子都嫉妒我的幸福,让你连咽气也闭不上眼睛……” two old fellow cries loudly, although as the old enemy, but several tens of thousands of years do not see, they support at this time, only then a feeling, the freedom is world, the myriad things are difficult to trade. 两个老家伙放声大哭,虽然身为宿敌,但数万年不见,他们此时相拥,只有一种感觉,自由乃世间之最,万物难换。 Feeling of leisurely, really good! 自由自在的感觉,真好! How many years, are little child? Also cries that coarse!” Grandmother Sha is red the eye, when does not know, arrived at side them. “都几岁了,还是小孩子吗?还哭得那么难听!”沙婆婆红着眼睛,不知何时,来到了他们身边。 wā wā......” the two Old Ghost whole body shivers. 哇哇……”两个老鬼浑身颤抖。 Looked, is really in the dream the person returns. 一看,真是梦中之人回归。 Immediately feels sad time of fresh, in the heart both happy and sad, cannot ban, cries loudly, tears like flood. 顿时心酸倍生,心中既喜又悲,更是禁制不住,放声大哭,泪如滂沱。 Similar Heavenspan Tower such construction, attacks Heavenly Vault, there, will be entire new world First Pass ‚after Human Valley experience will complete, Second Pass passage that can the certificate enter, will be another new world of subordinate promotion Earth Valley, will have Heaven Valley high...... 类似通天塔那样的建筑,直插天穹,在那里,将是整个新世界第一关的‘人谷历练完成后,可以凭证进入的第二关通道,也是下级提升的另一个新世界‘地谷’,更高还有‘天谷’…… Before having passes through the knowledge, after having passes through the inheritance, has Heaven Realm to travel obtained and individual cultivates comprehend alone, set people wisdom and Eastern Race silent secret, Yue Yang launches infinite Divine Power, by galaxy endless wisdom, perfect and perfect each pass/test of entire new world. First Pass Human Valley, starts merely, is higher, with a higher direction, will let the follower and later generation, obtains a better growth, in finally, Yue Yang even there is still one comes for all living things to live in World Tree Realm of Gods that in Endless World creates. 拥有穿越前的知识,拥有穿越后的传承,拥有天界游历所得和个人独修参悟,集合众人智慧东方一族无声无息的秘传,岳阳展开无穷神力,以星河般的无尽智慧,完善和完美着整个新世界的每一关。第一关人谷,仅仅是开始,更高的,和更高的指引,将会让追随者和后人,获得更多更好的成长,在最后,岳阳甚至还有一个无尽世界里创造来的世界树众神之界来供众生居住。 The new world, is all living things new start. 新世界,将是众生新的开始。 Also is Yue Yang establishes does not extinguish Divine Body to set up the start of sacred power and virtue, starts from First Pass Human Valley, Earth Valley and Heaven Valley are the Divine Realm following cultivation. 也是岳阳建立不灭神躯树立神圣威德的开始,自第一关人谷开始,地谷天谷神境以下的修炼。 Sentiment Valley that’ is transformed by original Desire Valley, will wash the contamination, sheds to turn into the brand-new Divine Realm cultivation test, not unique, will step Divine Tier forever, in the Yue Yang new world, without Heaven Realm so-called True God False God, only then one type, that can achieve has Divine Throne standard Deity in the future, but originally Beast Valley and Devil Valley, transforms as is difficult, higher standard to break completely True Illusions and Illusion Reality Death Valley similarly and Life Valley. 由原来欲谷转换的‘情谷’,将一洗污秽,褪变成全新的神境修炼考验,不超脱者,将永远迈不过神阶,在岳阳的新世界里,没有天界所谓的真神伪神,只有一种,那就是可以在未来达到拥有神座标准的‘神人’,而原来兽谷魔谷,也同样转化为更难、更高标准必须破尽虚幻之真实真实之虚幻的‘死谷’、‘生谷’。 You can leave, can make a fresh start, I will not acknowledge standard that you achieved, will not care about your original failure, if you want intent to open, can get rid immediately, is willing to stay behind, then must start from First Pass, all will make a fresh start.” “你们可以离开,也可以重新开始,我不会承认你们原来达到的标准,也不会在乎你原来的失败,你们如果愿意意开,可以立即摆脱过去,愿意留下,那么必须自第一关开始,一切将重新开始。” Yue Yang all not good destroys entirely. 岳阳将一切不好的统统毁去。 Good staying behind. 好的留下。 And is stranded in the desires, beasts and demon three valleys innumerable warrior, he made a choice direction, goes or remains. 其中困在欲、兽、魔三谷的无数武者,他作出了一个选择方向,去或留。 But originally Seventh Pass Human Valley, its change, is unable to explain, various principles and various transformations make the whole world glow a new, brand-new order and brand-new principle, will be suitable for the Divine Tier life and cultivation......, because Yue Yang are most in this valley comprehend , the sensibility is deepest, Yue Yang specially Tower Beyond The Tower, Mountain Beyond the Mountain as well as Heaven Beyond Heaven is linked to each other entirely, passes through by passage of god, names Valley of Creation. 而原来第七关人谷,其变化,更是无法言喻,各种法则和各种改造让整个世界焕发一新,全新的秩序和全新的法则,将适宜神阶生活和修炼……因为岳阳在此谷参悟最多,也感悟最深,岳阳特意将楼外楼山外山以及天外天统统连在一起,以神之通道贯穿其中,命名‘创造之谷’。 On, is the comprehend cultivation destruction Valley of Destruction. 更上,是参悟修炼毁灭的‘毁灭之谷’。 Ninth Pass must comprehend this my eternal Divine Tier be able to be involved with the Divine Tier world, Valley of Eternity. 第九关则是必须参悟本我永恒的神阶才能涉足其中的神阶世界,‘永恒之谷’。 Only then cultivates finally, is the end point, is achieved Sacred Supreme standard after Yue Yang first in World Tree Realm of Gods that’ in Endless World creates, the cultivation achieves limit, may enter, with the Yue Yang follower together, shares the world of eternal endless and wonderful infinite and happy boundless god! 只有修炼到最后,才是终点,由岳阳达到神圣至尊标准后第一个在无尽世界里创造的‘世界树众神之界’,修炼达到极限者,可进入其中,与岳阳的追随者一起,共享永恒无尽、美妙无穷、幸福无边的神之世界! Wants, we are willing to start......” in original Human Valley person, is the Mountain Beyond the Mountain Divine Country resident, even slumber in Heaven Beyond Heaven these so-called True God, is willing to accept the creation principle of Yue Yang, makes a fresh start. “愿意,我们愿意重新开始……”无论是原来人谷中人,还是山外山神国居民,甚至沉眠天外天的那些所谓真神,也愿意接受岳阳的创造法则,重新开始。 Only has Devil Venerable Kai Tian, after Yue Yang extricates its imprisonment, the prestige can presently, leave greatly. 只有开天魔尊,在岳阳解脱其禁锢后,威能大现,自行离开。 As for these once by the life that Yue Yang eliminated. 至于那些曾经被岳阳消灭的生灵。 Also returns completely. 也全部清还。 Including by Yue Yang replace Ancient Code and Ancient Prohibitions, Endless World and constant space, many far exceeds Yue Yang at present the boundary principle and world constitutes, perhaps these need Yue Yang by Divine Power by the substitution or the compensation, the entire process, 100 million years , the entire Ancient Code replace process, the time as if inundate looks unable with the digit to describe simply, outside, the time often needs few, may be one second , when may be the Yue Yang breathing one breath. 包括由岳阳替代的远古法则远古禁锢,无尽世界和恒定空间,诸多远远超越岳阳目前境界的法则和世界构成,这些都需要岳阳神力以替代或者报偿,也许整个过程,有一亿年之久,整个远古法则的替换过程,时间似乎漫长得简直无法用数字形容,不过在外面,时间往往所需极少,有可能是一秒,也有可能是岳阳喘一口气之时。 Waits for all in Divine Grimoire, trillion principles as well as endless ancient times Will, were replaced by Yue Yang, control and control. 神典内的一切一切,亿万法则以及无尽的远古意志,被岳阳替换,掌控并且主宰。 Yue Yang finally achievement first eternal Divine Body. 岳阳终于成就了第一个‘永恒神躯’。 Completely becomes by purest Divine Power. 完全由最纯净的神力所成。 The complete power and virtue by training Divine Grimoire being transformed becomes, 10000 meters in height, the creations, destructions and eternal three Divinity, constituting the Yue Yang life in the boundary are most radiant at present dignifiedly does not extinguish Divine Body...... 试炼神典转化的全部威德所成,高10000米,创造、毁灭和永恒三种神性,构成了岳阳生命目前境界中最璀璨最威严的不灭神躯…… Waits for Yue Yang to open the eye, he discovered, Destiny Giant eternal Divine Body above that oneself have not been able to control completely vanishes to leave gradually. 岳阳睁开眼睛,他发现,自己还无法完全掌控的命运巨人永恒神躯的上面渐渐消失离开。 Its existence, gave Yue Yang clear standard.. 它的存在,给予了岳阳一个清晰的标准。。 Higher boundary. 还有更高境界。 Current eternal Divine Body starts merely, merely is current comprehend, must completely grasp Destiny Giant to achieve Sacred Supreme, but also needs to continue upward...... 目前的永恒神躯仅仅是开始,仅仅是目前的参悟,要完全掌握命运巨人达到神圣至尊,还需要继续往上…… thank you! I will try hard, continue to try hard!” Yue Yang joins the palms in greeting to the sky expresses best wishes silently, he knows, although oneself do not know the truth, but Sword Spirit Onee-san definitely helps bless itself in the back, without her, Destiny Giant will not appear, Eternal Divine Throne is unable to supply Divine Power with ease, was replaced Ancient Code and ancient times Will by oneself, she actually continuously, but she does not think to be proud, does not hope before oneself therefore stagnate the step not . 谢谢!我会努力,继续努力!”岳阳合掌向天空默默致意,他知道,尽管自己不知道真相,但剑灵御姐肯定在背后助佑自己,要是没有她,命运巨人不会出现,永恒神座也无法那么轻松供给神力,让自己替换远古法则和远古意志,她其实一直都在,但她不想自己骄傲,更不希望自己因此而滞步不前。 Why do you want to decide eternal Divine Body in 10,000 meters?” Princess Qianqian is somewhat puzzled, Yue Yang can definitely decide high it. “你为什么要把永恒神躯定在一万米?”茜茜公主有些不解,岳阳完全可以将它定得更高。 10,000 meters, are standard.” Yue Yang smiled: Did not need too high, at present 10,000 meters enough, I comprehend Divine Body secret, was unable to tell you at present, because you have not been able to control Divine Power completely, later, you evolved then it will be alright by this standard.” “一万米,是一个标准。”岳阳笑了:“不需要太高,目前一万米就够了,我已经参悟神躯秘密,目前不能告诉你们,因为你们还无法完全掌控神力,以后,你们都以这个标准演化就行。” It is estimated that I had no chance.” Bao'er her also a little self-knowledge, ten thousand meters Divine Body was not she can think. “估计我是没希望了。”宝儿她还有点自知之明,万米神躯可不是她能想的。 Does not need like this, so long as the comprehend boundary to standard, this Divine Body height were indifferent, you can change 10,000 meters, 100,000 meters, even high is higher, but that useless, if your boundary is one kilometer, you become again high actually are also one kilometer standard. Therefore , achieved that boundary standard to be OK, was not equal to all highly. Divine Body temporarily do not think, because you, once evolves, fixes very much easily, we must continue upward, does not evolve well, at present everyone first is basic of comprehend Divine Tier, the creation, destruction and eternal, when everyone came up, we think Divine Body again, as for Divine Throne, that is simple, we first upward, all do not use anxiously.” The Yue Yang so good patience, to handle gently rarely greatly is caressing the small head of Bao'er, the good words comfort, a reassuring medicine eats to the girl. “不需要这样,只要参悟的境界到了标准,这个神躯高低无所谓,你可以变化一万米,十万米,甚至更高更高,但那没用,假如你的境界是一千米,你变得再高其实也还是一千米的标准。所以说,达到那个境界的标准就可以了,高度不等于一切。神躯暂时不要想,因为你们一旦去演化,很容易就固定下来,我们还要继续往上,不演化最好,目前大家先是参悟神阶的基本,创造、毁灭和永恒,等大家都上来了,我们再想神躯,至于神座,那更是简单,我们先往上,一切都不用急。”岳阳难得如此好耐性,大手轻抚着宝儿的小脑袋,好言安慰,给小妮子一颗定心丸吃吃。 Got it, we continued to try hard!” Xue Wuxia thought that now is to attack the start of peak challenge fate, she never suspected that Yue Yang will be defeated. “明白了,我们继续努力吧!”雪无瑕觉得现在才是冲击巅峰挑战宿命的开始,她从不怀疑岳阳会失败。 Now how long?” Yue Yang in creating the new world and controlling in the Divine Grimoire process, had felt 100 million years were so long, naturally, he knows that is an misconception, outside world is not simply long. “现在过了多久?”岳阳在创造新世界和掌控神典的过程中,感觉过了一亿年那么久,当然,他知道那是一个错觉,外面的世界根本没有那么久。 „Do you guess?” Luo Hua beauty blinks very much mischievously. “你猜?”落花美人很调皮地眨眼。 „, Isn't three hours?” Yue Yang felt oneself are an intelligent talent, the time should not be long is right. “啊,不会是三小时吧?”岳阳觉得自己是个聪明的天才,时间应该不会太久才对。 „To result in beautiful you, now passes for three days! To surpass Mother that is not possible!” Princess Qianqian refers to the record that no one may break, since has entered the Endless World challenge, first can successfully go through customs by three hours, because the saluting senior stops over for three days Mother. “想得美啊你,现在都过三天啦!想超过妈妈那是不可能的!”茜茜公主指的是那个无人可破的纪录,进入无尽世界挑战以来,第一个以三小时就能成功通关,因为致敬前辈才逗留三天的‘妈妈’。 That is not bad, caught up with Mother quickly.” Student Yue Yang is very satisfied. “那也不差,都快赶上妈妈了。”岳阳同学很满足。 Does not know that is away from Hall Supreme Tian Yu, how many but also misses?” Heavenly Punishment attacks him intentionally, actually everyone felt, even if now cannot overthrow Tian Yu, it is estimated that will not collapse completely, Hall Supreme is Tian Yu so really good? Can having Divine Grimoire and replaces Ancient Code to create new world achievement eternal Divine Body Yue Yang to be defeated single-handedly? “不知道距离神殿至尊天御,还差多少呢?”天罚故意打击他,其实大家都感觉,现在就算打不倒天御,估计也不会一败涂地了,神殿至尊天御真的有那么牛?可以将拥有神典而且替换远古法则创造新世界独力成就永恒神躯岳阳打败? Fate Showdown, the balance definitely is almost balanced. 宿命对决,天平肯定是差不多平衡的。 Otherwise, cannot hit. 否则,根本打不起来。 Tied the Tian Yu ten thousand years to cultivate from Yue Yang remarkable growth speed gradually, can slightly know one or two. 岳阳的惊人成长速度渐渐追平了天御的万年修炼,就可以略知一二 Although starting running time of both sides is different, but runs fast also different, the surface seemed like Yue Yang to eat slightly to owe, but owed greatly has not eaten absolutely. 双方的起跑时间虽然不一样,但是跑速也不同,表面看起来岳阳是吃了点小亏,可是大亏绝对没吃。 According to the idea of Xue Wuxia, she also thought that not necessarily is such, Hall Supreme is Tian Yu, certainly the Yue Yang opponent? Can be Empress Fei Wenli your majesty opponent? if it were not for Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi recognizes is Yue Yang, is taken away Heaven Realm Guardian God Ancient there to probe by Devil Dragon, she will also suspect that is deeper. 按照雪无瑕的想法,她还觉得不一定是那样,神殿至尊天御,就一定是岳阳的对手吗?有没有可能是费雯丽女皇陛下的对手呢?要不是无双皇绝世认定是岳阳,又由魔龙带去天界守护神亘古那里试探过,她还会怀疑更深。 Divine Grimoire controlled to control finally, then, we must again in, on the one hand diligently?” Yue Yu most hopes that is can more help the younger brother. 神典终于主宰掌控了,接下来,我们要再在哪一方面努力呢?”岳雨最希望就是自己能够更多地帮助弟弟。 „Very important!” The Xue Wuxia expression is serious. “很重要!”雪无瑕的表情非常严肃。 Yes.” Yue Bing is very excited, she felt, so long as can help Elder Brother be good, controlled Divine Grimoire to create the new world like before, she does not dare to breathe atmosphere the breath, for fear that disturbed Elder Brother, now can help personally, in the heart was very happy. “是。”岳冰很激动,她觉得只要自己能够帮到哥哥就好,像之前掌控神典创造新世界,她可是连呼吸都不敢喘一口大气,生怕干扰到哥哥,现在能够亲手帮忙,心中甭提有多高兴了。 We must be the sparring partner, accompanies him to adapt to the fight of Divine Body . Moreover, but must let him in this final time, a sprint higher boundary, increases now every time, increases one point of odds of success! Listening, what idea regardless of you have, has what idea, that fears again difficultly, is impossible to realize well, must take completely, feels embarrassed Yue Yang...... right, you have not misunderstood, because by doing so, is genuine is good to him! Now he most needs is everyone's special training, any lax, may let his Fate Showdown failure, therefore, everyone must with a sense of urgency the final time, forcing him to erupt more bigger potentials......” the Xue Wuxia sound to be very light, but the meaning in words is very heavy is very heavy. “我们要做陪练,陪他适应神躯的战斗,而且,还要让他在这最后的时间里,冲刺更高的境界,现在每增加一点,就是增加一分胜算!听着,无论你们有什么样的想法,有什么点子,那怕再难,再不可能实现都好,都要全部拿出来,为难岳阳……对,你们没听错,因为这样做,才是真正的对他好!他现在最需要的就是大家的特训,任何松懈,都可能会让他的宿命对决失败,所以,大家要抓紧最后的时间,迫使他爆发更多更大的潜能……”雪无瑕的声音很轻,但话中的意思很重很重。 First, I first come!” Princess Qianqian has nothing hesitant, she also knows that the present time, compared with usually wants precious 1000 times of 10,000 times, one minute/share one second cannot waste. “第一个,我先来!”茜茜公主没有任何犹豫,她也知道现在的时间,比平时要珍贵一千倍一万倍,一分一秒也不能浪费。 Yue Yang and Tian Yu Fate Showdown, the bystander is unable to participate. 岳阳天御宿命对决,外人无法参与。 However, she will not give up, is unable to enter the war, was not equal to that is unable to help his helping hand! 但是,她不会放弃的,无法参战,不等于就无法助他一臂之力! Not is only this Tigress, here all people, are this thought that everyone hopes, with own both hands, haunches the balance of victory for him! 不仅是这个虎妞,在这里所有的人,都是这个意念,所有人都希望,用自己的双手,为他撑起胜利的天平!
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