LLS :: Volume #7

#1352: Who knows female human heart?

Old Ghost in darkness, discussed. 黑暗中的老鬼们,议论了一番。 Finally that aged sound, long sighed the one breath. 最后那个老迈的声音,长长地叹息了一口气。 The seductive female voice, opens the mouth suddenly: Jian Cang Sheng, you have the opportunity of change idea!” 妖媚的女声,忽然开口:“减苍生,你还有改变主意的机会!” The sound that Jian Cang Sheng that languid total resembles has usually not awaked had changed, becomes furious like the lion, Thunderbolt roared: No, certainly not!” 减苍生平时那懒洋洋总像没睡醒的声音已经变了,变得有如雄狮震怒,雷霆咆哮道:“不,绝不!” Long time, the seductive female voice made a decision: As we all know, my relations with this idiot is good, if others participate, perhaps you will also suspect that we are, therefore, I decide to withdraw.” 良久,妖媚女声做出了一个决定:“大家都知道,我与这个白痴的关系还行,要是人家参与,说不定你们还会怀疑我们是一路的,所以,我决定退出。” , Also said to Jian Cang Sheng: If you died, perhaps I will shed several drops of tears, after all these years, are use you to make shield! Why your can idiot so the foolishness? But that enemy! You were unknown with her previously, moreover you are not fall in love like on her, why can you also protect her?” 顿了顿,又冲着减苍生道:“如果你死了,我也许会掉几滴眼泪的,毕竟这些年,都是利用你做挡箭牌!你个笨蛋为什么要这般傻气呢?那个可是敌人!你此前与她素不相识,而且你又不是一见钟情地喜欢上她,你为什么还要护着她?” Jian Cang Sheng snort/hum said categorically: I am such country bumpkin, you do not understand!” 减苍生斩钉截铁地哼道:“我就是这样的傻冒,你不懂!” The seductive female voice sighed: Good, I do not understand, but, I will gather up dead bodies for you, if you can also have the little sediment remaining......” 妖媚女声叹息:“好吧,我不懂,不过,我还是会替你收尸的,假如你还能有一点点渣子剩下的话……” In her hidden bitterness sigh, hundred million radiance, from the dark lasing in all directions, their goals, the complete direction keeps off in Supreme beforehand Jian Cang Sheng ten million/countless. 就在她的幽怨叹息中,千万亿道光芒,自黑暗的四面八方激射而出,它们的目标,全部指向挡在至尊之前的减苍生 Almost built up all power strikes. 几乎集结了全体力量的一击。 The might, can crush most World of Scale simply. 其威力,简直可以粉碎大半个天平世界 The horizon snake bridge vanishes instantaneously, the entire space made into the screen, or there is Ancient Code to restore unceasingly, then World of Scale has the danger of collapse. In focus that the Divine Power bang kills, in that a valuable blue Divine Power circle is protecting fainting Supreme, does not make her receive any injury. But her original opponent, Jian Cang Sheng, then bathes under Divine Power storm that directly, in companion building up erupts. 天际蛇桥瞬间消失,整个空间都打成了筛子,要不有远古法则不断恢复,那么天平世界都有崩溃的危险。在神力轰杀的焦点,在那中间,一个宝蓝色的神力圆圈在保护着晕厥的至尊,不让她受到任何一点伤害。而她原来的对手,减苍生,则直接沐浴在同伴集结爆发的神力风暴之下。 For a long time, the destruction shock-wave that Divine Power creates is invisible slowly. 许久,神力造成的毁灭冲击波才慢慢消失于无形。 The horizon snake bridge also starts place restorations. 天际蛇桥也开始一段段地恢复。 The broken space starts to heal. 破碎的空间开始愈合。 Finally. 最后。 All do not seem to happened, only then withstood a companion full power collection hot Jian Cang Sheng person of exception directly. 一切都仿佛没有发生过似的,只有正面承受了同伴们全力集火的减苍生一人例外。 His half body vanishes. 他的半边身躯消失。 Only remains one foot one. 仅剩一足一手。 However this time Jian Cang Sheng was still surviving tenaciously, and persists in protecting before the Supreme body. 不过此时的减苍生仍然顽强地存活着,并且坚持守护在至尊身前。 Fool, such attack, can you receive several waves?” The seductive female voice, had foreseen this result, when she sees Jian Cang Sheng the frigid appearance, is still out of control the long sigh. “傻瓜,这样攻击,你能接下几波?”妖媚的女声,早就预见了这一种结果,可是当她看见减苍生的这种惨烈模样,仍然禁不住长长叹息。 Until death not regret, because I am Jian Cang Sheng, that feared that I degenerate again, will not strike to kill to faint the falling to the ground female, this is I a principle as Warrior, is in my life most insists with the proudest thing!” A Jian Cang Sheng call, shakes world entirely tremor, he knows after next wave of bombardment comes, oneself not escaped by luck certainly, enemy who the principle that even, adheres to and guards, will annihilate together, but, even such, he is still until death not regret! “至死不悔,因为我是减苍生,那怕我再堕落,也不会击杀晕厥倒地女子,这是我身为一个战士的原则,也是我生命中最坚持和最骄傲的东西!”减苍生一声呐喊,震得天地俱颤,他知道下一波轰击过来后,自己绝无幸免了,甚至,就连自己坚持的原则和卫护的敌人,也将一同湮灭,但是,即使是那样,他也是至死不悔! You are really a fool......” that seductive female voice, brought the crying sound. “你真是个傻瓜……”那妖媚女声,都带点哭音了。 Dies, wants to make Hero, you helped Jue Shi (peerless) hold up to lift Heavenly Vault in the past, what Hero imitates us? Probably you have not made misdemeanor, this just disgusting countenance looks to whom!” Jiu Ran comes, the fist raindrop bang to Jian Cang Sheng, hits the Jian Cang Sheng whole body blood splash to scatter. “去死吧,想做英雄,你过去帮绝世擎举天穹啊,在我们这边充什么英雄啊?好像你没做过坏事似的,这副正义的恶心嘴脸给谁看啊!”九蚺现身,拳头雨点般轰向减苍生,直打得减苍生浑身血花四溅。 Before, he does not dare easily to challenge expert of Jian Cang Sheng this ranking above him. 以前,他可不敢轻易挑战减苍生这个排名远在他之上的牛人。 However now, is once in a thousand years good opportunity! 不过现在嘛,是千载难逢的好机会! Jian Cang Sheng is close to be on the verge of death, heavily injured he, is unable to hit back, moreover so many people assemble the Divine Power bang to kill together, Jian Cang Sheng must die without doubt, how regardless to shame him, does not have the future trouble. 减苍生接近濒死,重创的他,根本无法还手,而且那么多人一起集结神力轰杀,减苍生必死无疑,无论怎么羞辱他,都没有后患。 Clip clop dá dá ...... 哒哒哒哒哒…… God fist like mountain, crowded like rain. 神拳如山,密集如雨。 In sky. 天空中。 The intermittent blood splash dances in the air. 阵阵血花飞舞。 Regardless of ranks and position always occupies Jian Cang Sheng above Jiu Ran high, now dodges is impossible, making Jiu Ran shake the fist to attack heartily. 无论排名和地位从来都高居九蚺之上的减苍生,现在连闪避都不可能,让九蚺尽情挥拳攻击。 Jiu Ran hits now is really crisp, who wants to obtain, this powerful and proud will Jian Cang Sheng, really have to become one day of flesh target? 九蚺现在打得真是太爽了,谁又想得到,这个强大又骄傲的减苍生,竟然会有成为人肉靶子的一天呢? Gathers the strongest move in Jiu Ran, when prepares Jian Cang Sheng strikes to explode, the back is correct strange Divine Power, the arc cuts the horizon, instantaneously, strikes to fly Jiu Ran ruthlessly. Jiu Ran battered and exhausted turns the spin in the sky, with great difficulty, stops the momentum of impact, he to a dark corner/horn, roared angrily: Bloody Alluring Flower your slut, can you also oppose with everyone? Because I attacked you to put together right? I know, you with Jian Cang Sheng that fellow are one pair, otherwise, how your bitch is for possible several tens of thousands of years not to have the man!” 就在九蚺蓄起最强招,准备将减苍生一击爆头时,背后有道诡异的神力,弧形划破天际,瞬间,将九蚺狠狠击飞。九蚺狼狈不堪地在天空中翻旋,好不容易,才止住冲击的势头,他向黑暗的一角,愤怒地咆哮起来:“血艳花你个贱人,你也要跟大伙作对吗?就因为我攻击了你的拼头对吗?我就知道,你跟减苍生那个家伙是一对的,否则,你这种骚货怎么可能数万年没有男人!” Others do not want to oppose with anybody, only a little looks at your not pleasing to the eyes forget it/that's all slightly!” seductive female voice hee hee saying with a smile: You can kill Jian Cang Sheng, I did not mind, I have said withdrawal early, but some people are very loathful, others are really cannot bear for a while make a move. Below you continue, my looks at, does not participate in your any quarrels and differences.” “人家并不想与任何人作对,只是稍微有点看你不顺眼罢了!”妖媚的女声嘻嘻的笑道:“你们可以杀了减苍生,我不介意,我早说过退出,但有些人很惹人厌,人家真是一时忍不住才出手的。下面你们继续吧,我看着,不参与你们任何争吵和分歧。” stinking whore, you are the excuse, who knows that he is your spelling head!” Jiu Ran was mad soon insanely. 臭婊子,你这是借口,谁都知道他是你的拼头!”九蚺气得快要疯了。 But said hits, he really did not have the confidence to take opposite side. 但说打,他还真的没有信心拿下对方 seductive Bloody Alluring Flower bone to inter the body. 妖媚入骨的血艳花 This legendary every day not male not happy attracts fine Spider Queen, is not affable. 这个传说中每日无男不欢的吸精蜘蛛女王,也不是好惹的。 Especially front also has Jian Cang Sheng, if in the battlefields, falls into the trap of enemy, making opposite side strike at risk of life, that perhaps meets the gain does not equal the loss. 尤其是前面还有个减苍生,万一在战场中间,落入敌人的陷阱里,让对方拼死一击,那说不定会得不偿失。 The aged sound hesitates, opens the mouth to say slowly: Since is the neutrality, that are not related . Moreover the personal behavior has not violated the Dead Sea rule, among you gratitude and grudges we do not manage. Jian Cang Sheng, if you give up insisting, the old man guaranteed, we are the friends, ally.” 老迈的声音沉吟一下,缓缓开口道:“既然是中立,那没有关系,而且个人行为也没有违反死海规则,你们之间的恩怨我们不管。减苍生,如果你放弃坚持,老夫保证,我们还是朋友,也还是战友。” Reply of Jian Cang Sheng. 减苍生的回答。 Is silent. 就是沉默。 One type firm such as mountain firm such as the silence of steel. 一种坚定如山刚硬如钢的沉默。 His a few words did not say, but his attitude has indicated the entirety of his Will. 他一句话也不说,但他的态度已经表明了他意志的全部。 Such being the case, then we deliver the friend a regulation! In recent years, does not know the friend who many were weary of World of Scale and Dead Sea, chooses various ways to leave us, although we do not abandon, but respects at heart, Jian Cang Sheng your did nothing wrong, you can have your insistence and idea, but our also did nothing wrong, we have our insistences and ideas...... the friend, past ally, since the big family fortune is different, that is not the stratagem, the fate completely, have please started off safely!” The aged sound, has made the final decision. “既然如此,那么我们就送朋友一程!这些年来,也不知有多少个厌倦了天平世界死海的朋友,选择各种方式离开我们,我们虽然不舍,但都心里都非常尊重,减苍生没有错,你可以有你的坚持和理念,但我们同样也没有错,我们也有我们的坚持和理念……朋友,昔日的战友,既然大家道不同,那就不相为谋,缘分已尽,请你安心地上路吧!”老迈的声音,已经作出了最后的决定。 Divine Power, assembles again, turns into blazing Divine Light. 神力,再次集结起来,化成炽热的神光 From all directions. 自四方八面。 To the central point, to battlefield centre Jian Cang Sheng, the lasing goes to...... Power of Destruction, was greater than previously ten times that wave of attack, let alone Jian Cang Sheng persists in protecting motionless, even escapes by the remnant body immediately, may not escape from the attack of death promptly! 向中心点,向战场中央减苍生,激射而去……毁灭的力量,比此前那一波攻击更巨十倍,别说减苍生坚持守护不动,就算以残躯立即逃逸,也不一定能够及时逃脱死亡的来袭! Ended? 完了吗? However, this is also good! 不过,这样也好! Actually I should die in the past years, now is too late, if died in battle in the past, that this/should good, does not need to stay in this damn World of Scale again bans sleepily for several tens of thousands of years! 其实我应该在当年死去的,现在已经太迟了,假如当年战死的话,那该多好,根本不需要再呆在这个该死的天平世界里困禁数万年! My ally, do tens of thousands years passes, slumber eternal you, but also remember me? 我的战友,几万年过去,沉眠永恒的你,还记得我么? If past I, if not try to outdo others, stands intentionally your opposite, is determined to contend with you, now will not make into like this 要是当年的我,如果不是那么好胜,故意站到你的对面,决意与你一较高下,现在根本就不会弄成这样子 Tired, I have lived for a long time, lived tired, what now I most need was the extrication, my brother, please allow that I to your slumber world in you told was sorry, I at that time was really young and impetuous, does not know that you were more powerful than so many me, does not know that your tolerance, on the contrary, I to the murder fist that you wielded, actually caused you to harm...... you also to forgive me fatally as before? my friend, my brother! 累了,我已经活得太久了,也活得太累了,现在我最需要的是解脱,我的兄弟,请容许我到你沉眠的世界里跟你说一声抱歉,我当时实在是年轻气盛,根本不知道你原来比我强大那么多,也不知道你的宽容,相反,我向你挥出的杀人拳,却造成了你致命的伤害……你还能像以前一样原谅我么?我的朋友,我的兄弟! Once again. 又一次。 The giant horizon snake bridge is at the destruction condition. 巨大的天际蛇桥又处于毁灭状态。 Jian Cang Sheng above it, bathes in Divine Light that directly, in the gods attack, as if, in dissipation instantly, shows for several tens of thousands of years had never had the enjoyable smile...... 在它之上的减苍生,直接沐浴在众神攻击的神光中,似乎,在他在消逝的刹那,展现了数万年来从来不曾有过的舒心微笑…… That smile, so enjoyable, is such extrication. 那个微笑,是如此的舒心,是如此的解脱。 Hid companion Chi Dan Zi in darkness to see, the low-spirited sigh, as a friend, he understood very much, very clear Jian Cang Sheng wish. 潜藏于黑暗中的同伴赤丹子看见了,黯然叹息,作为一个朋友,他很理解,也很明白减苍生的意愿。 This fellow does not want to live. 这家伙就是不想活了。 He is tired of living. 他已经活腻。 In this Dead Sea, without the fervor endless years is more fearful than the blade of Sharp, bit by bit the cutting the fighting spirit of warrior, almost no one can evade this time finally blade devastation. This not like mortal senile, the physical body death, then the reincarnation, continued a new splendor with a brand-new stance, this was the penalty that one type did not die...... Jian Cang Sheng longs for dying in battle, Chi Dan Zi was clear, even has also once also longed, what a pity he did not have Jian Cang Sheng such courage, does not dare to stand in the opposite of people, does not dare to stand the orthoptic death. 在这个死海中,没有激情的无尽岁月比锋利的刀刃还要可怕,一点一点地割削着武者的斗志,几乎没有谁最终能够躲过得这把时间之‘刃’的摧残。这不像凡人那样衰老,肉体死亡,然后转生,以一个全新姿态继续一个新的精彩,这是一种不死的惩罚……减苍生渴望战死,赤丹子非常明白,甚至也曾同样渴望过,可惜他没有减苍生那样的勇气,不敢站在众人的对立面,不敢站出来直视死亡。 Because, this death, was not mortal that physical body death. 因为,这种死亡,并非是凡人那种肉体死亡。 This death was the death of genuine. 这种死亡是真正的死亡。 Soul annihilation. 灵魂湮灭。 Or is one type turns into the bareness completely dying out. 或者说,是一种完全变成空无的‘寂灭’。 Walks, perhaps , I will not one day be able to bear fall insanely, then tags along after your choice to go to......” Chi Dan Zi to mutter the sigh, before Jian Cang Sheng, once had many to degenerate Divine Tier, chose died in battle as the extrication, even there is a choice from exploding the self- destruction as the extrication, this result, the time that although each Divine Tier had been through repeatedly varied, some Divine Tier spent in distress is very long, some Divine Tier insisted that very short time gave up, but chose is almost consistent, was chooses the death to extricate. “一路走好,也许,有一天,我也会忍不住疯掉,然后尾随你的选择而去……”赤丹子喃喃叹息,在减苍生之前,也曾有许多堕落神阶,选择了战死作为解脱,甚至有选择自爆自我毁灭作为解脱的,这个结局,虽然每个神阶历经的时间不一,有的神阶苦熬很久,有的神阶坚持很短时间就放弃了,但选择几乎是一致的,都是选择死亡来解脱自我。 Bah!” Jiu Ran actually coldly bah. “呸!”九蚺冷冷地呸了一口。 He, is actually World of Scale Dead Sea Camp degenerates another existence pattern in Divine Race, another choice direction. 他,其实是天平世界死海阵营堕落神族中的另一种存在模式,另一种选择的方向。 Regardless of the environment is bad, life how bored, Jiu Ran this kind of person always has means entertainment, always has the means to convince itself, in their mind, only then grasps Divine Power is complete, higher Divine Power forever is their pursues, as for other, does not have the significance. 无论环境多么恶劣,生活是多么的无聊,九蚺这类人总有办法娱乐自己,总有办法说服自己,在他们的心目中,只有掌握神力才是全部,更高的神力永远是他们的追求,至于其它,则毫无意义。 The horizon snake bridge restores again such as beginning. 天际蛇桥再次恢复如初。 Space like the past. 空间如昔。 The Ancient Code might here is matchless, anybody not possible genuine to destroy World of Scale, that feared is more than ten position powerful Divine Tier strikes jointly. 远古法则在这里的威力无俦,任何人都不可能真正破坏天平世界,那怕是十数位强大的神阶的联手一击。 Had finished......” aged sound just falling, suddenly is furious to call out in alarm: Damn, Bloody Alluring Flower, stinking whore of your failing to keep one's word full mouth lie!” Not is only he, other Old Ghost also get angry the sound to curse in abundance. “已经结束了……”老迈的声音刚落,忽然又震怒地惊叫起来:“该死,血艳花,你这个言而无信满口谎言的臭婊子!”不仅是他,其余的老鬼们也纷纷怒声咒骂。 When Divine Light vanishes, on the horizon snake bridge, there is a whole body to be rumbled broken is only left over head complete Spider Banshee to keep off in the Jian Cang Sheng front. 神光消失,天际蛇桥上,有个全身被轰碎仅剩下一颗头颅完整的蜘蛛女妖挡在减苍生的面前。 Is she, kept off fatally for Jian Cang Sheng struck. 是她,替减苍生挡下了致命的一击。 But this, is not Dead Sea Camp degenerates the genuine reason that Divine Race cursed. 而这个,还不是死海阵营堕落神族们诅咒的真正原因。 The one who lets Dead Sea degenerate Divine Race to be extremely angry, has the huge incomparable silver spider, climbs up in Divine Mountain on top, ties the net of Rune, the substitution supports Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that Heavenly Vault is unable to withdraw smoothly with hardship, temporarily haunched Heavenly Vault...... 死海堕落神族极度愤怒的是,有个巨大无匹的银色蜘蛛,攀爬在神山顶上,结起符文之网,替代苦苦撑着天穹无法顺利脱身的无双皇绝世,暂时地撑起了天穹……
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