LLS :: Volume #7

#1373: see again/goodbye see again/goodbye

Yue Yang has not had the difficulty-relief from Mirror World, was Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, the life actually arrived completely 岳阳还没有自镜子世界出脱困,可是无双皇绝世,生命却走到了尽 Shoulders Divine Mountain him, from Dead Sea in a distance, is not far, is this small section distance, actually becomes the natural moat that in his life cannot be spanned. Wrestles to lift up Divine Mountain him at risk of life, dropped down in the final 10,000 meters distance...... non- is he did not insist, but was this radically is Quest that was impossible to complete! 背负神山的他,距离死海还在一段距离,不远,可是这一小段距离,却成了他生命中不可跨越的天堑。拼死一搏扛起神山的他,在最后一万米的距离上倒下了……非是他不坚持,而是这根本是个不可能完成的任务 By the body of heavily injured, shoulders to lift by Power of Law to melt always Divine Power Divine Mountain, the front, there is still one Protector of Dead Sea Supreme stops full power. 重创之躯,扛举无时不刻都在以法则力量消融自身神力神山,面前,还有一个死海守护至尊全力阻拦。 He who each step, all overdraws the life. 每一步,皆透支生命的他。 Can arrive at the present. 能够走到现在。 In his life is biggest the biggest miracle! 已经是他一生中最大最大的奇迹! Destiny not in my Jue Shi (peerless) body.” Has the regret, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi to bow the head low-spirited, the strength holds up the shoulder and back of Divine Mountain cannot support the heaviness that in this life cannot withstand again. “天命不在我绝世身上。”带着遗憾,无双皇绝世黯然低首,力擎神山的肩膀和脊梁再也支撑不住这种生命中不能承受的沉重。 Divine Mountain falls down, its edge, from the Dead Sea merely 10,000 meters. 神山坠地,它的边缘,距离死海仅仅一万米。 Full power resistance Protector of Dead Sea Supreme, even entire draws back into Dead Sea, among the knees completely soak. 全力抵御的死海守护至尊,甚至整个都退入死海,双膝尽浸其内。 But, all these, all these terminated, the man who that created the biggest miracle, stops, is unable to continue again. 可是,这一切,这一切都终止了,那个创造了最大奇迹的男人,到此为止,再也无法继续。 Stone, if there is a next life, the big tree relies on one another to live surely, will never separate.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi from Divine Mountain, middle has a great hand, as if also wants to stroke from the statue that Divine Mountain on top drops, strokes that the mental effort to exhaust the soul to wither away whole body inheritance of forms after their production by the action of yin and yang statue Flower Fairy. The statue crashes the Divine Mountain foot, complete broken, crushed stones, no longer initial beautiful shape, purely as before, vertical in the Dead Sea edge, only like jade, bright such as drill, powder splash in the place of contamination does not dye. “石头,如有来生,大树必定相依而生,永不分离。”无双皇绝世神山底下,仲出一只巨手,似乎还想抚摸一下自神山顶上跌落的石像,抚摸一下那个已经心力耗尽灵魂消亡全身形化石像的花仙子。石像坠落神山脚,完全破碎,一块块碎石,不复当初的美丽形态,只有洁净如故,纵在死海边缘,也净如玉,明如钻,一块块散溅于污秽之地而不染。 Seems to be a wisp of vague soul, [Coiling Roots] in the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi fingers and palms. 似有一缕若有若无的香魂,缠绕无双皇绝世的指掌间。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi corner of the mouth, like a smile yet not a smile. 无双皇绝世唇角,似笑非笑 Slowly. 缓缓地。 Dying content. 瞑目。 Does not look at one. 再也不看外界一眼。 In this moment, what old enemy anything destiny anything victory or defeat, in his heart, his entire person does not return to the most primitive beginning entirely...... has not worried, had not pondered, all are all spatial, all do not have, innate purity, most innate existence. 在这一刻,什么宿敌什么命运什么胜败,统统不在他的心胸,他整一个人重新回归到最原始的起点……没有烦恼,也没有思考,一切皆空,一切皆无,只有先天的纯真,最先天的存在。 seeking for benevolence then became benevolent, these are you long for right? Knows perfectly well the failure, you have actually insisted, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, you can defeat everyone, but you could not defeat your destiny pitifully! Even so, can you also issue the final challenge? Yes, you are such proud person! Such you, that feared that is an enemy, is worth this Venerable always remembering and admiring! Such being the case, making this Venerable deliver you final journey!” Protector of Dead Sea Supreme puts out a hand, vast Divine Power is wanting earth-shattering falls in torrents, suddenly, calls a halt static, transfers face upwards the sigh. 求仁得仁,这些是你所渴望的对吗?明知失败,你却一直坚持,无双皇绝世,你能战胜所有人,但可惜你战胜不了自己的命运!即使这样,你也要发出最后的挑战是吗?是的,你一直是这么骄傲的人!这样的你,那怕是一个敌人,也值得本尊铭记和敬佩!既然如此,让本尊送你最后一程吧!”死海守护至尊伸出手,浩瀚神力正欲铺天盖地的倾泻下来,忽然,停手静止,转为仰天叹息。 In the sigh, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi entire huge Divine Body changes into the nihility, if smoke dust, with the wind however passes, the soul does not know when belongs to the chaos. 于叹息中,无双皇绝世整个庞大的神躯化为虚无,若烟似尘,随风而逝,就连灵魂也不知何时归于混沌。 Does not need to act, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi has died. 再不需要出手,无双皇绝世早就死了。 On his shoulder Divine Mountain in that moment that falls down, destined to, has ended. 早在他肩上神山坠地的那一刻,就已经注定,终结。 see again/goodbye, the old enemy in life, see again/goodbye, Heavenspan Tower proudest and most powerful man!” The biggest old enemy pours in the front, Protector of Dead Sea Supreme has not looked unfamiliar joyfully, instead floats lives indescribable low-spirited. Did not have in this life the biggest opponent , without this to press always in the heart lets the enemy who the person was hard to pant for breath, this victory brought, did not extricate and excited, but was lonely and loneliness of thorough marrow. 再见了,生命中的宿敌,再见了,通天塔最骄傲和最强大的男子!”最大的宿敌倒在面前,死海守护至尊非常没有脸生愉悦,反而浮生一种难以言喻的黯然。没有了这个生命中最大的对手,没有了这个无时不刻都压在心头让人难以喘息的敌人,这个胜利带来的,不是解脱和兴奋,而是一种深入骨髓的孤独和寂寞。 Mourns the powerful enemy. 悼念完强敌。 Turning away. 转过脸。 Protector of Dead Sea Supreme restores instantaneously, he has fully restored his might and brutal, to besieges Hui Tailang death Sea God numerous Thunderbolt to call out distantly: „Are you doing? Could not tidy up including a dog, you also had a face saying that was Divine Race?” 死海守护至尊瞬间恢复自我,他已经完全恢复他的强权和无情,冲着正遥遥围攻灰太狼的死海神众一声雷霆暴喝:“你们都在干什么?连一条狗都收拾不了,你们还有脸自称是神族吗?” His anger, frightens dead Sea God to shiver to tremble, one by one is obedient, no one dares to look straight ahead Divine Might. 他的愤怒,吓得死海神众全体颤抖哆嗦,一个个俯首帖耳,无人敢直视神威 Jian Cang Sheng and Chi Dan Zi look anxiously to Devil Dragon. 减苍生赤丹子紧张地看向魔龙 Most powerful Protector of Dead Sea Supreme has defeated Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, gets out of trouble from the destiny bureau in completely, now, should should do? 最强大的死海守护至尊已经击败无双皇绝世,完全自命运局中脱困,现在,该如何是好? Devil Dragon closes the eye, shaking the head gently, he knows, all are going to finish, that faint trace hope dawn of heart hope, has not presented...... actually him to have long known like this result finally, but, he still chooses to support oneself brothers, the honor does not allow one to glance back choice is impossible not to resist that side that is possible to win. Perhaps this failure, will change to the Yue Yang life the biggest drive, can be that boy in the future another successful start, but this war, he is not definitely able to reverse now. He is too young, can only depend on diligently and double fist young can reverse the whole world. 魔龙闭上眼睛,轻轻的摇头,他知道,一切将要结束,心底期盼的那一丝丝希望曙光,终没有出现……其实他早就知道会这样结局,可是,他依然选择支持自己的兄弟,义无反顾地选择不可能抗争不可能获胜的那一方。也许这种失败,会化作岳阳生命中最大的激励,会是那小子未来另一个成功的开始,但是现在这一战,他肯定无法逆转了。他还太年轻,年轻得以为仅凭努力和双拳就可以逆转整个世界。 After this time paid the serious price, he understands, then becomes sane, then gradually moves toward successfully. 在这次付出了惨重的代价后,他会明白,然后变得理智,然后一步步地走向成功。 By that time. 到那时。 His future, may keep off no one. 他的未来,将无人可挡。 Now? He can only be is bullied miserably is incapable of struggling small pitiful! 现在?他只能是一个被人欺负得惨兮兮而无力挣扎的小可怜! Didn't have the means again?” Jian Cang Sheng does not lose heart looks at Devil Dragon, only almost, Yue Titan can get out of trouble in Mirror World, really can't want to select the means? “再没有办法了吗?”减苍生不死心地看着魔龙,只差一点点,岳泰坦就能在镜子世界脱困,真的不能想点办法吗? Perhaps, but is not we can realize.” Devil Dragon is naturally unwilling, if some of his also a wee bit physical strength, if he can also stand, then he will never give up, will never look on that own brothers were so hit the plaster to press and bully. But, present he could not have stood, is only left over the one breath to hang, under the gearing finger is also incapable, besides looks at, what he can also achieve helplessly? “也许还有,但不是我们能够实现的。”魔龙自然也不甘心,如果他还有一丁点气力,如果他还能站起来,那么他就永远不会放弃,就永远不会坐视自己的兄弟被人如此打垩压和欺侮。但,现在的他已经站不起来了,只剩下一口气吊着,连动下手指也无力,除了眼睁睁地看着,他还能做到什么? Protector of Dead Sea Supreme has not looked at Devil Dragon, in his eyes, Devil Dragon is never the enemy who needs to pay attention. 死海守护至尊没有看一眼魔龙,在他的眼中,魔龙从来不是一个需要关注的敌人。 Although Devil Dragon is ominous, but there are too many weakness. 魔龙虽凶,但有太多的弱点。 Has Ranker of weakness, will never possibly achieve Supreme Realm, similarly possibly is not the opponent of Supreme rank. 有弱点的强者,永远不可能达到至尊之境,同样不可能是至尊级别的对手。 His eye only looks at a person, is stranded in Mirror World Yue Titan, this youngster, can make his Supreme feel a threat. 他的眼睛只看一个人,就是困在镜子世界岳泰坦,这个年轻人,才能让他这位至尊感到一丝威胁。 this Venerable has to acknowledge, in the similar age, under the similar condition, this Venerable is unable to achieve your present 10%. What a pity, you were really young, did not have foundation a little, no supported. Your failure, from the beginning already destined to. Please forgive, Heavenspan Tower only then Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi enough, this Venerable does not want to see second again. Fight between Radiant Light Heaven Realm and Heavenspan Tower, has bet all this Venerable, has used all Radiant Light Divine Race, does not want to come again second.” Protector of Dead Sea Supreme takes a step to forward, calm such as the mountainous region moves toward Mirror World, so long as he acts that entire battle, will finish. 本尊不得不承认,在同样的年龄,在同样的条件下,本尊无法做到你现在的十分之一。可惜,你实在是太年轻了,没有一点儿根基,也没有一个奥援。你的失败,自一开始就已经注定。请原谅,通天塔只有一个无双皇绝世就够了,本尊不想再看见第二个。光明天界通天塔之间的战斗,已经赌上了一切的本尊,已经倾尽所有的光明神族,也不想再来第二遍。”死海守护至尊举步向前,沉稳如山地走向镜子世界,只要他一出手那么,整个战局,就会结束。 Yue Titan will defeat. 岳泰坦将败。 He will lose to the Dongfang perfect layout and Tian Yu patient planning, loses to Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme selfless payout and Protector of Dead Sea Supreme crazy focus, lost to the destiny to lose to already irreversible and was not itself not the destiny showdown that should undertake by oneself. 他将败于东方完美的布局和天御耐心的算计,败于光明守护至尊无私的付出和死海守护至尊疯狂的执著,败于命运败于早已不可逆转而且原来根本就不属于自己不应该由自己承担的命运对决。 After Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, another may make the super talent that Heavenspan Tower rises, will soon fall from the sky. 无双皇绝世之后,又一个可令通天塔崛起的超级天才,即将陨落。 If breached enemy lines dead in battle in Conquering Queen of another battlefield. 假如在另一个战场的征服女王陷阵战死。 Then. 那么。 Heavenspan Tower will perish forever, Soaring Dragon, Devil Abyss and Heaven Stairway three clans, will annihilate in the river of history forever. 通天塔将会永远沉沦,龙腾魔渊以及天梯三族,将永远湮灭于历史长河。 woof woof!” The whole body is Hui Tailang of blood, since said in ten million/countless the attack the illness/quick to/clashes, keeps off opens huge mouths before Mirror World, is roaring crazily. This is not its first time protects Master, but may be last time. No matter how, it does not permit before oneself drop down, making the enemy threaten own Master, that grants it all, moreover is creating a disturbance in the laughter cursed angrily is sharing life every minute every seconds splendid Master. 汪汪!”浑身是血的灰太狼自千万道攻击中疾冲出来,挡在镜子世界前张开巨口,疯狂地咆哮着。这不是它第一次守护主人,但有可能是最后一次。不管如何,它绝不允许在自己倒下之前,让敌人威胁自己的主人,那个赐予它一切而且在打打闹闹中在喜笑怒骂里分享着生命每一分每一秒精彩的主人 World Exterminator Devil Wolf you are a biggest misfortune, is a maximum bad omen.” Protector of Dead Sea Supreme puts out a hand, captures easily heavily injured Hui Tailang, lifts up high: Perhaps you have not thought your birth, is the enlightenment of Heavenspan Tower destruction.” 灭世魔狼你是个最大的不幸,也是一个最大的不祥之兆。”死海守护至尊伸手,将重创灰太狼轻而易举地擒拿起来,高举:“你也许从来没有想过你的诞生,就是通天塔毁灭的启示。” The pupil of Hui Tailang concentrates, fighting intent tidal consumption. 灰太狼的瞳孔一凝,战意潮水般消尽。 Own birth. 自己的诞生。 Unexpectedly is the indication of Heavenspan Tower destruction? Because, Master will look like so falls into the deathtrap today? 竟然是通天塔毁灭的征兆?是因为自己,主人才会像今天这般身陷死地的吗? If so , oneself have living significance? Perhaps without oneself, Master can also obtain a slim chance of survival...... 如果真是这样,那么,自己还有活着的意义吗?要是没有了自己,也许主人还能获得一线生机…… Hui Tailang dejectedly low head, never wells up full Heart desperately, changing colors entire life of the whole world in dispirited in the lamentation gloomy. The fight, simply does not have the significance, all are wrong, is not only the fight, was born, grew as well as exists, all, is a mistake. If there is never had itself, has not had this disaster, that this/should good? 灰太狼沮丧地低下头颅,从来没有过的绝望涌满心房,整个世界于颓废中失色整个生命于悔恨中黯淡无光。战斗,根本没有意义,一切都是错误,不仅是战斗,出生、成长以及存在,一切一切,都是个错误。如果从来没有过自己,没有过自己这个祸害,那该多好? Perhaps, Master will live very happily, everyone encircles in his side chats, enjoys the dessert that Fourth Mother is making personally, but the Shuang'er small treasure they freely run to play in his side, the happy laughter sprinkles the entire garden. 也许,主人会生活得很幸福,大家都围在他的身边谈笑,享受着四娘亲手做的点心,而霜儿小宝贝她们则无忧无虑地在他的身边奔跑玩耍,欢乐的笑声洒满整个庭园。 Now finished, when oneself have not come to this world. 现在就结束吧,当自己从来没有来过这个世界。 Hui Tailang closed the eye. 灰太狼闭上了眼睛。 Facing the great hand of Protector of Dead Sea Supreme, it no longer chooses to struggle, but was the choice finished. 面对死海守护至尊的巨手,它不再选择挣扎,而是选择结束。 Dies, you, should not be born to this world, your existence, destined to is the calamity embryo, destined to is others' unfortunate start. Returns to the chaos death, that is your only, best and final home to return.” Protector of Dead Sea Supreme the Hui Tailang numerous pressed on the ground, Five Colored Divine Lights in hand, in Supreme Law and under unsurpassed Will to give support, covers gradually to the body of Hui Tailang, bit by bit, its Devour. “去死吧,你,根本就不应该诞生到这个世界里来,你的存在,注定是个祸胎,注定是别人不幸的开始。返回混沌永眠吧,那才是你唯一的、最好的和最终的归宿。”死海守护至尊灰太狼重重地压在地上,手中的五色神光,在至尊法则和无上意志加持下,渐渐笼罩向灰太狼的身体,一点一点地,将它吞噬 !” Dead Sea degenerates Divine Race, simultaneously relaxes. “呼!”死海堕落神族们,齐齐松了一口气。 Regardless of how this hits, the cheap dog that cannot kill, now, is dying finally. 这个无论怎么打,都打不死的贱狗,现在,终于要死了。 Without it, without disturbing of this cheap dog, then entire battle, does not have a little existence of labile factor again, this extremely disturbing Fate Showdown, can formally declare the victory. 没有了它,没有这条贱狗的捣乱,那么整一个战局,再没有一点儿不稳定因子的存在,这一场惊心动魄宿命对决,也能正式宣告胜利了。 When Hui Tailang in the soul almost annihilates, the vision filled did not abandon, the last time, went to is also stranded in Master that Mirror World struggled diligently. 灰太狼在灵魂几乎湮灭之际,目光充满了不舍,最后一次,投向还困在镜子世界努力挣扎的主人 If, but can also have that legendary next life. 假如,还能拥有那传说中的下一辈子。 Then makes an ordinary watch-dog. 那么就做个普普通通的看门狗吧。 In his under foot. 在他的脚下。 Is gnawing the bone lazily, making the Shuang'er small treasure pull own tail......, so long as can also return to that happy and joyful beautiful garden, regardless of turns into anything, regardless of the strong and weak size, regardless of also intelligent clumsy, regardless to be how good, regardless of how good...... 懒洋洋地啃着骨头,让霜儿小宝贝拉扯着自己的尾巴……只要还能够回到那个幸福又快乐的美丽庭园,无论变成什么,无论强弱大小,也无论聪明笨拙,无论怎么都好,无论怎么都好…… If next see again/goodbye, makes a watch-dog time, silly watch-dog, otherwise, might as well never see...... 如果还有下一次的再见,就做一条看门狗吧,傻里傻气的看门狗,否则,不如永远不见…… see again/goodbye! 再见了! see again/goodbye! 再见 Today two, the non- symbol, first adapts for a long time, tomorrow continues. 今天就两更吧,好久不码字,先适应一下,明天继续。 I can say that this is beforehand retaining the draft? 我能说这是以前的存稿吗? Who can guess correctly the tomorrow's reversal, then prize by three. 谁能猜到明天的逆转,那么奖以三更。
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