LLS :: Volume #6

#1052: Ancient Inheritance, Divine Angel

Must go to Seventh Pass Human Valley this idea regarding Yue Yang, the most vigilant person, is not others, but is Devil Venerable Kai Tian. 对于岳阳要去第七关人谷这个想法,最为警惕的人,不是别人,而是开天魔尊 Although he several tens of thousands of years. 他虽然数万年不出。 But before also once learned the information about Human Valley. 但以前也曾获知一些关于人谷的信息。 In Human Valley, he wants to ambush the Yue Yang words, not possible to make war like Devil Valley directly. Also, made war directly is unable to take this youngster, he must find out a best way, the best action plan, can under the firmly suppression this night/lodge fated biggest powerful enemy. 人谷,他想狙击岳阳的话,不可能像魔谷那样直接开战。再说,直接开战也无法拿下这个年轻人,他必须想出一个最好的办法,最佳的行动方案,才能牢牢地打压下这个宿命中注定的最大劲敌。 When Battle Angel that wears Angel Badge, from far rapid flight, but. 当一个佩戴天使徽章战天使,自远疾飞而至。 Observes Ren Tian Ge including the hundred days their several, sends out a sigh from the bottom of the heart. 包括百日观战在内的任天歌他们几个,都打心底发出一声叹息。 Good sly newbie...... who wants to obtain, in hundred days unrivalled war such intense fighting with all might, this newbie also has the ample force, Battle Angel Guardian Spirit War Beast, lets out to seek accumulated points. First did not say so many Guardian Spirit War Beast where this boy comes, did not say that he still had the reserved guts in the hundred days unrivalled war, said only his advanced thoughts, enough make one feel ashamed of one's inferiority...... this boy, is entering the dark space lair Underground City ruins unexpectedly, had started such plan, the struggle hundred days, unexpectedly not advocating War Beast recall, but while hug to take accumulated points chaotic crazily. 好个狡猾的新人……又有谁想得到,在百日旷世大战那样激烈的拼杀中,这个新人还有余力,将一个战天使般的生命守护战兽,放出去猎取积分。先不说这小子哪来的那么多生命守护战兽,也不说他在百日旷世大战中仍有保留的胆量,单说他这份超前心思,就足够让人自愧不如……这小子,竟然在进入暗空巢穴地下城废墟,就已经开始了这样的计划,一直苦战百日,竟然也没有把主战兽召回,而是趁混乱疯狂地搂取积分 Has to take! 不得不服! Outside Ji Wu Ri that planted agent gathers the idea of killing two birds with one stone, although also returns not bad, but estimates with this type in advance compares, rather pales by comparison. 姬无日那种内应外合一石二鸟之计,虽然也还不错,可是跟这种超前预计一比,未免相形见绌。 at least, Ren Tian Ge they estimated that Ji Wu Ri deep plans , after planning less than the hundred days, that big lead, let alone under that painful suffering in hundred days unrivalled war, but can also maintain this strength, by winning other fight. 最少,任天歌他们估计,姬无日再深的心机,也算计不到百日之后那么大的提前量,更别说在百日旷世大战中那么痛苦的煎熬下,还能一直保持这份战力,以赢取别的战斗。 accumulated points how many?” Ren Tian Ge was curious, he knows like Yue Yang does, definitely deeply has the intention, wins 100 accumulated points, does not need of hundred days absolutely, said again that is not ordinary Battle Angel, this Battle Angel regardless of wisdom, strength and growth pattern, all beyond non- Ren Tian Ge their experiences, in more often, them felt that this Battle Angel is a person, rather than War Beast, thus it can be seen, this Battle Angel is successful on transform into human. 积分多少?”就连任天歌都好奇了,他知道像岳阳这样做,肯定深有用意,赢取一百积分,绝对不需要百日之久,再说那又不是普通的战天使,这个战天使无论智慧、战力以及成长模式,皆非任天歌他们的见识之外,在更多的时候,他们感觉这个战天使是人,而不是一个战兽,由此可见,这个战天使化人上有多么成功。 10,000.” Reply is not Yue Yang, but is Qing Mo. “一万。”回答的不是岳阳,而是青魔 He from seeing Battle Angel comes, leaves with Teleportation specially, looked at to record in recent camping ground. 他自看见战天使前来,就特意用传送离开,在最近的营地看了一下纪录。 Discovered has a new record born, under the Angel statue place is ranked first Ji Wu Ri, his lead only remains accumulated points, but Ji Wu Ri has left Devil Valley, the new record, it is no doubt that first will be this abnormal newbie obtained. 发现了有一个新纪录诞生,天使雕像座下排行第一名的还是姬无日,不过他的领先优势仅剩一个积分,而姬无日已经离开魔谷,新的纪录,不用说,第一名将会是这个变态新人所得。 What? 什么? When Ren Tian Ge they listened, yelled. 任天歌他们听了,不禁一声大叫。 They know that gains accumulated points difficultly, even if Ji Wu Ri and Zhong Hua and the others, with the conspiracy of outside the planted agent gathering, the innumerable steamroll Angel Alliance barracks area, accumulated points is also 10,001, the under conspiracy of limit planned surpassed original Empress Fei Wenli. Naturally, Ji Wu Ri used several months of time, is crafty plots and machinations obtained, but Empress Fei Wenli only used half a month in the past, both actually do not have being just like. 他们都知道获取积分有多难,纵然是姬无日仲华等人,用上了内应外合的阴谋,无数次碾压天使联盟的营区,积分也不过是一万零一,极限的阴谋算计下超过了原来的费雯丽女皇。当然,姬无日用了几个月的时候,还是阴谋诡计所得,而费雯丽女皇当年只是用了半个月,两者其实没有好比性。 Such difficult accumulated points, this Battle Angel, how is within the hundred days, obtains ten thousand accumulated points many? 如此之难的积分,这个战天使,是如何在百日之内,获得一万积分之多的呢? Can say?” Silver Eyed Great Sage also produced curiously, wants to know the answer. “能说说吗?”就连银瞳大贤者也产生了好奇,想知道答案。 secret.” The Student Yue Yang smile did not answer. 秘密。”岳阳同学微笑不答。 Some secret should better not saying that otherwise, makes a bad example to later generation easily, moreover person who there is secret to have the card in a hand, is genuine Ranker. 有些秘密最好不要说出来,否则,容易给后人做成一个坏榜样,而且有秘密有底牌的人,才是真正强者 Turns into the lifestyle of Yue Shuang small girl in Battle Angel Ika, puts into the bosom of Yue Yang, her body, emerges piece of seven color brilliance suddenly. The sky vault, presented a huge Angel image, has a kilometer greatness fully, the crown of wisdom crown green Gui leaf weaves, grasps to extinguish demon Holy Sword, another Void(Xu Kong) extends, caresses to the Battle Angel Ika top of the head. 战天使伊卡变成岳霜小丫头的生活形态,投入岳阳的怀抱,她的身体,忽然涌现出一片七彩光华。天空的穹顶,出现了一个巨大的天使影像,足有千米之巨,头冠绿色桂叶编织的智慧之冠,手持灭魔圣剑,另一手虚空伸下,抚向战天使伊卡的头顶。 Similarly, in the remote horizon, the there is still one similarly huge Devil King image, actually resembles, because no one inherits power, the complexion quite brings to vanish without the trace low-spirited. 同样,在遥远天际,还有一个同样巨大的魔王影像,却似因为无人继承力量,脸色颇带黯然地消失无踪。 Previously when Ji Wu Ri broke the record, there is Vision that body brilliance has flashed before. 此前姬无日打破纪录时,也有过身上光华闪现的异象 But where has is so exaggerating today? 但哪有今天这么夸张? The endless energy, like world Spiritual Qi like that pours into Angel Badge in Ika hand unceasingly, but in her top of the head, pours into the strength of a lot of times of inheritance, lets this extremely promising Battle Angel, under surrounding of Divine Energy, unceasingly growth Evolution. 无尽的能量,就像天地灵气那般,汩汩不断地注入伊卡手中的天使徽章,而在她的头顶,则在千百倍的继承之力注入,让这个潜力无限的战天使,在神能的包围下,不断地成长进化 Originally in Battle Angel Ika that blood of God's Blood and Yue Yang and other under the special reasons is born, on unusual Battle Angel. 本来于神血岳阳之血等特殊原因下诞生的战天使伊卡,就非同一般的战天使 Now, urges to send by Divine Energy after this Angel shape not well-known gods, is shed mortal body and exchange bones, extremely fast grows to the brand-new shape, exceeded the estimate in Yue Yang heart completely. 现在,经过这位天使形态不知名的神明以神能催发,更是脱胎换骨,极速成长到全新的形态,完全超出了岳阳心中的预计。 hong long long! 轰隆隆 When inherited that Angel shape but not well-known gods completely Divine Power Ika, works loose from the Yue Yang bosom, inspires the wing to soar to the heavens, world all. The Angel image of that female semblance, the face breaks surface to have a loving tenderly expression, holds shooting up to the sky Ika by the great hand gently, puts near the lip gently, kissed lightly, then, silent vanishes. 当继承了那位天使形态但不知名神明全部神力伊卡,自岳阳怀中挣脱,振翼冲天,天地皆为之震憾。那位女性外表的天使影像,脸上浮生出一种怜爱的表情,以巨手轻轻托着冲天而起的伊卡,轻轻地放到唇边,轻吻了一下,然后,无声地消失。 Ika under her kiss, complete Divine Power completely puts suddenly. 伊卡在她的一吻之下,忽然全部神力尽放。 The equivalent insanely has been long by the original Divine Envoy rank, this type promotes speed, making Ren Tian Ge they look at extremely disturbing, envies, lamented that...... present they, understood finally, why in Devil Valley, must have two schools to the war, the reason had the ancient times gods who two fell from the sky, the intention found a qualified successor here. Now the successor appears finally, actually does not stay in Devil Valley several thousand years of them, but is one initially newbie of hundred days, obscure Guardian Spirit War Beast. 等阶由原来的神使级别一直疯长,这种提升速度,让任天歌他们看得惊心动魄,为之嫉妒,为之悔恨……现在的他们,终于明白了,为什么魔谷之内,要产生两派的对战,原因就是有两位陨落的远古神明,意图在这里找到一个合格的继承人。现在继承人终于出现了,却不是呆在魔谷数千年之久的他们,而是一个初来百日的新人,一个默默无闻的生命守护战兽 Dark Camp Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti they, are ashamed. 黑暗阵营幽灵王虚影骷髅王金骸剥皮王血剃他们,更是惭愧不已。 The situation by the gods image of that Devil King shape low-spirited being vanished, Dark Camp lost, the Angel Alliance gods found the qualified successor, some to the war, were defeated to come to an end by Dark Camp since old times. 由那魔王形态的神明影像黯然消失的情况来看,黑暗阵营输了,天使联盟的神明找到了合格的继承人,这场自古就有的对战,以黑暗阵营落败告终。 This is the failure is not so only simple, but also loses the qualifications that Divine Power inherited. 这不仅仅是失败那么简单,而且还输掉了一个神力继承的资格。 Divine Envoy, Divine General, Quasi-Divine and Divine Tier...... Ika when Divine Power erupts completely, below everyone all suffocates, heart Giant earthquake is awed by under this Divine Power [Power Pressure]. If Ika can grasp this Divine Power completely, it is estimated that under a hand, can destroy completely everyone. In front of this grade of Divine Power, has regarded the person proudly , if no thing Devil Venerable Kai Tian, is out of control the look changes. 神使神将准神神阶……伊卡在全部神力爆发时,下面所有人皆为之窒息,心底俱震慑于这份神力威压之下。如果伊卡能够全部掌握这份神力,估计一只手,就可以灭掉下面所有人。在这等神力面前,就连一直骄傲视人如无物的开天魔尊,也禁不住色变。 The time that what a pity complete Divine Power erupts, is only dozens seconds, quick retrogression. 可惜全部神力爆发的时间,只有数十秒,很快消退。 This vast Divine Power, is not Ika can grasp now. 这浩瀚的神力,还不是伊卡现在所能掌握的。 Naturally, she does not worry. 当然,她也不着急。 After Divine Power dives hidden returns to within the body, Ika lightly howls, counter flies from the sky under, puts into the bosom of Yue Yang. 神力潜隐回体内之后,伊卡轻啸,自天空中逆飞而下,重新投入岳阳的怀抱。 Among if it were not for her between the eyebrows were many a Divine Tier symbol that represents the gods, as well as in Yue Yang Holy Grimoire the inscription, showed that she has promoted unprecedented in history Divine Angel, in other aspect, cannot only see her change. 要不是她的眉心间多了一个代表神明的神阶徽记,以及岳阳圣典内字样,证明她已然晋升史无前例神天使,仅在别的方面,根本看不出她的变化。 I in Human Valley wait/etc. you!” Devil Venerable Kai Tian snort/hum. “我在人谷等你!”开天魔尊哼了一声。 Yue Yang has such Guardian Spirit War Beast to gain accumulated points, has such accumulated points, Devil Venerable Kai Tian wants to prevent Yue Yang from going to Human Valley in Devil Valley is not not possible, he decides to advance one step, uses own advantage, is first waiting for Yue Yang to Seventh Pass Human Valley. In any event, he cannot from regarding Yue Yang such youngster grows, is more impossible to make Yue Yang all pass Land of Trials, being the last Divine Grimoire reward. 岳阳有这样的生命守护战兽获取积分,有这样的积分,开天魔尊想在魔谷阻止岳阳前往人谷已经不可能,他决定先行一步,利用自己的优势,先到第七关人谷等着岳阳。无论如何,他都不能从视岳阳这样的年轻人成长起来,更不可能让岳阳全通试炼之地,获得最后的神典奖励 Ren Tian Ge they also go forward to greet with Yue Yang, climbs relations. 任天歌他们也上前与岳阳打招呼,攀个关系。 Now, they have regarded Yue Yang are on equal standing even companion, Divine Power inherit do not have, value that Devil Valley did not leave again. 现在,他们已经视岳阳为平等地位甚至更上一线的同伴,神力继承已经没有了,魔谷也再没有离开的价值。 Seventh Pass Human Valley, they must go, but no one has grasped can compete with Yue Yang such abnormal newbie. 第七关人谷,他们是要去的,但谁也没有把握能够竞争过岳阳这样的变态新人 Ahead of time climbs to relate is certainly better. 提前攀好关系是一定要好。 Regarding Seventh Pass Human Valley, each of them, collected many information, knows in Human Valley, the relations are most important. 对于第七关人谷,他们每一个人,也收集了不少信息,知道在人谷,关系是最重要的。 Ren Tian Ge, Silver Eyed Great Sage and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti and other Ranker leave in abundance, finally remains, stemming from the person is unexpected, unexpectedly is Qing Mo! 任天歌银瞳大贤者幽灵王虚影骷髅王金骸剥皮王血剃强者纷纷离开,最终留下来的,出乎人意料之外,竟然是青魔 You did not call Qing Mo, what did you call?” Yue Yang asked suddenly like this. “你不叫青魔,你叫什么?”岳阳忽然这样问。 Snort.” Qing Mo coldly snorted, Teleportation leaves bewilderedly. Yue Yang is certain, this fellow is the Heavenspan Tower person, but does not know that who he unexpectedly is. “哼。”青魔冷哼一声,莫明其妙地传送离开。岳阳可以肯定,这家伙是通天塔的人,但不知他竟然是谁。 Instead in Seventh Pass Human Valley, but also meets see again/goodbye, Yue Yang did not mind that temporarily makes this senior put on the airs. 反正在第七关人谷,还会再见,岳阳也不介意暂时让这个前辈摆一摆架子。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian, as well as Ren Tian Ge and other big leaders leave Devil Valley, Yue Yang have not left immediately, but returns to broken broken dark space lair, then returns to Heavenly Sieve Dimension that Heavenly Devil Temple...... three days later, when he comes out, 10,000 dejected Challenger, on their faces had grateful, more was actually depressed, because in return, Yue Yang and Ika...... they chose first to live their lord War Beast kill, after all, before Student Yue Yang passed through a proverb said so long as well Green Mountain, did not fear that the firewood has not burnt. 开天魔尊,以及任天歌等大首领离开魔谷,岳阳并没有立即离开,而是重返破碎破碎暗空巢穴,再返回天筛空间那个天魔神殿……三天后,等他出来,身后多了一万垂头丧气的挑战者,他们脸上既有感激,更多的却是沮丧,因为作为交换条件,岳阳伊卡把他们的主战兽干掉了……他们选择了先活下来,毕竟,岳阳同学穿越前的一句谚语说得好只要青山在,不怕没柴烧。 At this time, accumulated points of Angel statue, has reached as high as 30,000. 此时,天使雕像的积分,已经高达三万。 Overlooks all placed first. 俯视一切地排在第一。 This accumulated points, complete instant kill Ji Wu Ri spent for several months , and dependence conspiracy plans obtains 10,001, is later generation cannot duplicate the insurmountable ultimate peak. Believes, will not have the person, the opportunity cuts to kill ten thousand lord War Beast of enemy camp, more impossible to rescue the insurance suppresses Empress Fei Wenli regarding Ji Wu Ri intentionally, action ranked the first. 这个积分,完全秒杀姬无日花了几个月并且依靠阴谋算计才获得一万零一分,也是后人不可复制不可逾越的终极巅峰。相信以后再也不会有人,还有机会斩杀敌军阵营的万头主战兽,更不可能为救保险对于姬无日存心打压费雯丽女皇,排名第一的举动。 Yue Yang gave the biggest counter-attack. 岳阳给予了最大的反击。 Moreover, this also starts merely, counter-attack of genuine, but also in following Human Valley......, when Yue Yang when first Angel camping ground leaves Devil Valley, is not only Angel Alliance, the many Dark Camp Challenger also comes to see off this special savior. Most affected, the initial strength protects Yue Yang this newbie Mark vice- Camp Lord, shares joys and sorrows the one-eyed guy itself/Ben that with Yue Yang fights together, north Tauren as well as multi- arm odd person Four Strips, has short Fatty Get Rich and other Challenger. 而且,这还仅仅是开始,真正的反击,还在后面的人谷……当岳阳自第一天使营地离开魔谷时,不仅是天使联盟,许多黑暗阵营的挑战者也前来相送这个特殊的救命恩人。最为感动的,是最初力护岳阳这个新人的马克副营主,还有与岳阳同甘共苦一起战斗的独眼大汉本,牛头人北以及多臂怪人四条、还有矮胖子发财等挑战者。 Although Student Yue Yang not too many words, each that but he said that became in their life the most precious words of advice. 虽然岳阳同学没有太多话,不过他所说的每一句,都成了他们生命中最珍贵的赠言。 They had self-knowledge. 他们有自知之明。 In Devil Valley that this big leader as well as entitled Challenger all leave, although they can live safely, but Seventh Pass Human Valley, is not they can go. Even if Yue Yang can take away them, they do not want to become his burden! 在这个大首领以及有资格的挑战者全部离开的魔谷,他们虽然能够安然生活,但第七关人谷,不是他们所能去的。就算岳阳能将他们带去,他们也不想成为他的累赘! Doesn't matter, we can live here very well, when you all pass Land of Trials, had Divine Grimoire, we follow you when the time comes again!” “没关系,我们在这里能够生活得很好,等你全通试炼之地,拥有了神典,我们到时候再追随你吧!” The one-eyed guy became the new leader, he represents the many Challenger, said the aspiration. 独眼大汉成了新首领,他代表许多挑战者,说出了心声。 Yue Yang nods, waves, made farewell speech with an numerous. 岳阳点点头,挥手,与一众作别。 When he again in front of that Old Geezer that returns to enter initially, the face of that Old Geezer smiles like a chrysanthemum, making the Student Yue Yang tooth itchy, really thinks that a fist bang comes up. But he knows, this old fellow strength, really hits, is hard to deal with compared with Devil Venerable Kai Tian, otherwise, this old fellow is impossible to become Devil Valley Angel Alliance here guide. 等他再回到初入的那个老头子面前,那个老头子的脸笑得就像一朵菊花,让岳阳同学牙痒痒的,真想一拳轰上去。但他知道,这个老家伙的实力,真打起来,比起开天魔尊还要难缠,否则,这老家伙不可能成为魔谷天使联盟这边的引导者。 Young is good, hot blooded, really envies!” Old Geezer as if knows that Yue Yang in all that in Devil Valley makes and all harvests, smiles specially slyly. “年轻就是好,热血,真羡慕啊!”老头子似乎知道岳阳魔谷里所做的一切和所有收获,笑得特别的狡猾。 Old Nian is good, thick-skinned, really admire!” Student Yue Yang no trace of politeness ironic. 年老就是好,皮厚,真佩服啊!”岳阳同学毫不客气地反讽。 Offends my elderly man not to have the advantage, especially I know some Human Valley information.” Old Geezer is not angry completely. “得罪我老人家没有好处,特别是我知道一些人谷的信息。”老头子完全不生气。 Thinks that I do flatter?” Student Yue Yang got angry, as the senior, did not lead by the hand newbie well even, can extort? “想我拍马屁吗?”岳阳同学冒火了,作为前辈,不好好地提携新人就算了,难道还要敲诈勒索? Aiya, my Old Geezer stand long, the leg the tired shoulder is also sour, if some people are willing to beat a thump for my the old bones, will then possibly remember the useful thing.” Old Geezer looks at Student Yue Yang, the live image sees the valuable rarities always steals, smiles especially kindly. “哎呀,我老头子站得久了,腿又累肩膀又酸,如果有人肯替我这把老骨头捶一捶的话,那么可能会想起一点有用的东西来。”老头子看着岳阳同学,活像看见稀世珍宝的老偷儿,笑得格外的亲切。 „......” Yue Yang wants to tell him, kills and torches my meeting, the fracture skins also excels, like patting the senior horse buttocks pinches the shoulder to pound the legs receiving in exchange information broken matter to him, let alone oneself, cannot, not do even absolutely! Let this taking advantage of own seniority not cherish the newbie senior dead entirely, Student Yue Yang with has almost not come out the blade, hacks to death this old fellow, but to finally, endured, exchanges a smile: Elderly man, the strength of hand of boy, is a little slightly big, hasn't this related?” “……”岳阳很想告诉他,杀人放火我会,折骨剥皮也擅长,像拍前辈马屁给他捏肩膀捶腿换取信息这种破事,别说自己不会,就算会,也绝对不会做!让这种倚老卖老一点儿也不爱护新人的前辈统统去死,岳阳同学差点没有拿把刀出来,砍死这老家伙,不过到了最后,还是忍了下来,换上一副笑脸:“老人家,小子的手劲,稍微有点大,这样也没有关系吗?” Heard Old Geezer to hit to tremble, hurries to shake the head: My shoulder is not suddenly sour, the leg is not tired, the little friend you have this filial piety to be good, have a mind well!” 听得老头子打了个哆嗦,赶紧摇头:“我的肩膀突然不酸了,腿也不累,小朋友你有这份孝心就好,有心就好!”
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