LLS :: Volume #6

#1062: I am a principal!

100 this type of ordinary quill pens, is unworthy Heaven Crystal. 一百支这种普通鹅毛笔,也不值一颗天晶 But Artifact Spirit, is thousand Heaven Crystal is also difficult to receive in exchange, is existence that only happens by happy circumstance purely. 但一个器灵,则是千颗天晶也难换取,属纯可遇不可求的存在。 He really does not know how should criticize this student, you said that he is not good, he can increase on Artifact Spirit the quill pen, will have Artifact Spirit of possibility Evolution turn into saint to place on an ordinary pen...... you to say him to be good, really cannot open mouth. If this boy is own son, Mr. Principal estimated that will be direct slap on the face to pull out, on what places is not good Artifact Spirit? 他真不知道该如何批评这个学生了,你说他不好吧,他可以把鹅毛笔添加上器灵,将有可能进化成圣器的器灵放在一支普通的笔上……你说他好,又实在张不开嘴。如果这小子是自己的儿子,校长大人估计会直接一耳光抽过去,将器灵放在什么上不好? You place on the quill pen, doesn't this under punch? 你放在鹅毛笔上,这不是欠揍吗? Student Yue Yang replied respectfully: Mr. Principal, if our students have Spirit Knowledge the quill pen, in the process of attending class, did not need to transcribe laboriously, can concentrates the mind attend a lecture, did you say?” 岳阳同学恭恭敬敬地回答道:“校长大人,如果我们学生都有一支具备‘灵识’的鹅毛笔,那么在上课的过程中,就不用那么辛苦抄写了,可以集中精神听课,您说是吗?” Mr. Principal sighed bitterly and astringently: Right......” 校长大人苦涩地叹气:“没错……” He wants saying that in the class except for your boy, few attended class radically earnestly, otherwise, do their lazybones have a need for such moon/month of duplicate/restores one month year after year the make-up test? Although in the near future also several not bad new life, what we definitely know is that even if adds to be multiplied by ten everyone's wisdom again, perhaps is still less than half of your boy. 他很想说,在班里面除了你小子,根本没几个认真上课的,否则,他们那些懒虫用得着这样月复一月年复一年地补考吗?虽说近期也有几个不错新生,但可以肯定的是,即使将所有人的智慧加起来再乘以十,恐怕也不及你小子的一半。 But sees the Student Yue Yang sincere face, Mr. Principal, although in the heart sends painstakingly, the speech of criticism attack said not exit, swallows back secretly. 可是看见岳阳同学真诚的面孔,校长大人虽然心中发苦,批评打击的说话怎么也说不出口,又暗咽了回去。 Artifact Spirit, ok, he can have this research direction to be good. 一个器灵,算了,他能有这一个研究方向就好。 At the worst makes him seperately make Holy Equipment again...... wait/etc. 大不了让他再另外做个圣器……等等。 Can this evildoer boy manufacture Holy Equipment? 妖孽小子可以制作圣器 Mr. Principal heartbeat whirlwind 300, have not exploded the blood vessel. Excited he, almost the heart disease sends in the falling down ground, luckily Mr. Principal after all is the person of seeing the world, the heart, although a little cannot bear, but the surface still did calmly: Student Titan, your well done, later must continue to try hard!” 校长大人心跳直飚三百,差点没有爆血管。激动的他,差点心脏病发地栽倒地面上,幸好校长大人毕竟是见过世面的人,心脏虽然有点受不了,但表面仍然强作镇定:“泰坦同学,你做得不错,以后还要继续努力!” Support of Principal thank you, if student one month later took the quill pen to make turn into saint, it gave to industrious Mr. Principal, as a graciousness of return instructing intention.” Student Yue Yang the student like Whampoa Military Academy salutes such to old Jiang, this saying, hearing severe Mr. Principal to be moved to tears, the good student, he completes the work, thought unexpectedly is this principal. If in his hand has an army, believes that will give Student Yue Yang without hesitation, where good does such student look? 谢谢校长的支持,假如学生一个月后把鹅毛笔制成圣器了,就它献给辛勤的校长大人,作为回报授业之恩的一点心意。”岳阳同学就像黄埔军校的学生向老蒋致敬那样,这话一出,听得严厉的校长大人热泪盈眶,多好的学生,他完成作品,想的竟然是自己这个校长。如果他手中有一支军队的话,相信会毫不犹豫地交给岳阳同学,这么好的学生哪里找啊? Having this heart is good, Holy Equipment is you have, the intention old man accepted.” Mr. Principal a little moves the lip to shiver. “有这个心就好,圣器还是你自己持有,心意老夫收下了。”校长大人感动得嘴唇都有点儿颤抖。 Asked the principal to direct the third work again.” Student Yue Yang hints him to have a look at third puppet Battle Partner. “请校长再指点第三件作品。”岳阳同学示意他看看第三件傀儡战偶 Has the wing? Really is this wing? Is Battle Partner that you must design Flying Battle Partner?” Mr. Principal, just pressed down the excitement, now looks, was silly, has the person to think Flying Battle Partner, but no one has manufactured successfully. Flying Battle Partner, can this evildoer boy really successfully develop? If the answer is the affirmation, this will be epoch-making research. “有翅膀?这真是翅膀?难道你要设计的战偶是‘飞行战偶’?”校长大人,刚刚按下激动的心情,现在一看,又傻了,不是没有人想过飞行战偶,但从来没有人成功制作过。飞行战偶,这妖孽小子真的能够成功研制?如果答案是肯定的,这将是一个划时代的研究 Because has not entered the battlefield, the concrete test did not have the means to obtain the final outcome, said again, this is a design model. My design estimated, is a swept wing 30 meters width carries a heavy load over 100 tons large-scale Flying Battle Partner, its function, cannot be used to fight temporarily directly, but if loads other Battle Partner to enter the battlefield, conducts the surprise attack to the enemy, perhaps some functions. This model, if at the Silver Maple city test flight, can fly actually...... not, that is not the official test flight, moreover flies also only to glide, 12 kilometers length of glide cannot be the flight.” Student Yue Yang feigns has not seen Mr. Principal that panic-stricken face, leisure also has modestly the solution to say. “因为没有进过战场,具体测试还没有办法得出最终结果,再说,这还是一个设计模形。我的设计预想,是掠翼三十米宽负重一百吨以上的大型飞行战偶,它的作用,暂时不能直接用来战斗,但如果装载着其它战偶进入战场,对敌军进行突袭,也许会有些作用。这个模型,假如在银枫市里试飞的话,倒是可以飞行……不,那不是正式的试飞,而且飞行也只是滑翔,一两千米的滑翔距离根本不能算是飞行。”岳阳同学佯装没有看见校长大人那张惊骇的老脸,慢悠悠又颇带‘谦虚’地解说道。 How do you achieve?” The principal seizes Yue Yang's collar anxiously, this answer, Designer Battle Partner in Human Valley struggles for ten thousand years, has not resulted. “你是怎样做到的?”校长焦急地揪住岳阳的衣领,这个答案,人谷里的战偶设计师奋斗万年,至今未得。 „......” Yue Yang just right remains silent. “……”岳阳恰到好处地保持沉默。 Student Titan, please forgive, because your research is really astonishing. You are listening, you possibly complete a great design of cross time hopefully, you may change the Human Valley many relations, affects countless people. Therefore, please must research, probably come out to research it earnestly, regardless of how much time, many manpower and resources, our Silver Maple Heavenly Proud Wanderers school will support, if you can attain the end product on three months later assessment ceremony, no, that fears is the half-finished product, I dare saying that the champion goes to none other than you! Student Titan, you anything do not need to manage now, first conducts to research and develop this Flying Battle Partner, has any need, opens the mouth although!” Principal felt the spring of own life came. 泰坦同学,请原谅,因为你的研究实在惊人。你听着,你可能有希望完成一个跨时代的伟大设计,你可能会改变人谷许多关系,影响无数的人。所以,请你一定要认真地研究,一定要把它给研究出来,无论多少时间,多少人力物力,我们银枫天骄游子学校都会鼎力支持,假如你能够在三个月后的评定仪式上拿到成品,不,那怕是半成品,我敢说,冠军非你莫属!泰坦同学,你现在什么都不用管,先进行研发这个飞行战偶,有任何需要,尽管开口!”校长觉得自己生命的春天来了。 Ascends the sky grants unexpectedly a outstanding student, if not support him to generate the cross time the great masterpiece, that will be the life biggest failure. 上天竟然赐予自己一个如此优秀的学生,要是不支持他制出跨时代的伟大杰作,那将是自己人生最大的失败。 Silver Maple City Heavenly Proud Wanderers, but has the proudest record. 银枫城天骄游子,可是有着最骄傲纪录的。 Previous principal. 前一任的校长。 He is world-famous , because Diamond Star Castle former generation Master is her student. 他之所以名满天下,就是因为星钻城堡的上代主人是她的学生。 Former generation Owner of the Diamond Star Castle created no one to be able and work, the reputation spreads until now. Now, her son similarly is a talent, these two mother and child completely evildoer fearfully! Former principal that enviable luck, arrives again in own head. 上代星钻城堡的主人创造了无人能及的作品,美名至今流传。现在,她的儿子同样是个天才,这两母子全部妖孽得可怕!前任校长那种让人羡慕的幸运,再次降临在自己的头上。 Owner of the Diamond Star Castle, this generation of new Thane, former generation's son, unexpectedly is not two ancestors who that type mixes to eat to wait for death, but is peerless talent! 星钻城堡的主人,这一代新领主,上代的儿子,竟然不是那种混吃等死的二世祖,而是一个绝世天才 The opportunity came. 机会又来了。 Oneself or seize this opportunity, it is estimated that will make the person eternity revile. 自己要不抓住这次机会,估计会让人千古唾骂的。 Even oneself cannot forgive itself...... school Zhang Hen not to to Yue Yang be the assistant, considering the face countenance of principal, in the student does not have in the situation of invitation, in addition the research security regulation, Mr. Principal has to wait for silently, the mood suffering is incomparable. If the name of Designer Flying Battle Partner, hangs up itself, that fears the only assistant, that is also in Human Valley no one can honor! 即使是自己也不能原谅自己……校长恨不得给岳阳做助手,鉴于校长的颜面,在学生没有邀请的情况下,再加上研究保密条例,校长大人只好‘默默地等待’,心情煎熬无比。如果飞行战偶设计师的名字,挂上自己,那怕只是助手,那也是人谷中无人能及的荣誉啊! Student Titan, you have anything to need to help, must say, I will fully support you!” Desperate under Mr. Principal, did not hesitate volunteering services. 泰坦同学,你有什么需要帮忙的,一定要说出来,我将全力支持你!”情急之下的校长大人,都不惜‘毛遂自荐’了。 My presumptuous request actually one, is a little difficult.” A Student Yue Yang such saying, the Mr. Principal breath was rapid. “不情之请倒是有一个,就是有点难以启齿。”岳阳同学这么一说,校长大人呼吸都急促了。 Said, you said although, regardless of the major difficulty, has the principal, surely gave you to solve.” “说,你尽管说,无论多大的困难,有校长在,一定给你解决了。” Can add when the lunch again Hundred Flowers Sweet Dew Meat Pie, I know, this does not conform to the custom, but I really like eating very much, because, it is a good food that my Mother designs, I when eat it, can snatch a little leisure from the busy schedules fondly remembers Mother.” Student Yue Yang said weakly, hearing the heart of Mr. Principal to break to pieces all of a sudden, originally extremely severe he, the corner of the eye had a moist feeling. “能不能在午餐时再加个‘百花甜露馅饼’,我知道,这样不符合规矩,但我真的很喜欢吃,因为,它是我妈妈设计出来的一道美食,我在吃它的时候,可以忙里偷闲地怀念一下妈妈。”岳阳同学弱弱地说,听得校长大人的心一下子碎了,原来极其严厉的他,眼角都有种湿润的感觉。 Good child! 多好的孩子! Such clever child does not have Mother to hurt, was too pitiful. 这么乖巧的孩子没有妈妈疼,太可怜了。 When others have the parents protect, this pitiful little fellow actually has to independently live, even is busy with the learn/study, is busy with research, has had no free time to fondly remember his Mother, when until eating meal finds time...... Mr. Principal to remember own son, never has for day to stay that fellow one year to the evening in home, always runs outside fools around. 在别人有双亲呵护之际,这可怜的小家伙却不得不独立生活,甚至忙于学习,忙于研究,一直没空怀念他的妈妈,直到吃饭时才抽一点时间……校长大人想起自己的儿子,那个家伙一年到晚从来没有一天呆在家中,总是跑在外面跟人鬼混。 He sees front this student to request pitiful, really wishes one could to cry loudly. 他看见面前这个学生可怜兮兮的请求,真恨不得大哭一场。 As a principal, he maintains the deportment diligently. 作为一个校长,他努力地保持仪态。 Although with the normal sound, comforts gently, for fear that oneself spoke slightly heavily a little, will make this pitiful little fellow brokenhearted: Child, my pitiful child, this request how impolite! The filial piety is the world greatest emotion, anything did not replace. As for Hundred Flowers Sweet Dew Meat Pie that you want, that feared that it does not supply in the restaurant, I can also make Grandma Dollot do to you, she is my wife, is one loves tenderly the child but own injured completely the old person of heart and liver, if she knows that you have such filial piety, believes that will cry loudly. Listening , the child, you at any time, can be a guest to my family/home, no, you do not use like the guest constrained, you can like my family member, I and Grandma Dollot she will welcome you to the family/home in......, only then you want, she will make completely all good food to you, the good food that your Mother researches and develops, she will do!” 尽管用正常的声音,轻柔地安慰,生怕自己说话稍重一点儿,就会让这个可怜的小家伙心碎:“孩子,我可怜的孩子,这个请求又怎么无礼呢!孝道是世间最伟大的情感,任何东西都代替不了。至于你要的百花甜露馅饼,那怕它在餐厅不供应,我也可以让多罗婆婆给你做,她是我的妻子,也是一个怜爱孩子但让自己伤尽心肝的老人,如果她知道你有这样的孝心,相信会大哭一场的。听着,孩子,你任何时候,都可以到我的家做客,不,你不用像客人一样拘束,你可以像我的亲人那样,我和多罗婆婆她都会欢迎你到家里来的……只有你愿意,她会给你做尽所有的美食,你妈妈所研发的美食,她都会做!” Real?” Student Yue Yang nice surprise asked. “真的吗?”岳阳同学惊喜’地问。 Naturally!” Mr. Principal sees this pure look, broke to pieces on Linked Heart, this look, can make the stone lion of stair run simply to lick the hand of this little fellow. The pitiful little fellow, is not good, must result in some people to love him, otherwise is to this child biggest injury! “当然!”校长大人看见这种纯真的眼神,就连心都碎了,这种眼神,简直可以让台阶的石狮子跑下来舔这个小家伙的手。可怜的小家伙,不行,必须得有人疼爱他,否则就是对这个孩子最大的伤害! Mr. Principal raised the head. 校长大人抬起头。 Wipes tear stains of corner of the eye fast. 飞快地拭去眼角的一丝泪痕。 Double coughs, clears throat, maintains the demeanor of principal diligently, in order to avoid has tears streaming down the face loses face in the presence of everyone. 双微咳一声,清清嗓子,努力保持自己校长的风度,以免泪流满面当众出丑。 When Yue Yang makes bows in thanks, severe he, cannot bear put out a hand, caresses lightly in this pitiful little child top of the head: Child, actually you do not use too bitterly, time words without enough time, are slower good. Compared with the honor, I hope that you are joyful!” 岳阳作出鞠躬致谢之际,严厉的他,忍不住伸出手,轻抚在这个‘可怜小孩子’的头顶:“孩子,其实你不用太苦,时间来不及的话,慢些也行。比起荣誉,我更希望你保持快乐!” Student Yue Yang with that type child's unique pure vision, the looks at Mr. Principal flood red eye, replied cleverly: Mr. Principal, researches and develops every month is the same, three months just enough, so long as at noon a little free time then it will be alright......” behind him weak, Mr. Principal heard, an eye heat, hurries to turn around, in order to avoid makes this student see itself to shed tears two lines. 岳阳同学用那种好孩子特有的纯真目光,看着校长大人泛红的眼睛,乖巧地回答道:“校长大人,每个月研发一样,三个月的时间刚刚够,只要中午有点空暇就行了……”他后面的话弱了下去,校长大人还是听见了,眼睛一热,赶紧转身,以免让这个学生看见自己垂泪两行。 Must take care of this child! 必须照顾好这个孩子! If he for the words of honor, present Mr. Principal, had also decided before secretly, felt, even if at cost of completely a life, must make this child happy, such child diligently, has such high talent cleverly, or advances Human Valley to return to the first person of position him, are oneself also a qualified elder? 如果说之前他还为了荣誉的话,现在的校长大人,已经暗下决心,觉得即使是拼尽一条老命,也要让这个孩子快乐起来,这么乖巧又这么努力的孩子,拥有如此之高的天份,要不将他推到人谷回归第一人的位置,自己还算是个合格的长辈吗? Mr. Principal, then, can I ask Grandma Dollot to make together Hundred Flowers Sweet Dew Meat Pie tomorrow?” The request of Student Yue Yang can let so persuasive that even the most obstinate agree. 校长大人,那么,明天我就可以请多罗婆婆做一道百花甜露馅饼吗?”岳阳同学的请求能让顽石点头。 Walks, we go home to eat...... Mr. Principal not to turn head immediately, only reaches behind the back to hold Yue Yang's hand, the sound that his microstrip choked, will go home to emphasize the stress. “走,我们立即就回家吃……”校长大人没有回头,只是回手抓住岳阳的手,他那微带哽咽的声音,将回家强调成重音。 „Did Mr. Principal cry?” 校长大人哭了吗?” Nonsense, my is the blister, sees the wind to burst into tears, how I cry, I am the principal......” “胡说,我的是沙眼,见风流泪,我怎么哭,我可是校长……”
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