LLS :: Volume #6

#1065: Heavens, you enlarge ones vision!

Is close to noon, Yue Yang gets up, as several other also see the mercenary who the bulletin catches up with from outside area, enters the mining area together. 接近中午,岳阳才起来,随着另外十几位同样自外地看见告示赶来的佣兵,一同进入矿区。 These more than ten mercenaries, no one is reincarnated person. 这十几位佣兵,无一人是转生者 Completely is the reincarnated person descendant. 全部是转生者的后代。 In Human Valley, reincarnated person, although bans the military, but the itself strength also has, is impoverished, to be awfully hungry to freeze to death is completely not possible, was selected the crime to affirm actually. Moreover as reincarnated person, how many also a little interpersonal relationship, otherwise who dares to challenge Human Valley this place alone? Back then had gone through customs successfully Sixth Pass Devil Valley Grandmother Salamander, facing Human Valley, has to give way before difficulties. 人谷,转生者虽然禁武,但本身实力还有,再贫困,要想完全饿坏冻死也不可能,遭点罪倒是肯定的。而且作为一个转生者,多少也有点人际关系,否则谁敢单独挑战人谷这种地方?想当年已经成功通关了第六关魔谷沙罗曼婆婆,面对人谷,也不得不知难而退。 From this, does not think that may know the difficulty of Human Valley entry. 由此,不想可知人谷通关的难度。 The entry difficulty is bigger, then stays in the Human Valley time is longer. 通关难度越大,那么停留在人谷的时间就越长。 reincarnated person of many challenge, its life is not possibly able to leave Human Valley finally, some reincarnated person, although oneself can leave, because lived long time in Human Valley, the middle cannot endure lonely, had the marriage and descendant...... the condition request that because the belt/bring person leaves is too high, that feared that is the most important family member, reincarnated person must bring to leave Human Valley, must after giving careful consideration, time not Duan Liu passes let alone, the reincarnated person descendant possibly had multiplied several generations of even dozens generations, blooms a loose leaf, direct line family member collateral relative big community, number of people tens of thousands of ideas, that is not possible to carry off completely. 许多挑战的转生者,可能终其一生也无法离开人谷,也有些转生者,虽然自己能够离开,但因为在人谷生活了很长时间,中间耐不住寂寞,有了婚姻和后代……因为带人离开的条件要求太高,那怕是最重要的亲人,转生者要带着离开人谷,也要经过慎重考虑,更何况时间不断流逝,转生者的后代可能已经繁衍了数代甚至数十代,开枝散叶,直系亲人旁系亲属一大族群,人数成千上万计,那是不可能全部带走的。 Then, these have to keep the Human Valley reincarnated person latter, unifies from generation to generation. 那么,这些不得不留在人谷转生者后者,又一代一代地结合。 Heir passed on from generation to generation. 子嗣代代相传 If the reincarnated person position of remote ancestor years is very high, perhaps the direct line family member can also profit at someone's expense, but if reincarnated person of remote ancestor years is commoner, the descendant who then hands down from generation to generation has to run everywhere, for survival diligently. 如果远祖时代的转生者地位很高的话,说不定直系亲人还能沾点光,但如果远祖时代的转生者都是平民,那么传下来的后代就不得不到处奔走,为生存努力了。 Mixes well, can become the merchant or the mercenary. 混得好的,能成为商人或者佣兵。 Ordinary, impartial is commoner ; Again almost, is betrays laborious for the poor who others work to support open mouth ; Finally, lost purely freely sold to others to receive in exchange for money making the slave who other family members went on living thoroughly...... enter more than ten mercenaries who the valley made a living with Yue Yang together, possibly was the collateral branch or separated many generation of later generation. 普通的,持平为平民;再差点,是个出卖苦力替别人干活养活一张嘴的贫民;最后,就是纯粹失去自由彻底卖给别人换取金钱让另外一些亲人活下去的奴隶……与岳阳一起进谷谋生的十几个佣兵,可能是旁系或者隔了很多代的后人 In their body, the bloodlines of reincarnated person are very meager. 在他们身上,转生者的血脉已经很是微薄。 The strength is also very small and weak. 实力也很弱小。 Strongest strength, but is about Level 5 [Earth]. 最强实力,不过是地阶五级左右。 If with this strength to Heavenspan Tower, then returns not bad, but here is Human Valley, reincarnated person frequently is the Supreme boundary Ranker even weakest these trash is the Level 5 [Heaven] above place, the Earth Tier strength, insufficiently looks radically. 如果拿这实力到通天塔,那么还不错,但这里是人谷,转生者动辄就是至尊境界强者即使最弱的那些渣渣都是天阶五级以上的地方,地阶实力,根本不够看。 Human Valley here bans the military luckily, otherwise others finger can give to be run over and die them. 幸好人谷这里禁武,否则别人一只手指就可以把他们给碾死。 „Do you have animal Battle Partner?” Leader in them, but also a little looks to have Student Yue Yang, because in their eyes looks like, the individual strength is unimportant, more importantly has anything, each of them has animal Battle Partner that a strength varies, calculates the strength to be big, naturally thought that with Student Yue Yang this rivers and lakes small sun-dried shelled shrimp that hangs the sword for the accessory not in a level. They as the mercenary, the itself position are very luckily mean, is far from has what supercilious, has stamina to lay out the veteran in front of Yue Yang this small sun-dried shelled shrimp at most. “你有没有动物战偶?”在他们中的头领,还有点瞧为起岳阳同学,因为在他们眼中看来,个体实力根本不重要,重要的是拥有什么,他们每人都有个战力不一的动物战偶,也算战力不小,自然觉得跟岳阳同学这个挂剑为饰品的江湖小虾米不在一个层次了。幸好他们身为佣兵,本身地位就很低微,也谈不上有什么心高气傲,顶多有个底气岳阳这个小虾米面前摆摆老资格。 Has.” Yue Yang wants to say does not have, but felt, if, opposite side definitely puts out me is senior the stance rigid theorizing, to have nothing to disturb, Student Yue Yang decided to tell a truth. “有。”岳阳很想说没有,但觉得如果说了,对方肯定拿出‘我是前辈’的姿态说教,为了耳根清净,岳阳同学决定说句真话。 What equivalent?” That leader has a scare, isn't this boy poor that mercenary small sun-dried shelled shrimp that has not gasped for breath? “什么等阶?”那个头领吓了一跳,难道这小子不是穷得喘不过气的那种佣兵小虾米? What you asked was Bronze, Silver Gold?” Yue Yang asked back. “你问的是青铜的、白银的还是黄金的?”岳阳反问。 „Do you have?” A mercenary who side hears accidentally was scared, the ordinary mercenary, can have animal Battle Partner is very conceited, two has limited, this must be struggle result for a lifetime, youngster is impossible to have. In Human Valley, grasps the powerful official of army except for these, but also who brings one crowd of animal Battle Partner along? “你都有?”旁边无意中听见的一个佣兵吓傻了,普通的佣兵,能够有一个动物战偶就很牛气了,两个已经是限,这还得是奋斗一辈子的结果,年轻人不可能有。在人谷里,除了那些掌握军队的权贵,还有谁会随身带着一群动物战偶啊? I have an ancestor am specially research Battle Partner.” Yue Yang expressed that own ancestor is also extravagant, only mix quite miserably. “我有位祖上是专门研究战偶的。”岳阳表示自己的祖上也阔绰过,只是自己混得比较惨。 No wonder!” mercenary suddenly realize what has happened nod of lead. “难怪!”领头的佣兵恍然大悟地点头。 At this time, heard the Yue Yang ancestor once is Battle Partner Grandmaster, the mercenary soldier's attitude to Yue Yang had a new look immediately, imperceptibly, raised a respect. Regardless how the descendant mixes, the ancestry are magnificent, has certain background, this is existence that much money cannot buy. 此时,听见岳阳的祖上曾经是个战偶大师,诸位佣兵对岳阳的态度立即改观,无形中,升起一种敬意。无论后代混得怎么样,人家祖辈毕竟辉煌过,有一定的底蕴,这是再多的金钱也买不来的存在。 When formally enters the mining area registration status, everyone placed Yue Yang voluntarily behind. 等到正式进入矿区登记身份时,大家都自觉地排在岳阳身后。 mercenary who leads, once modestly declined. 就连领头的佣兵,也曾谦让。 But Yue Yang beckons with the hand, asked the mercenary leader to be situated as before first, displayed a youngster rarely seen amiable attitude and good education, made the mercenaries subdue. 岳阳摆手,依旧请佣兵头领排行第一,表现出一个年轻人并不多见的谦和态度和良好教养,更让佣兵们为之折服。 Asked itself, how many animal Battle Partner if had, will also receive completely, didn't take the demonstration, only installs to hang the sword mercenary? 试问自己,如果拥有几个动物战偶,还会全部收起来,一个不拿出来展示,只是装个挂剑佣兵吗? world, how many people can also have, can achieve concealing one's abilities and biding one's time of genuine? Especially when supercilious youngster! 世间,又能有几人,可以做到真正的韬光养晦?尤其是正值心高气傲的年轻人 Enters the mining area is not equal to that we accept the work that you arrange! Also, the deposit of this crystal what's the matter? I had not heard that has the mining area to need to deliver a crystal to enter! Are your here hiring, this grade of attitude?” The mercenary leader looks at into the valley condition, immediately got angry, but also without starting to work, must hand over Heaven Crystal deposit, what truth is this? “进入矿区并不等于我们就接受你们安排的工作啊!再说了,这一晶的押金是怎么回事?我还从来没有听说有矿区需要交付一晶才能进入的!你们这里招人,就是这等态度吗?”佣兵头领一看入谷条件,顿时冒火了,还没有开始工作,就要交出一天晶的押金,这是什么道理? Does not do rolls!” On -duty gate guard attitude of guarding is bad like the shepherd, opens the mouth on the barking person. “不干就滚!”驻守的值班门卫态度恶劣得就像狼狗一样,开口就吠人。 What?” Although the mercenaries were insulted frequently, but ate the defeat or had some mistake the time mostly, if oneself were in the wrong is scolded also recognized, now the entrance has not entered, made one scold the dog stranguria with hematuria blood, can not be angry? “什么?”佣兵们虽然经常被人污辱,但多半是吃了败仗或者产生某种失误的时候,如果自己理亏被人骂也就认了,现在门口未进,就让人骂个狗血淋血,能不生气? For these days the father mood was very uncomfortable, you immediately scram, otherwise, grasps to be the slave you completely!” On-duty gate guard devils of guarding. “这几天老子心情很不爽,你们立即滚蛋,否则,全部把你们抓起来做奴隶!”驻守的值班门卫凶神恶煞。 „Becoming like this noisily, do you look?” The mercenary leader knows oneself lead this looks for the work, sought the livelihood, was not quarrels, was a leader, oneself must have a better tolerance. He deeply inspires, presses down annoyed of full belly, turns away again to Yue Yang, what to do solicited Yue Yang's opinion should? Is walks remains? “闹成这样子,你看?”佣兵头领知道自己带队来这是找工作,求生计,不是来争吵的,身为一个头领,自己必须有更好的忍耐力。他深深地吸了一口气,按下满肚子的恼火,再转脸向岳阳这边,征求一下岳阳的意见该怎么办?是走是留? Does not roll, father put the dog to bite, do not think that several broken Battle Partner can entrain here, tells you, so long as you dare to revolt, immediately to attack the charge of aristocrat territory, shut in the dark prison cell!” On -duty gate guard of guarding only has four people, but their attitudes are very rampant. “再不滚,老子放狗咬人了,你们不要以为有几个破战偶就可以在这里拽,告诉你们,只要你们敢反抗,马上就会以进攻贵族领地的罪名,关进黑牢里!”驻守的值班门卫只有四个人,但他们的态度很嚣张。 Appearance that ate front this group of mercenaries. 一副吃定了面前这群佣兵的模样。 If indeed, is solid attacked aristocrat territory the charge, is the grave offense that no one can withstand. 的确,如果坐实了‘进攻贵族领地’的罪名,那么是一个谁也承受不起的重罪。 Although is not plots a rebellion, but has been close...... to hold with the plotting a rebellion crime, closing the dark prison cell is light, throws on the specific punishment stage to execute has the possibility! 虽然不算谋反,但已经跟谋反罪接近……抓住了,关黑牢还是轻的,扔到特定的刑台上处决都有可能! The mercenary leader listened to the brow big wrinkle, hurries to wave to hint companion to retrocede immediately, cannot clash with these four rascals, in order to avoid makes opposite side use the Yin move to attack the charge of aristocrat territory one's own side solid. 佣兵头领听了眉头大皱,赶紧挥手示意同伴立即后退,千万不能与这四个无赖发生冲突,以免让对方使用阴招将己方坐实进攻贵族领地的罪名。 While the mercenary leader prepares to lead to leave, suddenly, transmits an unrest from the mining area. 正当佣兵头领准备带队离开,忽然,自矿区里面传来一阵骚乱。 The sounds of people clamored. 人声喧哗。 The disorderly and rapid sound of footsteps, passes from far to near. 杂乱又急促的脚步声,由远而近地传过来。 Merely more than ten seconds, can see the two shadow to flee to here distressedly, behind pursues several eyes to brave red light animal Battle Partner. 仅仅十几秒,就可以看见有两个影子向这边狼狈地奔逃,后面追着数个眼睛冒着红光的动物战偶 Yue Yang first looks at the distant place, discovered that rear also the shadow moves, everyone is in rags, from head to toe is dirty, it is estimated that is the slave miner in mining area. two shadow that the forefront flees, is so. Left shadow, although is dishevelled hair and dirty face, but can see is a female ; The right shadow, is the tall and thin man, in his bosom, but also is hugging a dirty small black group. Yue Yang guessed, this is being escaped not the small black group that forgets to protect to result in heart treasure, should be two people children...... after long-term fleeing, two people physical strength die away, in the mouth breathes crazily, is difficult to maintain, the footsteps are gradually disorderly. 岳阳先看远方,发现最后面还有一片黑影移动,每个人都衣不蔽体,浑身上下肮脏无比,估计是矿区内的奴隶矿工。最前面奔逃的两个黑影,也是如此。左边的黑影,虽然蓬头垢面,但看得出是一个女子;右边黑影,是个高瘦的男人,他的怀中,还搂着个脏脏的小黑团。岳阳猜测,这个在逃跑中也不忘保护得心脏宝贝似的小黑团,应该是两人的孩子……经过长时间的奔逃,两人的气力渐弱,口中狂喘,也难维持,脚步渐渐凌乱。 speed, is getting more and more slow. 速度,越来越慢。 Animal Battle Partner is not aware of fatigue, their speed will not rise dramatically, but cannot the retrogradation. 动物战偶是不知疲倦的,它们的速度不会飚升,但也不会退减。 In an instant, pursued near the quite backward woman, the opens the mouth, almost can bite her calf...... the man to be greatly anxious, the rising spiritedly ample force, drew woman, the dangerous strategic place rescued from the mouth of Battle Partner in her. But had not realized, the sinister guarding duty entrance has sent out the animal Battle Partner interception, considers only following has not paid attention to him of front surprise attack, was thrown by animal Battle Partner of wolf. 转眼间,就追近了比较落后的女人,张口,就几乎可以咬到她的小腿……男人大急,奋起余力,拉了女人一把,险险地把她自战偶的嘴巴里救出。但没有意识到,阴险的驻守值班门口早就已经派出了动物战偶拦截,只顾后面没有注意前面突袭的他,被一头狼形的动物战偶扑中。 Falls down all of a sudden in the ground. 一下子扑倒在地面上。 The men responded quickly, covered the small black group with the hand promptly. 男人反应得快,及时用手捂住了小黑团。 But that wolf shape animal Battle Partner has opened the big mouth, the tooth of Sharp, on the arm of man, easily the tear and bite next meat, the blood splash scatters! 但那只狼形动物战偶已经张开大口,锋利的牙齿,在男人的手臂上,轻易地撕咬下一块肉,血花四溅! Is impossible!” Has a mercenary to call out in alarm: Without the reason of attack, Battle Partner is not possible to harm the person!” “不可能!”有个佣兵惊叫起来:“如果没有攻击的理由,战偶是不可能伤害人的!” This, this is because, this to husband and wife by solid charge.” The mercenary leader shivers. “这,这是因为,这对夫妇被坐实了罪名。”佣兵头领打了个寒噤。 Possibly, they are how weaponless , before without aggressivity......” that mercenary still not to believe: Principle is to protect our human, how they can bypass the principle to harm us, this is impossible!” “怎么可能,他们手无寸铁,又没有攻击性……”之前的那个佣兵仍然不信:“法则是保护我们人类的,他们怎么可以绕过法则伤害我们,这不可能!” Actually, Human Valley has fearful legend.” A mercenary tie fear lowers the sound: When obtaining the approval of God of Conflict Will, they all our commoner, recognize for the enemy. The principle indeed is to protect the human survival, but, they deceived the principle, for the survivals of certain people regard criminal who’ most people can attack.” “其实,人谷早就有一个可怕的传说。”佣兵头领带点恐惧地压低声音:“在获得战争之神意志的认可时,他们把我们所有的平民,都认定为敌人。法则的确是保护人类生存的,可是,他们欺骗了法则,为了某些人的生存将绝大多数的人当成了可以攻击的‘罪人’。” „......” Mercenaries hear this secret, one by one such as the falling icehouse, the whole body shiver to continue. “……”佣兵们听到这个秘闻,一个个如坠冰窖,浑身颤抖不止。 It is not far in front of Yue Yang, several animal Battle Partner throw to the man, prepares bosom the small black group to rip the fragment him as well as he. 岳阳面前不远,几头动物战偶向男人扑上去,准备把他以及他怀中的小黑团撕成碎片。 The men go all out to struggle, but is unable to work loose wolf shape Battle Partner suddenly according to throwing. 男人拼命挣扎,但一时间怎么也无法挣脱狼形战偶的按扑。 He roars lowly. 他低吼一声。 Puts together within the body final power, pushes out the small black group in bosom, making the small black group tumble out the range of attack. Animal Battle Partner, discovered the goal of evading arrest, with the past, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl immediately, prepared a head that bit the small black group. 拼起体内最后的力量,一手将怀中的小黑团推出去,让小黑团滚出攻击的范围。一头动物战偶,发现了漏网的目标,立即跟过去,张开血盆大口,准备一口咬碎小黑团的头颅。 By woman who several animal Battle Partner besiege, does not know power where comes, overruns fast, the small black group will hug. 被几只动物战偶围攻的女人,不知哪来的力量,飞快地冲过去,将小黑团抱了起来。 She lifts high the small black group. 她高高地把小黑团举起来。 Except for this smallest and weakest protection, as a mother, she is unable to achieve...... gnaws her leg, haha, first starts to gnaw from the instep, slowly gnaws, when her leg gnawed up, then ate that child, do not bite to death her, must make her looks at child eat clean completely......, was too splendid, this was really touching one!” Four on-duty guards of guarding, laugh. 除了这种最弱小的保护,身为母亲,她无法做到更多……“啃她的腿,哈哈,先自脚面开始啃,慢慢啃,等她的腿啃光了,再吃那个小孩,千万别咬死了她,一定要让她看着孩子全部吃光……哈哈,太精彩了,这真是感人的一幕啊!”驻守的四个值班卫士,哈哈大笑起来。 No!” That man sends out a roar, crawls bloody, overruns, holds completely the woman and child. “不!”那个男人发出一声吼,血淋淋地爬起来,冲过去,将女人和孩子全部托起来。 As a man, he is incapable of protecting the wife young. 身为一个男人,他无力保护妻幼。 Can achieve, only makes them die in own behind. 能够做到的,只是让她们死在自己的身后。 Although the life despairs, but in his heart still the hopes of faint trace, hope the principle that the gods draw up produces a miracle, making villain no longer find the easy way out, letting the lowly people also to have means of livelihood. at least, cannot die in the act as accomplice to the tiger animal Battle Partner mouth like this, back then original intention of Conquering Queen manufacture animal Battle Partner, to protect commoner! 尽管生活早就绝望,但他的心中仍然有一丝丝的希望,希望神明制订的法则产生一次奇迹,让坏人不再钻到漏洞,让贫贱的民众也能拥有一条活路。最少,不能这样死在为虎作伥的动物战偶口中,想当年征服女王制作动物战偶的初衷,可是为了保护平民啊! Heavens, you enlarge ones vision!” Was sent out a roar by the man of numerous animal Battle Partner surrounding desperately, the sound resounded through the world. 老天爷,你开开眼吧!”被众多动物战偶包围的男人绝望地发出了一声吼,声音响彻天地。
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