LLS :: Volume #6

#1049: I, must kill you!

I, must kill you!” This is Devil Venerable Kai Tian after was stepped on the back insults the first minute saying that by Yue Yang, he was mad at that time clenches jaws. “我,一定要杀了你!”这是开天魔尊在被岳阳踩背污辱后第一分钟说的,当时他气得咬牙切齿。 I, must kill you!” This is Devil Venerable Kai Tian when continuous attack one hour, but Yue Yang still stood erect not but actually said. “我,一定要杀了你!”这是开天魔尊在连续攻击一小时,但岳阳仍然屹立不倒时说的。 I, must kill you!” This was says in one day later. “我,一定要杀了你!”这是在一天后说的。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian, has not thought. 开天魔尊,万万没有想到。 Fights Yue Yang, is not he imagined one move to be able a instant kill opposite side move of war, is not ten moves of wars that the cat catch mouse plays tricks on the enemy, did not become angry out of shame must extinguish the opposite side hundred moves of wars. Even, is not violent wind and rainstorm attacks opposite side continuously, exhausts all means that but opposite side still stood erect thousand moves of wars not but actually. 岳阳,不是他原来意想中一招就可以秒杀对方的一招之战,也不是猫捉老鼠般戏弄敌人的十招之战,更不是恼羞成怒一定要灭了对方的百招之战。甚至,不是暴风骤雨般连续不断地攻击对方,穷尽一切手段,但对方仍然屹立不倒的千招之战。 This, is one has the lasting war that [Precognition] Inherent Skill he cannot foresee. 这,是一场连拥有预知天赋的他都不可以预见的持久大战。 At present continues fully for day. 目前整整持续了一天。 But opposite side stands erect not but actually, does not know that also how long will continue. 对方屹立不倒,不知道还将持续多久。 In the Devil Venerable Kai Tian mind does not have other idea, only then a thought that that overthrows the junior who the limit estimates to kill this times, what the reckless method kills...... regrets, the strength can steamroll opposite side he, attacking one day later, still cannot achieve the goal. 开天魔尊脑海中已经没有别的想法,只有一个念头,那就是把这个一次次推翻自己极限估计的小辈杀死,不顾一切手段地杀死……遗憾的是,实力可以碾压对方的他,在攻击了一天之后,仍然没能达成目标。 Are innumerable, Devil Venerable Kai Tian thinks that this boy will be defeated to drop down, is unable to get up again. 无数次,开天魔尊以为这小子会失败倒下,再也无法起来。 His heart even hopes. 他的心底甚至都是那么期盼的。 However, this experienced suffering the death threat still to have no expression youngster in any attack, disappointing him. 然而,这个在任何攻击中受尽死亡威胁仍然没有任何表情的年轻人,让他失望了。 This boy stands time and time again, starts to knock down, Devil Venerable Kai Tian also has the time that the opens the mouth taunted, afterward, almost overthrew, stood immediately, 这小子一次又一次地站起来,开始打倒在地后,开天魔尊还有开口嘲讽的时间,后来,几乎是一打倒,就立即站起来, Devil Venerable Kai Tian feels sometimes is very helpless, why can like this? 开天魔尊有时感觉很无奈,为什么会这样? He does not think clearly. 他想不明白。 This not being able to kill youngster, what existence is, why will unable to kill, can what meaning innumerable resist the attack of oneself total destruction? 这个杀不死的年轻人,到底是什么样的存在,为什么会打不死,何解能抗得住自己无数次灭顶之灾的打击? All, are secret. Is certain only, is this boy after overthrowing, that limpid callous look, in the space between eyebrows tick-tock the blood, is brutally staring as before, never shows the fluctuation of difference, like the star that the sky will never fall, as if maps the life that opposite side that eternal is not extinguishing. 一切,都是秘密。唯一可以肯定的,就是这小子在打倒后,那清澈冷酷的眼神,在眉间滴答的鲜血间,依旧无情地凝视着,从来不曾透出异样的波动,就像天空永远不陨的星星,似乎映射着对方那永恒不熄的生命。 A continuous attack day, exhausts all means that several thousand about ten thousand fatal blows. 连续攻击一天,穷尽一切手段,数千近万种致命打击。 Even if the gods, believe that should still fall from the sky. 即使是神明,相信也会陨落。 However. 然而。 opposite side stands erect throughout not but actually. 对方始终屹立不倒。 Actually how can kill this youngster, sometimes, Devil Venerable Kai Tian suspected, this boy whether or not lets ancient god with principle Reconstruction, immortal body that the body will never die, otherwise, does he possibly resist under oneself ten thousand moves of attacks? Most makes Devil Venerable Kai Tian feel what terrifying is, how regardless to attack, this boy has not summoned Guardian Spirit War Beast, without using Grimoire, even without using any Battle Technique...... he uses only, is various Battle Technique that temporary plagiarize comes. 究竟怎么样才能杀死这个年轻人,有时,开天魔尊都怀疑,这小子是不是远古之神用法则重塑过,身躯是永远不死的不死之身,否则,他怎么可能抗得下自己的万招攻击?最让开天魔尊感到恐怖的是,无论怎么打击,这小子都没有召唤生命守护战兽,都没有使用宝典,甚至没有使用任何战技……他唯一使用的,就是临时偷学过来的各种战技 In the fight, this youngster such is absorbing own various tactics like sponge such absorption moisture content. 战斗中,这个年轻人就像海绵那样吸收水分那样吸收着自己的各种战法 Every time overthrows one time, he studies a point. 每打倒一次,他就多学得一分。 If not massacre this youngster, making him leave safely, vanishes to absorb all battlefield harvests again, Devil Venerable Kai Tian really unimaginable, this youngster can grow to what degree in the future...... 如果不杀掉这个年轻人,让他安然离开,再消失吸收掉所有战场收获,开天魔尊真不可想象,这个年轻人未来能成长到什么程度…… Trainers! 陪练! Devil Venerable Kai Tian felt sometimes oneself like a sparring partner, all that does, grows to provide the experience to this boy. 开天魔尊有时感觉自己就像一个陪练,所做的一切,就是给这小子成长提供经验。 hong long long is prosperous! Vault suddenly under avalanche big piece, revealed starry sky beyond expectation. Deeply hidden in the place bottom several ten about hundred kilometers dark space lair Underground City ruins, made the war puncture the vault unexpectedly, collapsed revealed the sky. When Devil Venerable Kai Tian sees the sky, one surprised, immediately deeply breathes, depresses with various negativities the heart anger. 轰隆隆隆!穹顶忽然又崩塌下大片,出乎意料地露出了一个星空。深深隐藏在地底数十近百公里的暗空巢穴地下城废墟,竟然让大战打穿了穹顶,崩露出了天空。开天魔尊看见天空时,一愕,随即深深呼吸,将心底的愤怒和各种负面情绪压下。 He decided that is not angry. 他决定不生气了。 Because angry useless, the anger cannot kill front this youngster absolutely. 因为愤怒无用,愤怒是绝对不能杀死面前这个年轻人的。 Must kill opposite side, any negativity is inadequate, only the means that that is puts together consumption! 要杀死对方,任何负面情绪都不成,唯有一个办法,那就是‘拼消耗’! This boy is absolutely not possible move of instant kill, maximum strength that although he reflects, only then Supreme Level 5, is opposite side the abundance of foundation, imitates like the city wall, any in the suppression in Will or boundary, does not have the function. If makes an analogy, Devil Venerable Kai Tian felt oneself are 100,000 steel knight who is riding the steed, place visited, all destruction. Only has this youngster, like one, although only then thousand people defend but are that firm the castle is inconceivable, how regardless to attack, stands erect not but actually. 这小子是绝对不可能一招秒杀的,虽然他反映出来的最大实力,只有至尊五级,可是对方的基础之雄厚,仿如城墙,任何在意志或者境界上的打压,都毫无作用。如果打一个比喻,开天魔尊觉得自己就是十万名骑着骏马的钢铁骑士,所过之处,无不毁灭。唯有这个年轻人,像一座虽然只有千人防御但坚固得难以想像的城堡,无论怎么攻击,都屹立不倒。 If must conquer opposite side, must destroy completely opposite side. 如果要征服对方,要灭掉对方 The storm, the steamroll, is absolutely impossible to succeed. 强攻,碾压,是绝对不可能成功的。 Only the unlimited consumption, by the maximum strength to spelling, puts together completely the opposite side finally tiny bit vitality, can make opposite side pour in own under foot. 只有无限期的消耗,以最大的实力对拼,拼尽对方最后一丝一毫的生命力,才能让对方倒在自己的脚下。 You are my this lifetime biggest opponent.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian does not want to acknowledge, but this is the fact. Seal his person was needless saying that even, that was not Devil Venerable Kai Tian can imagine person who existence that can challenge, genuine could be called the biggest opponent, before was not, these together in Heaven Realm compete striving for hegemony opponent, but was front this not being able to kill junior. “你是我这辈子最大的对手。”开天魔尊不想承认,但这是事实。封印他的那个人不用说,甚至,那不是开天魔尊可以想像可以挑战的存在,真正称得上最大对手的人,不是以前那些一起在天界逐鹿争霸对手,而是面前这个打不死的‘小辈’。 You are not my this lifetime biggest opponent......” Yue Yang actually do not believe like this, Devil Venerable Kai Tian is indeed powerful enough, but most lets Yue Yang feels debating also in behind, for example Divine Central Hall that most flamboyant Hall Supreme. That fellow, is most terrifying. Compares Hall Supreme, Devil Venerable Kai Tian and Ji Wu Ri are most are small, cannot say that is ultimate big. Yue Yang said like this, does not intend to disparage , he nods earnestly: If you are not Divine Sense by the seal in Heavenly Devil Temple, strength continuously in peak condition, for several tens of thousands of years, may become my life biggest opponent, what a pity, you damage in the seal greatly, has made one exceed unknowingly.” “你不是我这辈子最大的对手……”岳阳却不这样认为,开天魔尊的确有够强大,但最让岳阳感到头辩的还在后头,比如中央神殿那个最牛逼的神殿至尊。那个家伙,才是最恐怖的。相比起神殿至尊,开天魔尊姬无日最多算是小,称不上是终极大。岳阳这样说,并非有意贬低,顿了顿,他又认真地点点头:“如果你不是神识被封印在天魔神殿,实力一直在巅峰状态,数万年来,倒有可能成为我人生最大的对手,可惜,你在封印之中大损,已经不知不觉地让人超越了。” Even I in the peak, you will not certainly pour in my under foot.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian pledged, no matter with how much time, with what method, must massacre this youngster. “即使我不在巅峰,你也一定会倒在我的脚下。”开天魔尊发誓,不管用多少时间,用什么手段,一定要杀掉这个年轻人 Cannot, making this boy grow absolutely. 绝对不能,让这小子成长起来。 This boy grows, perhaps will exceed all seniors, becomes anybody unable to look up at such existence. 这小子成长起来,恐怕会超越一切前辈,成为任何人都无法仰视那样的存在。 Other did not say that only endless learn/study improvement this point in battlefield, enough terrifying, Devil Venerable Kai Tian has not seen the person who has studied the promotion like this! 别的不说了,仅是在战场中无尽学习提升这一点,就足够恐怖,开天魔尊还从来没有见过这样学习提升的人! You hit my entire one day, now, was one's turn me to counter-attack!” Yue Yang one makes opposite side attack all day crazily, almost does not have the strength to hit back, is not he does not want to counterattack, but cannot. The Devil Venerable Kai Tian strength, can definitely below steamroll Supreme Level 9 all, contend with such enemy, Yue Yang felt before , to fighting Sun King the difficulty, the ratio flirts simply also with ease. “你打了我整整一天,现在,轮到我反击了!”岳阳一整天都让对方疯狂地攻击,几乎没有还手之力,并非他不想还击,而是不能。开天魔尊的实力,完全可以碾压至尊九级以下的一切,抗衡这样的敌人,岳阳觉得之前对战太阳王的难度,简直比吃豆腐还轻松。 Although to fighting Sun King, Bloody Battle several hours, were almost killed dozens times. 尽管对战太阳王,也血战了数小时,数十次几乎丧命。 But, now to fighting Devil Venerable Kai Tian, had the danger of death anytime and anywhere, any attack was fatal strikes, particularly the Devil Venerable Kai Tian angry eruption, several thousand over ten thousand different ancient times killing move, displayed in his hands, all sorts of strange and unusual murder skill had, making Yue Yang virtually impossible to guard against. 但,现在对战开天魔尊,随时随地都有死亡的危险,任何攻击都是致命一击,尤其是开天魔尊愤怒爆发,数千上万种不同的远古杀招,在他的手中施展出来,千奇百怪的杀人技巧都有,让岳阳防不胜防。 Changes into another person, has died. 换成另一个人,早就没命了。 Yue Yang clenches teeth to support with hardship. 岳阳苦苦咬牙支撑。 Until one day later. 直到一天后 The Devil Venerable Kai Tian attack stops, Yue Yang genuine waited till the moment of counter-attack. 开天魔尊攻击停止下来,岳阳真正等到了反击的一刻。 „Do you also want to counter-attack?” Devil Venerable Kai Tian listened, in heart inconceivable, changes into usually, he taunted certainly, despises opposite side, however, he does not think that now opposite side possibly really also had counter-attack power, and big. “你还要反击?”开天魔尊听了,心中不可思议之极,换成平时,他一定冷嘲热讽,鄙视对方,然而现在却不,他觉得对方可能真的还有反击的力量,而且还不小。 Naturally, I must project on your Mother not to recognize you!” Student Yue Yang is never that type the person of speech, will not make you hit absolutely even, friendly disposition leads to wealth what, beat to Devil Venerable Kai Tian crazily for day, in his heart very uncomfortable, if ten times do not return, that is he? Yue Yang could not have branched out Battle Armor that is anything equips to take off body all broken broken broken entirely, is red the body, by Nirvana Fire, condenses strongly Nirvana Armor, the left hand holds seal, the right hand holds up to point out has not projected on dragon's head Prison Sovereign Scepter. “当然,我要打到你妈妈都不认得你!”岳阳同学从来不是那种好说话的人,绝对不会让你打过就算,和气生财什么的,给开天魔尊狂殴了一天,他心中非常的不爽,如果不十倍打回来,那还是他吗?岳阳身上所有破破碎碎已经分不出是什么装备的战铠统统脱下,赤着身子,以涅盘之火,凝聚出最强的‘涅盘之铠’,左手持印,右手擎举出还没有打到龙头狱皇神杖 Achieved Holy Grimoire Summoning Grimoire, in this fight, first time appears. 达到了圣典召唤宝典,在这场战斗中,第一次浮现。 Endless Brilliance. 光华万丈 Golden energy light pillar, direct impact highest heaven. 金色的能量光柱,直冲九霄。 The broken world within hundred meters, was born suddenly the innumerable stars, Yue Yang's World Creation Domain, imitates starry sky power that Night Empress was in sole possession , the innumerable stars concentrate the constellation, shows the inexhaustible star strength. 百米之内的破碎天地,忽然诞生了无数的星辰,岳阳的创世领域,模仿了夜后独有的星空力量,无数的星星凝成星座,展现出无穷无尽的星力。 A golden giant stood, this is not Yue Yang loses the consciousness or achieves time limits to erupt Destiny Giant extremely, but is Yue Yang through World Creation Domain and infinite star strength, that in addition the Calamity Divine Power prestige energy, creates directly Exterminating Giant. The Exterminating Giant might, naturally not possible with grasping destiny power Destiny Giant compares , Destiny Giant struck initially, without sends full power, is heavily injured is on the verge of death with Sun King that Yue Yang Bloody Battle several hours are in the upper hand greatly......, but, spends Exterminating Giant that the strength creates with all one's heart after Yue Yang , the no small matter, any despises its enemy, will certainly die under its fist. 一个金色的巨人站了起来,这并非岳阳失去意识或者达到极限时才会爆发‘命运巨人’,而是岳阳自己通过创世领域以及无穷星力,再加上灾厄神力的威能,直接创造出来的一个‘毁灭巨人’。毁灭巨人的威力,当然不可能与掌握命运力量命运巨人相比,要知道,当初命运巨人一击,没有全力而发,与岳阳血战数小时大占上风的太阳王就即重创濒死……但是,经过岳阳自己费尽心力创造出来的毁灭巨人,也非同小可,任何轻视它的敌人,必将死于它的拳下。 The Devil Venerable Kai Tian so haughty person, seeing Exterminating Giant born, on face also slightly look changes. 开天魔尊如此狂傲之人,看见毁灭巨人诞生,脸上也微微色变。 Power of Law, he felt that the opponent is using Power of Law. 法则力量,他感到对手正在使用法则力量 Creates the life energy giant directly! 直接创造生灵般的能量巨人! Although, this Power of Law is meager, cannot say that is genuine Power of Law, but can achieve this step, already enough shocking, the at least resembles has Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King of Xu Ying (phantom) and the others Supreme Level 8 strength, is not possible to use this small Power of Law, did not say that is so skilled! 虽然,这种法则力量还非常微薄,称不上是真正法则力量,但能够做到这一步,已经足够骇人听闻,最少像拥有至尊八级实力的任天歌幽灵王虚影等人,是不可能使用这种小法则力量的,更不说还如此熟练! to give support!” 加持!” Yue Yang cried out, similarly liked thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses to roar, like Thunderbolt Thunderbolt crack, swung the Heaven's Regret place. 岳阳呐喊一声,同样有如千军万马在咆哮,有如霹雳雷霆炸响,摇憾天地。 He is brandishing Prison Sovereign Scepter gently, Holy Grimoire under his direction, opened, crossed one page, special Giant Shadow, emerged fast, invests that hundred meters high Exterminating Giant body, instantaneously, Exterminating Giant promoted dozens times, close to hundred times...... 他轻轻地挥舞着狱皇神杖,圣典在他的指挥下,翻开,翻过了一页,一个特殊的巨人影子,飞快地涌现,投入那个百米之高的毁灭巨人身上,瞬间,毁灭巨人提升了数十倍,接近百倍…… Devil Venerable Kai Tian cannot think absolutely, Guardian Spirit War Beast of this boy has such Divine Cleverness to give support might, immediately for it look changes. 开天魔尊万万想不到,这小子的生命守护战兽有如此神妙加持威力,顿时为之色变。 Hundred times of to give support? 百倍加持 Was this too also exaggerating? 这也太夸张了吧? Especially has reached Exterminating Giant that energy, but can also hundred times of increases, this cheat simply the same ability! 尤其是已经达到了毁灭巨人那种能量,还能百倍增幅,这简直中作弊一样的能力! Cuts, the mountains and rivers lack!” Yue Yang lifts up high to hold up Prison Sovereign Divine Seal high, Exterminating Giant makes the similar movement, but in its hand is not Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, but is greatly cuts the blade that by Calamity Divine Power condenses becomes, Calamity Crescent Moon! “一斩,山河缺!”岳阳高高擎举起狱皇神印,毁灭巨人做出同样的动作,但它手中不是狱皇神印,而是一把以灾厄神力凝聚而成的巨大斩刃,灾厄上弦月 Snort!” Devil Venerable Kai Tian wants to meet hardly, but sees this destructive power to cut to divide, chose moving aside sanely. “哼!”开天魔尊很想硬接,但看见这种毁灭性的力量斩劈下来,还是理智地选择了躲闪。 Meets this attack hardly? 硬接这种攻击? That was too silly, shows off ability does not flaunt like this! 那太傻了,逞能不是这样逞的! Devil Venerable Kai Tian just evaded this records the infinite terrifying cuts, suddenly, felt oneself by Divine Sense locking of opposite side, in heart one surprised, discovered that under own foot, when does not know, pitch-black Divine Sword put on, cuts the both legs. He does not know that this is the Yue Yang Black Repossession sword, but knows that this move of Lihai (fierce), draws back anxiously, the contempt in heart, vanishes into thin air early. 开天魔尊刚刚躲过这记无限恐怖的一斩,忽然,感觉自己还是被对方神识锁定,心中一愕,发现自己的脚底下,不知何时,有一把乌黑的神剑穿出,直斩双腿。他不知道这是岳阳黑归藏剑,但知道这招厉害,急退,心中的轻视,早不翼而飞。 The Black Repossession sword that Yue Yang discharges now, is not possible to evade, let alone Devil Venerable Kai Tian mind, when meets and dodges Exterminating Giant [First Slash: Earth Splitting Slash] hardly indecisively, missed the best reaction time. 岳阳现在施放的黑归藏剑,是不可能躲过的,更何况开天魔尊的心神,在硬接和躲闪毁灭巨人一斩山河缺时犹豫不决,错过了最佳的反应时间。 A move goes well. 一招得手。 Yue Yang is in power unforgiving, white Hoar Frost Sword, Scarlet Perfect Night Sword, one after another erupts. 岳阳得势不饶人,白霜华剑,赤宵练剑,接二连三地爆发。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian startled and anger, if it were not for has the absolute overwhelming strength, perhaps also really made this boy kill...... he wipe a wisp of blood threads that corner of the mouth gushed out, deeply inspired, depresses almost must lose the sane anger, the reply was calm: Really is not as I expected, youngster, you imagine me are much more outstanding. youngster like you, if can kill, my this lifetime will also taste endless, destroys your such later generation or, then to conquering entire Heaven Realm is the same, similarly meaningful...... I pledged, no matter a day, two days, ten days, 20 days, one month, or one year, I do not matter, so long as can massacre you, I did not mind that is 100 years or a thousand years!” 开天魔尊又惊又怒,要不是拥有绝对压倒性的实力,说不定还真让这小子干掉了……他拭去唇角涌出的一缕血丝,深深地吸气,压下几乎要丧失理智的愤怒,回复冷静:“真是出乎我的意料,年轻人,你比我想像中还要优秀得多。像你这样的年轻人,如果能够杀死,我这辈子也会回味无尽,又或者说,摧毁你这样的后辈,那跟征服整个天界一样,同样有意义……我发誓,不管是一天,两天,十天,二十天,一个月,又或者一年,我都无所谓,只要能够杀掉你,我不介意是一百年还是一千年!” I, must kill you!” This is Devil Venerable Kai Tian after was counter-attacked by Yue Yang pledge that first time makes categorically. “我,一定要杀了你!”这是开天魔尊在被岳阳反击后第一次斩钉截铁地立下的誓言。 Has a dream!” This is Yue Yang's reply. “做梦!”这是岳阳的回答
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