LLS :: Volume #7

#1344: The father is Boss

Where Student Yue Yang? 岳阳同学哪里去了? Erupts the big move of preparation second his middle-aged uncle Unrestrained Heaven entire unclear, surrounds in the one side prevents some shameless Third Young Master to slide companion of person simultaneously, does not make clear, this thief smooth boy, actually how escapes. When they come out from the nihility world, discovered that Radiant Light Mountain all like the past, does not have any change, as if never have what Heavenspan Tower warrior invasion, Yue Titan has not come. 爆发大招准备秒他的中年大叔自在天整不明白,就连在一旁围观同时防止某个无耻三少溜人的同伴,也搞不清楚,这个贼溜的小子,究竟是怎么逃脱的。等他们自虚无世界里出来,发现光明山一切如昔,没有任何变化,仿佛从来就没有什么通天塔武者入侵,从来就没有一个岳泰坦来过似的。 Really runs quickly!” That companion belt/bring uncomfortable of stealth Heavenly Vault, making Yue Yang sneak off under own nose, has saying that is a failure. “跑得真快!”隐身天穹的那位同伴带点不爽,让岳阳在自己的眼皮底下溜走,不得不说算是一个失败。 I have a feeling, this Yue Titan, has not walked away.” The induction is keen Joyous Heaven, does not know whether the misconception, he induces to Yue Titan unexpectedly also in the , everyone has not imagined such makes a getaway. “我有一种感觉,这个岳泰坦,并没有走远。”感应最是敏锐的欢乐天,不知是否错觉,他竟然感应到岳泰坦还在附近,并没有大家想像中那样逃之夭夭。 Right?” In the Unrestrained Heaven heart also has a wee bit such inductions slightly, but he cannot affirm, because surroundings all quiet, anything does not have. “是吗?”自在天心中也稍微有一丁点这样的感应,但他不敢肯定,因为周围一切静悄悄的,什么都没有。 Looks separatedly!” The stealth in of top of Heavenly Vault is an anxious temperament, first acts. “分开找!”隐身在天穹之顶的那位是个急脾气,首先行动。 But, when their three support in Radiant Light Mountain looks everywhere. 可是,等他们三位拥在光明山上上下下找了个遍。 Also had not found the Yue Yang trail. 也没有找到岳阳的踪迹。 Induction that actually that type starts to doubt is the misconception, is getting stronger and stronger. 倒是那种开始疑是错觉的感应,越来越强。 Joyous Heaven pondered for a long time, made suddenly judged: Perhaps, was Guardian God opened Ancient Passage, after he entered, was sleepy is being away from some Radiant Light Mountain not far space, therefore, we had this misconception. If so, then all was worry-free, has Guardian God to act Suppress, Yue Titan others, only have a result, that is the eternal seal.” 欢乐天思考了许久,忽然作出了判断:“也许,是守护神尊打开了远古通道,他进入后,困在距离光明山不远的某个空间,所以,我们才有这种错觉。如果真是这样,那么一切无忧了,有守护神尊出手镇压,无论是岳泰坦还是别人,都只有一个结果,那就是永恒的封印。” Unrestrained Heaven hearing this, the body shakes slightly: Is the request of my Lord Supreme? This Yue Titan, needs Guardian God that greatly exists to act?” 自在天闻言,身体微微一震:“难道是我主至尊的请求?这个岳泰坦,需要守护神尊那么伟大的存在出手?” Stealth Heavenly Vault violent temper companion laughs: Had a look not to reveal the truth! We also enter Ancient Passage, in any case, we have been allowed to enter! Even if Guardian God has not acted, we can still go, requested together he reveals itself!” 隐身天穹的暴脾气同伴哈哈大笑:“去看看不就真相大白了!我们也进入远古通道吧,反正,我们早就获准进入了!就算守护神尊没有出手,我们也可以前往,一起请求他出世!” Or do we leave behind one?” Unrestrained Heaven is worried, Ancient Passage is not good, even if entered, did not say leaves. It is said most ancient times passage, can go directly to Heavenspan Tower Gods Ruins inside time square, in that place that had eternal antiquity Will and Ancient Code restriction, the gods, must fortify at every step even, careful. “要不我们留下一个吧?”自在天心存顾虑,远古通道不是好进的,就算进了,也不是说出就出的。据说最远古的通道,可以直达通天塔众神废墟里面的时间广场,在那种拥有永恒上古意志远古法则制约的地方,就算是神明,也得步步为营,小心谨慎。 Does not use, had that fellow to be enough in the my Lord Supreme side.” Proposition that Heavenly Vault Will denied Unrestrained Heaven. “不用了,有那个家伙在我主至尊的身边就足够了。”天穹意志一口否定了自在天的提议。 Goes in together, if we Trinity, come across the accident, is better to take care.” Joyous Heaven also supports stealth Heavenly Vault companion, under 2 : 1 resolutions, experienced Unrestrained Heaven can only choose the compromise. “还是一起进去,我们如果三位一体,遇到变故,更好照应。”欢乐天也支持隐身天穹同伴,在二比一的决议之下,老成持重的自在天只能选择妥协。 Enters Ancient Passage, they started to take the first step that pursued Yue Yang. 进入远古通道,他们开始迈出了追赶岳阳的第一步。 Then, Yue Yang in Ancient Passage? 那么,岳阳是否就在远古通道呢? This point, is the affirmation! 这一点,是肯定的! Escapes to transgress from the nihility world, Yue Yang leaves this trap many Radiant Light Mountain on the preparation, decides temporarily gives up challenging behind some people Hall Supreme Tian Yu. 自虚无世界里遁逸出来,岳阳就准备离开这个陷阱多多的光明山,也决定暂时放弃挑战‘背后有人’的神殿至尊天御 He most wants to do, is returns to Grimoire World, sees Sword Spirit Onee-san to the dreamland again, asks her question about the Divine Throne. If she has been helping herself condense Divine Throne, how then studies with her to use the Divine Throne prestige energy, if not, makes her help, evolves achievement Divine Throne for oneself, otherwise, without this, to challenge Tian Yu, overcomes Radiant Light Mountain Hall Supreme that this has practiced crazily, is impossible! 他最想做的,就是返回宝典世界里,再到梦境去见剑灵御姐,问问她关于神座的问题。假如她一直在帮自己凝聚着神座,那么就跟她学习如何使用神座的威能,假如没有,就让她帮忙,替自己演化成就一个神座,否则,没有这个,要想挑战天御,把这位一直疯狂修炼的神殿至尊打下光明山,根本不可能! But, Yue Yang comes out. 但,岳阳一出来。 The discovery has Ancient Passage, entrance disintegrate in own front. 就发现有条远古通道,入口碎裂在自己的面前。 By Shattered Void, Yue Yang discovered person, making him eliminate returned to the idea of Grimoire World immediately. 透过破碎虚空,岳阳发现了一个‘人’,让他打消了立即返回宝典世界的想法。 This person, is fighting. When mountain Yang Ping sees this person to fight, then incomparably will certainly return to the Grimoire World rest calm, when rested full Shuizu then came out, because, this person at all was not the person who needs to be worried about. On the contrary, with this person to war, then needs to be worried often is his enemy, can make him make a move too heavily, is oppressive too miserably. 这个人,正在战斗。如果岳阳平时看见这个人战斗,那么一定会淡定无比地返回宝典世界休息,等睡饱睡足了再出来,因为,这个人根本不是一个需要担心的人。相反,与这个人对战,那么需要担心的往往是他的敌人,会不会让他出手太重,虐得太惨。 Yue Yang looked at one merely slightly, the discovery is not right. 岳阳仅仅稍微多看了一眼,就发现不对劲。 Fighting person covered all over with cuts and bruises, the blood-soaked whole body, can he of steamroll all opponents, at this time, support unexpectedly by strenuous efforts. Yue Yang was even worried, if oneself do not rescue, whether this fellow can support over the following ten seconds...... 正在战斗的这个人竟然遍体鳞伤,浴血浑身,本来可以碾压一切对手的他,此时,正在苦苦支撑。岳阳甚至担心,假如自己不加以救援,这个家伙是否能够撑过接下来的十秒钟…… Do not fear, I came!” Student Yue Yang jumps from the thick patch of grass in like Ma, was crying out crashed in Ancient Passage. “别怕,我来了!”岳阳同学就像德玛自草丛里跳出来一样,呐喊着冲进了远古通道 Your this silly fork!” His support, not only has not made that person who clenches teeth to struggle hard grateful, instead suffered one to cuss out right in the face: Usually looked that you are very intelligent, now to be how the same as the pig? Hurries to roll out, the present is the Sir fights, without your little child anything matter! You you, you must make father say that your anything is good, idiot who nonsense talent that but also pulls what ten thousand years, ten thousand years! You do not know that this is a trap? Preparation pit is you! Where does Ancient Passage split well, how does not split before you? You think that you are a Savior? You think that you silly * clash, can rescue a father life? Your what does not understand, what does not know, but also dares to show off ability like this, his grandmother bear, you, you, wasn't your courts death?” “你这个傻叉!”他的支援,非但没有让咬牙苦战的那个人感激,反而劈头盖脸的挨了一通臭骂:“平时看你挺聪明的,怎么现在跟猪一样?赶紧滚出去,现在是大人打架,没你小孩子什么事!你啊你,你要让老子说你什么才好,还扯什么万年不出的狗屁天才,万年不出的蠢材吧!你难道不知道这是一个陷阱吗?准备坑的就是你!远古通道在什么地方裂开不好,怎么偏偏在你面前裂开?你以为你是救世主吗?你以为你傻*地冲进来,就能救下老子一命吗?你什么都不懂,什么都不知道,还敢这样逞能,他祖母个熊的,你,你,你这不是找死来了吗?” Yes, I am the silly fork!” Student Yue Yang displays very humbly, lowering the head to let the person to scold. “是,我是傻叉!”岳阳同学表现得很谦卑,低着头任人骂。 How I will know that you like this silly *, really irritated the father!” That fellow if it were not for has no free time, perhaps will also pull out Yue Yang slap on the face. “我怎么会认识你这样的傻*,真是气死老子了!”那个家伙要不是没空,说不定还会抽岳阳耳光 Silly * knew that silly * is very normal, similar things come together!” Student Yue Yang smiled, smiles handsome as brilliant as a sun, but also let alone, his such a smiles, but also somewhat under punches. “傻*认识傻*很正常啊,物以类聚嘛!”岳阳同学笑了,笑得唇红齿白阳光灿烂,还别说,他这么一笑,还真有点欠揍。 Heavens, making me die, the father spat blood three rises dead to consider as finished simply, was beaten does not calculate, but also sent such a bastard, was mad me before the father at the point of death! What did father this whole life make the mistake? Punishes me like this unexpectedly!” That cursing at people fellow also really spat blood, but, is not the air/Qi, but makes one hit. 老天爷,让我死了吧,老子干脆吐血三升死掉算了,被人殴打不算,还派来这么一个混蛋,在老子临死之前气我!老子这辈子到底做错了什么?竟然这样惩罚我!”那个骂人的家伙还真吐血了,不过,不是气的,而是让人打的。 Hits his person, at least has 40,000 meters high. 打他的那个人,最少有四万米高。 Golden bodies Divine Body regardless of the build or power, can definitely the steamroll audience. 金身神躯无论体型还是力量,都完全可以碾压全场。 What is more terrifying, behind more than 40,000 meters high golden Divine Body, has at least to have marvelous Divine Throne that more than 400 asteroid and a small Sun surround compose. This Divine Throne prestige can be incomparable, not only can evolve the energy automatically, supplies the Master use, but can also adsorb the surrounding energy, weakens the Master enemy, as well as fluctuation in battlefield, even can also fuse Ancient Passage antiquity Will slightly, punishes and Suppress enemy taking advantage of this. 更恐怖的是,这个四万多米高的金色神躯背后,拥有一个最少拥有四百多颗小行星和一颗小太阳环绕组成的奇妙神座。此神座威能无比,不仅能自动演化能量,供给主人使用,还能吸附周围的能量,削弱主人的敌人,以及战场上的波动,甚至还能微微融合远古通道的上古意志,借此来制裁和镇压敌人。 Yue Yang in this golden Divine Body and magnificent Divine Throne below, felt that compares ants to be tiny. 岳阳在这个金色神躯和辉煌神座的下面,感觉比一只蝼蚁还要渺小。 Does not need to stretch out finger. 不用伸出一只手指 Perhaps that golden Divine Body blows the one breath casually, can entire annihilate Yue Yang. 也许那个金色神躯随便吹一口气,就能把岳阳整个儿湮灭掉。 first time sees Divine Throne Student Yue Yang to raise the head to the day, the feeling incomparably sighs generally: Originally this is Divine Throne, what to do to come out? Are this goods Hall Supreme Tian Yu? Really suffices Lihai (fierce)!” 还是第一次看见神座岳阳同学仰首向天,感概无比地叹息道:“原来这就是神座,咋整出来的?这货就是神殿至尊天御吗?果然够厉害!” „Are you a blind person?” The chest was punctured large hole some Boss, resists the heavy blows of enemy strongly, while finds time to shout to Yue Yang: This goods are Radiant Light Mountain Guardian God, originally watch over in Radiant Light god prison, Tian Yu half Master, your apprentice and Master cannot distinguish clearly, but also silly rushes to the Radiant Light Mountain challenge, do you want to amuse to smile others' big tooth?” “你是瞎子吧?”胸口被打穿一个大洞的某位老大,一边竭力抵住敌人的重拳,一边抽空冲着岳阳嚷嚷:“这货是光明山守护神,原来光明神狱的看护者,天御的半个师父,你连徒弟和师父都分不清,还傻傻的冲上光明山挑战,你这是要逗乐笑掉别人的大牙吗?” Yeah? Your meaning is, are this goods fiercer than Tian Yu?” Student Yue Yang was shocked. “哎?你的意思是,这货比天御更猛?”岳阳同学表示震惊。 „......” Some Boss diverted attention saying that had almost not been hit everywhere looks for the tooth, blocked the heavy blows of enemy with great difficulty, turns head to bellow to Yue Yang: idiot, must have such idea, you died!” “……”某位老大一分心说完,差点没有被打得满地找牙,好不容易又挡住了敌人的重拳,回过头来冲着岳阳大吼:“笨蛋,要有这样的想法,你就死定了!” Can't? Is Tian Yu fiercer than this goods?” Student Yue Yang really shocked. “不会吧?天御比这货更猛?”岳阳同学真的震惊了。 „A Tian Yu fist pulled out a hole in father's chest, this goods punched the father quite a while, the father is vivid, did you say?” Some Boss sneers. 天御一拳在老子的胸口掏了个洞,这货揍了老子半天,老子还生龙活虎的,你说呢?”某位老大冷笑。 This is unscientific! How will the apprentices be fiercer than Master?” Mountain Extreme Yang is puzzled, originally he thinks that oneself estimate is exaggerating enough, who does not know that the Hall Supreme strength, own estimate also wants terrifying 100 times! If Hall Supreme Tian Yu as high as 40000 meters also has the Divine Throne Protector of the Radiant Light god to revere this at present is stronger, that also does hit a wool? Admitted defeat directly! “这不科学啊!徒弟怎么会比师父更猛?”岳阳极度不解,本来他以为自己的估计已经够夸张了,谁不知神殿至尊的实力,比自己的估计还要恐怖一百倍!假如神殿至尊天御比眼前这个高达40000米又拥有神座光明守护神尊更强,那还打个毛啊?直接认输得了! Who stipulated that the apprentice can't surpass Master? Although does not want to acknowledge, Tian Yu that fellow indeed is a talent, moreover is a lunatic, the lunatic of practicing martial arts, wanted...... you to think anyone compared with the father to be able in the past insanely, in father's chest hits around insightful? Although he is the sneak attack, at that time the father had not guarded, but this is not the average person can achieve!” Some Boss was saying was saying boasted for oneself on. “谁规定徒弟不能超过师父的?虽然不想承认,天御那家伙的确是个天才,而且是个疯子,练武的疯子,比老子当年还要疯……你以为谁都可以在老子的胸口打个前后通透啊?虽然他是偷袭,当时老子也没防备,但这不是一般人可以做到的!”某位老大说着说着就替自己吹嘘上了。 Your Divine Throne, with follows the enemy, now also holds is hiding what's the matter?” Yue Yang cannot favor, this blowing own horn Boss must be beaten miserably crazily, hurries to remind. “你的神座呢,拿出来跟敌人干啊,现在还揣着藏着算怎么回事?”岳阳一看不好,这位自吹自擂的老大又要惨被人狂殴了,赶紧提醒。 Father's Divine Throne had sliced off by Supreme Dragon God! Otherwise, the father does not hit a flower to open the riches and honor not to call Devil Dragon this goods!” Some Boss makes a determined effort to say. “老子的神座早就被龙神至尊削掉了!要不然,老子不把这货打个花开富贵就不叫魔龙!”某位老大发狠道。 „......” Some Third Young Master is very speechless. “……”某三少很无语。 How many disasters must make, will slice off Divine Throne? 到底得做多少的祸事,才会被人削掉神座啊? You looked that others Protector of the Radiant Light god revered with Hall Supreme Tian Yu, how many misdemeanor does did not know, without was truncated a blade, Devil Dragon your was the legendary blade younger sister takes possession, how to truncate was you? Moreover, Divine Throne sliced off you to hide to accumulate quality of a person to be right, how also to run up to this Ancient Passage to have Divine Throne to have Godfather with others the expert who illuminated in the back to make war? This does not look oppressively is really! 你看人家光明守护神尊和神殿至尊天御,坏事做了不知多少,也没有被削一刀,魔龙你丫的是传说中的刀妹附体啊,怎么削的都是你啊?而且,神座削掉了你应该躲起来攒人品才对,怎么还跑到这个远古通道跟人家有神座干爹在背后照着的牛人开战?这不是找虐吗真是! Student Yue Yang decided that does not sympathize with Devil Dragon this goods, how had words saying that the unlucky egg was not worth sympathizing, because unlucky was very easy to infect, who sympathized who followed unlucky! 岳阳同学决定不同情魔龙这货,有句话是怎么说的,倒霉蛋都不值得同情,因为倒霉很容易传染,谁同情谁跟着倒霉! Suddenly, that was oppressive giant god that’ yu immortal yu died to stop the attack Devil Dragon. 忽然,那个把魔龙虐得yu仙yu死的‘巨神’停止了攻击。 Throws to stand the vision in Yue Yang that outside observes. 将目光投下站在场外观战的岳阳 High and low sizes up. 上下打量。 As if produced utmost interest in a small ant. 仿佛对一只小蚂蚁产生了极大兴趣似的。 giant god nods finally: not bad, you indeed is a talent, the back does not have Master watch over, the only own effort, can cultivation unexpectedly in Heavenspan Tower that type of perishing place, if not you are Tian Yu the enemy of fate, then this Venerable a little moved to receive you for the disciple. youngster, you are very bold, if you think that is only of small the support Serpent Demon with Fei Wenli that as well as a protection of Qilin cub, can challenge the fate, with our Radiant Light Mountain for the enemy, that was completely mistaken!” 巨神最后点了点头:“不错,你的确是个天才,背后没有师父看护,单凭自己的努力,竟然也可以在通天塔那种沉沦之地修炼上来,若非你是天御的宿命之敌,那么本尊都有点动心想收你为徒了。年轻人,你很大胆,假如你以为凭着费雯丽那只小蛇妖的支持,以及一只麒麟幼兽的守护,就可以挑战宿命,与我们光明山为敌,那就大错特错了!” Life first, must make anything to be interesting.” Yue Yang smiles, as if celebrates the new year to show off takes the red packet fiercely little child: Said again how doesn't try not to know good?” “人生一世,总得做点什么才有意思。”岳阳满脸笑容,仿佛过年被人夸耀猛收红包的小孩子:“再说,不试试怎么知道不行呢?” Having the confidence is good thing, but, the strength is to decide all premises.” On the giant god face does not get angry happily, appearance/allow say/way: Let alone is your little child, even Unparalleled Sovereign Jue Shi, he does not have the energy of going against heaven's will. You think that he doesn't want to reverse the destiny? However, before shutting in Black Pagoda, he frustrates in my subordinate, after shutting in Black Pagoda, his strength suffers a disastrous decline, even if you can successfully convince him finally, making him stand in your side camp, cannot get away thousand moves of numbers in my subordinate! Perishing of Heavenspan Tower, Soaring Dragon, Heaven Stairway and falling from the sky of Devil Abyss three place warrior, have been the necessities of destiny!” “有信心是好事,但是,实力是决定一切的前提。”巨神脸上不怒不喜,正容道:“别说是你这个小孩子,就算是无双皇绝世,他也没有逆天之能。你以为他就不想逆转命运?不过,关进黑塔之前他就挫败于我的手下,关进黑塔之后,他的实力更是一落千丈,就算你最后能够成功说服他,让他站到你那一边的阵营里,在我的手下也走不了千招之数!通天塔的沉沦,还有龙腾天梯魔渊三地武者的陨落,早就是命运的必然!” „Is your meaning we resigns oneself to extinction completely?” Yue Yang claps to laugh saying: Great idea, making us consider.” “你的意思是我们全部束手待毙?”岳阳拍手大笑道:“好主意,让我们考虑考虑。” You can choose the resistance, but regardless of you make anything, does not help matters. Even if you awaken Devil Dragon, still could not affect any advancement, cannot change anything, on the contrary, because of you, Devil Dragon this original free and unrestrained Heaven Realm warrior, will therefore fall from the sky!” giant god looks to Devil Dragon , indicating that this result is completely because Yue Yang creates. “你们可以选择反抗,但无论你们做什么,都无济于事。就算你唤醒魔龙,仍然影响不了任何进程,改变不了任何东西,相反,因为你,魔龙这个原来逍遥自在的天界武者,会因此陨落!”巨神看向魔龙,表示这个结局完全是因为岳阳造成的。 Sir bullies little child, what major principle but also pulls cleverly, do you want to smile the dead father?” Devil Dragon very annoyed, wants to hit hits, but also installs what principle of righteousness. “大人欺负小孩子,还鬼扯什么大道理,你想笑死老子吗?”魔龙非常的恼火,想打就打,还装什么大义。 This is the fact.” giant god puts out a hand to keep off, caught Devil Dragon full power bombardment. “这是事实。”巨神伸手一挡,就接住了魔龙的全力轰击 Walks, leaves here, if you, when I am your Boss, then listens to my one, leaves here, before having confidence, anything do not do, others prepared the many trap, is waiting for your impulsive fools to jump.” Devil Dragon erupts full power, launches the attack to giant god, hopes that can put together a bloody road taking this opportunity, making Yue Yang successfully flee. “走,离开这里,如果你当我是你的老大,那么就听我一句,离开这里,在有把握之前,什么也不要做,别人准备了许多陷阱,正等着你们这些冲动的傻瓜跳下去。”魔龙全力爆发,向巨神发动攻击,希望可以借此机会拼出一条血路,让岳阳成功逃离。 My this fool has jumped, do not catch up with me again?” Yue Yang has not called Boss Devil Dragon, but he felt suddenly, if this Devil Dragon makes Boss, is very qualified. “我这个傻瓜已经跳进来了,不要再赶我了好吗?”岳阳从来没有叫过魔龙老大,但他忽然觉得,这个魔龙要是做个老大,还是挺合格的。 Irritated me, your was this/should intelligent this stupid bastard, do you want to make the father die in vain here? No, father's life cannot waste like this in vain, you must make me die meaningful, walks, I know that you have the means to leave, do not make father die are not worth a red cent! The father really could not support, do you want looks at I to kill while still alive are willing to give up?” Devil Dragon took down by a giant god fist, spits blood like the waterfall, his body wound is innumerable, almost no complete flesh. “气死我了,你这个该聪明不聪明该愚蠢不愚蠢的混蛋,你想让老子白白死在这里吗?不,老子的命不能这样白白浪费,你得让我死得有意义一点,走吧,我知道你有办法离开的,你不要让老子死得一文不值啊!老子真的撑不住了,你非要看着我让人活活打死才肯罢休吗?”魔龙巨神一拳放倒,吐血如瀑,他身上的伤口已经数不胜数,几乎没有一处完好的肌肤。 My looks at you will certainly not be killed while still alive!” Yue Yang smiled, his body starts to promote Divine Power, such as the volcano gathers potential erupting: I want to say that you did out of it, how making me teach you Boss to work as!” “我当然不会看着你被人活活打死!”岳阳笑了,他身上开始提升神力,如火山蓄势爆发:“我想说,你干得太逊了,让我教教你老大是怎么当的吧!” „Has father been Boss? Does your boy want to snatch the position of Boss? No way!” Devil Dragon crawled rolling. “老子早就是老大了好吗?你小子想抢老大之位?没门!”魔龙一骨碌爬了起来。 That compared with know!” Yue Yang has not said that side Devil Dragon, the lunatic has done to giant god generally instead charged, a father not awfully the desperate appearance, ominous of its potential, making giant god also first time adopt the potential of defend. “那要比过才知道!”岳阳还没有说完,那边的魔龙,已经疯子一般向巨神作反冲锋了,一副老子不要命了的拼命样子,其势之凶,让巨神第一次采取了守御之势。 Very grateful! 非常感激!
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