LLS :: Volume #6

#1060: Experiences your lives well!

Thousand Years Great Sage this asked, Yue Yang also fell into the ponder. 千岁大贤者这一问,岳阳也陷入了思考。 What is Secret of Life? 生命的秘密到底是什么? Can human, why grow to powerful? Why all War Beast, final is Evolution, the human body shape? 人类,为何能够成长到最强大?为什么所有的战兽,最终的进化,都是人体形态? Yue Yang knows that the boundary of transform into human is the War Beast most perfect life form, is the strongest shape, this process and result, he knows. But he does not know that the evolved secret, why will such evolve, but not to other reforms? Also or, to other reforms, why will be inferior to transform into human? Could say like this, transform into human, can learn/study like human, the same cultivation, same pondered, equally using wisdom......, but the issue came, why did human most have wisdom? Why the human learn/study, the cultivation, growing this is quickest? 岳阳知道化人之境是战兽最完美的生命形态,也是最强形态,这个过程和结果,他是知道的。但他不知道演化的秘密,为什么会那样演化,而不向其它方向演变?又或者,向其它方向演变,为什么会不如化人呢?也许可以这样说,化人,可以像人类一样学习,一样修炼,一样思考,一样利用智慧……但问题又来了,为什么人类最具智慧?为什么人类学习,修炼,成长这样是最快的呢? In the world, is who accomplished that numerous and disorderly lives? 天地间,是谁造就了那么庞杂的生命? But can these innumerable lives, actually why create? They have this world significance, is transform into human? Then studies the cultivation to grow like human, finally steps into Divine Tier, enters that legendary unsurpassed wonderful boundary? 而这些数不胜数的生命,究竟为什么要创造出来?它们存在这个世间的意义,难道就是‘化人’?然后像人类一样学习修炼成长,最终踏入神阶,进入那个传说中无上的美妙境界? gets rid of these issues. 抛开这些问题。 Yue Yang return looks at itself, Secret of Life, can determine oneself have not grasped, therefore cannot create the life like the gods. 岳阳自己回看自己,生命的秘密,可以确定自己没有掌握到,所以不能像神明那样创造生命。 But if ponders in turn, if oneself grasped Secret of Life, that can create the life? Whether was equal to entering Divine Realm? 但如果反过来思考一下,如果自己掌握了生命的秘密,那是否可以创造生命呢?是否就等于是进入了神境 This thinks. 这一想。 The heart of Yue Yang, thump however moves immediately. 岳阳的心,顿时怦然而动。 He wants to know in the Thousand Years Great Sage mouth now anxiously Secret of Life, knew this secret, even if cannot comprehend enter Divine Realm, it is estimated that will still grow to have the enormous boost to later. Empress Fei Wenli is Sacred Supreme Realm, she was equal to that the might of legendary gods, can create Snow and Ice World such miracle by Black Hole Dimension, but she is unable to create the life, only one time, is with together, resurrection Little Wenli. Moreover, does not need to look that her facial expression knows, the accident/surprise in resurrection process, is above her to imagine, therefore Little Wenli will turn into her daughter. 他现在急切想知道千岁大贤者口中生命的秘密,知道了这个秘密,就算没能参悟神境,估计也会对以后成长产生极大的助力。费雯丽女皇神圣至尊之境,她等于传说中神明的威力,可以以黑洞空间创造冰雪世界那样奇迹,但她无法创造生命,唯一的一次,还是与自己一起,复活小文丽’。而且,不用看她的神情就知道,复活过程中的意外,是超乎她想像的,所以小文丽才会变成她的女儿。 If oneself knew Secret of Life, the revolutions makes in Empress Fei Wenli your majesty, then her upper layer building? 如果自己知道了生命的秘密,转造于费雯丽女皇陛下,那么她岂不是更上层楼? Supreme, Night Empress, your majesty, Phoenix Fairy Beauty, Wuxia, Qianqian...... everyone is the different conditions, if grasps Secret of Life now, cultivates, is surely twice the result with half the effort. 至尊,夜后,陛下,凤仙美人,无瑕,茜茜……大家都处在不同的状态,如果现在就掌握了生命的秘密,修炼起来,那么必定事半功倍。 Oneself, if grasped Secret of Life, then perhaps Ah Man, red, Jiang Ying, in the future and Chaos Ethereal Spirit wait/etc. met Evolution well. 还有自己,如果掌握了生命的秘密,那么说不定阿蛮,红,绛樱,未来和混沌幽魂等会进化得更好。 If said oneself have one thing to be urgently needed, that definitely is this. 若说自己还有一样东西是急需的,那肯定就是这个。 Secret of Life...... Yue Yang heartbeat 100, regarding stopping to stop talking Thousand Years Great Sage that did not say, he really wishes one could to clash immediately, making this Old Geezer say life complete secret immediately. And inquired about this ponder direction, later has also had, but Yue Yang when the low boundary cultivation, does not have now so to be clear to need, deeper has not inquired about, moreover Heavenspan Tower many old books, slightly do not raise regarding this ponder direction. 生命的秘密……岳阳心跳一百,对于停顿下来住口不说的千岁大贤者,他真恨不得立即冲进去,让这个老头子立即将生命全部的秘密说出来。关于这种思考方向和探寻,以后也有过,但岳阳在低境界修炼时,并没有现在那么明白自己所需,没有更深地探寻下去,而且通天塔的诸多古籍,对于这种思考方向也略而不提。 Perhaps, Fourth Mother Elder Sister knowledge inheritance, warrior inheritance as well as Ancient Rune great core unsurpassed energy of inheritance World Tree. 也许,四娘姐姐知识传承,还有世界树武者传承以及远古符文巨阵的核心无上能量传承。 These hideaways have not let the part that Yue Yang comprehend passes, said was this truth. 那些隐藏还没有让岳阳参悟透的部分,讲的就是这个道理。 Even the guidance of Sword Spirit Onee-san, the Innate Body Shattering Invisible Sword Qi swordsmanship, is such dispelling doubt, what a pity ignorant does not know, at that time not to precious the inheritance and swordsmanship conducts deeper comprehend...... now, in any event. 甚至剑灵御姐的教导,先天破体无形剑气的剑道,就是这样的解惑,可惜一直懵懂不知,当时没有对珍贵的传承和剑道进行更深的参悟……现在,无论如何。 Must seize this dispelling doubt opportunity. 都要抓住这一次解惑的机会。 Secret of Life, is its truth, what? 生命的秘密,它的真相,到底是什么呢? Not is only Yue Yang of out of the window, sits reincarnated person that listens in inside, floats in abundance lives this intellectual curiosity. 不仅是窗外的岳阳,在里面坐着听讲的转生者,也纷纷浮生这一个求知欲。 First, what I must say, Land of Trials, is trains warrior to promote the Divine Realm place. That in other words, this is a place that trains the gods, First Pass, is Tenth Pass, the goal is the same. Perhaps this presents some people to know, I am not many discussed that what I want to say is another point, what that is the many person does not know, Land of Trials is one makes one understand clearly the life secret place. Every one closes has the different lives to reveal, toward behind is so, first to Third Pass, what we understand is the challenges of life when facing various difficulties...... starts from Fourth Pass Desire Valley, we start to understand itself, how to face up to itself to be most difficult to give up with most controls the human heart desire. Fifth Pass Beast Valley, besides oneself, we also starts to understand War Beast, most is close to own loyal living being through one, we attempt to understand the life the development process, although that only superficial knowledge, but also is the good start.” “首先,我要说的是,试炼之地,就是培养武者晋升神境的地方。那就是说,这是一个培养神明的地方,无论是第一关,还是第十关,目的都是一样。这个在座也许有人知道,我不多谈,但我想讲的是另一点,那就是许多人不知道的是,试炼之地是一个让人洞悉生命秘密的地方。每一关都有不同的生命揭示,越是往后面越是如此,第一到第三关,我们更多了解的是生命在遇到各种困难时的挑战……自第四关欲谷开始,我们就开始了解自身,如何正视自己最难割舍和最控制人心的欲望。第五关兽谷,除了自身,我们还开始了解战兽,通过一个最接近自己的忠贞生物,我们尝试去了解生命的成长过程,尽管那只是皮毛,但也是好的开始。” Sixth Pass Devil Valley, the surface seems like the race war, the battle of two camp, slaughtering each other, to seek victory. Actually the intention of its genuine, except for more inquires about Secret of Life, grows through War Beast well and promotes the understanding, the there is still one hidden intent, that is the similarities and differences of life when making different choice.” 第六关魔谷,表面看起来是种族大战,两个阵营的争斗,彼此厮杀,为求胜利。其实它真正的用意,除了更多地探寻生命的秘密,更好地通过战兽成长和自身提升了解,还有一个隐意,那就是生命在作出不同选择时的异同。” Life is not a straight line, it after you make the choice, will have the different consequences.” “生命不是一条直线,它在你作出选择后,会产生不同的后果。” Possibly improves, possibly goes bad.” “可能变好,也可能变坏。” regardless for better or worse, as you of selector, must take the consequence of choice. As an adult, you make any choice, best probably after the ponder, because, the effort of regardless of choosing has is small, will more or less affect your entire life.” 无论变好变坏,身为选择者的你们,都要负起选择的后果。作为一个成年人,你作出任何选择,最好都要经过思考,因为,无论选择的力度有多么的小,都会或多或少地影响你的整个人生。” If you have not prepared, is unable to take the worst consequence, when later meets the significant choice, I suggest you, best stop to ponder.” “如果你还没有准备好,无法承担最坏的后果,在以后遇到重大选择时,我建议你们,最好停下来思考一下。” Opportunity that life, has not come again.” “生命,没有重新再来的机会。” Choice made a mistake, you must spend the losses that the enormous price makes up for you to choose to cause wrongly, even some choices are irreversible forever.” “选择错了,你得花费极大的代价来弥补你错误选择所造成的损失,甚至有些选择是永远不可逆转的。” For yourself, or your family member friends, you must be clear that own choice, can never vacillate, do not hope in others, wants to grasp own life, oneself decision. Can control the destiny, can the subjective consciousness conduct in the life various choices, is genuine Ranker. You have possibly understood now, thinks genuine understanding life secret, must first from grasping own life starts.” “无论是为了你自己,或者你们的亲人朋友,你们都要清楚自己的选择,永远不能左右摇摆,也不要寄望于他人,要自己掌握自己的生命,自己决择。能够掌握自己命运的,能够主观意识进行自己生命中各种选择的,才是真正强者。你们现在可能已经明白,想真正了解生命秘密,首先得从掌握自己的生命开始。” Could not grasp including own destiny, discussed what understanding life genuine secret?” “连自己的命运都掌握不了,谈何了解生命真正秘密呢?” „The front six passes/tests, I do not know how you pass, but I can say one to you now, each time the challenge, is actually a growth opportunity ; Each difficult problem, is actually a promotion opportunity. Naturally later is also same, you grasped, the income of then yielding, was you uses world any wealth unable to receive in exchange. On the contrary, if you miss, that can be the loss that is hard to make up.” “前面的六关,我不知道你们是怎么通过的,但我现在可以跟你们说一句,每次挑战,其实就是一次成长机遇;每个难题,其实就是一个提升机会。当然以后也是一样,你们把握住了,那么获得的收益,是你们用世间任何财富都换取不了的。相反,如果你们错过,那会是难以弥补的损失。” This is not the rigid theorizing of senior, but is a loser's faithful advice.” “这不是前辈的说教,而是一个失败者的忠实劝告。” Children, listening, if you can face up to each difficulties, then you will discover, actually the life is not difficult, the life also imagines you are more splendid, your harvests, the growth, the achievement wait/etc also met far exceeds beyond your imagination. Naturally, I also know that achieves such difficultly is very very difficult, because just such makes the difficulty, seems precious, can be the cultivation promotion of genuine!” “孩子们,听着,如果你们能够正视每个困难,那么你会发现,其实生活没有那么困难,生命也远比你想像中还要精彩,你们的收获,成长,成就等等也会远超你的想像之外。当然了,我也知道做到那样很难很难,正因为那样做有难度,才显得珍贵,才算得上是真正的修炼提升啊!” The Thousand Years Great Sage words saying, made Yue Yang hear like being enlightened, whole person mind/energetic for it one smooth. 千岁大贤者一番话讲下来,直让岳阳听得如同醍醐灌顶,整个人精神为之一畅。 many is hard the clear comprehension thing, inherits the riddle, blooms instantaneously. 许多难以明悟的东西,传承谜团,瞬间绽放。 Integrates the mind. 融入脑海。 Let Yue Yang feel oneself by the innumerable knowledge enrichment, as if true meaning of life were grasped in the hand. 岳阳感到自己被无数的知识充实,仿佛生命的真义就在手中掌握似的。 Although indeed, has not completely understood Secret of Life, each few words that but Thousand Years Great Sage told, each truth, made Yue Yang perceive. 的确,虽然还没有完全理解生命的秘密,但千岁大贤者所讲述的每一句话,每一个道理,都让岳阳听进去了。 If there is not been listening in out of the window, Yue Yang wants to cry loud and long simply loudly, releases impeded that in the heart that type depressed broke through for a long time instantaneously. Yue Yang does not know Land of Trials true meaning, but a pass/test, he naturally, achieves that boundary that Thousand Years Great Sage said that met the requirements of training, will obtain reward that many ancient times inherited, turning will let the people for lucky fellow that it envies...... actually he is not lucky, but is qualified, at the invisibility requirement of training, Yue Yang is the genuine qualified Challenger. 如果还不是正在窗外听讲,岳阳简直想放声长啸,一泄心中那种郁闷了许久又得瞬间突破的不畅。岳阳并不知道试炼之地真义,但一关关下来,他自然而然,就做到了千岁大贤者所说的那个境界,达到了试炼的要求,才会获得许多远古传承的奖励,才会变成让众人为之嫉妒的幸运儿……其实他不是幸运,而是合格,在试炼的隐形要求之下,岳阳才是真正合格的挑战者。 Respectable Great Sage, excuse me, what is the Seventh Pass Human Valley significance?” Some people raise hand to inquire impatiently. “尊敬的大贤者,请问,第七关人谷的意义是什么呢?”有人迫不及待地举手提问。 This issue, everyone wants to know. 这个问题,所有人都想知晓。 Knows this, that lives in Human Valley, has the enormous help surely. 知道了这个,那么在人谷生活,必定有极大的帮忙。 Thousand Years Great Sage regarding this issue, hesitated for a long time, as if must consider whether told everyone. Including out of the window audit Yue Yang, the ear set upright, everyone wants to dispel doubt, rather than rejection. 千岁大贤者对于这个问题,沉吟了许久,似乎要考虑是否告诉大家。包括窗外旁听的岳阳在内,耳朵都竖了起来,大家都希望得到解惑,而不是拒绝。 Everyone may want to know, thought found the answer to pass an examination, Hahaha, I can tell everyone here very much regrettably, even if you knew the answer, will not have any help, on the contrary, you may confuse, because you fall into reincarnated person in Human Valley.” Thousand Years Great Sage smiled, he has not concealed did not say, the people who hint the tumult are peaceful: Seventh Pass, the significance of Human Valley test, was actually makes everyone observe itself...... more detailed said, through your life, as well as all sorts of tests in Human Valley, this was a place that interrogated and tortured you physique, if you can understand that anything was human heart, anything was genuine person, then you were qualified. Just like I said before, the person is most vulnerable, is most potential, everyone comes to here, why the reincarnation becomes person is most difficult? The reason is use person the status, awakens your human heart, which race no matter you are, Devil or Angel, Elf or Gnome, you, if can not have martial strength not to have the place that the external force helps one another in Human Valley this, in senses close to the life of mortal , is the greatest achievement, is the ultimate goal that Human Valley this closes the test.” “大家可能很想知道,觉得找到了答案就会及格,哈哈哈,在这里我可以很遗憾地告诉大家,即使你们知道了答案,也不会有任何的帮助,相反,你们可能会更加迷惑,因为你们都是身陷人谷之中的转生者。”千岁大贤者笑了,他倒没有隐瞒不说,紧接下来就示意骚动的众人安静下来:“第七关,人谷考验的意义,其实就是让大家观察自己……详细一些说,通过你们的生活,以及在人谷里遇到的种种考验,这是一个拷问你内心体质的地方,如果你能够明白什么是‘人心’,什么是真正的‘人’,那么你就合格了。正如我之前所说,人是最脆弱的,又是最具潜力的,大家到这里来,为什么转生成‘人’是最难的呢?原因就是要利用‘人’的身份,觉醒你们的人心,不管你们属于哪个种族,恶魔还是天使,精灵又或者侏儒,你们如果能够在人谷这个没有武力没有外力相助的地方,在接近凡人的生活中感悟出来,那么就是最大的成就,也是人谷这一关考验的最终目的。” „Can't Human Valley, why use martial strength? The reason is once has power, the person, is other race, will make power crush all in life, is unable to sense genuine human heart, is unable to comprehend as one person genuine significance. The children, personhood is most difficult, if you can understand this point, is the progressive start.” 人谷,为什么不能使用武力呢?原因是一旦拥有力量,无论是人,还是别的种族,都会让力量压倒生活中的一切,无法感悟出真正人心,无法领会作为一个‘人’的真正意义。孩子们,做人是最难的,如果你们能够明白这一点,就是进步的开始。” Entry answer said uselessly, because everyone had the different lives, how to complete yourself, that was most important.” “通关答案说出来没用,因为每个人都有不同的人生,怎么做好你自己,那才是最重要的。” „In control of your destiny, seizes the good opportunity, you will live very splendidly!” “把握好你们的命运,把握好机会,你们会活得很精彩!” Experiences your lives well, this precious experience opportunity, was actually the ancient times gods gives all race lives the opportunity, finally how, looked at you.” “好好体验你们的人生吧,这个珍贵的体验机会,其实是远古神明给予所有种族生命的机会,最终如何,就看你们自己了。” Student Yue Yang out of the window hears to be burning with anger. 岳阳同学窗外听得热血沸腾 Cannot bear, loudly calls out well. 忍不住,大叫一声‘好’。 strictly speaking, this is his this lifetime hears the most earnest class, this class content, will enlighten his entire life! 严格来说,这是他这辈子听得最认真的一节课,这节课的内容,也将启迪他的整个人生!
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