LLS :: Volume #6

#1048: Everything has first time......

Yue Yang did not answer. 岳阳不答。 But Devil Venerable Kai Tian guessed correctly the answer early, the mood is depressed. 开天魔尊早猜到了答案,心情更是郁闷。 Always has [Precognition] Inherent Skill him to plan others, how could also to try to make others plan itself? What is most depressed, is he uses the conspiracy to plan this boy to come released day Devil Sword obviously, now, after lets the person sees through, in turn stems from unexpected helps released day of Devil Sword. What meaning is this boy? What conspiracy becomes also has none who does not? 从来都是拥有预知天赋的他算计别人,又何曾试过让别人算计自己?最郁闷的是,明明是他用阴谋算计这小子来解封魔剑的,现在,却让人识破后,反过来出乎意料之外地助自己解封了天魔剑。这小子是什么意思?莫不成还有什么阴谋? But released day Devil Sword this matter, how regardless to see, does not have an evil to the hundred advantages, this boy will so coordinate? 可是解封魔剑这件事,无论怎么看,对自己都百利而无一害,这小子怎么会如此配合? [Precognition] Inherent Skill is almost invincible. 预知天赋几近无敌。 It can foresee the future the greater part truth, even cannot change by the strength, can still after the precognition truth, reduce to lowly the danger, or expands to a big way the benefit. [Precognition] Inherent Skill has not malfunctioned, precognition is the fact, it is only invalid to the gods, cannot think today, is unable the future of precognition front this boy...... this boy obviously is not the gods, why won't precognition arrive at his future? What is stranger, any and this boy links matter, will become confusing. 它可以预见未来的大部分真相,即使不能以力改变,也能在预知真相后,将危险减到最低,又或者将利益扩到最大。预知天赋从来没有失灵过,预知就是事实,它只对神明无效,想不到在今天,也无法预知面前这小子的未来……这小子明明不是神明,为何预知不到他的未来呢?更加诡异的是,任何与这小子联系在一起的事,都会变得扑朔迷离起来。 Damn, is Inherent Skill of this boy the shadow or the dense fog? 真见鬼,难道这小子的天赋是阴影或者迷雾吗? No matter you make anything, your result, is the dead end.” In the Devil Venerable Kai Tian heart thought a lot of revolutions flash through, but in the mouth, actually attacks Yue Yang callously. “不管你做什么,你的结果,都是死路一条。”开天魔尊心中念头千百转闪过,但口中,却冷酷地打击岳阳 Indeed, in strength, he has the absolute advantage. 的确,在实力方面,他拥有绝对的优势。 Yue Yang did not answer. 岳阳仍是不答。 He holds up to lift Prison Sovereign Divine Seal in hand, erupts to promote own energy infinitely. 他将手中的狱皇神印擎举起来,无限地爆发提升自己的能量。 In Devil Venerable Kai Tian heart slightly one cold, this boy has the Divine Seal contract, is not a simple character, what a pity is too young, the strength is insufficient, otherwise also is really a hard to deal with powerful enemy. Meanwhile, he to Prison Sovereign Divine Seal this Divine Equipment, produced a vigilance, the Divine Equipment prestige that because this Artifact has can with Sealing Power, making him feel the danger from the bottom of the heart. 开天魔尊心中微微一凛,这小子拥有神印契约,绝非简单人物,可惜太年轻,实力不足,否则还真是一个难缠的劲敌。同时,他对狱皇神印这件神器,也产生了一丝警惕,因为这件宝物产生的神器威能和封印力量,让他打心底感到危险。 If this boy can biggest display this Divine Equipment, then fights draw with it with oneself also is not not possible. 如果这小子能够最大地发挥这件神器,那么拿它跟自己战个平手也并非不是可能。 The Devil Venerable Kai Tian intention flashes through, said with a smile coldly arrogantly: Your very good, but was too young, the young fellow, has a look between you and me the vast gap!” 开天魔尊心念闪过,冷傲地笑道:“你很不错,但太年轻了,小伙子,看看你与我之间的巨大差距吧!” He wields day of Devil Sword. 他挥起天魔剑 Cuts gently. 轻轻一斩。 The world, split a width ten meters approximately kilometer broken spatial sword mark of immediately. 天地,立即裂开了一道宽十米长约千米的碎空剑痕。 This destructive power is quicker than the lightning, chops to the Yue Yang front surface. Yue Yang afterimage vanishes, flashes before beyond ten thousand meters, but same instantaneous, Devil Venerable Kai Tian appears in his behind, has not grasped the left hand of sword, directly according to Yue Yang back of the head. 这股毁灭性的力量比闪电还快,向岳阳迎面劈下。岳阳残像消失,闪现于万米之外,但同一瞬间,开天魔尊出现在他的身后,没有握剑的左手,直接按在岳阳后脑 hong long long! 轰隆隆 It is not able to use the movement to run away according to Yue Yang by Devil Venerable Kai Tian, by Yue Yang of opposite side unsurpassed Supreme Will locking, can only meet hardly. The entire body makes Devil Venerable Kai Tian according to pounding in the ground. power of this terrifying, disturbs the entire ruins, the ground returns the Level 10 land burst is more fearful , the Rock smashing, Yue Yang arrow submerges the land, the ground that he falls, presented one a depth of hundred meters huge mine tunnel. This impact, was not equal to ending, on the contrary, this only Devil Venerable Kai Tian Heavenly Devil seized the start of moon/month attack. 开天魔尊按中的岳阳根本无法施展身法逃走,被对方无上至尊意志锁定的岳阳,只能硬接。整个身躯让开天魔尊按砸在地面上。这恐怖的力量,将整个废墟都摇撼起来,地面比十级大地震爆发还要可怕,岩石粉碎,岳阳箭矢般没入大地,他摔下的地面,出现了一个深达百米的巨大坑洞。这个冲击,并不等于结束,相反,这只是开天魔尊天魔擒月这一式攻击的开始。 Falls into Yue Yang of bottom deep place, suddenly the feeling bottom produced rebound power. 摔入地底深处的岳阳,忽然感觉地底产生了一种反弹的力量 But within the body original resisting force, performing makes opposite side tow. 而体内原来的抗力,也尽让对方牵引。 involuntary. 身不由己 Counter to/clashes, is fallen by original pounding turns into the tail-dive. 逆冲,由原来的砸摔变成倒冲。 Bang! Before Yue Yang has not responded with enough time, his body counter has charged into the dark space lair ruins the vault, hits directly on hard stone wall. 轰!在岳阳还没有来得及反应之前,他的身体已经逆冲向暗空巢穴废墟的穹顶,直接倒撞在坚硬的岩壁上。 Once again bangs into the stone...... Devil Venerable Kai Tian in ground, assumingly receives the sword in the back, presses single-handed, counter dashes into dome Yue Yang, the bang falls in his front, from head to toe, is very distressed. 又一次直撞入石……地面上的开天魔尊,傲慢地收剑在背,单手一按,逆冲撞入岩穹的岳阳,轰地摔在他的面前,浑身上下,好不狼狈。 Saw it, this was between I and you disparity of strength.” The Devil Venerable Kai Tian eye does not look at the painful Yue Yang, sneers saying: Why I do not know you, but released day Devil Sword, is you decided absolutely wrongly. Because, grasps day of Devil Sword me, is not only present you, compared with you stronger Ren Tian Ge, or Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), cannot catch my three moves. The if it were not for this Venerable Divine Sense seal in Heavenly Devil Temple, I had even heard you these gods stronger are bigger, I think that I said very much clearly, what kind of, ants same youngster, do you also want to make war with me?” “看见了吧,这就是我与你之间实力的差距。”开天魔尊眼睛也不看痛苦的岳阳一下,冷笑道:“我不知道你出于什么原因,但解封魔剑,绝对是你最错误的决定。因为,手持天魔剑的我,不仅是现在的你,就是比你更强的任天歌,或者幽灵王虚影,也接不住我三招。要不是本尊神识封印在天魔神殿不出,我甚至比你所听说过的那些神明还要强大,我想我说得很清楚了,怎么样,蝼蚁一样的年轻人,你还要与我开战吗?” „......” Yue Yang did not answer, bit jaw to resist the pain hardly, stood. “……”岳阳不答,硬咬牙关抵抗着痛苦,站了起来。 just now that move, if it were not for you have Divine Equipment to protect the body, has died.” Devil Venerable Kai Tian cast aside Prison Sovereign Divine Seal one in Yue Yang hand. 刚才那一招,要不是你有神器护体,早就死了。”开天魔尊撇了岳阳手中的狱皇神印一眼。 Yue Yang moves toward Devil Venerable Kai Tian silently, the eye is still firm. If a move can destroy Supreme Ranker Will, Devil Venerable Kai Tian do not believe that the warriors who after all each achieves the Supreme boundary are absolute Ranker. 岳阳默不作声地走向开天魔尊,眼睛依旧坚定。如果说一招就可以摧毁至尊强者意志,开天魔尊自己也是不信的,毕竟每一位达到至尊境界的武士都是绝对的强者 However, like Yue Yang. 但是,像岳阳这样。 Cannot be victorious obviously, but also still fearless fearless to/clashes to the war, this being able to say is the stupid or tenacious courage, Devil Venerable Kai Tian also is really seldom sees. 明明打不过,还依然无畏无惧地冲上来对战,这种说不出是愚蠢还是坚韧的勇气,开天魔尊还真是很少见。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian wields a sword, does not attack Yue Yang, but a stroke in Void(Xu Kong), in the broken kilometer sword marks, delimits the similar prestige to be able gently again together the sword mark, in the ruins world of Underground City avalanche, forms a terrifying cross. 开天魔尊挥剑,并非攻击岳阳,而是在虚空中轻轻一划,再在破碎的千米剑痕中间,划出一道同样威能的剑痕,自地下城崩塌的废墟天地间,形成一个恐怖的十字。 Still was the similar move, Devil Venerable Kai Tian presents Yue Yang in avoidance behind. 仍是同样的招数,开天魔尊出现在躲避中的岳阳身后。 Left hand empty according to the Yue Yang back of the head shell. 左手虚按在岳阳后脑壳。 Moon Seizing Move in Heavenly Devil six styles leaves again, Yue Yang broken enters, is achieving to pound to strike the limit, Devil Venerable Kai Tian rises single-handed, Yue Yang body flying upside down, counter to the vault, the crack stone enters. Waits for power to reach the limit again, Devil Venerable Kai Tian single-handed Void(Xu Kong), Yue Yang bang, battered and exhausted throws down again before his front foot, the pain results in the whole body to twitch. 天魔六式之中的擒月式再出,岳阳破地而入,在达到砸击极限,开天魔尊单手上扬,岳阳身躯倒飞,逆冲在穹顶,裂石而入。再等力量达到极限,开天魔尊单手虚空,岳阳轰隆一声,又再次狼狈不堪地摔倒在他面前的脚边,痛苦得全身都在抽搐。 Isn't clear? My strength actually compares to some gods stronger to be big, if it were not for my Divine Sense seal in Heavenly Devil Temple, my sword can you and Ren Tian Ge their instant kill.” “还不明白吗?我的实力其实比起一些神明还要强大,要不是我的神识封印在天魔神殿之内,我一剑就可以将你和任天歌他们秒杀。” Haha, if this Venerable, entire Devil Valley in peak condition, only requires three days of time, can destroy the chaotic state.” “哈哈,如果本尊在巅峰状态,整个魔谷,只需要三天时间,就可以毁灭成混沌状态。” Struggling is useless, because of you again how diligently, to me, only a mantis trying to stop a chariot.” “挣扎是无用的,因为你再怎么努力,对我来说,也只是螳臂当车。” Sob, small insect!” “哭泣吧,小虫子!” Devil Venerable Kai Tian proud attacks Yue Yang haughtily repeatedly, recklessly torture opposite side Will. Moon Seizing Move in Heavenly Devil six styles, uses repeatedly, does not kill Yue Yang eagerly. 开天魔尊狂傲又得意地将岳阳反复打击,肆意地折磨对方意志天魔六式中的擒月式,反复使用,一点儿也不急于杀死岳阳 Third,...... the similar style, same displaying, Yue Yang means do not have for the eighth time fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh . Devil Venerable Kai Tian time and time again attacks Yue Yang with the same move, is not he does not have other effective attack style, on the contrary, he has the innumerable styles, but he wants to use this way, tells youngster that front this cannot kill, in the face of the absolute strength, any struggling is useless. 第三、第四、第五、第六、第七、第八次……同样的招式,同样的施展,岳阳一点办法都没有。开天魔尊反反复复地用同一招打击岳阳,并非他没有别的有效攻击招式,相反,他有无数种招式,但他想用这一种方式,告诉面前这个怎么也打不死的年轻人,在绝对实力面前,任何的挣扎都是无用的。 Yue Yang is without turning a hair. 岳阳面不改色。 The complexion is tranquil, is not angry, eye just as in the past bright limpid. 脸色平静,毫不生气,眼睛一如既往的明亮清澈。 As if by opposite side was knocked down for successive eight times is not oneself, but is others resembles. 仿佛被对方连续八次打倒在地的不是自己,而是别人似的。 On Devil Venerable Kai Tian very repugnant Yue Yang face this expression, although he himself is a side of attack, but sees attacked Yue Yang expression is so light, in the heart is very uncomfortable. Most makes him be dissatisfied that is front this youngster Will, definitely is unable to imagine, under this attack, doesn't vacillate unexpectedly slightly? 开天魔尊很讨厌岳阳脸上这种表情,虽然他自己是打击的一方,但看见被打击的岳阳表情如此平淡,心中真的很不爽。最让他感到不满意的,是面前这年轻人意志,完全无法想像,在这种打击下,竟然丝毫也不动摇? This boy is Will the steel casting? 难道这小子意志都是钢铁浇铸的? The ninth time. Devil Venerable Kai Tian also used Moon Seizing Move. 第九次.开天魔尊同样使用了擒月式 This time, he used to be stronger ten times of power compared with before, even if there is Divine Equipment to protect the body, Devil Venerable Kai Tian estimated, opposite side at least will break off a hand or a leg, did not do well, will also break off the backbone. 这次,他用上了比起之前更强十倍的力量,即使有神器护体,开天魔尊估计,对方最少会折断一只手或者一条腿,弄不好,还会折断脊梁骨。 Has Divine Equipment to protect the body, the death, is but actually unlikely, moreover this does not conform to the Devil Venerable Kai Tian wish. 神器护体,死,倒不太可能,而且这也不符合开天魔尊的心愿。 He has well torture, cannot readily make opposite side die. 他可是有好好地折磨的,不能轻易就让对方死了。 The sword mark, in Void(Xu Kong) delimits. 剑痕,虚空中划出。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian is usual, flashes before behind Yue Yang, the left hand empty controls on his back of the head, regardless of speed or power, is impossible to protect, this attack is close is Power of Law of gods, irresistible. Unlike have eight first times slightly, this ninth time Moon Seizing Move that increased ten times of power, pressed spatial suddenly, originally falls to the ground eight Yue Yang, suddenly turns into afterimage, vanished. 开天魔尊如常,闪现岳阳的身后,左手虚控在他的后脑上,无论速度还是力量,都不可能抗御,这种攻击接近是神明的法则力量,势不可挡。与前八次稍有不同,这第九次加大了十倍力量擒月式,忽然按了个空,原来倒地八次的岳阳,忽然化成残像,消失了。 He appears in Devil Venerable Kai Tian behind, without being open for business Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, like usually gives the Yue Shuang small girl to pound chestnut such, pounds in the back of the head shell of Devil Venerable Kai Tian. The Devil Venerable Kai Tian complexion changes, resembling is stunned. Time insufficient a milisecond, the Devil Venerable Kai Tian body the servant has poured in the ground, the bang, in the hard ground pounds the spider web crevice...... Devil Venerable Kai Tian not to get sucked into the bottom like Yue Yang, but to support the ground single-handed, in the meantime, day Devil Sword brandishes, the intention shuts off the Yue Yang both legs. 他出现在开天魔尊的身后,一直没有开张的狱皇神印,就像平时给岳霜小丫头砸栗子那样,砸在开天魔尊后脑壳上。开天魔尊脸色微变,似是错愕。时间不足千分之一秒,开天魔尊的身躯已经仆倒在地面,轰地在坚硬地面砸出蛛网般的裂隙……开天魔尊并没有像岳阳那样深陷地底,而是以单手撑住地面,同时,天魔剑挥舞,意图切断岳阳的双腿。 Yue Yang flies a foot. 岳阳飞起一脚。 Like kicking soccer such, kicks Devil Venerable Kai Tian. 就像踢足球那样,把开天魔尊踢飞。 Bang! 轰! The Devil Venerable Kai Tian meteor hits on the rock pillar ten thousand meters away, cracks-up the rock pillar instantaneously. 开天魔尊流星般撞在万米外的岩柱上面,瞬间将岩柱撞碎。 However, he in the body hits the rock pillar instantly, has returned, counter to/clashes angrily, prepares one sword second to fall Yue Yang. 不过,他在身躯撞断岩柱的刹那,已经转回来,怒气冲冲地逆冲回去,准备一剑秒掉岳阳 Yue Yang stands under his body at this time, before imitating Devil Venerable Kai Tian, vigorously that hand signal, is towing the Devil Venerable Kai Tian body by the art, making on the face present amazed him, throws down in the front. 岳阳此时就站在他的身下,极力模仿着开天魔尊之前那种手势,以巧劲牵引着开天魔尊的身躯,让脸上呈现惊诧的他,地摔倒在面前。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian shoots immediately, lightens beyond hundred meters. 开天魔尊立即弹起来,闪出百米之外。 At this time his expression, bristles with anger: Moon Seizing Move, do you attack me with my Moon Seizing Move unexpectedly in turn? Bold!” 此时他的表情,怒发冲冠:“擒月式,你竟然用我的擒月式反过来攻击我?大胆!” Good, although I am not Saint Seiya, but you with the same move, such are bored very much!” Yue Yang sighs suddenly: „Can't you make a fresh gadget?” “好吧,虽然我不是圣斗士,但你老是用同一招,那样很腻味的!”岳阳忽然叹了一口气:“你就不能弄点新鲜的玩意儿吗?” You!” The Devil Venerable Kai Tian face emperor's wrath instead smiles extremely: Good junior, then this Venerable such as you hope.” “你!”开天魔尊脸上怒极反笑:“好个小辈,那么本尊就如你所愿。” His words have not ended. 他的话还没完。 Has arrived at the Yue Yang front. 已经来到岳阳的面前。 Day Devil Sword still, sword edge in back. 魔剑仍旧不出,剑刃在背。 Single-handed, has delimited the throat of Yue Yang gently, five fingerprints flicker presently, the blood splashes violently. 单手,轻轻地划过了岳阳的喉咙,五道指印瞬现,鲜血激溅。 Star Picking Move in Heavenly Devil six styles, the if it were not for Yue Yang response is extremely supinely quick, after being prompt, then Devil Venerable Kai Tian picks is not five scars, but is the throat bone of Yue Yang, or is the following neck keel. Yue Yang is just about to counter-attack, Devil Venerable Kai Tian has sneered snort/hum the sound is too slow, is still the left hand, after Star Picking Move, then came move of Prison Break Move. 天魔六式中的摘星式,要不是岳阳反应极快,及时后仰,那么开天魔尊摘下来的不是五道伤痕,而是岳阳的喉骨,又或者是更后面的颈脊。岳阳正要反击,开天魔尊已经冷笑哼了声太慢,依然是左手,摘星式后,接着又来了一招破狱式 The foot lifts, tramples Yue Yang at the same time high, entire steps on him in the under foot. 脚高高抬起,踹中岳阳的同时,把他整个踩在脚下。 The sword, pulls single-handed behind. 剑不出,单手挽在身后。 The left hand, holds up to lift. 左手,擎举起来。 Spilting The Sun Move in Heavenly Devil six styles is ready. 天魔六式之中的裂日式蓄势待发。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian is overlooking Yue Yang of sole: Junior, you can say the last words now!” 开天魔尊俯视着脚底的岳阳:“小辈,你现在可以说遗言了!” Bang! 轰! When the Devil Venerable Kai Tian preparation second falls under foot Yue Yang, suddenly, back of the head suffered heavy strike, another Yue Yang appeared, his right hand holds up to lift Prison Sovereign Divine Seal, pounds ruthlessly on Devil Venerable Kai Tian back of the head. Staggers when Devil Venerable Kai Tian one, basing is not steady, Yue Yang spins Star Picking Move, the left hand holds down the head of opposite side, directly according to hard ground. This time, Devil Venerable Kai Tian only comes the single arm rest place, wields a sword to counter-attack without enough time, but lives in the flash of ground in his arm rest only, Yue Yang lifts the big foot plate high, imitates the mold Prison Break Move type, steps on layer on layer/heavily on the back of Devil Venerable Kai Tian. 正当开天魔尊准备秒掉脚底下的岳阳之际,忽然,后脑挨了一记重击,另一个岳阳出现了,他右手擎举着狱皇神印,狠狠地砸在开天魔尊后脑上。在开天魔尊一个踉跄,立足不稳之际,岳阳又旋出一记摘星式,左手按住对方的脑袋,直接按在坚硬的地面上。这一次,开天魔尊仅来得单臂撑地,来不及挥剑反击,而在他单臂撑住地面的一刹那,岳阳高高抬起大脚板,仿模破狱式式,重重地踩在开天魔尊的脊背上。 Because makes an effort excessively fiercely, on the Yue Yang foot other Platinum-ranked boots stepped on the fragment, revealed the foot. 因为用力过猛,岳阳脚上白金级别的靴子都踩成了碎片,露出了脚丫子。 Devil Venerable Kai Tian supports the single arm of place deeply to enter. 开天魔尊撑地的单臂深深入地。 However, he does not have, when Yue Yang plagiarize Spilting The Sun Move pounds to strike again, cried out, roared thousand soldiers and ten thousand horses is huger, passed through spatially Thunderbolt Thunderbolt is more resounding, body energy just like volcanic eruption, easily stepping on, in conducting the back Yue Yang shook flies beyond the kilometer. 不过,他没有等到岳阳偷学裂日式砸击下来,就呐喊一声,比千军万马地咆哮还要巨大,比霹雳雷霆贯空还要响亮,身上能量如火山爆发,轻而易举地将踩在背上的岳阳震飞千米之外。 Quite bold, no one has stepped on my back!” Devil Venerable Kai Tian has not been angry for a lifetime. “好大胆,从来没有人踩过我的背!”开天魔尊一辈子也没有这么生气过。 Everything has first time......” Student Yue Yang indicated that was used to it well. “凡事都有第一次的……”岳阳同学表示习惯了就好。
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