LLS :: Volume #6

#1050: Surrounds?

Ren Tian Ge, Silver Eyed Great Sage, Qing Mo and Hao Ge four Angel Alliance big leaders, as well as Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) and Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti and other Dark Camp big leaders, battered and exhausted draws back from tertiary Teleportation Secret Door. 任天歌银瞳大贤者青魔豪格四位天使联盟的大首领,以及幽灵王虚影骷髅王金骸剥皮王血剃等六位黑暗阵营的大首领,狼狈不堪地自第三重传送秘门中退出来。 With the buckle a price of dark leader, they were finally successful in that Heaven Encompassing network Heavenly Sieve Dimension escape. 以折损了一名黑暗首领的代价,他们终于成功于那个天罗地网般的天筛空间逃脱。 They do not want to leave like this. 他们不想这样离开。 Because, about ten thousand companion, leave behind in inside. 因为,还有近万名同伴,遗留在里面。 These companion, 99% had not died, is stranded in Heavenly Sieve Dimension waits for the rescue. 这些同伴,90%九还没有死亡,正困在天筛空间里等待救援。 What very pitifully is, Ren Tian Ge they tried all means that finally discovered, even Angel Alliance and Dark Camp everyone to work with a common purpose collaborates, is unable to beat the gold/metal sword giant, is unable to explore the Heavenly Sieve Dimension secret mouth they not to prefer under the attack of gold/metal sword giant very much, actually has to accept this fact. 非常可惜的是,任天歌他们尝试了一切的办法,最后发现,即使是天使联盟黑暗阵营的所有人都齐心协力地联手,也无法击败金剑巨人,更无法在金剑巨人的攻击下探索天筛空间秘密口他们很不情愿,却不得不接受这一个事实。 Probably is not a little right!” Qing Mo first discovered outside unusuality. “好像有点不对劲!”青魔第一个发现了外面的异常。 How was this?” Ren Tian Ge routinely looks to Silver Eyed Great Sage, he knows that Silver Eyed Great Sage is genuine knows Secret Treasure that person. “这是怎么了?”任天歌习惯性地看向银瞳大贤者,他知道银瞳大贤者才是真正知道秘宝的那个人。 Has the person, erupted a war in nearby space.” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) looked at double Teleportation coal Secret Door, coldly snorted: Everyone was careful, even if we spell with the gold/metal sword giant such gods, tertiary Secret Door has not twisted like this.” “有人,在附近的空间爆发了一场大战。”幽灵王虚影看了看第二重传送秘门,冷哼一声:“大家小心,即使我们与金剑巨人那样的神明相拼,第三重秘门也没有扭曲成这样子。” In Devil Valley, possibly some people of wells our is stronger how big?” Skeleton King Jin Hai does not dare to believe. 魔谷之内,怎么可能有人井我们还要强大?”骷髅王金骸不敢置信。 Is Ji Wu Ri goes to return?” Skin King Xie Ti still had surprisedly uncertain. “难道是姬无日去而复返?”剥皮王血剃尚带点惊疑不定。 When they return to single layer Teleportation Secret Door outside. 等他们返出到第一重传送秘门外。 When sees the dark empty-nest spatial Underground City ruins, everyone was shocked. 看见暗空巢空地下城废墟之际,所有人都震惊了。 Because shows them now at present, at all is not the dark space lair Underground City ruins, but is open-air mine tunnel that creakies tattered and torn and everywhere. Ancient times all in ruins, annihilated, in this most things, for example Rock, soil, mountain wait wait/etc. etc., these things made not the unimaginable energy impact annihilating or, revealed the innumerable tattered and torn miarolitic spaces. Shattered Void is more crowded than the fishing net, similar Heavenly Sieve Dimension, but more chaotic indefinite, is collapsing momentarily, momentarily some certain spaces in broken instantly, turns into the fragment powder the surrounding all. 因为现在展现他们眼前的,根本不是什么暗空巢穴地下城废墟,而是一个千疮百孔、到处摇摇欲坠的露天坑洞。远古废墟里的一切一切,都湮灭了,又或者说,这里面绝大多数的东西,比如岩石、泥土、山体等等等等,这些东西都让无法想像的能量冲击给湮灭掉,露出无数千疮百孔的洞隙空间。破碎虚空比鱼网还要密集,类似天筛空间,但更加混乱无定,随时都在崩溃,随时都有某些空间在破碎的刹那,将周围的一切化成齑粉。 Actually to want how many people to erupt the war here, can create such effect? 究竟要多少人在这里爆发大战,才能造成这样的效果呢? Ren Tian Ge felt, if comes 100. 任天歌觉得,如果来一百个自己。 Again on flower three months. 再花上三个月。 Should be able ancient times the ruins to destroy this dark space lair reluctantly. 应该勉强能够把这个暗空巢穴远古废墟破坏成这样子。 But, he remembers clearly, oneself enters Heavenly Sieve Dimension, with the gold/metal sword giant to the war, is about day of time. 但,他清清楚楚地记得,自己进入天筛空间,与金剑巨人对战,不过一天时间。 Heavenly Sieve Dimension is like the outside dark space lair time, the space and time has not changed, in other words, outside destroys this, is one day creates! 天筛空间和外面暗空巢穴的时间是一样的,时空并没有改变,也就是说,外面破坏成这样,也是一天造成! Now in turn calculates, if spends day of time, how many wants to be able here to destroy this? Ren Tian Ge feels 10,000, the flower suddenly, anything does not do, destroys whole-heartedly, may not destroy like this here...... 现在反过来算一算,假如花一天时间,要多少个自己才能把这里破坏成这样?任天歌觉得一万个自己,花一时间,啥也不做,全力以赴地破坏,也不一定能够将这里毁灭成这样子…… Too fearful! 太可怕了! Actually is, makes into this in chaos appearance outside? 究竟是什么人,将外面打成这种乱七八糟的样子? Does world have to endure ratio 10,000 such existences? Ren Tian Ge thinks like this, felt oneself were insane! 难道,世间还有堪比一万个自己那样的存在吗?任天歌这样想一想,感觉自己都要疯了! hong long long!” 轰隆隆!” Remote horizon, shock-wave loud sound that also transmits the terrifying. 遥远的天际,又传来恐怖的冲击波巨响。 By Ren Tian Ge and other big leader's estimates, felt that to fighting region is 100 kilometers to here at least, otherwise, then the destructive shock-wave is impossible to weaken to this degree. 任天歌等大首领的估计,感觉对战区域离这里最少有一百公里,否则,那么毁灭性的冲击波不可能衰减到这个程度。 No one hesitated for one second, the curiosity crushed the heart fear, Ren Tian Ge they, hardly divided caught up to the battle area of explosion sound. 没有任何人迟疑一秒,好奇心压倒了心底的恐惧,任天歌他们,几乎不分先后地赶向轰响的交战区。 Before they rush, earth-shaking, like innumerable demon, will only have crashed the mountain peak that must look awful along the way, or the ground of spider web to split open, further intensifies the expansion. The remote place, intermittent flash, intermittent shock-wave, one thunders intermittently such as rainstorm Heavenly Lightning, roared. The innumerable forests are on fire, burns to spread in the land crazily, the mountain peak that innumerable hill Rock, as well as break off around the middle, does not throw in the sky from the place flies. 在他们赶到之前,惊天动地的震憾,有如无数只魔手,将沿途已经崩塌得不成样子的山峰,或者蛛网般开裂的地面,进一步加剧扩大。遥远处,一阵阵闪光,一阵阵冲击波,一阵阵轰鸣如暴雨天雷,咆哮不息。无数的森林起火,在大地疯狂地燃烧蔓延,无数小山般的岩石,以及拦腰折断的山峰,不自地于天空中抛飞。 50 kilometers, Ren Tian Ge they have had to slow down imminent speed. 五十公里,任天歌他们已经不得不放慢迫近的速度 Their eyesight institute. 他们目力所及。 The discovery has the two terrifying luminous spot, like the gods, pursues in the sky mutually, a while is left that solar brilliance luminous spot, drives off the right that Purple Gold luminous spot: A while is right that Purple Gold luminous spot, drives off that solar sparking luminous spot. 发现有两个恐怖的光点,如同神明般,在天空中相互追逐,一会儿是左边那个太阳般光辉的光点,追打右边的那个稍带紫金光点:一会儿是右边那个稍带紫金的光点,追打那个太阳般闪亮的光点。 Whoever pursues anyone, who hits anyone. 无论谁追谁,谁打谁。 So long as their any, acts, world Heaven Falls and Earth Rends, mountain peak avalanche, rivers steam, land crack, but one of the forest paying burns. 只要他们任何一个,一出手,世界就会天崩地裂,山峰崩塌,河流化汽,大地龟裂,而森林付之一燃。 Imminently to 30 kilometers, Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) their several Ranker that has the Supreme Level 8 strength is good, can still breathe freely, but strength weakest Hao Ge, as well as several Dark Camp leaders, had felt that the breath was constrained seriously, 迫近到三十公里,任天歌幽灵王虚影他们几个拥有至尊八级实力的强者还好,尚能呼吸自如,但实力最弱的豪格,以及几个黑暗阵营的首领,已经感到呼吸严重受到压抑, In the prestige of opposite side sending out can under the oppression, the energies of their body be hard the revolution to be free accidentally unexpectedly. 对方无意中散发的威能压迫下,他们身体的能量竟然难以运转自如。 This is 30 kilometers distance! 要知道,这可是三十公里的距离啊! With great difficulty, strives to ten kilometers imminently, Hao Ge felt oneself are tiny, may blow to fly in the bombardment storm of two anytime. 好不容易,勉力迫近到十公里,豪格感觉自己非常渺小,随时都有可能在那两人的轰击暴风中吹飞。 But strength stronger Ren Tian Ge, they decide examine carefully clearly, discovered that person of front this two to the war, dumbstruck, no one can believe immediately this is the fact. Even if heroically like Ren Tian Ge, hidden deep such as Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), gloomy such as Skeleton King Jin Hai, extremely arrogant such as Skin King Xie Ti, looked still lost one's voice to call out in alarm unrestrainedly. Has been guarding against everyone's Qing Mo, does not dare to believe shakes the head, is not willing to believe own eye. 而实力更强的任天歌,他们定晴细看,发现面前这两个对战之人,顿时目瞪口呆,无人敢相信这是事实。即使豪迈如任天歌,隐深如幽灵王虚影,阴沉如骷髅王金骸,狂妄如剥皮王血剃,看了也情不自禁地失声惊叫。一直提防着所有人的青魔,更是不敢置信地摇头,怎么也不肯相信自己的眼睛。 Day, my God, to war unexpectedly is Qianzhong that pretty boy?” Hao Ge felt oneself fell quickly insanely. “天,我的天啊,对战的竟然是千重那个小白脸?”豪格觉得自己快疯掉了。 Most terrorist is also not he, but was that only has newbie of Heaven Tier strength......” Ren Tian Ge also to swallow saliva strenuously, this newbie, only had the Heaven Tier strength obviously, how possibly concealment to this situation? Also, even Level 5 [Supreme Innate], how also possibly to resist with at least Level 9 [Supreme Innate] above Qianzhong? Strength not high not low beautiful swordsman Qianzhong of that has in the team, how probably had the Level 9 [Supreme Innate] above strength? This, what's the matter? “最恐怖的还不是他,而是那个仅有天阶实力的新人……”任天歌也吃力地咽了一口唾沫,这个新人,明明只有天阶实力,怎么可能隐匿到这个地步?再说,即使是先天至尊五级,又怎么可能与最少先天至尊九级以上的千重相抗?那个在队伍中实力一直不高不低的美剑客千重,怎么可能拥有先天至尊九级以上的实力?这,到底是怎么回事? If this does not have a dream, then, I thought that I was the time leave Devil Valley.” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) felt oneself must rule the idea of Devil Valley to be really risky enough, beforehand Ji Wu Ri, is now to the two person of war, if wants kill, perhaps is not the too difficult matter. “如果这不是做梦,那么,我觉得我是时候离开魔谷了。”幽灵王虚影感觉自己要统治魔谷的这个想法实在有够冒险,无论是之前的姬无日,还是现在对战的两个人,要想干掉自己,恐怕都不是太难的事。 This idea does not go bad.” Ren Tian Ge also approved. “这个主意不坏。”任天歌也赞同了。 He has regarded to save Angel Alliance is own duty, felt oneself can certainly lead Angel Alliance, revived the ancient brilliance. 他一直视拯救天使联盟为己任,觉得自己一定可以带领天使联盟,重振古代的光辉。 However, now he thought that oneself best leave as soon as possible, otherwise, does not let Qianzhong this pretty boy kill, is to make the new newbie crush thoroughly. 然而,现在他觉得自己最好就是尽快离开,否则,不是让千重这个小白脸干掉,就是让新来的这个新人彻底压倒。 Walking to walk, but I want first to look at them to decide the victory and defeat.” The Silver Eyed Great Sage whole face is also serious. “走要走,但我想先看他们分出胜负。”银瞳大贤者也满脸严肃。 beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, does not know when has achieved Supreme Level 9. 美剑客千重,不知何时已经达到了至尊九级 But that newbie boundary, is Supreme Level 5. 而那个新人的境界,是至尊五级 Both, whatever a fool, can the one hundred percent affirmation, Supreme Level 9 that will win, moreover is the overwhelming victory. 两者,任凭一个傻子来说,都会百分百地肯定,至尊九级的那位会胜出,而且是压倒性的胜出。 But, what is strangest, shows everyone at present, is actually not such law, but is inconceivable existence, newbie of Supreme Level 5 that weak trend side, actually with having above Supreme Level 9 beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, fight to a standstill. 但,最诡异的是,展现大家眼前的,却不是那样的定律,而是一种不可思议的存在,至尊五级那个弱势一方的新人,竟然与拥有至尊九级以上的美剑客千重,打成平手 both sides have been staying an inextricably involved deadlock condition, a while is beautiful swordsman Qianzhong sends Divine Might to hit that newbie to be covered with cuts and bruises greatly, blood splashing expansive sky: A while is actually that whole body is wound newbie, uses small Power of Law inconceivable, turns beautiful swordsman Qianzhong forcefully dry/does, this boundary higher strength stronger to very distressedly. 双方一直保持着一种难解难分的僵持状态,一会儿是美剑客‘千重’大发神威打得那个新人满身是伤,血溅长空:一会儿却是那个浑身是伤的新人,不可思议地使用小法则力量,强行干翻美剑客千重,将这个境界更高实力更强的对得好不狼狈。 Words that if it were not for personally sees, no one believes. 要不是亲眼看见的话,谁也不会相信。 This situation, stumbles to fall intention discourteous powerful pervert like the delicate female simply in the place...... this, this is how possible! 这种情况,简直就像弱不禁风的女子将意图非礼的强悍色狼绊摔在地……这,这怎么可能! Who wins who loses?” Ren Tian Ge will look at Silver Eyed Great Sage again, is not only he, several other , looks completely, they now accurate judgment of urgently needed Silver Eyed Great Sage. “谁胜谁负?”任天歌再次将目光投向银瞳大贤者,不仅是他,就连其余的几位,也全部看过来,他们现在急需银瞳大贤者的准确判断。 Was difficult to say.” “难说。” Silver Eyed Great Sage is smiling bitterly shaking the head: According to strength, Qianzhong, or pretends the Qianzhong status the super Ranker, has the overwhelming advantage completely. Supreme Level 9, present he can definitely resist with all one's strength us, but Undefeated. But, hidden such deep he, compared with that newbie, there is an insufficiency. Perhaps you had seen, that newbie has Holy Grimoire, but also at least has two Divine Equipment, I guess that possibly has three, even four, otherwise is impossible to resist the Qianzhong rainstorm attack. That newbie has Holy Grimoire and Divine Equipment, Qianzhong only then sword of the Divine Equipment, does not have Grimoire, this is he and newbie difference biggest place.” 银瞳大贤者苦笑着摇头:“按照实力,千重,又或者说假冒千重身份的这个超级强者,完全占据压倒性的优势。至尊九级,现在的他完全可以力敌我们所有人而不败。可是,隐藏如此之深的他,比起那个新人,也有不足。你们也许已经看见了,那个新人拥有一本圣典,还最少拥有两件神器,我猜可能有三件,甚至四件,否则不可能抗得住千重暴风雨般的打击。那个新人拥有圣典神器,千重只有一把神器之剑,却没有宝典,这是他与新人差别最大的地方。” Also a little.” Qing Mo added: Perhaps that newbie were many close to gods energy giant, a if it were not for its movement was slightly slow, cannot project on the body of Qianzhong, newbie has won.” “还有一点。”青魔补充道:“那个新人还多了一个接近神明般的能量巨人,要不是它的动作稍慢,打不到千重的身体,新人恐怕已经获胜了。” Well?” Ren Tian Ge their when heard, felt suddenly Qianzhong is a little strange. “咦?”任天歌他们一听,忽然感觉千重有点奇怪。 Which feels strange, suddenly does not think clearly. 奇怪在哪,一时间又想不明白。 Silver Eyed Great Sage shows a faint smile, dispels doubt to say in the presence of everyone: Sees by me, Qianzhong should be the seal in Heavenly Sieve Dimension Ancient Ranker, when does not know leaves, pretends the beautiful swordsman Qianzhong status, deceives our eyes. Because of seal not completely, his Grimoire, Guardian Spirit War Beast as well as Divine Sense, but also has to stay in Heavenly Sieve Dimension. This, why is also he is unable to crush that newbie primary cause by the strength. Our news, are Qianzhong divulge unintentionally, his goal, wants to obtain the blood of more person, completes the blood sacrifice, extricates own Summoning Grimoire and Divine Sense. Divine Sense of his gods rank, that gold/metal sword giant is unable to be separated from Heavenly Sieve Dimension luckily, otherwise we will make him exterminate absolutely.” 银瞳大贤者微微一笑,当众解惑道:“以我所见,千重应该是封印在天筛空间远古强者,不知何时脱出,假冒美剑客千重的身份,欺骗我们的眼睛。但因为封印未尽,他的宝典生命守护战兽以及神识,还不得不停留在天筛空间里。这,也是他为什么无法以力压倒那个新人的主要原因。我们的消息,就是千重有意无意地泄露的,他的目的,就是想获得更多人的鲜血,完成血祭,解脱自己的召唤宝典神识。幸好他的那个神明级别的神识,那个金剑巨人无法脱离天筛空间,否则我们绝对会让他灭绝的。” After the people listen, all thinks rational, deep is so. 众人听后皆觉有理,深以为然。 The result ravelled. 结果弄明白了。 Another issue is placed in everyone's front. 又一个问题摆在大家的面前。 Then, what to do can? Returns to own supreme headquarters like the small running turtle, Teleportation leaves Devil Valley, goes forward, cheered for newbie, coped with that to deceive everyone together, plotted to murder the beautiful swordsmen of ten thousand Challenger lives Qianzhong? 接下来,要怎么办呢?是像小跑龟那样逃回自己的大本营,传送离开魔谷,还是上前,助阵新人,一起对付那个欺骗了大家,谋害了万名挑战者生命的美剑客‘千重’? kill Qianzhong, could retrieve that ten thousand Challenger. 干掉千重,说不定能救回那万名挑战者。 But present beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, has the Supreme Level 9 strength, comes up to court death? 可是现在的美剑客千重,拥有至尊九级的实力,上去岂不是找死? Escaping is very safe, chapter of supreme headquarters, arrive at Teleportation Portal to leave, in any case everyone's accumulated points already enough. However does such, what have to distinguish with the small running turtle? Those present, how said that is also in a camp big leaders above ten thousand people, mighty lord of control side, made Qianzhong run away in fear like this, later has not had a face saying that was Ranker? 逃跑很安全,一回大本营,就到传送门离开,反正大家的积分早就够了。但是那样,跟小跑龟又有什么分别呢?在场的人,怎么说也是一个阵营之中万人之上的大首领,统御一方的雄主,就这样让千重吓跑了,以后还有什么脸自称是强者呢? What's wrong?” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) does not think first escaping, this person he cannot lose, looks with the eye to Ren Tian Ge. “怎样?”幽灵王虚影可不想第一个逃跑,这个人他丢不起,拿眼睛看向任天歌 „, Was inferior that wait/etc looked.” Ren Tian Ge does not want to set this bad example. “啊,不如等等看。”任天歌也不想做这种坏榜样。 Then looked on wait/etc, the tactical situation is not in any case clear.” How many on the scene nod in abundance, does not hit, escapes attractively, does not stay behind simply observes, don't we hit do not run away only to be responsible for surrounding are not good? “那就等等看,反正战况还不明确。”在场的几个纷纷点头,打不得,逃不好看,干脆留下观战,咱不打也不逃只是负责围观还不行吗? No one has thought that this first-grade looked, is 100 days...... 谁也没有想到过,这一等等看,就是一百天……
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