LLS :: Volume #7

#1364: Together come, creates the miracle

Ok, said the proper business.” Creates a disturbance, Xue Wuxia claps to hint, everyone who lets the mind interlinked information sharing approaches, discussed Fate Showdown together. “好了,说正事。”打闹一番,雪无瑕拍手示意,让心灵相通信息共享的大家靠近过来,一起议论宿命对决 „Don't we go out temporarily? Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme 40,000 meters Divine Body, Protector of Dead Sea Supreme is the sixty thousand meter, Hall Supreme Tian Yu is perhaps better, these Old Ghost were too powerful, is not we can hit now!” Southern Border Demon King thought that the ranks of these boss are too high, if incautiously, will roll to extinguish, now does not brush. “我们暂时还是不出去吧?光明守护至尊四万米神躯,死海守护至尊更是有六万米,还有个神殿至尊天御恐怕更牛,这些老鬼太强大了,不是我们现在能打的!”南疆妖王觉得这些boss的等级太高,要是一不小心,就会团灭,现在根本刷不了。 Merely one hand over ten thousand meters Ancient, that is most fearful good.” The Heavenly Calamity young girl most likes talking back with her, although is in secret good, but they like doing against inborn, daily quarrelled, the mouth is not willing rich/forgive people. “还有个仅仅一只手就超过万米的‘亘古’呢,那个才是最可怕的好不好。”天灾小妞最喜欢和她顶嘴,虽然私底下挺好的,但她们俩天生就喜欢对着干,天天争吵,嘴巴一点儿也不肯饶人。 That is Heaven Realm Guardian God, is not boss that we must hit!” The Student Yue Yang perspiration dies. “那个是天界守护神,不是我们要打的boss啦!”岳阳同学汗死。 That is impossible to hit. 那个根本不可能打。 Ancient that likes having a long lazy sleep Sacred Supreme, only had not perhaps known what reason, has kept Heaven Realm watch over...... to look like existence of Ancient that rank is not not possible to participate in the following matter, Devil Dragon leads itself to go to his there, is a probe, is an authentication. Ancient looked, no matter, does not advise, proved the matter of own Fate Showdown has bright prospects. 爱睡懒觉的亘古恐怕早就神圣至尊了,只是不知什么原因,一直留在天界看护着……像亘古那种级别的存在也不可能参与下面的事,魔龙带自己去他那里,就是一种试探,也是一种认证。亘古看了不管,也不劝阻,证明自己宿命对决之事大有可为。 Otherwise, Devil Dragon muddled is not possible to lead itself to go to his there to pick a quarrel! 要不然,魔龙再糊涂也不可能带自己去他那里找碴! Princess Qianqian agrees with him rarely: Right, that does not need to manage, but, I most am worried instead was past seal Empress Fei Wenli that senior.” 茜茜公主难得同意他:“对,那个不用管,不过,我最担心的反而是当年封印费雯丽女皇的那位前辈。” Heavenly Punishment actually beckons with the hand: „The past matter was very complex, Empress Fei Wenli has not mentioned with us, should have such reason of doing, after all her slaughtering has achieved an extremely dangerous boundary, the protection and many Old Ghost Radiant Light Mountain of will not sit by and do nothing. Perhaps Black Hole Seal is a protection, perhaps is one type thinks through a matter intentionally for the rigid testing, no one knows that concrete truth, we first assumed that matter positive/direct, does not use too pessimistically. The Empress Fei Wenli matter, cannot attend to temporarily, she does not need us to meddle, we first manage well ourselves and Yue Boy Fate Showdown.” 天罚却摆摆手:“当年的事情很复杂,费雯丽女皇也没有跟我们提起,应该有那样做的原因,毕竟她的杀戮已经达到了一个极其危险的境界,光明山的守护和诸多老鬼们不会坐视不管的。也许黑洞封印本身就是一种保护,也许是一种用心良苦故意为之的严格考验,谁也不知道具体的真相,我们先假定事情是正面的,不用太悲观。费雯丽女皇的事,暂时顾不上,她也不需要我们插手,我们先管好自己和岳小子宿命对决。” Her view obtained most people's approval, Yue Yang, hurries to put out a hand to give this Heavenly Punishment little girl to praise. 她的说法得到了大多数人的认可,就连岳阳,也赶紧伸手给这位天罚妞一个赞。 Empress Fei Wenli does not need to manage. 费雯丽女皇不用管。 Restricts Supreme Master Motionless your majesty in Mirage, can drop temporarily. 海市蜃楼里制约不动至尊的陛下,也可以暂时放手。 Now, including Student Yue Yang, no one is capable of entering the dreamland , helping her helping hand. 现在,包括岳阳同学在内,没有人有能力进入梦境,助她一臂之力。 Your majesty will win, she never does the uncertain matter.” Yue Yu this good at understanding others Elder Sister also fears the younger brother to divert attention, the good words comfort him. “陛下会赢的,她从来不做无把握的事。”岳雨这个善解人意姐姐还怕弟弟分心,好言安慰他。 Has Night Empress to help her!” Only then Bao'er this mindless small girl will think that Night Empress defeats the important boost of Supreme Master Motionless, she did not say, everyone does not feel anything, so a saying smiled actually. “有夜后帮她呢!”只有宝儿这个没心没肺的小丫头才会觉得夜后是击败不动至尊的重要助力,她不说,大家不觉得什么,如此一说倒是笑开了。 I and you give everyone to carry the fruit tray, a young slave person is unbearably busy.” Xia Yi hurries to draw her to leave. “我和你去给大家端果盘吧,只有小奴一个人忙不过来的。”夏衣赶紧拉她离开。 I feel in any case am this, Night Empress is also very fierce, the previous time, she gives back to I very attractively very powerful star Elf War Beast! She defeats that Old Geezer surely not to have the issue.” Bao'er feels own convincing effort not too enough, but also wants to illustrate with examples, but made Xia Yi one carry off. The Night Empress strength is very powerful, everyone naturally knows fairly well, but must defeat Supreme Master Motionless to be a little difficult, after all that has Sacred Mountain Divine Throne and mind/energetic and Radiant Light Mountain relates Old Ghost of body. “反正我觉得是这样,夜后也是很厉害的,上次,她还给我一个很漂亮又很强大的星精灵战兽呢!她打败那个老头子肯定没问题的。”宝儿觉得自己的说服力度不太够,还想举例说明,不过让夏衣一下拉走了。夜后的实力很强大,大家自然心中有数,可是要打败不动至尊有点难,毕竟那是个拥有圣山神座而且精神光明山联系一体的老鬼 So long as were not flickered to kill. 只要不被瞬杀。 Then Radiant Light Mountain inexhaustible Divine Power, under guiding of Sacred Mountain Divine Throne, an unending stream will support Supreme Master Motionless. 那么光明山无穷无尽的神力,就会在圣山神座的导引下,源源不断地支援不动至尊 Supreme Master Motionless can other strong Ranker keep pace with Tian Yu in Upper Heaven Realm, has the reason of showing disdain for the world. Pitifully only he met the most formidable opponent, your majesty who may be called Nemesis. 不动至尊天上界能与天御等超强强者并驾齐驱,自有傲视天下的理由。只可惜他遇上了最可怕的对手,一个堪称克星的陛下。 Your majesty dreamland , without the thing may break, being better than Tian Yu still does not dare to despise...... Supreme Master Motionless this time is to hit the sheet iron absolutely. 陛下梦境,无物可破,强如天御尚不敢轻视……不动至尊这次绝对是撞到铁板了。 Moreover this does not remove Tian Yu to have the meaning of killing with a borrowed sword. 而且这不排除天御借刀杀人之意。 Especially he performance before time square. 尤其他在时间广场前的表现。 Makes Yue Yang suspect. 更让岳阳怀疑。 Good, we do not go to think that your majesty matter, perhaps, Supreme Master Motionless really dies in the Night Empress hand finally, do not forget the skill of Bao'er that small girl, the mouth are usually unsure, but puts in order one is very accurate sometimes at will, otherwise, how to call the lucky little darling!” Xue Wuxia maintains one with a smile. “好啦,我们也不去想陛下的事,说不定,不动至尊最后真死在夜后手中,你们别忘了宝儿那个小丫头的本事,嘴巴平时没谱,但有时随意整来一句还是挺准的,要不然,怎么叫幸运小宝宝呢!”雪无瑕笑着维护一句。 Must really be such, that motionless Old Ghost was too unlucky!” City Lord Luo Hua hearing this is greatly happy, smiles the fragrant shoulder to shrug the flowering branch to shiver all over, finally more wants to be funnier, cannot bear smile to pour in the Yue Yang bosom. “要真是那样,那不动老鬼就太倒霉了!”落花城主闻言大乐,直笑得香肩耸动花枝乱颤,最后越想越逗,忍不住笑倒在岳阳怀里。 That is impossible!” Princess Qianqian shakes the head saying: „Can the small mouth of Bao'er have that skill? She usually bumps into, because anything can think, hit 1-2 great luck. Good, other we first did not discuss, the combat capability improvement of some Third Young Master is the important important matter, do not look around to play the fool, said is you! Protector of Dead Sea has Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, exchanges one, but Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme, we must face, even if Devil Dragon is still in addition useless, you have thought a fearful possibility, Devil Dragon he is very likely to be forced to stay out finally, because, he is not our Heavenspan Tower person. If Tian Yu once opens decides Fate Showdown, perhaps Devil Dragon must stand beyond the appearance, cannot help.” “那不可能!”茜茜公主摇头道:“宝儿的小嘴巴能有那本事?她平时是误打误撞,因为什么都敢想,才撞中了1-2大运。好啦,别的我们先不讨论,把某三少的战力提升上来才是要紧大事,别东张西望装傻了,说的就是你!死海守护无双皇绝世,兑去一子,但光明守护至尊,我们必须面对,就算加上魔龙也没用,你们有没有想过一个可怕的可能,魔龙他最后极有可能被迫置身事外,因为,他不是我们通天塔的人。假如天御一旦开决宿命对决的话,魔龙说不定得站到场外去,帮不上忙。” „Does a that Master person want to fighting Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme and Hall Supreme Tian Yu two?” Liu Ye when heard worried. “那岂不是师父一个人要对战光明守护至尊神殿至尊天御两个?”柳叶一听就着急了。 We!” Sickly Beauty hurries to comfort her. “还有我们呢!”病美人赶紧安慰她。 Un, I will also try hard!” Young Miss Yue Bing knows that Divine Tier cannot be victorious, but she will not give up, is determined to help Elder Brother put together the limit. “嗯,我也会努力的!”岳冰小姑娘知道神阶自己打不过,但她不会放弃,决意帮哥哥拼到生命极限。 Bing'er should not be anxious, we first try to find the solution, perhaps, we can in other aspect, display bigger power.” Yue Yu holds in the arms Little Sister, her words also represented everyone's aspiration. 冰儿别急,我们先想好办法,也许,我们可以在别的方面,发挥更大的力量。”岳雨搂住妹妹,她的话也代表了大家的心声。 You have Book of Truth, accepted the inheritance of Goddess of Wisdom, definitely has the means that you.” Princess Qianqian gives Xue Wuxia this heavy responsibility. “你拥有真相之书,又接受了智慧女神的传承,肯定有办法的,你来说。”茜茜公主将这个重任交给雪无瑕 How do we want to do?” Suddenly, everyone approaches, Yue Yang is no exception. “我们到底要怎么做呢?”一时间,所有人都凑近过来,就连岳阳也不例外。 Xue Wuxia did not speak. 雪无瑕不说话。 finger. 手指 Actually points to Goddess of Liberty. 却直指自由女神 Is promoted Goddess of Liberty Ying Luo by Liberty Queen, what happened in her body, everyone is certainly clear, can use that method? Ying Luo sees everyone to focus attention on itself . Moreover the vision has different, shames shamefully, covers the face by the delicate hands, is immersed in the chest front, does not dare to look at everyone one eyes again. if it were not for hopes oneself can help Yue Yang helping hand, she shamed the blushing difficult restricted area to escape early. 自由女王晋升自由女神璎珞,在她身上发生了什么事,大家当然一清二楚,难道要用那个方法?璎珞看见大家注目自己,而且目光有异,不由羞得无地自容,以纤手掩面,埋首胸前,可不敢再看大家一眼。要不是希望自己能助岳阳一臂之力,她早羞赧难禁地逃跑了。 On the Yue Yu face also has floats crimson lives, but her status Elder Sister, how possibly...... 岳雨脸上也有绯红浮生,她的身份可是姐姐,怎么可能…… But younger brother and Tian Yu soon Fate Showdown. 可是弟弟与天御即将宿命对决 If by some chance minuss own boost to be defeated, oneself person condemned for all time? But even such, cannot like this, act unreasonably, if makes the bystander know that ended, no, oneself cannot affect the Little San reputation, he will be Sacred Supreme of future impressive and dignified manner world, will not be absolutely good! 万一少掉自己的助力而失败,那自己岂不是千古罪人?但就算是那样,也不能这样,太乱来了,要是让外人知道,那就完了,不,自己也不能影响小三的名声,他可是未来威仪天下的神圣至尊,绝对不行! In the heart the hope can help younger brother power but by the secular idea restraint, but torture Elder Sister, really does not know oneself should be what to do good. 心中希望能助弟弟一份力量但又被世俗理念约束而折磨姐姐,真不知自己该怎么办才好。 However, if to dangerously the most critical time. 不过,假如到了最危险最危急的时候。 That feared that sacrificed itself, wanted...... 那怕是牺牲自己,也一定要…… Wanted that quickly? I did not have mentally prepared!” Heavenly Calamity felt oneself asked him to be the brother-in-law freely spoken, blackmailed Artifact, will be satisfied, but made that is very as if comfortable, Elder Sister Heavenly Punishment most liked with his, tried not to go bad probably, if felt that was so good, helping his slightly busy not have the issue, as for name, but also asked the brother-in-law to consider as finished, was disinclined to change a statement. “这么快就要那个了吗?我还没有心理准备啊!”天灾觉得自己还是叫他做姐夫顺口一点,敲诈起宝物,也会心安理得一些,可是做那个似乎很舒服,天罚姐姐最喜欢和他那个了,试试好像也不坏,要是感觉真的那么好,帮他个小忙也没问题,至于称呼嘛,还叫姐夫算了,懒得改口。 idiot, you are thinking anything all day!” Heavenly Punishment be angry hit a slap on her small butt: She refers to Divine Throne, silly little girl!” 笨蛋,你整天都在想什么啊!”天罚生气地在她的小屁股上打了一巴掌:“她指的是神座啦,傻妞!” Says Divine Throne?” Heavenly Calamity is surprised to nip the small finger: Isn't pā pā pā?” “是说神座吗?”天灾惊讶得咬起小指头:“不是啪啪啪?” pā pā pā pā , Heavenly Punishment made an effort the fan on her small buttocks more than ten, frightened this young girl to hurry to crawl to escape, waits to escape the distant place, turn head made Ghost Face mischievously. This noun is she listens secretly, when boy from another world and Sir Elder Sister do shames the bashful matter, often some dialogues of being revolting to the ear, listened several, learned, grew many postures. 啪啪啪啪,天罚在她的小屁屁上用力地扇了十几下,吓得这个小妞赶紧爬起来逃跑,等逃跑到远处,又回头调皮地做一个鬼脸。这个名词是她偷听来的,穿越男姐姐大人做羞羞的事情时,经常有些不堪入耳的对话,听了几回,也就学到了很多,长了不少姿势。 Heavenly Punishment shrugged very much weak: Was I spoils her!” 天罚很无力地摊了摊手:“都是我把她宠坏了!” After Heavenly Calamity this misunderstanding, everyone awkward disappears immediately greatly, but was banned the word Student Yue Yang not to need to play the fool finally, hurries to jump: „The issue about Divine Throne, is actually very simple.” His words have not said, Princess Qianqian a fist strikes to fly immediately: „The Divine Throne thing did not need you saying that so long as you all kinds thing in the heart removed then it will be alright.” 经过天灾这一误会,大家的尴尬顿时大消,而被禁言的岳阳同学终于也不用装傻,赶紧跳起来:“关于神座的问题,其实很简单。”他的话还没说完,茜茜公主马上一拳头打飞:“神座的东西不用你说,你只要把心中色色的东西去掉就行了。” Everyone laughs. 大家哄笑起来。 Because of the mind interlinked relations, some boy from another world psychology fluctuate is very intense, everyone can neglect luckily, otherwise all day including is inducing is inappropriate. 因为心灵相通的关系,穿越男有些心理波动很强烈,幸好大家可以忽略,要不然整天连着感应让人受不了。 „?” Yue Bing appears to understand but not really understand looks at everyone, because a certain wolf is good Elder Brother, conceals very well before Little Sister, therefore she almost cannot induce the special psychological fluctuation of Elder Brother, even lives together, still seldom can be influenced by what one sees and hears certain harmful information, in comparison, her Elder Sister Yu is quite painful. “?”岳冰似懂非懂地看着大家,因为某狼是位好哥哥,在妹妹前掩饰得很好,所以她几乎感应不到哥哥的特殊心理波动,就算共同生活,也很少能耳濡目染到某些不良信息,相比之下,她的雨姐比较痛苦。 What originally said is Divine Throne......” Liu Ye in bashful blushing, at the same time of relaxing, lives a faint trace to be disappointed in the heart deep place, but she has a scare, hurries to depress. “原来说的是神座……”柳叶在羞赧中,松了一口气的同时,又在内心深处生起一丝丝失望,不过她自己吓了一跳,赶紧压下。 Yue Yang helped Goddess of Liberty continue the body, achievement Liberty Divine Throne. 岳阳自由女神续了身体,又成就自由神座 The process, everyone has the induction, does not need to say also understands, but why does Xue Wuxia assign the key of improvement is Divine Throne? 过程,大家有感应,不需要多说也明白,但雪无瑕为什么指定提升的关键是神座呢? Wants Yue Yang to help everyone everyone achievement Divine Throne? If such, does require a lot of time? Dongfang ten days of periods in four days, but also with enough time? 难道要岳阳帮大家每人都成就一个神座吗?要是那样,岂不是需要很多时间?东方的十天之期过了四天,还来得及吗? The Xue Wuxia white hands jogging, expressed that is not that a matter. 雪无瑕玉手轻摇,表示不是那么回事。 When Yue Yang also sits to listen respectfully properly, Xue Wuxia shows a faint smile saying: If behind also has two Divine Throne, then Eternal Divine Throne, is the foundation that Yue Yang he grasps now. We first do not think that behind two Divine Throne, can say, that is not he can have with the achievement now. Like this why said? Yue Yang his future, is not Divine Throne, but is Sacred Supreme, even above Sacred Supreme. We until now, limit Divine Throne here, if transforms the thought slightly, what Divine Throne we do not need to help his achievement, but in this Divine Throne basic point, at present Eternal Divine Throne this new beginning, for his achievement boundary class did not extinguish Divine Body to be OK!” 岳阳也正正经经地坐下来聆听,雪无瑕才微微一笑道:“假如后面还有两个神座,那么永恒神座,就是岳阳他现在掌握的基础。我们先不要想后面两个神座,可以说,那不是他现在就能拥有和成就的。为什么这样说?岳阳他的未来,根本就不是什么神座,而是一个神圣至尊,甚至神圣至尊以上。我们一直以来,都局限在神座这里,若是稍微转换一下思想,我们不需要助他成就一个什么样的神座,而是在这个神座的基点,在目前永恒神座这一个新起点,替他成就这个境界这个阶层的不灭神躯就可以了!” Yue Yang gawked, what is this? 岳阳楞了,这是什么意思? Divine Throne that the meaning of Snow Girl, Eternal Divine Throne only uses temporarily, later is better? 雪妞的意思,永恒神座只是暂时使用的一个神座,以后还有更好的? Sees look that Yue Yang inquires, seeing everyone's confusing, Xue Wuxia to smile: Actually three Divine Envoy sisters, I was a little clear , their first enlightens Yue Yang, first for his achievement Divine Throne. They teach Yue Yang anything are eternal, is eternal, is the foundation, will be in the future all basic points of various achievements. Why this is Yue Yang his Divine Throne can be Eternal Divine Throne, he founds , is not only at present this boundary and this little thing, he must continue upwardly, founds the new world in the high-level high spot, for example present Grimoire World, is accompanies him to grow together, now Yue Yang's growth is still continuing, naturally cannot definite and fixed Divine Throne, as for another Sacred Grimoire, I cannot say temporarily too, can only say, Yue Yang he will certainly have his destiny direction, the nature moves toward high...... before completely controls the destiny, Yue Yang third Divine Throne I want not to evolve. Also cannot evolve, that request is higher, is higher. When one day, Yue Yang with the support of Eternal Divine Throne, founded the new world, controlled own destiny completely, attacks third Divine Throne is not late with our support again.” 看见岳阳探询的眼神,看见大家的迷惑,雪无瑕笑了:“其实三神使姐妹一出,我就有点明白了,果然,她们第一个启迪岳阳,第一个替他成就神座。她们教会岳阳什么是永恒,只有永恒,才是基础,才是未来各种成就的一切基点。这就是为什么岳阳他的神座会是永恒神座,他开创的不仅是目前这个境界和这一点点的东西,他还要继续向上,在更高层更高点开创新世界,比如现在的宝典世界,就是伴他一起成长的,现在岳阳的成长还在继续,自然就不能确定和固定神座了,至于另一本神圣宝典,暂时我不能说太多,只能说,岳阳他一定会有他的命运指向,自然走向更高……在完全掌握自己命运之前,岳阳第三神座我想不会演化也不能演化,那个要求更高,更高。等到有一天,岳阳永恒神座的支持下,开创了自己新世界,完全掌控了自己的命运,再在我们的支持下冲击第三神座不迟。” Princess Qianqian listened, deeply inspires, in the pupil wisdom-radiance flashes: Got it, then we in Eternal Divine Throne this foundation, what can help him make? I meant how to help him complete one to defeat Tian Yu won the war of fate does not extinguish Divine Body?” 茜茜公主听了,深深地吸了一口气,眸中慧光闪动:“明白了,那么我们在永恒神座这个基础上,能帮他做点什么呢?我是说如何助他完成一个可以击败天御赢得宿命之战的不灭神躯?” Is difficult, is easy.” Xue Wuxia hands over to Yue Yang training Divine Grimoire, smiling say/way: Controls Divine Grimoire, does not extinguish Divine Body where water flows, a canal is formed.” “非常难,也非常容易。”雪无瑕试炼神典岳阳递上,笑意盈盈道:“掌控神典,不灭神躯水到渠成。” Heaven, how long this wants!” Yue Yang thorough shock. “老天,这要多久啊!”岳阳彻底震惊了。 Perhaps does not take one day, perhaps takes 10,000 years, if you can recall that you in Endless World in constant space creation wisdom, training Divine Grimoire will be very easy to transform, will belong to your control completely, if you cannot achieve that condition, let alone 10,000 years, 100,000 years, 1 million years not necessarily will be sufficient.” Xue Wuxia both hands hold the face of Yue Yang, the bright eyes exceptionally are staring at his eye seriously: Listening, in my heart most outstanding son. I believe you, peerless talent that because, you are really one ten thousand years, you are even outstanding compared with Prison Sovereign Zhan Feng and Empress Fei Wenli Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, no one can deny, you are a genuine Jue Shi (peerless) unparalleled talent, you are also the choice of destiny...... this Quest, is impossible to complete regarding world anybody, only then you, only then you can. We will support you , helping you full power. If, you do not think that our one by one turns into the desperate widow, then you must act now. You hesitate again slightly, Hall Supreme Tian Yu will snatch in your front, exceeds you, we started slowly, so long as diligently, we also had the opportunity...... for us, please must redouble one's efforts.” “也许不需要一天,也许需要一万年,你若能回想起你在无尽世界在恒定空间创造的智慧,试炼神典很容易就会转化,完全归属你的掌控,假如你不能达到那种状态,别说一万年,十万年,一百万年也不一定够用。”雪无瑕双手捧着岳阳的脸,明眸异常严肃地凝视着他的眼睛:“听着,我心中最优秀的男儿。我相信你,因为,你真是一个万年不出的绝世天才,你比起狱皇战风费雯丽女皇甚至无双皇绝世还要出色,无人可以否认,你才是一个真正绝世无双的天才,你也是命运的选择……这个任务,对于世间任何人都不可能完成,只有你,只有你可以。我们会支持你,全力帮助你。假如,你不想我们一个个变成绝望的寡妇,那么你现在就要行动了。你再稍微犹豫,神殿至尊天御就会抢在你的前头,将你超越,我们起步慢了,但只要努力,我们还有机会……为了我们,请你一定要加倍努力。” I know am very difficult, but, we believe that you will create the miracle, our also meeting accompanies you together, created this miracle...... Xue Wuxia to kiss Yue Yang with you gently, through such way, was most sincere the most primitive intention her heart, transmitted to him. “我知道很难,但是,我们相信你会创造奇迹,我们也会伴你一起,和你一起创造这个奇迹……”雪无瑕轻轻地吻上了岳阳,通过这样的方式,将她心中最真诚最原始的心意,传递给他。 Little San, I and we support you!” Yue Yu has tears streaming down the face to support from the back, closely hugs the younger brother who in the heart most is loving. 小三,我、我们支持你!”岳雨泪流满面地自背后拥上来,紧紧地抱着心中最疼爱的弟弟。 Together come, creates the miracle......” Princess Qianqian to put out a hand, according to Yue Yang's shoulder, everyone stood, simultaneously puts out a hand, although does not know how should do, but their intentions completely in his body, regardless of pays what price, put in the what kind sacrifice, they hope, can at his pilgrimage, aid boost. “一起来,创造奇迹……”茜茜公主伸出手,按在岳阳的肩膀上,所有人都站了起来,齐齐伸手,虽然不知道该怎么做,但她们的心意全部在他的身上,无论付出什么代价,付出何种牺牲,她们都希望,能够在他的人生旅途上,援助一把助力。 The success, must help him succeed, controls Divine Grimoire, the achievement does not extinguish Divine Body eternal! 成功,一定要助他成功,掌控神典,成就永恒不灭之神躯 The excited tears drop sprinkles. 激动的泪水滴洒下来。 Has, the drop sprinkles in the shoulder of Yue Yang, has, the broken jade, splashes down on training Grimoire in Yue Yang bosom. 有的,滴洒在岳阳的肩头,有的,碎玉般,溅落岳阳怀中的试炼宝典上。 Yue Yang feels these heat flow thoughts, the innermost feelings is imitating like Tsunami rushes, is excited is hard to control self, prepares to face upward the call when him, is dispersed emotion that oneself are unable to constrain again, suddenly in the deep place of soul, had a heavenly sound clear to resound, as this overlap was more wonderful much heavenly sound to sound, Yue Yang mind bang, as if broke through some barrier. 岳阳感受着这一股股热流般的意念,内心仿如海啸般澎湃,激动得难以自禁,就在他准备仰天呐喊,渲泄自己再也无法压抑的情感时,忽然于灵魂之深处,有种天籁般的清鸣响起来,随着这一种声声交叠美妙得难以言喻的天籁鸣叫,岳阳脑海轰地一声,仿佛冲破了某种障碍。 The inexhaustible brightness becomes aware, loudly eruption! 无穷无尽的慧悟,轰然喷发! Nirvana Fire Pillar, ascends together simultaneously in the under foot of Yue Yang, everyone bathing...... 一道涅盘火柱,同时在岳阳的脚下升腾起来,将所有人都沐浴其中……
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