LLS :: Volume #7

#1357: Devil Dragon that advances on

In the threat of fist and under outsize hammer of boy from another world, as Boss Devil Dragon, recalled the opening antiquity Gate of Gods secret finally. 穿越男的拳头和特大号锤子的威胁下,身为‘老大’的魔龙,终于回忆起开启上古神门的秘诀。 It is not easy! 不容易啊! Especially in a patience was equal to that zero, gets angry compared with turning under the book also quick little brother's supervision, 100,000 years ago memories, digs from desolated for a long time in the mind, this difficulty, not inferior to under the nose of Divine Central Hall unearths an unknown secret buried treasure on Heaven Realm Radiant Light Mountain. 尤其是在一个耐心等于零、翻脸比翻书还快的小弟的监督下,将十万年以前的记忆,自荒芜已久的脑海里挖出来,这个难度,不亚于在天界光明山上在中央神殿的眼皮底下挖掘出一个不为人知的秘密宝藏。 Antiquity Gate of Gods successfully opened, Devil Dragon entrained, with the Student Yue Yang boast in: Had a look, to open, really opened...... you to think what person can open Gate of Fate? No, the average person is not possible to open it, must be the talent, moreover is the talent in talent! Like my type! What's the matter? Some will inside people fight? oh no is good, is Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that fellow, fellow unexpectedly in inside!” 上古神门成功开启,魔龙又拽了起来,跟岳阳同学吹嘘上了:“看看,打开了,真的打开了……你以为什么人都可以打开宿命之门的吗?不,普通人是不可能打开它的,必须是天才,而且是天才中的天才!像我这种!怎么回事?里面怎会有人打架?啊不好,是无双皇绝世那家伙,那家伙竟然在里面!” Familiar Divine Might, in a big way frightened Devil Dragon one to jump. 熟悉的神威,吓了魔龙一大跳。 He does not understand how Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi that fellow to this grade of degree, can calculate itself to bring Yue Yang intelligently to come, ambushes specially here. 他不明白无双皇绝世那家伙怎会聪明到这等程度,可以算定自己带岳阳前来,特意在这里埋伏。 Yue Yang also has a scare, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi here, is not most shocking, most makes him feel what is surprised, after this antiquity Gate of Gods, some people can make war with Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. In the induction, there is Divine Might even also super Ranker above Jue Shi (peerless), is urging to send his Divine Power crazily, is wreaking havoc the whole world. 岳阳也吓了一跳,无双皇绝世在这里,还不是最令人震惊的,最让他感到惊奇的是,在这个上古神门后,有人能够与无双皇绝世开战。在感应中,有个神威甚至还在绝世之上的超级强者,正疯狂地催发他的神力,肆虐着整个世界。 Really goes in?” Now was one's turn Devil Dragon to be indecisive. “真的进去?”现在轮到魔龙犹豫不决了。 He worried that oneself brings Yue Yang to go, will really have some irretrievable fate. 他担心自己带岳阳进去,真的会产生某种不可挽回的宿命。 After all Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi in inside . Moreover, there is still one with the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi expert of the same class, this with original estimate complete different! 毕竟无双皇绝世就在里面,而且,还有一个无双皇绝世同级别的牛人,这跟原来预想的完全不同! Yue Yang calms down the god, nods firmly. Since the fate came, then on the war, has decided in any case, regardless of meets anything to challenge anything to test, oneself whole-heartedly. Own destiny, must grasp in own hand! No, everyone's destiny, everyone pins on own body destiny, oneself must grasp...... achievement Sacred Supreme in the hand, the extrication, the extrication follows the destinies of own all living things, this, will be own future goal! 岳阳却定了定心神,坚定地点了点头。既然宿命来了,那就战呗,反正早就决定下来了,无论遇到什么挑战什么考验,自己都将全力以赴的。自己的命运,必须掌握在自己手中!不,还有大家的命运,所有人寄托在自己身上的命运,自己都必须掌握在手中……成就神圣至尊,解脱自我,解脱追随自己的所有众生之命运,这,就是自己的未来目标! After antiquity Gate of Gods, 进入上古神门后, By Devil Dragon and Yue Yang two people eyesight, can remote regard from afar, look in the diving field the fierce fight. 魔龙岳阳两人的眼力,都可以远远遥视,看潜场中酷烈的战斗。 That is at least has sixty thousand meter high ultra giant god, to possess remarkable abilities, the year in which one was born as represented by an animal is extremely dignified, back Divine Throne sets the prairie afire like Heavenly Fire, flaming ascension. In addition, this ultra giant god under foot, Halo of there is still one sea of blood surges, inside exudes one wave every time, then the whole world, has to plant by the respite feeling that sea of blood submerges. 那是一个最少六万米高的超巨神尊,三头六臂,生相极其威严,背后的神座有如天火燎原,熊熊升腾。除此之外,这位超巨神尊的脚下,还有一个血海般翻腾的光环,里面每泛起一波,那么整个世界,都有种被血海淹没的喘息感。 Ultra giant god grasps four Divine Weapon, idle two, condense two groups not to extinguish Divine Light. 巨神尊手持四件神兵,空余两手,凝聚着两团不灭神光 A scarlet gold/metal. 一赤一金。 These two groups of Divine Light are unusual, they, all are existences that eternal does not extinguish. 这两团神光非同一般,它们,全是永恒不灭的存在。 Yue Yang saw, almost must call out in alarm, because, these two groups were built up in close to the limit prestige can Divine Light, is Five Colored Divine Lights that Yue Yang the laborious collection but has previously had gained nothing. Accurate, this is in Five Colored Divine Lights scarlet and gold/metal. 岳阳看见了,几乎要惊叫起来,因为,这两团被炼化于接近极限威能的神光,就是岳阳此前一直辛辛苦苦收集但一无所得的五色神光。准确来说,这是五色神光中的‘赤’和‘金’。 At first, in the Yue Yang hand has in Five Colored Divine Lights green. 最初,岳阳手中拥有五色神光中的‘绿’。 Fired off Prison Sovereign Temple, black light. 打完了狱皇神殿,又得个黑光。 What a pity is false. 可惜是个伪品。 Searching with hardship, appears by that mysterious person in training world, the Yue Yang fight to the limit, the mysterious person strongest God Transformation shape was stepped on flatly by Destiny Giant, absolutely cannot be helped hides in Five Colored Divine Lights that still put forth without enough time black the soul escapes, the numerous pursue, only then Phoenix Sisters sends out, will take with great difficulty black light. Although Yue Yang grasps second Five Colored Divine Lights, but is unable to display the Five Colored Divine Lights genuine prestige energy, today, he sees Five Colored Divine Lights other shape amazed. 苦苦的寻觅,直到在试炼世界中的那个神秘人出现,岳阳战斗至极限,神秘人最强的神化形态被命运巨人一脚踩扁,万般无奈将灵魂潜藏在尚来不及使出的五色神光‘黑’中逃逸,众追不及,只有凤凰姐妹出动,好不容易才将黑光抢到手。岳阳虽然手持五色神光之二,但一直无法发挥出五色神光真正威能,今天,他才惊诧地看见五色神光的另外形态。 Divine Light shape that one type does not extinguish eternal. 一种永恒不灭的神光形态。 Prestige energy. 威能。 Almost was stimulated the limit. 几乎被激发到极限。 Freely only then two light, non- are the five colors unite, but also far exceeds Yue Yang cognition and imagination...... 尽管只有两光,非是五色合一,但也远远超越岳阳的认知和想像…… Cannot!” Let Devil Dragon look at dumbstruck, is actually not ultra giant god, is not Five Colored Divine Lights, but is Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. “不会吧!”让魔龙看得目瞪口呆的,却不是什么超巨神尊,也不是什么五色神光,而是无双皇绝世 If Protector of the Radiant Light Supreme has 40,000 meters great Divine Body, enemy who then now and Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi fights, then has the sixty thousand meter high , and metaplasia shape is to possess remarkable abilities terrifying Divine Body. Is such a enemy, Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi can actually with it fight to a standstill, does not drop the wind completely, this, how teaches Devil Dragon not to shock. 假如光明守护至尊拥有四万米之巨的神躯,那么现在与无双皇绝世对打的敌人,则足足拥有六万米高且化生形态为三头六臂的恐怖神躯。就是这样的一个敌人,无双皇绝世却能与之打成平手,完全不落下风,这,教魔龙如何不为之震惊。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi with the big change, are only not previously many in behind Divine Throne. 无双皇绝世与此前并没有多大的变化,仅在背后多了一个神座 But he can by the unsurpassed Divine Power anti- powerful enemy. 但他能以无上神力抗强敌。 Not only fights with that sixty thousand meter high ultra giant god crazily, in the side, dozens about hundred, Divine Body all even surpasses over ten thousand meters Divine Tier in six kilometers, is besieging full power. 不仅与那位六万米高的超巨神尊疯狂对打,在身边,还有几十近百位,神躯无一不在六千米甚至超万米以上的神阶,正在全力围攻。 Entirely go away!” A Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi call, in the heavy blows to the bang, after shaking draws back ultra giant god, he raises the tiger arm, sweeps away the entire battlefield single-handed, touching tumbles to fall all draws back. One approximately eight kilometers compared with Jue Shi (peerless) diminutive many Divine Tier, draws back slow frontline the slightly, was caught by Jue Shi (peerless), ripped the god arm livingly. No one dares to go forward to rescue, even if knew perfectly well that this being captured Divine Tier, the destiny will be the same to previous several falling from the sky companion, in the Jue Shi (peerless) hand, under his Will, marches into the way of extermination Divine Spark dissipates, but still no one dares to brave this bad risk, boldly thrusts forward to rescue. “统统滚开!”无双皇绝世一声呐喊,在重拳对轰,震退超巨神尊后,他擎起虎臂,单手横扫整个战场,触者无不翻滚摔退。有一位约八千米比起绝世并矮小不了多少的神阶,退得稍慢一线,被绝世擒住,活生生地撕断了神臂。没有谁敢上前营救,即使明知这位被擒的神阶,命运将与此前数位陨落的同伴一样,在绝世手中,在他的意志下,步入神格消散的灭绝之途,但也没有人敢冒此凶险,挺身相救。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi holds up Divine Tier in withstand/top intentionally. 无双皇绝世故意举起神阶于顶。 In the presence of everyone, under glare of the public eye. 当众,于众目睽睽之下。 Executes the enemy. 处决敌人。 He disregards many powerful enemies, tears up the arm and leg and foot of enemy conveniently recklessly, finally the head of holding down enemy, bit by bit increases Divine Power. 他无视众多强敌,随手又肆意地撕掉敌人的手臂、腿脚,最后按住敌人的头颅,一点一点地增加神力 The numerous all surround panic-stricken, by far. 众皆惊恐围观,远远。 No one is near. 无人敢近。 If you think that besieges is effective to my Jue Shi (peerless), you continue, but he, as well as previously fell from the sky Divine Tier in my Jue Shi (peerless) hand, is your examples!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi calls out, Divine Power erupts, before the ultra giant god heavy blows bang kills, tears up the severed head Divine Tier in hand directly, unsurpassed Divine Power annihilates the opposite side soul directly, routs opposite side Divine Spark. “假如你们以为围攻对我绝世有效的话,那你们继续,而他,以及此前陨落在我绝世手中的神阶,就是你们的榜样!”无双皇绝世一声暴喝,神力爆发,在超巨神尊重拳轰杀过来之前,将手中的神阶直接撕掉首级,无上神力直接湮灭对方的灵魂,击溃对方神格 That Divine Tier Divine Throne, still dissipated without enough time. 那位神阶神座,尚来不及消散。 The pure and vast Divine Power prestige energy, suddenly diverts by Will and principle, flakes crazily, pulls out leaves. 纯净又浩瀚的神力威能,忽然被一种意志和法则牵制,疯狂地剥落,抽离。 In the wink of an eye, transforms in black and white small world black, achievement another similar Divine Throne like that had...... Yue Yang eyeball almost to fall, because, he still saw Supreme in the battlefield edge. 瞬息之间,转化成一个黑白小世界里面的‘黑’,成就另外一种类似神座那般的存在……岳阳眼珠子差点掉出来了,因为,他还在战场边缘看见了至尊 She is using some special secret, attracts Divine Throne prestige energy that the enemy will soon be dissipating. 她正使用某种特殊秘诀,吸引着敌人即将消散的神座威能。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi kills Divine Tier every time, she absorbs Divine Throne. 无双皇绝世每杀一位神阶,她就吸收一个神座 Taking advantage of this. 借此。 Comes achievement Divine Throne black. 来成就自己神座的‘黑’。 Jue Shi (peerless), should not be rampant, the destiny destined to, extreme prosperity forebodes the beginning of decline, your deathtrap, is here!” Ultra giant god disregards Divine Tier to be killed, he wholeheartedly only in Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi body, so long as strikes to kill Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, then he will win the whole world, even entire in the future. 绝世,你不要嚣张,命运已经注定,盛极必衰,你的死地,就是这里!”超巨神尊无视身边的神阶被杀,他一心只在无双皇绝世身上,只要击杀无双皇绝世,那么他将赢得整个世界,甚至整个未来。 My fate homeward journey, is your dead end!” Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi laughs, meets the enemy on, does not let. “我的宿命归途,也是你的末路!”无双皇绝世哈哈大笑,迎敌而上,丝毫不让。 You, how can you here? Moreover, but also in such dangerous place!” Yue Yang first overtakes, with never the anger, is staring slightly stunned Supreme. Another side, Devil Dragon is also staring Jue Shi (peerless) angrily: „When your bastard, with I start the daring reserved strength, do you dare to look down upon the father? Good your Unparalleled Sovereign, since this, that do not blame father to get angry!” “你,你怎么会在这里?而且,还在这么危险的地方!”岳阳第一时间赶过去,用从来没有过的愤怒,瞪着微微错愕的至尊。另一边,魔龙也愤怒地瞪着绝世:“你个混蛋,与我开打时竟敢保留实力,你敢瞧不起老子?好你个无双皇,既然这样,那就不要怪老子翻脸了!” Devil Dragon prepares to join the regiment. 魔龙准备加入战团。 His goal, is certainly in group of enemies to besiege Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. 他的目标,当然是正处于群敌围攻中的无双皇绝世 Yue Yang soon irritates, Big Brother, now, do not disturb good again? Now who is an enemy who is the friends does not clarify, hits air/Qi randomly, can you make Boss? Will your die of exhaustion everyone's awareness? Also, even if Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi is not a good person, opposite looks, does not seem like the thing, you collect now, can help that side? Draws back 10,000 steps, you must look for Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi to make war, selects a good time, now acts appropriately really? 岳阳快要气死,大哥,现在什么时候了,你就不要再捣乱了行不行?现在谁是敌人谁是朋友都弄不清楚,就乱打一气,你会不会做老大啊?你这样会累死大家的知道吗?再说,就算无双皇绝世不是好人,一看对面,也不像是好东西啊,你现在凑过去,到底是要帮那一边啊?退一万步,你一定要找无双皇绝世开战,也挑个好时候,现在出手真的合适吗? I came, I came!” Devil Dragon sees just three to lack one like the compulsive gambler like that at heart itchy is not good. “我来了,我来了!”魔龙就像个赌鬼看见刚好三缺一那般,心里痒痒的不行。 The metaplasia has ten thousand meters Divine Body. 化生出万米神躯 Thunderbolt thunder Liban bellows, joins the regiment. 霹雳雷厉般大吼一声,加入战团。 The fist across Divine Throne, punches...... joining of Devil Dragon irresistible on the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi vest, making many Divine Tier hurry to draw back, although cannot clarify what situation, but everyone understands the fellow who a fact, that is, just caught up with, definitely is a lunatic. 拳头势不可挡地穿过神座,揍在无双皇绝世的背心上……魔龙的加入,让许多神阶赶紧退开,虽然弄不清什么情况,但所有人都明白了一个事实,那就是,刚刚赶来的这个家伙,肯定是个疯子。 Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi shoulders the heavy blows hardly, the tiger arm revolves, the bang in the Devil Dragon chin, does not wait for Devil Dragon to drop down, leg knee bow one curved, entire tramples the flying midair Devil Dragon. 无双皇绝世硬扛住重拳,虎臂回旋,轰在魔龙下巴,不等魔龙倒下,腿膝似弓一弯,将魔龙整个踹飞半空。 Ultra giant god sees Devil Dragon entire to pound. 巨神尊看见魔龙整个砸来。 Six arm chaotic dances. 六臂乱舞。 Four Divine Weapon as well as two groups of Divine Light, pound completely in Devil Dragon body. 四件神兵以及两团神光,全部砸在魔龙身上 Yue Yang covers the face does not endure to look again, has looked at idiot, but has not really looked at such idiot. 岳阳掩面不忍再看,看过笨蛋,但还真没看过这样的笨蛋 Sore!” The Devil Dragon appearance twisted to crawl, although the injury was quite serious, but has not affected itself to act slightly, he was in a thundering rage to ultra giant god angrily: Do not think that your physique big point entrains very much, can hit the person conveniently randomly, that is the puffiness, you think that you can frighten the father? That side little friend you could not frighten, your also feeling all right swayed revealed!” “疼!”魔龙面目扭曲地爬了起来,虽然伤势颇重,但丝毫没有影响自身动作,他愤怒地冲着超巨神尊咆哮如雷:“你不要以为你块头大一点就很拽,就可以随手乱打人,那都是虚胖,你以为你能吓唬到老子吗?那边的小朋友你都吓唬不了,你还好意思摆显!” Stupid living being!” An ultra giant god fist strikes to fly Devil Dragon that áo áo called, then disregarded continues erupts the new round offensive to Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi. “愚蠢的生物!”超巨神尊一拳将嗷嗷叫的魔龙打飞,然后无视地继续向无双皇绝世爆发新一轮的攻势。 „Are you all right?” Yue Yang discovered that Devil Dragon injures probably very much heavily. “你没事吧?”岳阳发现魔龙好像伤得很重。 How could trivial small wound does to the father!” Devil Dragon looked at Yue Yang to see own embarrassment, hurried to jump to make the graceful cool posture: Joke, I look at him am a junior, lets his two moves intentionally, avoid hit to cry he, ran to complain father bullied the junior! That side sister-in-law, you and Yue Yang this boy distant point, be not injuring incautiously!” In his following several words sister-in-law angered Supreme, seeing Supreme to stare, Devil Dragon remembers this young girl to stand out from the masses suddenly, afraid, hurried to hit. “区区小伤又岂能奈何老子!”魔龙一看岳阳看见了自己的窘态,赶紧跳起来做个帅酷姿势:“笑话,我看他是小辈,才故意让他两招,省得打哭了他,跑回去告状说老子欺负小辈!那边的弟妹,你和岳阳这小子都远点,别一不小心伤着了!”他后面几句话中的‘弟妹’惹怒了至尊,看见至尊瞪眼,魔龙忽然想起这小妞与众不同,一阵心虚,赶紧打了个哈哈。 You hurry to bully him, I thought that this fellow had not been hit to cry for a long time, you must give him to select the profound memory.” Student Yue Yang to ultra giant god one finger/refers, his saying must burn at the fire of high-piled firewood own Boss simply. “那你赶紧欺负他吧,我觉得这家伙好久没有被人打哭过了,你得给他来点深刻的记忆。”岳阳同学对超巨神尊一指,他这话简直是要将自己的老大架在火堆上烧。 That was you said that I really the unique skill, this world destroyed, didn't complain about me?” Devil Dragon when heard, actually not by the feeling of pit, but was excited. “那是你说的,我真的出绝招了,这个世界打坏了,不怨我?”魔龙一听,却没有被坑的感觉,可激动了。 Did not complain about you, really destroyed, I was responsible for patching!” Yue Yang thought that this Boss really has the skill to defeat the enemy, that result is bad, definitely on 100 times compared with present stronger. “不怨你,真的打坏了,我负责修补!”岳阳觉得这位老大真有本事打败敌人,那结果再糟,也肯定比现在要强上一百倍。 Good, you are future Supreme, had said may probably keep a promise.” Devil Dragon bows the head, stretches out finger, selects point Yue Yang: Hey, you in the name of Supreme, said released, with a you strongest sword, gives me to come again.” Yue Yang is stunned, coming Supreme Sword to be easy, but you determined that you hadn't been destroyed the brain by the enemy? Does this meaningful really? Good that but this Young Master released to be a thing does not understand! “好,你可是未来的至尊,说过了可要算数的。”魔龙俯首下来,伸出一只手指,点点岳阳:“喂,你以至尊名义,说解封,再用你最强的一剑,给我来一下。”岳阳愕然,来个最强一剑容易,但你确定你没有被敌人打坏脑子?这样做真的有意义吗?本少爷可是解封是啥东东也不懂的好不好! Although in the heart complained this Boss is not far-fetched. 虽然心中吐槽这位老大不靠谱。 But sees him to need like this, coordinates to erupt the most Sword Qi, sews the thorn to Devil Dragon between the eyebrows. 但看见他需要这样,也配合地爆发一道最剑气,钉刺向魔龙眉心
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