LLS :: Volume #7

#1354: Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi

Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi looks to Supreme. 无双皇绝世又看向至尊 Supreme slightly one hesitates, her Will not because anybody will change, but, she had seen certain omens, felt that this will be Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi insisted the road of fate must take, will therefore nod: You is a senior, then makes you first fight.” 至尊微一沉吟,她的意志可不会因为任何人改变,不过,她已经看到了某些预兆,感觉这是无双皇绝世坚持要走的宿命之路,于是点头:“你是前辈,那么就让你先战。” Thanked.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi breaks into smiles free and easy, instantly, entire gloomy horizon snake bridge like display of vigour and vitality, dawn daybreak. “非常感谢。”无双皇绝世洒脱地展现出笑容,刹那,整个灰暗的天际蛇桥有如旭日东升,黎明破晓。 He extends a great hand forward. 他向前伸出一只巨手。 Condenses Divine Power slowly. 缓缓地凝聚起神力 Will, has filled entire World of Scale, each member who spreads the air. 意志不知不觉间,已经弥漫整个天平世界,遍及空气的每一分子。 Regardless of any enemy, regardless of where, is hiding or the hidden trace, slightly useless. 无论任何敌人,无论在什么地方,无论是在潜藏或者隐踪,都丝毫无用。 Dead Sea degenerates some Divine Race feelings, oneself had been locked by the enemy, so long as this Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi begins, once erupts the big move, then oneself will certainly draw on the total destruction, any moves aside and evades is the jokes! 死海堕落神族们都有种感觉,自己已经被敌人锁定,只要这个无双皇绝世动手,一旦爆发大招,那么自己必将招来灭顶之灾,任何躲闪和逃避都是笑话! Sees the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi threaten such strong fight grand appearance, sees attitude that he so despises, Dead Sea Divine Race heart by deep stabbing pain. 看见无双皇绝世威迫性如此之强的战斗雄姿,看见他如此蔑视的态度,死海神族们的心胸被深深的刺痛了。 When shock, they come together. 震惊之余,他们一起现身。 Collaboration. 联手。 With the aid of the advantage of community, erupts Divine Power together, resists Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi together. 借助群体的优势,一同爆发神力,一起对抗无双皇绝世 Dazzling and all kinds , the weird looking strange shapes and various Divine Throne flash in these Dead Sea Divine Race back, their common characteristics are magnificent, one by one is fine, is attractive makes people be inconceivable. 令人眼花缭乱、五花八门、奇形怪状、各不相同的神座在这些死海神族的背后闪现出来,它们的共同特性就是华丽,一个个精美绝伦,漂亮得让人难以想像。 However Supreme noticed a point, although these Divine Throne enormously increase their Master, but was actually not accommodated by World of Scale antiquity Will. Like the present single arm rest Heavenly Vault Jian Cang Sheng such, Divine Mountain Will is corroding and cleaning Jian Cang Sheng Divine Body unceasingly, making him bear the boundless pain every minute every seconds. 不过至尊注意到了一点,这些神座虽然极大地增幅了它们的主人,可是却不被天平世界的上古意志所容。就像现在单臂撑着天穹减苍生那样,神山意志正不断地侵蚀和清洗着减苍生神躯,让他每一分每一秒都在承受着无边的痛苦。 Dead Sea can Divine Race of Divine Throne increase receive antiquity Will torture Supreme not to know, but she is certain, Ancient Code is in expulsion they. 神座增幅的死海神族会不会受到上古意志折磨至尊不知道,但她可以肯定,远古法则正在驱逐它们。 speed is very slow. 速度很慢。 But Supreme looks distinctly. 可是至尊看得分明。 Ancient Code bit by bit is melting these to degenerate Divine Race Divine Throne...... if it were not for these to degenerate the Divine Race back, Dead Sea Will resists Ancient Code expulsion slightly, then these Divine Throne will disintegrate quickly. No wonder the enemy does not dare easily to show Divine Throne, originally in this World of Scale, was not accommodated by the principle. 远古法则正一点一点地消融着这些堕落神族神座……要不是这些堕落神族的背后,还有死海意志稍微抵挡一下远古法则驱逐,那么这些神座将解体得更快。难怪敌人不敢轻易将神座展现,原来在这个天平世界里,根本不受法则所容。 In Dead Sea Camp degeneration Divine Race, the leader, is an old man. 死海阵营的堕落神族中,为首者,是一位老叟。 The entirely white hair and beard, but the crane sends baby faced. 须发俱白,但鹤发童颜 On the face does not see the senile. 脸上丝毫不见老态。 Only makes people feel that person has the happy life stance. 只让人感觉其人颇有福寿姿态。 Old man body put on several tens of thousands of years ago ancient clothing and personal adornments, in his right hand, then leaned on one to imitate such as the life common eclipse Dragon God stick lifelike, that non- was Divine Equipment, actually surpasses Divine Equipment. 老叟身上穿着数万年前的古代衣饰,他的右手之中,则拄着一杆栩栩如生仿如生命一般的蚀龙神杖,那非是神器,却更胜神器 Let Supreme feel what is surprised, this Scepter by legendary eclipses the Dragon God wood naturally becomes. 至尊感到惊讶的是,这一支神杖是由传说中的‘蚀龙神木’天然所成。 Eclipsed the Dragon God wood, Heavenspan Tower ancient times the secret history also had to record this type in strange thing who Upper Heaven Realm was in sole possession. The poisonous saliva blood when it earliest possibly is fought by Dongfang evil dragon splashes pours water on to live, Poison Dispelling, and has to increase auxiliary effect, is the Upper Heaven Realm very rare treasure. 龙神木,通天塔远古秘史也有记载这种在天上界独有的奇物。它最早可能是由东方恶龙相斗时飞溅的毒涎鲜血浇淋所生,辟毒,且极具增辅效果,是天上界非常罕见的珍宝。 Naturally, its biggest effect is dragon-slaying. 当然,它的最大功效是屠龙 Any Dragon Race weakens ten times in its front, once kills, is unable the self-recovery, even may produce lets the Dragon Race hearing a rumor look changes Dragon Plague. 任何龙族在它的面前都将十倍削弱,一旦杀伤,无法自愈,甚至有可能产生让龙族闻风色变的‘龙瘟’。 Knows that my lord War Beast is the dragon, therefore specially by the poisonous Dragon Saliva type?” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi looks to laugh, he had not only been affected, the expression is instead more contemptuous. “知道我的主战兽是龙,所以特意以毒龙涎种的吗?”无双皇绝世一看大笑,他不仅没有受到影响,表情反而更加轻蔑。 Jue Shi (peerless), agrees to open Divine Race to the war, otherwise this weaponry does not have the significance.” Grasps to eclipse the old man of Dragon God stick, is this crowd of Dead Sea Divine Race temporary lead goat, after he and companion discussed in secret, first stood, from his radiance incomparable Corrupted Grimoire above, wielded together special Divine Light of light rainbow like that but no lethality, flew to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. 绝世,同意开启神族对战吧,否则这仗根本毫无意义。”手持蚀龙神杖的老叟,是这群死海神族的暂时领头羊,他与同伴暗中商议后,第一个站出来,自他光芒无匹的堕落宝典上方,挥出一道轻虹那般但毫无杀伤力的特殊神光,飞向无双皇绝世 I have waited too for a long time, this War of the Gods was late for tens of thousands years.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi summoned design unusual incomparable gloomy gold/metal Holy Grimoire, similarly wielded together rainbow light Divine Power, struck with opposite side mutually. “我已经等得太久,这一次神战迟到了几万年。”无双皇绝世召唤出款式奇特无比的黯金圣典,同样挥出一道虹光神力,与对方互击。 ! Divine Power cancellation. 神力对消。 The resolution that but Divine Tier both sides applied to fight, had been approved by Ancient Code. 神阶双方申请战斗的决议,已经被远古法则认同了。 just now suppresses Ancient Code of audience to abate temporarily, ambushes again, antiquity Will also hidden indistinctly in an enormous range, the circle drew an invisible circle, as the battlefield of this life and death duel. 刚才压制全场的远古法则暂时消退,再次潜伏起来,上古意志还隐隐隐约约地在一个极大的范围内,圈画了一个无形的圈子,作为这次生死决斗的战场。 A Ancient Code retrogression, Divine Throne by expulsion, the expressions on that side Dead Sea Divine Race numerous face, had not been put loosens to come again finally, some people even start cocky. 远古法则一消退,神座没有再被驱逐,那边的死海神族众脸上的表情,终于放松下来,个别人甚至开始得瑟 Has Divine Throne, has the infinite strength.. 神座,就有无限战力。。 Although Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is very strong, but if he cannot move of instant kill, then this fight, will be prolonged will not die continuous struggle, will have the numerical advantage, can conduct the fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out and group war to besiege and other Dead Sea Divine Race numerous of flexible tactic, without doubt will be more preponderant, will fight finally, will could depress Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi in turn! After all he is strong, only has a person. 虽说无双皇绝世很强,但假如他不能一招秒杀,那么这场战斗,将是旷日持久不死不休的苦战,拥有数量优势,又可以进行车轮战、群战围攻等灵活战术的死海神族众,无疑更具优势,战到最后,说不定能够反过来压下无双皇绝世呢!毕竟他再强,也只有一个人。 As for that strength strange Young Miss, still did not have official Divine Throne body armor, even combat still nothing to be afraid. 至于那个实力古怪的小姑娘,尚没有正式神座护身,就算参战也已经不足为惧。 „Is this Divine Throne?” Supreme slightly frowning eyebrow. “这就是神座吗?”至尊微微颦眉。 She previously thinks all Divine Throne are an appearance, who does not want really to have such many changes, almost could not find the similarity that resembles completely! 她此前以为所有的神座都是一个样子的,谁不想竟然有如此之多的变化,几乎找不到完全相像的相同点! Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi was just about to go forward to make war, hearing this, the footsteps stagnate suddenly, the sound opens the mouth gently: As the senior, has not made a point anything for the later generation, haha, said that somewhat is ashamed. Since the fate starts, my heart also not regrets again, that makes an exception simply one time, said this Divine Throne secret to you!” 无双皇绝世本来正要上前开战,闻言,忽然脚步停滞下来,声音和缓地开口:“作为前辈,从来没有为后辈做过一点什么,哈哈,说起来还真有点惭愧。既然宿命开始,我心再也无憾,那干脆破例一次,给你说说这个神座秘密吧!” Supreme is silent, but salutes by the hand. 至尊沉默,但以手致礼。 This Divine Throne is secret amongst secrets, if not master and disciple, the bystander really had not said that now Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi does this broke a big case. 这个神座秘中之秘,若非师徒,外人还真是不说的,现在无双皇绝世这样做可谓破了一个大例。 First said why Divine Throne cannot condense, must accomplishes by a stronger upper layer or Master, because, this Divine Throne is actually in one faces Divine Tier conducts the approval threshold. Arrived standard, can approve, but also without arriving, that anything is not. Meanwhile, it is a door, through it, through it on as Divine Insignia of approval marking, Divine Tier can be allowed to enter the Advanced world with the high-level space, world or other marvelous infinite space world that for example Sacred Supreme self- Will founds, it like the Heavenspan Tower general certificate, that Bronze Card, Silver Card and Gold Karsh same......” “首先说神座为什么不能自己凝聚,必须由更强的上层或者师父造就,因为,这个神座其实就是一个上面对神阶进行认可的‘门槛’。到了标准,就可以认同,还没到,那就什么也不是。同时,它还是一扇门,通过它,通过它上面作为认可标识的神徽,神阶才可以获准进入更高级的世界和更高层的空间,比如神圣至尊自我意志开创的世界或者其它的奇妙无穷的空间世界,它就像通天塔的通行凭证,那个青铜卡白银卡黄金卡什么的一样……” No! Possibly is not this! Heavenspan Tower certificate only your low rank world makes the tool of scary and convenient management, with mysterious infinite Divine Throne is completely two matters.” In Dead Sea Divine Race has a tall and thin man incisively such as the sentry post to open the mouth to oppose. “不!不可能是这样的!通天塔凭证只是你们低阶世界弄来唬人和方便管理的工具,与玄妙无穷的神座完全是两回事。”死海神族中有一位高瘦男子尖锐如哨地开口反对。 First listens to him to say anything!” Also there is degeneration Divine Race like Chi Dan Zi, is interested in the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi words very much. “先听听他说什么!”也有像赤丹子这样的堕落神族,对无双皇绝世的话很感兴趣。 These are they have not heard the secrets. 这些是他们也没有听说过的秘闻。 Although they have Divine Throne. 虽然他们已经拥有神座 But secret. 但其中之秘。 Wonder. 其中之妙。 Still knew nothing! 仍然一无所知! tall and thin man back Divine Throne of such as blade shreds, revolving is restless. Although he does not approve the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi spoken language, but he has not obtained supports, on the contrary, many degenerates the Divine Race numerous to be willing first to listen to the secret in Jue Shi (peerless) mouth. 高瘦男子背后的神座如刃似铡,旋转不息。尽管他不认同无双皇绝世的言语,可是他没有获得更多支持,相反,许多堕落神族众更愿意先听听绝世口中的秘闻。 Divine Throne its function, indeed is not only this. just now said that it is standard, if surpassed its standard by far, then Divine Throne did not call Divine Throne, or incessantly was Divine Throne, it will be Eternal World, was founded by Sacred Supreme self- Will and unique Divine Power. The world that this Divine Throne evolves is not Grimoire World, Grimoire World is actually Ancient Great God evolves for us, made a template to us, only then by oneself is founded completely and Eternal World, that is the genuine world. This, at all is not the average person can achieve, can only by Divine Tier Ranker of Sacred Supreme that rank, be able the achievement, as for also to have higher standard above that I want to be the affirmation, but that I cannot find out by secret inquiry. Had heard like us existence that has Ancient Great God or immemorial Great God, but has not seen them to be the same.” At present Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi definitely, Sacred Supreme is most Advanced living entity that all lives can understand. 神座它的作用,的确不仅是这样。刚才说了,它是一个标准,如果远远地超出了它的标准,那么神座就不叫神座了,或者说,不止是神座了,它将是一个永恒的世界,由神圣至尊的自我意志和独特神力开创。这个神座演化的世界不是宝典世界,宝典世界其实是远古大神替我们演化的,给我们做了一个模板,只有完全由自己开创并且永恒的世界,那才是真正的世界。这个,根本不是普通人可以做到的,只能由神圣至尊那个级别的神阶强者,才可以成就,至于在那之上还有没有更高的标准,我想是肯定的,但那已经非我所能探知的了。就像我们听说过有远古大神或者太古大神的存在,可是从来没有见过他们一样。”无双皇绝世肯定一点,神圣至尊是目前所有生命所能了解到的最高级生命体 „Has not started to condense Divine Throne, holds the jelling to make the world?” Supreme thinks, some ** the boy seems a bit like this. “是否有还没开始凝聚神座,就开始凝造世界的呢?”至尊想了一下,某个**小子似乎有点像是这样。 Is impossible!” That side tall and thin Divine Tier also screamed. “不可能!”那边高瘦神阶又尖叫起来。 Shut up!” Chi Dan Zi is hearing with great interest, when heard this fellow because of opposing to oppose, is out of control to open the mouth to spurt him. “闭嘴!”赤丹子正听得津津有味,一听这家伙又因为反对而反对,禁不住开口喷他。 Perhaps I don't know either, has, perhaps does not have......, even if has, perhaps such person does not know, actually some back people do this matter for him, otherwise, by Heaven Realm and Heavenspan Tower life, is impossible to complete, constructs a world, absolutely is not a simple matter.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi has not mentioned directly. “我也不知道,也许有,也许没有……就算有,说不定那样的人也不知道,其实背后有人替他做这件事,否则,以天界通天塔的生命,都不可能自行完成的,构造一个世界,绝对不是一件简单的事。”无双皇绝世没有正面提及。 „, Really, constructs a world to have what difficulty, bored spoken language!” tall and thin Divine Tier hearing this sneers again and again. “切,真是,建造一个世界有什么困难,无聊的言语!”高瘦神阶闻言冷笑连连。 Must construct a world, is difficult, some Divine Tier entrain very much, the attitude is very rampant, dares saying that his read forms a world.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi was happy: But, that is just his Divine Power piece of light, a Void(Xu Kong) drawing, that fears its surface like live, magnificent peerless, but, cannot conceal its frailty and insufficient. That at all is not a world, that is some beautiful water bubble, so long as a point, will vanish gently instantaneously invisible. The genuine world is eternal, wants eternal compared with this World of Scale matchless, any Divine Tier is unable to destroy and change, all that so long as Master of that world, the creation and construction the whole world and by Will management Sacred Supreme, can the to follow one's heart's desires achievement he want.” “要构造一个世界,非常困难,有些神阶很拽,态度很嚣张,敢说他的一念即形成一个世界。”无双皇绝世乐了:“可是,那只不过是他神力的一片光,一个虚空的图画,那怕它表面像活的一样,华丽绝伦,可是,也掩饰不住它的脆弱和不足。那根本不是世界,那不过是一些美丽水泡,只要轻轻一点,就会瞬间幻灭无形。真正的世界是永恒的,比这个天平世界还要永恒无俦,任何神阶都无法摧毁和改变,只要那个世界的主人,创造和构建整个世界并以意志管理的神圣至尊,才能随心所欲地成就他想要的一切一切。” Since is Sacred Supreme can achieve, that does not go into seriously temporarily, can say Divine Throne again?” Supreme thought that does not need excessively to discuss world, that is the present strength cannot and thing. “既然是神圣至尊才能达成,那暂时不深究了,能再说说神座吗?”至尊觉得没必要过多讨论‘世界’,那是现在力所不能及的东东。 Divine Throne, is a pass, is threshold standard.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi nods: Almost is like the Heavenspan Tower Instructing card.” 神座,就是通行证,也是门槛标准。”无双皇绝世点头:“几乎与通天塔接引卡一样。” just now you mentioned Bronze Card Silver Card, whether did Divine Throne have different standard?” Supreme noticed this aspect keenly. 刚才你提到青铜卡白银卡,那是否神座也有不同的标准呢?”至尊敏锐地注意到了这个方面。 Yes.” A Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi saying, the Dead Sea Divine Race numerous who listened secretly including that side is also startled. Does Divine Throne really have different standard? This, is this possible? Divine Throne regarding individual is not only? How to have different standard? “是。”无双皇绝世一说,包括那边偷听的死海神族众也大吃了一惊。神座竟然是有不同标准的?这,这怎么可能?神座对于个人来说难道不是唯一的吗?怎么还会有不同的标准呢? Impossible......” tall and thin Divine Tier this to return not saying that has made companion glower, everyone heard to be just happy, you did anything to be chaotic in this! “不可能……”高瘦神阶这回还没有说完,已经让同伴怒目而视了,大家听得正爽,你在这搞什么乱啊! This eternal secret, now or says, who can know the truth? 这种万古之秘,现在要不说出来,谁能知道真相? Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi: Divine Throne indeed has different standard, but, it readily does not make one know, including having Divine Tier, does not know oneself are in what position. Generally speaking, Divine Power light pillar in 10 – 100 metres Divine Tier, is in a level, is called Initial Divine Throne, some Upper Heaven Realm secrets, said what magnificent Divine Throne, magnificent Divine Throne and holy Divine Throne and so on, that makes the language of concealing to Divine Tier, actually mostly is this Initial Divine Throne. 100 – 300 metres, is called Ordinary Divine Throne, 300 – 500 metres, is called Superior Divine Throne, below the kilometer, is called Prime Divine Throne. Condenses as for the 1,000 – 10,000 metres Sacred Supreme rank, called Grand Divine Throne.” 无双皇绝世顿了顿:“神座的确有不同的标准,不过,它轻易不让人知道,包括拥有的神阶,也不知道自己是在什么位置。一般来说,神力光柱十米以上百米以下神阶,都是一个位阶之内,叫做‘初位神座’,天上界有些秘传,也称什么华丽神座、辉煌神座、圣洁神座之类的啊,那都是给神阶作掩饰之语,其实大多都是这一个‘初位神座’。百米以上三百米以下的,叫做‘正位神座’,三百米以上五百米以下的,叫做‘上位神座’,还有千米以下的,叫做‘主位神座’。至于千米以上一直到万米神圣至尊级别凝聚的,都叫‘太位神座’。” Supreme is puzzled: Why above the kilometer only has standard?” 至尊不解:“为什么千米以上只有一个标准?” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi when heard austere accommodates: Because the Sacred Supreme main achievement world, is not primarily Divine Throne, the achievement eternal Divine Throne, is not willing to make Divine Throne even specially unique, therefore generally with kilometer above has not distinguished, the at least semblance has not distinguished, is Grand Divine Throne. Draws a not too appropriate analogy to explain that Heavenspan Tower Innate Ranker, if erupts biggest power, that almost could not live in Soaring Dragon Continent, for lived very well in Soaring Dragon Continent, they even innate, the semblance was still like the average person, will not put in order sacredly dignifiedly makes the world look awed full of admiration pays respect. If Sacred Supreme such does, perhaps he did not have the means to live in his world, lived the person in his world unable to bear that deterrent, therefore Divine Throne has not exceeded specially, in any case that was one leaf gate, opened a city gate to pass in and out then it will be alright, the average person who will make a house like Radiant Light Mountain huge, opened tens of thousands meters high gate turnover again?” 无双皇绝世一听肃容:“因为神圣至尊主要成就世界,不以神座为主,就算成就了永恒的神座,也不愿意将神座弄得特别超脱,所以一般跟千米以上的没有分别,最少外表没有分别,都是‘太位神座’。打个不太适当的比方来说明吧,通天塔先天强者,如果爆发出最大力量,那么在龙腾大陆几乎生活不了,为了在龙腾大陆很好地生活下去,他们就算是先天,外表也跟普通人一样,不会整得神圣威严让世人一看就五体投地为之敬畏参拜。假如神圣至尊那样做,他也许就没有办法在他的世界里生活了,生活在他世界里面的人也受不了那种威慑,所以神座没有特别超越,反正那是一扇‘门’,开个城门进进出出就行了,普通人谁会造个房子像光明山一样巨大,再开个几万米高的门进出呢?” Understood.” Supreme comprehended completely, nods to salute to this clearing up suspicions senior grateful. “明白。”至尊完全领悟了,非常感激地向这位释疑的前辈点头致敬。 If needed, passed on to these again to some little fellow, perhaps, he did not need my and other superficial understanding!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi face upwards to laugh. “假如需要,再将这些转告给某个小家伙吧,也许,他根本不需要我这等浅薄的认识呢!”无双皇绝世仰天哈哈大笑。 He surely needs.” Supreme, asked suddenly: Heavenly Mystery that this secret may not divulge, you said that what consequence will have?” “他肯定需要的。”至尊一顿,忽然又问:“这个秘密是不可泄露的天机,你说了出来,会有什么后果?” Does not know, perhaps is the seal, perhaps is other!” In the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi pupil the livelihood blooms ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) radiance: I set firm resolve, step my fate saying that these are unimportant. Perhaps, the arrangement of fate, by my senior, giving your enlightenment is uncertain, otherwise these old fellow what are you doing closed/pass me in Black Pagoda is so long...... see again/goodbye, Young Miss, can know you, was being honored of our generation warrior, if possible, please stand in the summit of the world, overlooked all! My Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is unable the future of achievement, to hope Human Supreme that your ice arrogant world is competent, can achieve!” “不知道,也许是封印,也许是别的!”无双皇绝世眸中日月绽放出万丈光芒:“我都下定决心,踏上自己的宿命之道了,那些就不重要了。也许,宿命的安排,由我这个前辈,给你这个启示也不一定,要不然那些老家伙干嘛把我关在黑塔那么久……再见了,小姑娘,能够认识你,是我辈武者的荣幸,如果可能,请站在世界之巅,俯视一切吧!我无双皇绝世无法成就的未来,希望你这个凌傲世间不让须眉的人类至尊,可以达成!” see again/goodbye.” Supreme third saluting, she has seen, this senior, had stepped his travel of fate officially. 再见。”至尊第三次致敬,她已经看出,这位前辈,已经正式踏上了他的宿命之旅。 Although is unable the achievement to be eternal, but I also once Jue Shi (peerless) unparalleled, until now!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi face upwards the long and loud cry, the heroic heroical howl, vibrates entire World of Scale, lets Divine Mountain and Dead Sea also shivers. “虽然无法成就永恒,但我亦曾经绝世无双,直至今日!”无双皇绝世仰天长啸,豪迈壮烈的啸声,震动整个天平世界,让神山死海亦为之颤动。 In his back, is condensed flame Divine Throne that becomes by innumerable Rune, flaming burns. 在他的背后,一个由无数符文凝聚而成的火焰神座,熊熊地燃烧而起。 on top side, central point of Rune happening together. 顶上方,符文交集的中心点。 Will burn Immemorial Rune that does not extinguish forever, twinkle in. 一颗永燃不熄的太古符文,闪烁其中。 In the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi back, a Heavenly Dragon image flashes before, its wing hiding the sky and covering the earth, the dignity of dragon head, lets in numerous Divine Tier hearts, lives the ants panic-stricken...... Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi to forward unavoidably in big strides, he took a hot road, the footprint flaming, the say/way of this fate will be the pinnacle of poetic creation of his life, will be his honor does not allow one to glance back has made up mind ultimate wish forward. 无双皇绝世的背后,还有一条天龙的影像闪现,其翼遮天蔽日,龙首之威严,让众多神阶心中,也难免生起蝼蚁之惊恐……无双皇绝世大踏步向前,他走出了一条火路,脚印熊熊,这条宿命之道将是他生命的绝唱,也是他义无反顾决意向前的终极意愿。 This Jue Shi (peerless) unparalleled Heavenspan Tower son, once the anger erupts, brings, will certainly be Thunderbolt that Divine Tier cannot stand reduces extinguishes...... 这个绝世无双的通天塔男儿,一旦愤怒爆发,带来的,必将是神阶也禁受不住的雷霆减灭…… Future Sacred Supreme, but also constantly is growing. 未来的神圣至尊,还在不断成长。 At this time. 此时。 to ascend the heaven or to descend to earth, asked the world, a who also there is able with it shoulder to shoulder? 上天下地,试问世界,又有谁人能够与之并肩? world only then so shows disdain for the world and unrivaled fine figure child, only has such Unparalleled Sovereign, Jue Shi (peerless)! 世间只有一个如此傲视天下、举世无双的伟男子,也只有一个这样的无双皇,绝世
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