LLS :: Volume #6

#1061: Is the evildoer good student

From the window audit of Thousand Years Great Sage, has passed for three days. 千岁大贤者的窗口旁听,已经过了三天。 Although Yue Yang has not heard anything finally lives True Secret of Life, but, he knows how oneself then should do. Land of Trials, is one makes one understand clearly the life secret place, the ultimate objective of entry is not that Divine Grimoire, but makes one promote Divine Realm, even, exceeds Divine Realm...... after all, is not every gods grasps life secret. 尽管岳阳最终也没有听到什么才是生命的真正秘密,不过,他知道自己接下来该怎么做了。试炼之地,就是一个让人洞悉生命秘密的地方,通关的最终目标不是那本神典,而是让人晋升神境,甚至,超越神境……毕竟,不是每一位神明都掌握生命秘密的。 Three days, Student Yue Yang has attended class very much clever. 三天来,岳阳同学一直很乖地上课。 If made the past teacher see, it is estimated that the eyeball can fall full place. 如果让当年的老师看见,估计眼珠会掉满一地。 But undeniably, attended class here, Yue Yang can learn many things, at least does not have the opportunity to contact outside, only then Human Valley has the unique knowledge that. What only regret is, Thousand Years Great Sage only taught a class, afterward did not lecture to dispel doubt again, looked for Student Yue Yang to chat actually alone after a while, was Fourth Mother's elder sister acclaims to Diamond Star Castle original Master unceasingly. Thousand Years Great Sage did not have to say how oneself knew Fourth Mother Elder Sister, did not have too many with Yue Yang regarding this mysterious incomparable Mother, only said that he appreciated her comprehend...... Student Yue Yang to life to suspect, these words whether or not said that she has grasped life secret? 但不可否认的,在这里上课,岳阳可以学会不少东西,最少在外面是没有机会接触到的,只有人谷才有的独特知识。唯一遗憾的是,千岁大贤者只讲一节课,后来再没有讲学解惑,倒是单独找岳阳同学聊过一会儿,对星钻城堡的原主人也就是四娘的姐姐赞叹不绝。千岁大贤者没有说自己如何认识四娘姐姐,也没有太多跟岳阳谈起这一位神秘无比的‘妈妈’,只说他非常欣赏她对生命的参悟……岳阳同学怀疑,这些话是不是说她已经掌握了生命秘密呢? She comprehend in Gods Ruins? 难道她是在众神废墟参悟到的? Returns to Grimoire World, Princess Qianqian they also quite approve the guess of Yue Yang, but, fact how, but must find this Mother to know. 返回宝典世界里,茜茜公主她们也颇是认同岳阳的猜测,不过,事实如何,还得找到这位‘妈妈’才知道。 Students, you have aristocrat status on and the others, in the future, you may assume sole responsibility for an important task, may inherit in Clan the important position or the title. Your future is infinite, but, I want to remind you here, before obtaining these, you must have more knowledge and major skill. The attention, we are not these foolish-looking mercenaries, is not smelly sweat must be able to support own commoner with the physical strength, we are the graceful aristocrats, is genuine on and the others.” 同学们,你们都是拥有贵族身份的上等人,在接下来的日子里,你们有可能独当一面,也有可能继承家族里重要的职位或者爵位。你们前途无限,但是,我想在这里提醒你们,在获得那些之前,你们必须拥有更多的知识和专业技能。注意,我们不是那些傻头傻脑的佣兵,不是一身臭汗必须用气力才能养活自己的平民,我们是优雅的贵族,是真正的上等人。” As the matter stands, means us, must grasp a more profound knowledge and skill.” “这样一来,就意味着我们,必须掌握更高深的知识和技能。” In the following three months, we will conduct a series of training, in the class have fail a grade to live much, they have the rich experience, newbie might as well consult to them much. In the former two moon/month, we except for learn/study, will also launch the creation, prepares the work, builds the foundation for Life Assessment of third month.” “在接下来的三个月里,我们将进行一系列的培养,班里有不少留级生,他们有着丰富的经验,新人不妨向他们多多请教。在前两个月,我们除了学习,还将展开创作,准备好作品,为第三个月的生活评定打好基础。” Remember, the honor will follow your life.” “记住,荣誉将伴随你们的一生。” In previous evaluation, if no Baron Zhong Hua, our Silver Maple City the shame in the evaluation list will have achieved nothing, this is not willing to see as me of principal. I hope, this evaluation, has many nice surprise, has more people to break out, obtains the honor. So long as you can enter Top 10, has the title that the qualifications give by the Baron, enters first three, has the exclusive territory, that fears only small town, is your initial period the superior disparity that is hard to attain. If you are willing to compare with the data, good, making me tell you, governs in Silver Maple City, that feared that is the smallest town, value ten thousand Heaven Crystal, moreover did not say that must have enough honor to purchase.” “在上一个评定,如果不是有仲华男爵,我们银枫城将在评定榜上耻辱地一无所获,这是作为校长的我所不愿意看见的。我希望,这一次评定,有更多的惊喜,有更多人突围而出,获得荣誉。只要你们能进前十,就有资格授以男爵的爵位,进入前三,就有专属的领地,那怕只是一个小小的城镇,也是你们初期难以企及的优势差距。如果你们愿意用数据来比较,那好吧,让我来告诉你们,在银枫城辖下,那怕是最小的城镇,也价值一万天晶,而且还不说必须具有足够的荣誉才能购买。” „To make genuine Thane? Studies diligently, must depend upon oneself both hands creation!” “想做真正领主吗?努力学习吧,一切必须依靠自己的双手创造!” Heavenly Proud Wanderers Guild, one specially is the Heavenly Proud Wanderers training school. 天骄游子公会,有一个专门为天骄游子培训的学校。 And has the teacher ten people of instructing. 其中有授业的导师十人。 Principal, is a crane sends baby faced Old Geezer, sharp-eyed like eagle, he to student not bad, teaching earnest major, but is severe, the request is extremely high, regards the honor like the life. 校长,是个鹤发童颜老头子,目光锐利如鹰,他对学生不错,讲课认真专业,但非常严厉,要求极高,视荣誉如生命。 In the school has more than 100 major to study, makes one look dazzlingly. Heavenly Proud Wanderers inside student choice is very free, can select willfully ten major . Moreover, so long as obtains outstandingly on major then. In more than 100 major, if there is a special skill of student is to surpass, besides, can establish a new school the self- achievement, the Heavenly Proud Wanderers school except for counselling as far as possible, is the most vigorous support. 学校里有一百多个专业可以学习,直让人看得眼花缭乱。天骄游子里面的学生选择很自由,可以任意选取其中十个专业,而且,只要在一个专业上获得优秀即可。在这一百多个专业里,如果有学生的特长是超出其外的,也可以独树一帜地自我成就,天骄游子学校除了尽可能的辅导,就是最大力的支持。 Yue Yang elected seven major learn/study, respectively is the diplomacy, tactic, resources, finance, life, art and literature. 岳阳选了其中七个专业学习,分别是外交、战术、资源、理财、生活、艺术和文学。 And ancient writings in literature, is his research focal orientation. 其中文学中的远古遗文,是他研究的重点方向。 As for art, then because of regardless of the building, the fine arts and music or other refined, as boy from another world Student Yue Yang is also confident, can put out the work to deal with three months later. The aristocrat life and Human Valley resources these are the things that Yue Yang urgently needs understands, under as for the tactic and diplomacy, Yue Yang also really wants to understand...... except for more than 100 that in how the two kinds thing in Human Valley conducts has, Yue Yang also submitted three types of no major creatively, respectively is Rune and Artifact Spirit and Battle Partner. 至于艺术,则是因为无论建筑、美术、音乐又或者其它细化方面,身为穿越男岳阳同学都有信心,可以在三个月后拿出作品应付。贵族生活、人谷资源这些是岳阳迫切需要了解的东西,至于战术和外交,岳阳还真想了解下人谷里的这两样东东怎么样进行的……除了一百多项里有的,岳阳自己还独出心裁的提交了三样没有的专业,分别是‘符文’、‘器灵’和‘战偶’。 Puppet Battle Partner this major has, in Human Valley, anybody cannot begin to fight directly. 傀儡战偶这个专业是有的,在人谷里面,任何人都不能直接动手战斗。 Including the soldier in battlefield. 包括战场上的士兵在内。 If wants to make war, must to the God of Conflict statue, make an application. 如果想开战,必须向战争之神的雕像,作出一个申请。 Then, fully enters a specific battlefield, by reining the puppet Battle Partner soldier, is starting to thrash mutually...... the winner, can hold and enjoy the spoils of war of loser, for example takes over control of the town or mining area tree farm these resources. 然后,全部进入一个特定的战场,由驾御着傀儡战偶的士兵,开始相互厮打……胜者,可以占有和享用失败者的战利品,比如说接管城镇或者矿区林场这些资源。 On field of honor, is likewise. 决斗场上,也是同理。 Without puppet Battle Partner, then in Human Valley, is unable to make war directly, this point is the iron rule. 没有傀儡战偶,那么人谷内,是无法直接开战的,这一点是铁律。 Puppet war chariot has in several tens of thousands of years ago, puppet Warrior also presented the at least 30,000 years, that is one type sits to rein by the soldier operates puppet machine armor, although slightly obviously clumsy, but replaces puppet war chariot to become the battlefield main force rapidly. Until ten thousand years ago, Empress Fei Wenli your majesty entered Human Valley, she when choosing major originally created no Puppet War Beast. 傀儡战车在数万年前就有,傀儡战士也出现了最少三万年,那是一种由士兵坐进去驾御操作傀儡机甲,虽然稍显笨拙,但迅速取代傀儡战车成为战场主力。直到万年前,费雯丽女皇陛下进入了人谷,她在选择专业时独创了一种从来没有的傀儡战兽 That is Puppet War Beast that attaches to the soldier, various animal shapes, there is a special shape, after entering the battlefield, can earth-shattering submerge the enemy, so long as directs their soldiers not dead, then they have fought. 那是一种依附士兵的傀儡战兽,各种动物形态,也有特殊形态,进入战场后,可以铺天盖地地淹没敌人,只要指挥它们的士兵没死,那么它们就会一直战斗。 Because of this no one can match outstanding achievement, Empress Fei Wenli in just three months, was making an exception to bestow Viscount to seal/confer for, then researches and develops Puppet War Beast that puts into use after her, one after another is promoted her to Duchess. if it were not for she sharply sharply left Human Valley in six months, then she will become Human Valley King of the Blood absolutely, rules a region by force. The Conquering Queen prestige, not only outside Heaven Realm, is lets person fearing Human Valley here such as resounding of tiger! 正因为这一个无人可及的杰出成就,费雯丽女皇在短短的三个月内,就被破格赐封为子爵,接着又在她研发的傀儡战兽正式投入使用后,接二连三地晋升她为女公爵要不是她半年内就急急离开了人谷,那么她绝对会成为人谷亲王,雄霸一方。征服女王的威名,不仅在天界外面,在人谷这里也是让人畏之如虎的响亮! Student Yue Yang, will certainly not take the Empress Fei Wenli old route again. 岳阳同学,当然不会再走费雯丽女皇的老路。 What he must research and develop is Battle Partner. 他要研发的是战偶 Will be brand-new, epoch-making special Battle Partner. 将会是全新的,划时代的特殊战偶 Let alone has today so horizontal Yue Yang, is that Puppet Encyclopedia that past Yue Gong left behind, attained Human Valley this, there is enormous model. Battle Partner, radically is the strong point of Yue Yang! 别说拥有今天这般水平的岳阳,就是当年岳工遗留下来的那本傀儡宝典,拿到人谷这,也有极大的借鉴。战偶,根本就是岳阳的强项嘛! Student Titan, do you really have the confidence to make the achievement in these three brand-new domain?” Mr. Principal this whole life or first time see the so flamboyant student, others are in a class by itself make a single item, is great enough, this boy asks for it three, isn't the cabbage of downtown so cheaply good? 泰坦同学,你真的有信心在这三个全新的领域里作出成就吗?”校长大人这辈子还是第一次看见如此牛逼的学生,别人独具一格地做个单项,就已经够了不起的,这小子一开口就要三项,街市的大白菜也没有这么便宜好不好? „, This is the preliminary thought of my work, asking Mr. Principal to point out mistakes.” Student Yue Yang naturally cannot say, in the family/home has a group of little girl to help, moreover is all capable in military and civil skills, let alone three research, are 30 is also a cinch. “啊,这个是我作品的初步构想,请校长大人指正。”岳阳同学自然不会说,家里有一大群妞帮忙,而且个个能文能武,别说三项研究,就是三十项也不在话下。 This Rune Diagram ......” severe Mr. Principal when heard, on three days of class had the work, what talent is this? “这个符文图阵……”严厉的校长大人一听,才上三天课就有了作品,这是什么样的天才? He hardly can believe oneself ear. 他几乎不敢相信自己的耳朵。 Receives looked, discovered that above in that numerous and diverse incomparable Rune Diagram strange Rune Diagram that as well as nine he is not known by three Ancient Rune Diagram six Heaven Realm Rune Diagram composes, is rotating every seconds, each reincarnation will derive the new change. Immediately looks, dumbstruck dazzlingly, quite a while cannot move to the eye, this Rune Diagram was too abstruse, oneself have no way to instruct , was most importantly known as that in Silver Maple library do not recognize this Rune Diagram unexpectedly, lost face! 接过来一看,发现上面那个繁杂无比的符文图阵里由三个远古符文图阵六个天界符文图阵以及九个他不认识的陌生符文图阵组成,每一秒都在转动,每一次转生都会衍生出新的变化。顿时看得眼花缭乱、目瞪口呆,半天移不开眼睛,这个符文图阵太深奥了,自己没法指导啊,最重要的,号称银枫图书馆的自己竟然不认得这一个符文图阵,要丢大人了! The forehead of principal, emitted the dense and numerous beads of sweat. 校长的额头,冒出了密密麻麻的汗珠。 Naturally, after is awkward, is wild with joy, oneself could not instruct, then showed that this youngster was competent, three months later evaluations, it is estimated that at least can also make first three, in any event, the honor fell on Silver Maple City, oneself had such disciple , the face countenance had up! 当然,尴尬过后,又是一阵狂喜,自己指导不了,那么证明这个年轻人有实力,三个月后的评定,估计最少也能挣个前三,无论如何,荣誉还是落在银枫城,自己有这样的弟子,也颜面有光! Thinks three months later, can beam with joy in front of that several old fellow. 一想到三个月后的自己,可以在那几个老家伙面前露把脸。 Ha, does not know these fellows, how to envy itself! 哈,也不知那些家伙,会如何的嫉妒自己! Envy! 嫉妒吧! Envies ruthlessly, who makes you not have such evildoer good student! 狠狠地嫉妒吧,谁让你们没有这么妖孽的好学生! Respectable Mr. Principal, actually this Rune Diagram only embryonic form, must improve must one month.” Student Yue Yang is very modest the explanation. “尊敬的校长大人,其实这个符文图阵只是一个雏形,要完善还得一个月。”岳阳同学‘很谦虚’地解释。 „A month, one month? Haha, absolutely does not have the issue!” Mr. Principal wiped the perspiration on forehead fast, first time showed the smile: Cannot think that the research such depth of Student Titan to Ancient Rune, really worthily is the Owner of the Diamond Star Castle son...... now, I give your enough time, if other major knowledge attend class without enough time, then you can first conduct your unique major research, I will notify this news with all teachers, you can definitely safely research.” “一个月,一个月吗?哈哈,完全没有问题!”校长大人飞快地擦了擦额头上的汗,第一次露出笑脸:“想不到泰坦同学远古符文研究如此之深,真不愧是星钻城堡主人的儿子……现在,我给予你足够的时间,如果其它专业知识来不及上课,那么你可以先进行你独特专业研究,我会跟所有的老师通报这个消息,你完全可以安心地研究。” Such is not good, as the student, I must result to each instructing kind teacher maintain the respect.” Student Yue Yang displays now like the healthy, studious, and helpful student of elementary school second grade, missed on the neck that young pioneer: Said again, does not affect to attend class, during the daytime finishes attending the major class, in the evening I went back research to be enough.” “那样不好,身为学生,我必须得对每位授业恩师都保持尊敬。”岳阳同学现在表现得就像小学二年级的三好学生,就差脖子上那条红领巾了:“再说,也不影响上课,白天上完专业课,晚上我回去研究就足够了。” This...... is this also good?” On the principal face emerges is startled for Celestial the expression, good, he has not looked at the student who has entrained for a lifetime. “这……这样也行?”校长脸上涌现‘惊为天人’的表情,好吧,他一辈子没看过这么拽的学生。 Other two works, asked the principal to point out mistakes.” Student Yue Yang offers other two work again. “其余两个作品,也请校长指正。”岳阳同学再把另外两个作品奉上。 „Do you, you give in a quill pen note unexpectedly Artifact Spirit? Oh, this also too wasted...... had Artifact Spirit Artifact, might become Holy Equipment!” The principal almost does not have one to plant on the ground. “你,你竟然给一支鹅毛笔注上器灵?天哪,这也太浪费了……有器灵宝物,有可能成为圣器啊!”校长差点没有一头栽在地上。 This evildoer Student Titan, allocates the school unexpectedly to his quill pen gives in the increase Artifact Spirit. 这个妖孽般的泰坦同学,竟然把学校配发给他的鹅毛笔给添加上器灵 He does not know that spoils bad Heavenly Wrath the talent like this? 难道他不知道将天份这样糟蹋会糟天谴吗?
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