LLS :: Volume #6

#1051: Hundred days, unrivalled war

As encircling spectators, Ren Tian Ge their responses, start, is panic-stricken. 作为围观众,任天歌他们的反应,开始是震憾,接着是惊骇。 Again come, is the fear. 再来,就是恐惧。 As but the time passes unceasingly, gradually, the mind also became numb. First day everyone looked attentively, particularly sees to decide the victory and defeat quickly the appearance, looks at extremely disturbing, forgets kindnesses. But a day passed by, two days and three days and five days and ten days and one month passed by, to beautiful swordsman Qianzhong and that abnormal newbie of war, perseveres continuously unceasingly to the war, they have become accustomed, if will some day awake had not discovered the side sends out hong long long to shaking sound, that called to be strange! 可是随着时间不断推移,渐渐,心神也就变得麻木了。第一天所有人都全神贯注地看,尤其是看见快分出胜负的样子,更是看得惊心动魄,忘情不已。但一天过去了,两天、三天、五天、十天、一个月过去了,对战的美剑客千重和那个变态新人,还是持之以恒绵绵不断地对战,他们早就习以为常,要是某天睡醒没有发现身边发出轰隆隆的对撼声响,那叫才奇怪呢! This war. 这场大战。 Hit for three months, accurate, hit for 100 days. 足足打了三个多月,准确来说,是打了一百天。 These days, Ren Tian Ge they have hit the innumerable gambling, how long bets both to hit, but all fails. Because, no one can think, beautiful swordsman Qianzhong and abnormal newbie, can fighting entire 100 days! 在这一段时间,任天歌他们打过无数个赌,赌两者能打多久,但无一不落空。因为,没有人能想到,美剑客千重变态新人,能对战整整一百天! Two people do not make war in an area, hits while moves, the two people exhaust the method, uses all terrains and environment. 两人并不在一个地区开战,一边打一边移动,两个人都穷尽手段,利用一切地形和环境。 Hits from dark space lair, has hit the god Magic Mountain lineage/vein, projects on the Radiant Light canyon, tied the extinct block, even hit to collapse Snow Dragon column Tianfeng. Ren Tian Ge they surround, sometimes fell asleep, discovers the target to shift, as soon as possible with. Their goals, do not surround, but waits for a final result. A day waited, ten days or half a month waited, one month of two moon/month waited, they do not care whether must wait the last year, in any event, must wait till a result to be willing in any case. 暗空巢穴打出来,一路打过神魔山脉,打到光明峡谷,打平死亡裂谷,甚至打崩了雪龙柱天峰。任天歌他们一路围观,有时睡着了,发现目标转移,也会尽快跟上去。他们的目的,已经不是围观,而是等待一个最终的结果。一天等了,十天半月等了,一个月两个月都等了,他们不在乎是否要等上一年,反正无论如何,都要等到一个结果才甘心。 Their did two fire off?” These words, are everyone ask most one. “他们两个打完了没有?”这句话,是大家相互之间问得最多的一句。 Also no.” This is also everyone replies most helpless one. “还没。”这也是大家回答得最多又最无奈的一句。 This two person to war. 两个人的对战。 When neglects surrounds the risk, is actually very splendid. 如果忽略围观时的危险性,其实是非常精彩的。 However Hao Ge this Supreme Level 5 the leader of strength, the short distance ten kilometers away surrounded one day later, on own initiative evacuates to 50 km away and other news, because, he felt the shock-wave second that if produce to the wartime by Qianzhong and newbie falls, that died too injust! 不过豪格这个至尊五级的实力的首领,在十公里外的近距离围观了一天之后,就主动撤离到50公里外等消息,因为,他觉得如果自己被千重新人对战时产生的冲击波秒掉,那就死得太冤了! Two people to the war, alarms certainly Angel Alliance and Dark Camp inevitably. 两人的对战,当然不可避免地惊动天使联盟黑暗阵营 Initially when also has the many Challenger distantly, but they warned after by Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), was far away completely. Cracks a joke, so long as they approach ten kilometers range, does not use for one minute, may fall by the shock-wave second. Supreme Level 5 Hao Ge does not dare to stay is too long, let alone is ordinary Challenger! Because of two people unrivalled to war, Angel Alliance and Dark Camp Challenger, does not make war, everyone is waiting, as for previously Ji Wu Ri anything, everyone thought is the floating clouds. 初时也有许多挑战者遥遥来看,但被任天歌幽灵王虚影他们警告后,又全部远离。开玩笑,他们只要走近十公里的范围,不用一分钟,就可能会被冲击波秒掉。至尊五级豪格都不敢停留太久,更别说是普通挑战者!因为两人的旷世对战,天使联盟黑暗阵营的挑战者,也不开战了,大家都在等待,至于此前姬无日什么的,大家觉得都是浮云。 What is Ji Wu Ri? 姬无日算什么? His oppressive Imp, under bullying ordinary Challenger is good, can he conduct like this unrivalled war? 他虐虐小怪还可以,欺负下普通挑战者还行,他能进行这样的旷世大战吗? Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and other big leaders, only then makes the spectators share, can Ji Wu Ri have this strength to make the big leaders of both sides make spectators? He can grind the middle dividing line god Magic Mountain lineage/vein, put down the Radiant Light canyon near Angel Alliance supreme headquarters, the bang collapses the extinct block near Dark Camp supreme headquarters, hit the Devil Valley high point Snow Dragon column Tianfeng? 任天歌幽灵王虚影等大首领,都只有做观众的份儿,姬无日能有这个实力让双方的大首领都做观众吗?他能碾过中间分界的神魔山脉,扫平天使联盟大本营附近的光明峡谷,轰崩黑暗阵营大本营附近的死亡裂谷,撞断魔谷最高峰的雪龙柱天峰吗? Ji Wu Ri is strong, but he absolutely does not have the ability unrivalled war! 姬无日是强,但他绝对没有能力旷世大战! Not is only ordinary Challenger, Ren Tian Ge their these leaders, think like this! 不仅是普通的挑战者,就连任天歌他们这些首领,都是这样认为的! The shadow that because unrivalled war between Devil Venerable Kai Tian and Yue Yang, Ji Wu Ri brings has vanished without a trace in Devil Valley, that feared that is Challenger of most dregs raises him, will curl the lip, said: „, Ji Wu Ri walks early, if catches up with the present, he had made into the trash!” 因为开天魔尊岳阳之间的旷世大战,姬无日带来的阴影在魔谷中早就消失得无影无踪,那怕是最渣的挑战者提起他,都会撇撇嘴,说:“切,姬无日走得早,要是赶上现在,他早就被人打成了渣渣!” I estimated that they could get for ten years, even 100 years.” Some people have made the time lapse the gambling 100 years later. “我估计他们可能要打上十年,甚至一百年。”有人已经把赌约时间推移到了一百年后。 Perhaps their strengths, the millenniums also make no distinction between victory and defeat, how long the issue is this war can hit.” Also some people thought that continues to fighting for hundred years is impossible. “他们的实力,恐怕千年也不分胜负的,问题是这一战能打多久。”也有人觉得持续对战百年不可能。 Even the war of hundred days. 即使是百日之战。 Is shakes ancient Shuo now the unprecedented in history unrivalled war. 都已经是震古烁今史无前例的旷世之战了。 Always, always no one to fighting such long time , no one has the so lasting endurance and firm Will, never has the opponent who the two strength balances difficult minute/share of high below exactly. 从来,从来没人对战过这么久的时间,也从来没有人拥有如此持久的耐力和坚定的意志,更从来没有两个这么恰好实力平衡难分高下的对手。 Ren Tian Ge their sigh, this two person, lived mistakenly the time innumerable. 任天歌他们无数次叹息,这两个人,生错了时代。 If the wrong out of date generation, any, is overlooks Jue Shi (peerless) mighty lord of common people...... the issue is two person syngenesis time, the tragedy came immediately, although the world is big, perhaps is also intolerable they to save. This war, absolutely is the unrivalled war, hits Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, is splendid, without has looked with own eyes, is unable to experience eventuality. 如果错过时代,任何一个,都是俯视苍生的绝世雄主……问题是两个人同生一个时间,悲剧马上就来了,天地虽大,恐怕也难容他们两人同存。这一战,绝对是旷世之战,打得天崩地裂,其中精彩,如果没有亲眼看过,根本无法体验其中万一。 Powerful unparalleled, has several tens of thousands of years of experience and power, by the an unending stream marvelous style, coordinates countless War Beast, deducts inexhaustible tactics. 一个实力雄厚无双,拥有数万年经验和力量,以源源不断地奇妙招式,配合数之不尽的战兽,演绎出无穷无尽的战法 These tactics, all are Ancient Era tactics. 这些战法,皆是远古时代战法 When reappears from his hand, Ren Tian Ge they look suffocate. 当自他的手中重现之际,任天歌他们看得为之窒息。 Marvelously was too too mysterious, if it were not for this beautiful swordsman Qianzhong genuine displays, then they have not been able to believe that tactics can achieve such effect. 太奇妙太玄奥了,要不是这个美剑客千重真正施展出来,那么他们还不敢相信战法可以达到这样的效果 Another young, the strength and experience, are completely in an inferior position, are right, do to this youngster Zhiguan world that should be defeated quickly, anything looked after Divine Vision, immediately welcomes a newcomer changes, changes the innovation inexhaustibly, independently creates the move of dealing by Spiritual Qi and perception, that feared that the enemy changes ten million/countless like the scene of dazzling fireworks and lanterns, such as the Jing Hu bright light reflecting world, does not have an omission to meet to incur, even becomes aware changes, the counter-attack, compels the enemy again new thing technique...... Divine Equipment, Holy Grimoire as well as War Beast, Artifact and efficacious medicine, or in fine weather and favorable geographical position, does not have the thing not to make two people utilize vividly and thoroughly. 另一个年轻,实力和经验方面,完全处于劣势,本来应该很快落败的才对,奈何这个年轻人智冠天下,任何东西经慧眼一看,立即迎新而变,无穷无尽地变化创新,以灵气和悟性自行创造出应对之招,那怕敌人变化千万如火树银花,也如镜湖明光倒映天地,无一遗漏地接招,甚至自悟中变招,反击,直迫敌人再出新技……神器,圣典以及战兽宝物、灵药,又或者天时地利,无物不让两人运用得淋漓尽致 Starts Ren Tian Ge they to see new Divine Equipment or Divine Beast appears, will also be surprised. 开始任天歌他们看见新的神器或者神兽出现,还会惊讶一番。 Behind was numb. 后面都麻木了。 Especially regarding that abnormal newbie, regardless of he comes out with anything, Ren Tian Ge they thought that is normal. 尤其是对于那个变态新人,无论他拿什么出来,任天歌他们都觉得是正常的。 How many Guardian Spirit War Beast has? Moreover is completely the Divine Envoy Divine General above strength? It is not strange, his also Serpent Demon little loli not making a sound hitting to collapse Snow Dragon column Tianfeng! That move of very dangerous, if it were not for Ren Tian Ge they hide quickly, it is estimated that is not only beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, was their several big leaders also unlucky...... hits as for two people kept drinking Divine Water and Goddess' Nectar to recover the energy tired, this matter their also only started to scold several shamelessness, if behind saw not to drink, will feel surprised: Yeah, didn't they drink Divine Water to restore? Can finish to the war?” 有几个生命守护战兽?而且全部是神使神将以上的实力?不奇怪,他还有一只蛇妖小萝莉不声不响就把雪龙柱天峰给打崩了呢!那一招非常凶险,要不是任天歌他们躲得快,估计不仅是美剑客千重,就是他们几个大首领也得倒霉……至于两人打累了不停地喝神水神露恢复体力,这种事他们也只是开始骂几句无耻,后面要是看见没喝,都会觉得惊讶:“哎,他们怎么不喝神水恢复了?难道对战要结束了吗?” Divine Water, Goddess' Nectar and pure cream that bean, the dense spirit leaf does not ask for money to resemble wait/etc restored class the valuable rarities, feed in two people bellies. 不要钱似的神水神露、醍醐豆、氤氲灵叶等等恢复类的稀世珍宝,送进两人的肚子里。 Ren Tian Ge they look at the direct tears to rush. 任天歌他们看得直接泪奔。 constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry to death. 人比人,真是气死人 Afterward saw beautiful swordsman Qianzhong even to take God's Blood to come out to restore, everyone is unable the egg to decide. 后来看见美剑客千重甚至拿神血出来恢复,所有人更是无法蛋定。 What most awfully is, that abnormal newbie also uses Chaos Energy and Calamity Divine Power, even broken Divine Spark remains Divine Energy, restores itself and War Beast, looks at everyone to envy awfully, almost without rushing to shout that takes by force...... facing such abnormal, what can you say? 最要命的是,那个变态新人还用混沌能量灾厄神力,甚至破碎神格的残留神能,来恢复自身及战兽,看得所有人嫉妒得要命,差点没有冲上去喊打劫……面对这样的变态,你能说什么呢? Only can say that others do have this qualification to have this strength to conduct the unrivalled war? Compels to conduct the unrivalled war poorly? The strength did not say, you do have Divine Water Goddess' Nectar God's Blood Divine Energy these thing? 只能说人家有这个本钱有这个实力进行旷世之战?穷逼要进行旷世大战?实力不说,你有神水神露神血神能这些东东吗? Also, had Divine Water Goddess' Nectar God's Blood Divine Energy these, what war but also held? 再说,有神水神露神血神能这些,还开什么战? Hiding to absorb secretly is right! 躲起来偷偷吸收才对! Hit for 100 days, drinks Devil Venerable Kai Tian that half a month God's Blood restored unable to support finally. 打了一百天,喝了半个月神血恢复的开天魔尊终于撑不住了。 He thought that oneself for the one breath, polished the complete net worth, is opposite that abnormal youngster, actually more hits more mind/energetic...... Devil Venerable Kai Tian unable to think forever, Divine Water, Goddess' Nectar and God's Blood, God's Blood, Divine Energy Yue Yang Aquarius wait/etc a wee bit has not reduced. His only feigns to drink up, in fact obtained Ancient Rune sky big core energy as well as inheritance Student Yue Yang, has inexhaustible Chaos Energy, the flood stores in Divine World Creation Pearl, does not dare to use, was worried that Chaos Energy disposable to release outside are too much, the body is unable to withstand. 他觉得自己为了一口气,把全副身家都打光了,可是对面那个变态年轻人,却越打越精神……开天魔尊永远也想不到,岳阳宝瓶里的神水神露以及神血神血神能等等一丁点也没有减少。他只是佯装喝掉,事实上获得了远古符文天空大阵核心能量以及传承的岳阳同学,拥有无穷无尽的混沌能量,满溢地贮藏在创世神珠里,一直不敢使用,担心混沌能量一次性外放过多,身体无法承受。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian is willing to accompany him to fight this unrivalled war, if do not pursue Ji Wu Ri to prevent it to gain Divine Grimoire, Yue Yang did not mind that hits the foot 100 years with Devil Venerable Kai Tian. 开天魔尊肯陪他打这种旷世之战,如果不是还要追赶姬无日阻止其获取神典的话,岳阳不介意跟开天魔尊打足一百年。 Because, he always hits for day, energy one time of multi- consumption completely body, can wash body one time with Chaos Energy. 因为,他每多打一天,多消耗尽身体的能量一次,就可以用混沌能量重新洗涤身体一次。 Every time washes one time, Chaos Energy will fuse Yue Yang body some. 每洗涤一次,混沌能量就会融合岳阳身体一些。 In other words, so long as did not fall by Devil Venerable Kai Tian instant kill, then to fighting process, is Yue Yang digests to absorb the Divine World Creation Pearl Chaos Energy process unceasingly, in this case, even if gets 100 years of a thousand years 10,000 years not to owe! 换而言之,只要不被开天魔尊秒杀掉,那么对战过程,就是岳阳不断消化吸收创世神珠混沌能量的过程,这样的话,即使是打上一百年一千年一万年也不亏啊! If the beforehand body, making Devil Venerable Kai Tian attack the bang to kill crazily, may unable to withstand. 如果是以前的身体,让开天魔尊狂攻轰杀,可能会承受不住。 But Nirvana Fire Reconstruction were excessively innumerable even comprehend Heart of True Dragon Yue Yang, was not possible to fall instant kill, that feared that the opponent was gods. So long as not by instant kill, Chaos Energy that then floods, the overflow, will overbrim Yue Yang's body crazily , helping him restore the limit. If not Yue Yang intends to control the body exterior injury, to the hope that Devil Venerable Kai Tian hits, Devil Venerable Kai Tian had given up this war. 涅盘之火重塑过无数次甚至参悟真龙之心岳阳,是不可能被人秒杀掉的,那怕对手是一位神明。只要不被秒杀,那么满溢的混沌能量,就会疯狂地外溢,注满岳阳的身体,助他恢复到极限。如果不是岳阳有意控制身体外部的伤势,给开天魔尊一个打下去的希望,开天魔尊早就放弃了这场大战。 This fights time-out, but the between you and me duel, is endless forever.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian has to acknowledge, oneself cannot massacre opposite side. “这一战暂停,但你我之间的决斗,永远没完没了。”开天魔尊不得不承认,自己杀不掉对方 I can leave Devil Valley.” Yue Yang said a fact. “我可以离开魔谷。”岳阳说了一个事实。 Snort.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian can also leave, but he does not hate to leave, because in Heavenly Devil Temple, but also deeply seal his Grimoire and Divine Sense. Once leaves, perhaps the seal can have the accident, at least will also be closer, is more difficult to reduce and solve. Devil Venerable Kai Tian several thousand years are not willing to leave Devil Valley, are because he had not found the effective way, unties the final seal. “哼。”开天魔尊也可以离开,但他舍不得离开,因为天魔神殿里,还深深地封印着他的宝典神识。一旦离开,也许封印会有变故,最少也会更加紧密,更难化解。开天魔尊几千年都不肯离开魔谷,就是因为他始终没有找到有效的办法,解开最后的封印。 Your strength so-so, but can also pass, but I want to say that you are old.” Student Yue Yang attacks Devil Venerable Kai Tian desperately, although makes war unable to win opposite side, damages his several well. “你的实力马马虎虎,还过得去,但是我想说,你已经老了。”岳阳同学拼命地打击开天魔尊,虽然开战打不赢对方,损他几句也好。 Really is the joke, to me, some time only useless numbers.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian never yields to age. “真是笑话,对于我来说,时间只是一些无用的数字。”开天魔尊从来不服老。 Also, his surface also likely 20-year-old beautiful swordsman. 再说,他表面也像个20多岁的美剑客。 looks is only maturer than Yue Yang. 长得仅比岳阳成熟些。 Yue Yang looked at Ren Tian Ge and the others of remote place, suddenly smiled: Devil Venerable Kai Tian, see again/goodbye, I will leave Devil Valley, goes to Seventh Pass Human Valley. When I obtain Divine Grimoire, achieves the boundary of gods, I will come back to look your. Naturally, perhaps at that time I could not have had a liking for your small role, haha! Good, you do not need to be angry, the war of hundred days, I will taste occasionally, many that after all you show ancient times tactics, so-so......” 岳阳看了看遥远处的任天歌等人,忽然笑了:“开天魔尊,再见了,我将离开魔谷,前往第七关人谷。等我获得神典,达到神明之境,我会回来看你的。当然,也许那时我已经看不上你这种小角色了,哈哈!好吧,你不用太生气,百日之战,我偶尔会回味一下的,毕竟你展现的许多远古战法,也还马马虎虎……” Devil Venerable Kai Tian sneers: „Regardless which you go, I will go together, the junior, you gave up any idea of that grows in my front! Human Valley, do I have what is probable not?” 开天魔尊冷笑:“无论你去哪,我都会一同前往,小辈,你休想在我的面前成长!人谷,我有何去不得?” Ren Tian Ge their when heard, was silly. 任天歌他们一听,傻了。 It is not good! 不好! This two can abnormal also go to Human Valley unexpectedly? Then Human Valley does turn into second Devil Valley? 两个变态竟然也要去人谷?那么人谷岂不是又变成第二个魔谷
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