LLS :: Volume #7

#1356: Steel ironclad friendship

In Ancient Passage. 远古通道中。 The inexhaustible space and time tunnel and distortion confused space barrier, let make good Boss Devil Dragon to lose the direction wholeheartedly completely. 无穷无尽的时空隧道和扭曲迷乱的空间屏障,让一心做个好老大魔龙完全迷失了方向。 In the dazzling choice of direction, the Devil Dragon mood, confident absolutely is this that by most is started right ; Arrived is not quite again definite should be this, the father just passed through to be good in 100 thousand years ago ; Arrived specious does not have the making a mistake direction to be right again, only obviously walks ; Arrived assigns a direction at will where to walk is all right, only has an end point in any case probably ; Finally who can tell me this damn road how to walk to incomparable going wild? The father has received Ancient Passage that enough these enough died, is all right to make that complex what are you doing, doesn't this feel embarrassed the person? Father, but 100,000 years had not passed through, how possibly still remember that clearly. 在眼花缭乱的方向选择上,魔龙的心情,由最开始的信心满满‘绝对是这样没错’;再到不太确定‘应该是这样,老子在十万年前才刚刚走过好不好’;再到似是而非‘没有弄错方向才对,明明是这样走的’;到随意指定一个方向‘走哪边都没事,反正好像只有一个终点’;最后到无比的抓狂‘谁能告诉我这该死的路怎么走?老子已经受够了这些够死的远古通道,没事弄那么复杂干嘛,这不是为难人吗?要知道,老子可是有十万年没有走过了,怎么可能还记得那么清楚’。 „Did I feel like circled a circle?” Also once minored in Student Yue Yang of Space Teleportation topic to discover besides flirting with girls in the school finally is not right. “我感觉好像绕了一个圈?”在学院里除了泡妞之外还曾兼修过空间传送课目的岳阳同学终于发现了不对。 Has? The space in Ancient Passage is similar, should be the thing has similar.” Some Boss is very afraid. “有吗?远古通道里的空间都差不多,应该是物有相似。”某位老大很心虚。 „But how on this stone has a gold coin you to explain? Do not tell me, Ancient Era, there is still one looks like the person who I suspect, leaves behind his gold coin to take the symbol in the halfway . Moreover, that gold coin that he keeps exactly with my exactly the same.” Student Yue Yang takes up the gold coin, above the fierce discovery casts marking that Hui Tailang is face upwarding to roar, clearly, this was Soaring Dragon Continent to commend specially in several times the Heaven Realm invasion war, protection of Hui Tailang making an all-out effort, but World Exterminator Devil Wolf of foundry work collected the version commemorating gold coin with limited quantity. “但这块石头上面有枚金币你怎么解释呢?你不要告诉我,远古时代,还有一个像我这么疑心的人,在半路留下他的金币作为记号,而且,他留的那枚金币又恰好跟我的一模一样。”岳阳同学拿起金币,猛发现上面铸着一个灰太狼仰天咆哮的图案,很明显,这是龙腾大陆特意为了表彰在数度天界入侵战中,灰太狼尽心尽力的守护,而铸作的灭世魔狼限量收藏版纪念金币。 Good good, I acknowledged became lost, this damn road I 100,000 years do not have, how possibly remembered that clearly!” Some Boss shirks the responsibility vigorously. “好吧好吧,我承认迷路了,这条该死的路我已经十万年没走了,怎么可能记得那么清楚!”某位老大极力推卸责任。 „, I remember in the beginning you did not seem like say like this.” Yue Yang remembers that this Boss then expression had confidence very much. “可是开始的时候,我记得你好像不是这样说的。”岳阳记得这位老大当时的表情是很有把握的。 At that time...... the road I will definitely find, this to me at all is not the difficult matter.” Devil Dragon is very depressed. “当时……路我肯定是会找到的,这对我来说根本不是难事。”魔龙很郁闷。 Wants in front of the little brother, in this should not subdue completely plays a power and prestige. 本想在这个应该还没有完全收服的小弟面前耍一把威风。 Who does not want actually to make into like this. 谁不想却弄成这样子。 Yue Yang is also very speechless. 岳阳也很无语。 Big Brother, now extremely urgent matter, is your earnest point soon good? 大哥,现在快要火烧眉毛了,你认真点行不行? If you are not good, is speaking frankly from the beginning well, everyone can find the way to take another path, now arrived at the halfway, you actually do not clarify the direction, like this attacks you to know regarding others immature mind? Initially had the courage, put out the 10% trust limit to support your, cannot think that you actually disappointed others brutally, had you to make Boss like this? 如果你不行,在一开始直说就好,大家可以想办法走另一条路子,现在来到了半途,你却搞不清方向,这样对于别人幼小的心灵是何等打击你知道吗?当初可是鼓起勇气,拿出十分之一的信任极限来支持你的,想不到你却残酷地辜负了别人的期望,有你这样做老大的吗? Devil Dragon put out a hand to pat the forehead: Gives me time, making me think well, I can think.” 魔龙伸手拍了拍脑门:“给我一点时间,让我好好想想,我一定会想起来的。” Yue Yang thought might as well depends on itself suddenly by this fellow that! 岳阳忽然觉得靠这个家伙那还不如靠自己呢! In this boy brain perhaps is the muscle. 这厮脑子里说不定全是肌肉。 Fight is not bad. 打架是不错 But other thing even. 但别的东西就算了。 Remembers that initially created, destroyed and eternal their three little loli saying that Divine Grimoire the longest record of training is this boy creates, is stranded in the Endless World 1 million years, intelligence that is really suitable high. 记得当初创造、毁灭和永恒她们三个小萝莉说过,‘神典试炼的最长记录就是这厮创造的,困在无尽世界一百万年不出,智力那真是相当的‘高’。 Or I guide!” Student Yue Yang remembers own teacher now is Great Sage of Space Teleportation department, the only issue is, the Heavenspan Tower Soaring Dragon Continent space, in the complexity with Heaven Realm Ancient Passage has no way to compare particularly particularly. In that countryside small village Luxiao Road 2-3 Soaring Dragon Continent, Shui Dongliu that Old Fox perhaps is teacher that is skilled in the space operation, but attains here mortal world tens of thousands of different passage intriguing jig-saw patterned as Heaven Realm to carry out the practice his theory . Moreover, cannot be defeated the practice that must succeed, that as if a little forced someone to do something against his will a point. “要不我来带路吧!”岳阳同学现在想起自己的老师是个空间传送系的大贤者了,唯一的问题就是,通天塔尤其是龙腾大陆的空间,跟天界尤其是远古通道里的复杂性根本没法比。在那个乡下小村子大路小路2-3条似的龙腾大陆,水东流那个老狐狸也许是个精通空间操作的导师,可是将他的理论拿到这里花花世界成千上万不同通道错综复杂犬牙交错似的天界来搞实践,而且,还是一个不能失败必须成功的实践,那似乎有点强人所难了一点。 „Do you guide? Wants not to lead to return to the Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme front us, I called you Boss!” Devil Dragon was enraged, although the father the direction records is not clear, but is always better than your boy Q10000. “你来带路?要不把我们带回到光明守护至尊的面前,我就叫你老大!”魔龙被激怒了,老子虽然方向记不清楚了,但总比你小子强10000倍好不好。 „Does that also then talk circuitously?” Student Yue Yang waves weak: You walk!” “那还接着绕圈子?”岳阳同学无力地挥挥手:“你走吧!” You?” Devil Dragon stared in a big way the eyeball. “你呢?”魔龙瞪大了眼珠。 I am waiting here.” Yue Yang changes the chicken leg to open the meal: Waits a while you to return to here in any case!” “我在这里等着。”岳阳变出鸡腿开餐:“反正等一会你还是会回到这里来的!” Irritated me, your boy was too rampant, dares to look down on father whether or not? Without the means that the father does not have the means not to make you experience, favored!” Devil Dragon flies into a rage, he summoned one only to have the head body all was radiance Nether Light Dragon special War Beast. “气死我了,你这小子太嚣张了,敢小瞧老子是不是?没办法,老子没办法不让你见识一下,看好了!”魔龙勃然大怒,他召唤了一只仅有头颅身体全是光芒的‘虚空光龙’特殊战兽 First, he executed the special Rune mark in the head of Nether Light Dragon. 首先,他在虚空光龙的头上施了特殊的符文印记。 Then drops confidently. 然后胸有成竹地放手。 Let it fly to shoot to leave. 让它飞射离开。 Finally immensely pleased with oneself raises the eyebrow toward Yue Yang: Sees? The father can the correct road to finding immediately, this is Nether Light Dragon, passes through any space to be a cinch.” 最后洋洋得意地向着岳阳扬眉:“看见没有?老子马上就能把正确的路向找出来,这可是虚空光龙,穿越任何空间都不在话下。” Student Yue Yang does not have an old blood to spurt at the scene: Has War Beast you not to use early? You want the show memory also to change a time to be good!” 岳阳同学当场没有一口老血喷出来:“有战兽你不早用?你要秀记忆力也换个时间好不好!” The Devil Dragon big hand, pats layer on layer/heavily on Yue Yang's shoulder, the meaningful and heartfelt words lesson said: You are too young, does not know the exercise, only then like me, at any time, any place, does not forget to exercise, turning the pressure into the power, turning the power into the ability, this can continually promote! Also just now I have not gone astray, only to deceive the enemy, circled several circles intentionally, this to deceive the enemy, gets rid of the pursuing troops! You looked, Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme that fellow did make me deceive? He cannot figure out my trend, finally was thrown off by me with ease!” 魔龙大手,重重地拍在岳阳的肩膀上,语重心长地教训道:“你还太年轻,不知道锻炼,只有像我这样,在任何时刻,任何地方,都不忘记锻炼自我,化压力为动力,化动力为能力,这样才能一直不断提升的嘛!再说刚才我也没有走错,只是为了迷惑敌人,故意绕了几个圈子,这都是为了迷惑敌人,摆脱追兵!你看,光明守护至尊那个家伙让我骗了吧?他根本就算不出我的动向,结果被我轻松地甩掉了!” boy from another world thought that this boasting blows again, this Heaven Realm must break open. 穿越男觉得这牛皮再吹下去,这天界都要撑破了。 Hurries to prevent him: Ok, we, since has deceived the enemy, that hurries to start off, but also here, I always feel a little disturbed.” 赶紧阻止他:“好了,我们既然已经迷惑了敌人,那赶紧上路吧,还在这里,我总觉得心中有点不安。” While Devil Dragon this Boss preparation erupts wield. 正当魔龙这位老大准备大作一挥。 The preparation commanded when embarks. 准备喝令出发之际。 Nether Light Dragon came back. 虚空光龙回来了。 From direction that its Master and Student Yue Yang just now passes through, returns like lightning. 自它主人岳阳同学刚才走过的方向,闪电般回归。 What's the matter?” Devil Dragon is stunned: „Had we entered the Heaven Realm winding corridor? Path that only then that place, the infinite loop will pass through repeatedly, is not right, we do not have the deviation is so right!” “怎么回事?”魔龙愕然:“难道我们已经走进了天界回廊了吗?只有那个地方,才会让人无限循环地重复走过的道路,可是不对啊,我们没有偏离那么远才对!” Before I can also maintain sane does not choke to death you, I felt, I lead the way, how do you look?” Yue Yang's hand had lifted. “在我还能保持理智不掐死你之前,我觉得,还是我来开路,你看如何?”岳阳的手已经抬了起来。 idiot, I am right!” Devil Dragon suddenly loudly shouted. 笨蛋,我是对的!”魔龙忽然一声大喝 „Did you have a face to say?” Student Yue Yang seizes the neck of this Boss with the hand, like idiot, died early early reincarnation. “你还有脸说?”岳阳同学用手掐住这位老大的脖子,像这样的笨蛋,早死早投胎得了。 Listened to me saying that I actually circled intentionally come to here.” Devil Dragon hurries to explain, he is in the wrong now, has to endure the one breath, explained patiently to Yue Yang: Arriving here was easy to do, where is here? The place that the Heaven Realm winding corridor, gods are not willing to come, do not pinch, listening to me saying that because just here no one is willing to come, does not dare to come, therefore we are very safe!” “听我说,我其实是故意绕来这里的。”魔龙赶紧解释,他现在理亏,不得不忍下一口气,耐心地给岳阳解释道:“来到这里就好办了,这里是什么地方呢?天界回廊,一个神明也不愿意来的地方,别掐,听我说完,正因为这里谁也不愿来,不敢来,所以我们是非常安全的!” Is safe your big end of ghost!” Yue Yang decided that a character does not believe. “安全你个大头鬼!”岳阳决定一个字也不相信了。 Wait...... came here there is still one advantage.” Devil Dragon sees little brother one to eat the appearance of person, a little fear: This Heaven Realm winding corridor, who came unable to walk, therefore, usually no one came radically, do not pinch, I meant, came to here is correct.” “等等……来这里还有一个好处。”魔龙看见自己小弟一副要吃人的样子,也有点害怕:“这个天界回廊,谁来了也走不出去,所以,平时根本没人来,别掐了,我是说真的,来这里是正确的。” Comes this is correct?” Yue Yang felt that like hearing others said with an air of decorum moon is four square shapes, you think that I am a fool? “来这是正确的?”岳阳感觉就像听见别人煞有介事地说月亮是四方形的一样,你以为我是傻子吗? Right!” Devil Dragon has not said, discovered fiercely oneself were bundled by Yue Yang. “对!”魔龙还没说完,猛发现自己被岳阳捆了起来。 Student Yue Yang decides to bury alive this fellow directly. 岳阳同学决定直接将这家伙活埋。 Choking to death was too cheap he. 掐死都太便宜他了。 your younger sister! 尼妹 This type who comes who dies, who damned place that comes anyone unable to go out, he actually mentioned this is correct, what didn't bury also him? 这种谁来谁死、谁来谁也出不去的鬼地方,他竟然说来这是正确的,不把他埋了还等什么? Devil Dragon frightens in the heart intermittently to be scared, calls out in alarm: I mean, damn, father this had not said for a lifetime several truth, say now with great difficulty one time, you actually do not believe!” 魔龙吓得心中阵阵发毛,惊叫起来:“我是说真的,真见鬼,老子这一辈子也没说过几次实话,现在好不容易说一次,你竟然不信!” Yue Yang turns a deaf ear to digs a pit earnestly. 岳阳充耳不闻地埋头挖坑。 In the Heaven Realm winding corridor sinks to bury Great God, although is not legendary Ancient Great God, but was also similar , the father also plays the urine mud, this fellow is old in an awful condition.” A Devil Dragon saying, Yue Yang called a halt immediately, looked at the past doubtfully, Devil Dragon discovers to have effect, hurried to promote: Comes to here, we were look to the place, we awakened him, made him deliver again us, you looked, was convenient!” 天界回廊里沉埋着一位大神,虽然不是传说中远古大神,但也差不多了,因为,老子还玩尿泥时,这家伙就已经老得一塌糊涂了。”魔龙一说,岳阳立即停手下来,半信半疑地看过去,魔龙发现有效果,赶紧鼓吹:“来这里,我们算是找对地方了,我们去唤醒他,再让他把我们送出去,你看,多省事!” You determined that Great God was awakened by noise by us, will not be angry very much, does a slap make into the meat sauce us?” Yue Yang suspects another possibility very much. “你确定那位大神被我们吵醒了,不会很生气,一巴掌将我们打成肉酱?”岳阳很怀疑另一种可能。 Nonsense, naturally cannot!” Devil Dragon now cocky: I am very ripe with him, non- commonly acquainted, although is not the brothers, but also is the friend, moreover friend who is better specially!” “废话,当然不会!”魔龙现在得瑟:“我跟他很熟啊,非常熟,虽然算不上是兄弟,但也是朋友,而且是特别要好的朋友!” You determined that is the friend?” Yue Yang was wonderful, this does fool have the friend in Heaven Realm? This is unscientific! “你确定是朋友?”岳阳奇了,这二货天界也有朋友?这不科学啊! Simply is the steel ironclad friendship!” Devil Dragon is patting the chest guarantee. “简直是钢铁一般的友谊!”魔龙拍着胸口保证。 That hurries!” Student Yue Yang relaxes, since is the friend, is not the personal enemy, that gets angry even, a bus slap will not come! “那赶紧吧!”岳阳同学松了一口气,既然是朋友,不是仇人,那就算发火,也不会一大巴掌扇过来吧! Good, your looks at, I first erupt Divine Power to try to awaken him!” The big movement of Devil Dragon this goods not too made one to get out of bed probably, pours is a bit like comes to provoke to seek revenge, Yue Yang looked at very chilled in side at heart, oh no, it seems like it was negligent, letter/believes mistakenly this boy! Now can only hope that Great God really had the steel ironclad friendship friend, otherwise, the consequence was simply dreadful. “好,你看着,我先爆发神力试下能不能唤醒他!”魔龙这货的大动作不太像是叫人起床,倒有点像上门挑衅寻仇,岳阳在旁边看得心里拔凉拔凉的,糟糕,看来还是过于大意,信错了这厮!现在只能寄望那位大神真是拥有钢铁一般友谊的朋友了,否则,后果简直不堪设想。 How long also has not known. 也不知过了多久。 It seems like the sleep talking, seems like the yawn. 似乎是梦呓,又似乎是呵欠。 In any case, has the sleepiness dim sound to pass on endless Void(Xu Kong), spreads to Yue Yang eardrum indistinctly: Is you, can't you stop?” 反正,有个睡意朦胧的声音在无尽虚空中传出来,隐隐约约地传入岳阳耳鼓里:“又是你们,你们就不能消停一点吗?” Yue Yang is blinking the big eye: Is we? Had we come to here before?” 岳阳眨巴着大眼睛:“又是我们?我们以前来过这里?” Sleepiness dim sound to sober slightly little: Three days, aren't you have turned circle in the this Venerable corridor? You in the this Venerable family/home turn circle, even if, but also quarrelled can not be peaceful, did not make others sleep, did this still go too far? Devil Dragon, you fool, don't you go to Heavenspan Tower? Rushes to this Venerable here to come what are you doing?” 睡意朦胧的声音稍为清醒了一点点:“三天来,你们不是一直在本尊的走廊里转圈吗?你们在本尊家里转圈就算了,还吵得不得安生,不让别人睡觉,这也太过份了吧?还有魔龙,你这个傻瓜,你不是去通天塔吗?跑到本尊这里来干嘛?” We must go to Heavenspan Tower, but becomes lost now, you made with the current favor to deliver us conveniently one!” Devil Dragon winks to Yue Yang , indicating that the matter is so simple! “我们是要去通天塔,但现在迷路了,你做个顺水人情随手送我们一把得了!”魔龙岳阳挤眉弄眼,表示事情就这么简单! „It is not good.” Great God that just regained consciousness rejected without hesitation. “不行。”刚刚苏醒的大神毫不犹豫地拒绝了。 Is the wool is not good?” Devil Dragon is stunned. “为毛不行?”魔龙愕然。 Because...... this Venerable with you are not very ripe!” awakens Great God saw through the Devil Dragon lie directly. “因为……本尊跟你不是很熟!”苏醒的大神直接拆穿了魔龙的谎言。 You did not say that has the steel ironclad friendship with him?” The Yue Yang fire, was not ripe you also to dare to awaken by noise others, but also asked the person to deliver itself a regulation, this thick facial skin and big courage! “你不是说跟他有着钢铁一般的友谊吗?”岳阳火了,不熟你也敢吵醒别人,还叫人起来送自己一程,这得多厚的脸皮和多大的胆子啊! Hahaha, you thought that you will see the prisoner who both sides 100,000 years have not then seen to have the steel ironclad friendship with hundreds of thousands years ago? Even if there are, 100,000 years, still enough made decent the steel! Looked in once the share of understanding, this Venerable did not condemn you, hurried to leave!” Great God that just regained consciousness prepared to continue slumber. 哈哈哈,你觉得你会跟一个十几万年前见过两面然后足足有十万年没见的囚犯有着钢铁一般的友谊吗?就算有,十万年的时间,也足够将钢铁风化掉了!看在曾经认识的份上,本尊就不问罪你们了,赶紧离开!”刚刚苏醒的大神又准备继续沉眠 You, or delivers us, we have quarrelled here, quarrel you not to have the means to sleep soundly!” Devil Dragon feels suffocated at heart specially, without the steel friendship, as for ridiculed others even? Real owing father crossed for 100,000 years for a long time still to remember you. “你要不送我们,我们就在这里一直吵,吵得你没办法安眠!”魔龙心里特别憋气,没有钢铁友谊就算了,至于这么嘲笑别人吗?真亏老子过了十万年那么久还记得你。 „......” Yue Yang was speechless, your likely Boss? Your likely rascal! “……”岳阳无语了,你丫的像个老大吗?你像个无赖! Good, to sleep soundly, this Venerable delivers you a regulation!” awakens Great God is helpless, his helplessness lets the Yue Yang sympathize, if changes into is Student Yue Yang, he is not willing to acknowledge such a rascal is a friend, moreover pulls what nonsense steel friendship. “好吧,为了安眠,本尊就送你们一程!”苏醒的大神非常无奈,他的无奈让岳阳感同身受,要是换成是岳阳同学,他也不愿意承认一个这样的无赖是朋友,而且还扯什么狗屁钢铁友谊。 We do not return to Heavenspan Tower, perhaps there has Tian Yu to wait, is unsafe, delivers to Gate of Fate to go us!” Devil Dragon hits the snake to put forward the condition along with stick on the surface. “我们不回通天塔,那里也许有天御等着,不安全,把我们送到宿命之门去!”魔龙打蛇随棍上地提条件。 Really troublesome!” Regains consciousness Great God to stretch out a ten thousand meters great palm from Void(Xu Kong), slowly according to approaching Devil Dragon and Yue Yang: But, this Venerable felt where you go to be useless . Moreover, even entered Gate of Fate, you will be only more dangerous, because, inside World of Scale is still maintaining, inside former generation's Fate Showdown has not ended, only if breaks the fate, achieves Divine Mountain to level off, Dead Sea not to steam. Your fate, completely did not grasp in your hands, only cannot be solved complete depending on individual wisdom and courage......” “真麻烦!”苏醒大神虚空中伸出一只万米之巨的手掌,缓缓地按向魔龙岳阳:“不过,本尊觉得,你们去什么地方都没有用,而且,就算进了宿命之门,你们只会更危险,因为,里面的天平世界还在维系,里面上代的宿命对决还没完,除非打破宿命,做到‘神山夷平、死海蒸没’。你们的宿命,并不完全掌握在你们的手中,仅凭个人智慧和勇力是解决不了全部的……” Asked the senior to dispel doubt.” Yue Yang only shouted that with enough time this, the feeling is dizzy, was left by Teleportation instantaneously does not know beyond many trillion kilometers. “请前辈解惑。”岳阳只来得及喊出这一句,就感觉天旋地转,瞬间被传送出不知多少亿万公里之外。 In mind. 脑海中。 Indistinct. 隐隐约约。 Transmitting, seems does not have and resembles non- is a god shows: Sacrifice! 传来,一丝似有似无、似非似是的神示:牺牲! Waits for Yue Yang consciousness to sober completely, discovered fiercely oneself stand before one leaf of approximately 300,000 meters 200000 meters in height wide ultra huge Gate of Gods. 岳阳意识完全清醒过来,猛发现自己站在一扇约三十万米高200000米宽的超巨大神门之前。 Stands in Devil Dragon, overjoyed applauding: Aiya, is here, place that we must find, is here! What kind of the boy, making this leaf of ancient era Gate of Fate frighten the urine! All right, has my Boss to cover you and ensure all will be very smooth!” 站在身边的魔龙,欢天喜地的击掌:“哎呀,就是这里,我们要找的地方,就是这里!怎么样啊小子,让这扇上古时代宿命之门吓尿了吧!没事,有我这个老大罩着你,保证一切都会很顺利的!” The Student Yue Yang earth-shaking transformation has a big hammer to receive the surface quietly, on the face the full belt/bring smile was asking behind: „Who does just now deliver us to come this that Great God is?” 岳阳同学悄悄地变出一只大锤子收在身后面,脸上满带笑容地问:“刚才送我们来这的那位大神是什么人?” He called Ancient, was Heaven Realm Guardian God, I do not know how long he lived, it is estimated that dozens long live, a strange lazy incomparable fellow, the matter was not dry all day, the biggest hobby had a long lazy sleep!” Devil Dragon entrains now, said delightedly: Boy, I told you, I knew early for hundreds of thousands years with him, the long-standing friendship, you did not look that my a few words he obedient making a move did deliver us to come to here? However, this fellow more live more big child, likes making fun of the person likely very much, likes cracking a joke very much, do not believe, what look I really do have the steel ironclad friendship with him...... your am? Aiya, do not hit, do not hit, I really know him!” “他叫亘古,就是天界守护神,我也不知道他活了多久,估计有几十万岁了吧,一个奇懒无比的家伙,整天嘛事不干,最大的爱好就是睡懒觉!”魔龙现在拽得不行,说得眉飞色舞:“小子,我告诉你啊,我跟他早认识十几万年了,老交情,你不看我一句话他就乖乖的出手送我们来这里了吗?不过,这个家伙越活越像个大小孩,很爱捉弄人,也很爱开玩笑,别不相信,我跟他真的有钢铁一般的友谊……你那是什么眼神?哎呀,别打,别打,我真的认识他!”
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