LLS :: Volume #6

#1064: The news, investigates both openly and secretly

Princess Qianqian on practices the sword very early in the morning. 茜茜公主一大早就起来练剑。 Yue Yang looked for a half hour in side, this Tigress had not stopped, as if also for last night words vitality/angry. After Yue Yu gets up, gives a hand signal to Yue Yang quietly, hinting him should not be anxious, makes this trying to outdo others princess retain a face countenance slightly, is good small stair one after next. 岳阳在旁看了半小时,这个虎妞一直没有停下来,似乎还在为昨晚的话生气。岳雨起来后,悄悄给岳阳做个手势,示意他不要急,稍微让这个好胜的公主殿下保留点颜面,也好有个小台阶下下。 Eats prematurely, Yue Yang leaves Grimoire World, returns to Diamond Star Castle. 吃过早点,岳阳离开宝典世界,返回星钻城堡 „Do you want to inspect the territory?” Steward Du Li is a little unexpected regarding the journey plan of Yue Yang. “您要视察领地?”杜丽管家对于岳阳的出行计划有点出乎意料之外。 Diamond Star Castle traded new Lord, does not know that under how, as Thane, I thought it is necessary to understand own territory and lead(er) people.” Student Yue Yang puts out one I prepares to make qualified Thane the stance. 星钻城堡换了新主人,不知道下面会如何,身为领主,我觉得有必要了解一下自己的领地以及领民。”岳阳同学拿出一副‘我准备做个合格领主’的姿态。 But, below not necessarily is you imagines such.” Steward Du Li belt/bring reminded vaguely. “但是,下面未必是您想像中那样。”杜丽管家带点隐晦地提醒。 Because of such, I must have a look.” Yue Yang smiles. “正因为那样,我才更要看看。”岳阳一笑。 Said right, worthily is Young Master!” Chef Susanne exudes the loud and clear laughter: Below makes these people make in chaos, has a look also well, otherwise Young Master has not known the truth! I approved that the Young Master inspection territory, must pay attention only, is safe, do not let certain vicious fellows, gets up to what tricks.” “说得没错,不愧是少爷!”苏姗厨娘发出洪亮的笑声:“下面让那些人弄得乱七八糟,看看也好,否则少爷还不知道事情的真相呢!我赞成少爷巡视领地,唯一要注意的,就是安全,千万不要让某些居心险恶的家伙,做点什么手脚。” This should......” Yue Yang not hurry to deny, now Silver Maple City Lord and Zhong Hua win over themselves wholeheartedly, temporarily is not possible to begin to oneself. “这个应该不会……”岳阳赶紧否定,现在银枫城主仲华一心拉拢自己,暂时是不可能对自己动手的。 „, Needs to notify downward?” The meaning of Steward Du Li, makes the subordinate official accompany. “那么,需要往下通报吗?”杜丽管家的意思,是否让下属官员陪同。 If such does, will present named some Heavenly Empire gets down the same result of inspection toward the courtyard high-ranking official, all streets clean cleanly, the beggar does not have. All inspection places, arrange ahead of time. The farmer who must inspect, family's all, two or three days ahead of schedule, had piled up with the upscale furniture that various types of daily necessities and they could not afford for a lifetime, any dialogue, rehearsed early, several sets of convention -type questions replied, whatever inquired that , had the standard answer. And had to recall past suffering and sweeping change of comparison of past and present, if speaking of the place with emotions, cried, must. End, the case sign is thanks, the gratitude to leader kindly care, the attitude are absolutely sincere. In brief, shiver shakes hand, on the wiping tears and face quietly smiles a flower, that is the trilogy of entire process. You thought that I do need these things?” The Yue Yang words, let Steward Du Li and Chef Susanne hear dumbstruck. “如果那样做,就会出现某个叫做天朝的朝庭大员下来巡视的相同结果,所有街道都打扫得干干净净,乞丐全无。所有的视察地方,都是提前安排好的。就连要视察的农民,家里的一切,都已经提前两三天,就堆满了各种日用品和他们一辈子都买不起的高档家具,任何一句对话,都早早排练好,有数套惯例式的问话对答,任凭询问哪一个,都有标准答案。其中有忆苦思甜以及今昔对比的大变化,要是说到动情之处,落泪,也是必须的。末尾,例牌是的感谢,对领导亲切关怀的感激,态度绝对诚恳。总之,颤抖地握手、悄然的抹泪和脸上笑开一朵花,那是整个过程的三部曲。你觉得我需要这些东西吗?”岳阳一番话,让杜丽管家苏姗厨娘听得目瞪口呆 Finally, Steward Du Li responded quickly. 最后,还是杜丽管家反应快。 She first nods. 她先是点点头。 Immediately also sighed in a soft voice: Young Master, you know very thoroughly about Human Valley, if downward notification, but also really may be such.” 随即又轻声叹息道:“少爷,你对人谷了解得很透彻,如果往下通报,还真有可能是那样。” Yue Yang beckons with the hand: „It is not Human Valley, almost all places are this, so long as the places of some people, the leadership inspection, or will be easy to have this phenomenon. Status, sometimes likely body armor symbol, sometimes, likely barrier that covers up the eye. If we do not want to be blocked by status barrier, the best way, bypasses it.” 岳阳摆手:“不是人谷,几乎所有地方都是这样,只要有人的地方,领导巡视,就会或者就容易出现这一种现象。身份,有时候像个护身符,有时候,又像个遮掩眼睛的屏障。我们如果不想被身份这一道屏障挡住,最好的办法,就是绕过它。” After Steward Du Li hear, looks at each other one with Chef Susanne. 杜丽管家听后,与苏姗厨娘对视一眼。 Does not open the mouth, only slight nod. 再不开口,只是微微点头。 Now, they felt relieved finally. Because, they have been worried Young Master that very much has not grown up, actually has compared with they keener eyes and a longer-term vision, has understood clearly the comedy on weakness and society in human nature. 现在,她们终于放心了。因为,她们一直很担心还没长大的少爷,竟然拥有远比她们更加敏锐的眼睛和更加长远的目光,早就洞悉了人性上的弱点和社会上的喜剧。 Has such mature Young Master to become Diamond Star Castle new Lord, Diamond Star Castle will revive the magnificence of former generation Master surely. 有这样成熟的少爷成为星钻城堡新主人,星钻城堡必定会重振上代主人的辉煌。 In taking down the aristocrat badge, for Yue Yang changes a mercenary clothing the time, Steward Du Li lifts the word to stop: How many can Young Master take to accompany? If there is a matter to happen , there is to direct.” 在取下贵族徽章,替岳阳换上一身佣兵衣物的时候,杜丽管家举言又止:“少爷是否要带上几名随行?如果有事发生的话,也有个使唤。” Compared with Steward Du Li, Chef Susanne is much straightforwarder. 比起杜丽管家,苏姗厨娘豪爽得多。 Steward Du Li is not willing to make Yue Yang this Young Master feel that this steward excessively discussed the power, but Chef Susanne actually such does not think. 杜丽管家是不愿意让岳阳这个少爷感觉她这个管家过多议权,可是苏姗厨娘却不是那样认为。 She thinks that those are good to Young Master, that must suggest, must do. Chef Susanne ties an ordinary mercenary sword from the Yue Yang waist, this sword has no function, only as a mercenary status symbol, the ordinary aristocrat will not hang a coarse iron sword in the waist. Hangs up the sword, Chef Susanne looks right and left, makes noise, finally actually shakes heads: Although like this seems like is also a handsome guy, but Young Master puts on the magnificent clothing and personal adornments of aristocrat to be attractive. Speaking of the belt/bring person, my image is unsatisfactory, moreover was seen through easily . Let Steward Du Li follow, she plays the role of a mercenary also yes, before investigated for Master is not once or twice......” 她认为凡是对少爷好的,那就必须建议,也必须去做。苏姗厨娘岳阳腰间系上一把普通的佣兵剑,这个剑没有任何作用,只是作为一个佣兵身份象征,普通的贵族是不会在腰间挂一把粗陋铁剑的。挂上剑,苏姗厨娘左看右看,啧啧作响,最后却又大摇其头:“虽然这样看起来也是个帅小伙,但少爷还是穿着贵族的华丽衣饰好看。说到带人,我形象不佳,而且容易被人识破,就不去了。让杜丽管家跟着去吧,她扮个佣兵也是可以的,以前替主人下去做调查又不是一次两次了……” Does not make one follow completely, it is estimated that Steward Du Li they did not feel relieved. 完全不让人跟着,估计杜丽管家她们也不放心。 Yue Yang has to nod assent. 岳阳只好点头同意。 Sees Young Master to agree, in Steward Du Li entered changed a clothing, similarly changed the mercenary coverall, on the lip glues on caret-shaped beautiful reckless, the hair also dyes the purple, followed an resembles wolf to look like Battle Partner of fox. The entire image seems like, if not for acquaintance, but also really cannot see this is Steward Du Li, only felt that this is the middle-aged mercenary who the level of living also not bad day passes a little slightly moistens. 看见少爷首肯,杜丽管家进内换了一身衣物,同样换上佣兵套装,唇上粘上八字美胡,头发也染成紫色,身后还跟着一个像狼更像狐狸的战偶。整体形象看起来,若不是熟人,还真看不出这是杜丽管家,只感觉这是个生活水平还不错日子过得有点小滋润的中年佣兵。 That animal Battle Partner that in addition tags along after behind, that persuasive power doubled. 再加上身后尾随的那个动物战偶,那说服力就更是加倍了。 Human Valley not like Heaven Realm outside. 人谷不像天界外面。 Here person cannot begin directly, must be Battle Partner, can display the strength...... as the matter stands, as a mercenary, like Student Yue Yang camouflage the mercenary of the saber, is actually the dregs, it is estimated that will have Battle Partner to be short of big plutocrat Great Clan of manpower to invite unnecessarily, the business of small point will reject. 这里的人不能直接动手,必须是战偶,才能发挥战力……这样一来,身为一个佣兵,像岳阳同学伪装的这种佩剑的佣兵,其实就是渣,估计有战偶多余欠缺人手的大财阀大家族才会聘请,小点的商家都会拒绝。 The reason is very simple, no one wants to invite the mercenary who a light eats meal cannot work! 原因很简单,谁也不想请一个光吃饭不能干活的佣兵啊! Has War Beast, was completely different. 有个战兽,则完全不同了。 At any time can fight, the strength size not to mention, most important is can with making a move momentarily! 任何时候都可以战斗,战力大小暂且不说,最重要是随时都能拿出手啊! According to the contrast of Heavenly Empire, with the mercenary of sword, looks like security anything in Garden Subdistrict, wears the uniform/subdue to take the motor, is seemingly nice, person who does not know, but also thinks very flamboyant, actually the battle efficiency is 5 trash. Naturally, no one is possible to count on that their genuine goes forth to battle to kill the enemy, highest hope, but is hopes that they depend on the person to be many, favoring gate, everyone can also sleep well. In the security has to rip open the uniform/subdue to reveal the red underpants incarnation to safeguard the Earth peace justly superman such exists? It is estimated that also has, the security of only this type of battle efficiency explosive table, iron foot aquatic flutters rare...... behind the following animal Battle Partner mercenary like trained hard for 20 years in the prison finally the accomplishment? 按照天朝的对比,拿把剑的佣兵,就像是花园小区里的保安什么的,穿上制服拿上电棍,看起来像个样,不知道的人,还以为很牛逼,其实战斗力还是五的渣渣。当然,谁也不可能指望他们真正上阵杀敌,最大的希望,不过是希望他们依着人多,给看好门,大家也能睡个安稳觉。保安中有没有撕开制服露出红内裤化身正义超人维护地球和平的那样存在呢?估计也是有的,只是这种战斗力爆表的保安,就像在大牢里苦练了二十年才终于大成的‘铁脚水上飘’一样难得……身后跟着动物战偶的佣兵呢? Completely different. 完全不同。 They have promoted a boundary, is equal to Heavenly Empire to put out 3000 to regain the Treasure Island management casually. 他们已经提升了一个境界,等同天朝随便拿出三千就可收复宝岛的城管。 If that animal Battle Partner fight again strong point, or many one set of mercenary giant Battle Partner, the boundary promotes First Floor, is equal to the Heavenly Empire to be invincible relocation office! 如果那个动物战偶的战斗再强点,或者多一套佣兵巨型战偶,境界又提升一层,等同天朝所向披靡的拆迁办! „.” “出发。” Yue Yang and Steward Du Li decision first arrived at that to pick the ore mine to have a look it is said quickly, after all, here dug was the money. Although the Zhong Hua letter said that has sent the expert to prospect, but who knows that prospecting guarantees the matter that does not permit, waits to search, feared that was lord knows. Yue Yang decides to have a look, with pair of Divine Vision, does not believe unable to see the truth. What a pity Quintet Seeking Golden Mice is unable to summon, otherwise the matter will be simpler. Contract War Beast, is unable to use in Human Valley, but before Yue Yang, many Puppet War Beast that manufactures, actually does not have any issue. For example hard labor when Optimus Prime and Megatron that two is made Battle Technique puppet is defeated born the person mechanical puppet, Yue Yang can them by Yue Yang from storage ring in with come out momentarily. 岳阳杜丽管家决定先到那个据说快采完了矿的矿场看看,毕竟,这里挖出来的就是钱。虽说仲华来信说已经派专家来探矿了,但谁都知道,那个探矿是保不准的事,等探出来,怕是猴年马月了。岳阳决定去看看,凭着一双慧眼,就不信看不出真相。可惜五行寻金鼠无法召唤出来,否则事情会更加简单。契约的战兽,在人谷都无法使用,但岳阳以前制作的许多傀儡战兽,却没有任何问题。比如擎天柱威震天两个岳阳制造战技傀儡时失败诞生的‘苦工型’人型机械傀儡,岳阳随时都可以把它们自贮物戒指里‘拿’出来。 However, because of Human Valley Ancient Code, has not obtained God of Conflict statue approval puppet Battle Partner, cannot be used in the fight. 不过,因为人谷远古法则,没有得到战争之神雕像认可的傀儡战偶,不能用于战斗。 It is not able to attack. 无法攻击。 With can only become the decorations to be the same the sword with the mercenary. 跟佣兵拿把剑只能成为饰物一样。 Moreover Student Yue Yang did not count on that is only Level 6 [Bronze] hard labor they of can have what attack power. 而且岳阳同学也不指望仅是青铜六级苦工型的它们能有什么攻击力 Comes in Human Valley reincarnated person, that feared that cannot use martial strength, their body essences have not changed, only bans the military unable to display forget it/that's all. For example with Yue Yang same batch of Hao Ge that enters the valley, his reincarnation, although difference, only broken mercenary, even if meets Ji Wu Ri, Ji Wu Ri still has no alternative, the words that because cannot begin, light/only by the puppet, 1000 war puppets gather round Hao Ge to hit foot one year, believes that also gnaws the motionless Hao Ge together oil skin...... let alone, even Battle Partner, is not casual can launch the attack, must have the reason of principle approval. 进来人谷转生者,那怕不能使用武力,他们的身体本质是没有变化的,只是禁武无法发挥罢了。比如与岳阳同一批进谷的豪格,他的转生虽差,只是个破佣兵,但即使是遇上姬无日,姬无日也无可奈何,因为不能动手的话,光靠傀儡,一千个战争傀儡围着豪格打足一年,相信也啃不动豪格一块油皮……更何况,即使是战偶,也不是随便就能向人发动攻击的,必须有个法则认可的理由。 In Human Valley, must use wisdom to solve the problem, this is the affirmation. 人谷,必须使用智慧解决问题,这是肯定的。 Goes separatedly!” Yue Yang knows that the two person walks in the same place, the goal increases, is easy to discover. “分开前往吧!”岳阳知道两个人走在一起,目标变大,容易让人发现。 Good.” Steward Du Li naturally knows this truth. “好。”杜丽管家自然知道这个道理。 Goes unlike the Steward Du Li straight line, Yue Yang strolled in the , circled the long journey specially, transfers the revolutions to several villages near mine in again, after investigating both openly and secretly some information, leisure arriving mining area surrounding. 杜丽管家直线前往不同,岳阳在附近逛了一圈,特意绕了远路,再到矿场附近的几个村子里转转,明察暗访一些情报后,才慢悠悠的来到矿区外围。 The time has passed for day. 时间已经过了一天。 Yue Yang has not entered the mining area impatiently, but looks for the pub in mine surrounding to stay, pays in full the account using the false mercenary status card that Chef Susanne gives, ordered table of food and wine, even also sexually harassed met pub that polished sexy female proprietor. Also brings proprietor of bald person skinnyly, in side on looks at, often exudes hehe the laughter, does not seem to seen own wife and stranger flirts with one another. 岳阳没有心急进入矿区,而是找间矿场外围的小旅馆住下,利用苏姗厨娘给予的假佣兵身份卡付清帐目,又点了桌酒菜,甚至还调戏了一会小旅馆那个珠圆玉润的性感老板娘。枯瘦又带点秃顶的老板,就在旁上看着,不时发出呵呵地笑声,仿佛没有看见自己的老婆与陌生人打情骂俏。 The mining areas are laborious , the person who rests also has, but seldom has Student Yue Yang is so natural, pays off in a lump sum three days of hotel expenses, best food and liquor. 矿区多是苦力,来歇息的人也不是没有,但很少岳阳同学这么大方,一次付清三天的住宿费,又点最好的食物和酒。 Looked at the chest in any case few meat, proprietor will not see pervert to ominous light that’ the wife revealed. 反正看下胸脯又不会少块肉,老板见惯了色狼对老婆露出的‘凶光’。 Becoming accustomed to early. 早习以为常。 He is scratching the wine glass, while place has not been echoing Yue Yang and wife's words: Said right, mine indeed hiring. News real, I can guarantee, it is said Diamond Star Castle came new Lord . Moreover the backstage is very strong, is the Silver Maple City Lord relative. In the past, Silver Maple City Lord ten, came to notify.” 他一边擦着酒杯,一边有一句没一句地附和着岳阳与老婆的话:“说得没错,矿场的确招人。消息是真的,我敢保证,据说星钻城堡来了新主人,而且后台很硬,是银枫城主的亲戚。前一段时间,银枫城主的十子,曾经派人前来通报过。” Well? If then, the mine did start to look for the new mineralization point? That can whether or not recruit the manpower massively?” Yue Yang expressed the concern. “咦?要是这么说来,矿场开始找新矿点了?那是不是要大量的招募人手呢?”岳阳表示关心。 „Any new mineralization point, that deceives the ghost!” female proprietor is drinking a Yue Yang good wine, sideband hmph hmph discontentedly. “什么新矿点,那都是骗鬼的!”老板娘喝着岳阳点的美酒,一边带点不满地哼哼。 Quietly!” Baldheaded proprietor hurries to stop, about has a look at the person. “悄声!”秃顶老板赶紧制止,又左右看看有没有人。 This time, the fly will not come to be good.” female proprietor has three points of tipsy feeling, looked the man is so afraid, immediately the big feeling is not quick: if it were not for they make trouble, are our business as for so disappointing? What was before? What is the present? Boiled such ten years, I have received enough!” “这个时间,苍蝇也不会来好不好。”老板娘已经有了三分酒意,一看男人如此害怕,顿时大感不快:“要不是他们捣蛋,我们的生意至于这么差劲吗?以前是个什么样?现在是个什么样?熬了这么十年,我已经受够了!” Among this also has what secret to be inadequate?” Yue Yang ordered one bottle of nice wines, to oneself and female proprietor but actually liquor at the same time, to proprietor one cup. “难道这中间还有什么秘闻不成?”岳阳又点了一瓶好酒,给自己和老板娘倒酒的同时,也给老板一杯。 Your only listens to also has no problem, does not may leak.” proprietor has a look at the surroundings, except for Yue Yang, does not have the second guest to come in again, gurgle drinks up front liquor, emboldens, takes bearing again Yue Yang, said quietly: „The beforehand mine, is more prosperous much, left ore, the quality is also good, moreover is the natural high-grade ore. Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, had heard does not have...... me to mean previous generation Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, right, she very mysterious, besides extremely some people, unexpectedly no one knows her to name, record that but she sets, is actually no one can. About her hearsay, is really three days and three nights does not have the means to speak clearly...... our mine, is she surveys personally, including the surrounding land, is her own bracelet delimits, you do not know, entire lands, as well as Diamond Star Castle, belongs to that beautiful Master.” “你只是听听也就算了,万万不可外泄。”老板看看周围,除了岳阳,再没有第二个客人进来,咕嘟地喝掉面前的酒,壮壮胆子,再把头探向岳阳这边,悄声道:“以前的矿场,红火得不得了,出的矿石,品质也好,而且是天然富矿。星钻城堡的主人,听说过没有……我是说上一代星钻城堡的主人,对,她非常的神秘,除了极个别的人之外,竟然没有人知道她叫什么名字,但她创下的纪录,却是无人能及的。关于她的传闻,真是三天三夜都没办法讲清楚……我们这个矿场,就是她亲自探测出来的,包括周围的土地,也是她亲手圈划下来,你不知道,整一片土地,以及星钻城堡,都属于那个美丽主人。” Now these areas, whether or not, because the present new Lord prestige is insufficient, can make independently?” Yue Yang feigns curiously. “现在这些地区,是不是因为现在的新主人威信不够,要闹独立?”岳阳佯装好奇。 What now,...... female proprietor belt/bring waves in ten years ago discontentedly: „Since Diamond Star Castle mistress leaves, these fellows, the evil intention, if it were not for Diamond Star Castle also had the two trusted aide to remain, it is estimated that some people will capture it.” “什么现在,早在十年前……”老板娘带点不满地一挥手:“自星钻城堡女主人离开之后,那些家伙,就起了歹心,要不是星钻城堡还有两个心腹留守,估计都会有人攻陷它。” That is insufficient but actually, Diamond Star Castle is the emperor grants, although the emperor does not have the real power, but the face has, the thing of granting, who the average person dares to compete, Human Valley struggles again fiercely, must speak the unspoken rule.” proprietor shook the head, denied wife's speech. Yue Yang gave him to pour one cup again, proprietor sipped the mouth, a little tipsy feeling upwelled, takes a look at Yue Yang, lowered the sound saying: Told you big secret, actually, the mine has not picked spatially, in fact, it was the high-grade ore, picked several hundred years of also does not have any issue again, never lacked the resources.” “那倒不至于,星钻城堡是皇帝陛下赐予的,虽说皇帝陛下没有实权,但面子还是有的,赐予之物,普通人谁敢争夺,人谷斗争得再烈,还是得讲点潜规则。”老板摇头,否定了老婆的说话。岳阳再给他倒一杯,老板呷了口,有点酒意上涌,瞅住岳阳,压低声音道:“告诉你一个大秘密吧,其实,矿场根本就没有采空,事实上,它是富矿,再采几百年也没有任何问题,从来就不缺乏资源。” Really?” The Yue Yang surface revealed the surprised color, proprietor looked, very satisfied opposite side shock response. “真的?”岳阳表面露出惊讶之色,老板看了,很满意对方的‘震惊反应’。 „For ten years, the personnel in mine, have made the Three Major Influences person infiltrate silently. Heard me to say like this, perhaps your first response can be Silver Maple City Lord, right, he also had the share, but biggest power was actually not he, but was the Human Valley biggest slave trader is one of the ten big castles ‚the Heavenly Lightning castle Master King of the Blood Lei Nuo. Now guarding Captain of mine is a puppet, genuine has the words governance, is secret General Lei Pao. From ten years ago, General Lei Pao comes under dispatch of King of the Blood, wrests away the mining area, because just he relieved that all of beforehand Owner of the Diamond Star Castle making, the quarry worker cannot withstand the oppression to leave year after year, now except for the Three Major Influences slave, already not many commoner or the mercenaries came to here to make a living, even if there are, still temporary.” The proprietor words let Yue Yang suddenly realize what has happened, under oneself expense, makes opposite side happy slightly, originally the business is bleak every day to pat the fly. “十年来,矿场的人员,已经无声无息地让三大势力的人渗透了。听到我这样说,也许你的第一个反应会是银枫城主,没错,他也有份,但最大权力的却不是他,而是人谷最大的奴隶贩子又是十大城堡之一‘天雷城堡’的主人雷诺亲王。现在矿场的驻守队长不过是个傀儡,真正掌握话事权的,是幕后的雷咆将军。自十年前,雷咆将军就在亲王的派遣下前来,霸占矿区,也正因为他解除了以前星钻城堡主人制订的那一切,矿场工人年年不堪压迫地离开,现在除了三大势力的奴隶,已经没有多少平民或者佣兵来这里谋生了,就算有,也是暂时的。”老板的话让岳阳恍然大悟,难道自己稍微消费下,就让对方如此高兴,原来生意已经萧条得每天拍苍蝇了。 Why don't you leave?” Yue Yang asked strangely. “你们为什么不离开?”岳阳奇怪地问。 Left, says easily, we left this, must pay the General Lei Pao three hundred Heaven Crystal indemnities.” proprietor one glass of bitter tasting wine pouch in the belly. “离开,说得容易,我们离开这,要支付雷咆将军三百天晶的赔偿金。”老板一杯苦酒吞进肚子里。 High taxes are indeed troublesome.” Yue Yang also asked: Why do they send out the bulletin hiring? I saw the bulletin, said that recruits the manpower to catch up massively! Perhaps you do not know, I have the special capability of prospecting, originally also thinks can unfold the manager!” “重税的确麻烦。”岳阳顿了顿又问:“那他们为什么散发告示招人?我是看见了告示,说大量招募人手才赶来的!你们也许不知道,我有探矿的特殊能力,本来还以为能一展所长的!” „Did you say the bulletin?” Half drunk female proprietor sneers contemptuously: Every year habitually used trick, the special deceit just returned like you about wanderers that the truth knows nothing.” “你说告示?”半醉的老板娘嗤之以鼻地冷笑:“每年的惯用技俩,专门欺骗像你这样刚刚回归对真相一无所知的游子。” What?” The Yue Yang coordination reveals the color of shock. “什么?”岳阳配合地露出震惊之色。 Every year lets many that they injure by cheating, almost all people will be swindled, does to them in vain over one month hard labor, then nurses hatred to leave under the General Lei Pao barbaric rule. According to me said, has the person of special capability to be perhaps good like you, but do not count on that can get rich here, here absolutely is not one good. Because you are a best customer, but Elder Brother I hit it off well with one another with you, specifically reminded your!” proprietor patted Yue Yang's shoulder, expressed that does not endure to look at the Student Yue Yang extreme danger. “每年让他们坑骗的不少,几乎所有人都会上当,白白地给他们干一个月以上的苦工,然后在雷咆将军野蛮的统治下含恨离开。照我说,像你这样有特殊能力的人也许好点,但也不要指望能够在这里发大财,这里绝对不是一个善地。因为你是一个最好的顾客,而哥哥我跟你投缘,才特别提醒你的!”老板拍了拍岳阳的肩膀,表示不忍看岳阳同学羊入虎口。 Too thanked!” Student Yue Yang hurries to give the proprietor cup on the surplus liquor but actually: Tomorrow I have a look, turn head walks, because I feared several brothers who couple days ago embarked fell in inside.” “太感谢了!”岳阳同学赶紧把剩余的酒给老板的杯子倒上:“明天我去看看,回头就走,因为我怕前几天出发的几位兄弟陷在里面了。” Must pay attention to General Lei Pao, the fellow in front of Master is a dog, but here is a tyrant!” Half drunk female proprietor also gives Yue Yang to remind one. “要注意雷咆将军,那家伙在主人面前是条狗,但在这里是个暴君!”半醉的老板娘也给岳阳提醒一句。 Outside came the person, should be the guarding guard who came to here to eat without paying drinks white/in vain, you hurried to go upstairs the rest, these fellows played the drunk to come, but had a headache!” proprietor urged Yue Yang to leave, female proprietor did not fear actually , to continue to drink, Yue Yang noticed her finger to have similar marriage ring stores the abstention, it is estimated that inside had Battle Partner that can fight, otherwise, is unable to open of also is well hotel more than ten year in this place. “外面来人了,应该是来这里白吃白喝的驻守卫兵,你赶紧上楼休息吧,那些家伙耍起酒疯来,可是非常头疼的!”老板岳阳离开,老板娘倒是不惧,继续喝酒,岳阳注意到她手指有个类似结婚戒指似的贮物戒,估计里面有可以战斗的战偶,要不然,也无法在这种地方开设旅馆十数年之久还平安无事。 Before the rest, Yue Yang hears following one piece to clamor. 休息前,岳阳听见下面一片喧哗。 corner of the mouth, emerges a happy expression. 唇角,浮出一丝笑意。 The Human Valley battle, is very interesting, does not know that King of the Blood Lei Nuo and General Lei Pao of Heavenly Lightning castle, have what relations with the Heavenly Splendour Territory Territory Emperor Wrath most loyal partner from the thunderstorm, if really has, that world was really small! 人谷的争斗,还是挺有趣的嘛,就是不知道天雷城堡的雷诺亲王雷咆将军,跟天华域愤怒域皇最忠诚的伴从雷暴有什么关系,如果真有,那世界就真是太小了!
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