LLS :: Volume #6

#1063: Implements the family discipline?

After Hundred Flowers Sweet Dew Meat Pie event, in Heavenly Proud Wanderers all teachers, knew this not only evildoer and filial Student Titan. 百花甜露馅饼事件之后,天骄游子里所有的老师,都知道了这位既妖孽又孝顺的泰坦同学 Every day, is extracurricular except for the necessary collective. 每天,除了必要的集体课外。 Each attending class teacher, will run over on own initiative the instruction, or assists the research and development of Yue Yang about three new domain, they have the specialty respectively, once bursts out full power participates, that type researches and develops speed, but also really progresses by leaps and bounds. Mr. Principal without doubt is happiest, first he thinks that oneself is good judge of talent, Student Titan this future limitless splendid steed is he discovered that moreover, what is more important, after eating Hundred Flowers Sweet Dew Meat Pie that Grandma Dollot has subscribed especially, Student Titan missed the Mother anxiety clearly to reduce, on the face also had the smile. 每位上课老师,都会主动地跑过来指导,或者说辅助岳阳关于三个新领域的研发,他们各有专长,一旦全力迸发地参与,那种研发速度,还真是突飞猛进。校长大人无疑是最高兴的,首先他认为自己是一个好伯乐,泰坦同学这匹前途不可限量的千里马是他发现的,而且,更重要的是,吃过多罗婆婆特订的百花甜露馅饼后,泰坦同学思念妈妈的愁苦明显减轻了,脸上也有了笑容。 Mr. Principal watches, felt own heart also young dozens years old. 校长大人看在眼里,觉得自己的心也年轻了几十岁。 An indescribable sense of achievement. 一种难以言喻的成就感。 Arising spontaneously. 油然而生。 Child, what you need is the rest, that feared that this whole life I cannot use the quill pen of that Holy Equipment rank, I cannot looks at your three months sit here research motionlessly, this type of thing, I know it needs many painstaking care, can say works wholeheartedly is not overrated...... is listening, you must rest for three days, I give you vacation, your anything was needless saying that I know that you were worried about anything! The time is not the issue, about these, the fellow teachers in school, starts to begin gradually, felt relieved that gives them, they can also probably share for you for you!” Mr. Principal distressed gave the criticism, unprecedented in history special approval three days of vacation to Yue Yang, making his anything do not do, must do only, is the rest rests again. “孩子,你需要的是休息,那怕这辈子我都用不上那支圣器级别的鹅毛笔,我也不能看着你三个月一动不动地坐在这里研究,这种东西,我知道它需要多少的心血,可以说呕心沥血也不为过……听着,你必须休息三天,我给你假期,你什么都不用说了,我知道你担心什么!时间不是问题,关于这些,学校里的各位老师,渐渐也开始上手,放心地交给他们吧,他们能够为你也必须为你分担更多!”校长大人心疼地提出了批评,又史无前例地给岳阳特批三天假期,让他什么都不要做,唯一要做的,就是休息再休息。 Gives us!” Today uses the computer to fight class Teacher Ou Meng, student grazing sheep, he had dropped out these future not bright fellows, puts on Yue Yang Flying Battle Partner being developed wholeheartedly. “交给我们吧!”今天上机战课的欧蒙老师,已经将学生‘放羊’了,他抛下那些前途无亮的家伙,一心扑在岳阳正在研发的飞行战偶上。 This Teacher Ou Meng father, is one win great reputation Battle Partner to manufacture Grandmaster it is said. 这位欧蒙老师的父亲,据说是一位名声在外的战偶制作大师 But until passing away, he is also saving a regret. 但直到老死,他也还存着一个遗憾。 That cannot see Battle Partner to fly. 那就是没能看见战偶飞起来。 Dying with injustice unredressed. 死不瞑目。 Teacher Ou Meng is also a loyal son, in the family/home the brothers has nine people, two ten years ago, nine brothers start to inherit father's posthumous works research, but does not have the progress. In despair, Teacher Ou Meng heard suddenly has the evildoer student successfully to develop the Battle Partner model of glide, only waits for the manufacture of experimental data and finished-products in battlefield, if immediately attains new life. 欧蒙老师也是一个孝子,家中兄弟有九人之多,二十年前,九位兄弟就开始继承父亲的遗作研究,但毫无进展。正在绝望之际,欧蒙老师忽然听说有个妖孽的学生已经成功地研制出滑翔的战偶模形,只等战场上的实验数据和完成品的制作,顿时如获新生 When Mr. Principal orders he participates and assists Yue Yang research this Flying Battle Partner, his to be wild with joy. 校长大人命令他参与并辅助岳阳研究这个飞行战偶时,他欣喜若狂 In front of Yue Yang. 当着岳阳的面。 Teacher Ou Meng has not said anything. 欧蒙老师没有说什么。 If by any chance he crashes in the washroom, immediately cried loudly, the issue that cried like the child...... because of short-handed, brothers nine people of Teacher Ou Meng in Clan calls entirely, oneself took the fund, according to flying model of Yue Yang design, manufacturing simulation huge Flying Battle Partner. 但等他冲进洗手间,立即放声大哭,哭得就像个孩子……因为人手不足的问题,欧蒙老师家族中兄弟九人统统唤来了,自己拿出资金,按照岳阳设计的飞行模型,模拟制造了一个巨大的飞行战偶 Naturally, this also only blockhead sample. 当然,这个还只是木头样本。 Compares the sample of case. 一比一比例的样本。 Various materials that Flying Battle Partner of genuine manufacture needs, do not have the means to purchase suddenly entire. 真正制作的飞行战偶所需要的各种材料,一时间没有办法采购全。 That feared that this flight only possibility theoretically, their brothers nine people are also working night and day and without eating or sleeping crazily. 那怕这个飞行只是理论上的可能,他们兄弟九人也日以继夜、废寝忘食地疯狂工作着。 As the matter stands. 这样一来。 In the Flying Battle Partner ad hoc laboratory, can see nine Battle Partner Grandmaster frequently, obeys directing of Student Yue Yang like the apprentice, so long as is the Yue Yang instruction, does not have them unable to complete. 飞行战偶特设实验室中,经常可以看见有九位战偶大师,就像学徒一样听从岳阳同学的使唤,只要是岳阳吩咐的,就没有他们不能完成的。 In the school, has the complaint teacher only, is responsible for research Rune Diagram Teacher Wu Pu. 学校里,唯一有怨念的老师,就是负责研究符文图阵乌普老师 Because the school takes making Flying Battle Partner as the center of gravity, his responsible Rune Diagram research was put one side, even other teachers in school, are still willing to go to that side Flying Battle Partner to help, but no one is willing to help him here. if it were not for Yue Yang has said that research and development of this Rune Diagram , with Flying Battle Partner on, without it, Flying Battle Partner inferior, then he must lodge the protest to Mr. Principal. If Rune Diagram must use on Flying Battle Partner, will then also move with emphasis sooner or later, Teacher Wu Pu thinks it over, thought through. 因为学校以制造飞行战偶为重心,他负责的符文图阵研究被放到了一边,即使是学校里的其他老师,也更愿意去飞行战偶那边帮忙,而没人愿意在这里帮他。要不是岳阳说过,这个符文图阵的研发,将用到飞行战偶上,没有它,飞行战偶会大为逊色,那么他都要向校长大人提出抗议了。如果符文图阵要用在飞行战偶上,那么重点迟早还会移回来,乌普老师想来想去,也就想通了。 The collective an honor of merit and person achievement, that shining, the fool also knows. 集体的功劳和一个人成就的荣誉,那个更闪耀,就连傻子也知道。 Moreover, he thought that oneself with student research Rune, secret that grasps will be alone more, the relations are also kinder, it is estimated that except for the principal, must arrive at him. 而且,他觉得自己单独与学生研究符文,所掌握的秘密会更多,关系也更亲切,估计除了校长,就要到他了。 Mr. Principal see again/goodbye, Teacher Ou Meng and Teacher Wu Pu see again/goodbye......” to be on vacation from school like the good child such, under Student Yue Yang in the principal they gazes, went out of the front door of Heavenly Proud Wanderers school. 校长大人再见,欧蒙老师乌普老师再见……”就像个好孩子放学那样,岳阳同学在校长他们目送下,走出了天骄游子学校的大门。 This child!” The principal sighed, what a pity he was not oneself grandson, even if otherwise died does not have again regrettably. “这孩子!”校长叹息一声,可惜他不是自己的孙子,否则就算是死也再无遗憾了。 Returned to Diamond Star Castle, Steward Du Li to take several letters to Yue Yang. 回到星钻城堡,杜丽管家岳阳拿了几封信。 Is Zhong Hua, Silver Maple City Lord and Mayor two writes respectively. 分别是仲华银枫城主两个镇长写的。 Mayor two expressed the sea monster to eliminate, thief exterminated, was the subordinate does one's best surely. Yue Yang had not looked that discards, person with no mind of his own whom gives loyalty to believe who is the fool, if it were not for slightly shows one's skill in the Silver Maple City Lord mansion, perhaps Mayor two have held the thigh of Zhong Hua. The Silver Maple City Lord letter/believes, had known Yue Yang's status from Zhong Hua there obviously, the opinion that a little wants to fix, said quite persuasively, is mainly invites Yue Yang to attend the banquet again, said that on Life Assessment Ceremony will certainly attend to support, and congratulates Yue Yang this Owner of the Diamond Star Castle to obtain the good achievements in advance, wins to return. 两位镇长表示海怪消灭,盗贼清剿,身为属下必定鞠躬尽瘁。岳阳没看完就扔掉,墙头草的效忠谁信谁是傻逼,要不是自己在银枫城主府小露一手,恐怕两位镇长都已经抱仲华的大腿去了。银枫城主的信,显然已经自仲华那里知道了岳阳的身份,有点想修好的意见,说得比较婉转,主要是邀请岳阳再度参加宴会,又说生活评定仪式上一定会出席捧场,并预先祝贺岳阳这个星钻城堡主人取得好成绩,夺魁而返。 Because Mr. Principal got down Death Command, in addition the teacher in Heavenly Proud Wanderers school also realized that this is the opportunity to become famous the Human Valley best opportunity, three research and development about Student Yue Yang, same has not leaked out. 因为校长大人下了死命令,再加上天骄游子学校里的老师也意识到这是静待时机扬名人谷的最佳机会,关于岳阳同学的三项研发,一样也没有泄漏出去。 Otherwise, Silver Maple City Lord is impossible to sit still, went to in the Heavenly Proud Wanderers school inspection. 否则,银枫城主根本不可能坐得住,早就到天骄游子学校里‘巡视’了。 The Hall Master of Light Zhong Hua letter said sincerely, the spoken language is clear, mentioned repeatedly feels like old friends at the first meeting and respects for the intimate friend, is willing to tie brothers and other words and expressions, if it were not for Yue Yang knows early this goods were not the good thing, will also make him confusing. 光殿主仲华的来信说得更加真诚,言语真切,多次提及一见如故、敬为知音、愿结兄弟等词语,要不是岳阳早知道这货不是好东西,还会让他给迷惑住。 Regarding Zhong Hua, Human Valley honor, but also is really not his ultimate objective. 对于仲华来说,人谷的荣誉,还真不是他的最终目标。 How to struggle again, he cannot struggle Ji Wu Ri. 再怎么争,他也争不过姬无日 However, if can unite Upper Heaven Realm most mystical Eastern Immortal Race, believes that Ji Wu Ri and Hall Supreme can big three times. 不过,如果能够联合天上界最神秘的东方仙族,相信姬无日神殿至尊都会头大三倍。 In order to be on good terms Student Yue Yang, Zhong Hua wishes one could to pull out to make him own heart look, what sea monster, thief, pack of wolves and fund are short, Zhong Hua not saying anything further, helping Yue Yang level all these, initial period of if it were not for Yue Yang must stay in the Heavenly Proud Wanderers school attended class, it is estimated that Zhong Hua meets comes to visit every day. Silver Maple City Lord to subsidize Zhong Hua, spares no effort, the many rare and precious thing, in the name of Zhong Hua, sends Diamond Star Castle...... swindler, you may deceiving miserably!” Returns to Grimoire World, making Yue Yang hug Luo Hua beauty in bosom, bringing the point to act like a spoiled brat is pinching his nose, has not paid attention while everyone, kisses/intimate on his lip fast, such as just scratches the surface. 为了交好岳阳同学,仲华恨不得把自己的心掏出来让他瞧一瞧,什么海怪、盗贼、狼群和资金欠缺,仲华二话不说,帮岳阳把这一切摆平,要不是岳阳初期必须呆在天骄游子学校里上课,估计仲华会每天前来拜访。银枫城主为了资助仲华,也是不遗余力,许多珍稀之物,以仲华的名义,送来星钻城堡……“骗子,你可把人给骗惨了!”回到宝典世界,让岳阳搂在怀中的落花美人,带点撒娇地捏着他的鼻子,趁大家没注意,飞快地在他的唇上亲一下,如蜻蜓点水。 Usually deceived people I not to approve, but regarding Zhong Hua, deceiving him miserably was better.” Princess Qianqian brandishes the small fist. “平时骗人我不赞成,但对于仲华,骗得他越惨越好。”茜茜公主挥舞一下小拳头。 Regarding the Divine Central Hall person, she does not have the favorable impression. 对于中央神殿的人,她毫无好感。 Ji Wu Ri. 无论是姬无日 Zhong Hua. 还是仲华 Also, this two fellow, if spells to fight more is Lihai (fierce), then more is favorable for Heavenspan Tower. 再说,这两个家伙如果拼斗得越是厉害,那么对通天塔越有利。 Yue Yang sees Tigress now Heavenly Heart sentiment not bad, cannot bear tease her: „Does little girl, what good thing meet today? Did whether or not fuse Divine Sword to have the big progress?” 岳阳看见虎妞天心不错,忍不住逗她:“妞,今儿遇上什么好事了?是不是融合神剑有了大进展?” Princess Qianqian when heard lowers the head. Cultivation, she without doubt is one of the most people diligently, takes is fusing Divine Spark Xue Wuxia to pursue Princess Qianqian of goal, how possibly to admit defeat? Does to fusing Prison Sovereign Divine Sword, cannot achieve the final fusion...... Supreme Innate boundary Level 1 is this , to promote Level 2 [Supreme Innate], is this, making her quite disappointed. 茜茜公主一听就低下了头。修炼方面,她无疑是最努力的人之一,以正在融合神格雪无瑕为追赶目标的茜茜公主,怎么可能认输?奈何在融合狱皇神剑上,迟迟没有能够达成最后的融合……先天至尊境界一级是这样,提升到先天至尊二级,还是这样,让她颇受打击。 Yue Yu gives the treasure younger brother to signal with the eyes in secret, hints him not to love to talk about somebody's most vulnerable points. 岳雨暗中给宝贝弟弟使了个眼色,示意他别哪壶不开提哪壶。 Princess Qianqian rare is happy. 茜茜公主难得心情好。 Now entire becomes this. 现在又整成这样。 Tigress, I help you and ensure three days of time handles.” Yue Yang knows that should be make a move, otherwise, is easy to affect her cultivation, falling is too long in some bottleneck is not good. 虎妞,我帮你吧,保证三天时间搞定。”岳阳知道该是自己出手的时候了,要不然,容易影响她的修炼,掉在某个瓶颈太久可不行。 You are really wordy!” Princess Qianqian punched a fist toward Yue Yang's chest bitterly, stubborn she, how in the surface is willing to accept his good intention in the presence of everyone. The most important thing is, must make him help one another to fuse Prison Sovereign Divine Sword, definitely close contact like sweetheart Couple Practise . If by some chance he after the close contact , to continue to go a step further, she may not have the confidence to prevent. Before Xue Wuxia fuses Divine Spark regains consciousness, Princess Qianqian felt oneself should make every effort to succeed, do not let that Snow Girl ridicule oneself do not have the strength in meditation, loses to anyone unable to lose to her! “你真罗嗦!”茜茜公主恨恨地往岳阳的胸口揍了一拳,倔强的她,表面上怎肯当众接受他的好意。最重要的是,要让他相助融合狱皇神剑,肯定得像恋人双修那样亲密接触。万一他在亲密接触后,继续进一步,她可没有信心阻止得了。在雪无瑕融合神格苏醒之前,茜茜公主觉得自己应该争气一点,千万别让那雪妞嘲笑自己没定力,输给谁也不能输给她啊! Hey, I really want to help your......” the Student Yue Yang sweat, do oneself really look like the fellow who that type can take advantage of somebody's precarious position? “喂,我真是想帮你的……”岳阳同学大汗,自己真的那么像那种会乘人之危的家伙吗? Little San .” Yue Yu hinted Yue Yang do not shout, belt/bring mysterious the belt/bring selected burning desire to raise up one scallion white jade finger/refers: Actually, I have said to Qianqian, she also agreed that only you cannot make everyone know, you also know, the Qianqian face is tender, your saying she might renege on a promise!” 小三,嘘。”岳雨示意岳阳不要喊了,带点神秘又带点羞意地竖起一根葱白玉指:“其实,我已经跟茜茜说过了,她也同意了,只是你不能让大家知道,你也知道,茜茜脸嫩,你一说她说不定就要反悔!” thank you elder sister!” Yue Yang puts excitedly Luo Hua beauty, forgets kindnesses to grasp Yue Yu, revolves. 谢谢姐!”岳阳激动地把落花美人放下来,忘情抱住岳雨,旋转起来。 It is not able to fuse Prison Sovereign Divine Sword the heart knot regarding Princess Qianqian smoothly. 对于茜茜公主无法顺利融合狱皇神剑的这个心结。 He also worries in secret. 他也暗中着急。 Never expected that Yue Yu gave the solution the matter. 没想到岳雨把事儿给解决了。 Is working as Luo Hua and Yi Nan surface, Yue Yu is bashful and anxious, small white fist is striking Yue Yang's shoulder carelessly: Little San, puts quickly me, I transferred the dizzy!” 当着落花伊南的面,岳雨又羞又急,小粉拳胡乱地敲打着岳阳的肩膀:“小三,快把我放下来,我转晕了!” Yue Yang consciousness, sweat, how Yue Yu hugging? In front of everyone...... continuously likely child!” Yue Yu is very awkward, luckily Yue Bing and Bao'er they are not, otherwise is more awkward. She to seek the extrication complained one to Yue Yang, sharply returned to own room, that heartbeat hit like the deer. 岳阳才意识过来,不由一阵大汗,怎么把岳雨给抱了?还是当着大家的面……“一直都像个孩子似的!”岳雨好不尴尬,幸好岳冰宝儿她们不在,否则更加尴尬。她为求解脱地向岳阳埋怨一句,急急地逃回自己的房间去,那心跳有如鹿撞。 I really am not intentionally.” Yue Yang sees the look that Luo Hua beauty looks, hurries to explain. “我真不是故意的。”岳阳看见落花美人看过来的眼神,赶紧解释。 Well? Some people had said doesn't believe? Should some people 300 silver taels not hidden here not be more exposed? Haha!” Luo Hua beauty was wild with joy. “咦?有人说过不相信吗?该不是有人‘此地无银三百两’欲盖弥彰吧?哈哈!”落花美人乐坏了。 Smiles the fragrant shoulder to shrug, such as the flowering branch swings entrains. 笑得香肩耸动,如花枝摇拽。 Attractive. 诱人之极。 Student Yue Yang decided that in the evening must implement the family discipline, tidies up this Luo Hua beauty. 岳阳同学决定晚上要执行家法,收拾这个落花美人 Naturally, before that Student Yue Yang decides first to draw a helper, white hands that holds on Yi Nan this girl: My small Yi Nan is cleverest, in the evening we implement the family discipline together, hits buttocks of some princess to be good?” 当然,在那之前,岳阳同学决定先拉个帮手,一把拉住伊南这个小妮子的玉手:“还是我的小伊南最乖,晚上我们一起执行家法,打某位郡主的屁屁好不好?” Yi Nan girl when heard praised, the heart was sweet, was luckily sane, has not nodded to comply under the Luo Hua beauty knife vision, only hee hee titter. 伊南小妮子一听表扬,心都甜了,幸好还算理智,没有在落花美人的刀子目光下点头答应,只是嘻嘻偷笑。 Luo Hua beauty puts out the imposing manner: Bold, only Personal Guard Captain, does the daring following defy superiors?” 落花美人拿出气势:“大胆,区区一个亲卫队长,竟敢以下犯上?” Student Yue Yang displays the hoodlum very much: At the worst deducts the wages, that gadget has not led in any case. The law could not have prevented me!” 岳阳同学表现得很光棍:“大不了扣工资,反正那玩意儿从来就没有领过。法律已经阻止不了我了!” Regarding such rascal, how can also take him? 对于这样的无赖,又能拿他怎么样? Escapes Luo Hua beauty that is captured, puts out last trump card: You must dare really to hit, later does not coordinate, dies of exhaustion you!” This threat concerns Student Yue Yang to be life-long, without the means that is better than Student Yue Yang, must concede immediately. wolfy paws that raises high, puts down gently, caresses softly on the full moon fragrant buttocks of some princess: Young fool, loves you also without enough time, my how anything must hit!” 逃跑被擒的落花美人,拿出最后一道杀手锏:“你要敢真打,以后再不配合了,累死你!”这个威胁关乎岳阳同学终生幸福,没办法,强如岳阳同学,也得立即服输。高高扬起的狼手,轻轻地放下,在某位郡主的圆月香臀上柔柔抚动:“小傻瓜,疼你还来不及,我怎么啥得打!” Won round Luo Hua beauty with great difficulty, knows to quit when you're ahead. 好不容易胜了一回合的落花美人,也知道见好就收。 Moreover wolfy paws, looks for a beautiful and serene place the exploration gradually. 而且狼手渐下,寻幽探秘。 The body becomes the soft wadding to be incapable, is also incapable of resisting again, hurries to hold in the arms him, bites near his ear lightly: Your this does Personal Guard Captain also want the wages?” 身子变得软绵无力,再也无力抵抗,赶紧搂住他,在他耳边轻咬一下:“你这个亲卫队长还想要工资?”
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