LLS :: Volume #7

#1353: I'm willing to shoulder the entire vault of Heaven for you

Withstands the Divine Power collection fire by the main body, but Guardian Spirit War Beast haunches Heavenly Vault, this is pays lip service to the withdrawal from combat to maintain the crazy action that neutral Bloody Alluring Flower makes. 以本体承受神力集火,而生命守护战兽撑起天穹,这是口口声声退出战斗保持中立的血艳花所做的疯狂之举。 Not is only Chi Dan Zi and Jiu Ran they, Jian Cang Sheng that survives by luck, is puzzled. 不仅是赤丹子九蚺他们,就连侥幸存活下来的减苍生,也非常不解。 Coveting life and fearing death, is Bloody Alluring Flower true colors until now! 贪生怕死,可是血艳花一直以来的本色啊! Why? 为什么? I know that you cannot have a liking for others, I also know that my looks is very indeed ugly, who will like a poisonous spider! Originally, I think this whole life, will not have what love, I always take hating as power, the moan of blood and pain of enemy, is my heart is good. In recent years but, I see Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that fool, comes repeatedly, is making various stupidities for his sweetheart futile, always enjoys, making my innermost feelings have a hope suddenly......, if had a person, can like Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, for I made a point anything, that feared that was a bored most idiot most wrong action, I was also well satisfied!” Bloody Alluring Flower Divine Body broken, only has a head, when Jian Cang Sheng with holds her head shocking looks at single-handed her, on her face actually showed the smile. “我知道你看不上人家,我也知道我的确长得很丑,谁会喜欢一个毒蜘蛛!本来,我以为这辈子,都不会有什么爱情了,我从来都以怨恨为力量,敌人的鲜血和痛苦的呻吟,才是我的心头好。可是这些年来,我看见无双皇绝世那个傻瓜,一遍又一遍地前来,徒劳无功地为他的恋人做着各种愚行,乐此不疲,让我的内心忽然产生了一丝渴望……假如有个人,能够像无双皇绝世那样,也为了我做一点什么,那怕是一件最无聊最白痴最错误的举措,我也心满意足了!”血艳花神躯破碎,仅剩下一颗头颅,当减苍生用单手托着她的头颅震惊地看着她时,她的脸上却露出了微笑。 But I never have, for you have made anything!” Jian Cang Sheng really cannot think, oneself for she have made anything. “可是我从来没有为了你做过什么啊!”减苍生实在想不起来,自己为了她做过什么。 Currently also has the time, has not dissipated while my soul completely, what does for me casually, Ok?” The Bloody Alluring Flower words have not ended, that side Jiu Ran has thrown crazily, the fist like Raging Lightning, the bang kills. “现在还有时间,趁我灵魂还没有完全消逝,随便为我做点什么,可以吗?”血艳花的话没完,那边的九蚺已经疯狂地扑上来,拳如奔雷,轰杀而来。 Go away!” Jian Cang Sheng shakes Jiu Ran, actually discovered that Bloody Alluring Flower receives the soul of shake, has started to dissipate, immediately the ya zi complete cleavage, the tears of blood flows rapidly: No!” “滚!”减苍生震开九蚺,却发现血艳花受到震荡的灵魂,已经开始消逝,顿时睚眦全裂,血泪奔流:“不!” Jiu Ran wants is this result. 九蚺要的就是这种结果。 He is grinning fiendishly. 他狞笑着。 Evades the grief and indignation attack of Jian Cang Sheng with ease, proud slides Dead Sea to degenerate in the Divine Race community. 轻松躲过减苍生的悲愤攻击,得意地溜回死海堕落神族的群体中。 Jian Cang Sheng holds the head of Bloody Alluring Flower desperately, looks at, her soul bit by bit withers away in the empty day helplessly. 减苍生绝望地捧着血艳花的头颅,眼睁睁地看着,她的灵魂在虚天中一点一点地消亡。 Doesn't matter, can see you to burst into tears for me, I had thought that is extremely honored. If the antiquity big Divine Will intent gave me again an opportunity, I will certainly pursue you bravely but actually, making you deeply fall in love with me, no longer like the present, looks at your for several tens of thousands of years lonely rebukes oneself the suffering, I will certainly be accompanying you, a day did not leave your side......” “没有关系,能够看见你为我流泪,我已经觉得非常荣幸。假如上古大神愿意再给我一次机会,我一定会勇敢地倒追你,让你深深地爱上我,不再像现在这样,看着你数万年来孤独又自责地煎熬,我一定会陪着你,一天也不离开你的身边……” Bloody Alluring Flower her Will did not have to bloom with enough time completely, dissipated completely. 血艳花她的意志还没有来得及完全绽放,就完全消逝了。 Haunches Heavenly Vault Guardian Spirit War Beast, turns into together Flowing Light, tags along after direction that Master dissipates, together annihilation invisible. 撑起天穹生命守护战兽,也化成一道流光,尾随主人消逝的方向,一同湮灭无形。 No, no!” The Jian Cang Sheng grief and indignation incomparably face upwards to bellow, that brokenhearted calling out in grief can make the stone image burst into tears simply, originally on sustained heavy injuries, only excels in the destruction not he who excels at curing, is unable to save the companion life, even hinders is not not possible slightly. From letting slip to strike to kill the ally, after killing oneself are as close as brothers ally, Jian Cang Sheng has not tried again like today distressed. “不,不!”减苍生悲愤无比地仰天大吼,那种心碎的悲鸣简直可以让石人流泪,本来就身受重创,又仅长于毁灭而不擅治愈的他,根本无法挽回同伴的生命,甚至连稍微阻滞一下都不可能。自失手击杀战友,杀死自己亲如兄弟般的战友后,减苍生就再也没有试过像今天这样痛心。 This is not the destiny that he wants to choose. 这不是他想选择的命运。 Like past years, a fist bang broken brothers' heart like that. 就像当年,一拳轰碎兄弟的心脏那般。 Chi Dan Zi does not endure to look again, he cannot think absolutely originally pities life incomparable Bloody Alluring Flower to make so the action. 赤丹子已经不忍再看,他也万万想不到原来惜命无比的血艳花会做出这般举动。 Only then Jiu Ran and the others, is completely aloof, they are from head to tail villain, what the conscience and sense of justice needs to exist? Evil slaughtering and brutal destruction, are the entirety of life, only by doing so, will establish above others' pain joyfully, the looks at enemy's struggling wail in the pain, that is enjoyment of genuine. 只有九蚺等人,完全无动于衷,他们可是彻头彻尾的坏人,良心和正义感什么的有必要存在吗?邪恶的杀戮和无情的毁灭,才是生命的全部,只有这样,将快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,看着敌人在痛苦中挣扎哀鸣,那才是真正的享受。 This calling out in grief, but also is really interesting to listen to!” Jiu Ran laughs, is higher than own Divine Tier like Jian Cang Sheng this type, oneself want to look that he was very hapless long, now isn't just right? “这个悲鸣,还真是动听!”九蚺哈哈大笑,像减苍生这种高于自己的神阶,自己想看他倒霉很久了,现在不是正好吗? Good, since you said like this, I do a matter for you!” “好,既然你都这样说了,那我就为你做一件事!” Jian Cang Sheng renouncing spoken language, the many people feel uneasy. 减苍生的决绝言语一出,许多人都感到不妙。 Does this fellow want what are you doing? 这家伙想要干嘛 Jian Cang Sheng in field, the remnant body changes to together Flowing Light, flashes in Divine Mountain on top, Heavenly Vault that unceasing rappel gets down, the single arm holds the world to hold up to lift, dignified Divine Mountain Will the Divine Light erupts, corrode him immediately unceasingly originally already heavily injured degeneration Divine Body, but his not in the least concerned, turns a blind eye to that infinite pain, only face upwards to bellow: Look, do you see now? This is I does for you! My Jian Cang Sheng has not done a matter for you, now, I want, for you hold up to hold up entire Heavenly Vault......” 场中的减苍生,残躯化作一道流光,闪现在神山顶上,将那不断垂降下来的天穹,单臂托天地重新擎举起来,威严的神山意志立即神光大作,不断地侵蚀他本来就已经重创的堕落神躯,但他满不在乎,将那种无尽痛苦视若无睹,只是仰天大吼:“看,你现在看见了吗?这是我为你做的!我减苍生从来没有为你做过一件事,现在,我愿意为了你擎举起整个天穹……” Dead Sea Camp degeneration Divine Race in the extreme is angry. 死海阵营的堕落神族愤怒得无以复加。 Did this boy revolt unexpectedly? 这小子竟然叛变了? Moreover, but also for the enemy, held up to hold up Heavenly Vault crazily, liberated Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that has been unable to do it alone lonely without help officially! 而且,还疯狂地替敌人,擎举起了天穹,正式解放了原来一直孤独无援孤掌难鸣的无双皇绝世 „Thanks very good, my fate finally started!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is gazing at his sweetheart gently, the livelihood in pupil, emits indescribable marvelous Divine Light: My this walks, perhaps will not come back, therefore, says goodbye now officially! If I can also fortunately, become a big tree, accompanies your other years, that will be the biggest gracious gift of antiquity Great God to my life.” “谢了,很好,我的宿命终于开始了!”无双皇绝世温柔地注视着他的恋人,眸中的日月,散放出难以言喻的奇妙神光:“我这一走,也许不会回来了,所以,现在是正式告别!如果我还能有幸,成为一颗大树,陪伴你余下的岁月,那将是上古大神对我生命的最大恩赐。” see again/goodbye, regardless of you whether returns, in my mind, can hold up to lift the Heavenly Vault big tree.” Flower Fairy is smiling, but her corner of the eye actually slid unknowingly two bead tears. 再见,无论你是否回归,在我的心中,都是可以擎举天穹的大树。”花仙子在笑,但她的眼角却不知不觉地滑了两颗珠泪。 Dead Sea degeneration Divine Race, I came, you can explain the last words now!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi deposited several tens of thousands of years of anger, now spurts like the volcanic eruption comes out thinly. Those who let Dead Sea Divine Race shiver, this originally powerful incomparable Unparalleled Sovereign, terrifying dead will. If this fellow must go all out, then the consequence, can be serious that cannot imagine! 死海的堕落神族们,我来了,你们现在可以交待遗言了!”无双皇绝世沉积了数万年的愤怒,现在就像火山爆发般喷薄出来。让死海神族们为之颤抖的是,这个本来就强悍无匹的无双皇,还有了恐怖的‘死志’。假如这家伙要拼命,那么后果,会是想像不到的严重! You, you dare to approach again one step, I killed her!” Jiu Ran fears extremely, but in his brain the quick witted emit light, sends at the scene Supreme that is protected by the sky blue Divine Power cover also, immediately the great happiness, the anxious step goes forward, condenses Divine Power, prepares to coerce her for the hostage. “你,你敢再靠近一步,我就杀了她!”九蚺惧极,但他脑中急智生光,发现场中由天蓝神力罩保护的至尊还在,顿时大喜,急步上前,凝聚神力,准备将她胁为人质。 Stupid fellow.” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi hearing this laughs to continue: Your these years lived the dog belly. This Young Miss has not lost, has not defeated, her only uses the brutal fight, comes to understand and builds her brand-new Divine Throne forget it/that's all! From living to dying, from dying to living, her comprehend, far exceeds your lived on dishonorably tens of thousands years of senior, you really did not feel that blushes? What do I want to say to your Dead Sea Divine Race now? Stupid? No, that described you insufficient, you perhaps with feeling sorry to describe, was more appropriate!” “愚蠢的家伙。”无双皇绝世闻言大笑不止:“你们这些年都活到狗肚子去了。这个小姑娘根本就没有输,也没有败,她只是利用残酷的战斗,来觉悟和营造她全新的神座罢了!由生到死,由死到生,她的参悟,远远超越了你们这些苟且偷生了几万年的前辈,你们真的一点儿也不感到脸红吗?我现在想对你们这些死海神族说什么?愚蠢吗?不,那不足形容你们,你们或许用可怜来形容,更加合适!” Pitiful?” Dead Sea Camp degeneration Divine Race listened, the one by one appearance twists, in the heart is almost depressed must fall insanely. “可怜?”死海阵营的堕落神族听了,一个个面目扭曲,心中郁闷得几乎要疯掉。 However, said that the person of these words is Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. 不过,说这句话的人是无双皇绝世 A strength has the overwhelming fellow, in their hearts again uncomfortable, only then goes all out to bear. 一个实力具有压倒性的家伙,他们心中再不爽,也只有拼命忍住。 Jiu Ran in battlefield, has not believed in evil doctrines, felt that whether or not Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is cheating itself? This little girl fainted obviously, what also pulls to come to understand Divine Throne, Divine Throne must concentrate to do by the upper layer, can individual independently come to understand? Joke! 战场中的九蚺,还不信邪,感觉是不是无双皇绝世在诈自己?这妞明明晕了,还扯什么觉悟神座,神座必须由更上层凝做,也是可以个人自行觉悟的吗?笑话! He condenses biggest Divine Power, snatches before Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi makes a move to detain. 他凝聚起最大的神力,抢在无双皇绝世出手拦阻之前。 The bang kills crazed to Supreme that fainting does not awake. 丧心病狂地轰杀向晕厥不醒的至尊 World blasting open. 天地炸裂。 The debris flies randomly, snake bridge avalanche. 空间碎片乱飞,蛇桥崩塌。 In attack Central Region, all be at the destruction condition, all, perform to melt the fragment powder...... 在攻击的中心区域,一切处于毁灭状态,一切,尽化齑粉…… Hahahaha! Is this consciousness Divine Throne that you said? Is this exceeds our wisdom that you said? Hahahahaha!” Because Jiu Ran the fear in heart is unable to vent, now some slightly a wee bit exaggeration mouths, are out of control to laugh wildly rude. Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi takes to his pressure, making him almost crazy, now can instead opposite side one, how not to be wild with joy? 哈哈哈哈!这就是你说的觉悟神座?这就是你说的超越我们的智慧哈哈哈哈哈!”九蚺因为心中的恐惧无法发泄,现在稍有一丁点渲染口,就禁不住失态地狂笑起来。无双皇绝世带给他的压力,让他几乎疯狂,现在能反将对方一手,如何不欣喜若狂 Hahaha......” alone foot stands in Divine Mountain on top, the single arm rest Heavenly Vault Jian Cang Sheng is also laughing crazily. 哈哈哈……”独脚站在神山顶上,单臂撑着天穹减苍生也在疯狂大笑。 In laughter, tears of blood over the face. 笑声中,血泪满面。 His crazy laughing, making Jiu Ran feel bewildered, what do you smile? That young girl had died, all that you make wasted, funnily what do you have? Was sees itself to strike to kill this young girl, but fell insanely? 他的疯狂大笑,让九蚺感到莫明其妙,你笑什么?那个小妞已经死了,你所做的一切都白费了,你有什么好笑的?难道是看见自己击杀了这个小妞而疯掉了吗? Jiu Ran looked the Divine Body ten thousand meters lift are Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that the world vacillates are fully getting more and more near. 九蚺一看神躯万米举足即天地动摇的无双皇绝世越来越近。 Immediately, all over the body lives coldly. 顿时,遍体生寒。 He hurries to turn around, prepares to withdraw in the community. 他赶紧转身,准备撤回群体中。 Turns around, discovered inconceivable appears in own at present, has a familiar female, icy standing and waiting for a long time in Void(Xu Kong), how the appearance saw how to look like just now to be struck instant kill that Young Miss by oneself...... is she! Is she! Responded Jiu Ran that frightens heart and gall entirely crack, Divine Sense erupts, could not attend to attacking, directly by the quickest speed escape. 一转身,发现不可思议的一幕出现在自己的眼前,有个熟悉的女子,冷冰冰的伫立在虚空中,模样怎么看怎么像刚才被自己一击秒杀的那个小姑娘……是她!就是她!反应过来的九蚺吓得心胆俱裂,神念爆发,也不顾得上攻击了,直接以最快的速度逃逸。 I had said you can go back?” Supreme raises hand, entire World of Scale as if turned into the black and white world instantaneously. “我说过你可以回去吗?”至尊一举手,整个天平世界仿佛瞬间变成了黑白世界。 The Jiu Ran Divine Body arrow flies to shoot to return to the Dead Sea Divine Race community generally. 九蚺神躯箭一般飞射回到死海神族群体之中。 But his soul. 但他的灵魂。 Actually does not know when pulled out. 却不知何时被抽了出来。 Grasps in the slender white hands of Supreme. 就掌握在至尊的纤纤玉手之中。 Supreme lifts the hand careless, disregards wails the Jiu Ran soul that desperately goes all out to beg, gently pinches, a resounding of Poland, had survived directly several tens of thousands of years of Divine Tier soul crumbs this...... 至尊漫不经心地抬手,无视绝望哀号拼命乞求的九蚺灵魂,轻轻的一捏,‘波’的一声脆响,直接将这一位已经存活了数万年的神阶灵魂捏碎…… Waits for the Jiu Ran soul to dissipate completely invisible, World of Scale restores such as beginning, the black and white two colors return to Supreme about, imitates such as inherent protection. 九蚺的灵魂完全消逝无形,天平世界才恢复如初,黑白两色回归到至尊的左右,仿如与生俱来的守护似的。 Hiss!” Dead Sea Camp that side degeneration Divine Race all sucked in cold air, originally this Young Miss has not lost, her only completes her Divine Throne taking advantage of dying, does not suffer defeat, Jian Cang Sheng that fellow plays dumb luckily, goes all out to protect, everyone's attack has not collected the effect, otherwise, that was equal to that everyone completed one for her directly Divine Throne. “嘶!”死海阵营那边的堕落神族们全体倒抽了一口凉气,原来这个小姑娘根本就没有输,她只是借‘死’来完成她的‘神座’,根本不是败北,幸好减苍生那家伙犯傻,拼命相护,大家的攻击没有凑效,要不然,那等于大家直接替她完成了一个‘神座’。 In muddled internal strife, finally only then a Jiu Ran person attacks, this Young Miss Divine Throne does not have the genuine accomplishment. 糊涂的内哄中,最后只有九蚺一个人攻击,这个小姑娘神座没有真正大成。 Otherwise, this weaponry did not need to hit. 否则,这仗不用打了。 Also no wonder, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi did not open the mouth, does not rescue, indeed do others also cultivation...... to manage taking advantage of oneself and the others power now for the first time? Not only there is able to understand the life and death even to be able abnormal Young Miss that cultivates, more terrifying angry tens of thousands years did not have Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi of opportunity war! 也难怪,无双皇绝世一直不开口,也不救援,敢情人家还借自己等人力量来修炼来着……现在乍办?不仅有个能够参透生死甚至能借此修炼的变态小姑娘,还有个更加恐怖愤怒了几万年一直没有机会大战的无双皇绝世 Who wants first to bring death?” The Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi attitude despises absolutely, his not in the least concerned opens the mouth: Or, you on together also good!” “谁想先来送死?”无双皇绝世的态度绝对是蔑视,他满不在乎地开口:“要不,你们一起上也行!”
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