LLS :: Volume #6

#1053: The fathers made your pit die

When Yue Yang across Devil Valley Teleportation Portal, first arrives at Seventh Pass Human Valley. 岳阳穿过魔谷传送门,前来到第七关人谷之际。 Discovered that here six closes completely differently with front. 发现这里又与前面六关完全不同。 The entrance, is one reaches to the sky not to know high Ancient Building. Mounts stair that the jade paves, welcomed the eye to come, was a resplendent in gold and jade green luxurious great palace. In the palace is empty, empty, the Yue Yang ten thousand meters, seek forward repeatedly, finally found giant Idol in the rear palace. This Idol, approximately 300 meters high, its is the pure gold manufacture, among the bases is playing the part of various types of rare gems...... this Idol rather than his dignity or the mercy gods statue is different, it more like a broker merchant who sees the wealth to open the eyes, the eye seam and ajar smiling mouth that smiles will as if say to congratulate the Get Rich words momentarily. 入口,是一座高耸入云不知有多高的远古建筑。登上玉石铺就的台阶,迎眼而来的,是一个金碧辉煌的豪华巨殿。殿内空无一物,空荡荡的,岳阳向前万米,反复寻找,才终于在后殿找到一座巨型神像。此神像,约三百米高,其身似是纯金制造,基座间饰着各种稀世宝石……此神像与其他威严或慈悲的神明雕像不同,它更多像一个见财眼开的市侩商人,那笑眯眯的眼缝和半开的笑口仿佛随时都会说出恭喜发财这样的话来。 If not the Devil Valley guide has raised, Yue Yang was unable to believe that legendary God of Wealth is this appearance. 如果不是魔谷的引导者提过,岳阳还不敢相信传说中财富之神是这副模样。 Where does this look like gods? 这哪像一个神明? Is regards gold/metal Ruming the parsimonious miser bone to inter the body radically! 根本就是个视金如命吝啬入骨的守财奴嘛! Yue Yang directs the newbie Old Geezer place to understand from Devil Valley, the test of Seventh Pass mainly tests human heart, but enters the single layer test before valley, through the Divine Sense test of this God of Wealth. If the test of this God of Wealth is not even able to endure patiently, was far enters the Seventh Pass experience to refine. 岳阳魔谷指引新人老头子处了解过,第七关的考验主要是考验人心,而进谷之前的第一重考验,就是通过这位财富之神神识考验。假如连这位财富之神的考验都无法忍耐,那么就根本谈不上进入第七关历炼了。 Snort! You were really slow!” Qing Mo transfers suddenly behind the God of Wealth statue, he is extremely discontented with lateness of Yue Yang. “哼!你真是太慢了!”青魔忽然在财富之神的雕像后面转出来,他对岳阳的迟到非常不满。 How came, is not the beggar!” Qing Mo behind, is standing Hao Ge, this time Hao Ge completely likely scarlet-haired such as the madman of demon, seem like a life loser, on the face is completely not depressed, was exploded the painful appearance of chrysanthemum. “来了又怎么样,还不是做乞丐!”青魔身后,站着豪格,此时的豪格完全不像个赤发如魔的狂人,倒像一个人生输家,脸上尽是沮丧,一副被人爆了菊花的痛苦模样。 You think that he is your idiot, even the courage enters Human Valley not to have, you do not absolutely need to stay in this again, immediately scram!” The one who makes Yue Yang accidental/surprised is, at this time is waiting for him, is not Devil Venerable Kai Tian that old enemy, but is Ren Tian Ge, Silver Eyed Great Sage as well as Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) they. At this time makes noise to scold Hao Ge, Ren Tian Ge that the precisely whole face anger expects too much. “你以为他是你这个蠢货啊,连勇气进入人谷都没有,你根本就没有必要再停留在这,立即滚蛋吧!”让岳阳大为意外的是,此时等着他的,不是开天魔尊那个宿敌,而是任天歌银瞳大贤者以及幽灵王虚影他们。此时出声呵斥豪格的,正是满脸怒意恨铁不成钢的任天歌 What's the matter?” Yue Yang is a little bewildered. “怎么回事?”岳阳有点莫明其妙。 You have a look at the valley the reincarnation condition, knew what's the matter!” A Hao Ge face constipation ten days of appearances, had not looked for the root noodles suicide on the difference. “你看看进谷的转生条件,就知道是怎么回事了!”豪格一脸便秘了十天的模样,就差没有找根面条自杀。 Un? Reincarnation condition?” After Yue Yang hear, has a scare, that old man had not said that wants the reincarnation? What's the matter? That Old Geezer to retaliate oneself, did conceal the important information intentionally does not say? It is not right, previous Empress Fei Wenli had not said that has put forward this reincarnation condition? “嗯?转生条件?”岳阳听后,吓了一跳,那个老头没说要转生啊?怎么回事呢?难道那个老头子为了报复自己,故意把重要的信息隐瞒不说吗?不对,此前的费雯丽女皇也没有说提过这个转生条件啊? Challenger enters Human Valley, but can also again the reincarnation? 难道挑战者进入人谷,还要重新转生? He looks to Ren Tian Ge, Ren Tian Ge raises the head to the day, feigns has not been seeing the vision that Yue Yang inquires. 他看向任天歌,任天歌仰首向天,佯装着没看见岳阳探询的目光。 Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and Skeleton King Jin Hai villainous smile of their several faces, have a day to collapse, when the quilt has the matter everyone together unlucky cheap standard appearance. Yue Yang does not need to look at these fellows, knew these fellows, but they remained, wants to have a look at itself, whether will be like them, or was more hapless than them! 幽灵王虚影骷髅王金骸他们几个则一脸的奸笑,有种天崩下来当被盖有事大家一起倒霉的贱格模样。岳阳不用看这些家伙,都知道这些家伙好不了,但他们之所以留下来,就是也想看看自己,是否会跟他们一样,又或者比他们更倒霉! The fellow who has not settled the good intention...... Yue Yang looks at Qing Mo again, this goods are not the good thing, comes Heavenspan Tower obviously, now actually likely enemy. 没安好心的家伙……岳阳再看青魔,这货也不是好东西,明明同样出身通天塔,现在却像个敌人似的。 Finally Silver Eyed Great Sage, individual training is good. 最后还是银瞳大贤者,个人修养就是好。 Before does not count completely, Devil Valley gratitude and grudges. 完全不计之前魔谷的恩怨。 Before he and other Yue Yang arrived at the God of Wealth statue, goes forward slowly, to Yue Yang introduced carefully Human Valley entering valley condition, is unretentive. 他等岳阳来到财富之神的雕像前,缓缓上前,仔细给岳阳介绍人谷的进谷条件来,毫无保留。 After his saying. 经他一说。 Yue Yang was a little finally clear. 岳阳总算有点明白了。 Originally, after entering Human Valley, besides specific martial arts arena, any place cannot use martial strength again, no matter the strength achieves what kind of boundary Challenger, will turn into an average person under Ancient Code, the possibility of again not beginning. Only if in specific martial arts arena, obtains the permission of Ancient Code ; Also or is the special training space, must use martial strength to strike down certain Quest goals, allows to use some power. 原来,在进入人谷之后,除了特定的比武场之外,任何地方都不能再使用武力,不管实力达到何等境界的挑战者,都会在远古法则下变成一个普通人,再没有动手的可能。除非是在特定的比武场,获得远古法则的许可;又或者是特殊试炼空间,必须使用武力击倒某些任务目标,才准许使用部分力量 A few words, Challenger, once enters Human Valley, do not want to solve the problem with martial strength. 一句话,挑战者一旦进入人谷,就别想用武力来解决问题了。 In Human Valley, Challenger can only solve the problem with wisdom. 人谷之内,挑战者只能用智慧来解决问题。 Moreover, here wisdom can draw an equal to money. 而且,这里的智慧可以跟金钱划个等号。 The richness can solve all. 有钱可以解决一切。 This is Human Valley survival standard! 这就是人谷的生存标准 The experience of Human Valley refining up Quest, except for completing to assign Quest, the most important point makes foot 100,000 Heaven Crystal. This no special Heaven Crystal, is Human Valley unique circulation currency, inside all Challenger, will be crazy for it. 人谷的历炼任务,除了完成指定任务,最重要的一点就是挣足十万颗天晶。这种外界没有的特殊天晶,是人谷特有的流通货币,里面所有的挑战者,都会为它疯狂。 Without Heaven Crystal, without money, in Human Valley, a day does not go on living...... this is the reason of all challengers' such as tiger to the Seventh Pass Human Valley fear! 没有天晶,没有钱,在人谷里,一天也活不下去……这就是所有挑战者对第七关人谷畏之如虎的原因! But this does follow up the valley to have no relations?” Yue Yang has actually heard the entry condition, knows that many Human Valley inside information, Empress Fei Wenli had reminded after all indistinctly, she said to maintain the entry of Yue Yang is interesting, will not say the entry method, is some fun information, she is glad to share. “但这个跟进谷没有什么关系吧?”岳阳其实早就听说过通关条件,也知道不少人谷里面的情报,毕竟费雯丽女皇曾经隐约提醒过,她说为了保持岳阳的通关趣味性,不会把通关方法说出来,可是一些好玩的信息,她还是乐意分享。 How can not relate?” Hao Ge his when heard Yue Yang words, big man, unexpectedly tears falling like rain: Doesn't matter, back no one, even if has me of Supreme Level 5 strength , can only be a beggar!” “怎会没有关系?”豪格一听岳阳的话,偌大的汉子,竟然泪如雨下:“没有关系,背后没有人,纵然是拥有至尊五级实力的我,也只能做个乞丐!” Is the beggar?” Yue Yang is crazy. “做乞丐?”岳阳狂汗。 Yes, my also non- extravagant demands, only want to make commoner that has the household register, but does to back no one, can only be the stray dog common beggar, you said that I can go in? If I went, I bring upon oneself the fool who the crime receives!” Hao Ge beats the breast and stamps the feet: Thinks my Hao Ge, in Heaven Realm is also ruling a region by force Hegemon King, person who even is still has the status in Upper Heaven Realm, if goes in Human Valley, can only be a beggar, after this lets me, where has the surface to see with own eyes the person!” “是,我也不奢求,只想做个有户籍的平民,但奈何背后没人,只能做个流浪狗一般的乞丐,你说我能进去吗?我要是进去了,我就是自找罪受的傻瓜!”豪格捶胸顿足:“想我豪格,在天界也是雄霸一方的霸主,即使在天上界也算是个有身份的人,要是进去人谷,只能做个乞丐,这让我以后哪有面目见人!” You enter the Human Valley guts not to have, but also discussed what appearance?” Qing Mo sneered. “你连进人谷的胆量都没有,还谈何面目?”青魔冷笑一声 In Upper Heaven Realm famous Sir Hao Ge, sorry, I had not really listened to your name before!” Skin King Xie Ti expressed that Upper Heaven Realm is not an everybody can be called the celebrity, hopes that Hao Ge do not shout everywhere, avoid others blush for him. “在天上界鼎鼎大名豪格大人,抱歉,我以前还真没有听过你的名字!”剥皮王血剃表示天上界不是一个阿狗阿猫就可以称为名人的,希望豪格别把到处嚷嚷,省得别人替他脸红。 „......!” Hao Ge is angry, but satirized his is Skin King Xie Ti and Qing Mo this two strength far exceeds fellow, the one breath has to clench teeth to swallow hardly. “……哼!”豪格大怒,但讽刺他的是剥皮王血剃青魔两个实力远超的家伙,一口气只好咬牙硬吞了。 Silver Eyed Great Sage, hints on Yue Yang to come. 银瞳大贤者,示意岳阳上前来。 Waits for the Yue Yang putting out a hand post to the God of Wealth statue base, that does not know that guarded many years Divine Sense in this, immediately contacts with the Yue Yang mind. 岳阳伸手贴向财富之神的雕像基座,那个不知在这驻守了多少年的神识,立即与岳阳心神接触。 This Divine Sense is strange. 这个神识非常诡异。 Not like ordinary Divine Sense, but looks like fixed principle standard. 不像普通神识,而更像一个固定的法则标准 Also before or is enters Human Valley, ad hoc principle standard. 又或者说,是进入人谷前特设的一个法则标准 Divine Sense first is inquired whether Yue Yang enters Human Valley, after getting affirmative answer, the first issue, is asking Yue Yang to have the predecessor of understanding in Human Valley unexpectedly, has the friend, has the relations...... Yue Yang first to answer does not have, the God of Wealth second issue, is asking Yue Yang to have Artifact, there are some valuable things, moreover gave an example Grimoire, Divine Equipment, Holy Item, God's Blood wait/etc, all things can serve as the mortgage, Heaven Crystal that the receiving in exchange life needed. This God of Wealth Divine Sense , indicating that he can was given as security or as a deposit with Grimoire and Divine Equipment and other thing, provides the loan or the disposable pawn of breath, but the former is only 1/3 of latter price. 神识先是询问岳阳是否进入人谷,在得到肯定的答案后,第一个问题,竟然是问岳阳人谷有没有认识的前人,有没有朋友,有没有关系……岳阳先答没有,财富之神的第二个问题,是问岳阳有没有宝物,有没有一些有价值的东西,而且还举例说宝典神器圣物神血等等,一切东西都可以用作抵押,换取生活所需的天晶。这个财富之神神识,表示他可以用宝典神器等物作押,提供有息的贷款或者一次性的典当,不过前者仅是后者价格的三分之一。 Yue Yang asked when the next Divine Equipment mortgage price is many, acquired reply, is thousand Heaven Crystal. 岳阳试问下一件神器的抵押价格是多少时,获得的回答,是一千天晶 This reply makes him crazy. 这个回答让他为之狂汗。 How many Divine Equipment can Challenger have? Divine Equipment trades thousand Heaven Crystal, if according to such price, were Artifact such as of mountain cannot become the wealthy family! 挑战者能有多少神器?一件神器才换一千天晶,要是按这样的价格,就是宝物如山的自己也成不了万元户! Does not have Divine Equipment, doesn't mortgage to be good?” No matter, wants to blackmail Divine Equipment in Student Yue Yang hand, easier said than done. God of Wealth Divine Sense this move is invalid to Yue Yang! “没有神器,不抵押行不行?”不管是谁,想敲诈岳阳同学手中的神器,谈何容易。财富之神神识这一招对岳阳无效! God of Wealth Divine Sense does not have the emotion to fluctuate, his only inquired in accordance with the practice, will not make the compulsive request to the choice of Challenger. 财富之神神识没有情感波动,他只是依例询问,不会对挑战者的选择作出强迫性的要求。 He also asked that the third issue, inquired whether Student Yue Yang inherits in the Human Valley property. 他又问第三个问题,询问岳阳同学人谷是否财产继承。 If present, has keepsake. 如果有,是否有信物 Student Yue Yang for fear that pulls out keepsake to come out, to this God of Wealth Divine Sense embezzling, shook the head to express own wood has. 岳阳同学生怕掏信物出来,给这财富之神神识给吞没了,摇头表示自己木有。 Three issues ended, God of Wealth Divine Sense expressed the inquiry to finish, invites Student Yue Yang entered chooses the Human Valley reincarnation to choose the top one by one, after choosing, then entered Human Valley. 三个问题结束,财富之神神识表示询问结束,请岳阳同学自行进入选择人谷转生的各个选顶,自行选择完毕之后,即可进入人谷 The first choice is placed in front of Yue Yang immediately. 第一个选择马上摆在岳阳面前。 reincarnated person name: In the Human Valley reincarnation process names at will free ; reincarnated person names hundred Heaven Crystal. 转生者姓名:人谷转生过程中随意命名免费;转生者自行命名一百天晶 The second choice of reincarnation, reincarnated person sex: In the reincarnation process the optional sex is free ; Assigns to need hundred Heaven Crystal with the reincarnated person sex same. 转生的第二项选择,转生者性别:转生过程中随意性别免费;指定与转生者自身性别相同需一百天晶 Reincarnation race: The optional arrangement is free, Gnome Goblin Dwarf wild animal monster and other Heaven Crystal ; Elf flower monster Angel Devil five ten Heaven Crystal ; human 100. 转生种族:随意安排免费,侏儒地精矮人野兽怪物等十颗天晶;精灵花妖天使恶魔五十天晶;人类一百。 Reincarnation status: The beggars are free ; commoner ten Heaven Crystal ; Well-off 50 ; Warriors 100 ; Aristocrats 500 ; princes and princesses 1000...... 转生身份:乞丐免费;平民十颗天晶;小康五十;武士一百;贵族五百;王子公主一千…… The life of reincarnation hopes: The life loser is free ; Unsuccessfully ten Heaven Crystal ; Life supporting role 100 ; Life winner 500 ; Life lead 1000...... 转生的人生希望:人生输家免费;碌碌无为十颗天晶;人生配角一百;人生赢家五百;人生主角一千…… The charm reputation of reincarnation: Everyone with looking at vision looks at of idiot you are free ; Frustrates short poorly is your synonym ten Heaven Crystal ; Again diligently also a only pitiful spare tire 100 ; When dance party also some people asked you to dance occasionally 300 ; The celebrity in friend circle 500 ; Let the person scream that innumerable brain dead fan are willing to open the superstar of both legs for you 1000...... 转生的魅力名声:所有人都用看白痴的目光看着你免费;矮穷挫就是你的代名词十颗天晶;再努力也只是一个可怜的备胎一百;舞会时也偶尔有人请你跳舞三百;朋友圈子中的名人五百;让人尖叫无数脑残粉丝愿意为你张开双腿的超级明星一千…… Life skill of reincarnation: Eats is you who a biscuit can also choke is free ; When instant noodles catches fire can extinguish ten Heaven Crystal reluctantly ; When with the hammer knocks the nail pounds thumb only occasionally 50 Heaven Crystal ; Waters flowers the weeding instant noodles omelette wait/etc to take hundred Heaven Crystal ; You meet a craftsmanship unexpectedly 500 ; Although the level does not calculate high, but some in any case people flatter to call you Grandmaster 1000...... 转生的生活技能:吃块饼干也能噎死的就是你免费;泡面时失火勉强能自行救熄十颗天晶;用锤子敲钉子时砸中大拇指只是偶尔五十颗天晶;浇花除草泡面煎蛋等等全拿下一百天晶;你竟然会一门手艺五百;虽然水平并不算高但好歹有人拍马屁称你为大师一千…… The special capability of reincarnation: The natural eunuch is free ; Three seconds are your limit ten Heaven Crystal ; One minute...... a half hour also such as dragon Sihu 500 ; One night seven wolves are you 1000...... 转生的特殊能力:天阉免费;三秒钟已经是你的极限十颗天晶;一分钟……半小时还如龙似虎五百;一夜七次狼就是你一千…… Reincarnations...... 转生…… Reincarnations...... 转生…… Student Yue Yang looks, both eyes feels dizzy, is out of control to lose one's voice to yell: Your younger sister, the fathers made your pit die!” 岳阳同学看完,两眼发晕,禁不住失声大叫起来:“你妹啊,爹都让你坑死了!”
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