LLS :: Volume #7

#1363: Eternal, only starts

Your majesty and Supreme Master Motionless final victory how, Yue Yang is unknown completely. 陛下与不动至尊的最后战果如何,岳阳完全不得而知。 Because, Supreme Master Motionless begins, your majesty in kicking from the Mirage eternal dreamland flies immediately him. 因为,不动至尊一动手,陛下马上就将他自海市蜃楼的永恒梦境中‘踢’飞出去。 The mind separates the connection. 心神断开连接。 Yue Yang revives immediately. 岳阳立即苏醒过来。 In bosom, ** the goddess still in the absorbing dream, the small face overflowed one type unable to say completely sweetly ** happiness. 在怀中,**女神还在酣梦,小脸溢满了一种说不出甜**的幸福。 She bends down in the bosom of boy from another world, the slender white and tender white delicate arms partly are holding his neck, as if in dream, wants closely to support, does not hate to loosen. Yue Yang opens the eye, takes back according to the Predator claw in drifting snow, for a while also doubted in the dream...... really entered your majesty dream, really saw Night Empress and Supreme Master Motionless, really saw confrontation of Empress Fei Wenli as well as that wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Hall Supreme Tian Yu before time square? Is that a dream? Real existence? 她伏在穿越男的怀中,纤长白嫩的玉臂半抱着他的头颈,仿佛在梦中,也要紧紧相拥,一刻也舍不得松开似的。岳阳睁开眼睛,收回按在堆雪上的狼狼之爪,一时还疑在梦中……难道自己真的进入了陛下的梦,真的看见了夜后不动至尊,真的看见了费雯丽女皇以及那个神秘莫测的神殿至尊天御在时间广场前的对峙?那是个梦?还是真实的存在? Oneself in the enlightenment that in the dream obtains? 自己在梦中得到的启示呢? What's wrong?” The change of Yue Yang awakened ** she who the goddess, half dream partly awakes must accompany him to sit. “怎么啦?”岳阳的异动惊醒了**女神,半梦半醒的她还要伴他坐起来。 All right , to continue to rest!” boy from another world hurries to comfort her, bows the head, a kiss, when she continues the slumber good dream, oneself hurry. “没事,继续睡吧!”穿越男赶紧安抚她,俯首,浅浅一吻,待她继续沉眠好梦,自己则赶紧起来。 Gives itself all myriad things eternal special characteristics, own all, belongs to eternal, this is your majesty enlightenment, but how can do specifically? First completes Eternal Divine Throne using Destiny Divine Power? 赋予自己所有的万物一种永恒的特质,将自己的所有,归入永恒,这是陛下的启示,可是具体要怎么做?先利用命运神力完成一个永恒神座 Yue Yang holds training Divine Grimoire gently. 岳阳轻轻地捧起试炼神典 Searches the hand, among the induction. 探手,感应其内。 Hopes that can obtain many inspirations and becomes aware spirit. 寄望能够获得更多的启迪和灵悟。 Also focuses attention on that group for a very long time with rapt attention purely incomparable star. 又久久地凝神注目于那一团纯净无比的‘星星’。 Eternal? Eternal is all foundations, without its words, then all will become tiny, all will turn, even if powerful like Supreme Master Motionless, even if will have Sacred Mountain Divine Throne entire mind/energetic to connect Radiant Light Divine Mountain him, in front of eternal, still just will be the tragedy that a even others' dreamland could not exceed. In the eternal front, strong Divine Power is also destitute, is weak......” “永恒吗?永恒是一切的基础,没有它的话,那么一切都会变得渺小,一切都会变成过去,即使强大如不动至尊,即使是拥有圣山神座整个精神连接着光明神山的他,在永恒面前,也只不过是一个连别人的梦境也超越不了的悲剧。在永恒的面前,再强的神力也是空乏的,也是无力的……” Yue Yang thought aloud, in the heart senses is getting more and more intense, the inspirational savings comes to more much. 岳阳自言自语,心中感悟越来越强烈,灵感积蓄来越来多。 But, he needs an eruption. 但,他需要一个爆发。 Some ignition point. 某个燃点。 Let the inspirational the spark erupt instantaneously. 让灵感的火花瞬间喷发出来。 Who told my eternal foundation, no, who told me the Eternal Divine Throne foundation, which I must from step start......” Yue Yang to understand, was determined to start, tried achievement own Eternal Divine Throne. But he has not known, the first eternal achievement goal, should be anything. “谁来告诉我永恒的基础,不,谁来告诉我永恒神座的基础,我得从哪一步开始……”岳阳明白了,也下定决心开动,尝试去成就自己的永恒神座。但他还不知道,自己第一个永恒的成就目标,该是什么。 Divine Grimoire!” The god fog does not know when covers entire Grimoire World, three little loli, from come, to wait to arrive at the front slowly, Yue Yang sharpens vigilance, fixes one's eyes on looked again, discovered they had turned into creation, destruction and eternal unknowingly three Divine Envoy, was turned into the big or small height various white clothing three sisters by Moe Moe little loli. And is eternal of head, white hands finger/refers of training Divine Grimoire, the smile said: If eternal is the foundation of your life , you need first to create one completely to belong to your world, can before the destruction arrival, place all in your life.” 神典!”神雾不知何时笼罩整个宝典世界,三个小萝莉,自远缓缓而来,等走到面前,岳阳擦亮眼睛,定视再看,发现她们不知不觉已经变成了‘创造、毁灭、永恒’三神使,由萌萌小萝莉变成了大小高矮各不相同的白衣三姐妹。其中为首的永恒,玉手一指试炼神典,微笑道:“假如永恒是你生命的基础,那么,你需要先创造一个完全属于你的世界,才能在毁灭到来之前,安置你生命中的一切。” Why is Divine Grimoire?” Yue Yang understood what is heard the eternal condition, but in his heart still had puzzled. “为什么是神典?”岳阳听明白了永恒的条件,但他心中仍有不解。 Because Divine Grimoire creates the foundation of the world.” The powder toot toot small round face is the creation, she smiles to Yue Yang's question: You passed training, you in did not belong to your world, creates the future that you need.” “因为神典是创造世界的基础。”粉嘟嘟的小圆脸是创造,她对岳阳的疑问一笑:“你通过了试炼,你将在一个原来不属于你的世界里,创造出你需要的未来。” Meanwhile, you can also destroy the past that you do not need.” The destruction of heroic spirit added. “同时,你还可以毁灭你不需要的过去。”英气的毁灭补充道。 All changed to your eternal, then you can in this foundation, increase or create all your willfully.” Is the head eternal that group of star Divine Light handful in palm, hands over gently to Yue Yang: Your genuine achievements eternal, you understand, an eternal only start, in the eternal foundation, you can also develop , your has, your demand, your home to return to and your destiny your life and your Will, wait wait/etc. etc., further extends the expansion again, continuing the achievement will be higher the higher future...... as for Divine Throne, but will be your boundary presentation, will give you life myriad things in life, set up standard, or ** the gateway or that will enter according to the principle that your wish will work out.” “等一切化作了你的永恒,那么你才可以在这个基础上,任意添加或者创造你的一切。”为首的永恒将那团星星般的神光捧在手心,轻柔地递向岳阳:“等你真正成就了永恒,你才会明白,永恒只是一个开始,在永恒的基础上,你还可以拓展,将你的生命、你的意志、你的拥有、你的需求、你的归宿和你的命运,等等等等,再进一步延伸扩大,继续去成就更高更高的未来……至于神座,不过是你这个境界的呈示,一个给你生命中的生灵万物,树立的一个标准,或者说,一个**进入的门户或者一个按照你意愿订立的法则。” This is not your entirety, on the contrary, this is actually your start. Your future is Sacred Supreme, does not need to be like others, regards highest standard and boundary Divine Throne, you must do, is achievement Divine Throne, works out the next principle, lets follow all your living things, can according to this standard, live in your world joyfully worry-free.” “这不是你的全部,相反,这其实是你的开始。你的未来是神圣至尊,不需要跟别人一样,将神座当成最高的标准和境界,你要做的,是成就一个神座,订立下一个法则,让追随你的众生,都能按照这个标准,在你的世界里快乐无忧地生活。” Recalled you initially in Endless World comprehend!” “回忆一下你当初在无尽世界参悟吧!” That, is you most splendid and most perfect masterpiece, in that instant, in that flash, your Divine Throne zero point has actually been born.” “那,是你最精彩和最完美的杰作,在那一瞬时,在那一刹那,你的神座原点其实就已经诞生了。” Yue Yang hears here. 岳阳听到这里。 Heart big quake. 心头大震。 He recalled Endless World all sorts, in last time comprehend, he exhausts all, uses the painstaking care, finally creates one not to belong to the special constant space object . Moreover, is not being able to anticipate living entity. That is, the Divine Throne zero point? That is the eternal zero point? genuine of goal that training Ancient Great God supposes, is this? 他记起了无尽世界的种种,在最后一次参悟中,他穷尽所有,倾尽心血,终于创造一个不属于特殊恒定空间的物体,而且,还是一个意料不到的生命体。那个,就是自己神座的原点吗?那个就是永恒的原点?远古大神设下的试炼真正目的,就是这个吗? Perhaps is the innermost soul, perhaps from within the body the source of Devour, in any case Yue Yang is muddled. 或许是灵魂深处,也许是自体内的吞噬之源,反正就连岳阳自己糊里糊涂的。 The miraculous glow shines through together directly. 一道灵光直接透射出来。 Has extremely tiny, flew with girl finger common tiny thumb loli suddenly. 有个极其细小,跟女孩子手指一般细小的拇指萝莉忽然飞了出来。 Under her place reins a contour to imitate such as little Golden Beast Heavenly Dragon like that ** the small body around one by the red damask silk of Nirvana Fire metaplasia, the left arm is hanging a small silver link, how to see how to look like Wheel of Eternity, the right, looks like World-Exterminating Wheel. Her between the eyebrows has a extremely small extremely small god to play the part of Rune, Yue Yang did not know, can only guess estimates is some extremely specially extremely rare Immemorial Rune. Most makes Yue Yang be shocked, is the tiny tot behind, has Black Hole Divine Throne, inside star light faintly discernible, its boundary and prestige can keep Yue Yang simply from imagining...... in the Divine Throne outermost, wisp of God of Wisdom light/only, winds around like the rainbow. 她座下驾御着一条外形仿如金属小兽那般的天龙,**的小身体绕着一条由涅盘之火化生的红绫,左臂挂着一个小银环,怎么看怎么像永恒之轮,右边,则像灭世之轮。她眉心有一个极小极小的神饰符文,就连岳阳也不认识,只能猜估是某个极其特别又极度罕见的太古符文。最让岳阳感到震惊的,是小不点的身后,有个黑洞般的奇奥神座,里面星光若隐若现,其境界和威能让岳阳简直无法想像……在神座的最外面,一缕智慧神光,就像彩虹般缭绕不息。 „Is this I creates?” Yue Yang puts out a hand, the tiny tot is reining Heavenly Dragon, revolves around the palm cheerfully, likes being intimate with him very much. “这是我创造的?”岳阳伸出手,小不点驾御着天龙,欢快地绕着掌心旋转,很是喜欢与他亲近。 Yes, this is your first creation eternal. Even Ancient Great God Will, is unable to deny her birth, in other words, world, cannot affect her existence, no one or power can deny her eternal.” The small round face vision likes like small Mother like that looks at thumb loli does not hate to blink simply. “是,这是你第一个创造的‘永恒’。即使是远古大神意志,也无法否定她的诞生,也就是说,世间,没有可以影响她的存在,也没有人或者力量可以否定她的永恒。”小圆脸目光就像个小妈妈那般欢喜,看着拇指萝莉简直舍不得眨眼。 Recalled your then comprehend!” The destruction of heroic spirit also smiled: If turns head, you will discover, all are that simple, what Divine Throne, that is your wish, the creation of having words at fingertips and writing with facility.” “回想你当时的参悟吧!”英气的毁灭也笑了:“若一回头,你会发现,一切都是那么简单,什么神座,那不过是你的意愿,信手拈来的创造。” Creates one perfectly Eternal World, is you do.” Is the head eternal also indicated, making Sacred Supreme that Divine Throne perplexes to amuse, although this Sacred Supreme or future. “创造一个完美又永恒的世界,才是你做的。”为首的永恒也表示,让神座难住的神圣至尊让人逗乐,虽说这个神圣至尊还是未来的。 Originally I am so good!” boy from another world for it sweat. “原来我这么牛啊!”穿越男为之大汗。 hey hey, have you are big idiot been good!” Stands Pandora when heard that listens secretly to refute immediately: Previously is who looked distressed?” 喂喂,你一直都是大笨蛋好不好!”站在旁边偷听的潘多拉一听马上反驳道:“先前是谁愁眉苦脸的呢?” You also did not tell me...... some Third Young Master to be always thick-skinned intelligently, the small attack was not serious. “你那么聪明又不告诉我……”某三少向来皮厚,小小打击根本不当回事。 Condenses Divine Throne, does not need Yue Yang to begin completely. 凝聚神座,完全不需要岳阳动手。 Thumb loli this tiny tot has not the unimaginable huge prestige energy . Moreover, also does not need Yue Yang to tell, so long as Yue Yang by pure wish one round, she star holds that group immediately in the top of the head, one type looks like in Yue Yang is completely the prestige energy of Ancient Great God rank, instantaneously, in Divine Throne of perfect image the Yue Yang heart unites, infinite Rune and principle will fill. 拇指萝莉这个小不点具有无法想像的巨大威能,而且,也不用岳阳吩咐,只要岳阳以纯净的意愿一发,她立即将那团‘星星’捧在头顶,一种在岳阳看来完全是远古大神级别的威能,瞬间,将岳阳心中完美形象的神座凝聚而成,又将无限的符文和法则填充进去。 Yue Yang thought to produce, was her small finger point. 岳阳以为生成了,可是她的小小手指一点。 World-Exterminating Wheel production in Divine Throne inside, again a point, the one who is accompanying the mutual rotation is Wheel of Eternity. The Divine Throne center, blooms like the lotus flower, one group of Nirvana Fire well up, forms the marvelous peerless and too beautiful to behold Nirvana lotus throne. The tiny tots jump upward, wields the Nirvana red damask silk in centre, looks like the Brambles vine like Thorny Flower the god flower, surrounds in Divine Throne the edge , has a dark resembles ** dog all round, desperate pushes, struggles to occupy a position diligently, perhaps sees the outside world to focus attention on its body, but also wielded the claw to give the victory hand signal. 灭世之轮生成在神座的里面,再一点,伴着相互转动的是永恒之轮神座中心处,就像莲花绽放,一团涅盘之火涌出来,形成奇妙绝伦、美不胜收的涅盘莲台。小不点往上一蹦,在中央一挥涅盘红绫,像刺花又像荆棘藤蔓的神花,环绕神座内沿,紧接着,有个黑乎乎像**狗似的团团,拼命的挤进来,努力争占一个位置,也许看见外界注目于它的身上,还挥爪做了胜利手势。 Does not know that many luminous spots get down from the sky rappel, each has the different images, has Ye Kong, has Fatty Hai, has Li Clan Brothers, some countless people, innumerable War Beast, are getting more and more, finally forms the light to practice the waterfall, received Divine Throne Black Hole entirely. 不知有多少光点自天空垂降下来,每一个都带有不同的形象,有叶空的,有海胖子的,有厉氏兄弟的,有无数人,还有无数战兽,越来越多,最后形成光练似瀑,统统收入神座黑洞之内。 Really is fucking awesome......” the boy from another world present mouth can force in two big steamed buns. “真是碉堡了……”穿越男现在的嘴巴能塞进两只大馒头。 Un un!” The young slave also looks excitedly incomparable. “嗯嗯!”小奴也看得激动无比。 Come on! Continues to try hard, must create well!” The powder toot toot small round face small Mother, raises the small fist to give thumb loli to refuel likely unceasingly. “加油!继续努力,一定要创造最好的!”粉嘟嘟的小圆脸则像个小妈妈般,扬起小拳头不断给拇指萝莉加油。 How long also has not known. 也不知过了多久。 This in the Yue Yang life is representing eternal first Divine Throne, finally condenses completely successfully. 这个在岳阳生命中代表着‘永恒’的第一神座,终于全部凝聚成功。 The tiny tots do not give the opportunity of Yue Yang praise, perhaps was exhausted, yawned, the small hand gave a closing hand signal, entire magnificent ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) Divine Throne turned into Black Hole instantaneously, except for the faintly discernible star point, anything did not exist. If not know, certainly will also think this Divine Throne only most low ranking Initial Divine Throne, who can guess correctly, this is the highest order that Sacred Supreme can have Grand Divine Throne! 小不点不给岳阳表扬的机会,也许是疲惫了,打个呵欠,小手做了一个关门的手势,整个辉煌万丈的神座瞬间变成个黑洞,除了若隐若现的星点,什么都不复存在。若不知道,一定还会以为这个神座只是一个最低级的‘初位神座’,可是谁又能猜到,这是个神圣至尊才能拥有的最高位的‘太位神座’! Naturally, only then a Yue Yang person, realized, in the process of creation, particularly the light waterfall from the time that the sky hangs down, has mysterious power to boost quietly, the invisible thought will integrate, accelerates and doubles evolved achievement Eternal Divine Throne. If not there is this mysterious power, this Eternal Divine Throne, believes that will not that be born quickly...... 当然,也只有岳阳一个人,才意识到,在创造的过程中,尤其是光瀑自天空倒垂的时刻,有种神秘力量在悄然助力,将无形的意念融入其中,加速和加倍演化成就这个永恒神座。若非有这股神秘力量,这个永恒神座,相信不会那么快就诞生出来…… Definitely is Sword Spirit Onee-san, she always protects in behind silently. 肯定是剑灵御姐,她总是在背后默默守护。 In the Yue Yang heart is moved, but superficial actually non- sound. 岳阳心中感动,但表面却不声响。 If she is really the Old Daoist Priest granddaughter, then tramples ** even if that foot, compensated her in any case to oneself is the young wife is still similar, honors the teacher and respects his teachings and respects the elderly and take good care of the young, we have! 假如她真是老道士的孙女,那么踹**那一脚就算了,反正把她赔给自己做小媳妇也就差不多了,尊师重道和尊老爱幼嘛,咱也是有的! Shameless boy from another world hugged the young slave to transfer several circles, suddenly remembered the incident: Divine Throne you made, was I responsible for doing?” 无耻的穿越男抱着小奴转了几个圈,忽然想起一事:“神座你们都弄完了,那我负责干什么?” Divine Grimoire!” Is the head eternal hands over training Divine Grimoire: Inside every bit of property, a stone sand, a day place, all, need your Will to transform, when you it all transform eternal existence in completely, then, you are genuine Master, otherwise, your only Divine Grimoire storeroom clerk, is similar to us.” 神典!”为首的永恒将试炼神典递过来:“里面的一草一木,一石一沙,一天一地,所有的一切一切,都需要你的意志来转换,等你完全将它里面的一切转换成永恒的存在,那么,你才是真正主人,否则,你只是一个神典保管员,跟我们差不多。” Day, when can that do?” Yue Yang when heard was shocked, fuck, this damn training Divine Grimoire actually big, oneself have not searched to be good, the complete transformation, obtained can complete lord knows when! “天,那要干到什么时候?”岳阳一听惊呆了,尼玛,这该死的试炼神典究竟有多大啊,自己还没有探完好不好,全部转换,那得到猴年马月才能完成啊! Taking your time, we are not anxious.” The destruction of heroic spirit patted Yue Yang's shoulder seriously. “慢慢来,我们不急。”英气的毁灭一本正经地拍了拍岳阳的肩膀 You?” Student Yue Yang decides to draw the pad back. “那你们呢?”岳阳同学决定拉个垫背的。 We are responsible for looks at you, supervision, right, we are responsible for this work.” The destruction of heroic spirit expressed that own power is very big. “我们负责看着你,监督,对,我们负责这个工作。”英气的毁灭表示自己的权力很大。 Come on, come on, diligently!” To Student Yue Yang confidently, was the small round face creation, if it were not for she does only did not keep a promise, kindhearted she will perhaps also sympathize with him, intended to help! “加油,加油,努力喔!”唯一对岳阳同学信心十足的,就是小圆脸创造,要不是她做了不算数,心地善良的她说不定还会同情他,出手帮忙呢! Aiya fuck......” Student Yue Yang remembers itself fiercely, but three Grimoire . Moreover, this training Divine Grimoire seems in three Grimoire the itself/Ben of most dregs, if, three Grimoire must transform, oneself cannot do for a lifetime! fuck, who said that Grimoire are good thing? Grimoire were many died of exhaustion had not discussed that had the wood to have...... “哎呀卧槽……”岳阳同学猛想起自己可是有三本宝典的,而且,这本试炼神典似乎还是三本宝典中最渣的一本,万一,三本宝典都要转换,那自己一辈子也干不完!尼玛啊,谁说宝典多是好事的?宝典多了累死也没商量有木有…… Knows that own work is unable to shirk, Student Yue Yang the face, holds training Divine Grimoire painstakingly, just evolved the good Eternal Divine Throne exciting clear, but light. 知道自己的工作无法推脱了,岳阳同学苦着脸,捧着试炼神典,刚刚演化好永恒神座的兴奋一清而光。 However, boy from another world of thick skin thinks of another being loaf method. 不过,厚皮的穿越男想到另一个偷懒的法子。 He said that the transformation works oneself to receive not to have the issue, but Holy Grimoire and Sacred Grimoire both Divine Throne hopes their three sisters help. 他表示转换工作自己接下没问题,但圣典神圣宝典的两者神座希望她们三姐妹帮忙。 Three sisters when heard. 三姐妹一听 Did not return leaves. 头也不回地离开了。 Near the ear suddenly has a specially delightful nice sound to make a sound: Is the wild flower is more fragrant, the family/home spends the houseful, but some people cannot see, the eye decides is actually staring at small of wild flower sisters **......” 耳边忽然有个特别悦耳动听的声音响起来:“到底是野花更香一些,家花满屋,但有人就是看不见,倒是眼定定地盯着野花姐妹的小**……” Bad, family's vinegar jar must but actually, in 0.1 milisecond, Student Yue Yang jump, with back comes the person cordially to shake hand: welcome home, the Quest this Captain of the Guards package of circles of Your Excellency the City Lord warm bed, guaranteed the free trial, the quality three packages. Yeah, isn't this Tigress? Welcome, although the board draws out the small face, but seems like also special mind/energetic!” 糟,家里的醋坛子要倒,于万分之一秒,岳阳同学跳起来,与背后的来人亲切握手:“欢迎回家,城主大人暖床的任务卫队长包圆了,保证免费试用,质量三包。哎,这不是虎妞吗?欢迎,虽然板起小脸,但看起来也特别的精神!” „Very mind/energetic, a blink on push down one, if returned is slower, it is estimated that another three also took.” Some Tigress is staring afraid boy from another world with tigress eyes. “是很精神,一眨眼就推倒了一个,要是回慢些,估计另外三个也拿下了。”某虎妞胭脂虎目瞪着心虚的穿越男 Snow Girl, the quick help spoke a word of praise, you also know, I always am cleverest, never handles the matter that anything steals food.” Some Third Young Master asked the reinforcements everywhere. 雪妞,快帮忙说句好话,你也知道,我一向是最乖的,从来不做什么偷吃的事情。”某三少到处求援兵。 Occasionally steals food is also all right one time, we had mentally prepared early.” Some Snow Girl really good words comfort. “偶尔偷吃一次也没事,我们早有心理准备了。”某雪妞果然好言安慰。 Dies!” Some Tigress holds up Divine Sword. “去死吧!”某虎妞擎出神剑 Elder Sister Yu saves a life......” can save a life is only also willing to intend to rescue only, perhaps only then that loved younger brother's good Elder Sister from the bottom of the heart. 雨姐救命啊……”唯一能救命也唯一肯出手相救的,恐怕只有那个打心底疼爱弟弟的好姐姐了。 Eternal Divine Throne is quite attractive, does not know other two Divine Throne, what can also be?” Elder Brother in Little Sister heart, forever that perfect, the trivial matter does not affect, said again Elder Brother was chased down with the big sword by the sister-in-law is not once or twice, she has been used to it, on the contrary, she is interested in other two Divine Throne. First is Eternal Divine Throne, what second Divine Throne and third can Divine Throne be? 永恒神座好漂亮,不知另外两个神座,又会是什么样的呢?”妹妹心中的哥哥,永远是那么的完美,区区小事不影响,再说哥哥被嫂子拿大剑追杀也不是一次两次,她早就习惯了,相反,她对另外两个神座更感兴趣。第一个就是永恒神座,第二神座、第三神座又会是什么呢?
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