LLS :: Volume #7

#1362: The dream, is the dream

Student Yue Yang fell asleep. 岳阳同学睡着了。 The happiness incomparably is hugging Goddess of Liberty, before going to sleep, wolf claws also presses on fragrant jade snowy hump, is greedy simply endlessly. 幸福无比地搂着自由女神,入睡前,狼爪还按在香玉堆雪上,贪心得简直没完没了。 In the dream, by some mind summon attraction, seemed to be seemed like strength of the summon, Yue Yang ravels without enough time what's the matter, discovered oneself entire fall into your majesty Mirage. Falls into the lake water unlike first time, what this time falling is the hard ground, in a milisecond, the boy from another world revolving body, puts one's foot down on posture to move perfectly the head, the body turned a somersault attractively, both feet fell to the ground lithely. 梦中,似乎被某种心灵呼唤吸引,又像是一种召唤之力,岳阳来不及弄明白是怎么回事,就发现自己整个掉入陛下的海市蜃楼中。跟第一次掉进湖水不同,这次掉落的是坚硬地面,千分之一秒中,穿越男旋转身体,将头下脚上的姿势完美地调过来,身体漂亮地翻了个跟斗,双足轻盈落地。 If must grade, this response and posture can definitely give the perfect score! 如果要打分,这个反应和姿势完全可以打满分! Student Yue Yang very satisfied own performance. 岳阳同学非常满意自己的表现。 Cannot be rude before your majesty. 在陛下面前可不能失态。 Although does not know that what matter she looks for herself is, but displays, definitely has bonus point not? 虽然不知道她找自己是啥事,但表现好,肯定有加分的不是吗? Your this abnormal, all day in what are you doing?” The Night Empress sound screamed in the Yue Yang ear, may in a big way frighten him one to jump. “你这个变态,整天都在干嘛啊?”夜后的声音在岳阳耳边尖叫起来,可吓了他一大跳。 I......” boy from another world discovered at this time, oneself whole body fully naked, not wearing one thread stands in front of Night Empress. Not only Night Empress, on the ground, bargains to sit skinny such as the firewood, obsolete extremely seemed like swallows the final one breath quickly Old Geezer, immediately greatly embarrassed, hurried to change the clothes to put on. “我……”穿越男这时才发现,自己浑身赤果果的,正一丝不挂地站在夜后面前。不仅夜后在,在地上,还盘坐着一个枯瘦如柴、老朽不堪看上去快咽下最后一口气了的老头子,顿时一阵大窘,赶紧变出衣服穿上。 He is thrown into confusion wears the pants, while collects that side Night Empress to ask: Who is this old man? Feeling like not quite friendly!” 他一边手忙脚乱地穿裤子,一边凑过去夜后那边问:“这老头是谁?感觉好像不太友好!” Night Empress thinks very much a foot tramples this boy flies nine clouds to go, but is faced with an archenemy, in any case endured, ill-humoredly snort/hum sound: Nonsense, he is Supreme Master Motionless!” 夜后很想一脚将这小子踹飞到九霄云外去,但大敌当前,好歹忍了下来,没好气地哼了声:“废话,他就是不动至尊!” Yue Yang has a scare. 岳阳又吓了一跳。 The pants have not drawn. Hurries to hide Night Empress behind: Such dangerous will Big Boss, how rush to Heaven Encompassing Imperial Palace here? Your majesty?” 裤子没拉好。就赶紧躲到夜后的后面去:“这么危险的大boss,怎么会跑到天罗皇宫这里来?陛下呢?” Your majesty sees this boy unpromising appearance. Also wants to throw the shoes, pounds directly in the head of this boy. 陛下看见这小子没出息的模样。也很想把鞋子扔出来,直接砸在这小子的头上。 Too disgraced! 太丢人了! Must know this early, might as well does not draw him to enter this Mirage Dream Realm! 要早知道这样,还不如不拉他进这个海市蜃楼梦境世界呢! boy from another world is not aware, the pants hold to entrain immediately, is ready to fight: Hit boss this Young Master to be interested, your make way, looked at me to explode his chrysanthemum!” Night Empress has almost not covered the face, thinks of does not know this idiot. You must be able to explode, that made you get up early, where also uses energy with the present, you think that Supreme Master Motionless was the tofu does? 穿越男却毫无自觉,裤子一提溜立马拽起来,摩拳擦掌:“打boss本少爷最有心得了,你们闪开,看我爆他的菊花!”夜后差点没有掩面,装着不认识这个笨蛋。你要能爆,那早让你上了,哪里还用现在这么费劲,你以为不动至尊是豆腐做的啊? Bored!” A Supreme Master Motionless finger point. “无聊!”不动至尊手指一点。 Divine Power erupted 100.00001 billion radiance, earth-shattering, sea of light submerged the entire world instantaneously. 神力爆发出千亿万道光芒,铺天盖地,光海瞬间淹没了整个天地。 Does not know is Dream Realm, is real Heaven Encompassing Imperial Palace. Night Empress that the complete annihilation, Yue Titan and star Halo circles, calmly your majesty who rests in the palace, vanishes without the trace entirely. The entire world sits cross-legged the motionless old person besides the field , all, do not exist...... long time. In broken Void(Xu Kong), wisp of ancient times Will, passed from the extremely remote other end, let the old person clear induction into the heart. 不知是梦境世界,还是真实的天罗皇宫。全部湮灭,岳泰坦及星光环绕的夜后,静静在殿内休息的陛下,统统消失无踪。整个天地除了场中盘坐不动的老人之外,一切一切,都不复存在……良久。在破碎虚空中,有一缕远古意志,自极其遥远的彼端传出来,让老人清晰的感应入心。 The old person corners of the mouth pull, being counted sneers: Or and other Tian Yu actions. An old man person can destroy completely entire Heavenspan Tower, trivial under step ants. Also dares a mantis trying to stop a chariot, is really laughable!” 老人嘴角微扯,算作是冷笑:“要不等天御行动。老夫一个人就可以灭掉整个通天塔,区区下阶蝼蚁。也敢螳臂当车,真可笑!” His form, changes to together Divine Light. 他的身影,化作一道神光 Submerges in broken Void(Xu Kong) rapidly, divulged along ancient times Will the direction that shoots to the forward flight. 飞速没入破碎虚空中,沿着远古意志透漏出来的方向,一路向前飞射。 Here, the Gods Ruins entrance, in the high level of Divine Central Hall, it may be said that is known to everybody, is known to everybody. Except for Guardian, genuine makes Divine Central Hall Big Shot feel thorny, was inside ancient times banned. Without the direction, no one sets the goal in the Gods Ruins time square, sends out the Instructing information, cannot be good at entering, otherwise, the result of waiting, extremely possibly was several tens of thousands of years of even longer ancient times banned. 这里,有一个众神废墟的入口,在中央神殿之高层,可谓无人不知,无人不晓。除了镇守者,真正中央神殿各位巨头感到棘手的,是里面的远古禁制。假如没有指引,没有一个人在众神废墟的时间广场定下目标,发出接引信息,根本不能擅长进入,否则,等待的结果,极可能就是数万年甚至更久的远古禁制。 Supreme Master Motionless wait/etc. were so long, the goal at all is not planning of Dongfang. 不动至尊等那么久,目的根本不是东方的算计。 In his eye, only has a person. 他的眼中,只有一个人。 That is Tian Yu. 那就是天御 The Divine Central Hall first person, Hall Supreme, Tian Yu! 中央神殿第一人,神殿至尊,天御 Tian Yu pre-war has gotten down the contract of god in this on subscribing, the agreement cooperation exploration, and shares Gods Ruins obtained, accords to his need, takes obtained. 天御在此战前就订下过神之契约,约定合作探索,并分享众神废墟的所得,各取所需,共取所得。 If not and other Hall Supreme Tian Yu, Supreme Master Motionless never suspected oneself, can exterminate entire Heavenspan Tower...... naturally, such does, under will shoulder the giant sin, enrages the Heavenspan Tower family background Ancient Ranker, provokes is not possible the precognition disaster. Therefore, calmly coordinates Dongfang that to be willing to raise one's head to be the villain fool, by Dongfang that fellow who gave up the life, shoulders the root of trouble of this war. 假如不是等神殿至尊天御,不动至尊从来不怀疑自己一人,就可以灭绝整个通天塔……当然,那样做,会背负下巨大的罪孽,触怒通天塔出身的远古强者,招惹来不可预知的祸患。所以,才静静地配合东方那个愿意出头做坏人的傻瓜,由东方那个放弃了人生的家伙,来背负这场战争的祸端。 Really thinks that summit Supreme Master Motionless situated in Radiant Light Mountain, is trivial Lower Realm Heavenspan Tower some ants can challenge? 真以为位于光明山之巅的不动至尊,是区区下界通天塔的一些蝼蚁可以挑战的吗? Joke! 笑话! The Supreme Master Motionless intention moves, immediately abandoned these trivial matters. 不动至尊心念一动,立即抛开了这些琐事。 In his life, does not know many such challenges, does not know many such ends. So long as is a loser, so long as non- is exists eternal, necessity that then he did not remember. Entire Heavenspan Tower, he does not need to remember that what Prison Sovereign Zhan Feng, does not need to remember what Princess Star Light, even does not need to remember abnormal talent Yue Titan that what ten thousand years, these were past tense, only noteworthy, was that rampant incomparable Conquering Queen Fei Wenli, she possibly was in flux only. 在他的生命中,不知有多少这样的挑战,也不知有多少这样的终结。只要是失败者,只要非是永恒存在,那么他就没有记忆的必要。整个通天塔,他不需要记忆什么狱皇战风、也不需要记得什么星光公主,甚至不需要记得什么万年不出的变态天才岳泰坦,这些都是过去式,唯一值得注意的,就是那个嚣张无比的征服女王费雯丽,她是唯一可能存在变数的一个。 Naturally, this possibly is in flux Conquering Queen Fei Wenli, will be solved by Hall Supreme Tian Yu personally. 当然了,这个可能存在变数的征服女王费雯丽,将由神殿至尊天御亲手解决。 This is his Quest and duty. 这是他的任务和义务。 Well?” Passed through did not know many space and times, along bad risk Ancient Passage, bypassing stepped one step is hundred years of Corridor of Time, bypassed Heavenspan Tower ancient times region of Will ban, aimed at the Hall Supreme Tian Yu thought direction target, in the most correct direction, formally entered the time square that this for several tens of thousands of years the incomparable hope has but missed to see. “咦?”穿过了不知多少时空,沿着凶险之极的远古通道,绕过迈一步即百年的时间长廊,也绕过通天塔远古意志禁制的区域,瞄准神殿至尊天御的意念指引目标,按照最正确的方向,正式进入这个数万年来无比渴望但一直无缘得见的时间广场。 Supreme Master Motionless, sees. confronted two people that 不动至尊,一眼就看见了场中对峙的两人。 In the entrance of time square. 在时间广场的入口。 Still has not been official centre, is only the passage place, one on the left and other on the right, is having two strong Divine Tier, discretely confrontation in. 尚不曾是正式的中央,仅是通道处,一左一右,正有两位超强神阶,谨慎地对峙其中。 Hall Supreme Tian Yu and Conquering Queen hasn't Fei Wenli made war officially? Also Tian Yu that fellow is worried no wonder, this Conquering Queen, ten thousand years ago, powerful many, letting the person can not not hold in high esteem. 神殿至尊天御征服女王费雯丽还没有正式开战吗?也难怪天御那个家伙心存顾虑,这个征服女王,比起万年以前,强大了许多,让人不得为之不刮目相看了。 Old man came. Proud Conquering Queen, does not see for a long time. Has not thought to escape from Nirvana Godsealing, your power advances instead of retreating. Upper-level building!” Supreme Master Motionless sees Empress Fei Wenli, the attitude on face to be possible not to have previous contemptuous, his look belt/bring dignity, no longer unperturbed sits cross-legged, but is stands erect, summoned Divine Throne, by own comprehend Sacred Mountain Divine Throne stood erect in back, remised Radiant Light Divine Power of Radiant Light Mountain body. an unending stream comes, spreads to circle glows the youth instantaneously perfect Divine Body, simultaneously increases with Divine Throne dual to give support auxiliary. “老夫来了。骄傲的征服女王,好久不见。没想到自寂灭封神中逃逸出来,你的力量不退反进。更上层楼了啦!”不动至尊看见费雯丽女皇,脸上的态度可没有此前的轻蔑,他神色带点凝重,也不复老神在在地盘坐,而是直立起来,召唤出神座,让自己参悟的‘圣山神座’屹立于背,让与光明山一体的光明神力源源不断地前来,遍绕瞬间焕发青春的完美神躯,同时与神座双重加持增辅。 Go away! Motionless Old Ghost, your body knife wound good to forget the pain?” The Empress Fei Wenli temperament is not very good, opens the mouth to curse at people. “滚!不动老鬼,你身上的刀伤好了就忘了痛是吧?”费雯丽女皇的脾气很不好,开口就是骂人。 In the past injured, only then old man? Is some empress back fist wound, quite agile?” Supreme Master Motionless hearing this, laughs. At the same time expressed best wishes to lost/carrying back of the hand vertical Hall Supreme Tian Yu distantly. “难道当年受伤的只有老夫一个吗?某女皇背后的拳伤,难道已经好利索了?”不动至尊闻言,大笑。一边遥遥向负手背立的神殿至尊天御致意。 Despicable old dog, the back sneak attacks, is what Ranker!” Empress Fei Wenli sneered: You want to enter the time square to be easy, so long as asked my sword to agree!” “卑鄙老狗,背后偷袭,算什么强者!”费雯丽女皇冷笑一声:“你想进时间广场容易,只要问过我的刀剑同不同意!” Is we!” The Supreme Master Motionless correction said: Continues my, Tian Yu, many person......” “是我们!”不动至尊更正道:“不止我一个,还有天御,还有许多人……” Comes one to kill one.” The Empress Fei Wenli attitude displays very clearly. “来一个杀一个。”费雯丽女皇的态度表现得很清楚。 number of people. At is not the issue. 人数。根本不是问题。 Intends to conquer entire Heaven Realm to start in her, the number of enemy is not in her consideration category. 在她有意征服整个天界开始,敌人的数量就不在她的考虑范畴内。 Supreme Master Motionless shakes the head, does not agree saying: Sometimes, power of two person, compares a person to be powerful. In your Heavenspan Tower being overwhelmed by sheer numbers the words and expressions come like this, not? Conquering Queen. No one suspects your power and determination, but, you do not know, before you, we have determined by far.” 不动至尊摇头,不同意道:“有时候,两个人的力量,远比一个人强大。你们通天塔中‘寡不敌众’的词语就是这样来的,不是吗?征服女王。没有人怀疑你的力量和决心,但是,你不知道,远远在你之前,我们就已经测定了。” What determines?” Empress Fei Wenli is puzzled. “测定什么?”费雯丽女皇非常不解。 When Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi runs amuck Heaven Realm, the Supreme candidate who Upper Heaven Realm Mr. Divine Mystery gives the former generation has made the prediction, next Sacred Supreme, non- is the son of Soaring Dragon Continent. Therefore, how regardless of Jue Shi (peerless) he diligently, his destiny, is unable the achievement in the future, only to close Black Pagoda finally, elegant, can not die a natural death.” Supreme Master Motionless finger/refers of Empress Fei Wenli, god pupil emit light: However you, when your brave words conquer entire Heaven Realm, we have measured one time to you, finally came from the prediction of ancient god, the daughter of word non- Devil Abyss...... the result, clearly, you by Black Hole Seal, if not escapes luck, perhaps has died a violent death!” “当无双皇绝世横行天界之时,天上界神机老人就给上代的至尊候选者作过预言,下一界的神圣至尊,非是龙腾大陆之男儿。所以,无论绝世他如何努力,他的命运,都无法成就未来,最终只能关闭黑塔,郁郁,不得善终。”不动至尊一指费雯丽女皇,神眸生光:“而你,当你豪言征服整个天界之时,我们又给你测过一次,结果来自远古之神的预言,言非魔渊之女儿……结果嘛,很明显,你被黑洞封印,若非幸运逃脱,恐怕早就死于非命!” I am not electing of Sacred Supreme, aren't others?” Empress Fei Wenli listened, does not change countenance. “我不是神圣至尊之选,难道别人不是?”费雯丽女皇听了,毫不动容。 If you want to say the so-called ten thousand years talent Yue Titan, then, very sorry, if not you supports him in the back, he radically is a waste. Prison Sovereign Zhan Feng that his disposition, is defeated cannot compare, a lascivious bludger, the ants of Lower Realm , but runs amuck to take the paranoia who the playboy does not know depending on your Divine Power, dares to moisten refers to the position of Sacred Supreme? Really smiles dead man!” Supreme Master Motionless laughs, the laughter like the thunder, later sound, imitating such as the blade cut is callous: Mr. Divine Mystery uses the final painstaking care, third time predicted that the position of Sacred Supreme, the person of non- Heavenspan Tower!” “假如你想说所谓的万年不出之天才岳泰坦,那么,非常抱歉,假如不是你在背后支撑他,他根本就是一个废物。他的心性,就连失败的狱皇战风都比不上,一个好色的小混混,下界之蝼蚁,一个但凭你的神力横行作为纨绔而不自知的妄想狂,也敢沾指神圣至尊之位?真是笑死人!”不动至尊大笑,笑声如雷,随后声音一顿,仿如刀斩般冷酷:“神机老人倾尽最后心血,第三度预言,神圣至尊之位,非通天塔之人!” Even the person of non- Heavenspan Tower, still not necessarily is the person of your Radiant Light Mountain Divine Central Hall.” Empress Fei Wenli hearing this, the body trembles slightly, although immediately restores, but still two people detected by Tian Yu and Supreme Master Motionless. “就算非通天塔之人,也未必就是你们光明山中央神殿之人。”费雯丽女皇闻言,身躯微微一颤,虽然立即恢复,但仍然被天御不动至尊两人察觉。 Hahaha!” The Supreme Master Motionless supine Tianchang smiles: Who Sacred Supreme is, that is unimportant, more importantly, your Heavenspan Tower can lose heart!” 哈哈哈!”不动至尊仰天长笑:“神圣至尊是谁,那已经不重要,重要的是,你们通天塔可以死心了!” Thinks that we do lose heart?” In the Empress Fei Wenli pupil Divine Light, congealment Ice Frost, Supreme Master Motionless such Ranker also thinks gradually all over the body lives coldly: Only then a condition, is very simple, when I trample flat entire Radiant Light Mountain, an numerous completely turn over to the god prison, but Heaven Realm Upper Heaven Realm, does not have an objection, we met genuine hoping. Can the prediction of Mr. Divine Mystery represent ancient times Will? The joke, he was a dotard, when you his words treated as the truth, destined to tragedy fate! Immediately go away, forever no longer steps in Heavenspan Tower, or, the choice dies here......” “想我们死心?”费雯丽女皇眸中神光,渐渐凝结冰霜,就连不动至尊此等强者也觉遍体生寒:“只有一个条件,很简单,当我将整个光明山踏平,一众尽归神狱,而天界天上界,无一异议,那我们才会真正了愿。神机老人的预言就能代表远古意志吗?笑话,他是老糊涂了,你们当他的话当作真理,注定了悲剧下场!立即滚开,永远不再涉足通天塔,又或者,选择死在这里……” How can teach the old man to roll?” Supreme Master Motionless expressed oneself have not studied this clear departure way. “能教一下老夫是怎么滚的吗?”不动至尊表示自己没有学过这种圆润的离开方式。 Naturally, his only rampancy orally. 当然,他只是口头上的嚣张。 genuine innermost feelings. 真正内心。 Specially careful. 特别的小心谨慎。 One ten thousand years ago Conquering Queen is ominous enough, now broken seals, Serpent Empress that the strength progresses by leaps and bounds is less affable, if not there is Hall Supreme Tian Yu in the side, is only one, Supreme Master Motionless has really not been willing directly to face this Heart of Carnage extremely strong fearful woman. 一个万年以前的征服女王已经够凶,现在破封而出,实力突飞猛进的蛇妖女皇更不好惹,若非有神殿至尊天御在侧,仅是自己一个,不动至尊还真不愿意直接面对这个杀戮之心极强的可怕女人。 Empress Fei Wenli has not begun, has when heard under to punch when heard actually like the voice of young hooligan, makes a sound in the Supreme Master Motionless back: Was a teacher by worthy example this matter, this Young Master most is glad to do. I will say, the father to teach your scram inborn lives this world? I am not very low-key!” 费雯丽女皇没有动手,倒是有个一听就很欠揍一听就像个小流氓的声音,在不动至尊的背后响起来:“为人师表这种事,本少爷最乐意做了。难道我会说,老子天生就是为了教你怎么滚蛋而生到这个世上来的吗?不会,我可是很低调的!” Then, Supreme Master Motionless felt that own buttocks, were trampled a foot ruthlessly. 接着,不动至尊感觉自己的屁股,被人狠狠地踹了一脚。 Although is insufficient to fall down the tumbling on, but also battered and exhausted. 虽然不至于扑倒翻滚在上,但也狼狈不堪 Having this is greatly ugly. 出此大丑。 Also in the front of Empress Fei Wenli this grade of old enemy, in the Supreme Master Motionless heart is out of control the anger to ascend: Who? Is who?” 又是在费雯丽女皇这等宿敌的面前,不动至尊心中禁不住怒火升腾:“谁?是谁?” He turns around to see, to smile as brilliant as a sun to smile repugnant man the specially, joyfully satisfied is nibbling a chicken leg: „It is not your teacher I! Teaches you scram this matter, relax, can teach your, guaranteed after you, does not need to walk for a lifetime, is scram! Also, your Old Tortoise Inherent Skill was scram, if study that too did not waste!” 他一转身就看见,有个笑得阳光灿烂笑得很特别讨厌的男子,正得意洋洋地啃着一个鸡腿:“不就是你的老师我喽!教你滚蛋这种事,放心,一定会教会你的,保证你以后一辈子都不用走路,全是滚蛋!再说,你这个老乌龟天赋就是滚蛋,要是不学那太浪费了!” „Haven't you, you died?” Supreme Master Motionless read suddenly flashes: „Is this dream?” “你,你没死?”不动至尊忽然一念闪动:“这还是梦?” Here is the time square......” Night Empress appears in Yue Yang's side, she first collapses to a some Third Young Master head, making him leave too cocky, at the same time weakens to explain with Supreme Master Motionless: Pitifully, separated a dream!” “这里是时间广场……”夜后出现在岳阳的身边,她先是给某三少一个脑瓜崩,让他别太得瑟,一边跟不动至尊淡漠解释道:“可惜,隔了一个梦!” Opposite of Supreme Master Motionless, Fei Wenli and Hall Supreme Tian Yu was still confronting. 不动至尊对面,费雯丽神殿至尊天御仍在对峙着。 The great distance is almost close. 相隔几近咫尺。 But suddenly, Supreme Master Motionless has a feeling, regardless of uses any power, is unable to move to Hall Supreme Tian Yu that side, because, this middle is away from a dream. Only if kills the dream Master, found the dream the source, again broken dream, otherwise, oneself are unable forever from the world movement of this dream to another world. 但忽然间,不动至尊有种感觉,无论使用任何力量,都无法移动到神殿至尊天御那一边去,因为,这中间隔着一个梦。除非杀死梦的主人,找到梦的源头,再破梦而出,否则,自己将永远无法自这个梦的世界移动到另一个世界去。 Hall Supreme Tian Yu is still the lost/carrying back of the hand vertical cold arrogant appearance, regarding the change of Supreme Master Motionless, completely does not have any statement. 神殿至尊天御依然是负手背立的冷傲模样,对于不动至尊的变化,完全没有任何表态。 In his eyes, what companion, what result, is unimportant. 在他的眼中,什么样的同伴,什么样的结局,根本不重要。 More importantly. 重要的是。 What opponent...... 什么样的对手…… Empress Fei Wenli looked at Yue Yang, looked at Night Empress, as if found the ambiguous information among two people: Your dreams do, I smelled what flavor probably!” 费雯丽女皇看了看岳阳,又看了看夜后,仿佛在两人之间找到了一点暧昧的信息:“你们的梦做远一点,我好像闻到什么味道了!” What? That is not my, is this Smelly Brat messes things up, closes my anything matter!” Night Empress when heard is bashful and embarrassed, hurries to pretend non-involvement. “什么?那不是我的,都是这个臭小子自己胡搞,关我什么事!”夜后一听又羞又窘,赶紧撇清。 Has a dream, having what dream very normally is good!” Student Yue Yang indicated that has a dream is all sorts of strange and unusual, but the spring dream, the only one type, said again with Goddess of Liberty that is not the dream, can not help. “做梦嘛,做什么梦都很正常好不好!”岳阳同学表示做梦是千奇百怪的,而春梦,只是其中有一种,再说与自由女神那也不是梦,也是情不自禁。 „Did you, you add?” Night Empress is carrying the ear of some Third Young Master, seized him. “你,你还说?”夜后拎着某三少的耳朵,将他抓走了。 She and Yue Yang leaves. 她和岳阳一离开。 Fei Wenli and Hall Supreme Tian Yu that side scene, is getting more and more pale, finally disappearance gradually, the whole world, restores to return to original state is in Heaven Encompassing Imperial Palace the appearance of garden. The guards are still on duty when the gate, the young palace maid who in the gate comes out, still comes out quickly, sees Supreme Master Motionless, politely salutes upon meeting, sees Student Yue Yang, from small nose in snort/hum pervert, because she was sexually harassed to continue once or twice by some Third Young Master, is also angry at heart...... Student Yue Yang not in the least concerned, but also glances right and left, seems seeking for another pervert, this provoking laughter appearance, has almost not made Night Empress card one smile. 费雯丽神殿至尊天御那边的景象,越来越淡,最后渐渐的消失,整个世界,又恢复还原为天罗皇宫内庭院的样子。卫士依然在门前值班,门里出来的小宫女,依然快步出来,看见不动至尊时,有礼貌地见礼,看见岳阳同学,则自小鼻子里哼了一声‘色狼’,因为她被某三少调戏可不止一次两次了,心里还生气呢……岳阳同学满不在乎,还左顾右盼,仿佛在寻找着另外一个色狼,这逗趣模样,差点没有让夜后咭一声笑出来。 The Supreme Master Motionless complexion is now dignified. 不动至尊的脸色现在凝重起来了。 He starts to realize, in Gods Ruins Guardian your majesty, is not one easily by the enemy who power can conquer. 他开始意识到,在众神废墟镇守的这位陛下,可不是一个轻易以力量就能战胜的敌人。 Eternal is all foundations.” Your majesty sound gentle sound, to a Yue Yang brand-new enlightenment: world anything, without the eternal this special characteristics , near the sand castle like sea, the spray is then same, anything does not exist. Therefore, power, Artifact, War Beast and Divine Throne so forth, not most important, how more importantly you turn into eternal in your life these, how you give them such special characteristics, understood?” “永恒是一切的基础。”陛下的声音轻柔的响起来,给岳阳一个全新的启示:“世间任何东西,假如没有永恒这个特质,那么,就像大海边的沙子城堡,浪花一样,就什么都不存在了。所以,力量宝物战兽神座诸如此类的,并非最重要,重要的是你如何将那些变成你生命中的永恒,你如何赋予它们这样的一个特质,懂了吗?” Un, now I understand finally, my first Divine Throne, is anything......” “嗯,现在我终于明白了,我第一个神座,将是什么……” Yue Yang until this time, genuine suddenly realize what has happened. 岳阳直到这时,才真正恍然大悟 Previous confusedness. 此前的迷茫。 Clearing off. 一扫而光。
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