LLS :: Volume #7

#1355: My fate, is your end

Attack!” “攻击!” Grasps to eclipse the crane of Dragon God stick to send the old man, the eye narrows the eyes like the needle, scolded sternly. He knows, if makes Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi first make a move, believes that presents anyone, is unable to withstand, only then under by community power, by the advantage of quantity, can crush this to dominate the world to show disdain for eight sides super Ranker. 手持蚀龙神杖的鹤发老叟,眼睛像针一样眯起来,厉声喝叱。他知道,假如让无双皇绝世抢先出手,相信在场任何一人,都无法承受,只有以群体力量,以数量的优势,才能压倒下这个雄霸天下傲视八方的超级强者 In Dead Sea Camp is all harboring the similar psychology with him. 死海阵营中无一不与他抱着同样心理。 Sees with own eyes Jue Shi (peerless) to compel. 眼见绝世迫来。 They are tacit immediately incomparably make a move to assault. 他们立即默契无比地出手抢攻。 100.00001 billion magnificent Divine Light, like previously attacked Jian Cang Sheng and Bloody Alluring Flower, is erupted in all directions, earth-shattering, vast such as Haiti floods to kill. 千亿万道的辉煌神光,又像此前攻击减苍生血艳花那样,由四面八方爆发出来,铺天盖地,浩瀚如海地淹杀过来。 Damn, these fellows are so always mean and shameless!” This collective attack the greatness of might, Jian Cang Sheng that only then once withstood directly genuine understanding. “该死,这些家伙总是那么卑鄙无耻!”这种集体攻击的威力之巨,只有曾经正面承受的减苍生真正了解。 Snort!” Although Supreme does not change countenance, but in her heart, definitely these degenerate the Divine Race strength. “哼!”至尊虽然毫不动容,但她的心中,还是肯定这些堕落神族的实力。 Lived worthily tens of thousands years of Old Ghost. 不愧是活了几万年的老鬼 Builds up community power, there is Divine Throne to increase auxiliary, but also really...... 集结群体力量,又有神座增辅,还真是…… Then the stride compels to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi of enemy, how also to deal? Crazily upfront resistance like Jian Cang Sheng? It looks like Supreme plan avoiding the enemy's strength and hitting where he is weak to make the Divine Power shock-wave seek the machine to raid? Not is only Jian Cang Sheng and Supreme feels the anticipation, Dead Sea Camp that lashes out degenerated the Divine Race numerous, in the heart also raised a curiosity. 那么大步迫向敌人的无双皇绝世,又会怎么应对呢?是像减苍生那样疯狂地正面抵御?还是像至尊计划避实就虚让过神力冲击波觅机而袭呢?不仅是减苍生至尊感到期待,就连出手攻击的死海阵营堕落神族众,心中也升起了一种好奇。 Under glare of the public eye. 于众目睽睽之下。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, searches to extend an arm at will, single palm raises up, keeps off careless. 无双皇绝世,随意地探伸出一只手臂,单掌竖起,就这么漫不经心地一挡。 His movement and attitude receive the following ninth-grade petty official also to compared with the emperor neglect simply sluggishly, if it were not for does not have Yue Family Third Young Master that bad custom, perhaps will also hit one to yawn at the scene. 他的动作和态度简直比皇帝接见下面的九品芝麻官还要懒散怠慢,要不是没有岳家三少那种坏习惯,说不定还会当场打一个呵欠出来。 Bang! 轰! Complete Divine Power attack centralized on palm, everywhere Divine Light, belongs. 全部的神力攻击都集中在手掌上,漫天神光,归于一点。 Then, vanished like the light smoke annihilation, anything has not happened, without the explosion does not have the storm to have no destruction. 然后,就像轻烟般湮灭消失了,什么东西都没有发生,没有爆炸也没有风暴更没有什么毁灭。 Palm of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi complete such as beginning, on that including a scar not to have simply, if it were not for sees helplessly, Jian Cang Sheng will suspect own whether or not is having a dream. This, this is how possible! That type can the destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth might, that type gather all power that degenerates Divine Race, the positive/direct bang kills the terrifying attack that comes, made a Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi hand receive . Moreover, this was also not resistance whole-heartedly, putting out a hand that only sent careless at will, this, was this Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi genuine strength? 无双皇绝世的手掌完好如初,那上面简直连一丝伤痕都没有,要不是眼睁睁看见,减苍生都会怀疑自己是不是在做梦。这,这怎么可能!那种可以毁天灭地的威力,那种集合了所有堕落神族力量,正面轰杀而来的恐怖攻击,却让无双皇绝世一只手接下了,而且,这还不是全力以赴的抵御,只是漫不经心随意打发的一伸手,这,难道这就是无双皇绝世真正实力吗? Too fearful! 太可怕了! Although Jian Cang Sheng with Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi for the enemy, is no longer standing in the summit of single arm rest Divine Mountain now Heavenly Vault, but he saw this secretly, is out of control to have leg soft frightening. 减苍生虽然不再与无双皇绝世为敌了,现在正站在神山之巅单臂撑着天穹,但他看见了这一幕后,也禁不住有种腿软的惊吓。 In the Supreme bright eyes the appearance erupts, she cannot think absolutely, this Jue Shi (peerless) erupts, really has the Tyrant Overlord prestige energy of far exceeds imagination. 至尊明眸中神彩大作,她也万万想不到,这个绝世爆发起来,竟然有远超想像的霸烈威能。 Receives the attack single-handed, this non- is the enemy is too weak, but is this Unparalleled Sovereign is too strong. 单手即接下攻击,这非是敌人太弱,而是这个无双皇太强。 In addition. 此外。 Does not have again do not plant the explanation. 再无别种解释。 Is impossible!” tall and thin Divine Tier extremely screamed panic-stricken, at this time, on the face of his Dead Sea Divine Race numerous, being frightened and did not believe. “不可能!”高瘦神阶惊恐万分地尖叫起来,此时,在他身边的死海神族众的脸上,一片的惊惶和不信。 Beaming attack, unique skill of forming!” Grasps to eclipse the old man of Dragon God stick also to maintain calm Divine Tier only, front he understands this Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi power compared with others, if were not imprisoned Black Pagoda several tens of thousands of years, strength no longer in the past peak, then he has really not dared with Jue Shi (peerless) to the war. The attack of just now, he also knows, cannot overthrow the opponent, a only wave of probe, following killing move, is the attack of genuine. “集束攻击,成形的绝招!”手持蚀龙神杖的老叟是唯一还保持冷静的神阶,他远比其他人更了解面前这个无双皇绝世力量,若非被禁锢黑塔数万年之久,实力不复当年巅峰,那么他还真不敢与绝世对战。刚才的攻击,他也知道,根本打不倒对手,只是一波试探,接下来的杀招,才是真正的攻击。 Dies!” Dead Sea Divine Race numerous who were awakened, they condense huge Divine Power crazily, no longer because of guarding against companion does to retain. “去死!”被惊醒过来的死海神族众,他们疯狂地凝聚巨大神力,不再因为提防同伴而作保留。 Whole-heartedly. 全力以赴。 Unretentive making a move. 毫无保留的出手。 Divine Light, everywhere ascends again. 神光,再次漫天升腾。 But, this time Divine Light really concentrates is completely not loose, might not previous. 但,这次的神光全部凝实不散,威力远非此前。 What fearsomer is, each Divine Tier Ranker, showed own unique skill. 更加可怖的是,每一位神阶强者,都施展了自己的绝招。 Divine Spear, one Divine Sword or only Divine Hammer hangingly and presently, gathers it under Master's Will is one, finally and synthesizes one to tear huge Divine Pillar that Everything In This World Devour any life has...... 一支支神矛,一把把神剑或者一只只神锤悬空而现,在主人的意志下合之为一,最终并合成一条可以撕裂世间万物吞噬任何生命存在的巨大神柱…… By the Will actuation of more than ten position Dead Sea Divine Race, by more than ten Divine Throne distant to give support counselling, carries under the arm the destruction prestige to be able with flood Heavenly Kill machine, the birthplace to empty. 十数死海神族意志驱动,由十几个神座遥遥加持辅导,挟带着毁灭威能和滔天杀机,贯空而来。 Straight bang to the chest of Jue Shi (peerless). 直轰向绝世的胸膛。 Situated after behind Supreme, does not have any avoidance, but has erupted Divine Power, condenses the cover of Gate of Life and Death general Divine Light to aid itself. Separates the spatial attack, in addition is not the target and center, has compelled Supreme to be ready in full battle array. This, is the Dead Sea Divine Race numerous after giving up guarding against community power that the tacit cooperation assembles! 位于身后的至尊,没有任何的退避,但已经爆发神力,凝聚起生死门一般的神光之罩护佑自身。仅仅是隔空的攻击,尚且不是攻击目标和中心,就已经迫得至尊不得不严阵以待。这,就是死海神族众在放弃提防默契合作后集结起来的群体力量 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi stands erect proudly, such as the mountain is motionless. 无双皇绝世傲然屹立,如山不动。 He does not have the meaning of slightly avoiding, the expression on face, no condenses and enforces, on the contrary, in his pupil the livelihood, still filled contemptuously. 他没有丝毫躲避的意思,脸上的表情,也没有一丝凝聚和严肃,相反,他的眸中日月,仍然充满了轻蔑。 When built up Divine Sword, Divine Spear and Divine Hammer huge Divine Pillar to run upon the chest ten million/countless, Jue Shi (peerless) made a response, he stuck out chest, shouldered all -out attack of opposite side camp hardly, in the meantime, two tiger arm spiral hugged, held in the arms huge Divine Pillar of that forming, face upwarded to erupt roaring that Thunderbolt reduced extinguishes again, in vibrating Divine Mountain Dead Sea, trembled entire World of Scale at the same time, arbitrarily and wrenched apart to twist to break to pieces huge Divine Pillar in bosom crazily...... changed into the fragment powder Divine Sword, Divine Spear and Divine Hammer ten million/countless instantaneously, the annihilation invisible. 当集结了千万神剑神矛神锤的巨大神柱撞上胸膛,绝世才作出一个反应,他挺起胸膛,硬扛对方阵营的全力攻击,同时,两条虎臂螺旋一抱,将那成形的巨大神柱搂住,再仰天爆发一声雷霆减灭的咆哮,在震动了神山死海,震颤了整个天平世界的同时,蛮横又疯狂地将怀中的巨大神柱扭断绞碎了……千万把神剑神矛神锤瞬间化为齑粉,湮灭无形。 Divine Power damage reflection that because cannot be protected, Dead Sea Camp that side degeneration Divine Race numerous all steaming retreat, weak, falls to the ground repeatedly. 因为不可抗御的神力反震,死海阵营那边的堕落神族众全体腾腾后退,其中不支者,屡屡倒地。 Only 2-3, come to a stop reluctantly Divine Body. 仅余2-3个,勉强站稳神躯 And, stands in the old man insisted behind Chi Dan Zi not but actually, felt the chest stuffy desire spits, almost faints to fall to the ground. 其中,站在老叟身后坚持不倒的赤丹子,感到胸闷欲吐,几乎晕厥倒地。 His strength is less than companion, for the face countenance, the support, almost suffers a loss forcefully, but what another not but is actually tall and thin Divine Tier, he must be inferior compared with Chi Dan Zi, after shouldering hardly halts, the look changes , is out of control to stir up to spout a blood from the throat. 他的实力不及同伴,为了颜面,强行支撑,差点就吃了大亏,而另一个不倒的是高瘦神阶,他比赤丹子还要不如,硬扛站住后,神色大变,哇地一声,禁不住自喉咙中激喷出一口鲜血来。 fuck!” Jian Cang Sheng swallowed saliva strenuously, the lip of shivering, is unable to say complete words to express mood at this moment simply. 卧槽!”减苍生吃力地咽了一口唾沫,颤抖的嘴唇,简直无法说出一句完整的话语来表示此刻的心情。 The genius he has to see. 天才人物他并非没见过。 Moreover is in itself. 而且本身就是。 But, like Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, by one's effort challenge entire Dead Sea Divine Race, moreover more than ten Divine Tier Ranker gathers jointly captures, still showed disdain for not to have thing peerless talent, he has not really seen! No wonder Jue Shi (peerless) this fellow dares to call Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi such Lihai (fierce) name, this fellow, was really extremely abnormal! 可是,像无双皇绝世这样,以一己之力叫板整个死海神族,而且十几位神阶强者的联手合攻下,仍然傲视无物的绝世天才,他还真的没见过!难怪绝世这个家伙胆敢叫无双皇绝世这样的厉害名字,这个家伙,实在是太过变态了! He compared with imagination, but also stronger big 100 times! 他比想像中,还要强大一百倍! Jian Cang Sheng suddenly has a powerless feeling, with such a character syngenesis time, but also really own sorrow! 减苍生忽然有种无力感,跟这样的人物同生一个时代,还真是自己的悲哀! What is more sorrowful, oneself must wait till unexpectedly for tens of thousands years later, genuine understood that the strength of this person, is my Jian Cang Sheng such talent also just Heaven Realm ants? The heaven, how you will make such character be born to this world come! 更加悲哀的是,自己竟然要等到几万年后,才真正了解这个人的实力,难道我减苍生这样的天才也只不过是一个天界蝼蚁吗?老天,你怎么会让这样的人物诞生到这个世间来! Now...... manages for the first time? What also means has?” Chi Dan Zi looks to holding the stick old man, if can surrender, he can surrender immediately, but present Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, clarifying is to come a massacre, now says the surrender, is too late. Chi Dan Zi envies suddenly very much in Dead Sea can be called is only friend Jian Cang Sheng, although fellow one-track mind, but at least before the point of death, but also harvested others' long-awaited love and made a vigorous until death not regret action. “现在……乍办?还有什么办法?”赤丹子看向持杖老叟,假如可以投降的话,他立即就可以投降,但现在的无双皇绝世,摆明是要来一场大屠杀的,现在说投降,已经太晚了。赤丹子忽然很羡慕在死海中唯一称得上是朋友减苍生,那家伙虽然死脑筋,但最少在临死前,还收获了一份别人梦寐以求的爱情和做了一件轰轰烈烈至死不悔的举动。 Persisting in Warrior being proud, protects the enemy at risk of life. 坚持战士骄傲,拼死守护敌人。 Also the hand supports Heavenly Vault, for the lover pledged that was situated in the summit of Divine Mountain...... dead like this, was not injust, did not waste person world one time in vain. 又手撑天穹,为爱人承诺立于神山之巅……这样死了,也不冤,也不白白浪费到人世间一遭。 But, thinks itself? Stands in the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi opposite, will soon become the sacrificial victim in enemy massacre, now, but also is thinking ignominiously must surrender, is this disparity so far? 可是,想一想自己呢?站在无双皇绝世的对立面,即将成为敌人大屠杀中的牺牲品,现在,还可耻地想着要投降,这个差距怎么就那么远呢? The Chi Dan Zi intention flashes, is out of control to smile bitterly. 赤丹子心念闪动,禁不住苦笑出来。 Suddenly goes forward with stride, facing Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, makes itself calm alone vigorously: Come, I know that will then have anything, but, I am also Warrior, I have the pride of Warrior! Although does not want dead, but my pride, does not allow me to stand in the team, the shame becomes slaughtered one, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, I must with your fight a duel, that fear that only has one move!” 忽然大步上前,单独面对无双皇绝世,极力让自己镇定下来:“来吧,我知道接下来会发生什么,不过,我也是一个战士,我也有战士的骄傲!尽管不想死,但我的骄傲,不允许我站在队伍中,耻辱地成为被屠杀的一员,无双皇绝世,我要和你单挑,那怕只有一招!” Go away, Chi Dan Zi, your idiot, hurries Dead Sea slumber, this a mantis trying to stop a chariot matter also you do?” Jian Cang Sheng cannot bear crack curse. “滚吧,赤丹子,你个白痴,赶紧回去死海沉眠,这种螳臂当车的事也你做的吗?”减苍生忍不住破口大骂 I also want to make Hero!” Chi Dan Zi is very speechless, Hero made your one person work as, that was not good. “我也想做一回英雄啊!”赤丹子很无语,英雄都让你一个人当了,那可不行。 You make clear, good that Hero does not do this!” Jian Cang Sheng was about to spit blood depressed. “你有没有搞清楚,英雄不是这样做的好不好!”减苍生郁闷快吐血了。 With great difficulty, knew a friend. 好容易,认识了一个朋友。 Who does not think that he is a big idiot. 谁不想他是个大白痴。 just now, has the opportunity to make Hero you not to stand, now where makes Hero, is the black bear was inferior simply...... Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi erupts, now prepares to slaughter, you do not hide in the distant point, but also silly runs to want fight a duel, fight a duel your younger sister fight a duel, your what skill? Obedient ants such, had self-knowledge likely, others giant god must make war, must slaughter, do not come out to obstruct the road, oneself hid in the distant point not to quietly, now stands to court death, if * fell, likely ignorant Clown was completely good! 刚才,有机会做英雄你不站出来,现在哪里是做英雄,简直是狗熊不如……无双皇绝世爆发,现在准备大开杀戒,你不躲远点,还傻兮兮的跑出来要单挑,单挑尼妹单挑,你什么本事啊?乖乖的像个蝼蚁那样,有自知之明,人家巨神要开战,要屠杀,别出来挡道,自己悄悄的躲远点不就得了,现在站出来找死,假如被*掉的话,完全像个无知的小丑好不好! The Chi Dan Zi psychology is different from Jian Cang Sheng, he thought that anyway dies. 赤丹子的心理跟减苍生不同,他觉得反正是死。 Hides in the team, perhaps will die slowly a little, but dies absolutely is aggrieved and tiny, now stands fight a duel, does not beat by the second is also calculated made every effort to succeed one. 躲在队伍中,也许会死得慢一点儿,但死得绝对憋屈和渺小,现在站出来单挑,不敌被秒也算争气一回了。 He regretted very much, if just now Jian Cang Sheng rebels, if stands together, now also stands on the Divine Mountain summit, is supporting Heavenly Vault together, such dying can also close one's eyes, is now, misses an opportunity, time won't come again, does not make anything now, oneself this Divine Tier Ranker also is really plain life. 他很后悔,假如刚才减苍生反叛,如果一同站出去,现在也站在神山巅上,一同撑着天穹,那样死掉的话也能闭眼了,可是现在,错过了机会,时不再来,现在不做点什么,那自己这个神阶强者还真是白活一场。 In eye pupil of Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, without Chi Dan Zi this enemy. 无双皇绝世的眼眸中,没有赤丹子这个敌人。 He wants clamoring of fight a duel like the lion to the mouse. 他像狮子对老鼠要单挑的叫嚣一样。 Does not pay attention. 毫不理会。 This disregarding stabbing pain the Chi Dan Zi heart, his arrow rushed generally, the both hands under Divine Throne to give support, condense to be ten thousand meters Divine Sword, the heart of straight thrust Jue Shi (peerless). 这种无视刺痛了赤丹子的心胸,他箭一般冲上去,神座加持下的双手,凝聚出长达万米的神剑,直刺绝世的心脏。 Spelled, that feared that does not beat. 拼了,那怕根本不敌。 Also wants Hero to send out the charge to the enemy! 也要英雄地向敌人发出冲锋! Although I am base and low, but I am also Warrior, I was also one once showed disdain for Heaven Realm Divine Tier! 我虽卑微,但我也是一个战士,我也是一个曾经傲视天界神阶 Sees Chi Dan Zi to go all out, originally should share a common hatred the Dead Sea Divine Race numerous who work as one, actually quietly retreat, even, that tall and thin Divine Tier also transforms together Divine Light, flees without a trace. Jian Cang Sheng closed the eye, he knows the strength of this friend, let alone to fighting Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, is to oneself, there is a disparity. 看见赤丹子拼命,本来应该同仇敌忾同心协力的死海神族众,却悄然后退,甚至,那个高瘦神阶还幻化成一道神光,逃逸无踪。减苍生闭上了眼睛,他知道这个朋友的实力,别说对战无双皇绝世了,就是对上自己,也有差距。 Supreme has not looked at Chi Dan Zi one. 至尊没有看赤丹子一眼。 On the contrary, she looked at distant place Dead Sea that side direction, as if must lock the enemy who escapes, resembles is searching other trace. 相反,她看了看远处死海那边的方向,似乎要锁定逃逸的敌人,又似在搜索别的痕迹。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, still forwarded with stride, disregards Chi Dan Zi, when Chi Dan Zi Divine Sword compels the body, the highly talented high ground lifts a foot, steps on layer on layer/heavily, steps on Divine Sword that directly broken, Chi Dan Zi together with his Divine Throne, entire steps on into the horizon snake bridge...... 无双皇绝世,仍然大步向前,无视赤丹子,等到赤丹子神剑迫体,才高高地抬起一只脚,重重一踩,直接将那把神剑踩碎,将赤丹子连同他的神座,整个踩入天际蛇桥中…… Comes out, Protector of Dead Sea, rolls, in inside slumber turtles, rolls entirely! Today, is Dead Sea degenerates the Divine Race end, is the end of World of Scale.” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi stride forwards, just now to act recklessly opens the War of the Gods Dead Sea Divine Race numerous not to live boldly actually retrocedes, after by Chi Dan Zi that tramples flat, no one dares to hug the point of Jue Shi (peerless) again. “出来吧,死海守护,滚出来吧,还有在里面沉眠的乌龟们,统统滚出来吧!今天,就是死海堕落神族的末日,也是天平世界的终结。”无双皇绝世大步向前,刚才不知死活大胆开启神战死海神族众不住却后退,除了被一脚踏平的赤丹子之后,再无一人敢直搂绝世之锋芒。 Laughable!” “可笑!” Has an extremely dignified unsurpassed honored sound, made a sound in the remote end of horizon snake bridge. 有个极其威严无上尊贵的声音,在天际蛇桥的遥远一端响了起来。 In the Dead Sea deep place, had several tens of thousands of meters high huge Idol to stand slowly, his similar starting to walk stride, welcomed to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi: „The end of World of Scale, must level off, Dead Sea does not steamthat day toDivine Mountain, your Jue Shi (peerless) have what skills and abilities, dares to go against heaven's will Dead Sea of disaster this Venerable protection! Really overreaches oneself, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, you will go against heaven's will the line, the time of death to!” 死海深处,有个数万米高的巨大神像缓缓地站了起来,他同样迈开大步,向无双皇绝世这边迎来:“天平世界之终结,必须到‘神山夷平、死海蒸没’的那一天,你绝世何德何能,敢逆天祸乱本尊守护之死海!真是不自量力,无双皇绝世,你逆天而行,死期将至!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi killing intent soars to the heavens, remote regards the opponent, in the pupil the livelihood, sparking such as new: My fate, is your ultimate! Also is the entire World of Scale ultimate! Even, is the ultimate of entire Sacred Supreme fate decisive battle! You and I, although is the candidate of former generation, but all the failure, today, makes me come ultimate all these, error recovery to original correct direction.” 无双皇绝世杀意冲天,遥视对手,眸中日月,闪亮如新:“我的宿命,就是你的终极!也是整个天平世界的终极!甚至,还是整个神圣至尊宿命决战的终极!你和我,虽是上代之候选,但皆失败,今天,就让我来终极这一切,将错误恢复到原来正确的方向上。” You why?” Several tens of thousands of meters huge Idol angry glare, dignified incomparable scolding. “你凭什么?”数万米的巨大神像怒目,威严无比的喝叱道。 Depends on me is Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi!” “就凭我是无双皇绝世!”
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