LLS :: Volume #7

#1345: blood-soaked and fighting bravely

Does not wait for Yue Yang to act. 不等岳阳出手。 That side giant god, back Divine Throne, has erupted trillion magnificent Divine Light. 那边的巨神,背后的神座,已经爆发出亿万道辉煌神光 Around the space with Ancient Passage fused together, inspires Ancient Code and direction of antiquity Will, instantaneously, the entire space, had mysterious and vast ancient times power arrives, this space, Level Up turned into a special battlefield. In this special battlefield, the naked eye cannot see any change completely, but, Yue Yang actually truly felt 'self', by infinite reduction. 远古通道周围空间一起融合,引动远古法则和上古意志的指向,瞬间,整个空间,有种神秘又浩瀚的远古力量降临,将这个空间,升级变成了一个特殊的战场。在这个特殊战场中,肉眼完全看不见任何变化,可是,岳阳却确实地感觉到了‘自己’,正被无限‘缩小’。 The real body has not changed is small, only Divine Power was condensed by the limit. 真实身体没有变小,只是神力被极限凝聚了。 Easily cannot send out outside the body. 轻易发不出体外。 Front Devil Dragon that ten thousand meters great golden color Divine Body, reduces unceasingly, finally returns to original state the Devil Dragon appearance, no, slightly is little bigger than the Devil Dragon original appearance, shrinks turns into about two meters. 面前的魔龙那万米之巨的金色神躯,不断地缩小,最后还原成魔龙的样子,不,比魔龙原来的样子稍微高大一点点,缩变成两米左右。 Stood also had the same change in Devil Dragon front giant god, but the body after giant god reduction, still greatness as high as eight meters. 站在魔龙面前的巨神也发生了相同的变化,不过巨神缩小后的身躯,仍然高达八米之巨。 If the mountain towers, merely is the shadow, can definitely two people camouflages Devil Dragon and Yue Yang. In giant god back Divine Throne, condenses a diameter four meters many ring now, the middle is revolving solar Divine Pearl, surroundings, is surrounding four black and white red and blue various element Divine Pearl. Although they no longer previous terrifying marvelous sight, but also contains vast Divine Power, one such as such was previously assisting Master. So long as this Divine Throne also, without the damage or the destruction, others gave up any idea of ** its holder. 如山耸立,仅仅是阴影,就完全可以将魔龙岳阳两人遮蔽。在巨神背后的神座,现在凝聚成一个直径四米多的圆环,中间运转着一颗太阳神珠,周围,则环绕着四颗黑白红蓝各不相同的元素神珠。它们虽然不复此前的恐怖奇观,但也蕴含着浩瀚神力,一如此前那样辅助着主人。只要这个神座还在,没有损坏或毁灭,别人就休想**它的持有者。 Originally is this!” Yue Yang sighed one secretly, no wonder said under Divine Throne, had nothing the rival. “原来是这样!”岳阳暗叹一声,难怪说神座之下,无有敌手。 Who can have an unending stream to supply Divine Power never to be exhausted never the injured enemy with this forever to make war? at least, fight a duel is not possible to win! 谁能跟一个这样永远有源源不断供应神力永不疲惫永不受伤的敌人开战?最少,单挑是不可能赢的! To win, perhaps only then besieging of dependence community power, the fight in which several people take turns fighting one person so as to wear the opponent out not possible to having Divine Throne the opponent poses any threat, at this time, on was the most correct action. 要想赢,恐怕只有依靠群体力量的围攻,车轮战都不可能对拥有神座的对手造成任何威胁,在这个时候,一齐上才是最正确的举动。 A giant god fist bang flies Devil Dragon, beckons to Yue Yang: If this Venerable releases Divine Power, comes by perfect Divine Body with you to the war, even if raises hand your move of instant kill, being probable have makes one ridicule, said this Venerable will only bully little child. Come, this Venerable receives Divine Body now, comes to play with you in the original shape, so long as you can receive hundred moves in the this Venerable hand, then this Venerable pledged to give your way out!” 巨神一拳轰飞魔龙,向岳阳招了招手:“如果本尊释放神力,以完美神躯来与你对战,纵然是举手将你一招秒杀,也少不得让人嘲笑,说本尊只会欺负小孩子。来吧,现在本尊收起神躯,以原来的形态来跟你玩玩,只要你能在本尊手中接下百招,那么本尊承诺放你一条生路!” That was really the thank you senior!” In the Yue Yang hand raises Repossession and Hoar Frost two swords, sticks a thorn like lightning in the giant god double pupil. “那真是谢谢前辈了!”岳阳手中擎起归藏和霜华两剑,闪电般扎刺进巨神双眸中。 Be careful!” Devil Dragon unhappy counter- startled, yells to remind loudly. “小心!”魔龙不喜反惊,高声叫喊提醒。 two swords sees. 两剑入目。 On the giant god face was wooden. 巨神脸上毫无表情。 A closed pair of eyes blood has not flowed out, Black Repossession and White Hoar Frost Sword Qi has not displayed the prestige energy, as if jabbed into a bareness world, making Yue Yang first time have to plant the extremely not wonderful induction. 紧闭的双眼没有一丝鲜血流出,黑归藏白霜华剑气也没有发挥威能,仿佛刺进了一个空无的世界,让岳阳第一次有种极其不妙的感应。 He has not seen, on giant god back Divine Throne, two swords penetrates Hei Tu Divine Pearl and clear water Divine Pearl respectively. 他没有看见,在巨神背后的神座上,两剑分别穿透黑土神珠和白水神珠而出。 Although Sword Qi sees, but the giant god main body simply has not received any wound to create. 虽然剑气入目,但巨神的本体根本没有受到任何的伤创。 Yue Yang draws back anxiously. 岳阳急退。 But, is too late! 可是,已经太迟! Launches the movement in Yue Yang thousand 0.1 milisecond time, giant god hit back, his both arms vanished, the golden great fist that wields, turned into ten million meteors, densely covered Yue Yang any fleeing space. Also wants the crowded fist compared with the raindrop, accurate incomparable, has not failed including a fist, in complete bang goal. 岳阳展开身法的千万分之一秒的时间内,巨神就作出了反击,他的双臂消失了,挥动的金色巨拳,化成了千万颗流星,密布了岳阳任何一处遁逃的空间。比雨点还要密集的拳头,准确无比,连一拳也没有落空,全部轰中了目标。 Clip clop dá dá dá dá...... 哒哒哒哒哒哒…… Yue Yang tumbled more than 100 in the sky, finally pounds layer on layer/heavily in the Ancient Passage space barrier. 岳阳在天空中翻滚了一百多圈,最后重重地砸在远古通道的空间壁垒中。 The blood that in the mouth erupts delimits a long blood rainbow, splashes all over the sky. 口中爆发的鲜血划出一道长长的血虹,激洒满天。 He felt that own body each bone in **, the fingertip, has by the opposite side fist vigor bang broken misconception, if not Evolution becomes the strong heart of Heart of True Dragon still to beat, he suspected own whether or not already by opposite side fist kill! 他感觉自己身体每块骨头都在**,就连指尖,都有被对方拳劲轰碎的错觉,若非进化真龙之心的强劲心脏还在跳动,他都怀疑自己是不是已经被对方一拳干掉了! Promotion biggest willpower, puts together that a wee bit not scattered power that the body only saves, both hands exhausts possibly to support the knees, bite the teeth tightly is standing. Yue Yang this for a lifetime, had not felt original standing is such difficult, is is not so easy! The heart and lungs, are breathing like the bellower rapidly, the vitality revolves crazily, goes all out to restore the injured body......, although such, Yue Yang still felt that at present one becomes dark intermittently, has a dizziness, with the pain of thorough marrow, making him want this to get down but actually, rests comfortably, complete extrication this type is painful and exhausted, later does not wake up. 提升最大的意志力,拼出身体仅存的那一丁点没有被打散的力量,双手竭尽可能地支持着双膝,咬紧牙关站起来。岳阳这一辈子,也没有感觉过原来‘站立’是这么艰难的,是这般的不容易!心肺,就像风箱一样急促呼吸着,气血疯狂运转,拼命恢复着被打伤的身体……尽管那样,岳阳仍然感到眼前一阵阵发黑,有种晕眩,和深入骨髓的痛楚,让他很想就这样倒下去,舒服地睡过去,完全解脱这种痛苦和疲惫,以后再也不醒来了。 peerless talent that I am the Heavenspan Tower ten thousand years, I am new generation Prison Sovereign, I am everyone's hope, I can be good!” The Yue Yang standing back, exhausted biggest power diligently, raised the head. “我是通天塔万年不出的绝世天才,我是新一代狱皇,我是大家的希望,我能行!”岳阳努力地站直腰杆,用尽了最大的力量,抬起头来。 He never concedes! 他从来不服输! Any opponent, what kind of attack, he does not submit! This, is Yue Family Third Young Master, this, is the boy from another world essence! 无论是什么样的对手,怎么样的打击,他都绝不屈服!这,就是岳家三少,这,就是穿越男的本质! But when, Yue Yang's eyes restores to gather, is out of control for own crude attack but grievous shout. 可是,当岳阳的眼睛恢复聚集,还是禁不住为了自己的鲁莽攻击而悲呼一声。 In front of Yue Yang, a man of dripping with blood, stretches out the arms, like Guardian God such, aids in the Yue Yang front, in his body, at least 100 fist mark, several hundred muscle skins extremely withstands the rupturing blood hole , he is some are never acknowledged but makes qualified Boss, Devil Dragon! Is he bravely steps forward, in finally, when most dangerous, withstood the giant god rainstorm attack continuously for Yue Yang, is he, withstood certainly the attack of the greater part for Yue Yang. 岳阳面前,一个鲜血淋漓的男子,张开双臂,就像守护神那样,护佑在岳阳的面前,在他身上,最少一百个拳印,几百个肌肉皮肤不堪承受而爆裂的血洞,他,就是某个从来不被承认但做得非常合格的老大,魔龙!是他挺身而出,在最后,在最危险的时候,替岳阳承受了巨神连绵不断的暴雨攻击,是他,替岳阳承受下了绝大部分的攻击。 Without this Guardian God stretches out the arms to shoulder all Boss generally. 假如没有这个守护神一般张开双臂扛住一切的老大 Some Third Young Master, possibly could not have stood, peerless talent that even if he indeed is the Heavenspan Tower ten thousand years! 某个三少,可能已经站不起来了,纵然他的确是通天塔万年不出的绝世天才 What looks at to look? The father has not died!” The Devil Dragon very satisfied Yue Yang present expression, how many he wants to ridicule this boy, what kind of? My this does Boss do returns not bad? Wants you to teach? The father has been Boss good, moreover there are will make Boss compared with the father? Really, the father the given name of that Heaven Realm first loyalty was to give for nothing in the past? What a pity giant god has not given the opportunity that he boasted, the Second Wave attack, must start! “看什么看?老子还没死!”魔龙非常满意岳阳现在的表情,他很想嘲弄这小子几句,怎么样?我这个老大做得还不错吧?要你教?老子早就是老大了好不好,而且还有比老子更会做老大的吗?真是的,难道老子当年那个天界第一义气的名号是白给的吗?可惜巨神没有给他吹嘘的机会,第二波攻击,又要开始了! Keeps off definitely cannot block, to/clashes with the father together! Spelled!” Devil Dragon has not kept Yue Yang in behind, he knows, once the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres to start to attack, does not have any place is safe, Yue Yang this boy only then follows in own side, he felt relieved reluctantly. “挡肯定挡不住,跟老子一起冲!拼了!”魔龙没有留岳阳在后面,他知道,一旦光明守护神尊开始攻击,没有任何地方是安全的,岳阳这小子只有跟在自己身边,他才勉强放心。 Kills!” Yue Yang now also red eye, such calls out like injured fierce tiger, speed is quicker than Devil Dragon, Sword Qi points to giant god. “杀!”岳阳现在也红了眼睛,就像受伤的猛虎那样暴吼起来,速度魔龙还快,剑气直指巨神 „The bead of grain of rice, puts brilliance?” giant god puts out a hand at will, a two fingers of clip, gripped Yue Yang deceptive attack Sword Qi, in Yue Yang erupts the Huan Yue Divine Power both feet to turn the spin kicks a crescent moon, counts on the fingers a ball, that round of birth eternal crescent moon ball flying sky, even, but also accomplishes a task with ease with the thumb, blocks the Devil Dragon heavy blows. “米粒之珠,也放光华?”巨神随意伸手,两指一夹,夹住了岳阳佯攻的剑气,又在岳阳爆发幻月神力双脚翻旋踢出一轮弯月之际,屈指一弹,将那轮诞生即化永恒的弯月弹飞天空,甚至,还游刃有余地用大拇指,挡住魔龙的重拳。 giant god wields the elbow to sweep, flies the Devil Dragon entire artillery shell bang. 巨神挥肘一扫,将魔龙整个炮弹般轰飞。 Another gathers the potential for a long time right hand, Divine Power that will agglomerate infinitely, turns into a split heaven and earth apart god axe, is welcoming Yue Yang, the overhead chops. 另外一只蓄势已久的右手,将无限积聚的神力,变成一支开天辟地的神斧,迎着岳阳,当头劈下。 Yue Yang felt oneself by Divine Sense locking of opposite side, even if runs away to the horizon instantaneously, or crashes in other space, is difficult to escape giant god this to cut fatally again, simple be ready to risk everything. 岳阳感觉自己被对方神识锁定,纵然瞬间逃遁至天边,又或者冲进另外的空间,也难逃巨神这一记致命重斩,干脆豁出去了。 His advances instead of retreating, with ball flying sky Moon of Destiny Divine Sense unites. 不退反进,与弹飞天空的‘命运之月神识合一。 Counter-attacks layer on layer/heavily to giant god. 重重地反击向巨神 That fears dies, must draw the opposite side pad corpse bottom, this, is the Yue Yang Yue Titan attitude, this, is the character that boy from another world seeks revenge for the slightest grievance! Wants father's life? Ok, but must compensate with your life! Moon of Destiny is eternal existence, even if there is Divine Throne gods, absolutely is impossible to deny, if can ruthlessly returns one in giant god, oneself are not loses money. 那怕是死,也要拉对方垫尸底,这,就是岳阳岳泰坦的作风,这,就是穿越男睚眦必报的性格!想要老子的命吗?可以,但也要拿你的命来赔!命运之月是永恒的存在,即使是拥有神座的神明,也绝对不可能否定的,要是能狠狠的在巨神还上一记,那自己也不算亏本。 Naive!” In the double pupil of giant god projects two Divine Light, turns into two Divine Halberd, supports Moon of Destiny, but the Kai Tian god axe in his hand like the past, still cut to divide unprecedented. “天真!”巨神的双眸内射出两道神光,化成两支神戟,架住命运之月,而他手中的开天神斧如昔,仍然一往无前地斩劈下来。 You, when the father is dies!” Devil Dragon does not know when came back, the both arms surpassed the Yue Yang top of the head, stiff gripped the cutting edge of god axe. “你当老子是死的啊!”魔龙不知何时回来了,双臂超过岳阳的头顶,硬生生夹住了神斧的锋刃。 Snort, courts death!” Under giant god makes an effort to press. “哼,找死!”巨神用力下压。 He felt that this is better. 他感觉这样更好。 An axe can cuts to kill Devil Dragon and Yue Titan two enemy, can solve the two enemy one time simply. 一斧就可以将魔龙岳泰坦两个敌人斩杀,一次就可以简单地解决两个敌人。 Devil Dragon indeed cannot shoulder giant god terrifying Divine Power, Divine Power that originally the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres above him, in addition increasing of Divine Throne auxiliary, Devil Dragon at all is not an opponent, let alone, this Boss in peak previously did not put together one...... Devil Dragon to blurt out with the Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi blood, shouted one walking to Yue Yang. 魔龙的确扛不住巨神的恐怖神力,本来光明守护神尊的神力就在他之上,再加上神座的增辅,魔龙根本不是对手,更何况,这位本来就不在巅峰之中的老大此前还跟无双皇绝世血拼过一场……魔龙很想冲口而出,冲岳阳喊出一个‘走’。 only under giant god [Power Pressure], he including a sound unable to send. 只是巨神威压之下,他连一丝声响也发不出来。 He only hopes, Yue Yang this dumb kid can striking, should better to seize the chance to make a getaway, having escapes is so far, do not waste the opportunity that oneself caught at risk of life. 他只盼望,岳阳这个傻小子能够醒目点,最好趁机逃之夭夭,有那么远就逃那么远,不要白费了自己拼死争取到的机会。 Yue Yang has not run away. 岳阳没有逃走。 He is common like the fool, not only does not run, but also continues to giant god launches the attack. 他就像个傻瓜一般,非但不跑,还继续向巨神发动进攻。 If escapes also dies, then escapes simply does not have the significance! Also, making boy from another world drop out a Devil Dragon person to escape in this time, he could not have achieved! Usual Yue Family Third Young Master does not have the loyalty very much, but is not equal to fighting he, is sneaks away at a critical juncture with the small running turtle that the enemy abandons the friend! 假如逃跑也是死,那么逃跑根本没有意义!再说,让穿越男在此时抛下魔龙一个人逃跑,他还做不到!平时的岳家三少很没有义气,但不等于战斗中的他,就是个临阵脱逃遇敌弃友的小跑龟! Grass, you are **?” Devil Dragon goes all out, will cut into the god axe of volume border to hold up high little, the sound pushes in the tooth tooth root. “草,你是个**吗?”魔龙拼命,将切入额际的神斧擎高一点点,声音在牙齿根挤出来。 I am!” The Yue Yang eye is red, the blood infiltrates in the corner of the eye of ya zi. “我是!”岳阳眼睛赤红,鲜血在睚眦的眼角中渗下来。 He discovers the fists and feet attack, invalid, called out one completely crazily. 他发现拳脚攻击,完全无效,疯狂地暴吼了一声。 The right hand attacks the heart. 右手直插心脏。 Takes the painstaking care as the blade. 以心血为刃。 With the blood sword, turns into Sword of Life, this is the Supreme style, when Devil Dragon must be cut two halves by the god axe, Sword of Life in Yue Yang hand successfully erupts finally, 100.00001 billion times of places erupt. 以血化剑,化成生命之剑,这是至尊的招式,在魔龙就要被神斧一斩两半的时候,岳阳手中的生命之剑终于成功爆发,千亿万倍地爆发出来。 giant god puts out a hand with a two fingers of clip, but the Sword of Life direct penetration refers to the slit, freely is thorough. 巨神伸手以两指一夹,可是生命之剑直接穿透指间缝隙,不住地深入。 Back Divine Throne rapid revolving, Blazing Divine Shield keeps off in the direction that Sword of Life goes forward at the same time, in the meantime, there are innumerable electric arcs along Sword of Life, extremely fast spreads to Yue Yang's hands, attacks the heart that Yue Yang bleeds at this moment reverse. giant god what and the others thing, his eyes looked, the blood sword of this boy, is completely depends upon the blood of heart to support, if the blood interrupt eruption of his heart, then the prestige of this blood sword can considerably weaken...... Yue Yang to clench teeth to charge forward, he did not have the escape route, if one point drew back intent, he and Devil Dragon, will divide two halves under the god axe. 背后神座飞速旋转,一面烈焰神盾挡在生命之剑前进的方向,同时,有无数的电弧沿着生命之剑,极速岳阳的双手蔓延,反向侵袭岳阳此刻流血的心脏。巨神等人物,他一眼就看出来了,这小子的血剑,完全是依靠心脏的鲜血来支撑的,要是他心脏的鲜血一中断喷发,那么这血剑的威能就会大大减弱……岳阳咬牙向前冲锋,他没有退路,要是有一分退意,他和魔龙,都会在神斧之下一劈两半。 Sword of Life, pierced Blazing Divine Shield, goes forward irresistibly, finally successfully pricked giant god **. 生命之剑,刺穿了烈焰神盾,不可阻挡地前进,终于成功地刺入了巨神的**。 But is not the original goal. 但不是原来的目标。 It is not the heart of giant god. 不是巨神的心脏。 But is giant god his left hand palm. 而是巨神他的左手掌心。 In Yue Yang the flash that goes all out to puncture to come suddenly, giant god reaches behind the back calmly, single palm caught Yue Yang Sword of Life ultimate Sword Qi. 岳阳拼命突刺而来的一刹那,巨神从容地回手,单掌接住了岳阳生命之剑的终极剑气 Another side, wants in turn by Devil Dragon that the god axe holds, making a giant god foot plate trample flies, simply does not have the opportunity to act. giant god single palm blocks Sword of Life, holds up to lift the god axe single-handedly, is overlooking Yue Yang in midair: this Venerable now is a little clear, you who how you cultivate/repair spell with the life, the small age has this to make an all-out effort, can indeed defeat many originally the enemy above you. What a pity, now what you meet is this Venerable, Divine Throne no you, even if puts together 100 times again, slightly is still useless.” 另一边,想反过来以神斧牵住的魔龙,让巨神一脚板踹飞,根本没有机会出手。巨神单掌挡住生命之剑,一手擎举着神斧,俯视着半空中的岳阳:“本尊现在有点明白你是怎么修上来的了,你是用生命拼上来的,小小年纪就有这等狠劲,的确可以拼掉许多原来在你之上的敌人。可惜,你现在遇上的是本尊,就连神座都没有的你,就算再拼一百倍,也丝毫无用。” The god axe in giant god hand, cuts again. 巨神手中的神斧,重斩下来。 Devil Dragon swoops. 魔龙一个飞扑。 Grasps Yue Yang, moves aside anxiously. 抱住岳阳,急急地躲闪开。 His waist border blood light like the waterfall, the whole person almost cleft in two by the god axe. 他的腰际血光如瀑,整个人差点被神斧劈成两半。 In Yue Yang midair crazy attack, Moon of Destiny, once again revolves under Yue Yang's Will, incomparably evaded impediment double Divine Halberd mysteriously, tangential giant god neck side. 岳阳半空中疯狂攻击,命运之月,又一次在岳阳的意志下旋转,玄妙无比地躲过了阻挡的双神戟,切向巨神的颈侧。 giant god has to put out a hand, strokes by the Divine Power supple vigor. 巨神不得不伸手,以神力柔劲拂开。 But merely is the time of such flash, made Devil Dragon hold, he brings Yue Yang, turned into together Flowing Light in Ancient Passage. 但仅仅是这么一刹那的时机,就让魔龙抓住了,他带着岳阳,在远古通道中化成一道流光 In the wink of an eye. 瞬息之间。 Namely flees outside the thousand li (500 km). 即遁逃出千里之外。 Cuts!” giant god wields begins the god axe, jumps high, entire becomes the arch curvingly, when reaching limit, turns round to cut forward layer on layer/heavily. Even if Ancient Passage of Ancient Code ban, presents Space Crack that is almost unable to heal forever instantaneously. Cutting of god axe kills the prestige to penetrate the endless space, the Devil Dragon back outside direct link thousand li (500 km)...... “斩!”巨神挥动手中神斧,高高地跳起来,整个弯曲成弓形,在达到极限之际,回身向前重重一斩。纵然是远古法则禁制的远古通道,也瞬间出现了一条几乎永远无法愈合的空间裂隙。神斧的斩杀威能透过无尽空间,直达千里之外的魔龙脊背…… Escaping, partly integrates the Ancient Passage space to be equal regarding Divine Throne and Will is here half Master Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres, does not have the significance. 逃跑,对于神座意志半融入远古通道空间等同是这里半个主人光明守护神尊来说,根本毫无意义。 His attack has not been away from. 他的攻击也没有距离可言。 So long as Divine Sense may reach. 只要神识可达。 Not bonds is not apart from , without the thing may block! 无障无距,无物可阻!
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