LLS :: Volume #7

#1346: Is Devil Dragon a glutton?

The god axe cuts again, Devil Dragon and Yue Yang are on the verge of death. 神斧重斩,魔龙岳阳危在旦夕。 While the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres to think, this war ended, that but then has, makes him stunned. 正当光明守护神尊以为,这一战结束了,可是接下来发生的一幕,却让他愕然。 The reason is, Devil Dragon came back, not only hurries back from the thousand li (500 km) outside, but also snatches into the dead angle in giant god bosom, a god axe after wielding empty the position that is unable to attack. Devil Dragon not only returns, but also has six dragon, after battle, has not exposed Devil Dragon of genuine strength, now in the crucial moment, erupted one already secret move that for 100,000 years no one knows. 原因是,魔龙回来了,不仅自千里之外赶回,而且抢入巨神怀中的死角,一个神斧在挥空之后根本无法攻击到的位置。魔龙不仅回归,还带着六条‘龙’,自开战后,从来没有暴露过真正实力的魔龙,现在于生死关头,爆发了一个已经十万年来无人知晓的秘招 Six dragons look back! 六龙回首! No one knows the Devil Dragon this secret move reason, besides forgetting of time, there is still one reason: The Devil Dragon enemies hung under this move. 没人知道魔龙这一秘招的原因,除了时间的遗忘之外,还有一个原因:魔龙的敌人都在这一招下挂掉了。 Devil Dragon does not have Divine Throne, was not equal to that he is the weak one under Divine Throne, his only made Supreme Dragon God slice off, is unable to use, his strength, cannot under the warrior appraisal actually by Divine Throne. If who really did this, then finally, will regret very much...... on such as present giant god! 魔龙没有神座,不等于他就是神座之下的弱者,他只是龙神至尊削掉了,无法使用,他的实力,其实不能以神座之下的武者评估。要是谁真的这样做了,那么结果,会很后悔……就如现在的巨神 No power can prevent six dragons to look back, moreover let alone six dragons, even prestige of the dragon, is still irresistible existence. 没有任何力量能够阻止六龙回首,而且别说六龙,即使是一龙之威,也是不可阻挡的存在。 „......” In the giant god mouth erupts endured to be out of control the pain to shout. “啊……”巨神口中爆发了一声忍禁不住的痛呼。 Six golden dragonets under the Will direction of Devil Dragon, penetrate respectively from the four limbs, head and heart giant god, bites to bite through the giant god body, drills from following Divine Throne crowded. Four element Divine Pearl were almost supported to explode, disintegrate results in the shape such as the ice bead to fall down, only then middle that bigger Sun Divine Pearl, lets two dragons after can still continue to send out unsurpassed Divine Light. 六条金色小龙在魔龙意志指引下,分别自巨神的四肢、头颅、心脏穿透进去,噬咬穿巨神的身躯,自后面的神座挤钻而出。四颗元素神珠几乎被撑爆,碎裂得形如冰珠坠地,只有中间那个更大的太阳神珠,让两条龙穿过后仍能继续散发无上神光 The transparent hole of giant god head quick restores under solar Divine Pearl Divine Light. 巨神头颅的透明窟窿很快在太阳神珠神光下恢复。 But in the heart, and five blood holes above four limbs, without was so simple, since endures painstakingly, Devil Dragon that the counter-attack goes well, will not miss further expands the opportunity of victory. 可是在心脏,以及四肢之上的五个血洞,却没有那么简单了,苦忍至今,反击得手的魔龙,也不会错过进一步扩大战果的机会。 Follows up a victory with hot pursuit, not only boy from another world excels. 乘胜追击,不仅穿越男擅长。 His once by known as was Heaven Realm number one villain Devil Dragon, similarly excelled, even its time crucial moment control must go beyond! 他这个曾经被人称天界第一凶徒魔龙,同样擅长,甚至其时机火候掌控得有过之而无不及! just now that is the father gives back your, if you think that you ate to decide me, the father saw you only then resigned oneself to extinction, that was completely mistaken! Now this, is also father's interest!” Devil Dragon both hands turn into the terrifying sharp claws, the chest and belly of direct attack enemy, he barbarically, breaks off bloody the giant god rib, protects in opposite side body Divine Power shakes draws back own checks, does not know that snatched to pull out anything, dark and bloody. 刚才那是老子还给你的,假如你以为你吃定我了,老子一看见你就只有束手待毙,那就大错特错了!还有现在这个,是还老子的利息!”魔龙双手化成恐怖利爪,直接攻击敌人的胸腹,他野蛮又血腥地,将巨神肋骨掰开来,在对方护体神力震退自己的一刹,不知抢掏出了一块什么,黑呼呼又血淋淋的。 Howling......” giant god is furious, he abandons the god axe, wields meteor aura fist, prepares to hit a flower to open the riches and honor Devil Dragon. “嚎嚎嚎……”巨神震怒,他抛开神斧,挥动流星般的罡拳,准备把魔龙打个花开富贵。 Do not forget also to have me!” Yue Yang waiting for a long time. “别忘了还有我!”岳阳等待已久。 When the giant god Divine Throne prestige energy, looked back on to break by the Devil Dragon six dragons, he started the counter-attack. 巨神神座威能,被魔龙的六龙回首所破,他就开动反击了。 Moon of Destiny, cuts in the nape of giant god. 一记命运之月,斩在巨神的后颈。 Under eternal Destiny Divine Power, the bonus is the Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres this to exist, is out of control to sway one ** body, figure by certain stagnation a half second. A half second almost does not have the significance regarding the universal person, but regarding excelling in grasping opportunity boy from another world, that enough did the many matter. For example, like the present, holds up Scepter, pounds in the giant god top of the head. 在永恒的命运神力之下,饶是光明守护神尊这等存在,也禁不住摇晃了一**体,身形被定滞了半秒钟。半秒时间对于普遍人几乎没有意义,但对于擅于把握机会的穿越男,那足够做许多事了。比如,像现在这样,擎出一支神杖,砸在巨神的头顶。 giant god suffered a stick hardly, on the face absolutely did not have the expression. 巨神硬挨了一杖,脸上完全没有表情。 The Prison Sovereign Scepter prestige can him, still nothing to be afraid, this only has not fully restored initial Divine Might Divine Equipment let alone. 狱皇神杖的威能对他来说,尚不足为惧,更何况这只是一件没有完全恢复初始神威神器 Again come!” Was not the a milisecond time, Yue Yang launched the Second Wave attack, that almost degenerated into to pound Prison Sovereign Divine Seal of chestnut tool to hold up to lift layer on layer/heavily, pounded layer on layer/heavily in the forehead of giant god. “再来!”不到千分之一秒的时间,岳阳又发动了第二波攻击,那尊差点沦为砸栗子工具的狱皇神印重重擎举起来,重重地砸在巨神的前额。 The might no small matter that this pounds, the complete contract also fused Yue Yang Will Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, accurate cannot call it Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, but is new life Divine Seal, only Yue Yang to commemorate Prison Sovereign Zhan Feng, still names as Prison Sovereign Divine Seal. The new life prestige can with the destiny union, the achievement be eternal, that Prison Sovereign Divine Seal that non- Three Great Big Shots withstood early initially may compared with...... frontal bone rupturing of giant god, but, powerful and tenacious incomparable giant god still had not changed countenance, his only bite the teeth tightly, shouldered the complete attack hardly. 这一砸的威力非同小可,完全契约并且融合了岳阳意志狱皇神印,准确来说已经不能称之为狱皇神印,而是一尊新生神印,只是岳阳为了纪念狱皇战风,依然命名为狱皇神印。其新生威能与命运结合,成就永恒,早非当初三大巨头承受的那尊狱皇神印可比……巨神的额骨爆裂,不过,强大又坚韧无比的巨神仍然没有动容,他只是咬紧牙关,硬扛了全部攻击。 In being attacked 10 milliseconds, he responded. 在受袭的百分之一秒间,他就反应过来了。 He puts out a hand, first is holds down to wield Devil Dragon that the claw sweeps crazily, another seizes in the top of the head intention launches the Third Wave attack Yue Yang. 他一伸手,先是按住挥爪狂扫的魔龙,又一手捉住在头顶意图发动第三波攻击的岳阳 Angry giant god opened large-mouthed vessel huge mouths, the preparation small insect forced in the mouth to eat this caused itself injured directly, perhaps such, can relax hate of his a wee bit heart reluctantly. 愤怒的巨神张开了血盆巨口,准备直接将这个致使自己受伤的‘小虫子’塞进嘴巴里吃掉,也许那样,才能勉强舒缓他一丁点的心头之恨。 Broken!” Yue Yang after forcing in the mouth still had not struggled the meaning of fleeing, on the contrary, he also flees to erupt the Third Wave attack. Almost never takes fight Divine World Creation Pearl, finally sent the beginning greatly. Lasing of Divine World Creation Pearl from Yue Yang's hand, non-stop flies the giant god throat. So long as giant god eats up this Divine World Creation Pearl, then the victory might reverse, Divine World Creation Pearl, this thing, who ate who knows, although it little appeared on the market extremely, but absolutely was boy from another world ** since most powerful Divine Equipment, has not had one. “破!”岳阳在塞进嘴巴之后仍然没有挣扎逃离的意思,相反,他还亡命地爆发出第三波攻击。几乎从来不拿出来战斗的创世神珠,终于大派开场了。创世神珠岳阳的手中激射而出,直飞巨神喉咙。只要巨神吃下这一颗创世神珠,那么战果就有可能逆转了,创世神珠,这东东,谁吃谁知道,它虽然极少面世,但绝对是穿越男**以来最给力的神器,没有之一。 Howling!” giant god also realizes the danger. “嗬嚎嚎嚎!”巨神也意识到危险。 Induction keen he will certainly not regard is a candy, on the contrary, he rather is direct Devour Black Hole, is not willing to stain this thing. 感应敏锐的他当然不会当成是一颗糖果,相反,他宁愿直接吞噬一个黑洞,也不愿意沾上这个东东一点儿。 In tearing and biting the Devour Yue Yang flash, he acts is much quicker the mouth in small insect to spurt, the intention spurts that tiny tot between flying throats with Divine Power simultaneously, what a pity this hope evaporate. 于撕咬吞噬岳阳一刹那,他动作快得不可思议地将口中的‘小虫子’喷出来,意图同时用神力喷飞喉咙间的那个小不点,可惜这一愿望落空。 Embarrassed, he does not attend to puts out a hand vividly, squeezes in the mouth directly, deep cuts into the throat. 窘迫中,他不顾形象地伸手,直接塞入嘴巴,深挖入喉。 Digs out from the throat deep place Divine World Creation Pearl forcefully. 创世神珠强行自喉咙深处挖出。 Sharply falls again abandons it. 再急急地摔地弃之。 The bonus is so, his throat, as well as has contacted palm, to Divine World Creation Pearl Devour a bulk...... for a very long time, is irretrievable. 饶是如此,他的喉咙,以及接触过的手掌,也给创世神珠吞噬了一大块……久久,也不能恢复。 Real fucking awesome, what treasure are you?” Devil Dragon collects to come, Divine World Creation Pearl in looks at Yue Yang hand, must say Artifact, he also has many, but compared with boy from another world, he thought that own plain life these years, this damn bastard, Divine Equipment one big wicker basket, making the person 100 million times of envying envy hate the wood to have! “真碉堡了,你这是什么宝贝?”魔龙凑头过来,看着岳阳手中的创世神珠,要说宝物,他也有不少,但比起穿越男,他觉得自己白活了这些年头,这个该死的混蛋,神器都一大箩筐,让人一亿倍的羡慕嫉妒恨有木有! Divine World Creation Pearl forget it/that's all, don't you have?” The Student Yue Yang not in the least concerned stall in the palm, that show off cocky expression almost makes Devil Dragon choke to death him. 创世神珠罢了,你没有吗?”岳阳同学满不在乎地摊在手掌心,那副摆现得瑟表情差点让魔龙掐死他。 Hateful!” Devil Dragon forces in the mouth a dark bloody thing in hand, turning the grief and indignation into the appetite. “可恶!”魔龙将手中的一块黑乎乎血淋淋的东东塞进嘴里,化悲愤为食欲。 You?” Yue Yang looks in great surprise. “你?”岳阳一看大惊。 My what?” Devil Dragon swallows in the end opening with effort food, very puzzled Student Yue Yang expression, eats a thing, supplements the nutrition, recovers an energy slightly, don't you use such in great surprise Imp? “我什么?”魔龙费力地吞下口中食物,非常不解岳阳同学的表情,吃点东西,补充一下营养,稍微恢复一点体力,你不用这么大惊小怪吧? What is just now that?” Student Yue Yang has a dizzy feeling: I see you to pull out probably in the belly of that fellow......” 刚才那是什么?”岳阳同学有种晕眩的感觉:“我好像看见你在那家伙的肚子掏出来的……” Yes! Heart and liver spleen lung kidney and so on thing, although flavor so-so, but is very nutritious!” A Devil Dragon saying, Student Yue Yang was about to spit, originally Li Da Zui existed, what eating was not good, eating this was really the thunder, said again, bloody swallowed at the scene, Big Brother, your non- gastric disorder? this Young Master saw to feel the stomach cramp! “是啊!心肝脾肺肾之类的东东嘛,虽然味道马马虎虎,但很滋补的!”魔龙一说,岳阳同学快吐了,原来李大嘴是真实存在的,吃什么不好,吃这个真是太雷了,再说,血淋淋的当场咽下去,大哥,你不反胃吗?本少爷就是看见了都觉得胃抽筋! Devil Dragon cleans the corners of the mouth, the not in the least concerned expression, making boy from another world think that the mutual lack of understanding of time really exists. 魔龙擦拭一下嘴角,满不在乎的表情,让穿越男觉得时代的隔膜果然是存在的。 100,000 years of generation gap, but also is really the far apart as heaven and earth. 十万年的代沟,还真是天渊之别。 Perhaps 100 thousand years ago this type pulls out thing to come out to eat in the enemy belly together is fashionable, is now is not good, 100,000 years later today, were a censorship time, Big Brother you do this were too barbaric, did not conform to the mind/energetic civilization construction of new socialist rural area! 也许十万年前这种在敌人肚子掏一块东东出来吃掉是时髦,可是现在不行啊,十万年后的今天,可是一个河蟹时代,大哥你这样做太野蛮了,不符合社会主义新农村的精神文明建设啊! Even if you are a glutton, cannot anything eat, eats the thing to meet the intestines to put on the stomach randomly to be rotten! 就算你是个吃货,也不能什么都吃啊,乱吃东西可是会肠穿肚烂的! boy from another world used the big effort, bears not spit. 穿越男费了好大的劲儿,才忍住不吐出来。 Devil Dragon picked out the tooth with the sharp claw, he Imp expression incomparably despises regarding boy from another world at this time in great surprise: Good thing you not to eat, walk the treasure you!” 魔龙用尖爪子剔了剔牙齿,他对于穿越男此时大惊小怪的表情无比鄙视:“好东西你也不吃,走宝了你!” Student Yue Yang is very speechless. 岳阳同学很无语。 Good! 好吧! Like this if also calculates that the treasure, oneself also recognized! 这样如果也算走宝的话,那自己也认了! Also has what move, causes! Or, dies!” The Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres very angry, but he has not lost control to roar, or crazy attack, but was extremely sane and pondered extremely calmly, after reconsidering oneself just now gain or loss, then sets firm resolve, truly carries out own initial Will, front two opponent, kills! “还有什么招,都使出来吧!要不,就去死吧!”光明守护神尊非常的愤怒,但他没有失控咆哮,又或者疯狂攻击,而是极其理智和极其冷静地思考,在反思了自己刚才的得失成败后,再下定决心,确确实实地执行自己的初始意志,将面前的两个对手,杀死! To be honest, but also really had no card in a hand, but, sealed up your Divine Throne again, the father had the means!” Devil Dragon does not need to hint, Yue Yang has advanced in unison tacitly, one on the left and other on the right, ** strikes giant god. “老实说,还真没什么底牌了,不过,再一次封住你的神座,老子还是有办法的!”魔龙不用示意,岳阳已经默契地齐头并进,一左一右,**击巨神 Before sealing up opposite side Divine Throne, regardless of anything attacks is invalid. 在没有封住对方神座前,无论什么攻击都是无效的。 Only then like just now, seals up Divine Throne by six dragons, can create effective killing. Although the present Protector of the Radiant Light god reveres, auxiliary under has fully restored in his Divine Throne, but, the fact of just now success attack told Yue Yang, Divine Throne was not also multipurpose, or front this Divine Throne has not achieved multipurpose, so long as were sealed, then Master same will be injured. 只有像刚才那样,以六龙封住神座,才能造成有效的杀伤。虽然现在的光明守护神尊,已经在他的神座辅助下完全恢复,不过,刚才成功打击的事实告诉岳阳,神座也并非万能,又或者面前这个神座没有达到万能,只要被封,那么主人一样会受到伤害。 Even, another possibility, that died! 甚至,还有另一种可能,那就是死亡! giant god this time does not have the general idea/careless. 巨神这次没有大意。 He does not want to withstand six dragons to look back again time, just now was deceived, has become in his life the biggest shame. 他不想再承受一次六龙回首,刚才被骗,已经成为了他生命中最大的耻辱。 Now, he cannot withstand the second six dragons to look back absolutely again, he used the biggest reason to control the audience, decided that before killing Devil Dragon, did not let the Divine Sense Will out-of-control half a point. 现在,他绝对不能也不会再承受第二个六龙回首,他用了最大的理智来掌控全场,决定在杀死魔龙之前,不让神识意志失控半分。 Twin Dragons Showing Pearl!” The both arms of Devil Dragon erupt two Golden Dragon, the previous six dragonets are bigger, the prestige can over hundred times. 双龙戏珠!”魔龙的双臂喷发出两条金龙,较此前的六条小龙更大,威能百倍以上。 Their, namely surpasses Master. 它们一出,即超过主人 Swimming for fun. 嬉游。 Easily evaded the lightning interception of giant god, resembling the slow reality is quick, one on the left and other on the right, incomparably bites to nip to pull giant god back Divine Throne mischievously. Divine Throne such as a round of racing, erupts to say Divine Light instantaneously ten million/countless, each radiance, imitates such as Divine Sword born, Sharp is incomparable. 轻易地躲过了巨神的闪电拦截,似缓实快,一左一右,调皮无比地争相噬咬拉扯着巨神背后的神座神座如轮急转,瞬间喷发出千万道神光,每一道光芒,都仿如神剑出世,锋利无比。 Devil Dragon as well as Yue Yang were affected, the body wound raindrop increases. 魔龙以及岳阳被波及,身上的创伤雨点般增加。 But two Golden Dragon, actually play like the past. 可是两条金龙,却嬉戏如昔。 They evaded the attack of radiance Divine Sword self-effacingly, not only does not have any is wounded, instead further pulls Divine Throne, entire towed it to the back of giant god slowly. giant god turns round, the both arms vanish, trillion meteors interweave together the terrifying fist net, airtight, the sea submerges in which two dragons. Two Golden Dragon have not withdrawn, but continues, stiff is dragging the Divine Throne exsomatize...... their body, was routed by giant god fist astral little, but before that they divert Divine Throne that and drags to pull, is actually not able like previously, to display to increase the function of Master again auxiliary. 它们摇头晃脑地躲过了光芒神剑的攻击,非但没有任何受创,反而进一步扯动神座,将它整个缓缓地拖离了巨神的脊背。巨神回身,双臂消失,亿万点流星交织成一道恐怖拳网,密不透风,海洋般将双龙淹没其中。两条金龙并没有退避,而是继续,硬生生地拖着神座离体……它们的身躯,被巨神的拳罡一点点击溃,但在那之前,它们牵制和拖扯的神座,却再也无法像此前那样,发挥出辅助增益主人的作用。 Although this is not a seal, but is a temporary diversion, but enough has made Yue Yang feel nice surprise. 虽然这不是封印,而是一种暂时性的牵制,但已经足够让岳阳感到惊喜 If so, was unable to seize the time. 假如这样,还不能把握住时机。 That he did not call Yue Titan, but is called idiot! 那就他就不叫岳泰坦,而叫做笨蛋了! Death!” Another side Devil Dragon, genuine bursts out the maximum strength, launches the attack...... “死!”另一边的魔龙,也真正地迸发出最大的实力,发动攻击……
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