LLS :: Volume #7

#1351: I am Warrior

Originally before then, she reached the limit, could not support early!” Several old fellow discuss spiritedly. “原来在此之前,她就达到了极限,早撑不下去了!”几个老家伙议论纷纷。 That does Xuan Kong Shangren die very injust?” Some people dark are unworthy for super powerful Xuan Kong Shangren, a if it were not for move by second, even if not make a move, then successfully is still ready proper. “那悬空上人岂不是死得很冤?”有人暗替实力超强的悬空上人不值,要不是一招被秒,就算不出手,那么胜利也是妥妥的。 Who makes him provoke the opponent.” Also some people sneer ironic: Gets what one deserves!” “谁让他挑衅对手。”也有人冷笑反讽:“活该!” I looked that is that Young Miss is too strange, ordinary Divine Tier is not possible to achieve a move of instant kill same step opponent.” More people approve this viewpoint. “我看是那个小姑娘太古怪,普通神阶是根本不可能做到一招秒杀同阶位对手的。”更多人认同这一个观点。 Wanted me saying that leave alone she strangely normal, while her remain unconscious, did not have the protection, now precisely acts the best time that struck to kill.” Arranges behind Jian Cang Sheng that Divine Tier Ranker of second to fighting Supreme, at this time opens the mouth: If missed this best time, if she revives, perhaps will intend second to fall Old Ghost, does not know that in you that unlucky fellow can be Xuan Kong Shangren second.” “要我说,别管她古怪还是正常,趁她晕迷不醒,毫无防备,现在正是出手击杀的最佳时机。”排在减苍生后面第二个对战至尊的那位神阶强者,此时开口了:“要是错过了这个最佳时机,万一她苏醒过来,说不定又会出手秒掉一个老鬼,就是不知你们中那个倒霉的家伙会是悬空上人第二。” Talking only Chi Dan Zi, why don't you make a move? How you know that next isn't you?” Has an aged sound to protest sternly. “光说不练的赤丹子,你为什么不出手呢?你怎知道下一个不是你?”有个老迈的声音厉声抗议。 I have fought with her, now, isn't one's turn me to act?” Is called Chi Dan Zi Divine Tier to laugh. “我已经和她打过一场,现在,怎么也轮不到我出手了吧?”被称为赤丹子神阶大笑。 If you because also that Young Miss struck to kill your dozens trash War Beast to be disgruntled to stir-fry before stewing us to go all out with her, that was not necessary, at least old man not by others, when the spear/gun caused, the cleverness in trivial matters little played well some.” The aged sound disdain snort/hum said. “假如你还因为那个小姑娘击杀了你数十个垃圾战兽心生怨恨而煸动我们跟她拼命,那就大可不必了,最少老夫不会被别人当枪使,小聪明还是少耍些好。”老迈的声音不屑地哼道。 How to think as you like.” That Chi Dan Zi not many words. “随你怎么想。”那位赤丹子也不多话。 Do not quarrel, isn't begins to massacre a fainting kid? How simple matter!” Had a gloomy hoarse male sound, in darkness spat the letter/believes like the viper of ambush, hissing made the sound: You are keeping aloof Divine Tier, disdains to make this despicable and shameless matter whether or not? Doesn't matter, my Jiu Ran does! Haha, I most like doing, establishes above others' pain joyfully, no matter, what place, no matter, so long as after can be dispersed heartily well...... to want me she is first deceitful, to kill you shows? I can take an oath with the name of antiquity snake god and ensure twists her head, enjoys oneself to the full to hold appreciatively for day, she will not die thoroughly...... , if not like, savoury barbecue how? Like the body delicate small girl, I have not tasted for a long time!” “别吵,不就是动手杀掉一个晕厥的小屁孩吗?多么简单的事!”有个阴沉略带沙哑的男声响了起来,就像潜伏在黑暗中的毒蛇吐信,嘶嘶作声:“你们都是高高在上的神阶,不屑做这种卑鄙无耻的事是不是?没关系,我九蚺来做!哈哈,我最喜欢做的,就是将快乐建立在别人的痛苦之上,无论在什么时候,什么地点,都无所谓,只要能够尽情渲泄就好……要不要我将她先奸后杀给你们看看?我可以用上古蛇神之名起誓,保证把她的头拧下来,尽兴把玩一天,她还不会彻底死去……如果不喜欢,香喷喷的烤肉如何?像这样的皮肉细嫩的小丫头,我也好久没有尝过了!” Roasts the flesh?” The seductive female voice screamed: Jiu Ran your abnormal!” “烤人肉?”妖媚的女声尖叫起来:“九蚺你这个变态!” Savors a little does not have, you can imagine, if there is long and sharp plant root, pricks from the following chrysanthemum, penetrates the stomach, pierces the throat again, finally puts from the two rows of teeth and sexy charming lips of mouth, that picture, how wonderful......, if also one fires, in following flaming is baking, the looks at food earth-shaking transformation is bit by bit ripe, focal variation, then the fragrance overflows...... must eat before it's too late, under by quickest speed, cuts a bulk, forces in the mouth, was filled the entire mouth by that type of meat taste...... , that is the life. Enjoys high!” A gloomy hoarse Jiu Ran so saying, many knew that his Old Ghost leaves his distant point unrestrainedly. “一点儿品味都没有,你可以想像一下,如果有根又长又尖的根子,自后面的菊花刺入,穿透肠胃,再刺穿咽喉,最后自口腔的两排牙齿和性感迷人的嘴唇穿出,那种画面,是多么的美妙……假如还有一堆火,在下面熊熊的烧烤着,看着食物一点一点地变熟、变焦,然后香气四溢……必须趁热吃,以最快的速度,切下一大块来,塞进嘴巴里,让那种肉味充满整个口腔……唔,那才是生命中的最高享受啊!”阴沉沙哑的九蚺如此一说,许多认识他的老鬼都情不自禁地离他远点。 For tens of thousands years, but also really does not know that he has this abnormal hobby. 几万年来,还真不知道他有这种变态的嗜好。 This goods must hide well! 这货得隐藏得多好啊! Naturally, possibly is not Jiu Ran he hidden well, but is this World of Scale this opportunity has not given him to display. World of Scale here is Divine Tier, regarding strength middle-grade not high not low Jiu Ran, which wants to eat is not quite easy to do, the food is scarce, therefore this hobby had not displayed. 当然,也可能不是九蚺他隐藏得好,而是这个天平世界没有这种机会给他发挥。天平世界这里全是神阶,对于实力中等不高不低的九蚺来说,想吃哪一个都不太好办,食材奇缺,所以这种嗜好一直没有表现出来。 That seductive female voice hears to curse repeatedly, she relations with Jiu Ran is usually mediocre. 那个妖媚女声听得连声诅咒,她平时与九蚺的关系不好不坏。 Now thinks this fellow has perhaps had own idea, thinks again oneself were put the appearance on grill, disgustingly. 现在一想到这家伙说不定打过自己的主意,再想想自己被放到烤架上的模样,就恶心得不行。 Later, never speak to the old lady, do not say that knows the old lady.” The seductive female voice detests extremely pretends non-involvement the relations: Otherwise, the old lady plays with one's life with you!” “以后,永远也不要跟老娘说话,也不要说认识老娘。”妖媚女声极其嫌恶地撇清关系:“否则,老娘就跟你玩命!” Ok, the matter that even if you had once gone to bed with father I did not say!” Jiu Ran laughs. “行,就算是你曾经跟老子上过床的事我也不说!”九蚺哈哈大笑。 „Do you court death?” The seductive female voice fire was big. “你找死?”妖媚女声火大了。 Good good, other internal strife, something went back to say again, you were go to bed or slaughter the old man unable to manage, but must process now immediately, or and other Jue Shi (peerless) put down Heavenly Vault, you regretted also without enough time.” The aged sound relies on the qualifications to be old, hurries the fight that stops this to touch explodes. “好啦好啦,别内哄,有事回去再说,你们是上床还是厮杀老夫管不着,但现在必须立即处理,要不等绝世放下天穹,你们后悔也来不及了。”老迈的声音恃着资格较老,赶紧制止这场一触即爆的战斗。 Dead snake, the old lady has not ended with you, you are waiting!” The seductive female voice presses down the thought of slaughtering, but hates is shouting curses. “死蛇,老娘跟你没完,你等着!”妖媚女声按下厮杀的念头,但怨恨不息地叫骂着。 In which? On bed?” Jiu Ran listened not to fear completely, on the contrary immensely pleased with oneself. “在哪等?在床上?”九蚺听了完全不惧,反倒洋洋得意 „Can you stop slightly!” The aged sound hurries loudly shouted: Jiu Ran, this time matter, turning over to you to be responsible, you like steaming like boiling, wants to burn wants to roast, is casual you, we, no matter, but this sin yourself carry, if behind after this Young Miss has the human affairs investigated, you principle was clear, do not want to draw us to launch.” “你们能不能稍微消停一下!”老迈的声音赶紧一声大喝:“九蚺,这次的事,归你负责,你爱蒸爱煮,想烧想烤,随便你,我们不管,但这个罪孽你自己背,万一这个小姑娘背后有人事后追究,你得自个了理清楚,别想拉我们下水。” Understood, since wants to enjoy the good food, is natural has paid.” Jiu Ran laughs: Even guilty how? Again pass/test father tens of thousands years? The father could not go out in any case here forever, the pass/test the pass/test, how long closes casually! Some beauty are the food, the father no matter radically what sin, Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, first enjoys even in the future now said...... Hahaha again, if interested, can come to share with me together, I am glad to ask a being congenial to friend to enjoy the life good food very much!” “明白,既然想享受美食,那么自然得有所付出。”九蚺大笑:“就算有罪又如何?再关老子几万年?反正老子在这里永远都出不去了,关吧关吧,随便关多久!有美人为食,老子根本不管什么罪孽,就算未来天崩地裂,现在先享受了再说……哈哈哈,如果有兴趣的,可以来和我一起分享,我可是很乐意找个志趣相投的知己来享受人生美食的!” I am interested, but this Young Miss possibly is not the simple character, this time, enjoyed good food matter to say even next time again!” Having Old Ghost expressed interested, was he is also discrete, after all, has not known whether now the Supreme back had the person. “我有兴趣,但这个小姑娘可能不是简单人物,这次就算了,享受美食这种事还是下次再说!”有个老鬼表示有兴趣,可是他同样谨慎,毕竟,现在还不知道至尊的背后是否有人。 Hurries to make her, Jue Shi (peerless) will rush over.” The aged sound, hurries to remind Jiu Ran. “赶紧把她弄走,绝世马上就会赶到。”老迈的声音,赶紧提醒九蚺 Good, I have a person to monopolize this sumptuous fine food.” Sound gloomy and hoarse Jiu Ran, appears the figure from the darkness, he of person snake tail, is glittering a pair of bluish green Linban terrifying snake eye, in the light lips, once for a while, flashes through a long spreading out snake letter/believes, hissing makes noise. He turns the body serpentuate to forward, although the surface is rampant, but actually hidden vigilant, is very afraid Supreme to regain consciousness. “好吧,那我只好一个人独享这一顿丰盛的美餐了。”声音阴沉且沙哑的九蚺,自黑暗中现出身形,人身蛇尾的他,闪烁着一双碧磷般的恐怖蛇眼,薄薄的嘴唇间,时不时,闪过一条长长的开叉蛇信,嘶嘶作响。他扭着身躯蛇行向前,表面虽然嚣张,但其实暗藏警惕,深怕至尊苏醒。 Supreme just now move of instant kill falls Xuan Kong Shangren, making the audience shocked. 至尊刚才一招秒杀悬空上人,令全场震惊。 if it were not for faints to fall to the ground, completely loses the consciousness, again no threat, even if to 100 courage, Jiu Ran does not dare to make food with her. 要不是晕厥倒地,完全失去意识,再无任何威胁,就算给一百只胆子,九蚺也不敢拿她做食物。 Jiu Ran action, although is disgusting, but the most repugnant seductive female voice had not previously opposed, her, is afraid awakens of Supreme, because no one knows, Supreme wakes up, the whether or not second will fall one again...... 九蚺的举动,虽然恶心,但就连此前最反感的妖媚女声都没有反对,就连她在内,都害怕至尊的苏醒,因为谁也不知道,至尊醒来,是不是会再秒掉一个…… However, when the Jiu Ran roaming near Supreme side, suddenly had an unexpected person to stand. 不过,当九蚺游近至尊的身边,忽然有个意想不到的人站了出来。 Keeps off in front of Jiu Ran. 挡在九蚺面前。 This person. 这个人。 It is not Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, but had previously conducted struggling hard Jian Cang Sheng with Supreme. 不是无双皇绝世,而是此前与至尊进行过一场苦战的减苍生 Fight between Jian Cang Sheng and Supreme, the two sides all do not flatter, two people of rival in chess fell into lasting struggle, Jian Cang Sheng exhausted all means unable to fight but actually Supreme, the Supreme fierce move of salvo, could not do to Jian Cang Sheng, if it were not for Chi Dan Zi ranked the second was impatient, joins the regiment, perhaps then fights also to continue the present! 减苍生至尊之间的战斗,两边皆不讨好,棋逢对手的两人陷入了持久的苦战,减苍生穷尽一切手段都无法战倒至尊,至尊也猛招连发,奈何不了减苍生,要不是排在第二的赤丹子心急,加入战团,那么战斗说不定还一直持续到现在呢! Jian Cang Sheng, what do you mean?” Jiu Ran feels bewildered. 减苍生,你这是什么意思?”九蚺感到莫明其妙。 „No interesting.” The Jian Cang Sheng sound makes a sound lazily: My only cannot get used to seeing!” “没什么意思。”减苍生的声音懒洋洋地响起来:“我只是看不惯!” Closes your trifling thing! Go away!” The Jiu Ran fire, which were you one side? You think you are that side Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi? You are degenerate Divine Race, imprisons the Dead Sea criminal, then there is sense of justice what are you doing? Also, Hero rescued beautiful this broken matter is not your Jian Cang Sheng this from head to tail villain does! “关你屁事!滚!”九蚺火了,你到底是哪一边的?你以为你是无双皇绝世那一边的吗?你是堕落神族,是禁锢死海的罪犯,那么有正义感干嘛?再说,英雄救美这种破事也不是你减苍生这种彻头彻尾的坏人做的! If you must kill her, no matter but I, but you must eat her, that is not good!” Jian Cang Sheng has the principle. “如果你要杀死她,那我可是不管,但你要吃了她,那就不行!”减苍生非常有原则。 I am to take her to work as food, is to insult her, how do you treat?” Jiu Ran thought that this fellow is opposes with oneself intentionally, matter that everyone agrees with, why your did Jian Cang Sheng oppose? “我就是要拿她当食物,就是要污辱她,你又待如何?”九蚺觉得这家伙是故意跟自己作对的,大伙都同意的事,你减苍生凭什么反对? You must insult her to be to insult me, she is my Jian Cang Sheng games powerful enemy not but actually, absolutely is not food!” Jian Cang Sheng sneered: If you can on my body cross in the past, then I do not have the words, before that you give up any idea of her finger. Come, if you must insist, then we measure strength!” “你要污辱她就是要污辱我,她是我减苍生之不倒的强敌,绝对不是什么食物!”减苍生冷笑一声:“要是你能够在我尸体上跨过去,那么我无话可言,在那之前,你休想动她一个指头。来吧,如果你要坚持,那么我们就一决高下吧!” If before, the father also a little had scruples, now your Jian Cang Sheng has made one hit remnantly, when really the father is gives for nothing?” Jiu Ran thought suddenly this is a good opportunity, will rank above oneself Jian Cang Sheng turns dry/does, oneself can go a step further. “要是之前,老子还有一点顾忌,现在你减苍生已经让人打残了,真当老子是白给的吗?”九蚺忽然觉得这是一个好机会,将排名在自己之上的减苍生干翻,自己就可以更进一步了。 Let alone only small wound, even if my Jian Cang Sheng only has the final one breath, you still gave up any idea of that challenges my position!” Jian Cang Sheng is proud. “别说只是小伤,就算我减苍生只剩下最后一口气,你也休想挑战我的地位!”减苍生骄傲无比。 „Did you determine?” Jiu Ran sinister smile again and again, an tone revolution: You determined that your present stupid behavior won't enrage everyone? Now doesn't have the it's your turn Jian Cang Sheng control power?” “你确定?”九蚺阴笑连连,语气一转:“你确定你现在的愚蠢行为不会触怒大伙?现在还没有轮到你减苍生主宰大权吧?” Jiu Ran said right, now destroys completely the enemy is most important.” The aged sound also hurries to advise: Jian Cang Sheng the respect heart to powerful enemy, we can also understand. But, that after all is an enemy! Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi possibly puts down Heavenly Vault momentarily, sneak attacks us, now, we cannot the internal strife! Jian Cang Sheng, what we meant was that first processes this Young Miss, her Will and principle were too dangerous! Jiu Ran, you must respect the Jian Cang Sheng wish, after all his position above you, you best make a move as soon as possible, massacres the goal, rather than makes to insult the corpse or other unnecessary action. We want the result, is such simple, in which you grasp!” 九蚺说得对,现在灭掉敌人是首要。”老迈的声音也赶紧劝阻:“减苍生你对强敌的敬重之心,我们也能够理解。可是,那毕竟是敌人!无双皇绝世随时都可能放下天穹,偷袭我们,现在,我们不能内哄!减苍生,我们的意思是,先处理掉这个小姑娘,她的意志和法则都太危险了!九蚺,你也要尊重减苍生的意愿,毕竟他的地位在你之上,你最好尽快出手,杀掉目标,而不是做出污辱尸体或者别的多余之举。我们只要结果,就是这么简单,其中的度你们掌握!” Understood.” Jiu Ran listened to laugh unceasingly: Heard? Jian Cang Sheng, I won, makes way, I can promise you, first kills this young girl makes the good food again!” “明白。”九蚺听了大笑不绝:“听见了吗?减苍生,我赢了,让开吧,我可以答应你,先把这个小妞杀死再做美食!” Dies you!” Jian Cang Sheng smiles cocky instance in Jiu Ran most, a fist bang flies this hateful fellow. “去死吧你!”减苍生九蚺笑得最得瑟的瞬间,一拳轰飞这个可恶的家伙。 He to poses the posture dark. 他向黑暗拉开架式。 The vision such as blazing. 目光如炽。 Stands Supreme body that before fainting to fall to the ground, Will is infinite: This enemy, is a respectable enemy, anyone of you wants to blaspheme her, that steps in my corpse! If she is sober, my Jian Cang Sheng goes all out with her, not regret, but faints to fall to the ground while her, your lived tens of thousands years of Old Ghost, wants to begin to kill her and blasphemes her corpse, gave up any idea of! My Jian Cang Sheng is rascal, but, I am Warrior!” 站在晕厥倒地的至尊身前,意志无穷坚定:“这个敌人,是个可敬的敌人,你们谁想亵渎她,那就在我的尸体上踩过去吧!如果她是清醒的,我减苍生跟她拼命到底,丝毫不悔,可是趁她晕厥倒地,你们这些活了几万年的老鬼,想动手杀害她和亵渎她的尸体,休想!我减苍生是一个坏蛋,可是,我更是一个战士!”
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