LLS :: Volume #6

#1044: One sword, instant kill ten thousand people

Five Great Leaders, returns to double Secret Door. 五大首领,返回到第二重秘门 After meeting the elite large unit, Five Great Leaders planned dozens deliberation drilling , the intention bypasses defend of that gold/metal sword giant, gained final ancient times Secret Treasure. Has ancient times Secret Treasure that the gods guard, it is no doubt that at least was also Divine Equipment, if can obtain, then the strength entered surely greatly. The issue is, how can gain ancient times Secret Treasure under the protection of gold/metal sword giant? 会合了精锐大部队后,五大首领进行了数十遍的推敲演练和策划,意图绕过那位金剑巨人的守御,获取最终的远古秘宝。有神明看守的远古秘宝,不用说,最少也是神器,如果能够获得,那么必定实力大进。问题是,怎样才能够在金剑巨人的守护下获取远古秘宝呢? That gold/metal sword giant, has gods general power, hangs upside down the world that in the world, can disregard the principle, acts on free will. 那位金剑巨人,拥有神明一般的力量,在天地倒悬的世界,也能无视法则,自由行动。 So powerful, at all is not existence that Five Great Leaders can resist with all one's strength. 这般的强大,根本不是五大首领可以力敌的存在。 That fears to collaborate, is impossible! 那怕联手,也不可能! Also, where ancient times did Secret Treasure collect? What kind of method also needs to put in the bag? 再说,远古秘宝到底收藏在哪里?又需要怎样的方法才能收入囊中? All, make head hurt. Not is only Ren Tian Ge, including other four people, does not hate to leave, has the gold/metal sword giant to guard, had ancient times Secret Treasure surely without doubt, saw that Secret Treasure before, how can easily speak to leave? Moreover the Dark Camp domineering has several thousand years, Angel Alliance here presses has not gasped for breath, if there is ancient times Secret Treasure to start, without doubt one time was the good opportunity of turning over/standing up the reversal, unable to miss absolutely...... was a pity, originally in the team most had wisdom Silver Eyed Great Sage, is frowning, silent, for a while could not find out the means. 一切一切,都让人头疼。不仅是任天歌,包括其余四人,也舍不得离开,有金剑巨人看守,必定有远古秘宝无疑,眼看秘宝在前,怎能轻言离开呢?而且黑暗阵营的强势已有数千年,天使联盟这边压得喘不过气来,如果有远古秘宝入手,无疑是一次翻身逆转的好机会,绝对不能错过……可惜,原来队伍中最具智慧银瞳大贤者,也皱着眉头,沉默不语,一时想不出好办法来。 We, need more helpers.” Can lead dregs beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, suddenly proposed that such a successful possibility, that is chooses a person the pile. So long as there is a sufficient quantity, believes even the gods, can still pile dead , or the pile does not die are not related, can constrain some time then it will be alright. “我们,需要更多的帮手。”帅得掉渣的美剑客千重,忽然提出这样一个成功的可能,那就是用人去堆。只要有足够的数量,相信即使是神明,也可以堆死的,又或者堆不死也没有关系,能拖住一段时间就行 „The present issue is, if we in Angel Alliance camping ground, draw a large crowd again, the rear area will be void a piece.” Ren Tian Ge shakes the head gently. “现在的问题是,假如我们再在天使联盟营地,拉来一大批人,后方就会空虚一片。”任天歌轻轻摇头。 Dark Camp attains the words of letter/believes invasion supreme headquarters, the consequence, will be dreadful.” Silver Eyed Great Sage he does not approve this plan. 黑暗阵营获信入侵大本营的话,后果,将不堪设想。”银瞳大贤者他也不同意这个方案。 This is not good, such is not good, we lure a number of Dark Camp person simply, making them go to us is the scapegoat?” scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge of demon was tired, suddenly proposed that this astonishing opinion, actually this is completely the word of his having no interest, but, after saying, he also discovered this plan, if operated well, the reality was together the ingenious plan. “这样不行,那样不行,要不,我们干脆诱引一批黑暗阵营的人,让他们进去给我们做替死鬼?”赤发如魔的豪格烦了,忽然提出这个惊人的意见,其实这完全是他无心之言,不过,说出来后,就连他也发现这个方案如果操作得好,实是一道妙计。 Cannot think that the blockhead head will also straighten out!” Wearing a mask Qing Mo agreed rarely. “想不到木头脑袋也会开窍啊!”蒙面的青魔难得地同意了。 Indeed can consider that this method, not only Secret Treasure, and eliminates the enemy, kills two birds with one stone!” beautiful swordsman Qianzhong, is overjoyed. “的确可以考虑这个方法,既得秘宝,又消灭敌人,一举两得啊!”美剑客千重,大喜过望。 Difficult, Dark Camp these fellows are not good to deceive . Moreover, the middle operates slightly makes a mistake, by the enemy is known ancient times Secret Treasure news, at the appointed time matter on complex......” Ren Tian Ge as a big leader, he has the scruples in many aspect, even the best plan, he must think over, in order to avoid the accident, causes the serious damage of one's own side. “难,黑暗阵营那些家伙可不是好糊弄的,而且,中间稍微操作出错,就会被敌人知道远古秘宝的消息,到时事情就复杂了……”任天歌作为一个大首领,他有许多方面的顾忌,就算是最好的计划,他也要反复思考,以免变故,造成己方的重大损失。 In Five Great Leaders discussed when has not taken a best way, suddenly the essence rides extremely fast to catch up to report. 就在五大首领商量来商量去还没有拿出一个最佳办法时,忽然精骑极速赶来报告。 The news of when heard reporting, Five Great Leaders feels such as thunder Hongding. 一听上报的消息,五大首领感觉如雷轰顶。 Ren Tian Ge cannot believe own ear completely: what did you say? That side did the Dark Camp eight big leaders kill completely? Netherworld Soul King, Skeleton King and Skin King they usually suspected mutually, superficial same camp, but in secret is the enemy, how will the union attack? Do the personnel who outside remains behind how many also remain? What, but also is left over 100?” 任天歌完全不敢相信自己的耳朵:“你说什么黑暗阵营那边的八大首领全部杀来了?幽灵王,骷髅王剥皮王他们平时相互猜忌,表面同一阵营,但暗中为敌,怎么会联合来攻?外面留守的人员还剩多少?什么,还剩下一百?” Silver Eyed Great Sage sees Ren Tian Ge to be made the mind disorder by the news that Dark Camp besieges at this moment, hurries command: Army set, elite before, assists, according to advantageous terrain defend resists the enemy.” 银瞳大贤者看见任天歌此刻被黑暗阵营围攻的消息弄得心神紊乱,赶紧代为施令:“全军集合,精锐在前,辅助在后,据有利地形守御抵敌。” When the subordinate meets to make to go, Silver Eyed Great Sage comforts Ren Tian Ge and other three leaders: Definitely some people leaked, otherwise, eight big leader not possible combined military operations of Dark Camp. But the enemy is threatening, is not the final victor, if we stick together, in the posture of sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, Netherworld Soul King, Skeleton King or Skin King, or other five people, are impossible to damage they greatly, the storm we...... the matter is urgent, we confessed the ancient times Secret Treasure news simply publicly, perhaps can also wait till for day that the enemy killed one another.” 等属下接令而去,银瞳大贤者又安慰任天歌和其余三位首领:“肯定有人泄密,否则,黑暗阵营的八大首领不可能联合作战。但敌人来势汹汹,并非就是最后的胜利者,我们如果抱团,以坐山观虎斗之姿,无论是幽灵王,骷髅王或者剥皮王,又或者其余五人,都不可能大损他们自身,强攻我们……事情紧急,我们干脆把远古秘宝的消息公开坦白,说不定还能等到敌人自相残杀的一天。” Ren Tian Ge their when heard this saying, the mind/energetic big quake, the confidence fully restored. 任天歌他们一听这话,精神大震,信心完全恢复过来了。 Facing that powerful gold/metal sword giant, Netherworld Soul King their not possible individual action, such only to consume itself to make others profit, they, definitely also want to borrow our power. This battle, we can negotiate with them, temporarily armistice, if not really good, we draw back in the world that the world hangs upside down, they dare to pursue, we in the front of gold/metal sword giant with their dying war, our Angel Alliance Warrior, was rather reduced by the gods destroys completely , should not be slaughtered by Dark Camp these fellows!” Ren Tian Ge more said that is more confident, fighting spirit reignition. “面对那位强大的金剑巨人,幽灵王他们不可能单独作战,那样只会消耗自身而让旁人得利,他们,肯定也想借我们的力量。这一仗,我们可以跟他们谈判,暂时休战,如果实在不行,我们就退进天地倒悬的世界里,他们敢追,我们就在金剑巨人的面前与他们死战,我们天使联盟战士,宁被神明减灭掉,也不要被黑暗阵营那些家伙屠杀!”任天歌越说越有信心,斗志重燃。 „Before we fall back on tertiary Secret Door, according to the just now method, diverts the gold/metal sword giant taking advantage of power of enemy, obtained ancient times Secret Treasure as for whom finally, that looked that was whose destiny turns over.” Wearing a mask Qing Mo, thought that just now the idea of tempting enemy, perhaps has the opportunity implementation. “我们退到第三重秘门前,按照刚才的法子,借敌人的力量来牵制金剑巨人,至于谁最终获得远古秘宝,那就看是谁的天命所归。”蒙面的青魔,觉得刚才的诱敌之计,也许有机会实施。 Although is imperfect, but, matter already since, has so.” Silver Eyed Great Sage sighed one slightly lightly. “虽不完善,但是,事已至今,也只好如此了。”银瞳大贤者微微轻叹一声。 Before tertiary Secret Door . 第三重秘门之前。 The Five Great Leaders rate/lead brings the elite large unit, according to the gate defends. 五大首领率带着精锐大部队,依门而守。 The old caretaker personnel almost all extinguish, can escape the large unit, even the severely injured less than 50, this is the one-eyed guy they resists and enemy at risk of life encircles three to lack the result that one then the one close behind the other kills...... north Tauren, Four Strips and Get Rich and the others is also living, naturally, is also living similarly, Yue Yang that lifelike no one can distinguish the genuine and fake shadow replacement. Adds on the Phantom Shadow Guardian Spirit War Beast three to fuse, shadow replacement that creates by Gemini Mask and World Creation Domain again, except for does not have human such high intelligence, even can open the mouth, gives the simple reply absolutely not to have the issue. 原来的留守人员几乎全灭,能够逃到大部队的,连重伤者不足五十,这还是独眼大汉他们拼死抵抗和敌人围三缺一然后衔尾而杀的结果……牛头人北,四条发财等人还活着,当然了,同样还活着的,还有岳阳那个栩栩如生谁也分辩不出真假的‘影子替身’。以双子面具创世领域再加上幻影生命守护战兽三者融合,创造出来的影子替身,除了不具人类那样的高智慧,甚至可以开口,作简单的回答完全没有问题。 When necessary, shadow replacement can also fight. 在必要的时候,影子替身还可以战斗。 What a pity its existence time was short, only then about an hour, otherwise, Yue Yang all created one in large numbers, deceived the enemy. 可惜它的存在时间短了点,只有一小时左右,否则,岳阳全创造一大批,迷惑敌人。 Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) they one, Angel Alliance here person all look changes, if it were not for has Ren Tian Ge and other Five Great Leaders to bring up the rear before, more than 2000 Challenger is very likely the collapse to flee and become separated. Without the means that Netherworld Soul King they are not the generations of having unearned reputation, their overawes eight sides the names, but establishes with the lives of Angel Alliance here innumerable Challenger. 幽灵王虚影他们一来,天使联盟这边人皆色变,要不是任天歌五大首领在阵前压阵,两千多名挑战者极有可能崩溃逃散。没办法,幽灵王他们可不是浪得虚名之辈,他们的威震八方的名字,可是用天使联盟这边无数挑战者的生命建立起来的。 Xu Ying (phantom), Jin Hai and Xie Ti, any, in the hand has several thousand human lives. 虚影,金骸血剃,任何一个,手上都有数千条人命。 Waits for that Dark Camp large unit to rush, the imposing manner that ten thousand dark elite that dense large units, such as the Dark Cloud coping, oppress, making Angel Alliance here Challenger almost not gasp for breath. 等那黑暗阵营的大部队赶到,万名黑暗精锐那黑压压的大部队,如乌云盖顶,压迫过来的气势,让天使联盟这边的挑战者几乎喘不过气来。 The both sides strength, differed far. 双方实力,相差得太远了。 The leader, is elite, or the number of basic unit Challenger, opposite side has the overwhelming advantage. 无论是首领,还是精锐,又或者基层挑战者的数量,对方都具有压倒性的优势。 Good Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), so to be unexpectedly bold, dares to lead the numerous ten thousand li (0.5 km) to make a long-range raid, my Ren Tian Ge has to say one to admire!” Before Ren Tian Ge stand battle formation, the speaker laughs. He is the Angel Alliance big leader, is the battle formation pillar, if he broke down, Angel Alliance will be attacked by destructive. In any event, he thought that oneself cannot drop down. “好一个幽灵王虚影,竟然如此大胆,敢率众万里奔袭,我任天歌不得不说出一句佩服!”任天歌站出来战阵之前,扬声大笑。他是天使联盟的大首领,也是战阵的主心骨,如果他垮了,天使联盟将受到毁灭性的打击。不论如何,他觉得自己都不能倒下。 Ok, says admired indifferently, we did not come here hear of you to flatter.” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), waves indifferently: Regarding ancient times Secret Treasure, I have known, why did not have to treasure hunt, the reason is very simple, believes that you have also looked, why understands. Does not want, when I am a fool, do not want not to resist gods who’ is possible to defeat with our hands, that strategy three -year-old child will not be swindled, province province! On the contrary, if you are willing to battle on own initiative, then I will also consider whether puts your horse. To be honest, Ren Tian Ge, to me, has no special enmity with you and Angel Alliance, everyone originally in Heaven Realm, various is side Hegemon King, comes here, the only camp is different, must the dying war. Now is not the camp war of stipulation, we do not need excessively to consume, I am not Ji Wu Ri that bloodthirsty such as the lunatic of life, therefore, you can have the two choice ; first, the proactive attack, diverts Guardian God ; Second, dies to fight with us, does not die continuous.” “好了,说不说佩服无所谓,我们又不是来这里听你拍马屁的。”幽灵王虚影,冷漠地一挥手:“对于远古秘宝,我早就知晓,为什么一直没来寻宝,原因很简单,相信你们也已经看过,明白为什么。不要当我是傻瓜,也别想借我们的手来对抗不可能战胜的‘神明’,那种计策三岁小孩也不会上当的,省省吧!相反,如果你们肯主动作战,那么我还会考虑是否放你们一马。老实说,任天歌,就我个人而言,跟你和天使联盟没有什么特别仇怨,大家原来在天界,也各是一方霸主,进来这里,只是阵营不同,必须死战。现在不是规定的阵营大战,我们没有必要过度消耗,我又不是姬无日那个嗜血如命的疯子,所以,你们可以有两个选择,一是主动进攻,牵制守护神;二是与我们死斗,不死不休。” You said like this, we really do have the second choice?” scarlet-haired such as Hao Ge of demon is infuriated. “你这样说,我们真有第二个选择吗?”赤发如魔的豪格火冒三丈。 Here has not been one's turn you to speak! You, best self-knowledge, I inquired was not you, but was the strength you are more powerful, moreover was Ren Tian Ge of Angel Alliance big leader!” The Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) words choke unable to speak Hao Ge. “这里还轮不到你说话!你,最好有自知之明,我询问的不是你,而是实力远比你强大而且身为天使联盟大首领的任天歌!”幽灵王虚影的话把豪格噎得说不出话来。 I am impossible to agree, Brother Hao Ge words, are my reply.” Ren Tian Ge as Boss, naturally knows the importance of overprotective. “我不可能同意,豪格兄弟的话,就是我的回答。”任天歌身为一个老大,自然知道护犊子的重要。 That makes war!” Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) indifferently under shoulder. “那就开战吧!”幽灵王虚影无所谓地欠欠肩。 Wait......” Skeleton King Jin Hai goes forward suddenly, laughs saying: Kills, can remain outside to solve again, now ancient times Secret Treasure is also far from seeing the trace, kills one another anxiously anxiously, was too laughable. Is inferior to this, Ren Tian Ge, Silver Eyed Great Sage, I proposed, we collaborate together, spare no effort that Guardian God solving. Although Guardian God is strong, but his power by seal most, moreover does not know many ten thousand years of consumption, strength insufficient beforehand 10%, so long as our eight leaders add on your five people again, to work with a common purpose besieges, is very likely to defeat Guardian God, at least can also heavily injured opposite side. Waited to solve Guardian God, we sought for Secret Treasure again separately, a whose side looked at the luck in...... in brief a few words, before Secret Treasure has not seen made war, such was equal to cheap later generation!” “等等……”骷髅王金骸忽然上前,大笑道:“打打杀杀,可以留到外面再解决,现在远古秘宝还远远没有看见踪影,就急急自相残杀,实在太可笑了。不如这样吧,任天歌,还有银瞳大贤者,我提议,我们一起联手,不遗余力地把那位守护神给解决掉。守护神虽强,但他的力量被封印大半,而且不知多少万年的消耗,实力不足以前的十分之一,只要我们八位首领再加上你们五人,齐心协力地围攻,极有可能战胜守护神,最少也可以重创对方。等解决了守护神,我们再分头寻找秘宝,看运气在谁的一方……总之一句话,在秘宝还没有看见前就开战,那样等于便宜后人!” I also agreed.” Skin King this most bloodthirsty warhawk, nods assent the proposition of Jin Hai. “我也同意。”剥皮王这个最嗜血的战争狂人,也点头同意金骸的提议。 Good, I am patient, if Ren Tian Ge also rejects, I will not exercise forbearance again.” Netherworld Soul King under the common proposition of Skeleton King and Skin King, changed the opinion with great difficulty. “好吧,我耐心有限,假如任天歌还拒绝,那我不会再忍让。”幽灵王迫于骷髅王剥皮王的共同提议,好不容易改变了意见。 Ren Tian Ge and Silver Eyed Great Sage secret language discussed one, with wearing a mask Qing Mo, Hao Ge and beautiful swordsman Qianzhong exchanged views. 任天歌银瞳大贤者秘语商量一阵,又与蒙面青魔,豪格和美剑客千重交换意见。 Finally, was forced to agree to the request of opposite side. 最后,被迫同意了对方的要求。 Possibly is Devil Valley since the beginning of history first time, Angel Alliance and Dark Camp Challenger, for ancient times Secret Treasure, collaborated the combat. That feared that both sides glare angrily at each other to wish one could to swallow opposite side, the decision that but the big leader makes, under person does not dare to defy. Moreover, no one does not want to obtain ancient times Secret Treasure, before this treasure has not come to light, sharply sharply makes war, as if also was really impulsive. 可能是魔谷有史以来第一次,天使联盟黑暗阵营的挑战者,为了远古秘宝,联手作战。那怕双方怒目相视恨不得吞掉对方,但大首领作出的决定,底下的人还是不敢违抗的。而且,没有人不想得到远古秘宝,在这宝贝没有水落石出前,急急开战,似乎还真是冲动了点。 More than 2000 Angel Alliance Challenger enters in the frontline hangs upside down the world, behind, more than 10,000 Dark Camp elite well up tidal. 两千多天使联盟的挑战者在最前方进入倒悬世界,后面,一万多名黑暗阵营精锐潮水般涌进来。 both sides, are all ready in full battle array. 双方,皆严阵以待。 Because they will soon face, is not an ordinary opponent, but is legendary gods. 因为他们即将面对的,不是一个普通的对手,而是传说中的‘神明’。 All sorts of gods, they heard, but has not seen...... today, they with the enemy together, will resist this existence to say the gods in great jointly! Excited, excited, anxious, frightened, numb, calm, crazy, all mentalities this time are emerging, is attacking Will of Challenger unceasingly. Under Commander of big leader, more than 12,000 Challenger, bite the teeth tightly, restrains by force the negativity in heart, is maintaining own reason, before that gods have not appeared, all summoned War Beast, erupted full power, hopes that can at the quantity, crush gods who’ that strength reduced greatly. 神明的种种,他们听得多了,但从来没有见过……今天,他们将与敌人一起,联手对抗一位这种存在于伟说中的神明!激动,兴奋,紧张,恐惧,麻木,冷静,疯狂,一切心态都在这时候涌现出来,不断地冲击着挑战者的意志。在大首领的统领下,这一万二千多挑战者,咬紧牙关,强压下心中的负面情绪,保持着自己的理智,在那位神明没有出现之前,全体召唤战兽,爆发出全部力量,希望能够以数量,压倒那位实力大减的‘神明’。 Kills, kills!” “杀,杀!” The war cry, resounds heavenshaking. 喊杀声,震天响起。 Regardless of Angel Alliance, is Dark Camp, is urging the valley morale desperately. 无论天使联盟,还是黑暗阵营,都在拼命地催谷士气。 Selecting War God is bright, absolutely is not that simple . Moreover, this is also an unsurpassed honor, asked among Heaven Realm various, who had this luck, can fight with the gods? 战神明,绝对不是那么简单的,而且,这也是一种无上的荣誉,试问天界间诸强,又有谁有这种幸运,能与神明一战? I must cut his axe, that feared that only, is well satisfied.” North Tauren closes one's eyes, muttered anxiously. “我一定要砍他一斧,那怕只是一下,就心满意足。”牛头人北闭着眼睛,紧张地喃喃自语。 Follows in my behind, looked that what I am you to make what, heard?” Odd person Four Strips, is scratching the sweat in volume, in his heart frightened is pressing Heart like the giant stone, but must divert attention, looks after Yue Yang this person with a poor sense of direction newbie. Because he records Camp Lord one-eyed guy tightly itself/Ben the injunction, in any event, must this newbie, hand over in the hand of Silver Eyed Great Sage completely. “跟在我的身后,看我做什么你就做什么,听见了没有?”怪人四条,擦着额上的大汗,他心中恐惧就像巨石一样压着心房,但还得分心,照顾岳阳这个路痴新人。因为他紧记营主独眼大汉‘本’的嘱咐,无论如何,一定要把这个新人,完完整整地交到银瞳大贤者的手里。 Whistling, whistling, I do not want dead, I have a lot of money, I am a wealthy man, I cannot die absolutely here, the god of treasure, blesses your follower to live ten million/countless, I later will certainly serve to present your...... short Fatty Get Rich to pray to the gods devotionally, forgot completely, waits to probably attack another gods. “呼呼,呼呼,我不想死,我有很多钱,我是个富翁,我绝对不能死在这里,财宝之神,千万保佑你的信徒活下来,我以后一定会更加虔诚地伺奉您的……”矮胖子发财正在向神明祈祷,完全忘了,等下自己就要攻击另一位‘神明’。 „......” Yue Yang shadow replacement also made the attack position, but no one cares about him to make anything, because this shadow replacement current biggest power only has Level 1 [Heaven], does not have strong War Beast to assist, the strength is not worth mentioning. “……”岳阳的影子替身也做出了攻击姿势,但没有人在乎他做什么,因为这个影子替身目前的最大力量只有天阶一级,又没有强力战兽辅助,实力根本不值一提。 The remote horizon that the world hangs upside down, the golden light flashes together. 天地倒悬的遥远天际,一道金光闪动。 The silent, gold/metal sword giant has appeared before ten thousand people, his body, sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) golden light, the [Power Pressure] world, making all living things be hard to look up. 无声无息,金剑巨人已经出现在万人之前,他身上,散发出来万丈金光,威压天地,让众生难以仰视。 Ren Tian Ge face upwards to roar, makes an effort to wave, Void(Xu Kong) chops forward: Complete attack!” 任天歌仰天咆哮,用力地挥手,向前虚空一劈:“全部进攻!” Another side, Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti does not dare to be negligent, has not hidden contraband slightly, keeps the strength, similarly orders Unit elite to send out, storm gold/metal sword giant. The left is Angel Alliance Five Great Leaders, the right is the Dark Camp eight big leaders, both sides are unretentive, first time with joint forces bombardment same end, that giant who grasps gold/metal sword. 另一边,幽灵王虚影,骷髅王金骸剥皮王血剃也不敢大意,丝毫没有藏私,保留实力,同样命令精锐出动,强攻金剑巨人。左边是天使联盟五大首领,右边是黑暗阵营的八大首领,双方毫无保留,第一次合力轰击同一目标,那位手持金剑的巨人。 destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth power covers to the gold/metal sword giant, besides these 13 power, the energy that behind also over ten thousand assemble, meteor bombardment. Thousand people of teams of Dark Camp that side three tacit combat, are assemble thousand people of strength to make three ultra great energy balls, pushes the bang. 毁天灭地力量笼罩向金剑巨人,除了这十三道力量之外,后面还有上万道集结起来的能量,流星般轰击而来。黑暗阵营那边三个默契作战的千人队,更是集结起千人之力制造出三个超巨的能量球,推轰而来。 Profanes god, must suffer Heavenly Wrath!” “亵神者,必遭天谴!” That gold/metal sword giant cold snort/hum. 那金剑巨人冷哼。 He is silent, vanishing on the spot. 他无声无息,消失在原地。 Netherworld Soul King and Ren Tian Ge two people space blockades jointly are completely invalid, but Silver Eyed Great Sage spiritual chains and bone of Skeleton King Jin Hai is firm, the Skin King Xie Ti blood pond, all fails completely, does not have a hit. 幽灵王任天歌两人联手的空间封锁完全无效,而银瞳大贤者精神锁链骷髅王金骸的骨牢,还有剥皮王血剃的血池,皆完全落空,无一命中。 The gold/metal sword giant flashes before outside the battlefield, situated in the Dark Camp back of Challenger and Angel Alliance Challenger. 金剑巨人闪现于战场外,位于黑暗阵营挑战者和天使联盟挑战者的背后。 That tries the gold/metal sword of all living things to hold up to lift high, under Ren Tian Ge and Xu Ying (phantom) their desperate gazes, carries under the arm unsurpassed Divine Power to cut downward. 那柄审判众生的金剑高高地擎举起来,在任天歌虚影他们绝望的注视之下,挟带着无上神力往下一斩。 Void(Xu Kong) broken. 虚空破碎 In hung upside down world, among ten meters width ten thousand meters long sword mark in the air is not together loose for a very long time, space also being hard self-recovery. But in this checks, all people stopped, big leaders of both sides, ordinary Challenger that was attacked by the gold/metal sword giant behind stunned, static stands and waits for a long time completely, as if anything has not happened. 倒悬的天地间,一道十米之宽万米之长的剑痕于空间中久久不散,就连空间也难以自愈。而在这一刹,所有的人都停止了,无论是双方的大首领,还是错愕地被金剑巨人背后攻击的普通挑战者,全部静止伫立,仿佛什么事都没有发生过似的。 How long also does not know, light breeze blows. 也不知多久,一阵轻风吹过来。 About ten thousand Challenger and War Beast, silent turn into the fragment powder, dissipates in the sky. 近万个挑战者与战兽,无声地化成齑粉,消散于天空中。 Is left over less than thousand people merely, with most peripheral most remote several hundred meters War Beast, wails together painfully tumbles in the hanging upside down world. 仅仅剩下不足千人,与最外围最遥远的数百米战兽,一起痛苦地哀嚎地翻滚在倒悬的天地之间。 No one does not injure. 无人不伤。 Including 13 big leaders, all received the wounds in varying degrees. 包括十三位大首领在内,皆受到了不同程度的伤。 A sword, the instant kill ten thousand people, this, is power of gods...... this selects the War God bright result! 一剑,秒杀万人,这,就是神明的力量……这就是挑战神明的结果! Sees this result, even if like Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) such Ranker, still reveals the desperate look. Such fight, at all is not the challenge, but brings death...... the gods, not with existence that the quantity in order pile dies, what a pity, this point, understood lately! 看见这个结果,即使是如同任天歌幽灵王虚影这样的强者,也不禁露出绝望的眼神。这样的战斗,根本不是挑战,而是送死……神明,根本就不是用数量用以堆死的存在,可惜,这一点,明白得太迟了! Leaves here.” Ren Tian Ge and Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom) looks at each other one, saw the deep fear from the opposite side look, simultaneously issues the final order, that retreats, can flee is. “离开这里。”任天歌幽灵王虚影对视一眼,自对方的眼神中看见了深深的恐惧,同时发出最后的命令,那就是撤退,能走脱一个是一个。 Too late.” The gold/metal sword giant a sword vertical stroke, in ten thousand meters, stands to lift Golden Halo Shield . “太迟了。”金剑巨人将剑一竖,万米内,立起升起一个金色护罩 In Golden Halo Shield . 金色护罩内。 The Power of Domain eruption of gods. 神明的领域力量爆发。 Everyone as if by the mountain capping, even/including Qi cannot be passed, let alone moves hairsbreadth. 所有人都仿佛被大山压顶,连气也透不过来,更别说动弹分毫 Ended, this time selects War God to be bright, not only cannot the accomplishment, instead provoke the fatal disaster, before the gods, only has a result, that is whole army has been annihilated! 完了,这次挑战神明,非但不能建功,反而招惹了杀身之祸,在神明面前,只有一个结果,那就是全军覆灭! Ren Tian Ge, when eyes closed waits for death, suddenly discovered stunned, having is smaller and weaker much newbie, actually carries injured Tauren and four arm odd people travels, the under foot is also kicking meatball short Fatty. This newbie, has not received in Golden Halo Shield unexpectedly completely the influence of Power of Domain, fled with ease. 任天歌,正待闭目等死,忽然错愕地发现,有个弱小得不可思议的新人,竟然扛着一个受伤的牛头和一个四臂怪人跑路,脚下还踢着一个肉球般的矮胖子。这个新人,竟然完全没有受到金色护罩领域力量的影响,非常轻松地遁逃了出去。 This, what's all this about? 这,这是怎么回事? Not is only Ren Tian Ge, Dark Camp that side Netherworld Soul King Xu Ying (phantom), Skeleton King Jin Hai and Skin King Xie Ti they, nice surprise extremely, has the means of livelihood, as if means of livelihood...... 不仅是任天歌,就连黑暗阵营那边的幽灵王虚影,骷髅王金骸剥皮王血剃他们,也惊喜万分,有活路,似乎还有活路……
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